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Quijano St., San Juan, San Ildefonso, Bulacan

Third Quarterly Examination, S.Y 2019-2010

(Fidelity, Wisdom, Prosperity, Fortitude, Benevolence)
Name: _________________________________ Score: _________________________
Grade/Section: __________________________ Date: __________________________
Teacher: Ms. Joice Q. dela Cruz Parent’s Signature: _______________

General Directions:
 Read each question and carefully analyze it.
 Read the directions written in each type of tests.
 Avoid erasures.

Test I. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write it on the space provided before each number.
_____1. What best describes broadcast media?
A. Broadcast media can practically be seen in any corner of your home.
B. Broadcast media comes in two forms: audio and video.
C. Broadcast media led to the mass production of books.
D. Broadcast media is the heart of all convergence.

_____2. All the following refers to synergy, EXCEPT.

A. Synergy is the interaction of two forces or agents.
B. Synergy is a diving force for mergers.
C. Synergy is the combination of two elements that creates a new whole.
D. Synergy means combined effect which is greater than the individual effect.

_____3. What media form does podcasting as convergence?

A. Book B. Newspaper C. Television D. Radio

_____4. What are the convergence of a book?

A. Online publishing, sequels, advertorial C. Comic book, phone over cable, advergaming
B. E-books, print on demand D. Smartphones, cables, Wi-Fi

_____5. What is the sequence of media forms?

A. www-game-television-radio-cinema-press C. radio-television-press-cinema-internet-game
B. cinema-press-television-game-internet-radio D. press-cinema-radio-television-game-www

_____6. What are the types of media?

A. Video, broadcast, print and cinema C. Print, film, broadcast, video games
B. Video games, broadcast, press, film radio D. FM, AM, Internet, magazines

_____7. How is print media different from other forms of media?

A. It caters the musical taste of younger generations.
B. It enhances media experience because it heightens the sense of sight and hearing.
C. It is considered as household media.
D. It provides people access to knowledge that are written and distributed.

_____8. Wi-Fi, cable television monitor and mobile technology incorporation are convergence of what media
A. Video game B. Television C. Internet D. Radio

_____9. All the following refers to the invention of television, EXCEPT.

A. Made easier for wider audience in all corners of the world.
B. Avoids burdening the audience of complex and complicated messages.
C. Invented as precursor to radio.
D. Changed the nature, operation, and relationship to other media types.
_____10. These are the very first mass media in human history.
A. Newspaper B. Books C. Internet D. Radio
_____11. What best describes patent?
A. It constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an object.
B. It is the right to how the invention can be used by others.
C. It is the legal term used to describe the rights of the creator to their artistic or literary works.
D. It is the sign capable of distinguishing goods and services of an enterprise.

_____12. These are commonly protected by copyright, EXCEPT.

A. Advertisement B. Architecture C. Paintings D. Mathematical Concept

_____13. What does intellectual property right consist?

I. Copyright and related rights.
II. Trademarks and service marks
III. Architecture
IV. Geographic indications and appellation of origin
A. I, II, III only B. I, II, IV only C. I, III, IV only D. I, II, III, IV

_____14. Which of the following is an example of copyright?

A. Computer Program B. Finger lickin’ good C. McDonalds D. KitKat

_____15. What does Republic Act 8293 states about copyright?

A. The owner of the work should be properly compensated financially.
B. The rights to non-economic interests of the author.
C. Registration of works need the presence of the author.
D. Provides legal definition of terms related to copyright.

_____16. What does intellectual property mean?

A. It is a protection of one’s expressions.
B. It is tangible, and concrete created as manifestation of expressions.
C. It is the technical information about the invention publicity.
D. It is to enforce recognition and respect towards the fruit of person’s ingenuity.

_____17. These are the rights of an owner to be properly compensated financially upon her permission.
A. Intellectual Rights B. Economic Rights C. Moral Rights D. Property Rights

_____18. Which of the following best describes registering copyright?

A. Registration should be formal. C. Registration is not required.
B. Registration is involuntary. D. Registration involves financial transactions.

_____19. What protected work has an example of books, pamphlets, musical compositions and drawing?
A. Originated B. Derivative C. Copyrighted D. Original

_____20. The following works are covered by fair use, EXCEPT?

A. Parody B. Research C. Commentaries D. Memes

_____21. It is someone knowingly attacks a person or expresses in aggressive manner his opinion on
controversial issues.
A. Netizen B. Flamer C. Scammer D. Basher
_____22. What are the principles of netiquette according to Virginia Shea?
I. Virtual world does not dismiss the fact that you are talking to another person
II. Online users are using the same space and bandwidth
III. Do not provoke or attack others.
IV. Nobody is perfect.

A. I, II, III only B. I, II, IV only C. I, III, IV only D. I, II, III, IV

_____23. It is an ill-managed expression often invites unwanted, offensive and somehow violent responses to
others online.
A. Bashing B. Bullying C. Cyberbullying D. Scamming
_____24. It is a form of IAD that leads to lower work productivity and less social interaction with family and
A. Information Overload C. Cyber-relationship Addiction
B. Computer Addiction D. Net Compulsions
_____25. Your best friend mentions that is chatting with your professor using a different online persona. She
tells that she is doing it because she is interested to know your professor a little more. What form of IAD is
she going through?
A. Information Overload C. Cyber-relationship Addiction
B. Computer Addiction D. Net Compulsions

Test II. Match the types of plagiarism on the column A with its definitions on the column B. Write only the
letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

26. Perfect Crime A. turns another person’s work, word-for-word, as his own.
27. Forgotten Footnote B. copies significant portions of text, straight from single
source without alteration.
28. Photocopy C. tries to disguise plagiarism by copying from several
different sources.
29.Ghost Writer D. takes time to paraphrase most of the paper from the other
sources and make it all fit altogether.
30. Too-perfect Paraphrase E. mentions the author’s name for a source, but neglects to
include specific information
31. Labor of Laziness F. provides inaccurate information regarding the sources
making it impossible to find them.
32. Potluck Paper G. properly cites a source, but neglects to put in quotation
marks, text has been copied word-for-word.
33. Poor Disguise H. the paper contains almost no original work.
34. Misinformer I. retained the essential content of the source but altered
appearance slightly by changing key words.
35. Resourceful Citer J. goes to paraphrase other arguments form sources without

Test III. Inside the box are the convergence of media forms. Place it to its respective media formats.

Video game remakes Phone-over-cable DVR

Advertorial VCR Video on Internet
Sequels Advergaming Mobile Video
Comic book


Test IV. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

_____ Collective work refers to a work created by two or more natural people.
_____ The collective work is available to the public by wire or wireless means.
_____ Public lending is the service that is available to the public.
_____ The Public lending transfer of possession of original work or records will be limited.
_____ Rental is the transfer of possession of original copy for business.
_____ Rental is for limited period.
_____ Literary works include sermons, addresses and dissertations.
_____ Literary works are collections of artistic works and compilation of data.
_____ Netiquette is observing proper etiquette while you engage in activities over formats.
_____ Netiquette involves high respect for view and opinions of other members.
Test V. Write the corresponding words for the following acronyms.
56. WIPO - _________________________________________________________________________
57. IP - _________________________________________________________________________
58. IAD - _________________________________________________________________________
59. DVD - _________________________________________________________________________
60. POD - _________________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Signature

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