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Features of java
2. Why java is platform independent?
3. Difference between free source and open source
4. What is a veriable
5. List of primitive data type along with there default values
6. Is java purely object oriented? If yes, Why is it?
7. Command to run java program? To create a directory?
8. What is constructor?
9. Explain constructor chaining
10.What is this?
11.What is supper?
12.Difference between default constructor and parameterized constructor
13.Why or what is the use of parameterized constructor
14.Explain constructor overloading
15.Can a constructor have a return keyword inside it?
16.JVM architecture
17.Difference between JVM , JRE , JIT?
18.What is JDK?
19.Is java interpreted or compile time programming language?
20.Oops concepts, with inbuilt examples
21.What is inheritance?
22.Do java support multiple inheritance?
23.What is interface?
24.Difference between interface and abstract class
25.What is polymorphism
26.Which is compile time and which is run time polymorphism
27.What is abstraction?
28.What is encapsulation?
29.What are java beans?
30.How to declare an 1,2 and multi dimentional array
31.What is difference between import and include
32.Which is the default package that get imported by default
33.How to scan using Buffer in java?
34.What is System.in and System.out and System.err
35.How to scan using scanner class?
36.How to scan a char using scanner class?
37.Difference between String , string buffer, string builder
38.What is String is a Class or Object?
39.What is diff b.w method and function?
40.Overloading and overriding with inbuilt example?
41.About main function
42.What are the features of Static and final members
43.What is SIB and IIB
44.Difference between Acesses specifiers and accesses modifiers
45.List operators supported by java
46. Why we need to handle Excetption
47. Can we write try block without catch? If yes how?
48.Can we write try and catch block inside a try block? Catch block? Finally block?
49.What is System.out.println
50.List methods of Object class
51.List methods of string class
52.What is wrapper class
53.Why we use constructor
54.What is this n super in java
55.Diff b.w final, finalise, finally
56.Can we execute program without main method? If yes, how?
57.Why main is static?
58.Why main in public?
59.Why main method take String array? Why not the Integer array?
60.Can we write Integer array instead of String array inside the main method?
61.Can I call main method from other class? If yes, how?
62.What is wrapper class?
63.What is upcasting and downcasting explain with example
64.What are enums? How to declare them and accesses them
65.Types of inner class, explain each type with an example
66.What is difference between aggregation and composition
67.What are the advantages and disadvantages of inner class?
68.What is thread and why we need it?
69.What is notify(), notifyall(), wait(), sleep()?
70.Diff b.w notify() and notifyAll()?
71.Diff b.w wait() and sleep()?
72.How to write a genral or custom exception?
73.Which are the exception tah u have come acrossed while executing the program?
74.Which all the examples you have coded in this week?
75.What is enumeration?
76.What is syncronisation?
77.What is serialization?
78.What is deserialisation?
79.Methods of object class? String class?
80.What is singalton? Why do we need it? How do we design it?
81.Will java support multiple inheritance? If yes how?
82.How much you rate yourself in corejava, In theory? In practical?
83.What is package? Why do we need?
84.How to compile java program using command line?
85.What is rutime and compile time polymorphism?
86.Architecture of thread?
87.What is trancient? Virtual functions?
88.What is difference between collection and collections?
89.Write a structure or hierarchy of collection
90.What is the difference between list and set
91.What is difference between listIterator and iterator
92.What is the difference between arraylist and linkedlist
93.What is the difference between arraylist and vector
94.What is the difference between hashset and linked hashset
95.Features of tree set
96.What is difference between comparable and comparator
97.Write a program to show the comparable and comparator features
98.What is peek and pole
99.What are the features of stack
100. What are the features of prority qu
101. Write a hirachy of map
102. What is difference between hashmap and treemap
103. what is entryset
104. How to add multiple values to the single key in map and how to retrieve them
105. How all can we retrieve the values from set and list
1. Find out duplicate number between 1 to N numbers.
2. Find out middle index where sum of both ends are equal.
3. Write a singleton class.
4. Write a program to create deadlock between two threads.
5. Write a program to reverse a string using recursive algorithm.
6. Write a program to reverse a number.
7. Write a program to convert decimal number to binary format.
8. Write a program to find perfect number or not.
9. Write a program to implement ArrayList.
10.Write a program to find maximum repeated words from a file.
11.Wrie a program to find out duplicate characters in a string.
12.Write a program to find top two maximum numbers in a array.
13.Write a program to sort a map by value.
14.Write a program to find common elements between two arrays.
15.How to swap two numbers without using temporary variable?
16.Write a program to print fibonacci series.
17.Write a program to find sum of each digit in the given number using recursion.
18.Write a program to check the given number is a prime number or not?
19.Write a program to find the given number is Armstrong number or not?
20.Write a program to convert binary to decimal number.
21.Write a program to check the given number is binary number or not?
22.Write a program for Bubble Sort in java.
23.Write a program for Insertion Sort in java.
24.Write a program to implement hashcode and equals.
25.How to get distinct elements from an array by avoiding duplicate elements?
26.Write a program to get distinct word list from the given file.
27.Write a program to get a line with max word count from the given file.
28.Write a program to convert string to number without using Integer.parseInt() method.
29.Write a program to find two lines with max characters in descending order.
30.Write a program to find the sum of the first 1000 prime numbers.
31.Find longest substring without repeating characters.
32.Write a program to remove duplicates from sorted array.
33. Write a program to count the number of words in a line or a paragraph
34. Write a program to arrange the words appearing in the paragraph in,
order of their appearance
Eg:- Im in India, in India people are in
In – 3 times
India – 2 times
Im – 1 time
People – 1 time
Are – 1 time

35. Write a program to reverse the line

Eg: im in india
Output: aidni ni mi

36. Write the program to reverse the words

Eg: im in india
Output: mi ni aidni

37. Write the program to replce the character with given character
38. Find the carector appearing maximum number of times
39. Write a program to remove the repeted words from a string of line
40. Write a program to remove the chrector from beginning and ending of
the string

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