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With the continuous evolution of technology, mobile devices are

becoming more and more important in people’s lives. In the same way,

new needs related to the information provided by their users arise,

making evident the need to develop systems that take advantage of

their daily use. The recognition of personal activity based on the

information provided by the last generation mobile devices can easily be

considered as an useful tool for many purposes and future applications.

This project presents the use of information provided from an iPhone 7

and a Myo armband device in different acquisition schemes, assessing

conventional supervised classifiers to recognize personal activity by an

identification of seven classes.

Repository Folders
This repository contents:

/your_root - path

|--data /Folder where you can find the pro

ject data

|--iPhone /Activity data from the iPhone

|--LearningData /.sav files from the training

|--Myo /Activity data from the Myo

|--project-Figures /Figures from the project

|--References /Related work

|--Readme / instructions for use the Activity recognitio
n software

|--src / scripts for the Activity Recognition (A.R.)

|--BestFeatures /scripts for the A.R. after featur

e reduction

|--FullFeatures /scripts for the A.R. with Full Fe


|--Gauss-curves / Curves for the feature reduction

|--Graphics / 2 and 3 bars graphics

|--Hierarchical /scripts for the A.R. with hierarc

hical scheme

|--Hierarchical-consolidate-stairs /scripts with upstair

s and downstairs consolidated

|--HierarchicalRoutine-UnknownClass / scripts for the A.

R. adding an unknown class

|--my_script.sh /script to run the synchronized sy

stem to collect data

|--myo_con.py /script to recollect data from the

myo armband

|--posicioncelular.py /script that shows that the result

of the prediction is independent of cellphone position in

the pocket

|--pruebasincronia.py /script that test the synchronized

Hardware elements
Myo Armband

iPhone 7

Software requirements
SensorLog App iOS

Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus

ROS kinetic

ROS node for the Thalmic Labs Myo Armband

Python >2.6 in this case I used Spyder and atom

Installing ROS node for the Myo

1. Open Terminal

2. create a workspace

$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src

3. open the workspace

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src

4. Clone the repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/roboTJ101/ros_myo.git

5. Once it is completed, do the following:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws

$ catkin_make

6. Once the Node is installed, if you’re using the new firmware for

the Myo Armband go to ros_myo/scripts/myo-rawNode.py and in

the 300 line you’ll find this

elif attr == 0x23:

typ, val, xdir = unpack('3B', pay)

just replace those 2 lines with

elif attr == 0x23:

typ, val, xdir, unknown1, unknown2, unknown3 =

unpack('6B', pay)

Running Ros_myo
if you want to run the node you must follow the next steps

1. Open Terminal and run Roscore

$ roscore

2. Open a new window and do the following

$ cd ~/catkin_ws

$ source ./devel/setup.bash

$ rosrun ros_myo myo-rawNode.py

3. Perform the sync gesture

Note: It’s important to run roscore first and keep that 2 windows

open while you’re collecting data

Collecting Data
Once you have ros_myo running, it’s time to collecting data following

the next steps:

1. Your computer and the cellphone must be connected at the same

local network

2. open a new Terminal window and go to /src folder

$ cd/wearTECH/src

3. open the my_script.sh script

$ sudo nano my_script.sh

4. update the IP address and the socket port

5. press “start” recording in the app SensorLog

6. Run the my_script.sh

$ bash my_script.sh

7. press ctrl+c when you want to stop the data collection.

8. You will find a file called mylog_test.csv in your /src folder,

this one corresponds to the iPhone data. And in your /data

folder you’ll find a .txt file with the date and time of the

collection, this one corresponds to the Myo data.

Note: The /data folder contains two folders called iPhone and

Myo. The content of these folders are the data collected, they’re

organized by activity, username and cellphone position in the


How to start the Activity

Recognition Test
1. Open your Python editor (spyder or atom)

2. From the /src folder choose the classification Type

3. Run first the training script, and the learning Data are saved in

the /data folder

4. run the Validation script if you want to know the results of

prediction for the offline tests (test 1) or run the routine script to

know the routine prediction results( test 2)

Harold F. Murcia (haroldmurcia.com)

Maira J. Triana

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