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Isabella Neurock

Creative Writing

a. What did you like most about this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
What I liked most about this piece is how I portrayed my relationship with my grandma through words and imagery.
b. What did you like least about this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
What i liked least about this piece was trying to find the right words to say. I feel like some lines were confusing or
jumbled up because I was struggling with how to portray my thoughts. For example, the ending and the introduction
was hard to come up with.
c. What was most difficult for you while working on this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
The most difficult thing was trying to get a hook in the beginning and end with a good thought. The intro and ending
are the most important parts and I felt like trying to make them the best I could do was difficult.
d. What peer editing suggestions helped you the most while revising this piece? Use specific examples from your
To change my weak verbs and make them more unique to tell the reader my thoughts and emotions.
e. How does this piece compare to your other work in this course? Use specific examples from your work.
This piece talks about something really important to me. Compared to my other work this is the most important
topic I have ever written about.”Passionate about her family as she always ate last.” Shows how un selfish she was.
f. What would you change if you had the chance to do this piece over again? Use specific examples from your work.
I would make this poem go further into depth on how she died and what effect it had on me.
g. What do you want the reader to take away from your piece? (What’s your purpose/thesis?)
I would like the reader to take away from this piece that your loved ones are only here with you for so long, and can
be taken away from you at any point in time.
h. In what areas do you think that you still need improvement? Use specific examples from your work.
Areas I think I need improvement is my rhyme scheme and poetic patterns to make my words flow and sound more
like myself talking rather than having cliches.
l. What does this say about you or how you view the world around you?
I think this piece says how observant I am in the world and that I always notice the little things that matter.
j. What is a goal you have for yourself for your next piece of writing?
A goal I have for myself in my next piece of writing is to have a good intro and a great ending.

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