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Rubrics A: Community English 2,3; Fluency English 4,5 and Advanced English 6

Criteria/Points 2 1.5 1 0.5

Content Reflection - Reflection demonstrates a - Reflection demonstrates Reflection demonstrates limited Reflection lacks critical
high degree of critical thinking some degree of critical thinking critical thinking in applying, thinking. Superficial
in applying, analyzing, and in applying, analyzing, and/or analyzing, and/or evaluating key connections are made with
evaluating key course concepts evaluating key course concepts course concepts and theories key course concepts and
and theories from readings, and theories from readings, from readings, lectures, course materials, activities.
lectures, and discussions lectures, and discussions discussions, activities.
activities. activities. - Minimal connections made
- Insightful and relevant - Connections made through through explanations,
connections made through explanations, inferences, inferences, and/or examples.
contextual explanations, and/or examples.
inferences, and examples
Personal Growth - Conveys strong evidence of - Conveys evidence of reflection - Conveys limited evidence of - Conveys inadequate evidence
reflection on own work with a on own work with a personal reflection on own work in of reflection on own work in
personal response to the response to the self- response to the self-assessment response to the self-
self-assessment questions assessment questions posed. questions posed. assessment questions posed.
posed. - Demonstrates satisfactory - Demonstrates less than - Personal growth and
Demonstrates significant personal growth and awareness adequate personal growth and awareness are not evident
personal growth and awareness through some inferences awareness through few or and/or demonstrates a
of deeper meaning through made, examples, insights, and simplistic inferences made, neutral experience with
inferences made, examples, challenges. examples, insights, and/or negligible personal impact.
well developed insights, and - Some thought of the future challenges that are not well Lacks enough inferences,
substantial depth in implications of current developed. examples, personal insights
perceptions and challenges. experience. and challenges
- Synthesizes current - Minimal thought of the future - Future implications are
experience into future implications of current overlooked.
implications. experience.
Criteria/Points 2 1.5 1 0.5
Writing Coherence - Uses cohesion in such a - Uses a range of cohesive - Makes inadequate, inaccurate or - May use a very limited
quality: cohesion way that it attracts no devices appropriately over use of cohesive devices range of cohesive devices,
attention although there may be some and those used may not
- Skillfully/ under-/over-use - May not write in paragraphs, or indicate a logical relationship
Sufficiently and paragraphing may be between ideas
appropriately manages - Presents a clear central inadequate
paragraphing topic within each paragraph
Lexical - Uses a wide range of - Uses a sufficient range - Uses a limited range of - Uses only a very limited
resources vocabulary of vocabulary to allow vocabulary, but this is minimally range of words and
some flexibility and adequate for the task expressions with very limited
- Fluently and flexibly to precision control of word formation
convey precise meanings - May make noticeable errors in and/or spelling
skillfully spelling and/or word formation that
- May produce occasional may cause some difficulty for the
- Produces rare errors in errors in word choice, reader - Errors may severely distort
spelling and/or word spelling and/or word the message
formation formation
Grammatical - Uses a wide range of - Uses a mix of simple and - Uses only a limited range of - Attempts sentence forms but
range and structures. The majority complex sentence forms structures. Attempts complex errors in grammar and
of sentences are error- sentences but these tend to be less punctuation predominate and
free - Makes some errors in accurate than simple sentences distort the meaning
grammar and punctuation - May make frequent grammatical
- Makes only very but they rarely reduce errors and punctuation may be
occasional errors or communication faulty; errors can cause some
improprieties difficulty for the reader

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