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Blessed are those who renounce their own comfort in order to help others.

We all face struggles and hurdles in life, it’s inevitable to have such perfect life in
this world full of temptations. As an accountancy student we encounter numerous failures,
disappointments and challenges every day, and not all of us are strong enough to have
a positive outlook towards things. I have friends who wants to quit, who wants to stop
everything and just give up on the dreams they have been dreaming of since they were
young, we all feel lost. We felt like we are the most undeserving, unintelligent person on
earth because the course is draining us mentally, physically and emotionally.
Amidst all of those negative thoughts there’s this certain person who has never
made me feel like I’m less than enough, she has been my anchor and strength towards
everything that I do and that person is my mom. My mom has never failed to remind me
that life is a battle field; I need not to give up easily because life has so many things to
offer. When everything seems so wrong in my life my mom would eventually tell me to
never forget to glorify the Lord in times of pain and happiness because he will end all pain
and he will always provide. God gives problems to those people whom he wants to be
strong and whom he loves the most. And that struck me, my mom has been selfless on
so many things and as I read one the proposed beatitudes of Pope Francis the first person
I could think of is my mom. My mom who has never let me see her struggling and would
always smile every time we would see each other. She never let me see her vulnerability
and what so nots and I wanted to become like her, a person who would see things in its
positive note.I wanted to become a light to someone else’s life, and can abandon personal
pain in order to give comfort to people who are mostly in need. With the Lord’s guidance
I hope I can be one.

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