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November 15, 2010
Published by The Heritage Foundation

Eliminating Partisan Analysis from

Congress’s Support Agencies
J. D. Foster, Ph.D.

The incoming Congress has its hands full. It would appear as a large spending hike. Unfortu-
should prevent a massive tax hike from shellacking nately, spending programs are routinely extended
a weak economy, get a spend-happy President to and increased, and CBO provides a more credible
repent, try to repeal or defang Obamacare, get a forecast of spending by assuming that expiring pro-
handle on entitlement spending, and much more. grams will in fact be extended. To do otherwise
The going will be much easier if new Members first would hide the most likely outcome for spending
redress some bad habits at its support agencies, and the deficit.
especially the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Not so for expiring tax provisions. In constructing
the Congressional Research Service (CRS), and the its revenue forecast, CBO assumes that expiring tax
Joint Tax Committee (JTC). provisions will be allowed to expire. Thus, for exam-
The work these agencies perform in advising ple, the longstanding R&D tax credit, which is typi-
Congress can shape legislative outcomes in power- cally extended for a year or two at a time, is assumed
ful ways. Unfortunately, and for far too long, these in the revenue baseline to expire. Consequently, the
agencies have been allowed to imbue their analysis credit’s extension appears to be a tax cut and under
with a clear leftward tilt. It’s time Congress leveled normal budget rules must be offset or “paid for” with
the playing field. some other tax hike or spending reduction.
The Congressional Budget Office. In addition Any system that necessitates offsetting the exten-
to often penetrating and useful analysis, the CBO sion of current tax policy makes no sense, any more
provides official revenue, spending, and deficit fore- than it makes sense to require offsetting the exten-
casts. By and large, CBO does a credible job main- sion of current spending policy. To its credit, the
taining a non-partisan approach to policy—with Obama Administration recognizes this problem as
one glaring exception. The CBO continues an inher- they assume in their revenue baseline that expiring
ently politically biased approach to expiring tax tax provisions will be extended.
provisions. This disparate treatment by CBO of spending
The CBO produces a baseline forecast of reve- and taxes is illogical. It is also de facto entirely par-
nues and spending. When a spending program such
as an appropriation or the highway bill is slated to
expire, the CBO spending baseline nevertheless
This paper, in its entirety, can be found at:
assumes that the program will continue throughout http://report.heritage.org/wm3059
the 10-year forecast. Produced by the Thomas A. Roe Institute
for Economic Policy Studies
If CBO allowed expired spending to drop out of Published by The Heritage Foundation
the spending baseline, then the program’s extension 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002–4999
(202) 546-4400 • heritage.org
Nothing written here is to be construed as necessarily reflecting
the views of The Heritage Foundation or as an attempt to
aid or hinder the passage of any bill before Congress.
No. 3059 WebMemo November 15, 2010

tisan. Congress should require the CBO to correct the AMT for inflation would impose a $658.8 bil-
this flagrant bias immediately. lion tax hike.
The Congressional Research Service. CRS This recalls the problem with the CBO revenue
generally provides Congress accurate and timely baseline discussed above. If the CBO revenue base-
research into a wide variety of subjects. For the most line were done properly—as is the Obama revenue
part, analysis is also non-partisan. The longstanding baseline—then maintaining the AMT patch would
and blatant exception is the analysis of tax policy. not appear as tax relief. On the contrary, allowing
Typically, CRS staff keep their political leanings the patch to expire would properly appear as a mas-
out of their analysis. In tax policy, however, strong sive tax hike. The CBO revenue baseline aids and
political bias regularly permeates the work, degrad- abets the CRS misdirection.
ing its usefulness and impugning the work of the The CRS works for Congress. The new Con-
rest of the staff. A recent report on the individual gress should compel the CRS to clean up its act in
Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) provides a good tax analysis.
example, but a quick review of CRS tax work shows The Joint Committee on Taxation. The JTC
that this bias is the rule, not the exception. advises Congress—especially the tax writing com-
The AMT is a parallel income tax afflicting mittees and congressional leadership—on techni-
increasing numbers of taxpayers. The AMT is now cal issues of tax policy and provides revenue
roundly scorned by nearly all tax analysts, but its estimates and descriptions of tax provisions under
elimination is problematic because the AMT bite is consideration.
now so great. In recent years Congress has repeat- The longstanding issue regarding the JTC is how
edly sought to contain the damage wrought by the tax proposals are scored. A simple example demon-
AMT by enacting a “patch,” thus saving millions of strates the problem. Suppose JTC were to score a
taxpayers from an AMT affliction. proposal to raise the tax rate to 100 percent on all
The political bias of the CRS is often most appar- income over $250,000. Obviously, those taxpayers
ent to non-experts in the choice of language used in capable of earning such an amount would then have
its reports. The CRS report on the AMT, for exam- little interest in doing so. Equally obviously, this
ple, asserts that “a permanent fix to the AMT would would deliver a crippling blow to small business
be expensive. Indexing the AMT for inflation from and to the economy generally. Thus, revenues
the 2009 levels through 2020 would cost an esti- directly associated with this tax hike would be near
mated $658.8 billion.”1 nil, and a broad and significant drop in tax revenues
Language matters. Diminishing the AMT’s bite is from all sources would ensue.
“expensive” only if one starts from the premise that In contrast, according to JTC methodology the
the money belongs to the government in the first tax provision would raise enormous sums and the
place. Likewise, preventing a massive tax hike economy would be unharmed. To be sure, this is an
would “cost” the government only if the money extreme example drawn to make a point, yet the
belonged to the government in the first place. problem exists whenever a tax proposal affects eco-
The issue is not one of expense or cost. The nomic incentives.
issue is whether Congress will permit a massive In practice, this means that tax hikes that would
tax hike to befall millions of middle- and upper- distort behavior and be harmful to the economy are
middle-class taxpayers. But this is not the impres- assumed to be harmless, while tax relief that would
sion given by the CRS to the unwitting reader. For reduce existing distortions and thus strengthen the
example, politically neutral language might say economy are assumed to be completely ineffective.
that a permanent fix to the AMT would have a sig- It is not partisan to argue that such an arrangement
nificant revenue impact and that failure to index is irrational and politically biased.

1. See “The Alternative Minimum Tax for Individuals”, by Steven Maguire, Congressional Research Service, November 5, 2010.

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No. 3059 WebMemo November 15, 2010

Non-Partisan Policy. Policy is often inherently behavior quickly so the coming policy debates take
partisan. Yet while policy may be infused with polit- place on a level playing field based on trusted, non-
ical orientation, the data and analysis provided by partisan information.
Congress’s supporting agencies should be as free of —J. D. Foster, Ph.D., is Norman B. Ture Senior
partisan taint as possible. Fellow in the Economics of Fiscal Policy in the Thomas
Today, in specific and systemic ways, each of the A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The
CBO, CRS, and JTC is operating in a biased, parti- Heritage Foundation.
san fashion. The new Congress should correct this

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