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Technology Integration Lesson Plan

Ms. Bentley

Cr.2.2.a - Demonstrate and explain personal reasons for selecting patterns and ideas for music
that represent expressive intent.
Pr.3.2 - Demonstrate understanding of expressive qualities (such as dynamics and tempo) and
how creators use them to convey expressive intent.
Re.2.2 - Describe how specific music concepts are used to support a specific purpose in music.

Materials for Instruction:

- Ukuleles
- Computer, Projector, and Speakers
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh4dTLJ9q9o
- https://ukutuner.com
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbexjxcLA8E

Lesson Sequence

Activity #1 Objective: Students will reflect on musical expression after listening to Lava
and what they heard in the music and then apply the same expression in their own singing.
1. Have students close their eyes and listen to the song.
2. After the song is over have the students open their eyes and reflect on the listening.
a. Teacher: “What did you hear?”
b. Students: “Ukulele, Male and Female voices, etc.”
c. Teacher: “What was the song about?”
d. Students: “A lonely volcano that wants someone to love and eventually finds
another volcano to love.”
e. Teacher: “What did they do with the music that made you feel sad?”
f. Student: “The music slowed down and the volume got quieter.”
g. Teacher: “What did they do with the music that made you feel happy?”
h. Student: “The music got faster and the volume got louder.”
3. Teacher: I’m going to play the song again, but this time can I have you walk when the
music is slow and jump up and down when the music gets faster?
4. Teacher: This time can you reach up high in the sky when the music gets louder and
bend down as low as you can go when the music gets softer?
5. Teacher: “Do you guys think you can sing along and use those same expressions
when you sing it?”
6. Have the students sing along to “Lava” and exaggerate dynamics and tempo changes
with them.
Assessment: Teacher observes students as they sing the song and ensure that students are using
the right forms of expression by having them reach up high when the music is fast and loud and
having them bend down low when the music is slow and soft.
Closure: Great job! What was the instrument that was playing again? That’s right! I think we are
ready to learn the ukulele part.

Activity #2 Objective: Students will demonstrate mastery of the chords C, F, and G7 on the
ukulele by performing along with a backing track (Lava) and effectively tuning their
1. Have students tune their ukuleles by using https://ukutuner.com and have the website up
on the projector for the students to see.
a. Teacher: “By looking at the ukulele on the screen, can you tell me which string is
your E string by pointing at it? Now your C string?”
b. If students aren’t understanding, then show them on your own ukulele.
c. Teacher: “Can everybody pluck their E string? Does it sound like the same pitch
that is playing over the speaker?”
d. If needed, have students tune individually down the line and assist them in getting
the strings in tune.
2. Once all four strings are tuned, go over the chords C, F, and G.
a. Teacher: “Can every play the C chord for me?”
b. Teacher: “Great job on the C chord! Do you think we can play the F chord now?”
c. Once students are comfortable playing both chords individually, have them play
the chords together.
d. Teacher: “Can you now play the C chord and then play the F chord right after?”
e. Teacher: “Great job! Now we only have to learn one more chord! Can you guys
play this G7 chord?”
f. Teacher: “Can you now play the C chord and the G7 chord?”
g. Teacher: “Great job! Now can we play the G7 and F chord?”
h. Teacher: “How about all three chords? C, G7, and F?”
i. Take as much time as you need and progressively increase speed transitioning
from note to note.
3. After students have learned all of the chords, then have them play along with
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbexjxcLA8E on the projector.
a. If students are having trouble with all of the chords have them just play the C and
F chords.
Assessment: Teacher will make sure that all students are participating in the activity by having
them say out loud what chord they are playing every time they change chords.
Closure: “Great job learning all of the chords today! Next time we will improvise with these

Activity #3 Objective: Students will be able to show an understanding of musical

expression through improvising rhythms within the chords along with backing track
1. Review chords from previous activity and go through Lava with them one time to
refresh students on what was covered last class.
2. Teacher: “Great job remembering what we went over last class! This time I am going
to play along with the track.”
a. Teacher will improvise new rhythms to go along with song. If needed, turn
volume down on backing track so that the students can hear improvisation.
b. Teacher: “What did you notice about what I played?”
c. Students: “You made it up!”
d. Teacher: “That’s right! I made it up! We are all going to make up our own
rhythms to go along with this song.”
3. Teacher will have students play along to backing track and improvise.
a. Teacher: “All the notes/chords will stay the same, but now we are going to
make up our own rhythms. Let’s all improvise together.”
4. Teacher will have students grouped into 4 and then have each group improvise
together so that they do not have to perform alone. Teacher will ensure that the
environment feels safe and is full of encouragement!
Assessment: When playing in groups the teacher will make sure that all students are
participating in the improvisation.
Closure: “You guys have learned how to improvise to music! Keep up the good work because
we will be learning something new next week!”

Purpose: The purpose for this lesson is to give students a new perspective of music. Not often
do we feel like we can play music that we hear every day. This lesson goes to show that we have
access to creating music at the edge of our fingertips, it is just a matter of us being aware of it.
The students will be using an online tuner as well as YouTube to perform music. This lesson is
appropriate because it makes students aware of different ways that they can make music at home.

Reflection: I think that integrating technology into the classroom is a fun tool that will keep
students engaged and also provide teachers with more resources to use within the classroom.
Technology has become prominent in everyday life and is something that we should be
incorporating in our classrooms. Through the use of technology, I am able to teach many
different aspects of music such as improvisation, chord changes, tempo, dynamics, tuning, etc.
Students are always using technology and by incorporating technology into music we are giving
the students something to relate to. Technology is becoming a great musical resource and we as
teachers should make our students aware of all of the musical resources that they can access.

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