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NEW HAVEN DEPARTMENT OF POLICE SERVICE Internal Affairs ‘One Union Avenue « New Haven « Connecticut + 06519 ‘To: Sergeat Vincent Rawlinson From: Detective Ryan Mactlrayrald ‘Date: Tuesday, November 26%, 2019 ‘RE Internal Afra Case: 1A-G72-1941 Complainants Chief 0, Reyes Date of inddents October 164, 2019 Allegations Violation of Rules of Conduct, Seeton 2, 1.03.12. Na and 16, ‘Subject Oteer()s Ottcer Hugo Viacres ‘SUMMARY: On October 1%, 2019, a approximately 0337 hours, Radlo Car #62 Officer H. Villacres and Radio Car #71 Officer N. Curry were dispatched sa mentally disturbed sick person somplaint. Officer N. Cuny and Officer H. Vilaces both acknowledged Dispusi ‘esponiing that they were enroute to the incident. Oflcer N. Curry with the aststace of AMR personne, the meataly disturbed person was subdued. This {ndividaal yer 7, Numbers 2 Set J. Roberts spoke with Officer H, Villacres and asked why be didnot rexpond ‘mentally diturbed/ sick person complaint, Office H. Villacres told Sg. Robert that be ‘wat using th restroom atthe Distt (7) Substation a the time of th incident. Officer H, J. Roberts that he telephoned Officer N. Cury to inform her of bis whereabouts, Sgt J, Robert requested Officer H. Villars submit a memorandumn documenting what he said during their conversation. Sg. Robert also investigated Officer 4. Vilacres’ key card activity during the time of the incident. Sgt. . Roberts determined {hat Ofice H.Vilacres was nt inside the Distt (7) Subnaton unt approximately (46) minutes afer he was sptched tothe call, On October 2%, 2019, S.J. Robert received Officer H, Villaces' memorandum, Officer H, Villacre’ version of what he initially told Sgt J, Robert changed. Officer. Villceee hanged his account, stating a the time ofthe incident he was driving to his Officer H. Villacres stated be called Officer N, Cury ater Page 109 Alispatched end nid bo wanld be there 1s soon ax posible, Officer N. Curry documented that (Officer H. Villacres never arcived and calle her approximately ten minutes after she left the conn. Sig. J, Roberts indicated in hia dsiplinary writeup Officer H. Villacres™ {oonsismacien in his statements: Sgt J, Roberts conchuded his disciplinary write up, charging Otter HE: Vlseree with vilaion of the following General Order 1,03 Rules of Conduct 1.0912, Section Two, Number 13, 1.03 Rules of Conduct 1.03.12, Section Twa, ‘Number 16 400 Patrol Fimctons ~ 400.3 Subsection B; and 400 Patrol Functions 400.3 (Operational Procedures. ‘was placed om paid administrative leave until farther noice, Citas igtamined Officer H, Vllacres was assigned New Havea Police Department Petrol (Cruiser # 162-NH on the nightf this incident. CPS records were providea to tis Tavestigaiae for Paro '162-NH GPS for October 1*, 2019 between the hours of 62 did not_At 0349 hours, Unit 71 Oftcer N. Curry coded out the incident aa ansoise shes ‘agency and ssi that the individual wa high on PCP. Sergeant Rekeres with Unit 71 OficerN. Cuny a 0406 hours. At Chief Reyes ordered the Internal Affi Office to investigne Officer H. Villacres for Rules of Condua volition. This invesigmion waa nigned me 02 Oetcber 122019 ty Ls Zanneli, Officer in Charge ofthe Internal Attics Office, On October 21%, 2019 Detective J, Paget Stone and I physically handed Oficer H. Villaces his Interal Afirs Complaint Notification Letter, Theae Detectives Body Worn Camere were activated and captured a partion ofthis incident, INCIDENTREZORT: ‘No incident reports exit fr this incident, All reports pertaining tothe inital incident are documented on memorandums and Officer H, Villaces'clseiplinary report. Ths incident ‘was “05” refered to mother agency, which inthis case was AMAL ‘MEMORANDUMS; Officer N. Curry OflcerN. Cury submited « memormsdam on October 32019, Oficer N, Curry stated she snd Offcer H, Vilacres were dispatched oa sick/ mentally danubed person OflcarN. Cuny stated Officer H. Vilacres did nt show up and called apologion, itcer 1N. Cuny beleved this was an Officer safey isu, Officer Hugo Vitacres (Offcer H, Vllacres submitted a memorandum on Octobe 1,201 Officer H. Villacres stated a the time of this incident be was driving to Oficer 4H, Vilscres sai be called Ofer N. Cuny to inforether” Officer Fi be did rot arive and anit Offices N. Cary. ‘Sergeant Jeseph Roberts OT ‘Sergeant J. Roberts submited disciplinary report on October 2°, Offer H. Villers in violation of several Departnent General Orders Copies of these memorandums were included in the Interal Affi fle, ‘This diseiptnary bearing was not recorded by Axoa Body Worn Cemers, Page ot ‘Sn Cle Rene Domingner (Ou Monday Octobes 28°, 2019 a approximataly 1045 hours Sgt V, Rawlinson of the Internal Afhirs Office and interviewed Aagatant Chef Domingues regarding this ‘nckdent: Auitant Chief Domingues signe a fue statement form and tha“Carrity ‘Warming’ fom: Tha interview was andi-recorded: later placed alIVD of the audio fle ‘snd Assistant Che R. Domingues's trnsccibed statement inthis Internal A@hrs fle, ‘Aaastant CiletR, Domingues isthe Assistant Chief in command af the Patrol Division of ‘ha New Hiren Police Department. Asstt Chief R. Domingues stated sha was present during a dleipinary hearing for Officer H. Villacres on October 16% 2019. Assistant Chief ‘Donningueaseid also presext were Chief Reyes, Asistant Chef Sharp, Officer H. Villacreg,

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