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Periodization Theory: Confronting an Inconvenient Truth

Article  in  Sports Medicine · November 2017

DOI: 10.1007/s40279-017-0823-y


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1 author:

John Kiely
University of Central Lancashire


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Sports Med


Periodization Theory: Confronting an Inconvenient Truth

John Kiely1

Ó The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract Periodization theory has, over the past seven should we critically re-evaluate conventional perspectives
decades, emerged as the preeminent training planning through an updated conceptual lens? Realigning peri-
paradigm. The philosophical underpinnings of periodiza- odization philosophy with contemporary stress theory thus
tion theory can be traced back to the integration of diverse presents us with an opportunity to recalibrate training
shaping influences, whereby coaching beliefs and traditions planning models with both contemporary scientific insight
were blended with historically available scientific insights and progressive coaching practice.
and contextualized against pervading social planning
models. Since then, many dimensions of elite preparation Key Points
have evolved significantly, as driven by a combination of
coaching innovations and science-led advances in training The science of periodization has, for the past seven
theory, techniques, and technologies. These advances have decades, borrowed substantially from the science of
been incorporated into the fabric of the pre-existing peri- stress to substantiate certain fundamental
odization planning framework, yet the philosophical periodization principles. Yet although stress science
assumptions underpinning periodization remain largely has dramatically diverged from its historical roots,
unchallenged and unchanged. One particularly influential periodization theory continually recycles old stress
academic sphere of study, the science of stress, particularly dogma as justification for contemporary doctrine.
the work of Hans Selye, is repeatedly cited by theorists as a
central pillar upon which periodization theory is founded. Fitness adaptations, subsequent to imposed training
A fundamental assumption emanating from the early stress stressors, are greatly influenced by the neuro- and
research is that physical stress is primarily a biologically bio-chemical backdrop upon which training stimuli
mediated phenomenon: a presumption translated to athletic are overlaid. This neurobiological context is, in turn,
performance contexts as evidence that mechanical training greatly influenced by background levels of psycho-
stress directly regulates the magnitude of subsequent ‘fit- emotional stress and the set of emotional
ness’ adaptations. Interestingly, however, since periodiza- expectations and interpretations associated with the
tion theory first emerged, the science of stress has evolved imposed training challenge.
extensively from its historical roots. This raises a funda- The phenomenon of path dependence provides a lens
mental question: if the original scientific platform upon through which to contextualize how the legacy of
which periodization theory was founded has disintegrated, prior beliefs exerts a constraining influence on
current practice, thereby suppressing conceptual
clarity and coaching creativity.
& John Kiely
Institute of Coaching and Performance, School of Sport and
Wellbeing, University of Central Lancashire, Preston

J. Kiely

1 Author’s Note ideological inertia. Sometimes, consequently, re-evaluating

embedded belief systems requires we excavate the deep-
Every year, the Edge.org poses a single question to a seated often-forgotten foundations upon which traditional
collection of scientists, technologists, and social influ- assumptions are supported.
encers. In 2011, that question, proposed by Harvard’s
Steven Pinker, was ‘‘What scientific concept would
improve everybody’s cognitive toolkit?’’ Among the 2 Introduction
responses, one from Columbia’s John McWorther stands
out as particularly thought provoking in the context of Few dimensions of elite sports performance are as impor-
current theories of athletic preparation. McWorther’s sug- tant, as complex, as experimentally impenetrable, and as
gestion, the phenomenon of path dependence, captures the shrouded in historical myth as the topic of training plan-
notion that often ‘‘something that seems normal today ning: the periodization of training. Many periodization
began with a choice that made sense at a particular time in approaches exist, each offering differing rationales and
the past, and survived despite the eclipse of the justification templates for the sub-division of the program into
for that choice’’ [1]. sequential, specifically focused training periods designed to
The paradigmatic example is the QWERTY keyboard. prepare athletes for peak performance during prioritized
Historically, the QWERTY interface reduced the frequency time frames.
of mechanical jamming by separating the keys of the most The late Mel Siff once described periodization as an
commonly used letters. Although technological advances exercise in stress management [4]. In fact, since peri-
eradicated this risk decades ago, the legacy of the solution, odization’s first formulation, concepts borrowed from the
to that now non-existent problem, persists. In 2008, the science of stress have been persistently offered within
Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to Paul Krugman coaching and academic literatures as justifications for
for a body of work illustrating the hidden path-dependent pivotal theoretical assumptions. In recent decades, how-
influences shaping industrial trade patterns. Krugman, ever, the science of stress has evolved far beyond its his-
amongst others, suggests path-dependent phenomena are torical roots. Yet despite this evolution, certain long-
pervasive in life. Operating not only within socio-industrial standing stress precepts remain firmly embedded within
settings but whenever prior solutions become enshrined in contemporary periodization culture. Thus, although the
practice and are routinely perpetuated, despite a change in foundations upon which periodization logic was supported
the underlying circumstances from which those solutions have shifted substantially, culturally we continue to re-
arose. Put plainly, path dependence emphasizes that where cycle prior interpretations of archaic stress theory to justify
we go next depends not only on where we are now, but also current planning practice. From this perspective, peri-
where we have been [2]. odization’s historical foundations appear rooted, in a path-
As a relevant example within sports science and medical dependent manner, in an outdated science. Accordingly,
domains, consider the long-standing belief that adolescent the re-calibration of pivotal periodization assumptions,
weight training compromises skeletal health. How did this with current theoretical insights, may reveal new insights
belief arise? Although difficult to definitively trace, a illuminating future training planning innovations.
preeminent researcher in this field, Avery Faigenbaum,
suggests the strength training stunts your growth myth
arose from a 1960s report claiming that children perform- 3 A Brief History of Stress
ing heavy manual labor were short in stature [3]. These
children lived in a mountainous region of post-war Japan, The evolution of the science of stress began in earnest in
and worked several hours a day under chronically com- the first decades of the twentieth century. Famously, in the
promised nutritional conditions. Nevertheless, despite these 1920s, Harvard’s Walter Cannon—echoing Bernard’s ear-
obvious confounds, an overly simplistic conclusion seeped lier concept of a balanced milieu interieur—suggested
into our collective consciousness and fossilized into a self- arousal shifted an animal’s set of internal steady-state
perpetuating pillar of belief. Eventually, although the ori- conditions, which he termed homeostasis, away from
gin story was forgotten, the belief persisted and remained stable habituated set-points [5]. This disequilibrium, in
remarkably culturally resilient despite decades of discon- turn, stimulated catecholamine secretion, specifically
firming evidence. adrenaline, thereby powering the ‘fight or flight’ emer-
Path dependence reminds us that the philosophical gency response designed to alleviate the imposed chal-
bedrock of many inherited doctrinal beliefs often remain lenge, quell the biological disturbance, and facilitate a
shielded from skeptical scrutiny, sheltered by an return to homeostatic normality [6].

Periodization: An Inconvenient Truth

A decade later, Hans Selye, switching attention from the conditioning certification body, the National Strength and
catecholamines of the adrenal medulla to the glucocorti- Conditioning Association, for example, notes the impor-
coids of the adrenal cortex, began the body of work des- tance of GAS and homeostatic principles within that
tined to revolutionize the field. During his early career, organization’s publications, stating: ‘‘GAS is one of the
Selye observed that rodents who experienced diverse foundational theories from which the concept of peri-
physiological discomforts displayed surprisingly similar odization of training was developed’’ [15]. Similarly,
stereotypical responses. Regardless of whether rats were within the academic literature, the only periodization
electrically shocked, fatigued, starved, or exposed to tem- reviews published in high-ranking peer-reviewed journals
perature extremes, observed maladaptations shared a to date both cite Canon and Selye, noting, for example, that
common non-specific trajectory. In his landmark 1936 the biological background of periodized designs exploits
letter to Nature, Selye described a triad of symptoms, homeostatic regulation and stress adaptation as funda-
adrenal enlargement, gastrointestinal ulceration, and atro- mental theories of human adaptation [16, 17].
phy of the thymus, which he claimed were predictably
elicited by multiple biological insults [7]. 3.2 Confusion and Controversy
The apparent universality of this pathological triad
prompted Selye’s formulation of the general adaptation In the immediate post-war era, Selye’s teachings domi-
syndrome (GAS). The GAS encapsulated Selye’s core nated academic and popular understanding of the stress
thesis that all biological challenges were countered in a phenomenon. Concurrently, however, a more psychol-
predictable fashion, progressing through the same sequen- ogy influenced research tradition was beginning to navi-
tial phases: first alarm, then resistance, and, if the challenge gate its own evolutionary arc. As the century progressed,
was overwhelming, resulting in the same end product, and these paths transected, ideological conflicts inevitably
exhaustion. Selye deployed an engineering term to describe emerged [18].
the animal’s response to such perturbation, redefining Homeostasis and GAS were both firmly biologically
stress as the ‘‘non-specific response of the body to any entrenched concepts, an issue Selye acknowledged late in
demand made upon it’’, and stressor as any noxious agent life, noting he had long envisioned stress as ‘‘a purely
stimulating the GAS response [8]. physiological and medical phenomenon’’ [19]. In contrast,
As the twentieth century entered its final quarter, our psychologists interpreted the stress response as primarily a
understanding of stress and its associated vocabulary— cognitive event, emerging directly from ‘‘a mismatch
homeostasis, fight or flight, the adrenal master gland, between individuals’ perceptions of the demands of the
GAS—was shaped by these early pioneers. Although task, and their perceptions of their resources for coping
superficially recognizing that we each have individually with them’’ [20].
distinct thresholds, set-points, strengths, and vulnerabili- Central to these debates was the origin of the unidenti-
ties, Selye envisioned the stress response as a stereotypical fied signal responsible for initially triggering the alarm
species-wide phenomenon. The implicit sub-text was of an response, the so-called first mediator. Selye predicted, and
assumed conformity to imposed demands, whereby stress- fruitlessly searched for, a biological first mediator. More
induced adaptive responses were tightly bound around the psychologically oriented researchers, however, argued the
predictable trajectory of the GAS response. first mediator was psycho-emotional in genesis, in essence
suggesting that events stimulate a stress response only
3.1 Impacting the Coaching World when appraised as ‘threatening’ [18, 21, 22].
Perhaps most notably, throughout the 1960s and 1970s,
Selye once remarked that he never considered the appli- John Mason—working within Joseph V. Brady’s ground-
cation of his research to sporting domains [9]. Neverthe- breaking inter-disciplinary group at Walter Reed Memo-
less, astute coaches quickly recognized its relevance rial—demonstrated that the stress response varied sub-
[9, 10]. Influential early translators of Selye’s work to stantially as a function of the situation, the individual, and
sporting contexts included innovative Australian swim the individual’s history. Mason’s work highlighted, for
coach Forbes Carlisle, in 1955, track and fields Fred Wilt in example, that when the noxious psychological concomi-
the early 1960s, followed by swimming’s legendary James tants of physical stress were reduced or removed, the GAS
‘Doc’ Counsilman in 1968 [9–11]. either dissipated or disappeared [18, 23]. Simultaneously,
Today, Canon and Selye’s legacies remain enshrined classic Selye-inspired theory was straining to accommo-
within the science of periodization, as evidenced by the date evidence demonstrating that neither homeostasis nor
persistent citing of homeostasis and GAS as theoretical the stress response was static, but varied dynamically under
platforms upon which contemporary planning theory is the influence of life history and oscillating biological
founded [12–14]. The world’s largest strength and rhythms. Conventional theory, as illustration, could not

J. Kiely

eloquently explain why blood pressure fluctuates markedly perturbations. These accommodations facilitate positive
throughout the day and often remains elevated long after adaptation for minimal accruing allostatic load, and
stressors are removed [24]. enhance resilience to future similar stress exposures. In
As the twentieth century entered its final quarter, the contrast, when allostatic responses are inadequate, over-
explanatory limitations of Selye’s paradigm were increas- whelmed, or persistently activated, then excessive accom-
ingly exposed. Most notably, the portrayal of stress as a modative shifts drive accumulating allostatic load [28–30].
predictable biologically mediated phenomenon was Although the burden of accumulated load can be grad-
undermined by (1) the demonstrable effects of non-physi- ually alleviated, the legacies of repetitive cycles of
cal factors on physiological stress responses, and (2) accommodation persist as residual traces of neuro-plastic
increasingly convincing evidence that stress responses wear and tear. Inevitably, the progressive accumulation of
were not generalized and non-specific, but highly individ- these plastically embedded residues impose penalties.
ualized and context specific [25]. Accordingly persistent or excessive allostatic accommo-
dation drives accumulating load, thereby escalating wear
3.3 Revolution to Evolution and tear and eroding resilience to future allostatic impo-
sitions. This progressive neurobiological wear and tear
As the unifying explanatory power of Selye’s paradigm ultimately manifests as some blend of psycho-emotional,
eroded, the field fragmented. Into this conceptual vacuum, physiological, neurological, immunological, and/or
various theories were proposed, but without achieving behavioral impairment [30].
widespread acceptance [26]. Such was the state of the field Thus, allostatic theory suggests that, when challenged,
when Sterling and Eyer (1988), embracing multi-disci- the organism does not reflexively mount a biologically
plinary insights, proposed the concept of allostasis [27]. mediated GAS response powered via the actions of lone
Allostasis suggests that organisms maintain physiological families of chemical messengers—Canon’s catecholami-
stability by anticipating ‘needs’ before they arise, and by nes; Selye’s glucocorticoids—as it strives to regain a
mobilizing a diverse breadth of neurological, biological, and notionally optimal set of steady-state conditions. Instead,
immunological accommodations to counter these emerging entangled networks of neural and biological collaborators
challenges [26, 28, 29]. To facilitate this prediction, multi- orchestrate concerted responses, deploying arrays of sys-
source information streams are blended with expectations temic mediators modulated through densely inter-con-
and prior experiences to estimate the ‘threat’ posed by nected non-linear feedback and feedforward linkages
upcoming challenges. Subsequent to this prediction, multi- [29–31]. Allostasis, accordingly, is the complex set of
ple preemptive remediating actions, calibrated to that per- integrated emotional, physiological, immunological, and
ceived threat, are reflexively launched to protect current and psychological processes that intimately collaborate to
future function, thereby promoting survivability. establish a new set of internal conditions best fitting current
Allostasis, accordingly, is not a specific set of tightly circumstances [26]. Through these agile adaptive mecha-
controlled homeostatic conditions that must be defended, nisms, functional robustness on a macro-scale is preserved
but a set of collaborative processes that strategically deploy by persistent synergistic co-modulation on a micro-scale. A
resources to preserve functionality in an unpredictable and phenomenon previously eloquently described as ‘‘the
dynamically changing environment. Consequently, and in beautiful paradox of seeming constancy, despite continu-
contrast to Selye’s model, allostasis recognizes that the ous change’’ [32].
neurobiological imperative is not to seek homeostatic
permanency (‘stability through constancy’), but to sensi- 3.3.2 The Brain as a Master Gland
tively pre-empt and respond to emerging challenges by
orchestrating multi-level system-wide coordinated com- Selye envisioned biological stress as largely independent of
pensations (‘stability through change’) [24, 28]. the brain. Allostasis, in contrast, firmly positions the brain
as the master organ responsible for orchestrating all central
3.3.1 Allostatic Accommodation and Load and peripheral responses to imposed challenges [27, 33].
The rapid evolution of neuroimaging techniques has
When the allostatic state is perturbed, a broad sweep of recently validated this assertion. Importantly, contempo-
neurological and biological sub-systems collaboratively co- rary investigations demonstrate that it is the core emotional
modulate outputs to accommodate imposed demands. regions of the brain—highly evolved sites within the
Drastic or persistent allostatic accommodations, however, amygdala and basal ganglia—that are the first to register
impose a burden: an allostatic load [29]. When operating challenge, mediate accommodative responses, and are the
efficiently, well-calibrated allostatic accommodations sen- first networks to exhibit neuro-plastic wear and tear sub-
sitively emerge in response to current and anticipated sequent to unalleviated load [30, 34].

Periodization: An Inconvenient Truth

Collectively, these mid-brain modules function as den- stress response is—at its most fundamentally irreducible
sely interconnected processing hubs, serving to integrate level—a system-wide survival-promoting neurobiological
cognition, descending from higher cortical regions, with preparation to cope with anticipated threat, driven by
sensory information emanating from peripheral and visual emotional evaluation.
centers. Such insights affirm that when a perceived change Specifically, in relation to training planning theory,
in circumstances alters sensory input, this change is eval- unquestionably, the mechanical and energetic challenges
uated by the emotion-processing circuitry (along a con- imposed by physical training are the primary instigators of
tinuum ranging from ‘benign to threatening’) and an the sequence of neural and biological events that subse-
emotional resonance attached to the event. This emotional quently drive fitness adaptations. Crucially, however, this
evaluation subsequently adjusts circulating levels of neu- contemporary updating of Selye’s stress paradigm reveals
rotransmitters, neuromodulators, neuro-hormones, and that the set of adaptations launched in response to training
neural growth factors. These localized neurochemical are strongly and inextricably entwined with, and modulated
changes subsequently customize the cascade of down- by, background psycho-emotional influences (see Fig. 1).
stream biochemical and hormonal responses mobilized to
cope with the anticipated challenge [30, 33, 35]. In essence,
emotion calibrates the chemistry of the stress response to 4 Stress and Athletic Outcomes: The Evidence
perceived context.
Contemporary findings thus illustrate that the long 4.1 Stress and Injury
sought-after first mediator is not a biological event, but a
change in emotional resonance driven by interpretation of Existing evidence supports a firm association between
sensory events and/or cognitive circumstances [30]. This general life stress and sports-related injury. A recent meta-
emotional evaluation subsequently amplifies or dampens analysis, for example, concluded that a prior history of
the sensations and perceptions deemed immediately perti- elevated psycho-emotional stress was a strong predictor of
nent to survival, thereby modulating behaviors and moti- injury occurrence, and demonstrated significant relation-
vational drives. Crucially, these emotionally induced ships between stress-predisposing personality traits and
neurochemical alterations are not directly dictated by the negative training outcomes [39]. Similarly, the stress-ac-
intensities of imposed stimuli, but by the emotional reso- centuating traits of ‘self-blame’ and ‘perfectionism’ sig-
nance afforded the stress-inducing event [28, 30, 33]. nificantly contributed to an increasing injury probability
Consequently, even when stressors seem far removed from [40, 41]; as did the corrosive influence of accumulating
emotional significance, such as cold exposure or labora- ‘daily hassles’ [39, 42] and periods of high academic stress
tory-induced histamine reactions, biological responses can during the elite college football season [43]. Likewise,
be readily modulated and healing times dramatically athletes with elevated pre-season anxiety were more likely
extended or foreshortened, simply by manipulating the to be injured than their less anxious peers [44] and, fol-
emotional context [36–38]. From this perspective, the lowing athletic injury, increased psycho-emotional stress

Emotional Bio-chemistry
resonance calibrated to
perceived challenge

Imposed mechanical Perception of Central Peripheral Modulation of

training stimuli challenge, threats Allostatic Allostatic adaptive stimulus
and competencies accommodation accommodation

Changing sensory Adjusted downstream


Fig. 1 Translation of mechanical stimuli to adaptive response

J. Kiely

Genetic inheritance
Personal predispositions and traits
Stress history and resilience
Prior training and injury
Current stress
Mechanical status The personalization
training stress Including: of training
- Psycho-emotional state adaptations
- Cognitive state
- Environmental stressors
- Residual fatigue
- Nutritional factors

Fig. 2 Biological and non-biological filters personalizing the training-induced stress response

diminished the effectiveness of return-to-play processes 4.3 Psycho-Emotional State as a Training Variable
[45, 46].
As research documenting the negative consequences of
4.2 Stress and Performance chronically elevated stress grows, so too does evidence
demonstrating the impact of acute emotional manipulation
Within medical contexts, an extensive literature demon- on training outcomes. As illustration: visually manipulated
strates that excessive life stress negatively influences health psycho-emotional states altered hormonal levels and sub-
outcomes [47]. Within athletic preparation contexts, a sequent strength-training outcomes in highly-trained male
growing evidence base illustrates the detrimental conse- individuals [53]; imposing an additional pre-training
quences of stress history, elevated life stress and/or per- emotional load increased perceived exertion and dimin-
sonal predispositions to high stress reactivity on training ished physical performance in competitive athletes
and performance outcomes [40, 42, 45]. As example: [54–56]; and heightened anxiety impeded the accuracy of
recent research demonstrates that low stress resilience sports-related skills [57].
compromises cardiovascular and maximal power training More positively, the health-promoting benefits of stress-
adaptations [48]; high levels of self-rated psycho-emo- alleviating interventions are overwhelmingly supported
tional stress diminishes positive fitness adaptations fol- within the medical literature [58]. More specifically in rela-
lowing highly controlled training interventions [43, 48]; tion to training adaptation and injury-related contexts, evi-
and elevated psycho-emotional stress compromises training dence continues to grow. Recent investigations, for example,
outcomes in well-conditioned triathletes [49]. Furthermore, demonstrate that prevention strategies moderating psycho-
running economy remained impaired for sustained periods emotional stress successfully reduced injury rates [39], and
following significantly stressful life events [50], and support the conjecture that positive expectations enhance
heightened stress impeded training gains and muscular training outcomes [59]. Furthermore, emotional regulation
recovery following resistance exercise [51, 52]. interventions reduced the negative consequences of stress
In summary, mounting evidence illustrates that exces- accumulation in long-distance runners, and have subse-
sively accumulating multi-source stress variously down- quently been suggested as logically enhancing cardiovascular
regulates the immune system, motor coordination, adaptations following endurance training [60, 61].
cognition, mood, metabolism, and hormonal health;
thereby dampening positive adaptation, diminishing ath-
letic performance, elevating injury risk, and compromising 5 Applied Implications: Designing a New Planning
recovery and recuperation [41]. Consequently, athletic Reality
populations exposed to excessive stress and/or those con-
stitutionally pre-disposed to high stress reactivity appear The periodization paradigm is built on the implicit
particularly vulnerable to the extended family of stress- assumption that mechanical loading parameters directly
related syndromes typified by overtraining, underperfor- dictate biological training adaptations. Periodization
mance, overuse, burnout, chronic fatigue, immunosup- teachings continually reinforce this assertion, as reflected
pression, and depression-like symptoms. in recent statements suggesting, for example, that ‘‘the

Periodization: An Inconvenient Truth

overall homeostatic stress of an exercise bout is determined and biological outputs merging under the influence of
by the interaction of factors such as exercise intensity and genetic, perceptual, experiential, and situational factors. As
duration’’ [62]. This perspective unquestionably contains a with many versatile terms used indiscriminately in every-
superficial ‘truth’, yet remains incomplete. Mechanical day and scientific conversations, there is no single uni-
training stressors do serve as the primary stimulus for, yet versally accepted definition of ‘stress’. The problem is not
are not the sole drivers of, fitness adaptations. Instead, that the term has no clear meaning, but that it has different
imposed training stressors percolate through a sequence of meanings in different contexts [72]. This definitional
complex interacting modifying filters before eventually ambiguity, in tandem with the complex neurobiology
manifesting as fitness responses. Some of these filters, underpinning the stress phenomenon, ensures no single
genetic inheritance, training histories, and nutritional ‘gold standard’ measure of stress exists [73].
states, are widely appreciated. The rationale and evidence However, many subjective assessments commonly used
presented here, however, suggests a further layer of less within sporting contexts, such as formal questionnaires
fully acknowledged psycho-emotional considerations and/or self-rating metrics, do reflect facets of psycho-
which, although non-biological in origin, significantly emotional state, thereby providing partial snapshots of
influence biological training adaptations. experienced stress. Similarly, as autonomic nervous system
Collectively, these modulatory influences interact to activity is a major regulator of emotional state, heart rate
shape a uniquely personalized adaptive terrain, upon which variability—an objective estimation of autonomic nervous
mechanical training stressors are overlaid (see Fig. 1). This system function—provides a biologically oriented indicator
multi-dimensional adaptive landscape ensures that training of current stress conditions [74]. It is also worth consid-
responses are deeply customized to the individual, their ering information emanating from more informal pro-
traits, history, and current neurophysiological and psycho- cesses, such as an experienced coach’s evaluation based on
emotional contexts (see Fig. 2). The highly individualized behavioral observations and coach-athlete dialogue.
nature of training adaptation is reflected in apparently Although each of these data streams is inevitably flawed,
contradictory findings illustrating that: each captures a differently focused fragment of pertinent
information. Consequently objective, subjective, and
(1) When fitness responses are analyzed at an inter-
experiential-led evaluations provide a varied menu of
individual level, participants engaging in similarly
assessment options, which may be flexibly customized to
structured programs typically exhibit widely varying
best fit the situational-specific constraints of any coaching
training adaptations [63–65]
(2) Yet when averaged group-based adaptations are
compared following differently structured training
5.1.1 Distinguishing between Information and Insight
programs, inter-group responses typically remain
equivalent [66–68].
The proliferation of newly emerging assessment tech-
These superficially paradoxical findings make sense only nologies undoubtedly holds the potential to inform plan-
when contextualized against the extensive, multi-dimensional ning practice, yet also presents distractions and challenges.
inter-individual adaptive variability evident when collections Key amongst these challenges is our natural tendency to
of humans engage in physical exercise. This rationalization prioritize readily empiricized metrics (such as weights,
highlights the futility of arguments, consuming much of times, heart rates, speeds, and distances), at the cost of de-
periodizations published history, whereby proponents of emphasizing parameters that are not easily quantified (such
specific periodization templates claim superiority over other as psycho-emotional state, cognitive load, belief, and
theorists planning models [69–71]. The claim that a univer- expectation). Ultimately, as framed in the famous quote
sally ‘best’ periodization framework exists, however, is only commonly attributed to business theorist Peter Drucker,
sustainable if humans respond to imposed training stress ‘‘what gets measured, gets managed’’ [75]. Measurability,
along predictable trajectories, in generalized timeframes, and however, does not directly reflect importance. The subse-
conforming to predictable dose/response relationships. In the quent danger is that we disproportionately bias training
past, Selye’s theories were cited to support such conjecture. theory towards ‘managing’ readily measureable physical
Contemporary evidence, however, clearly demonstrates this dimensions of training, and unduly neglect empirically
position is no longer logically defensible. impenetrable psycho-emotional considerations. The most
obvious remedy for such measurement-induced myopia is
5.1 Stress, Emotion, and the Measurement Problem the clarity bestowed by a conceptual model that, informed
by contemporary scientific insight, is optimally aligned
Psycho-emotional stress is an inherently nebulous phe- with objective reality.
nomenon arising subsequent to the integration of neural

J. Kiely

5.2 Reframing the Performance Planning Problem with desired session objectives—into habitual training
processes. Crucially, just as we target physical capacities
Crucially, and contrary to the message perpetuated within with a progressive training plan, we can similarly seek to
periodization theory, the sweep of evidence presented here promote the athletic skills of emotional robustness and
implies the worth of the training plan is inseparably stress resilience by programming challenges progressively
entwined with the athlete’s set of perceptions, expectations, strengthening these capacities [80]. Such philosophical
associations, doubts, concerns, and confidences implicitly reframing emphasizes that effective training planning
bound to that plan. These psycho-emotional considerations, demands more than simply empirically forecasting future
while ignored by the periodization literature, directly mechanical loading parameters. Consequently, our vision
influence physical training adaptations. Despite this con- of effective training planning should be broadened, beyond
ventional oversight, some guidelines for practice already purely the mechanical prescription of future training
exist within the broader sports science literature. parameters, to embrace this new reality.
Such insights suggest that we should, for example,
progressively nurture an athlete’s understanding of the 5.3 Recalibrating Theory and Practice: So What
training plan, belief in the plan, ‘buy-in’ to the plan, and Can We Do?
athletes ‘sense of purpose’, ‘sense of ownership’, and
‘sense of control’ associated with the plan [76]. Similarly, Logically, a broad planning framework should be outlined
we should install formal and informal feedback processes, and starting points, checkpoints, and endpoints agreed.
thereby providing athletes with a non-confrontational However, within this sparse planning skeleton, training
means to voice opinions, doubts, and grievances; we should evolution may be most productively driven by emerging
ensure effective athlete-coach feedback and feed forward time-sensitive ‘information’, captured by well-crafted
communications flow, thereby reducing ambiguity and process ‘outputs’. Such processes may be subjective and/or
uncertainty; and we should educate coaches on the objective; low or high tech; regular or occasional, and
potential stress-amplifying influence of their personal involve varying levels of athlete/squad contributions. The
leadership and management styles [77, 78]. Furthermore, design of such processes sensibly depends on situation-
we should nurture supportive training processes, training- specific variables such as: coaching philosophy, coach/
group cultures, and team dynamics [79], and we should athlete(s) beliefs and preferences, performance needs
integrate strategies to positively influence mood, percep- analysis, experience and training-specific education of the
tions, mindsets, attitudes, risk appraisal, anxiety, trust, athlete(s), logistical limitations, resource constraints,
coping skills, and interpretations of challenge into the communication frequency, appropriate application of
training program [55–57]. available technologies and the hard constraints imposed by
Acknowledging that emotional backdrop is a key regu- competitive schedules (see Fig. 3).
lator of training adaptation also highlights the possible Beyond these broad rubrics, however, we have no
benefits of integrating pre-training interventions and rou- empirically validated rules, and few specific guidelines.
tines—designed to accurately calibrate the emotional state Instead, we are faced with a series of complex trade-offs

Fig. 3 Planning detail as an

emergent property of process
design Paradigm: The coaching teams philosophical belief system, as
informed by the blend of personal perspecves, crical analysis of
Paradigm evidence and examined experiences
Process: the set of linked procedures designed to track,
analyze, review and acon relevant informaonal outputs (for
example: subjecve &/or objecve monitoring data; feedback and
feedforward communicaon flow between coaches, athletes and
Process support team; integrated consultaon, de-brief and review)

Planning: training detail emerges under the combined

influence of process outputs, integrated with the coaching
paradigm, and the hard constraints imposed by logiscs and
Plan compeve schedules

Periodization: An Inconvenient Truth

and negotiations. We need, for example, to navigate 6 Conclusions: A Refined Vision for a New Reality
between planning rigidity, on one hand, and a formless lack
of training direction, on the other. We need a structured The rationale underpinning the periodization paradigm was
training framework, yet one that is flexible and tolerant of eminently sensible when contextualized against the cultural
change. We need goal-directed coherence, but simultane- and scientific landscape of the early to mid-twentieth
ously must facilitate seamlessly consistent course correc- century. A landscape dominated by the linear logic of
tions in response to dynamically emerging information. Newtonian physics, Descartes man as machine metaphor,
Insufficient variation (training monotony) amplifies the and the regimented modular planning approach advocated
probability of negative outcomes, yet too much variation by Frederick Winslow Taylor’s scientific management
disperses adaptive energy and dilutes training gains [69]. doctrine [69]. Selye’s depiction of the GAS as a generic
Persistent change drives positive adaptation, but sudden predictable biological response to imposed mechanical
change elevates injury risk [81]. We need a focus on event- stress dovetailed seamlessly with this philosophical world
specific movement skills, but excessive specificity accen- view. Subsequently, in our cultural eagerness to formulate
tuates structural wear and tear and amplifies the probability and justify a comprehensive planning model, it appears we
of overuse syndromes [82]. Effort must be balanced with sympathetically over-interpreted a limited evidence base
recovery. Desired benefits must be weighed against through this flawed philosophical filter.
inevitable risks. When contextualized through the privileged lens of
Despite periodization theory’s implicit assumption that twenty-first century scientific insight, however, it is clear
there is a one best way, contemporary evidence com- this belief system is no longer fit for purpose. The collapse
pellingly illustrates that there are no generalized formulaic of periodization’s conceptual foundations leaves a void, yet
solutions to these planning puzzles. We could nevertheless simultaneously creates opportunities to re-evaluate con-
argue that traditional periodization theory is a benign ventional doctrine and to evolve more nuanced and per-
influence, and that periodization principles should only be ceptive training planning perspectives. As ever, pockets of
interpreted as generalized, but helpful, guidelines. The innovative coaching practice—both past and present—have
counter-point, however, is that periodization philosophy already incorporated dimensions of the recommendations
perpetuates a belief system founded on twin falsehoods noted here into elite training ethos, environments, and
(both tracing back directly to interpretations of Selye’s systems. Importantly, however, such practices, have been
seminal work): firstly, the supposition that adaptation to driven primarily by coaching intuition and experience.
physical exercise follows a generically predictable trajec- Such innovations, accordingly, sit outside the boundaries of
tory and, secondly, that biological training outcomes are conventional training theory and remain ignored within the
directly mediated by physical training parameters. periodization literature. Instead, within that literature, we
persist in the cultural conceit that physical training directly
5.3.1 Allure of Convention and the Benefit of Doubt and predictably regulates biological adaptation. We portray
periodized schemes of empirically described mechanical
The confusing paradox of human cognition is that we loads as the epitome of academically validated training
make our best decisions not when we confidently revert to planning. We continue to debate the relative worth’s of
automated rule-based assumptions, but when we are various periodization models, yet we fail to subject peri-
uncomfortably aware of the novelty inherent in every odization’s foundational precepts to skeptical enquiry.
complex situation [82]. If we uncritically disseminate This rationalization should not be interpreted as an
periodization assumptions, because of some misplaced attack on tradition. Previous generations were limited by
loyalty to tradition, then we are willfully perpetuating a the informational environments of their time and wisely,
misplaced confidence in a distorted reality. Certainly, we should, of course, respect and learn from those that
there appears little wrong with employing any particular came before us. We do not, however, honour the past when
periodization template. It is imperative, however, that we we cling to convention in the face of disconfirming evi-
are mindful of the logical errors, oversights, and mis- dence. The intention here, accordingly, is simply to
conceptions implicit in periodization’s philosophical highlight that the set of assumptions, presumptions, and
underpinnings. This skeptical awareness is an essential rules implicit in periodization theory were formulized
first defense against the decision-making complacency under the dictates of a no longer sustainable theoretical
arising when we are lulled into a false sense of security reality. In truth, there seems no optimized pre-determinable
by the persuasive comfort of convention and the appeal- planning path. There is only the informed exploration of a
ing, yet illusory, scientific legitimacy of periodization dynamically changing landscape. An exploration best
philosophy. guided, not by contrived rules and automated decision

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