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EMBAIXADA DE PORTUGAL, ABU DHABI PERMANENCIA CONSULAR KUWAIT 19 A 21 DE NOVEMBRO 2019 A Embaixada de Portugal em Abu Dhabi (com jurisdigdo sobre o Kuwait) informa que realizara nos dias 19, 20 e 21 de novembro de 2019 a primeira Permanéneia Consular no Kuwait, no enderego abaixo: AGM - Intemational General Contracting Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed Street, Mazaya Towers — Tower 2 - 8 floor Sharq — Kuwait City Horarios de funcionamento: 19/11: 14h00 ds 18h00 20/11: 09:30 ds 13:30 ¢ 14:30 a8 17:30 21/11: 09:30 as 13:30 Nesses dias, os nacionais portugueses, e outros, residentes no Kuwait poderdio ali efectuar parte dos servigos consulares normalmente realizados na Embaixada em Abu Dhabi, nomeadamente: * Inscrigaéo Consular * Cartdio de Cidadao e Passaporte © Legalizagdo de documentos do Kuwait (¢ obrigatéria a legalizagao prévia pelo Mi dos Negécios Estrangeiros do Kuwait) + Certificados e Notariado «Entrega de documentagdo para Registo de Nascimento apenas para bebés recém-nascidos no Kuwait Entrega de documentagao para Transcrigdo ou para Celebragiio de Casamento * Pedidos de vistos nacionais (os pedidos de vistos Schengen so apresentados na Embaixada de Espanha no Kuwait). Os contactos referentes a agendamentos de qualquer servigo devem ser feitos unicamente através do e-mail abudhabi@mne.pt, devendo especificar que se trata de um agendamento para a Permanéncia Consular no Kuwait, e indicar obrigatoriamente 0 nome completo, data de nascimento, nimero de Cartio de Cidadao e/ou Passaporte portugués, contatos telefénicos e de e- mail, bem como qual 0(8) ato(s) consular(es) que pretende realizar. IMPORTANTE - Antes de solicitar o servigo consulte o nosso site hitps://www.embportugal- uae.com/, onde poderd obter toda a informago necesséria para o(s) ato(s) consular(es) que pretende realizar. Para o esclarecimento de qualquer divida, podera ainda contactar a Embaixada em Abu Dhabi através do e-mail adudhabi@mne.pt ou do niimero +971 2 6505541. Ennbasy of Porat, P.O. Box 114587, UAE Office Park, Villa AD 05541 Fax 1971 26805532, habia pt Jose Embe Emirate EMBAIXADA DE PORTUGAL ABU DHABI MOBILE CONSULAR SERVICES IN KUWAIT 19 TO 21 NOVEMBER 2019 ‘The Embassy of Portugal in Abu Dhabi (with jurisdiction over Kuwait) informs that we will be carrying out the first Mobile Consulate in Kuwait on the 19, 20 and 21 of november 2019, in the below address in Kuwait City: AGM - International General Contracting Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed Street, Mazaya Towers ~ Tower 2 - 8" floor Sharg — Kuwait City Office hours: 19/11: 2pm to 6pm 20/11: 9:30am to 1:30pm /2:30 pm to 5:30pm — 2/1 (Oam to 1:30pm During these days, the portuguese nationals, and others, living in Kuwait may have access to some of the consular services usually available in the Embassy in Abu Dhabi, namely: * Consular Registration Cartdo de Cidadéo and Passport Certification of documents issued by Kuwaiti authorities (previous certification by Kuwaiti MoFA is required); Certificates and Notary Birth registration (for new-born babies in Kuwait only) Marriage Registration Applications for national VISAS (not Schengen VISAS, which are applied for in the Embassy of Spain in Kuwait). The appointments for the above mentioned services are made exclusively by e-mail abudhabi@mne.pt, whereas it is mandatory to mention that it is a request for an appointment for the Mobile Consulate in Kuwait, and to inform full name of the applicant, birth date, number of Cartéo de Cidadao and/or Passport, phone number and e-mail adress, as well as specify which consular service exactly is being requested IMPORTANT ~ Before you ask for an appointment, please check the Embassy's website huips:/Avww.embportugal-iac.comv, where you may find the relevant information about the consular service you are applying for. For any questions, please send an e-mail to adudhabi@mne.pt, or call +971 2 6505541. {ADAG [sgh CC Y “Ages 22\ Esty of Por .0. Box 14587, UAE { 3S ina fe Pa, Vil Aa rel son tessa) fan sont 2aossiz_— JOAQUTM MOREIRA = abushabi@ame pt Ambassador of Po u et Arab Emirate

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