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Self-awareness is the
gateway for developing
positive leadership capacity.


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in focus
ost of my career has been spent genuine desire to close these gaps—even
leading HR and organizational and when coupled with the fear of a negative
BY MICHELE NEVAREZ leadership development functions performance assessment or reward of pro-
across a wide range of industries. What I no- fessional and personal gain—often were not
ticed soon after I began coaching and working enough to bring about the degree of lasting
with executives to develop their leadership or discernible behavioral change needed to
capabilities and strengths is that irrespec- achieve consistently better results. This isn’t
tive of how well I coached someone or how to say the clients I worked with didn’t de-
receptive the individual was to the coaching rive any personal meaning or benefit from
process itself, lasting behavioral change was the coaching process, make shifts, or gain
not a given. valuable insight; they did and often were ex-
Typically, I would start by having the cli- tremely grateful for the opportunity to work
ent complete a 360-degree assessment (usually with a coach to gain greater clarity of purpose
the emotional and social competency inven- and move in the direction of their ideal self.
tory) and pair this input with a robust behavioral However, my insight was that there wasn’t
assessment (usually the Hogan Leadership As- necessarily a causal link between my efficacy
sessment), the combination of which provided a in applying commonly accepted coaching
powerful platform for the client to begin gaining methodologies, the clients’ desire to change,
insight and perspective on her self-perception and their ability or success in making mean-
relative to her reputation and to refine the cli- ingful and lasting changes to long-standing
ent’s thinking on her ideal vision of self. personal behavioral norms (which weren’t al-
What I eventually came to understand, ways serving them well) and in turn building
however, was that mere intellectual under- on existing strengths or developing new, effi-
standing of one’s strengths and gaps or a cacious ones (that would serve them better).

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I observed a similar and somewhat discon- to recognize your feelings, how they affect
certing gap between the leadership concepts you, your performance, and everything
I was imparting and an individual’s ability you do.
to absorb and apply these ideas both expe- • From the field of neuroscience, to be self-
rientially and situationally—despite quality aware speaks to how tuned in a person is
of content, the skillful use of adult learning to his own bodily signals that constitute
strategies, and any enthusiasm participants emotion.
often had toward the content. • Experientially, self-awareness is the
It is experiences like these that have led unique ability we have as humans to ob-
me back again and again to the firsthand ob- serve the contents of our own minds,
servation that self-awareness is perhaps the sometimes referred to as meta-cognition.
most basic building block of human expe- In other words, we have the capacity to
rience through which we can readily gain observe our own mental phenomena (for
access to and leverage our own agency. example, thoughts, emotions, and feelings)
and then reflect on and think about these
The fundamentals of behavior change mental objects.
There is a lot of worthwhile conversation to be • Using the language of psychology, self-
had on the topic of behavioral change, but at awareness is a psychological state in
the most fundamental level, how we show up, which, according to Wikipedia, a person
how we are perceived by those around us—our becomes the focus of attention as “the
efficacy or lack thereof—unfolds in none other accurate appraisal and understanding of
than the present moment. It unfolds so con- one’s abilities and preferences and their
tinuously that we mistakenly perceive our own implications for our behavior and their
and others’ behavior to be static when this impact on others.”
perception couldn’t be further from the truth. • From a philosophical standpoint, self-
It is only through doing something repeatedly awareness is the mind’s capacity to know
that it takes on the appearance of having the and be aware of the objects of its atten-
continuity of a behavior. In other words, we tion. It is also the mind’s capacity to be
behave as a skillful leader and valuable team- aware of and focus on its own capacity for
mate one moment at a time. cognition and awareness.
Thus, the key to our ability to skillfully navi- Given this wide range of definitions of
gate the complex soup of human emotions, self-awareness, so too are the implications of
both our own reactions as well as those of oth- its practical relevance. Examine under what
ers, depends on our ability to be self-aware circumstances or conditions you have been
and to apply the right set of actions and be- able to successfully and consistently manage
haviors in the moment, again and again and yourself—meaning your impulses, emotions,
again. In this way, self-awareness is said to motivations, or actions—absent self-awareness.
be one of the few causal links to effectively Take a moment to reflect and think about it
navigating the intricate web of human interac- right now.
tions and cultivating positive responses Isn’t it true that when there is an absence
to the varied stimuli we face each moment of self-awareness (that is to say, when we are
of our experience. on autopilot), we are at the mercy of our ha-
bitual tendencies to react and respond to the
What is self-awareness? day-to-day events of our lives? A feature of be-
Let’s start with a brief summary of definitions ing on autopilot is that we rely on and fall back
for self-awareness across a wide range of dis- on the same routine and unquestioned behav-
ciplines and perspectives: ioral responses without stopping long enough
• Within the framework of emotional intel- to realize that nine times out of 10 we are the
ligence, self-awareness means being able common denominator of our own problems.

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We can either keep doing what we’ve un- you perceive it to be moving in your body (that
consciously mastered, which is to rely on our is, in and out or up and down). Simply notice
habitual tendencies and hope this gets us to the breath without forcing it and allow its nat-
our desired destination and isn’t somehow a ural cadence.
further cause of our undoing; or we can pro- As thoughts, feelings, emotions, or any
actively train ourselves in and gain familiarity other mental movement surface, notice the
with our innate capacity to be awake and movement of your mind and return your at-
aware in each new moment so that we tention to your breath as soon as you see that
are skillfully poised and ready to navigate your attention has wandered off. The moment
our own and others’ emotions. you notice that a thought or a distraction has
At the heart of performing or embodying shifted your attention away from your breath,
every leadership competency is self- you’re actually already back. In this prac-
awareness—the gesture that beckons us tice you aren’t following or fixating on your
inward and provides the space to facilitate thoughts or emotions; you are simply main-
a skillful response. In the same way that taining an awareness of your breath.
our perception of any given color is depen-
dent on the reflection of light, the consistent
expression of our positive human qualities AT THE HEART OF PERFORMING OR
is dependent on us being self-aware in EMBODYING EVERY LEADERSHIP
the moment.
Although we tend to think of leadership COMPETENCY IS SELF-AWARENESS.
qualities in a singular or static manner, as
skills or accomplishments to be definitively Whatever arises in your mental field or
developed and mastered such that we may through one or more of the five senses, re-
once and for all check them off the devel- main cognizant or aware, returning your
opment plan or to-do list, our capacity to focus with each distraction to your breath. In
produce and reproduce positive behavioral fact, the more you find yourself wandering off
responses stems from our ability to be consis- and reminding yourself to return your focus to
tently self-aware—which, if you look closely, is your breath, the more practice you’re getting.
a moment-to-moment proposition to be won It’s like doing three sets of 10 repetitions at the
or lost. That is where the conversation about gym instead of one. So, no need to get too wor-
self-awareness and the development of all ried if you get carried away. In this case, getting
other leadership qualities must begin. carried away will only yield more opportunity
If focusing on emotional self-awareness to practice.
within the emotional and social intelligence Eventually, you’ll extend this experience
framework requires that we are able to rec- and recognition of your mind’s movement to
ognize our own feelings, their impact on day-to-day scenarios when you aren’t nec-
ourselves, and ultimately on everything else, essarily cultivating meditation with focus
then we need to employ methods to learn such that you start to notice when you have
to recognize our feelings. There are three an opening or when a thought, feeling, or
practical ways to gain familiarity with your emotion has the potential to derail you. Cul-
feelings and emotions as they arise: medita- tivating this type of self-awareness serves to
tion with focus, body scan, and journaling create space between the stimuli you nor-
and self-reflection. mally react to autonomically and, in turn,
gives you a window to react with greater
Meditation with focus poise, skill, and purpose of intent. It is in that
With spine straight and gaze lowered or eyes moment before you do or say something that
closed, gently place your attention on your you discover you have agency to respond
breath. Find and focus on your breath however skillfully to each situation.

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Body scan Journaling and self-reflection
Attuning yourself to your body’s signals is Each day you have the capacity to self-reflect,
another strategy that develops your abil- set aspirations or goals, and review how your
ity to be aware of what’s going on with you actions match up with your intentions. Give
physically and often is a signal for what is yourself small assignments or experiments
happening on an internal or emotional level. to gain stability in your self-awareness such
There are many guided meditations that can that you become more aware of shifts in your
be accessed online, or lead yourself through mood, mental attitudes, intentions, and actions.
your own body scan. For example, focus on paying attention to
Training yourself to notice the body’s physi- how your mood shifts throughout any given day,
cal sensations and signals helps pave the way noticing what your mood is, when it shifts, and
to notice when our emotions or mental state why it shifts. Moreover, as you experience the
may be having a positive or deleterious effect range of human emotions throughout the day,
on yourself or others. pause whenever your emotions become strong,
take note of what’s happening to give rise to your
experience and perception of circumstances at
that moment, and reflect on how your thoughts
and feelings are influencing the situation.
Check in with yourself at the close of each
day by reflecting or journaling about whether
you’ve met your expectations for how you
would like to behave and, in turn, whether
others experienced you in a manner consis-
tent with how you would like to be perceived.
While the news that we each have tremen-
dous influence over our own efficacy and
outcomes on a moment-to-moment basis could
initially come as a shock or feel like a big respon-
sibility, the good news is that self-awareness is
a skill that can be developed both at a neuro-
logical and a behavioral level. The further good
news is that we have many moments to prac-
tice. However, one thing is certain: Irrespective
of what we do to develop self-awareness, it is
arguably one of the most pervasive common de-
nominators of agency we have available to us.
As such, developing self-awareness not only is
important, but it also opens the doorway to be-
coming proficient in the many other leadership
behaviors we need to demonstrate to be effec-
tive in our professional and personal lives.

Michele Nevarez is managing principal and organiza-

tional development consultant for Brain Capital. She spe-
cializes in coaching highly driven executives and profes-
sionals, leveraging what we know about the brain, emo-
tional and social intelligence, and resonant leadership to
help leaders develop resilience, focus, and self-awareness;

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