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BioSystems, 13 (1980) 65--108 65

@ Elsevier/North-Holland Scientific Publishers Ltd.


F.J.R. T A Y L O R
Departments o f Oceanography and Botany, The University o f British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V 6 T 1W5,
(Received October 5th, 1979)
(Revision received April 22nd, 1980)

A broad overview of the diversity o f living dinoflagellates is presented in a hypothetical evolutionary context.
Ultrastructural, and some physiological information is included. Five principal organizational types: prorocen-
troid, dinophysoid, gonyaulacoid, peridinioid and gymnodinoid, are taken to represent lineages, and the
developments within each summarized. Theeal evolution is discussed partly with the aid of a model developed
to determine probable plate homologies in the gonyaulacoids and peridinioids.
Both primitive and highly specialized features are drawn attention to, particularly with regard to the nucleus
and ocelli. The parallelism between the latter and metazoan eyes is extraordinary, considering that the dino-
flagellate organelles are made of subcellular components. The roles o f various types of cysts within the life-
cycle of dinoflagellates are discussed.
The compatibility of the hypothetical events proposed here with the fossil record is briefly considered, and
some indications of the phyletic position o f dinoflagellates are reviewed. The conclusions summarize the
principal developments that appear to have arisen within the group. The relative primitiveness of the desmokonts
is affirmed.
A new combination, Plectodinium miniature (Kofoid and Swezy) comb. nov. is proposed, as well as the recog-
nition of a new order, the Gonyaulacales ord. nov.

'#The answers to these questions are the hidden treasure we seek. But, as I will try to show, it is the
evolutionary view that illuminates the p a t h . "
John Tyler Bonnet,
On Development, 1974.


Knowledge of both recent and fossil dino- mntiation of walls and some internal
flagellates has undergone a considerable organelles, the suitability of some of its
expansion recently. Interest in the living members for observations on bioluminescence
forms has been excited by a remarkable and metabolic periodicity, the significant
variety of features which make the group contribution to marine and sometimes fresh-
both fascinating and complex (reviewed in water planktonic primary productivity, the
part by Loeblich and Loeblich, 1966; important associations of dinoflagellate
Loeblich III, 1970, 1976; Dodge, 1971 and "zooxanthellae" with many invertebrate and
Sarjeant, 1974). These include the discovery protistan hosts (including radiolaria, some
of unusual prokaryote-like chromosomes and foraminifera and all the reef-building corals),
idiosyncratic mitoses, the elaborate diffe- and the peculiar life-cyclesand ultrastructure
of parasitic dinoflagellates (a problem to
*A contribution from the Society for Evolutionary tropical fish collectors).
Protistology. The production of unusual neu~toxins

lethal to man, such as "saxitoxin" produced trends in the evolution of large portions of
by species of Protogonyaulax and others by the group by neontologists include those by
close relatives (relationships discussed by Kofoid and his co-workers (e.g. Kofoid and
Taylor, 1979a), has added to the concern Swezy, 1921 and Kofoid and Skogsberg,
about "red tides" produced by dinoflagel- 1928) on the so-called "naked" and
lates, long known to produce marine fauna dinophysoid dinoflagellates. Ab~ (1967a)
mortalities in various parts of the world. The also ventured some views on the dinophysoids
periodic and extensive fish-kills in the Gulf of shortly before his death. A glimpse of Plate 1
Mexico (Steidinger, 1973), in Japanese bays may provide one reason why handling the
used for mariculture (Irie, 1973), and the living forms comprehensively has been
production of ciguatoxin in fish (Yasumoto avoided by many.
et al., 1978; Taylor, 1979b) are of particular Here a broad overview of the evolution of
economic concern. the group has been attempted (with a few
Despite this expansion of information, and more significant or fascinating examples
the production of a number of valuable highlighted) as it is believed that there is a
reviews oriented towards palynological inter- need for a revised perspective with which to
pretations (e.g. Evitt, 1970; Loeblich III, view the group, despite the hazards of over-
1970; Wall, 1970, 1971; Harland, 1972; generalization and superficiality. It is also
Sarjeant, 1974) discussions of the evolution hoped that the basic model(s) for the determi-
of the group by neontologists have been few. nation of tabular homologies briefly present-
The present review was produced first for a ed here will provide food for thought.
meeting in 1974" but the cancellation of the Although the fossil record is obviously of
publication of the proceedings, after a long direct relevance to the questions at hand,
delay, necessitated a complete revision on the information on "soft-part" features
re-presentation. In the interim two other should flesh out the bare bones of resting
publications, those of Loeblich III (1976) cyst morphology to which the record is
and BShm (1976) dealing with different largely restricted. It is also likely that some
aspects of the evolution of the group, have dinoflagellate types have left no record at all
appeared. (see later discussion of the fossil record).
Earlier attempts at the recognition of

Internal structure
*This is a revision of the paper referred to as "in
press, Micropaleontology Press, Amer. Mus. of The internal structure of dinoflagellates
Natural History", by Taylor (1976a). at the ultrastructural level has been reviewed

Plate 1. A hypothetical "tree", indicating the probable relationships of living dinoflagellates. Placing of a figure
directly on a line is due to lack of space and is not meant to suggest evolution directly through a living form.
Many genera are not shown, especially parasitic forms. 1. Desmokont with single wall unit; 2,3. Prorocentrum;
4,5. Dinophysis; 6. Ornithocercus; 7. Hislioneis; 8. Amphisolenia; 9. Triposolenia; 10. Hypothesized gonyaulacoid
ancestor; 11. Heteraulacus (ffi Goniodoma); 12. Gonyaulax; 13--16. Ceratium; 17. Ceratocorys; 18. Pyrocystis;
19. Pyrophacus; 20. Peridiniopsis; 21. Diplopsalis, Zygabikodinium; 22. Peridinium; 23,24. Protoperidinium;
25. Scrippsiella, Ensiculifera; 26. Palaeophalacroma; 27. Cladopyxis; 28. Podolampas; 29. Glenodiniopsis;
30. Woloszynskia, 31. Gymnodinium; 32. Gloeodinium (in part, n o t Gl. montanum); 33. Dinoclonium; 34.
Symbiodinium (= Zooxanthella?). 35. Dissodinium (some are g o n y a u l a c o i d , others m a y b e near 53); 36.
Tetradinium; 37. Stylodinium; 38. Protoodinium;'39. Oodinium; 40. Chytriodinium; 41,42. Amphidinium,
43. Brachydinium; 44,45. Amphidinium; 46. Kofoidinium; 47. Pomatodinium; 48. Cymbodinium;
49. Craspedotella; 50. Noctiluca; 51. Katodinium; 52. Oxyrrhis; 53. Blastodinium; 54. Hapiozoon;
55. Gyrodinium; 56. Cochlodinium; 57. Polykrikos; 58. Protoerythropsis; 59. Erythropsidinium
(= Erythropsis), 60. Leucopsis; 61. Nematodinium; 62. Plectodinium; 63. Actiniscus (= Gymnaster);
64. Ptychodiscus.
--.%,. ~ ~ ~ L

by Dodge (1971, 1973). Features of some of shows an essentially eukaryotic organization

the more unusual members (parasites, common to many other flagellated protists.
noctilucoids) will receive a more extensive However there are several noteworthy
treatment in a supplement, prepared by peculiarities by means of which members
J. and M. Cachon (in press at this time of of the group may be recognized and which
writing), to Chatton's useful but now out- give suggestions about their evolution.
dated chapter in the first volume of the The commonest arrangement among the
Trait~ de Zoologie (1952). Only features of protists is two, anteriorly inserted flagella.
particular relevance to the present discussion This type is found in only a small percentage
will be summarized here. of dinoflagellates, in the "desmokonts",
Text Fig. 1 illustrates the basic organiza- e.g. Prorocentrum, but this feature may be
tion of a generalized dinoflagellate. This used to argue for primitiveness of the
TP desmokonts relative to other dinoflagellates.
Flagellar dimorphism, found in all dino-
flagellates, is common in protists although it
usually involves an anterior hairy flagellum
and a posteriorly-directed smooth one, e.g.
in many of the chlorophyll c-containing
groups (see Taylor, 1976b, 1978 for details).
The ribbon-like flagellum present in all
dinoflagellates is unusual but not unique to
the group. Some of the pedinelloid chryso-
phytes have a somewhat similar modification
on their single anterior flagellum. The
presence of simple, rather than compound,
flagellar hairs (although sometimes in com-
plex arrangements) on one or both flagella
is unlike chrysophytes and more like
euglenoids. The functional association of
ribbon-like flagellum and surface furrow
found in most dinoflagellates (the "dino-
konts", in which the flagella are inserted
laterally) is distinctive of the group. LeBlond
and Taylor (1976) have discussed the
functional aspects of this arrangement and
the flagellar wave.
In the motile cell ("mastigont") a wall
consisting of multiple cellulose plates may
be absent or developed to varying degrees.
Unlike other cellulose-producing protists
and higher plants this wall (the theca sensu
stricto) is internal, being formed within a
Text Fig. 1. A diagrammatic longitudinal section single layer of vesicles, the amphiesmal
through a gymnodinoid dinoflagellate. A V : amphies- vesicles, below the cell membrane. Internal
real vesicle; Cp: chloroplast; Cr: chromosome; G: walls are also formed by other flagellate
Golgi complex; LF: longitudinal flagellum; M: mito-
chondrion; N: nucleus; PE: pellicular layer; P, PU:
groups, e.g. cryptomonads and euglenoids,
pusule; SS: striated strand; TF: transverse flagellum; but these are of different composition.
TP: thecal plate; Tr: trichocyst. In some dinoflagellates other types of

internal skeletal structures may be found. dinoflagellates. This is a continuous fibrous

In Plectodinium miniatum (Kofoid and layer internal to the amphiesmal vesicles
Swezy) comb. nov. (see appendix for (Loeblich III, 1970). In this position it m a y
details of this proposed change) the nucleus (e.g. Kofoidinium, Cachon and Cachon,
is surrounded by a curious "basket" and 1974) or m a y not be penetrated by tricho-
there are two small mineralized rods at the cysts (Loeblich Ill, 1970), and fiageUar
anterior end of the cell. The nuclear basket pores. It is fbrous and can be cellulosic
does not seem to have a counterpart in with or without an acid resistantcomponent
other protists although other gymnodinoid (Loeblich III and Volcani, 1969) although
dinoflagellates can have strengthening of the flexible continuous wall of Ptychodiscus
the nuclear envelope (Greuet, 1972a) and (Boalch, 1969) dissolves in sodium hypo-
Taylor (1969) has reported the formation chlorite (Gaarder, 1954).
of a layer of platelets around the nucleus It seems most likely that the pelliclediffe-
of Gonyaulax pacifica during part of the rentiates into the resistant cell wall, as
life cycle. Some amoebae, such as Amoeba suggested by Loeblich III (1970), and forms
proteus, have strengthened nuclear envelopes the immediate wall of cells which ecdyse
and there has been speculation that the (i.e. shed the theca: cysts formed in this
radiolarian capsule may be homologous to asexual manner are referred to as ecdysal
the nuclear capsule of dinoflagellates or pellicular cysts). It is possible that, if the
(Hollande et al., 1962, 1970). pellicular layer of the mastigont is well
Of greater interest are the paired internal developed and resistant, it may become
siliceous skeletons of Actiniscus and ebriids preserved in sediments and might be con-
(considered to be dinoflagellates by fused with cyst remains by observers. The
Loeblich III, 1970), the remains of which wall of the fossil genus Dinogymnium,
contribute to the fossil record. Taylor and thought to be the remains of the motile phase
Cattell (1969) described several cells with by May (1976) because of the presence .of
dinoflageUate form and an internal skeleton pores resembling those of trichocysts and
like an inverted Y as Dicroerisma psilonerei- flagella, but thought to be a cyst wall by
ella. The flagella and nucleus were not well Tappan and Loeblich (1977), strikingly
preserved in. the fixed material examined and resembles the general form of modern mem-
it is possible that these cells may either be bers of Balechina, such as B. coerulea (Dogiel)
of an organism transitional between other Taylor (1976a), but the precise nature of the
dinoflagellates and Ebria, or a life-cycle resilience of the outer, ridged region of the
stage of the latter {Paul Hargraves, pers. latter has not been established yet. If a
comm.). pellicular layer is present in the latter, as
Delicate organic scales have been found on this author strongly suspects, it might be
the cell surface of Heterocapsa triquetra and expected to resemble the wall of Dinogymni-
Oxyrrhis marina, and on the flagella of the urn. The fossils exhibit apical apertures
latter, by Clarke and Pennick (1972, 1976} through which the contents appear to have
and Pennick and Clarke (1977). They escaped. It is not known if members of
resemble the body scales of members of the Balechina exit in this manner.
Haptophyceae (= Prymnesiophyceae) and the The paracrystalline, fibrous or mucoid
Prasinophyceae (further details in Taylor, ejectile bodies, referred to as trichocysts or
1978). They are probably more common in mucocysts (reviewed by Cachon et al., 1975}
dinoflagellates but, like the flagellar hairs, in the peripheral region, closely resemble
are usually too difficult to see. those of ciliates (Dragesco and Hollande,
An additional wall layer, the pellicle, may 1962} and some flagellates such as the chloro-
be present in the mastigont phase of some monads. Indeed the whole peripheral complex

of cell membrane, microtubules, vesicles, latter organism an eyespot is present, the

trichocysts and pellicular layer (the complex structure of which (mainly the possession of
being referred to as the amphiesma by three surrounding membranes) resembles a
Loeblich III, 1970 and Taylor, 1976a) is vestigial chloroplast of the dinoflagellate type.
strikingly similar to the cortex of ciliates It lies outside the cytoplasm of the endo-
(see review by Pitelka, 1969). This resem- symbiont and can be used to argue that these
blance has led to the suggestion of a close dinoflagellates lost their own chloroplasts
relationship between dinoflagellates and after the symbiosis was established (Taylor,
ciliates by Corliss (1975) and Taylor (1976b) 1979).
and is consistent with the presence of tubular Whatley et al. (1979), Dodge (1979) and
mitochondrial cristae in both. Tubular Sleigh (1979) have discussed possible relation-
cristae are also found in many other protist ships of the algal flagellates using the
groups but may have value as an indication assumption that in many groups chloroplasts
of phyletic position (Taylor, 1978). were secondarily acquired by symbiosis.
In addition to general cell vacuoles there Taylor (1978) found that it was not necessary
are unusual paired, vacuole-like structures, to invoke such a mechanism in order to
termed pusules, which open by fixed canals, establish probable relationships, emphasizing
one at the base of each flagellum. Although that flagella, chloroplast and mitochondrial
their function has not been fully established types seem to have co-evolved in the protists.
(cf. Cachon et al., 1970; Dodge, 1972; The general pattern of relationships within
Taylor, 1973} they have a topological the dinoflagellates, outlined in this paper,
relationship similar to the contractile vacuoles suggests that photosynthesis has been
or parasomal sacs of ciliates and can be repeatedly, independently lost along many
thought of as invaginations of the cell surface lineages, a similar pattern to the protists as a
with extensive, close contact with the cell whole (Taylor, 1978). Those thought to be
vacuole(s) to facilitate exchange. most primitive, the desmokonts, are all
Chloroplasts may be present or absent. photosynthetic, suggesting that if any sym-
Dodge (1975) has reviewed their structure. biotic events determined the basic dino-
Typically the thylakoids are grouped in flagellate chloroplast type, they occurred
threes (a very common arrangement), early in the evolution of the group. Fucoxan-
although there can be considerable variation. thin-containing members seem to possess
Most distinctive is the presence of three mem- recently acquired endosymbionts (see later).
branes surrounding the chloroplast instead Most dinoflagellates possess highly unusual
of the usual two which comprise the chloro- nuclear features. The chromosomes remain
plast envelope. This peculiarity is shared only relatively condensed during interphase, a
by euglenoids although the pigment com- feature which, together with the persistence
position in the two groups is very different, of the nucleolus and nuclear envelope
euglenoids resembling green algae in the ("cryptomitosis": Hollande, 1972), they
latter, dinoflagellates resembling the Chryso- share with euglenoids. However unlike the
phyceae but usually possessing some unique latter the chromosomes usually appear
xanthophylls such as peridinin (pigments fibrillar with transmission electron micro-
reviewed by Jeffrey et al., 1975). scopy, lacking conventional eukaryotic
A most interesting recent discovery was histones* although small amounts of some
that the anomalous chloroplasts of basic protein may be present (see Rizzo and
Peridinium balticum and Kryptoperidinium
*An absence of histones has also been reported for
(Glenodinium) foliaceum are due to associa- some fungi (Leighton et al., 1971), trypanosomes and
tion with a cryptic endosymbiont in each trichomonads (reviewed by Ragan and Chapman,
case (reviewed by Taylor, 1979a). In the 1978).

Nood~n, 1972, 1974a,b for studies of the la). Some of the numbers appear to be double
chromatin and associated proteins). The DNA or treble the lower counts for the lineage,
is not organized into the conventional suggesting that ploidy changes may have
"nucleosomes" (reviewed by Bak et al., occurred (Shyam and Sarma, 1978).
1979) of eukaryotes. Very large amounts There has been little study of ultrastructural
of DNA may be present (for details see changes during encystment, partly due to lack
Loeblich III, 1976b) and Rae (1973, 1976) of control of the process and partly due to
has found unusually high amounts of sub- difficulties in obtaining good fixation through
stitution of thymine with 5-hydroxymethyl- the relatively impenetrable cyst wall. In
uracil (HOMeU), a modified base known so photosynthetic species light microscopy
far only in some bacteriophage viruses. reveals a loss of photosynthetic pigments
Because some of these features (little or no with time in the dark and cold, and the
basic histone, lack of nucleosomes) resemble frequent development of a large reddish-
the genophores of bacteria the dinoflagellate brown, spherical (lipid} body within resting
nucleus has been considered to be a sign of cysts (unpublished observations and Turpin
the relative primitiveness of the group (e.g. et al., 1978). Bibby and Dodge (1972) and
Loeblich, 1976a,b; Taylor, 1976, 1978} Schnepf and Deichgraber (1972) have
although the basic eukaryotic organization of described some of the ultrastructural changes
the cell as a whole does not support Dodge's which occur during (resting?} cyst formation,
(1965} proposed for the recognition of a such as the formation of numerous lipid
separate kingdom for them: Mesokaryota, droplets and a decrease in the elaboration
intermediate between prokaryotes and of chromosomal and chloroplast ultra-
eukaryotes. structure, other membranous components
During mitosis the spindle is exterior to the also being reduced. These changes are the
nuclear envelope although some microtubules type to be expected during dormancy in
contact chromosome-associated, dense many protists which have cysts (see general
granular bodies (kinetochores?) inserted in view by Corliss and Esser, 1974). It is to be
the nuclear envelope (Oakley and Dodge, expected that shrinkage, associated with a
1974). This arrangement is remarkably similar loss of water to slow metabolic rates, should
to that in hypermastigote flagellates (Ris and also o c c u r .
Kubai, 1974; Hollande, 1974; Kubai, 1975) With the exception of the nuclear features,
but there do not seem to be other features those internal structures described so far are
supporting a close affinity between these not particularly unusual. Some dinoflagel-
groups (Taylor, 1978). lates show great sophistication in their thecal
Principal departures from the typical differentiation (see the section on dino-
"dinokaryon" axe found among some of the physoids, later) but there are also internal
parasitic dinoflagellates such as Syndinium, organelles found in some of the hetero-
and also Noctiluca and Oxyrrhis. The lowest trophic "naked" dinoflagellates which are
chromosome counts (4--10) are found in remarkable for their elaborate subcellular
Syndinium and relatives (Syndiniophyceae differentiation.
Loeblich III, 1976), a common property of Many of the phagotrophs (including para-
morphologically simple parasites. However sites} have elaborate cytostomes with pali-
desmokonts also generally have low numbers sades or baskets of microtubules, tentacles
(18--69). Within the peridinioids, gonyaula- and stomopods (e.g. Erythropsidinium,
colds and gymnodinoids (see next section Greuet, 1969; Kofoidinium, Cachon and
for characterization} the number can vary Cachon, 1974), and even in myxotrophs
considerably, the highest numbers being such as Ceratium a palisade of microtubules
estimated for Ceratium (284 in C. hirundinel- may be found near the presumed ingestion

site (Dodge and Crawford, 1970).

In addition to trichocysts and mucocysts
there are some much more elaborate ejectile
bodies termed toeniocysts and nematocysts
found in Polykrikos and some of the Warno-
wiaceae (Greuet, 1972b; Greuet and Hovasse,
1977). These are produced by the Golgi
apparatus. Some of the nematocysts are
remarkably similar to the bodies with a
similar name in coelenterates (see text
Fig. 3). In this connection one may recall
Garstang's (1962) suggestion, in rhyme, that
the origin of the stinging cells of the coelen-
terates may offer a clue to the origin of the
Metazoa (but, alas, the mitochondrial cristae
are n o t of the same type, cf. Taylor, 1978).
One of the most extraordinarily sophisti-
cated differentiations of grouped structures
for a single function in the protists is that of
Text Fig. 3. Longitudinal section through a nemato-
the ocelli, also found in some members of the cyst of Polykrikos (redrawn from Greuet, 1972b).
Warnowiaceae. Despite their remarkable J: joining piece; O: operculum; S: striker ("pre-
features these organelles have been relatively cateur"); SF: spiral filament (sections); T: toenio-
underrated by most review authors (with the cyst; V: valve.
exception of Grell, 1973, and Piccinni and
O m o d e o , 1975).
T w o ocelli are shown diagramatically in (from Mornin and Francis, 1967). There are
text Fig. 2 A,B and one is also seen in two principal components of ocelli: a
electron microscope section in Plate 3, Fig. 5 hyalosome consisting of a refractile, lami-

Text Fig. 2. Ocelli. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections through the ocellus of Nematodinium (a) and Erythro-
psidinium (b). Ca: canal; Ch: chamber; Fb: fibrillar bands; L: lens; M: mitochondrion; Mz: microtubular zone;
OD: pigment granules; PC: pigment cup; R: retinoid.
'.. .," •

i- 2 :5 "

.. ,h .

Plate 2. Scanning electron micrographs. Scales indicate microns. Fig. 1. Protogonyaulax (Gonyaulax) tamarensis
with outer amphiesmal membranes missing, revealing the plates (courtesy of L. and A.R. Loeblich III). Fig, 2.
The same species, with amphiesmal membranes intact (author's freeze-dried prep.). Fig. 3. Heteraulacuspolyedri-
cus; apical view. Fig. 4. Protoperidinium schilleri; right side. Fig. 5. Ornithocercus magnificus; left side. Fig. 6.
Ornithocercus quadratus, dividing pair with immature lists.

A i


Plate 3. Scales indicate microns. Fig. 1. Chromo6omes of Scrippsiella (Peridinium) trochoidea (TEM, courtesy of
J. Kalley). Fig. 2. Ceratium vultur; anterior pair of a chain (SEM). Fig. 3. Transverse flagellum in the girdle of
Thecadiniurn inclinatum (SEM). Fig. 4. Perinuclear capsule of Plectodinium, after cell has burst (phase contrast).
Fig. 5. Section through the ocellus of Nematodinium armature (from Mornin and Francis, 1967).

Desmokont Dinokont


Prorocentroid Dinophysoid

Gonyaulacoid Peridinioid Gymnodinoid

Text Fig. 4. A, B: Basic flagellar arrangements. C--G: Basic thecal types.

nated lens (or "dioptric apparatus": Grell, filled chamber. The ocellus may be situated
1973) and surrounded by mitochondria and laterally, next to the sulcus in Protopsis,
microtubules, with additional microfibrillar Warnowia, Nematodinium, and Protoery-
constrictor bands in Erythropsidinium; and a thropsis, b u t it protrudes from the anterior
melanosome, comprising a reddish-brown or end in Erythropsidinium ( = Erythropsis) and
black pigment cup backing a paracrystalline Leucopsis.
retinoid (Greuet, 1968, 1970). Between the Most o f the structures seem to be expressly
hyalosome and the melanosome is a fluid for projecting an image onto the retinoid.

Francis (1967) calculated light paths for an found that, during reproduction, the retinoid/
oval lens of approximately similar shape and pigment cup complex (all within the same
refractive index to that of Nematodinium and membranous compartment) dedifferentiate
concluded that a "zone of focus" should be to the point where it can be seen that they
formed near the surface of the retinoid. The are derived from a chloroplast. The pigment
pigment cup presumably functions to shield droplets can be considered homologous to the
the retinoid and to absorb light passing plastoglobuli commonly present in chloro-
through, thus reducing backscatter. The plasts (and eyespot droplets).
organisms are known to be able to point the The ocelli exhibit an uncanny parallelism
lens in different directions in Nematodinium to the structure of metazoan eyes, with all
and even to change the shape in Erythropsidi- the major functional components except for
nium, presumably by means of microfibrils. conduction of signals, constructed entirely
The shape of the lens in Erythropsidinium at the subcellular level. More fascinating and
(text Fig. 2B) appears significantly different unanswerable with our present conception of
from that of Nematodinium. Light paths have cells is: what can they do with a focussed
not been calculated for it but it should be image without a nervous system? Generate
noted that the retinoid in the genus is much ATP? Photochemical products? The species
wider (and chevron-shaped} than in Nemato- with these "eyes" are predatory phagotrophs,
dinium and the image collection is over a Nematodinium also possessing nematocysts
potentially wider angle. (Momin and Francis, 1967; Greuet, 1970)
The components appear to have evolved with which it can presumably attack cells in
from normal organelles, not requiring any the vicinity of the sulcus, and Erythropsidi-
major structural novelties other than the nium has a complex feeding apparatus. It
highly ordered retinoid. The lens is probably seems most reasonable to assume that in
reserve material accumulated in a laminated addition to detecting shadow effects due to
fashion. The chamber forms from a coale- potential prey, the focussing function may
scence of vesicles. Recently Greuet (1978) has serve as a "range finder", nematocysts only

Text Fig. 5. Prorocentroid periflagellar platelet patterns (tentative; not to scale) (A) Diagram of the periflagellar
platelets of P. micans. Some platelets equivalent with those in Fig. B are lettered. N o t e additional platelets.
The base of the spine is indicated by dots. Derived from stained light micrographs courtesy of H.A. yon
Stosch. (B) Diagram of a common arrangement observed (plate lettering informal), e.g.P, minimum vat. mariaele-
bourae, P. cassubicum. Modified from Loeblich (1976b) and original observations. (C) The triangular periflagellar
area of P. lima ("marinumform"), with some plate equivalents indicated. " e " may contact " b " underneath " a "
but this could not be determined. Derived from original scanning electron micrographs. The dots indicate a fin-
like crest formed by "a". The relationship of the megacytic growth zone (mz) to the periflagellar area is also

being fired when the sharpest image is maintenance o f bilateral s y m m e t r y and the
received on the retinoid. formation of anterior intercalary plates on
the dorsal side o f the epitheca. Gonyaulacoids
exhibit torsional asymmetrical developments.
Gonyaulacoid intercalary plates, when
General organizational types
present, are usually on the right ventral side
of the epitheca (the so-called "posterior
In the following account, frequent use is intercalary plate" is not an additional plate).
made of a few principal organizational types In the peridinioids the antapical plates
in order to avoid formal taxonomic complica- usually reduce to two due to the reduction
tions (text Fig. 4 A--G). These include the in size of one, whereas the gonyaulacoids
flagellar arrangements described earlier: produce an asymmetrical pattern in which
desmokont and dinokont. By convention the one of the three antapicals becomes pre-
surface from which the dinokont flagella dominant.
arise is referred to as ventral, this also deter- In gymnodinoids amphiesmal strength is
mining the dorsal, left and right sides by achieved by the proliferation of the amphies-
analogy with animals. The lateral flagella may mal vesicles to produce a " h o n e y - c o m b "
arise quite far apart because the longitudinal effect. Thecal plates, if present, are very
flagellum nearly always arises in the sulcus delicate. Plate series are difficult to recognize.
posterior to both ends of the girdle. The With silver staining, various regions have been
ribbon-like transverse flagellum always recognized and named (cf. Biecheler, 1952
passes to the cell's left after arising from the and Chatton, 1952 for details).
ventral side. Each of these principal organizational types
Five basic types can be recognized in the can be further subdivided {e.g. ceratioid,
organization of the outer vesicles and thecal gyrodinoid, noctilucoid...) but these are
plates of the motile state of the life-cycle thought of essentially as derivatives and will
(text Fig. 4 C--E}. In prorocentroids there are be introduced later where appropriate.
two large valves and a field of small platelets
surrounding the flagellar pores (designated
here as the periflagellar platelets). In The ancestral stock: desmokonts?
dinophysoids the theca is still basically
divisible into left and right halves, but a Most earlier authors (e.g. Bergh, 1881a,b;
girdle and sulcus, with c o m p o n e n t plates, Doflein, 1911; Poche, 1913; Kofoid and
have been superimposed on the pattern, and Swezy, 1921; Fritsch, 1935) have concluded
there is an additional subdivision of the large that, of recent forms, it is the anteriorly
lateral plates. flagellated desmokonts which are closest to
Gonyaulacoid and peridinioid arrangements the ancestral dinoflagellate stock. The reasons
are similar to one another in that the plates for this are that this type of flagellar insertion
are arranged into five latitudinal series plus is the most widespread among the flagellates
longitudinal, mid-ventral sulcal platelets. {most c o m m o n shared character), girdle and
Additional platelets may be formed from, sulcal grooves are absent, and thecal construc-
and lie between these series, and are referred tion (when present) is relatively simple, con-
to as intercalaries, being anterior if located sisting of fewer components than in other
on the epitheca and posterior if on the thecate types.
hypotheca. The principal distinction between How reasonable is this conclusion in the
gonyaulacoids and peridinioids is here based light of more recent research? Only a few of
on details o f s y m m e t r y (see models later). the thecate desmokonts, i.e. prorocentroids,
Peridinioids show a tendency towards the have been examined ultrastructurally. In

summing up their studies Dodge and Bibby d e s m o k o n t dinoflagellate), possibly athecate

(1973) have stressed that the prorocentroids initially but soon forming a rather heavy
possess all of the basic structural features of theca consisting of two large plates, the
dinoflagellates: a dinokaryon; amphiesma "valves", joined by a zigzag suture, with a
with thick thecal plates located in vesicles; cluster of small periflagellar platelets sur-
trichocysts; pusules; heterodynamic, structu- rounding one or t w o flagellar pores (text
rally dissimilar flagella, and mitochondria and Fig. 4C).
chloroplasts with structure consistent with Little attention has been accorded the
other members of the group. These findings periflagellar platelets in the past and Dodge
affirm the closeness of the desmokonts with (1976} did not make use of them in his
other dinoflagellates and their separation into revision of the genus Prorocentrum. Difficulty
a separate class, Desmophyceae Smith, does in observation led to the view that some of
n o t seem appropriate. the bivalvate species may not possess them
As y e t none of the thin-walled desmokonts (e.g. Loeblich III, 1970; see summary of
have been examined with electron micro- earlier treatments in Taylor, 1976a). In all
scopy. It is not known if genera such as species of Prorocentrum (which is s y n o n y m u s
Haplodinium, Desmomastix, and Desmocapsa with Exuviaella) examined recently, peri-
have amphiesmal vesicles, dissimilar flagella, flagellar platelets are present (see text Figs.
or dinoflagellate apertenances other than the 5 A--C}. Although there is variation within
dinokaryon recognized with light microscopy. the genus, there are certain features which are
Several appear to have a cellulose wall con- consistent and may be used to recognize
sisting of a single unit (Loeblich III, 1970}. relationships: Loeblich III (1976a) has
It therefore still seems reasonable to accept illustrated the pattern for P. minimum var.
the desmokonts as the closest living forms to mariaelebourae and P. cassubicum, with a
the ancestral stock, this view being based brief discussion of the pattern using a number
chiefly on the commonality of anterior for each plate. The plate designated as " c "
flagellar insertion with other protists, and the here may be inclined relative to " a " and thus
smaller chromosome number. None are appears as two small platelets in Loeblich's
known to produce thick-walled cysts, which figure of the former.
may explain their apparent absence from the One valve is more excavated by the peri-
fossil record, but this may merely reflect flagellar pore field than the other and this has
insufficient study of their life cycles and such traditionally been designated as the right valve
cysts might not be obviously distinguished {Biitschli, 1885) in accordance with the
from the acritarchs. Balech (1971) and view that the valves are lateral. In some
Taylor (1976a) have figured gelatinous species, such as Prorocentrum lima (text
sheaths surrounding cells of Prorocentrum. Fig. 5C} the degree of excavation is great,
In P. compressum the valves become dis- the periflagellar pore field is subtriangular,
sociated. Balech thought this might be a cyst and the pores are inclined at a sharp angle to
of some type. Braarud and Rossavik (1951} the plane of the sagittal suture. In those in
have illustrated the contents of P. micans, which the excavation is more shallow, the
in culture, rounded up within the valves. They angle subtended by the pores to the sagittal
suspected that these round bodies might be plane is also shallower (e.g.P. micans, text
cysts. Fig. 5A).
Acceptance of the assertion produces the Although earlier authors have reported
concept of an ancestral stock which was fewer platelets, the lowest n u m b e r observed
anteriorly biflagellated, photosynthetic (no by the present author is 8, with up to 14 in
achloroplastic desmokonts have been P. micans. The platelet designated here as
described unless one accepts Protaspis as a " a " usually gives rise to a ridge or spine.

There is only one platelet between the pores theca by the sulcus (the region most closely
in the examples given here and this m a y be a comparable to the periflagellar area in dino-
conservative feature. konts), this also being consistent with the
Loeblich et al. (1979) have reported the pore alignment if one assumes that the larger
emergence of both flagella from the larger pore is equivalent to the flagellar insertion
pore, a situation similar to the dinophysoids. aperture of gonyaulacoids and the small pore
It is curious that both flagella that can be remains as a vestige (the so-called '~entral
seen unequivocally to arise from the larger pore": see later section).
pore in their scanning electron micrographs A large and a small pore are present on the
appear to be of the "whiplash", rather than ventral side of dinophysoids (see next
the ribbon type. In the one picture in which section), both flagella arising from the large
a ribbon-like flagellum is clearly present pore in the sulcal region, the small "apical
(their Fig. 7 of P. triestinum) it arises very pore" being located in an antero-ventral
close to the spine and some distance from position above the sulcus (text Fig. 4D, s e e
the whiplash flagellum, similar to the also Taylor, 1971). In these organisms the
situation in P. micans (Biecheler, 1952 and sulcus is excavated out of the right valve, an
unpublished obs. by the author). There interesting resemblance with prorocentroids
seem to be several possible interpretations if the valves are taken to be lateral equiva-
of this: some prorocentroids do not have lents.
a ribbon-like flagellum; the ribbon-like It seems possible that the valves of proro-
flagellum has lost its characteristic form centroids could be both the lateral equivalents
during preparation; some prorocentroids (homologues) of the valves of dinophysoids
have the flagella arising through separate and the epi- and hypothecal equivalents of
pores; or the double whiplash flagella arising other dinokonts, since prorocentroids are
from the large pore are associated with a thought to be the c o m m o n ancestors of both
zygotic condition similar to that found in the types.
dinokont dinoflagellates. It is clear that
further observations are needed to resolve the
question of flagellar insertion and type The dinophysoid radiation
Loeblich III (1976a) suggested that the The dinophysoid dinoflagellates, usually
valves are equivalent to the epi- and hypo- recognized at the level of order, form a well-
thecae of thecate dinokonts, rather than defined marine group, all thecate, exhibiting
being lateral equivalents*. He termed the features which in several respects appear to be
most excavated valve the epitheca, and the intermediate between the desmokonts (pro-
least excavated the hypotheca, whereas the rocentroids) and other dinokonts. The theca
reverse seems to be the more probable to this (text Fig. 4D) is basically divisible into right
author if the valves are not lateral equivalents, and left halves by a sagittal suture (often
in view of the greater excavation o f the hypo- with a zigzag edge), interrupted in the ventral
and apical areas where clusters of small
*Parke and Ballantine (1957) reversed the left and plates surround a large, single flagellar pore
right valve designations, terming the more excavated from which both flagella issue (unlike pro-
valve the left valve, presumably not intending to rocentroids) and a so-called apical pore, not
deliberately reverse earlier convention. Loeblich III much bigger than the somatic porulation.
(1976a) and Loeblich et al. (1979) have also used the With the exception of the apical platelets the
reverse designation, although they attribute their
orientational terminology to Biecheler (1952). This arrangement and n u m b e r (18 or 19) of the
author is not able to find such an error in the latter's plates is highly conservative. Cells show lateral
work. flattening. Thecal expansion prior to division

is by a single broad growth zone, the megacy- are only minimally developed, bearing no
tic zone, surrounding the cell, associated with hyaline crests ("lists"), e.g. D. ruudii
the sagittal suture, as it is in the prorocen- (Braarud) Balech. These may represent
troids. In all there is a well developed girdle primitive forms but too little is known of
and sulcus. their plates to consider this further. Schiller's
Interrelationships between the genera have {1928} suggestion that his genus Palaeophala-
been discussed by several previous authors. croma may be ancestral to the dinophysoids
Kofoid and Skogsberg {1928} produced an can be discounted as a result of Balech's
enormous, elegantly illustrated monograph in (1976b) demonstration of its peridinioid
which the most obvious relationships were tablature (similar to Cladopyxis).
discussed, but a critical evaluation only began Several remarkably gradual morphological
with the careful dissection of the plates by gradients can be discerned in living forms,
Tai and Skogsberg {1934). Ab6 (1967a--c) strongly suggestive of evolutionary sequences
discussed the evolution of the genera, basing proceeding from most generalized to most
his primary determinations on the orienta- specialized, even though all are recent
tion of the smallest {ventral) hypothecal organisms. BShm (1976} has also noted
plates but, as Balech (1971} has noted, his some of these and provides more examples.
work is flawed by m a n y errors of interpreta- One group, retaining the basic body shape
tion and neglect of previous observations. (text Fig. 6A) for the most part (the excep-
For m a n y years it was assumed that the tion being the elongate Oxyphysis; Fig. 6U),
n u m b e r of plates was constant at 17. exhibit experimentation with plates, particu-
Recently detailed plate studies have been larly those in the apical plate region. This
made by Norris and Berner (1971}, resulting group consists of Metaphalacroma, Pseudo-
in the discovery of a further small platelet, phalacroma, Oxyphysis, Proheteroschisma
and by Balech (in several papers but most and, with the unusual addition of a left
notably in 1971 showing yet another hypothecal plate, Heteroschisma. The inter-
platelet). Taylor (1971, 1973a) has examined pretation of the plates in this subgroup was
several species of Ornithocercus with the aid complicated for a long time by the use of
of scanning electron microscopy, detailing the heavily megacytic specimens for typification.
consequences of the division process to thecal They appear to represent several short lines
development. rather than a continuing evolutionary
The most primitive members are usually sequence, with no evident adaptive factors in
thought to belong to Dinophysis (among operation. Ab~ (1967a) believed that the
species formerly separated as Phalacroma; elongate genera Amphisolenia and Tripo-
text Fig. 5A,B). Kofoid and Skogsberg {1928} selenia arose from an Oxyphysis stock.
suggested this because they exhibit the least A fascinating and bizarre sequence (text
degree of morphological specialization. How- Fig. 6B--L) is exhibited by the genera
ever it is also possible that the ancestor could Dinophysis, Ornithocercus, Parahistioneis,
be one of the "microcephalic" genera (text Histioneis and Citharistes (showing such a
Fig. 6V), such as Sinophysis or Metadinophy- gradation that the distinction of some of the
sis. There is a general resemblance of form to genera is highly arbitrary). The theme of this
the early fossil Nannoceratopis (cf. Gocht, sequence seems to be list elaboration, both
1972} but the paratabulation of the latter girdle and sulcal. Text Fig. 6B--F illustrates
appears to have some peridinialean as well the apparent transformation from Dinophysis
as dinophysoid features (K. Piel and W.R. to Ornithocercus, with the great increase in
Evitt, pets. comm. and in press). the size of the left sulcal list (and an
Within Dinophysis sensu lato there are accompanying posteriodorsal extension of the
some species in which the girdle and sulcus narrow plate giving rise to it) to produce a

¢ TheDinophysoid

General Morphology

....:...¢5 -o, . _

Text Fig. 6. Dinophysoids (simplified left lateral views, bodies in strong outline, not to same scale). A, B:
Dinophysis (Phalacroma); C--E: Dinophysis; F, G: Ornithocercus; H: Parahistioneis; I--K: Histioneis; L: Citha-
ristes; M: Histiophysis, O--Q: Dinophysis; R,S; Amphisolenia; T: Triposolenia; U: Oxyphysis; V: Sinophysis.

keel-like posterior wing, and extension of anterior should be directed chiefly towards
both girdle lists to produce large anterior the sulcus and, as this genus lacks photo-
collars. Taylor {1971) has pointed o u t that synthetic pigments, perhaps this modification
these modifications seem inimical to con- serves as a feeding current. Girdle list exten-
ventional dinoflagellate movement. Even if sion is taken to its most elaborate extreme
movement is not completely stopped (sub- in O. splendidus {text Fig. 5G) in which the
sequent observations on living specimens by right sulcal list is more delicate and weakly
the author show that they do turn slowly), developed than most members of Ornitho-
it should produce an enhanced flow of water cereus.
relative to the degree of movement through All the more elaborately winged genera
the water. Because of a notch in the ventral ( Ornithocercus, Parahistioneis, Histioneis
edge of the upper girdle list, water from the and Citharistes) lack fully developed chloro-

plasts. The cytoplasm of many of these has a the association is not obligate, thus weakening
distinctly pink or rose hue, the pigment of this argument, but there does not seem to be
which is unknown. Most, if not all, give any better idea at present.
shelter to coccoid cyanophytes in the space
enclosed by their upper and lower girdle
lists. The number of coccoid cells, termed Other dinokonts
"phaeosomes" by early authors, varies
greatly, but can exceed several hundred. They Most dinoflagellates are recognized here as
are extracellular in Ornithocercus (unpublish- derivatives of three primary organizational
ed micrographs by Claude Greuet) although ~ypes: gonyaulacoid, peridinioid and gymno-
seemingly enclosed by the girdle lists, dinoid (the latter including some bizarre
adhering loosely to the dinoflagellate surface. subgroups, such as the noctilucoids, which
Norris (1967} has cultured two species of might be thought of as derivatives).
"phaeosomes", naming them Synechocystis The first two types have usually been
consortia and Synechococcus carcerarius. The placed together in one order (the Peridiniales)
nature of the nutritional, or other interaction, although this paper offers a departure from
between the partners, has not been examined that practice. Their thecal tabulation can be
yet. readily subdivided into five latitudinal series:
The most intriguing aspect of the morpho- apical, precingular, cingular, postcingular and
logical modification of the most elaborate antapical, with rarely more than eight plates
members of the Dinophysis-Citharistes series in each, and one cluster of small platelets
is the formation of a chamber-like space in surrounding the flagellar apertures (sulcals).
the cavity where the phaeosomes occur, by Plates between series have been termed inter-
the expansion and pouching of the lower calaries. However, in gymnodinoids the
girdle lists and the cell body. The upper girdle amphiesmal vesicles (and any contained
lists have also elongated, providing greater plates} have proliferated, so that the series,
space in the chamber by becoming very other than girdle and sulcal (often extending
narrow at the base (the epitheca becoming to the apices), have become obliterated. This
minute}, extending upward as a tube until distinction is not sharp, and there appears to
they flare out distally to roof over, but not be a gradient between peridinioids with
entirely enclose, the chamber {text Fig. 5K,L). numerous platelets and gymnodinoids
In several members of Histioneis the chamber (discussed more fully later).
also has large lateral pouches formed by the Wall and Dale (1968a) have recognised the
lower girdle list {text Fig. 5J). In Citharistes gonyaulacoid/peridinioid distinction in cyst
(text Fig. 5L) the enclosure of the cavity has lineages. In order to recognise these they used
been achieved by a shift in the orientation of the plate combination of: 6 precingular,
the lower girdle list relative to the body, with 6 postcingular, 1 posterior intercalary,
the upper girdle list effectively moved out of 1 antapical for gonyaulacoids, and a 7 pre-
the chamber altogether. cingular, 5 postcingular, no posterior inter-
In these genera there seems to have been calary, 2 antapical combination for peridini-
the formation of a special "culture chamber" oids, indicating that members had "all or
for the phaeosomes. If so, the presence of the most" of these characters. This recognition
phaeosomes has presumably been a potent of two major subdivisions seems to be gaining
determining factor in the development of the acceptance among palynologists.
girdle lists of these elaborate genera. This author has come to much the same
Individuals lacking phaeosomes can be quite conclusion, but through a somewhat different
frequently observed, even in Citharistes approach. In essence the distinction is made,
(Norris, 1967; Balech, 1971), indicating that not so much on the basis of the number of

A ^


Id ls
.J la

Ida ,ma I s a
dr~ m m s m

dp mp sp

Text Fig. 7. Basic model tabulation designations (flagellar insertion indicated by A). A: epitheca; B: ventral
surface ; C : hypotheca; D : polar view showing "Y" arrangement ; E : "A" polar arrangement ; F : an alternate basic
equatorial plate arrangement (D--F suggested by W.R. Evitt); G--I: designations for plate subdivisions, using
dexter (right, d), sinister (left, s), antero (a), postero (p) and medio (m) qualifying subscripts. A maximum of
nine subdivisions (Fig. 1 ) can be designated in this fashion.

plates in a n y series, b u t r a t h e r on the and even Ceratium {related to Gonyaulax by

general s y m m e t r y o f organization. T h e basic Wall and Evitt, 1 9 7 5 ) , can all be derived f r o m
m o d e l (Fig. 7) has been previously p r e s e n t e d a h y p o t h e t i c a l p a t t e r n similar to that o f
briefly {Taylor in Brugerolle and T a y l o r , Heteraulacus (= Goniodoma) by relatively
1 9 7 9 ) and has been used t o discuss some simple d i s t o r t i o n s o f b o t h the epithecal and
relationships b y T a y l o r ( 1 9 7 9 a ) . h y p o t h e c a l plates {text Figs. 8B--E, 9B--E,
1 0 F - - H ) , with n o m a j o r additions or subtrac-
Gonyaulacoids tions. If t h e i r plate arrangements are
d e s c r i b e d by the c o n v e n t i o n a l s h o r t - h a n d
T h e t a b u l a t i o n o f t h e genera Gambierdiscus, n o t a t i o n and " f o r m u l a e " based on the K o f o i d
Coolia, Pyrodinium, Alexandrium, Proto- s y s t e m {1907, 1 9 0 9 ; see Loeblich [II, 1 9 7 0
gonyaulax and Gonyaulax suggest t h a t t h e y , and Sarjeant, 1 9 7 4 for details) an impression

of major differences is given. Steidinger same longitudinal sectors, but rather alternate
(1971) made a start towards this realization with their counterparts at the opposite pole,
with regard to some of the above genera, but the undivided sectors not reaching the apices
did not develop the idea very far. (see text Fig. 7B). Evitt (pers. comm.)
The serious weaknesses of the Kofoid prefers a model in which the equatorial plates
system, in widespread use for phyletic or alternate with the pre- and post-equatorial
phenetic comparisons, is that plates are ones.
appointed to series and numbered with no Although there is not space here to detail
attempt to recognize plate homologies. In des- many modifications from this basic pattern
criptions this is usually simple to apply (see (including flattening, elongation, torsion,
Taylor, 1976a, for some problems with expansion of one side, plate subdivision and,
gonyaulacoids), but with no concept as to very rarely, loss of sutures), a minimal
what a "basic pattern" for any group might number of examples are provided here (text
be reliable homology determinations have been Figs. 8 and 9). Some key plates have been
difficult. Taylor (1979a) has presented a labelled, using TS designations, to show
numbering system for gonyaulacoid genera apparent homologies. On the epithecae the
as a start towards this goal. In the discussion pore or notch on the margin of the rhom-
which follows the abbreviation TS for boidal "first apical plate" (TS: ls) (in reality
"Taylor System" and KS for "Kofoid a modified precingular if this model is close
System" {including the customary modifica- to reality) provides an additional label for
tions introduced after Kofoid developed it) this suture (TS: A/Is suture), appearing in
will be used. Pyrodinium, Alexandrium, Protogonyaulax
The tabulation of Heteraulacus is particu- and some members of Gonyaulax (where it
laxly interesting as it is almost radially sym- may appear more as a marginal notch).
metrical, and the epithecal and hypothecal In the hypotheca there appears to be a
patterns axe very similar (text Figs. 8B, 9B), progressive asymmetry in pattern from
with three polar plates and seven or eight Heteraulacus to Gonyaulax and Ceratium.
plates near the girdle on each side. There are In some (e.g. Protogonyaulax) this has been
two pores on the epitheca: an apical pore in due to an increase in size of the right ventral
its own triangular platelet, and a smaller but primary antapical (TS: Z) and a consequent
prominent pore on the upper edge on the displacement of the other two {text Fig. 9D).
plate stippled in text Fig. 8B. The girdle In Gonyaulax the most dorsal polar plate
(cingulax) plates may also be considered as (TS: Y) has become enlarged, surrounding
basically eight (five large and three small). the posterior sulcal (KS: Sp; TS: Z), and
Two of the small ventral platelets have been there is a major sutural shift so that the V/VI
taken to be "sulcal plates" (KS: anterior suture contacts Y instead of Z* (text Fig.
sulcal, median sulcal) and a third is arbitrarily 9D,F).
a "transitional" or cingulax plate (e.g. In addition to distortion (in particular,
Graham, 1942; cf. Taylor, 1976a, 1979a). torsion accompanied by "left-handed" girdle
If the Heteraulacus pattern is simplified by displacement) and loss, there has also,
ignoring apparent plate subdivisions one apparently, been plate subdivision (not
arrives at a radially symmetrical model (text
Figs. 7, 8A, 9A, 10E) which can be thought *In the type description of Protogonyaulax (Taylor,
of as consisting of six longitudinal segments, 1979a) there is an important typographical error in
three of which axe alternately subdivided at this regard. In Protogonyaulax the V/VI suture con-
eacL pole, and all with one further segment tact~ Z, as in Heteraulacus, and not Y as in Gonyau-
lax. Thus the description should be corrected to read.
at the equator. Note that the three polar "... V/VI contacting Z" (p. 51, line 16) and "...
plates on each side are not subdivisions of the thecalis polar posterior (Z)" (p. 51, line 23).

~ P

• G~, 1E



Text Fig. 8. Hypothetical transformations in epithecal tabulation from radially symmetrical models (flagellar
insertion indicated, "first apical plate" stippled). A: hypothetical gonyaulacoid ancestor ("pre-Heteraulacus");
B: Heteraulacus; C: Alexandrium, Pyrodinium; D: Protogonyaulax; E: Gonyaulax ; F: Ceratium; G: Pyrophacus
(some more subdivided); H: hypothetical peridinioid ancestor; I: Peridiniopsis; J: Dipiopsalopsis; K: Peridinium
palatinum; L: Peridiniopsis, Diplopsalis ; M,N : Protoperidinium, (subg. Archaeperidinium ). O--Q: Protoperidinium
(subg. Protoperidinium ).

~ F


J v

Text Fig. 9. Hypothetical hypothecal transformations from radially symmetrical models (flageilar insertion
indicated, antapical plates stippled). A: hypothetical gonyaulacoid ancestor; B: Heteraulacus; C: Pyrodiniurn;
D: Protogonyaulax; E: Gonyaulax. F: Ceratl"um, G: hypothetical peridinioid ancestor; H: Phthanoperidinium-
like; I: Peridinium, Protoperidinium, Peridiniopsis; J: Diplopsalis, Zygabihodinium.

shown here), exemplified by Pyrophacus, midventral plates, but with the aid of fresh-
in which many supernumery plates appear water species in which the plates on the con-
on both the epi- and hypothecae (Wall and cave ventral surface are more strongly
Dale, 1971). developed, a basic gonyaulacoid plan can be
Ceratium may represent an extreme distor- discerned {Wall and Evitt, 1975). In the fresh-
tion in this lineage. Marine forms are difficult water species the flagella arise from a slot in
to analyze because o f the delicacy of the the left side of the ventral concavity

Text Fig. 10. Diagrams of representative peridinioid (a--e) and gonyaulacoid (f--h) sulcal plates. Sequence is not
indicative of sequential relationships. Hatching indicates fin position. Dotted areas are probably incompletely
worked out. Number indicates cingular series, a: Peridinium s.s.; b: Scrippsiella sweenyae; c: Scrippsiella subsalsa;
d: Protoperidinium; e: Cachonina ; f: Heteraulacus ; g: Helgolandinium ( Fragilidium and Pyrophacus similar but
cingulars different); h: Protogonyaulax (Gonyaulacysta very similar).

(Bourrelly, 1970; Dodge and Crawford, 1970) the expansion of either the epithecal ( l l G )
and it seems that one or more plates may be or hypothecal horns ( l l H ) . The hypothecal
missing from this region (compare text "fingers" of C. ranipes ( l l I ) are particularly
Figs. 9C,E). Ceratium is a large genus and curious.
exhibits a remarkable range of modification These extensions are rigid structures and
of the body (text Figs. l l A - - J illustrates have most frequently been assumed to be
some of the principal variations). The forms adaptions for the increase of surface friction,
shown as l l A and l l B are closest to other reducing the sinking rate when the cells
gonyaulacoids and have both fresh water and periodically cease swimming, the effect being
marine representatives. Other freshwater increased by asymmetry of form (Kofoid,
forms have remained close to this ( l l C ) , but 1907). However, BShm {1976), in a review
in the marine environment there has been a of the data, could find no support for this
great diversification. All the latter have the assumption. Another factor which could be
thinned ventral plates referred to earlier, important is an increased efficiency in the
apparently to provide a more plastic area illumination of the chloroplasts in this almost
through which both conjugation and phago- entirely photosynthetic group. Graham
trophy can occur in some species (Von (1941) noted that species occurring deep in
Stosch, 1964; Norris, 1969). Other modifica- the euphotic zone (or below it) show the cell
tions include narrowing and extension of expansion and flattening most markedly
the whole cell ( l l J ) or its extremities, or the (subgenus Archaeceratium). Taylor (1973)
production of broad leaf-like "paddles" by has discussed these sub-euphotic "shade-

Text. Fig. 11. Variability in Ceratium (diagrammatic, not to same scale). Species approximating each type.
A: C. minutum; B: C, candelabrum; C: C. hirundinella; D: C. pulchellum; E: C. lunula; F: C. trichoceros,
G: C. praelongum; H: C. platycorne ; I: C. ranipes; J: C. extensum.

forms" further. The question of resistance to ture) characteristics (reviewed by Sarjeant,

grazing was not considered by BShm but it 1974). Most of the "hystrichosphaerid cysts"
may be important and so may nutrient are produced by members of this lineage.
uptake surface area. Wall and Dale (1968a) have grouped fourteen
Another feature of unknown significance, cyst lineages (both living and fossil) into this
although presumably related to the above, category including apical, precingular,
is autotomy, in which members of some cingular and epitractal archeopyles. In
sections of Ceratium can cut off the distal Pyrophacus (= Tuberculodinium) the archeo-
parts of the horns, reforming them later. pyle is hypotractal. In Protogonyaulax
Resting cysts within t h e gonyaulacoids are catenella and P. tamarensis the zygotic resting
highly varied in gross morphology and, to a cyst is smooth-walled, usually loosely invested
lesser extent, archeopylar (excystment aper- in mucoid material and excystment is by

apical rupture without the formation of an see later) but this will be very difficult to deal
operculum. Thus, if found in fossil sediments with and requires much more information to
it would n o t be assignable with certainty to resolve. The n u m b e r of convincing examples
the dinoflagellates and would be termed an of apparent suture loss in living dinoflagellates
"acritarch". are very few {e.g. Ceratocorys in the gonyau-
Ecdysis and reproduction within the lacoids and several in the peridinioids: see
accompanying division cyst (= "zoosporan- below}.
gium" in part, of Van Stosch, 1972, 1973},
is c o m m o n in members of the group, e.g. Peridinioids
Pyrophacus, Helgolandinium, these cysts
having a different appearance to the resting Peridinium-like patterns can also be
cysts (e.g. those of Gonyaulax reticulata and reduced to one similar to the "pre-Heteraula-
G. pacifica: Taylor, 1962, 1969, and cus" model, i.e. one with three polar, six pre-
Pyrodinium bahamense, Buchanan, 1968). and post-equatorial plates and a similar (but
Normal, oblique fission also occurs, however. not identical) sulcal plate arrangement. The
Ecdysis is most c o m m o n l y by disjunction of girdle plate number has been considerably
the apical plates in Gonyaulax, but in some it modified in some, e.g. reduced to three out-
may be by separation of the epitheca from side the sulcal region in Protoperidinium.
the cingulum (Protogonyaulax tamarensis). It Despite this similarity, there is an interesting
is not known if some of the cysts produced difference when the pattern is reduced to a
by ecdysis are fossilizable. hypothetically radially symmetrical model:
The great majority of the gonyaulacoids the plate which seems to have formed the
have retained a photosynthetic capacity, first apical plate (KS: 1'} does not obviously
colourless members being rare. Luminescence reduce to the subdivision of a pre-equatorial
is c o m m o n within the lineage, and some of plate, but instead seems to obviously repre-
the members which are close to the basic type sent a whole pre-equatorial plate. The
proposed here give rise to potent neurotoxins, orientation of the polar plates relative to
e.g. Pyrodinium, Protogonyaulax (discussed the flagellar insertion is also different.
by Taylor, 1979a). When the modifications Instead of the " Y A " polar plate orientation
referred to are reasonably compensated for of gonyaulacoids, it seems to be an " A Y "
the conservativeness of the basic sutural orientation (see text Figs. 6--9). It is
pattern is striking. As with the dinophysoids, possible that the plates conventionally
existing forms often provide numerous referred to as first apical plates are not
examples of apparently gradual transition, so homologues in gonyaulacoids and peridinioids
that morphoclines can be constructed which and it is most probable that they are deriva-
strongly suggest evolutionary development, tives of preequatorial ("precingular", KS)
even though this is a phenetic {current tips o f rather than polar plates as their name implies.
the branches) comparison rather than a What is not clear is how the plates of
phylogenetic (all the branches) reconstruction gonyaulacoids and peridinioids relate to each
and the direction of change can only be other. If this could be established (and the
arbitrarily designated. Here it has been intercalaries confidently assigned to ancestral
assumed that change has usually been from plates) the alternative plate homology desig-
simple to complex, watching for possible nations of Taylor (1979a) could be given to
reduction when the sequence suggests it. peridinioids as well as gonyaulacoids. How-
It must be admitted that the general direction ever, no satisfactory evidence has come to the
of change could have been from many to author's attention which can resolve this
fewer plates (a possibility raised by the dilemma at present. It was hoped that a
unfortunately highly incomplete fossil record: careful consideration of the position of the

fission line, or plate overlap patterns would polar plates in peridinioids and is therefore
be of assistance but it has revealed that both probably not homologous to Z.
are very similar, with no obvious displacement These similarities, taken together, suggest
of the flagellar insertion from one sector to that the s y m m e t r y differences between the
another. The fission line runs through the two lineages may be due to secondary dis-
sulcus in both, and in both the midventral tortive influences (option 3 above) rather
plates (including the KS first apical) are than a separate development from an ancestor
overlapped by all adjacent plates (cf. Durr and still near the hypothetical radially-symmetri-
Netzel, 1974, and Gocht and Netzel, 1974). cal pattern. In text Fig. 8 both possibilities
The principal possibilities seem to be as are shown, a species such as the fresh-water
follows: Peridinium palatinum (see Bourrelly, 1970
(1) The first apical plates correspond to and the epithecal pattern in text Fig. 8K)
adjacent pre-equatorial sectors of the basic offering an example of a peridinioid which
symmetrical model, the plate overlap being a could have arisen as a distortion form from
later parallel development in both. the gonyaulacoid type.
(2) The first apical plates are from the same With the information available further
longitudinal sector but on opposite "hemis- speculation seems futile at the m o m e n t
pheres", the cell directional orientation being although the thecal relationships between
reversed in the two types (a "flip-flop" these two major dinoflagellate lineages is an
model). important question for which at least a
(3) The first apical plates are homologous, reasonable hypothesis must be forthcoming
but distortional events have produced an to permit the use of a unified model and
apparent change in basic s y m m e t r y . numbering system of plate homologies.
The second alternative, while solving the Among the peridinioids there are members
problems of similarity in overlap pattern and with no apical pore (Dinosphaera, some fresh-
fission line, seems to be the most radical (and water Peridinium attributed by some to
least probable?) If the transverse flagellum Cleistoperidinium, Glenodiniopsis), some in
beat to the left in peridinioids instead of to which the pore has formed at the natural
the right it might support this alternative, but apex of the first apical plate (8 I,J, e.g. some
in fact the transverse flagellum of all dino- Peridiniopsis, Diplopsalis, Zygabikodinium,
flagellates with a well-developed girdle beats Entzia), and m a n y in which it has formed at
to the cell's left after it leaves its point of the junction of the three primary polar
origin. plates (8L--Q including most of the marine
It is striking that the similarities between peridinia attributed by Balech, 1974, to
gonyaulacoids and peridinioids extends to the Protoperidinium, as well as Scrippsiella and
small platelets of the sulcal region. In both Ensiculifera). In the latter cases, an additional,
there is an anterior sulcal plate (which may small, elongate platelet has formed between
cleave into two in many peridinoids, e.g. the pore and the apex of the first apical.
Scrippsiella, Protoperidinium, one moiety Balech (1974) has termed this small addition
then being referred to as a cingular or transi- the " x " plate. The presence of this platelet
tional plate: text Fig. 10B), two elongate is consistent with the model although the
larger platelets in the midregion, one or two designation of Balech should not be con-
very small platelets where the flagella emerge, fused with the antapical X plate of Taylor
and one large posterior sulcal which seems to (1979a).
be derived from a posterior polar plate. How- The alternate positions for the apical pore
ever the latter, designated as " Z " by Taylor (at the primary apex or ventrally displaced)
(1979a) in gonyaulacoids, bears a different illustrates another weakness in the current
symmetrical relationship to the other two system o f plate terminology. In text Fig. 8 I

the letter a marks a plate that must be called is no sign o f plates being displaced, the sulcal
an intercalary plate by present convention plates being much the same as in those with
since it does not contact the apex. However five or six girdle plates {text Fig. 10). This
it is obviously the homologue of one (mid- reduction in plate number seems to have
dorsal) o f the apicals in 8L, and the a plate occurred in parallel with a loss in photosyn-
in 8P is not homologous to the whole plate thesis, nearly all members of Protoperidinium
in 8L. Note also that all those in question are being non-photosynthetic now that several
hexagonal, illustrating an unavoidable weak- photosynthetic species have been transferred
ness in attempting to determine the plates to Scrippsiella, e.g.S, trochoidea. In gonyau-
represented by archeopyles of particular lacoids an example of apparent loss o f suture
shapes in cysts in which reflected tablature is in Ceratocorys where a suture on the dorsal
is absent (e.g. Evitt, 1967). Balech (1967) tight side of the sulcus is apparently missing.
has also drawn attention to this. Whereas left-handed girdle displacement is
The production of one to four or more the most c o m m o n condition throughout the
"anterior intercalaries" is a major theme of dinokonts, in some peridinioid lineages
this lineage although intercalary plates are (particularly those with a para/hexa combina-
also found occasionally in gonyaulacoids. tion) a slight tight-handed displacement is
Although it might seem simpler a priori to c o m m o n . BShm (1976) has analyzed trends
visualize a symmetrical subdivision of the in girdle displacement in relation to tabula-
mid<torsal apical plate (or precingulars tion type ("ortho", "mete", "pare") in
adjacent to it). present-day representatives Protoperidinium (his "marine forms") and
of Protoperidinium, subgenus Archaeperidi- Peridinium (his "fresh water forms"), finding
nium, with two anterior intercalaries (e.g. some strong correlations.
P. minutum, P. excentricum) suggest that this Horns, particularly antapical extensions,
may have occurred asymmetrically, with sub- are well developed in the sections Oceanica
divisions occurring chiefly in the upper left and Divergeatia of Protoperidinium (of which
quadrant of the cell (text Fig. 8M), the plates P. elegans is an extreme example). In
subsequently shifting to form a more bilater- Cladopyxis (Plate 1, Fig. 27) five to ten long,
ally symmetrical arrangement (8N). An distally branched processes have been pro-
asymmmetrical subdivision of plates in the duced from plates on the dorsal side of the
same region is also seen in Peridiniopsis epitheca and ventral side of the hypotheca,
asymmetrica and related ovoid genera (Plate 1, the processes thus lying in a plane oblique
Fig. 21). to the girdle. The tabulation is essentially
In the peridinioid lineage there are some of similar to that of Palaeophalacroma (Plate 1,
the most convincing examples of what is Fig. 26) and Sinodinium (Balech, 1964, 1967)
apparently a relatively rare occurrence in and the three probably constitute a sublineage
dinoflagellates: the loss of sutures. In marine recognizable as a family, with Cladopyxis as
Diplopsalis (= Dissodium ) and Zygab ikodinium its extreme living member. Despite its rather
the mid-antapical suture has disappeared (9J), cyst-like appearance (reminiscent of some
all other sutures and plates being in a similar hystrichosphaerids, but not in actual arrange-
position to those in other genera (e.g. Peri- ment of processes) there is no doubt that
diniopsis) and almost identical in other these are perfectly normal vegetative cells
respects (text Fig. 9 I). In the apparent (Balech, 1964), the plates being readily
relatives of Peridinium there may have been separable from each other and with a normal
a progressive loss of sutures separating the thecal appearance, including pores, visible by
girdle plates, the least n u m b e r (3 or 4) scanning electron microscopy (Taylor, 1976a).
occurring in the marine peridinia transferred Another oddity is the loss of a defined
to Protoperidinium by Balech (1974). There girdle or even girdle plates in the Podolampa-

daceae (genera Blepharocysta, Lissodinium support. It is from this group that the greatest
and Podolampas, Plate 1, Fig. 28). The diversification of form, life-cycle, and internal
remaining plates are quite consistent with the complexity may have arisen within the dino-
other plate series normal for the peridinioid flagellates, only a small part of which can be
line, leaving little doubt as to the plates which illustrated in Plate 1.
are missing. Members of the Cretaceous cyst The gymnodinoids may have arisen from
genus Broomea bear a superficial resemblance peridinioids, or gonyaulacoids (or along
to elongate members of Podolampas, such as several lines from both). A present-day
P. palmipes and P. spinifera (cf. Balech, 1963, example of such a taxon which could be
1967, and Ab6, 1966) and cingular markings referred to either peridinioid or gymnodinoid
are "weakly indicated or not at all" (Sarjeant, lineages is Woloszynskia (Plate 1, Fig. 30; c.f.
1974), suggesting that this anomaly may have Crawford et al., 1971; Dodge, 1967; and
begun some time ago (Mesozoic?). However, Crawford and Dodge, 1971; and compare
the archeopyle appears to be intercalary in with Gymnodinium fuscum, Dodge and
Broomea, and modern Podolampas do not Crawford, 1969). Von Stosch (1973) has
have intercalary plates. described the thecal pattern and variability of
Most peridinioid cysts show little paratabu- W. apiculata, as well as life cycle details of
lation, a major exception being Palaeoperi- both it and Gymnodinium pseudopalustre.
dinium. They have archeopyles which nearly It is likely that the reduction of the thecal
always involve anterior intercalary plates elements could have occurred along several
(Wall and Dale, 1968; Lentin and Williams, lines, and not simple one as implied by the
1975). The cavate or bicavate condition is " t r e e " in Plate 1. However it is very difficult
found chiefly within this lineage (Psaligonyau- to obtain convincing evidence of this. Perhaps
lax being an exception). Wall et al. (1970) one of the best examples of where this may
have demonstrated that some of the marine have occurred is Gymnodinium catenatum.
peridinia, suggested earlier to have diverged This gymnodinoid forms chains (as the name
before the reduction in girdle plate n u m b e r imples). When it was first observed under
(Scrippsiella, Ensiculifera) produce primarily routine analytical conditions it was confused
calcified, spinose resting cysts resembling the with Protogonyaulax (Gonyaulax) catenella
fossil calcionellids. S. trochoidea also makes (Graham, 1943). The size and shape of the
the point once again, that several "cysts" can cells are very similar to P. catenella. Although
occur in the same life cycle, for it has ecdysal not evident from the original description the
vegetative reproduction, the emergent ecdysal girdle displacement (left-handed, of one
cyst having a smooth, flexible wall, lacking girdle width) seen in material from Mazatlan
girdle signs. The cyst o f Peridinium faeroense provided by courtesy of G. Morey-Gaines, is
(transferred to Scrippsiella by some authors) the same and there is a marked furrow which
would be referred to as an "acritarch" demarcates an apical area of similar shape to
( u n k n o w n affinity) if it was found by palyno- a gonyaulacoid apical closing plate. Further-
logists (Dale, 1978). more the gymnodinoid species generates a
nerve poison, as does the thecate taxon.
This circumstantial evidence strongly sug-
The third primary dinokont lineage gests that G. catenatum and P. catenella
recognized here is the gymnodinoids. These m a y represent closely related forms in which
are dinoflagellates in which thecal develop- the thecal plates have been reduced (or
ment is de-emphasized and peripheral strength elaborated) in response to a mutational event.
obtains from a proliferation of the amphies- It will be interesting to learn of the com-
mal vesicles in a h o n e y c o m b fashion (as in parative biochemistry of the toxins produced
ciliates) with or without additional pellicular by both.

In the "typical" gymnodinoids the girdle parasitic forms are gymnodinoid derivatives,
is median in position {Plate 1, Fig. 31), but it it appears that parasitism m a y have arisen in
has apparently shifted towards the anterior several different lines, some of which are
in Amphidinium {Figs. 41, 42, 44, 45) and shown in Plate 1. For example at least two
posterior in Katodinium and Oxyrrhis {Figs. species of Dissodinium, D. pseudocalani and
51, 52). Amphidinium could also have arisen D. pseudolunula, have been described as
separately from the dinophysoids (in which parasitic on copepod eggs (Elbr~ichter and
the girdle is premedian) but there is no Drebes, 1978) although others having lunate
evidence for or against this idea. Some of cysts resembling them (referred variously to
the presumed Amphidinium sub-lineage have Pyrocystis: Elbr~ichter and Drebes, loc. cit.,
produced flexible walls and unusual, arm-like or Dissodinium, Taylor, 1976a) do not
processes such as Brachydinium {Figs. 4 3 ) - appear to be.
at first thought to be a non-motile state when Blastodinium, a gut parasite of copepods,
seen preserved {Taylor, 1963) but since found stillretains its chlorophyll despite its habitat.
to not only have flagella, but also to wave its The parasitic members of Dissodinium have
"arms" back and forth {J. and M. Cachon, been suggested to belong to the same order,
pers. comm.). Blastodiniales, as the former because of the
In some modifications from the basic common property of reproduction by
gymnoidinoid the motile phase is not the "palintomy", a c o m m o n form of asexual
principal life cycle stage. For example in reproduction in parasitic flagellates, i.e. by
Dissodinium {Plate 1, Fig. 35), members of "binary fission repeated over and over again,
the Phytodiniaceae such as Cystodinium, without the intermediate stage of nutrition
Tetradinium (Fig. 36) and Stylodinium and growth, leading to the formation of
(Fig. 37), zooxanthellae such as Symbiodi- complete identical products of reproduction"
nium (Fig. 34) and palmelloid (Fig. 32) and (Elbr~ichter and Drebes, 1978, p. 355). A
filamentous {Fig. 33) forms, the motile phase modification of this, "palisporogenesis"
is ephemeral and a continuous-walled {"cyst") (Chatton, 1952) differs in that the initial
stage has become the principal "vegetative" unequal division gives rise to a larger tropho-
state. A parallel example can be found in the cyte which continues to feed from the host,
gonyaulacoid line where the principal phase and a gonocyte which undergoes repeated
of Pyrocystis is apparently a vegetative cyst division to produce sporocytes and spores,
derived from Protogonyaulax {Taylor, 1972, a new gonocyte arising from the trophocyte
1979a; Swift and Wall, 1972). A variant on with each unequal division of the latter. This
this is found in Dinamoebidium, where the form of reproduction is found in Blastodinium
motile stage becomes amoeboid before and closely related members of the Apodini-
forming a division cyst (Pascher, 1916). aceae and is the main criterion for recognizing
Amoeboid stages have also been reported for members of the family.
species of Stylodinium and Cystodinedria One of the least differentiated parasitic
parasitic on algae (Pfiester and Popovsky, forms is Protoodinium. The feeding stage
1979). {"trophont" or "trophocyte") is a typical
An ever-inCreasing number of parasitic small gymnodinoid cell with delicate thecal
dindflagellates are being subjected to electron platelets, girdle and sulcal grooves, flagella,
microscopy (e.g. Haplozoon, by Siebert and trichocysts (usually missing in parasitic forms)
West, 1974), often with surprising results. It is and developed chloroplasts {Plate 1, Fig. 38).
here that one finds the greatest diversity in However, it produces a tentacle-like
nuclear features, often differing from one "peduncle" from the lower end of the sulcus
stage of the life-cycle to the next. by means of which it penetrates its host,
Although probably most, if not all, remains attached, and draws in nourishment.

The peduncle is rather reminiscent in position (the ends meeting the sulcus not lying in the
and function to the s t o m o p o d of Erythro- same plane, the left-hand end being more
psidinium. More altered feeding stages can be anterior than the right), often accompanied
seen in the ectoparasites Oodinium and by torsion so that the sulcus is twisted to a
Chytriodinium (Blastodiniales) which also use greater or lesser degree. It is also within this
stalk-like peduncles to penetrate their hosts line that nuclear capsules are most c o m m o n l y
and have lost their photosynthetic ability. found. The simplest form is seen in
Another distinct assemblage among the Gyrodinium (Plate 1, Fig. 55), the most
bewildering diversity of parasitic dinoflagel- extreme torsion occurring in Cochlodinium
lates is the order Syndiniales, united by a (Fig. 56). In C. angustum the girdle takes
c o m m o n form of mitosis, the presence of four full turns around the b o d y , the sulcus
centrioles, and expanded interphasic chromo- also spiralling around with it (see Kofoid and
somes. Hollande (1975} has discussed mem- Swezy, 1921, still the most extensive discus-
bers of this group, recently named by sion of general form in " n a k e d " taxa).
Loeblich (1976a) as a replacement for the Another curious development is in Polykri-
same Coccidiniales. It is this group that has kos where displacement is slight, and torsion
been thought to be closely related to hyper- negligible, but it appears to consist o~
mastigld flagellates on the basis of their multiple individuals fused into one. The
nuclear features (Ris and Kubai, 1974). number of individuals involved is suggested
Some parasitic dinoflagellates are so modi- by the external morphology since there are
fied that they may strain credulity when seen multiple girdles and paired flagella (adjacent
attributed to dinoflagellates. Perhaps sulci are confluent}. Within the genus the
Haplozoon exemplifies these (Plate 1, Fig. 54) number of individuals in a chain varies but
and must serve as a final example of the often there are fewer nuclei than individuals
parasitic forms. H. axiothellae, a gut parasite (Chatton, 1952}. Here Clifford Dobell's term
of a marine annelid, has been studied by "acellular" seems most apt to refer to
Siebert (1973} and Siebert and West (1974}. Polykrikos mastigonts. Most are non-photo-
Its multicellular form has three different cell synthetic (containing nematocysts) b u t a
types, the anterior-most "trophocyte" few are pigmented, including P. lebourae
bearing a suction apparatus with numerous which seems to exist in photosynthetic and
small spines and a large stylet by which it non-photosynthetic forms which are other-
penetrates a host epithelial cell, several "gono- wise identical.
c y t e s " behind it undergoing division, and The most elaborate products of the gyrodi-
quadrinucleate sporocytes at the other end. noid line are the ocelloid genera (Plate 1,
Surprisingly, the cells of this multicellular Fig. 58--61) referred to earlier in the section
stage have typical amphiesmal vesicles with on internal structure. Not only do they
thin plates. In other words, each of these possess ocelli and, in Nematodinium, nemato-
attached cells appear to be equivalent to a cyst-like ejectile organelles, but some (e.g.
motile cell in structure, except for the lack of Erythropsodinium) also have a remarkable
flagella, and pusules, chloroplasts, and tricho- posterior extension termed a " p i s t o n "
cysts are also absent. (Greuet, 1969}, capable of being whipped out
Ultrastructural information, particularly very rapidly to many times its resting length.
that on mitotic mechanisms, may permit the It is probably an elaborate homologne of the
clearer recognition of parasitic affinities in the simpler tentacle of Protoerythropsis (Fig. 58)
near future. and, possibly, the peduncle o f some ectopara-
One major development within the gymno- sitic genera. These predators also have an
dinoids is that in which the mastigont has elaborate "stomopharyngean c o m p l e x " for
undergone left-handed girdle displacement prey ingestion.

A gyrodinoid side-branch probably gave early stage (the sporocyte) which resembles
rise to Plectodinium (Fig. 62), whose external members of Amphidinium (Cachon and
morphology is very similar to members of Cachon, 1967}, and this seems to be the
Gyrodinium and simple Cochlodinium only clue as to their origin.
species. However, the nuclear capsule is an Encystment in the gymnodinoids is com-
elaborate basket (Plate 3, Fig. 4) and there are monly for vegetative reproduction, additional
two internal mineralized spines located near to regular binary fission. Klebs (1912) and
the apex (not one as sometimes reported). A Kofoid and Swezy (1921) have described
comparison of this organization with that of some of these division cysts, illustrated by
Actiniscus (= Gymnaster) (Fig. 63)reveals many authors including Pouchet {1883) and
considerable similarity, the principal distinc- SchStt (1896} but often ignored in discus-
tion being the elaborate stellate form of the sions of dinoflagellate life cycles. Unlike the
paired internal siliceous elements in the latter ecdysal division cysts of peridinioids and
(found fossilized in sediments dating back to gonyaulacoids, gymnodinoid division cysts
the Cretaceous}. In Amphilothus, Monaster may be exogenously produced by the libera-
and Achradina the internal skeleton is basket- tion of material. It is unlikely that they
like and no perinuclear capsule has been would fossilize. Klebs (1912) distinguished
reported for them. Consequently they are not between "Schleimcysten" and "Hautcysten",
evidently close to Actiniscus and thus may indicating that sometimes the latter may be
constitute a separate gymnodinoid line. formed subsequent to the initial formation of
The final examples to be considered here the more ephemeral mucilagenous layer. An
are the bizarre, mostly warm temperate to ephemeral envelope may also form prior to
tropical marine relatives of Noctiluca, usually the formation of resting cysts. Von Stosch
over-looked by all but a few French plank- (1973} has referred to a "preliminary wall"
tologists studying the Mediterranean. Three formed in Gymnodinium pseudopalustre
families are recognized (Cachon and Cachon, prior to the development of the spinose,
1969) which can be considered sublineages hypnozygotic resting cyst. Resting cysts
here. In two, the noctilucids (Fig. 50) and have only been rarely seen in gymnodinoid
kofoidinids (Figs. 46, 47) the mature masti- forms (e.g. Polykrikos) and have variable
gonts are much swollen by vacuoles (not forms (cf. Wall and Dale, 1968, Plate 4,
pusules), the former reaching or exceeding Figs. 27--30).
2 mm. Noctiluca has only one flagellum,
and has an elongate tentacle containing Biochemical features
microfibrillar bundles which permit it to be
waved around. Some of the kofoidinids also Although there has been only one review
have a noctiluca-like stage (e.g. Spatulodinium) specifically directed at dinoflagellates in more
but they are strongly flattened laterally and than a decade (the dated but still useful paper
both flagella are present. In Kofoidinium and by Loeblich III, 1967) the group has been
Pomatodinium extracellular "shells" are held included in several comparative texts such as
by special projections of the cell, and may Stewart (1974) and Ragan and Chapman
be rotated! (J. Cachon, pers. comm.). In the (1978}. The latter, being focused on the
third sub-lineage, the leptodiscids (Figs. 48, phylogenetic interpretation of biochemical
49), the body has been flattened apico- data, is a mine of information and would
antapically and the most elaborate forms render a more cramped abstraction here
(e.g. Craspedotella) have skirt-like extensions redundant and inadequate. Consequently
which they can contract in beats resembling only a few salient features will be noted and
the movements of medusae. the reader should consult the above for a
Most of this final group pass through an proper perspective on the data.

The chloroplast pigments of dinoflagellates monads. Starch is a principal storage

have been described and evaluated by Jeffrey product of the chlorophyll a + b containing
et al. (1975). In addition to chlorophyll a Chlorophyte Series (except euglenoids).
dinoflagellates possess chlorophyll c, like The sterol composition of dinoflagellates
m a n y algae (the " C h r o m o p h y t e Series" of has only been recently examined. The
Taylor, 1978, derived from Christensen's presence of a unique a-methylsterol, dino-
" C h r o m o p h y t a " , 1962}. However most of sterol, in addition to cholesterol, has been
the "chlorophyll a + c algae" possess two reported (Shimizu et al., 1976). This sterol
forms of chlorophyll c: c~ and c2. The only resembles another unusual sterol found in
groups which possess only one form (c2 only) zooxanthella-containing gorgonians, "gorgo-
are the cryptomonads and the dinoflagellates. sterol", and "acanthasterol" isolated from the
Taylor (1978) considered this supportive of coral-eating starfish Acanthaster and may
the view that they are primitive. Their serve as an indicator of the presence of the
carotenoid accessory, pigments, including group. Its presence in Black Sea sediments has
acetylenic xanthophylls, also resemble those been used to suggest dinoflagellate dominance
of the c h r o m o p h y t e series although a unique (Boon et al., 1979).
pigment, peridinin, is the principal carotenoid The lack of conventional histones has been
in most, usually in combination with diadino- noted earlier in connection with the dino-
xanthin, dinoxanthin, /~-carQtene and an karyon. The nuclei of a few, principally in the
unidentified pink xanthophyll. The peridinin Syndiniophyceae, do stain with Fast Green as
is tightly bound to chlorophyll a and protein if histones were present. This group of
in a unique functional complex (Haxo et al., parasites are also different from other dino-
1976). Phycobilins have not been reported for flagellates in the dispersion of their chromo-
dinoflagellates although some, such as somes during interphase and the possession of
Balechina coerulea, possess blue granules of centrioles. However the form o f their motile
u n k n o w n composition, possibly similar to cells and the presence of amphiesmal vesicles
those in some ciliates such as Stentor. and typical dinoflagellate trichocysts during
Two of the five species reported by various their life-cycle clearly indicate their dino-
authors to contain fucoxanthin, absent in the flagellate affinity. Loeblich III (1976a,b) and
majority of dinoflagellates but a dominant Ragan and Chapman (1978) have reviewed
xanthophyll in the Chromophyte Series, have data on the nucleic acids of the group.
been shown to harbor symbionts (see earlier Nutritionally the photosynthetic dino-
in this text) whose chloroplasts are the cause flagellates show similar requirements to
of the anomaly. These also possess both forms diatoms. However many diatoms can manu-
of chlorophyll c and do not have the triple- facture vitamin B-12 whereas all photosyn-
membrane enclosure of their chloroplasts. It thetic dinoflagellates require it (cf. Provasoli
will be interesting to see if a close examina- and Carlucci, 1974), a characteristic which
tion of the others with anomalous pigments probably has considerable ecological signifi-
(several Gymnodinium spp., their Exuviaella cance as well as being of evolutionary note.
sp. was not a dinoflagellate) will also reveal None of the photosynthetic members can
the presence of symbionts. The pattern of survive on acetate or sugar in the dark.
distribution of photosynthesis in the group Luminescence, of undecided function, is
as a whole (Plate 1) suggests that photosyn- c o m m o n in the gonyaulacoids (Taylor,
thesis has been lost along many lines, rather 1979a) such as Pyrodinium, Protogonyaulax,
than independently gamed. Ceratium and Pyrocystis. However it is also
The formation of starch as a storage pro- known from some species of Protoperidinium
duct is unlike the Chromophytes, although and the presumed gymnodinoid derivative,
it is another feature shared with crypto- Noctiluca, is renowned for it. The reaction

of the luciferin with the luciferase is regulated Unfortunately, if one wishes to determine
by changes in cell membrane permeability the compatability of relationships and
(Sweeney, 1974) and the binding of the sequences proposed here with the fossil
enzyme to unique guanine crystals, "scintil- record a number of relations severely limit
lons" (Hamman and Seliger, 1972). However this exercise.
the latter can also be present in non-luminous The fossil record is almost exclusively
dinoflagellates (Gold and Pokorny, 1973). limited to the resistant remains of cyst walls
The toxins of dinoflagellates have attracted (see earlier comments on Dinogymnium for
considerable interest (see numerous papers in a possible exception). Thus one is faced with
the volume edited by Taylor and Seliger, comparing a lot of information regarding the
1979) but their synthesis and function are soft parts and theca of the mastigont phase
still little understood. The best known, of the life cycle with the discarded shells of
"saxitoxin", has also been reported to be pro- another phase or phases. Although it is
duced by a blue-green alga, Aphanizomenon, fortunate that the tabulation of the theca
which might be thought to suggest some is often expressed nearly wholly or in part
affinity. However it is also similar, if not on the walls of the cyst either as lines
identical to poisons produced by salamanders ("paratabulation") or arrangements of
and one species of Australian octopus. It is projections or other ornamentation, this is
noteworthy, however, that most of the found mainly in the fossil and living gonyaula-
nerve-poison producing dinoflagellates appear coids, peridinioids (reviewed by Lentin and
to be "lower" gonyaulacoids (Taylor, 1979a), Williams, 1975) providing little information
one species of Prorocentrum and Gymno- on thecal tabulation on their cyst walls (some
dinium catenatum (see section on gymno- species of Palaeoperidinium being a striking
dinoids) being notable exception. Other types exception, even intercalary bands and
of toxin occur within the genera Gymnodi- information on probable overlap being visible
nium and Amphidinium. as a negative imprint on the inside of the cyst
wall: Gocht and Netzel, 1976). No prorocen-
troid fossils are known but they might n o t be
The fossil record recognisable using the palynological criteria
of today (Loeblich III, 1976a).
The dinoflagellate fossil record is full of Many (most?) living dinoflagellates do not
information and there are probably more appear to produce fossilizable cysts and some,
taxonomists studying fossil dinoflagellates such as Protogonyaulax tarnarensis and
than living ones. Sarjeant (1974) has provided Peridinium faeroense (Dale, 1977, 1978;
one of several general reviews of the nature Turpin et al., 1978) produce cysts which
of the record. The intention of the present would not be confidently assigned to dino-
paper has been to augment this direct phylo- flagellates if found as fossils, probably being
genetic data with an interpretation of the referable to the "acritarchs".
"soft part" information which is used con- When these facts (and others noted by
siderably by protistologists to discuss Taylor, 1978) are combined with the un-
possible relationships among living organisms doubted "holes" resulting from incomplete
and most of which is unlikely to ever be study, it is remarkable that so much has been
available to those studying fossil remains. The gleaned so far from the study of fossil dino-
biological significance of many fossil features flagellates. Comparisons between numbers
has been illuminated by the studies on living of taxa present in past strata and today are
dinoflagellates by Evitt, Wall, Dale and others, largely invalid due to the differing taxonomic
focused on this aspect (earlier work reviewed practices of neontologists and palynologists.
by Wall, 1971). As Dale (1978) has put it: "Cysts are

probably 'over classified' in the paleontologic- From the Cretaceous onward there are
based system" and "Thecate dinoflagellates numerous fossils, including undoubted peri-
are probably 'underclassified' in the biologic- dinioids (e.g. Deflandrea) and gonyaulacoids
based system", resulting in a much greater {e.g. Gonyaulacysta). The earliest Heteraula-
formal recognition of taxa, particularly cus-like pattern can be seen on some highly
genera, for similar degrees of morphological ornamented Cretaceous (Albian) cysts such as
difference in the former system. Dinopterygium, forms looking most like
The earliest critically accepted record of a modern Heteraulacus, such as Heteraulacysta,
dinoflagellate is now that of Arpylorus in the occurring in the Early Tertiary {e.g.
Silurian (recently reviewed, with a re-exami- Morgenroth, 1966: Eocene).
nation of material, by Sarjeant, 1978). The If one accepts the published dinoflagellate
paratabulation on this form is very difficult fossil record as reasonably complete, with the
to resolve although, if Sarjeant's interpreta- earliest stratigraphic records closely reflecting
tion of girdle position is correct, the archeo- the origin of particular tabulational types,
pyle (excystment aperture) is anterior inter- then not only is there little support for the
calary in position, a peridinioid-like feature. sequences suggested in the present paper, but
The symmetry of the patterning cannot be there are inversions of many of the postulated
satisfactorily determined. sequential events (G. Eaton, pers. comm.).
In the Late Triassic other undoubted dino- For example Suessia, one of the earliest
flagellates are known, several of these, recorded with its many paraplates, could be
including Suessia and Rhaetogonyaulax looked on as Woloszynskia-like, i.e. transi-
having a larger number of paraplates than the tional gymnodinoid. Peridinioid-like appears
plates of most recent gonyaulacoids or peri- before gonyaulacoid-like. Heteraulacus-like
dinioids. Despite its name Rhaetogonyaulax patterns (closest to the basic model here) only
does not resemble a gonyaulacoid as recogniz- appear in the record later, as do the only
ed here, lacking the torsion typical of most possible dinophysoids, and prorocentroids are
of the latter; having numerous subequal not there at all. The "tree" on Plate 1 is
anterior intercalaries alternating with the upside down! Large number of paraplates
precingulars, and having seven precingulars seem to precede smaller numbers, the exact
and postcingulars. Dapcodinium, which has opposite to the proposed subdivision, rather
also been found in the Late Triassic, than fusion, suggested here.
resembles Rhaetogonyaulax in epithecal Even accepting the limitations already out-
features but has a gonyaulacoid-like distortion lined earlier, it might seem a form of willful
of the hypothecal paratabulation, raising the perversion to maintain the probability of the
interesting possibility of an AA symmetry sequences proposed here. Earlier it was
(Evitt, pets. comm.), not known in living admitted that the morphoclines seen today do
dinoflagellates {with the possible exception not permit certainty as to the direction of
of Peridiniella}. change. However there are several critical
The first possible dinophysoids, referred to factors which, this author believes, open up
as species of Nannoceratopsis, have been the possibilities and suggest that the record
found in the Early Jurassic. However, as is grossly incomplete and consequently mis-
noted earlier, although there are many leading (see also Taylor, 1978).
striking resemblances to modern dinophysoids, Firstly, although most neontologists do not
including general form and the position of a accept the proposal that dinoflagellates are
main dorso-ventral sagittal suture, the intermediate between prokaryotes and
epitheca possesses an unusually large number eukaryotes {therefore having evolved before
of plates similar in pattern in some ways to any of the latter) they are still considered to
peridinioids. be one of the most primitive euharyotic

groups, or the most primitive eukaryotes, or peridinioids can produce acritarchous

depending on whether one rates nuclear cysts, what value do first paratabulational
features more significant indicators of records have relative to the emergence of
primitiveness than chloroplast features or these groups? Admittedly, the earliest dino-
lack of flagella (Loeblich III, 1976a; Taylor, flagellates could have maintained an
1976, 1978). Even the cytoplasmic ribosomal athecate, d e s m o k o n t form for a long time
R N A shows sign o f being primitive, the larger before evolving a theca with distinct tabula-
subvnit having a smaller molecular weight tion, but there is no reason to assume that
than that of other eukaryotes (Gressel et al., the formation of fossilizable cysts was
1975). Consequently they are thought to have correlated with this in any way, and
evolved before most protists, including those especially not the fortuitous "reflection"
thought to have given rise to the macrophytic of the tabulation as discernable marks on
green or brown algae, land plants or meta- the cyst wall.
zoans. This is utterly inconsistent with their
Silurian origin as suggested by the fossil
record, for all of the latter groups were Alternative arrangements within the group
apparently well developed by the Late
Precambrian or Early Cambrian, 500 to 600 The " t r e e " in Plate 1 gives an abbreviated
million years ago. but still overcrowded picture of the arrange-
There is a record of a Precambrian dino- ment of the living members considered most
flagellate, Zosterosphaera tripunctata, in the reasonable here. Ironically, despite more than
literature, Schopf {1968) having tentatively 90 years of further study, it is very similar to
assigned a microfossil from the Bitter Springs Berth's (1881a,b) first hypothetical scheme
formation to this group. However this attribu- of evolution for the group, proceeding from
tion has n o t been generally accepted by desmokonts to dinokonts, with gymnodinoids
palynologists and there is nothing distinc- considered more advanced than those with
tively dinoflagellate-like in this spherical b o d y heavier thecae and fewer plates. BiJtschli
with a few pore-like markings and internal (1885) also held with this view although he
projections. It would probably be termed an thought that the girdle had shifted from a
acritarch by most recent authors. posterior position to a more anterior one; the
This raises the second major caveat. There prorocentroid valves being considered anterior
are many acritarch records earlier than the and posterior, instead of left and right. Bergh
Silurian, including some that are suggestive of believed that dinophysoids gave rise to the
dinoflagellates but with too little to go on to more advanced forms, and this remains a
be certain (e.g. Cymatiogalea; Gorka, 1969), possibility although they are given a separate
and quite a few Precambrian forms. It has line here.
been noted several times earlier than the There have, of course, been a variety of
cysts of Protogonyaulax tamarensis and other views expressed. They cannot be
Peridinium faeroense would not be definitely detailed here, but can be boiled d o w n to t w o
attributable to dinoflagellates using the principal alternatives.
current, properly conservative criteria of Polyphyletism was suggested by Cavers
today, if fossilized. This opens the strong (1913). He proposed that Prorocentrum,
possibility that some "acritarchs" are actually Oxyrrhis and Gymnodinium were all on
fossilized dinoflagellate cysts, a possibility separate lines (from cryptomonads), the
which becomes a probability when the latter giving rise to the bulk of the dinoflagel-
apparent primitiveness of the group is con- lates. The demonstration of the fundamental
sidered relative to the ancestors of groups similarity of ultrastructure in all the principal
with good Cambrian fossils. If gonyaulacoids groups of dinofiagellates (Dodge, 1971) has

made polyphyletism improbable. Neverthe- still considered a possible link between the
less the different nuclear types might be two by Cavers (1913), but doubted by
considered indications of the presence of Kofoid and Swezy (1921). The strongest
several stocks (see discussion by Hollande, indication of an affinity is that indicated by
1972). the resemblance between the ciliate cortex
The most widely held alternative is that in and the dinoflagellate amphiesmal structure
which the supposed "naked" forms are more (see section on structure), and it is on this
primitive than the heavily armoured forms, basis that Corliss (1975) and Taylor (1976b,
a view more matched to the existing fossil 1978) suggested a close relationship between
record (see previous section). The principal the two. There is no sign of the dinokaryotic
proponents of this view were Kofoid and condition in ciliates, the chromosomes having
Swezy (1921, following Schiitt, 1895). In interphasic dispersal and the spindle being
order to get around the difficulty of the intranuclear, although both groups can have
prorocentroids (accepted as primitive) having very large amounts of DNA per cell. The
heavy thecae, they placed them on a separate mitochondrial architecture is similar in the
line, with Pronoctiluca and Oxyrrhis thought two groups, both having tubular cristae.
to be intermediate between the two. They Dinoflagellate oblique fssion seems somewhat
were more aware than most of the sophisti- similar to the unusual transverse fission of
cated organisation of the ocelloid genera, ciliates, other protists having longitudinal
but recognized them as the end points of sub- fission, but the fission furrow begins posteri-
lineages. orly in dinoflagellates,as in other flagellates.
In this author's view the gymnodinoids and Dinoflagellates and cryptomonads were
their presumed derivatives are relatively grouped together in the division Pyrrhophyta
"advanced" dinoflagellates, the use of a by many earlier phycologists (e.g. Pascher,
honeycomb of amphiesmal vesicles for peri- 1914). However, the closeness implied by this
pheral strength being sophisticated rather grouping is not supported by detailed
than primitive. It must be admitted that their structural or biochemical analysis. They are
elaborate diversification, including ocelli, similar in the possession of hairy flagella
nematocysts, cytostomes, tentacles, con- (although the hairs are of a different type),
tractile wings, etc., could be explained in internal walls (of different composition),
terms of having been in existence for a longer possession of chlorophyll c2 and the produc-
time. tion of starch as a storage, but differ in
nuclear, chloroplastic (structure and non-
chlorophyllous pigments), mitochondrial and
The phyletic position of dinoflagellates trichocyst features.
Similarly a grouping with euglenoids (as
The two groups most frequently linked the subkingdom Euglenophytaria Dillon,
with the dinoflagellates by early authors, 1963) is based on some shared characters:
such as Bergh (1881a,b), Bi~tschli (1885) permanently condensed chromosomes and a
and Carets (1913), were the ciliates and persistent nucleolus in most members, hairy
cryptomonads. flagella with secondary banded, fibrous
The ciliate link undoubtedly resulted from supportive structure (the striated strand of
the early misapprehension that the girdle dinoflagellates and paraflagellar rod of
contained cilia (hence the name "Cilio- euglenoids), internal walls, three-membraned
flagellds" used by Clapardde and envelope of the chloroplast, thylakoid groups
Lachmann, 1859). Once corrected by Klebs in threes and some similaritiesof mucocyst
(1883) the argument was weakened. The or trichocyst structure but they differ in
multinucleate condition of Polykrikos was pigments, storage products, presence of his-

tones and internal mitotic spindle in eugle- ribbon-like even in the desmokonts (thought
noids, wall composition, mitochondrial to be the most primitive dinoflagellates) and,
structure and other features. together with the cingulum (girdle groove),
A link to radiolaria has been suggested on has become a functional unit which not only
the basis of the topological similarity of the turns the cells, but also propels if forward.
radiolarian capsule and the theca of dino- (2) The cellulosic cell wall (theca) of the
flagellates (Hollande et al., 1970), a mitosis motile stage is always intracellular, having
superficially resembling that of Syndinium been formed within closed vesicles. It has
but with an intranuclear spindle, and the been transformed from paired, thick lateral
presence of siliceous endoskeletons in some valves plus a field of minute but orderly
dinoflagellates. The resemblance between the platelets around the two flagellar pores
mitotic process of dinoflagellates and hyper- (prorocentroids), to more subdivided lateral
mastigid flagellates has been noted earlier in valves plus a girdle and sulcus in which the
this text. flagella both arise from one pore (dinophy-
The apparent primitive features of the soids). A further development may have been
nucleus suggest that, whatever their nearest the subdivision of the theca on an essentially
relatives might be, the dinoflagellates occupy radially symmetrical plan, with six longitu-
a position close to base of the eukaryotic dinal sectors sub<iivided into five latitudinal
radiation, but it is also evident that they are series of plates (two versions of this, gonyau-
a highly specialized group. Taylor (1976b, lacoids and peridinioids, due to differences in
1978) has placed them at the base of the flagella insertion or orientation). Distortion
Chromophyte Series. On the basis of bio- and subdivision of plates has occurred fre-
chemical features only Ragan and Chapman quently, loss of sutures being more rare. The
(1978) placed them in a similar position but epithecal pattern has been less conservative
noted that, due to anomalies, "any phylo- than the hypothecal, and the left side more
genetic positioning will invite criticism". subject to change than the right. Finally, in
gymnodinoids peripheral strength has been
achieved by proliferation of the vesicles into
Conclusions a honey-comb-like configuration. The greater
the number of vesicles, the thinner the thecal
The dinoflagellates are a group of striking plates (a rule which applies to most dino-
diversity, exhibiting some of the most primi- flagellates) and they may be lost entirely in
tive and yet also some of the most sophisti- some. Secondarily a continuous fibrous
cated structure to be found among the layer or layers (the pellicle) has been laid
protists. Despite this great variety, certain down beneath the vesicular layer in some, and
major features can be postulated to have can serve for strengthening of the motile cell,
arisen by particular sequences of events, the immediate wall of ecdysal cysts, or
deduced from comparisons with other flagel- probably, can differentiate into the resting
lates and the surprisingly large number of cyst wall.
gradients of structure shown by living forms. (3) Endogenous cysts (non-motile stages
The principal events postulated are listed with continuous walls) have been developed
below. for various functions, including asexual
(1) The flagellahave shifted from the apical ecdysal (pellicle) cysts in which the theca is
position (relativeto the direction of motion) shed. Resting cysts, with resistant, thick walls
c o m m o n to most flagellatesand the desmo- and excystment via a precisely positioned
kont dinoflagellates,to a lateral insertion, aperture, the archeopyle, are hypnozygotes
accompanied by the formation of surface in some, if not all cases, but are not formed
furrows. The transverse flagellum became by many dinoflagellates. Calcification of the

cyst wall has occurred in some peridinoid sterol, dinosterol, is so far known only from
taxa. Silicification of cyst walls is known only members of the group.
from fossil forms and may not be a primary (6) Common parallelisms found in the
phenomenon. In some a cyst stage has various lineages are: "sinistrality" (greater
become dominant in the life-cycle (vegetative development of structures on the left side
cysts). Secondary cysts may be produced of the cell}; the production of horns or
before the motile stage is formed. Exogenous flattened projections, apical pore formation,
"cysts", which are ephemeral, gelatinous, list elaboration, flattening of the body,
protective coverings, may precede gymno- torsion (most commonly left-handed),
dinoid division, or the formation of a more inflation of the body by vacuoles, chain
substantial wall. Sexuality seems to be present formation, predominance of a non-motile
in many species although is often cryptic. stage, multicellularity, phagotrophy, and
Therefore its apparent absence from members parasitism.
postulated to be more primitive may be (7) Notable developments restricted to
deceptive. only one or a few sublineages are: loss of
(4) The internal cell organization is built on the girdle plates; formation of a chamber
the same basic plan as that of other eukaryo- from the girdle lists (for cyanophyte
tic flagellates. The type of flagellar dimor- symbionts?); the production of an internal
phism associated with surface grooves, siliceous skeleton; the development of ocelli
pusules, and fibrillar, continuously con- and nematocysts; formation of a coenocyte-
densed chromosomes are distinctive. The like condition in motile cells by the fusion of
most common nuclear condition (dino- individuals and reduction in the number of
karyotic) exhibits some prokaryote-like nuclei; movement of either the whole body or
features which might indicate great primitive- extensions of it by microfibrillar bundles and
ness. Other features thought to be primitive the use of body movements for medusoid-like
are shared with some other eukaryotic groups locomotion and multicellularity.
possessing "cryptomitosis" (persistence of the (8) The fossil record appears to be
nuclear membrane). The totally external extremely incomplete, judging by the
spindle is unusual but occurs also in tricho- apparent primitiveness of the group. Some
monad and hypermastigote flagellates. Devia- "acritarchs" are probably dinoflagellate cyst
tions from the dinokaryon have developed remains.
principally among the parasitic and nocti- (9} There appear to be two major lineages
lucid members (all probably gymnodinoid within those genera usually attributed to the
derivatives}. order Peridiniales: peridinioids and gonyaula-
(5) Loss of photosynthesis seems to have coids. Although the number of plate series
occurred in most lineages, primitive forms and general arrangement is similar, the two
being generally photosynthetic and more can be fundamentally distinguished by an
derived forms not. If the chloroplasts were analysis of their type of symmetry relative to
acquired by symbiosis then this occurred the flagellar insertion. A new order has been
before the radiation of the main lineages, proposed for the gonyaulacoids (see below}.
although fucoxanthin-containing chloroplasts
appear to have been secondarily acquired
through recent symbioses. The pigment Systematic appendix
spectrum resembles the "chromophyte type",
with peridinin a dominant xanthophyll Diagnosis for the Order Gonyaulacales ord.
unique to the group. Starch formation nOV.
resembles that in the chlorophytes (except
that it is extrachloroplastic). A 4a-methyl- Dinoflagellates with five principal lati-

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