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UGPH-GU20 Fall 2019 KEY

Lecture 19: Simple Linear Regression
1. Let’s take a second look at the example which contains a trichotomous categorical IV.

1) Based on the SPSS output, write out the estimated regression equation.
E (Weight) = 65.93 + 7.38 x Black + (-4.17) x Hispanic
2) Compute the averaged weight among Black.
Black: E(Weight) = 65.93 + 7.38 x 1 + (-4.17) x 0

3) Compute the averaged weight among Hispanic.

Hispanic: E(Weight) = 65.93 + 7.38 x 0 + (-4.17) x 1

4) What if we are considering 5 race groups in this study, how many dummy variables
should be used?

2. Is experiencing stress associated with experiencing depression?

Model Summary
R Adjusted R
Model R Square Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .705 .496 .489 .40023
a. Predictors: (Constant), PSS - 10 Item
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regressio 10.420 1 10.420 65.053 .000b
Residual 10.572 66 .160
Total 20.992 67
a. Dependent Variable: Depression
b. Predictors: (Constant), Stress

Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant .352 .206 1.708 .092
Stress .735 .091 .705 8.066 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Depression

1) State the null and alternative hypothesis

H0: β1 = 0
Ha: β1 ≠ 0

2) Based on the SPSS output, write out the estimated regression equation

E(depression) = 0.35+ 0.74*stress

3) Interpret the intercept coefficient

When the level of Stress is 0, then the predicted/expected depression level is 0.35.

4) Interpret the slop coefficient

A one unit increase in perceived stress is associated with a 0.73 unit increase in
depression symptoms.

5) If a person’s stress level increase by 1.3 units, what would be the expected change on
depression? [A correction has been made.]

Depression is expected to increase 0.74 x 1.3 = 0.962 unit.

6) What is the depression level of a person whose stress level is 2? [A correction has been
E(depression) = 0.35+ 0.74 x 2 = 1.83

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