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Work between necessity and drug

“Going to work for a large company is like getting on a train. Are you going sixty
miles an hour or is the train going sixty miles an hour and you're just sitting still?”
(J. Paul Getty).
This is the quote that explains in the best way what I understand by work- like a drug.
Is well known the phenomen of „workaholic” that refers at a person who is addicted to work.
This is more present in the big companies were their rules are made in a way in which the
employee must be in a strong relationship with his colleagues after the capitalist model that
the Americans started. Using these rules the personal goals are the same with the ones that the
company has. The family has, in the best case, the second place, after the job and the contact
between these two environments are almost interdicted.
So the persons that works starts from the necessity of living and having a decent life
and becomes work dependent. This is the situation were all this life is gravitating around his
job that becomes more important that his family, other activities or even himself. A study
made in Romania on this subject shows that the first alarm signals that occur when a person
has the tendency to manifest workaholic behavior is stress installing and a gradual weakening
health. Only 6.55% of the respondents claimed that they feel relaxed after they finish the
The percentage of 74.24% felt stress affected depending on several factors, and 19.21% are
stressed all the time. The effects are felt immediately in health, 36.17% of those who feel
permanently stressed suffered last year by a serious disease caused by high stress. Often,
when these respondents were sick due to stress caused by work and responsibilities for its
organization, the company was not involved in supporting them. Only 16.22% of cases have
received support from those who work for.
So these are examples of people that not only that aren’t working for pleasure but also
let the work to take all their time and in this way it becomes a drug. Am like the real drugs,
work reaches the level were it kills. So were stops the necessity and starts the drug? This is
the question at which many didn’t know the answer so they ended like a true stoned that
refuses help: alone, without any power and hope for a better life. All that they have is a
memory of the times when they could make the difference between what was necessary to do
to live decently and this hungry for money and glory that turned against them.

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