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Grade 10 Health UNIT 3 health trends issues and concern Global level


(GLOBAL LEVEL) MAPEH 10 –Teacher MONREAL NHS, Monreal, Masbate
2. 2. This module aims to help you: • learn about different global health issues and the
initiatives made to help address these problems. • Improve understanding of health
concerns and how these are treated or implemented around the world and locally. At the
end of each lesson, a transfer activity will help evaluate your understanding of the
different topics. • You will also be assessed prior to answering the different activities and
again at the end of the lesson to check for knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills
3. 3. Todays lesson: • Definition/meaning of global health • 8 Millennium development
goals (MDG) • UNDP’s Quick Wins to answer achieve the 8 MDG
4. 4. Activity: Word Hunt With your group spot the word Use whiteboard marker pen and
write the answers in your activity white pad. Procedure: 1. Look for words/terms related
global health issues and concerns that the World Health Organization and member-
nations are facing.
5. 5. 3 M I N U T E S
6. 6. Guide questions: 1.List down different health, trends and issues problem cited on the
video you are going to watch? 2. What are the different health services mentioned in the
video? Video clip viewing: WHO Bringing Health to life
7. 7. The term “global health” rose in popularity along with the rise of globalization. Both
terms improved public awareness of vulnerabilities and shared responsibilities among
people for the different injustices in the world.
8. 8. Global Health - pertains to various health issues, concerns, and trends which go
beyond national boundaries and call for global initiatives for the protection and
promotion of peoples’ health across the world. - Ilona Kickbush (2006) Global Health is
an area for study, research and practice that prioritizes health improvement and achieving
impartiality in healthcare and wellness worldwide. - Koplan and Associates (2009)
9. 9. GLOBAL HEALTH - Diverse health issues, concerns and trends which call for all
nations to address and act on to promote and protect health of individuals and groups
across boundaries.
10. 10. The primary international body responsible for developing leadership in health,
setting norms and standards and providing health support among nations around the
11. 11. These are programs and projects which help address global health issues, concerns
and trends. Global Health Initiatives
12. 12. QUICK WINS -- UNDP intervention program which refers to actions that can be
immediately used within the community or locale to produce effective results. (See page
272-273) *UNDP – United Nations Development Program
13. 13. Stop TB Roll Back Malaria Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS Malariaand
otherdiseases, Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Comprehensive Mental
Health Action Plan Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol Global
Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non- Communicable Diseases. Global Health
14. 14. These are goals set by the United Nations for its member- nations to be fulfilled on an
agreed span of time (2015) to be evaluated and counter-checked under world standards.
UN created MDG in 2000 in effort to improve life in developing regions by 2015
15. 15. 1. ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER – Developing countries
particularly in Africa and Asia suffer from extreme poverty and hunger. Poverty and
hunger leads to severe malnutrition which leads to lifelong physical and cognitive
(learning and reasoning) damage and affects health, well-being and the economy. Some
key suggestions to eradicate poverty and hunger are : Education Promoting gender
equality Producing more jobs Investing more in agriculture Strengthened nutrition
programs for children and infants
16. 16. 2. ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION – Persons, particularly
women who are educated, are more likely to seek medical care especially during
pregnancy, ensuring proper nutrition for their family, adopting healthy sanitary practices
and ensuring immunization of children. As an effect, infants and childrenhave better
survival rates, are healthier and better nourished. If these are attained, children who
receive primary education are more likely to: Marry and have their own families at a
later stage in life Practice family planning and have fewer children Know rights,
responsibilities and civic obligations Seek employment and sustain personal and family
needs Have decreased risk of getting sexually transmitted infections like HIV/AIDS
17. 17. 3. PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY & EMPOWER WOMEN – Gender equality
means equal representation of men and women. It implies that all gender should have
equal value and treatment. Equal gender treatment empowers women and other groups
creating opportunities in education, work, finances, and other aspects which improves the
economy and lessen effects of financial crises. Gender equality can be achieved through:
Early childhood development intervention Promotion of women’s political rights and
involvement Improved reproductive health programs and policies Education and
integrating gender equality in school curriculum
18. 18. 4. REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY - Programs and policies which help reduce child
mortality like improving nutritional intake, healthcare facilities and infrastructure, and
other fields which improve children’s lives. Strengthening local and national health
programs and policies is one way to reduce child mortality. This includes: Immunization
programs Assuring the survival and better health of mothers Improving reproductive
health programs and policies Better nutrition program for infants, children and
19. 19. 5. IMPROVED MATERNAL HEALTH - is not only about mother’s health but also
involves the health and wellness of the family. Maternal health also helps eradicate other
problems like poverty, gender inequality, decreased workforce, lower birth deaths, and
disability of women. Some ways to improve maternal health include: Improved and
proper nutrition of mothers Teaching the benefits of birth spacing and small family
size Educating young boys and girls about the importance of maternal health Better
and improved access to hospital care especially obstetric- gynecology, prenatal and
postnatal care
emerging diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, influenza and other diseases affect
productivity and growth of nations. Some of the effects of disease outbreak are loss of
jobs, shortage in professional workers, and creating social crises. Children are the most
vulnerable and are exposed to exploitation and abuse undermining their normal growth
and development. Some ways to combat diseases include effective prevention, treatment
and care Like: Improved housing conditions Increased access to anti-malarial
medicines Promoting safer sex behavior and preventive education for all Promoting
Tuberculosis (TB) screening of HIV/AIDS persons and TB - Directly Observed
Treatment Short (TB-DOTS) Course therapy Promoting the use of insecticide-treated
nets to fight mosquito-borne diseases
21. 21. 7. ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY - Investing and supporting
sustainable energy like solar, wind and water energy help support jobs, create business
opportunities, and save remaining non-renewable energy sources. Environmental
sustainability assures peoples to live healthier and enjoy a clean and green environment.
Some of the benefits of a sustainable environment are: Cleaner air and environment
Clean, environment-friendly, and renewable energy New and aspiring jobs and business
in energy Increased access to sanitation
22. 22. 8. GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT - The United Nations, World
Health Organization, World Bank and governments work together to make sure there is
fair trade and that heavily indebted countries obtain relief and funds to combat poverty,
malnutrition and funds for education and social projects. Some benefits of global
partnership are: Expanded international trade agreements Improved access to
affordable medicine Reduced poverty through government debt relief grant
Developed information and communication technology (ICT)
23. 23. Activity: NAME THAT ICON
24. 24. Video Clip Viewing Guide Questions: 1. How much portion was cut in extreme
poverty? 2. How Many Percent was increased or added in universal primary education?
3. Was gender equality has been met? Yes or no? 4. How many children are still dying
below 5 years old? 5. How many of the women get prenatal care? 6. How many young
women are infected by HIV every Hour? 7. How many people don’t have basic sanitation
like toilet? 8. Was the Global partnership fully achieved? Yes/no?
27. 27. 1.TUBERCULOSIS Commonly known as TB (Tubercle Bacillus, is a bacterial
infection that can spread through the lymph nodes and bloodstream to any organ in your
body. It is often most found in the lungs.
28. 28. 2. DRUG USE & ABUSE
29. 29. It is patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the drug substance in
amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others. 2. DRUG USE &
30. 30. 3. HIV / AIDS
31. 31. It is transmitted primarily via unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated blood
transfusions, hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery,
or breastfeeding. 3. HIV / AIDS
32. 32. NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE NCD, can refer to chronic diseases which last
for long periods of time and progress slowly.
33. 33. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE - Also known as infectious disease or transmissible
diseases. - These are illnesses that result from the infection, presence and growth of
pathogenic biologic agents in humans.
34. 34. CLIMATE CHANGE A change in global or regional climate patterns attributed
directly or indirectly to human activity. • “Global Warming” in sheep’s clothing. A long-
term change in the Earth’s climate. • A long-term change in the Earth’s climate.
35. 35. MENTAL HEALTH -It is a level of psychological well-being and the absence of a
mental disorder.
36. 36. IMMUNIZATION & VACCINES - It is the safe and effective use of a small amount
of a weakened and killed virus or bacteria or bits of lab made protein that imitate the
virus in order to prevent infection by the same virus or bacteria. When you get an
immunization, you’re injected with the weakened form or a disease. This triggers your
body’s immune response, causing it to either produce antibodies and the like.
37. 37. ALCOHOL & TOBACCO ABUSE/ADDICTION The excessive consumption of
alcohol and tobacco. - Causes communicable and non communicable diseases.
38. 38. MALARIA / OTHER VECTOR-BORNE MALARIA causes symptoms that typically
include fever, fatigue, vomiting and headaches. In severe cases, it can cause yellow skin,
seizures, coma or death. VECTORS are living organisms that can transmit infectious
diseases between humans or from animals to
39. 39. There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that
are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer
states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.




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