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THE USE OF WORD: The fact that I am physically present at Cal­

In the beginning, God used the word to abar does not deter people from going to
create the world. When Christ came, He healing homes and Biakpan to bathe in the
also used words to do all the marvellous stream. This is so because they do not be­
works. But now, instead 'of you to believe lieve in the word. When you come here, I
and have faith in the word, you would rather will only feed you with the word of God and
have faith and believe in herbs, bark of later tell you to go that your problems are
trees, idols, charm, among other inconse­ over. I refer you to portions in the Bible. The
quential things. fact that I do not give you anything to apply
You believe in your relations who are juju for your sickness or something like talisman
doctors, wizards, witchcrafts and members to solve your problem, is far from your sat­
of secret societies. And as a result of this, isfaction. As such, you must look for a con­
nobody cares to believe in the word of God. crete thing to use.
Even as you are reading this gospel you are God does not eat back His words. He
still ?eing tormented by the thought of pos­ has promised that, as it was through one
sessing all the luxuries of this world, hus­ man that sins came to the world, it will also
band, wife, children, cars, houses, jet, etc. be through one righteous person that salva­
YOU ARE AFTER FRIVOLfiIES: tion will come to the world. He knows that
You are always preoccupied with what to you are of the flesh, and that, the flesh is an
eat, wear and chew. You have little or no hindrance to you.
thought about practising the word of God. WORKING TOWARDS ONE GOAL:
You do not bother about this word which It is the will of the Father to make many
you do not have rather you crave for frivo­ things to be ambivalent. While He chooses
lous things. All your requests are centred on many people to serve Him, many more peo­
carnal things and you have not done any ple are serving flesh. He does not make
good thing for God. any mistake in doing this. While the children
. God has time for a particular thing and of God are working hard to save the chi I
In the fullness of time everything will work dren of the flesh, the children of the fleshon
out according to the plan. He will change the other hand are working to save the chil­
you and make you the true inheritance of dren of the spirit. So they both work hand in
this kingdom. For I have come to change hand for the glory of God. Incidentally, the
humanity and liberate them. world is yet to come to the knowledge of
THE CHILDREN OF GOD KNOW THE WORD The children of God want the children of
You should not be offended if someone the flesh to abandon all their evil ways and
says that Brotherhood of the Cross and St~r follow God. It does not profit the children of
is a cult. The reason is that such a person IS God anything, if the children of the 'flesh
preoccupied by juju, cult, principal.ities should abandon all their unwholesome acts
among other thing because the person IS of to join in the service of God. And it is the
the world. But the children of God know the will of the children of the flE~sh that, the chil­
word. If the Father tells them to stand there, . dren of the Holy Spirit should leave their
they will comply immediately. They are. not wholesome service to God. This group of
annoyed easily. They do not hate, fight, people believe that, by serving God, the
quarrel, begrudge, plan evil against one an­ custom and traditions of their people have
other, steal, lie, gossip because they are de­ been thrown to the dogs. As such. they
void of sins. They do not listen to any per­ want to protect their traditions.
son except the Holy Spirit. . There is none who can do anything on
You dQ,Velop mania for earthly luxuries his own except the Father approves it. The
and develop lethargy for the word of God. power to do anything comes from God, the
Father. If your carnal father is a difficult per­
son. his children will follow suit.
. BY Leader O. O. Obu

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