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Ashaffa Rizky Meidianti (1502184241)

KM – 42 – 05
Topic : Sexual assault.
Thesis statement : How to support the victims of sexual assault.
General purpose : To persuade.
Specific purpose : Persuade the audience to support the victims of sexual assault.

Sexual Assault
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good afternoon Mrs. Gartika as our English lecturer, and good afternoon everyone.
First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Ashaffa Rizky Meidianti and today I will
persuade each of you to join the sexual assault awareness movement. If you are wondering why
I choose this topic, it is because April is sexual assault awareness and prevention month. Each
of you will relate of what I am going to say today. No one is going to introduce themselves by
saying hi my name is Ashaffa and I was raped when I was 15 years old. If you are asking
yourself if I have ever been raped thankfully the answer is no. Sexual assault is when someone
does something sexual to another person without getting their permission first include anything
from touching someones genital, inserting something into any body parts or showing something
sexual. Sexual assault is always traumatic. When we are raped, we will protect ourselves as
much as we can because we have some intinct to survive. Few woman choose to fight back but
others cant because they are just too fear to fight back.
Every people in this world has a role to prevent sexual assault. When you see someone
you know at risk, there are many different ways that you can give to them. When someone tells
you a story that they have been sexually assaulted, it is not alway easy to know what you have
to say and what reaction you should give to them. So today I will encourage you to be as
supportive and respectful as possible, and listening to all of their story is the best way to support
the victims.
Dont ever ask the victims “who did it”. It can be really difficult for the victims to share
their story so leave any “why” questions. The best thing you can do is to believe them by saying
“I believe you”. The victims may blame themselves so remind the victims that they didn’t have
to blame it by saying “its not your fault or you didn’t do anything to deserve this”. Let the
victims know that you are there for them and tell them that you will listen to their story if they
want to share it by saying “you are not alone, I care about you and I am here to listen to your
story” because they really need your support. If someone you know is considering suicide,
learn the warning signs, offer some help and support them. The most important thing you can
do is encourage the victims to practice to love themselves during this difficult and worst time.
If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault, remember it is not
your fault no matter who you were with, how you were dressed, or what you were doing, you
have nothing to feel guilty about. If anyone ever rapes you or hurts you in any way, get to the

hospital and tell them what happened and they will help you to take the steps to prevent illness
and they will get you some additional support. And the most important thing is you should tell
someone you trust like your mother, your family, or your bestfriend. You can tell them face to
face, on the phone, or however you are most comfortable with. It is brave to talk about sexual
assault. Maybe it makes you feel uncomfortable but it can protect yourself and maybe other
people too. So lets be careful and help the victims of sexual assault as much as we can.
Thats all from me, thank you for your attention and forgive me if there are any mistakes
i made during this speech, see you later.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb


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