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Chapter 40

The Importance of Clarity, Pursuing Excellence, and Immaculateness in Everything

You Do!

The foundation of all Spiritual work is the �God Clarity, Immaculateness, and
Pursuit of Excellence� that you maintain every moment of your life and on
every level of your being.

What will manifest in your outer life is the Clarity, Pursuit of Excellence and
Immaculateness, or lack thereof in your consciousness.

Many on the Spiritual path do not hold themselves to the high standard and high
calling of really trying to be God, be the Christ, be the Buddha, and be a Son or
Daughter of GOD on Earth. This means monitoring every thought to make sure that it
is a GOD thought and not a negative ego thought. This means monitoring every
feeling and emotion to make sure is stemming from your
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha consciousness and not your negative
ego/fearbased/separative consciousness. This means monitoring and being
vigilant over every word you speak, recognizing the power of the spoken
word. This means monitoring and being vigilant over your every action and
behavior to make sure your every movement is representative of the Most
High GOD! This means using your energy and energies only in the most
Spiritual and Sanctified manner!

This means keeping your word as GOD keeps His Word! This means
maintaining the highest level of integrity and honesty in everything you do,
with yourself and with others. It means striving to be absolutely egoless and
selfless at all times! When it is right to be Spiritually selfish, it means to
make sure that you are really being Spiritually selfish and not egotistically
selfish. This means being devastatingly honest with self, and examining your
every motivation for everything you are doing and to constantly check
yourself to make sure your motivations are not coming from a selfishly
motivated place! It means being able to admit your mistakes to yourself and
to others when necessary. It means being willing to apologize for your
mistakes! It means to put GOD first and not have false gods before him in a
psychological sense (like power, fame, greed, and lower-self desire).
This means every moment of your life trying to practice the presence of
God and to practice living like an Integrated Ascended Master on Earth. It
means truly unconditionally loving and caring about people. It means being
truly compassionate! It means sticking to your Spiritual and psychological
ideals on every level no matter what the circumstance! It means doing this
even when you are physically exhausted, stressed out or overwhelmed. It
means walking the extra mile for a Brother and Sister. It means being
�Faithful unto death so you may receive the Crown of Life�!
It means not fudging on your Spiritual and psychological ideals ever. It
means really keeping your priorities in order! It means living like a God
Being on Earth while simultaneously not putting yourself above others, but
instead doing it with humbleness and humility. It means not giving into
temptation. It means striving to live a life of perfection, but when you do
make mistakes, forgiving yourself, and forgiving others and always being
unconditionally loving and nonjudgmental to self and others. It means
keeping your inner life as clean and organized as your outer life! It means not
fudging on any level just because you are tired. It means demonstrating the
same immaculate ideal on a Spiritual, Psychological, Physical/Earthly,
Social, and Business level, and on every other level you can think of.
It means not giving into your lower-self and lower-self desire. It means
manifesting a flawless character to your highest ability every moment of your
life. It means recognizing that mistakes and adjustments are okay and part of
every person�s life. It means, however, learning from your mistakes and
trying to not repeat them again. It means keeping the highest Spiritual and
psychological standard you can keep, and sticking to it and not compromising
where you are not supposed to. It means being more focused on learning your
own lessons and letting GOD teach other people how to learn theirs. It means
not being lazy or procrastinating. It means making choices and standing
behind them. It means maintaining absolute Mastery over your thoughts,
feelings, emotions, subconscious mind, negative ego, inner child, lower-self
desire, energies and physical body at all times in service of GOD,
unconditional love and balance! It means balancing Heaven and Earth and
feminine and masculine energies at all times. It means most of all
maintaining GOD Purity in every aspect of your life, every moment of your

It means striving to maintain clarity in your consciousness at all times so

your subconscious mind and negative ego thinking cannot slip in to sabotage
your manifestation. It means not being self-righteous, a know-it-all, or
opinionated, and being open to continually learning and refining your being.
It means treating others who are not at your level of Spiritual, psychological
and physical/earthly development with the utmost kindness, generosity, and
compassion. It means never judging another who does not hold the
�Immaculate Standards and Demonstration� that you keep. It means not only
being 100% clear about what your Spiritual and psychological ideals are, but
having the personal power and dedication to demonstrate them every moment
at the 100% level, not just know you have them. It also means being
consistent on a superconscious, conscious, and subconscious level and
physical body level, so that all three minds and the physical body are
consistent with each other. It means to dedicate your life to being of total
service to your Brothers and Sisters as your main purpose for being here. It is
to hold to your Spiritual ideal of being an �Integrated God Realized Being�
and never wavering for a moment in your demonstration of these ideals to the
very best of your understanding.
It means to always be open to learning more, refining your process, and
making subtle adjustments to be even more God like. It is to strive to resolve
all conflicts or any confusion within yourself as quickly as possible so the
�base-line� of your daily consciousness is always clear and on top of things!
It is to not give in to the line of least resistance and the indolence of the
subconscious mind. It is to not give in to all the rationalizations and excuses
of the negative ego and lower-self to not do what you are supposed to do. It is
to get back on the saddle when you fall off, and not indulge in self-pity or
self-indulgence when you get knocked off or fall off the wagon, as you
invariably will at times. It is to look at every moment of your life as a
Spiritual test and to try and pass every Spiritual test to the best of your
ability. It is not only to try to pass every test, but to help others to the best
of your ability to pass their tests. It is to never compete or compare with others,
to never give in to fear or separation.

It is to treat every Brother and Sister as

God, for that, in truth is who and what they are! It is to recognize there is
only one being in this infinite universe and that is GOD, and we all share the
same identity with Him! It is to fully know and understand that �To Have all,
you must Give all!� To hold back from a Brother and Sister your
unconditional love and complete generosity of spirit and everything you have
is to hold it back from yourself! Your Brother and Sister in truth, are your
mirrors. If you see anything but the Christ and unconditional love, no matter
what their level of consciousness or even negative ego disturbance factor,
you are in truth just seeing yourself. That which you hold back from a
Brother and Sister you will hold back from yourself! It is okay to make
Spiritual discernments, but do so from unconditional love, still recognizing
that all you meet are still Sons and Daughters of God even though they may
not be acting like it. Practice every moment of your life the �Holy
Encounter,� that every interaction with a Brother and Sister is Christ meeting
Christ, Buddha meeting Buddha, God meeting God! If this is not how you are
seeing every Brother and Sister, then, with no judgement, you are not seeing
correctly! To be a Son or Daughter of GOD is to see with innocent
perception. It is to see each person as the God Being they are, but to also see
with Spiritual discernment simultaneously. This is when your Third Eye will
become more completely and fully open! This is the balance you must seek!
Love your enemies! Turn the other cheek! Live a life of personal power,
unconditional love, active intelligence, harmony, spiritual science,
devotion, freedom, defenselessness, harmlessness, unconditional love,
compassion, gentleness, forgiveness, nonjudgmentalness, tolerance, patience,
evenmindedness, and equanimity. Be the Light! Be the Love! Be God! Be
Christ! Be the Buddha! Be crystal clear and precise in your every thought,
word and deed! Pay attention to detail! GOD is in the details! Pursue
excellence on every level of your being! Be immaculate in your Spiritual and
psychological ideal and in your demonstration of this ideal on a Spiritual,
psychological and physical/earthly level.

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