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LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (starting questions are most imp in each unit)

POSSIBLE 5 marks and 10 marks questions:


1. How do you estimate the temporary hardness of water by EDTA or by Complexo

metric method?
2. Describe the Lime-Soda process for softening of hard water with neat sketch.
3. Explain the process of Reverse Osmosis and give its significance.
4. Write a short note on i)scales and sludges ii)Caustic Embritlement, iii)Priming
and Foaming iv)Boiler corrosion.
5. Write in detail an account on Disinfection of water by chlorination and
6. Explain Internal treatment methods in detail(Phosphate ,Carbonate and Calgon).
7. What is hardness of water? What are its units? How do you express the hardness
of water?
8. What are the causes for hardness of water? Distinguish between temporary and
Permanent hardness of water.
9. Describe the demineralization of water by ion exchange method.
10. Differentiate between i) Lime soda and ion exchange process.

1. What are fuel cells? Explain the working and construction of H2-O2 fuel cell and
give its advantages.
2. Explain the working of Lead- Acid cell and give its applications.
3. Explain the working of Nickel-Cadmium cell and give its applications.
4. Derive the Nernst Equation. Write its applications.
5. What are Reference electrodes? Describe the construction of calomel electrode
and give its advantages?
6. What is Conductance?Explain Specific and Equivalent Conductance and give its
7. a)Write a short note on dry cell. b) What are the applications of Batteries?
8. a)Write a short note on galvanic cell? b)Give the applications of batteries
9. Explain how rust is formed by Electrochemical corrosion mechanism(Wet
10. 3. Explain the mechanism of Chemical Corrosion(Dry corrosion)?
11. Describe the various factors influencing the rate of chemical corrosion(nature of
metal and environment).
12. Explain Sacrificial anodic protection?
13. Write a short note on i)cementation and (ii)Electroplating(copper plating) and
hot dipping(galvanization)iv) Electrolessplating of Nickel.
14. What is Corrosion? What are the causes and effects of the corrosion?
15. Explain how corrosion takes place by evolution of hydrogen gas?(wet corrosion
2nd type)

1. Explain the mechanism involved in conduction of conducting polymers with an
2. Explain the Injection moulding, and Compression moulding with neat diagrams.
3. What is polymerization? Explain chain(addition) polymerization mechanism.(Free
radical Mechanism)
4. What is condenation polymerization? Explain with two examples?
5. Give the difference between thermoset and thermoplastic materials with
6. Give the preparation, properties and uses of (i) PVC (ii) Bakelite (iii) Teflon
(iv)Nylon 6,6.
7. What are conducting polymers? Write the preparation,properties and
applications of polyaniline and polyacetylene.
8. What are Conducting polymers? Give its important applications?
9. Write the preparation, properties and applications of BUNA-S, and Butyl
10. What are the fibers? Give the properties and applications of Fiber Reinforced
11. What are biodegradable polymers? Give the preparation and applications of
polyvinyl acetate and polylactic acid?
12. a) Write a short note on Fiber Reinforced plastics?b) write a short note on
13. Give the difference between addition and condensation polymerization.
1. Explain Junker’s gas calorimeter for the determination of calorific value of
gaseous fuel.
2. Explain the proximate and ultimate analysis of coal and give its significance.
3. Write a short note on i)knocking ii)octane number iii) cetane number.
4. What is cracking? Explain fixed bed catalytic cracking?
5. what are the constituents, characteristics and applications of natural gas, LPG
and CNG gas
6. What are Renewable energy? Give the advantages, disadvantages and
Applications of solar, wind, hydro power and biomass energy ,
7. Define calorific value? Distinguish between Gross calorific value(GCV or HCV)
from net calorific value(NCV or LCV).
8. Define a Fuel. How chemical fuels are classified and give example for each?

1. What are the important applications of Nanomaterials?

2. Give a brief account of Principles of Green Chemistry
3. what are composites? Give the composition and characteristics of composites?
4. Give the classification and applications of composites?
5. Write a short note on Bio sensors and BiSurfactants.
6. a)write a short note on nano composites b) write a short note on carbon nano
7. What are nano materials ? Give the classification of nanomaterials?
8. Explain the Concept of R4M4 with respect to the following factors-Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle and Redesign?
9. Write a short note on Multipurpose, Multidimensional, Multitasking and Multi-
tracking model with special reference of Econoburette, Survismeter.
10. Write a short note on the concept of Bio-fuels (Biodiesel, Bioethanol and Biogas)?

Possible 2 marks Questions:


1. Differentiate hard water and soft water.

2. What do you understand by the hardness of water? What are its causes?
3. What are the types of hardness? Differentiate them.
4. What are the units for hardness of water?
5. What is EDTA? Write its structure?
6. What is the principle behind EDTA titration?
7. What are the chemicals used for regeneration of ion exchange resins?
8. What are Boiler troubles? Name any 4 boiler troubles?
9. Differentiate Scales and Sludge?
10. What is Caustic Embrittlement? How will you prevent it?
11. What is carry over? How will you prevent it?
12. What is break point chlorination? What is its significance?
13. Give two examples for Cation exchange and anion exchange resins?
14. Give the advantages of RO process and ion exchange process?
15. What is priming?
16. What is foaming?
17. What is Desalination?
18. What is Reverse Osmosis?
19. What are Scales?
20. What are Sludges?
21. What is Calgon?
22. What is phosphate conditioning?
23. What is Carbonate conditioning?
24. What is Chlorination?
25. What is coagulation?

1. what is Electrode potential?

2. What is Galvanic cell?
3. What is a Fuel cell?
4. How does a fuel differ from a battery?
5. What is electrochemical cell?
6. Give any three applications of Nernst equation?
7. What is calomel electrode?
8. Define EMF?
9. Give any two applications of Ni-Cd and Lead- Acid batteries?
10. What are the important applications of fuel cells?
11. Define corrosion.
12. What are the units of corrosion?
13. What is meant by rusting of iron
14. What is dry corrosion?
15. What is pilling bed worth rule?
16. What is wet corrosion?
17. What is oxidation corrosion?
18. What is Galvanizing?
19. Define Electroplating
20. What is a sacrificial anode? Give two examples.
21. Explain the two important factors that influence the corrosion of metals?
22. Distinguish between wet and dry corrosion?
23. What are the applications of electro less plating?
24. What is cementation?

1. Define a polymer?
2. What is meant by polymerization?
3. What is degree of polymerization?
4. Define addition polymerization?
5. What is meant by condensation polymerization
6. What is copolymerization?
7. What are plastics?
8. What are Thermoplastics?
9. What are Thermoset plastics?
10. What is meant by the term ‘vulcanization of rubber’?
11. What is an Elastomer?
12. What is natural rubber?
13. What are conducting polymers?
14. What are biodegradable polymers?
15. What is compression moulding?
16. What is p-doping?Give examples for p-dopants?
17. What is n-doping?Give examples for n-dopants?
18. What are fibre reinforced plastics.
UNIT IV: Energy Sciences & Combustion
1. Define a chemical fuel.
2. What is meant by calorific value of a fuel?
3. What is meant by cracking ?
4. What is catalytic cracking?
5. Define Cetane number?
6. What is meant by knocking?
7. Define Octane number?
8. Distinguish between Gross calorific value(GCV or HCV) from net calorific
9. What is Combustion?
10. Give any three applications of Natural gas.

11. ‘Sulphur enhances the calorific value but it is undesirable to the coal’. Give
UNIT V: Composites,Nano Chemistry and Green Chemistry
1. Give any two principles of Green Chemistry?
2. What are bio-fuels?Give examples?
3. What are Bio sensors?Give examples?
4. What are BiSurfactants?
5. What are composites?
6. What are nanomaterials?
7. What are fullerenes?
8. What are (CNTS)carbon nano tubes?

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