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Mapel : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Kelas : X (IPA dan IPS)

Soal Ujian Mid Semester

1. Choose Have or Has to complete the sentence!
a. Mepi ............ a pencil.
b. Mei dan Dia ............ a beautiful flower.
c. Anton ............ three sisters.
d. We ............ a class this morning.

2. Make your own words by using Simple Past Tense (Positive, Negative, and Introgative) !

3. Please comple the sentence!

(-) I did not go to school yesterday.

4. Please comple the sentence!

(+) You will come to my house.

5. Change into possessive adjective!

I have new bag. (...................................................)
She has cat and horse (...................................................)

6. Translate into English

a. Berita (...................................................)
b. Iklan (...................................................)
c. Pengumuman libur sekolah (...................................................)
d. Idolaku (...................................................)

7. Translate into Bahasa Indonesia

a. Missing people
b. English
c. Announcement

English Conversation Club (SCC) is opening registration for new
members. Join us and improve your Engish!
Every Thursday from 16.00 pm to 17.00 pm at the school hall. For
registration please contact:
Darwin (XI A)
Annisa (XI B
8. Who is the announcement for?
9. What is the announcement about?
10. How long does the meeting last?
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas :X

1. Translate into English! Then, please identify what kind of expression is it?
a. Saya suka potongan rambut barumu.
b. Kamu sangat cantik hari ini.
2. What is passive voice?
3. What is complimenting expression ?
Use the appropriate words in the box to complete the dialogue. The first letters of the
words are provided to help you.

Speechless Friendly
Sing along Crowd
Autograph Nervous
Amazing Excited

Dika : Hi, Mida, you look so happy

Mida : Hi, Dika. You’re right. I’m really happy.
Dika : Really? Why?
Mida : I met my favorite idol, Agnes Mo yesterday.
Dika : Wow , it sounds interesting.
Mida : I was so 4. e She was really awesome and
5. f .
Dika : Did you meet her in a concert?
Mida : No, I didn’t, it’s meet-and-greet event with Agnes Mo in Plaza Indonesia.

6. Who took part in the dialog?

7. Who is Mida favorite idol?
8. When and Where did Mida meet her favorite idol?
9. What is announcement?
10. Please change into passive voice!
Active : I open the door.
Passive :

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