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Topic 6: Minerals and Its Properties 5.

 Cleavage is the tendency of the mineral to be
I. What are Minerals?
split or broken along flat surfaces.
 are naturally occurring, generally inorganic, solid
6. Crystal habit
substance, has orderly structure, and has definite
 Crystal habit refers to the growth crystal pattern
chemical composition for some variations.
of a mineral as single or aggregated.
A. Naturally occurring
- Minerals form by natural geologic processes.
III. Mineral Resources in the Philippines
Synthetic materials—that is, those produced in a
 Gold is one of the most popular and well-known
laboratory or by human intervention—are not
minerals, known for its value and special properties
considered minerals.
since the earliest of time.
B. Generally inorganic
- Inorganic crystalline solids, such as ordinary table
 Copper was one of the first metals to be worked into
salt (halite), that are found naturally in the ground are
implements and the first metal to be smelted from
considered minerals.
ores. Its excellent ductility and high conductivity
C. Solid substance
assure its use in modern society.
- Only solid crystalline substances are considered
 Platinum is silver-white in color, lustrous, ductile,
D. Orderly crystalline structure
and malleable. Platinum is more ductile than gold,
- Minerals are crystalline substances, which means
silver and copper, thus being the most ductile of pure
their atoms (ions) are arranged in an orderly,
repetitive manner.
- This orderly packing of atoms is reflected in regularly
 Silver is used in jewelry, tableware, coins, scientific
shaped objects called crystals.
equipment and in photographic processes.
- Some naturally occurring solids, such as volcanic
glass (obsidian), lack a repetitive atomic structure
 Nickel is a chemical element with the chemical
and are not considered minerals.
symbol Ni and atomic number 28. It is a silvery-white
E. Definite chemical composition that allows for some
lustrous metal with a slight golden tinge. Nickel
belongs to the transition metals and is hard
- Minerals are chemical compounds having
and ductile.
compositions that can be expressed by a chemical
- Example
Pyrite (FeS2) and Calcite (CaCO3)

II. The Physical Properties of Minerals

1. Color
 Color of a mineral depends on the elements
which constitute the crystal lattice – the
arrangement of atoms, or groups of atoms, in a
specific pattern and with high symmetry.
2. Streak
 Streak is the color of the mineral in its powdered
3. Luster
 Luster is the relative differences in the opacity
and transparency of a mineral as light is
reflected on its surface.
 This describes the 'sparkles' of the mineral
 There are two types of luster:
a) Metallic luster
b) Non-metallic luster
4. Hardness
 Hardness is the measure of the resistance of a
surface to abrasions or scratches. It is generally
measured using Moh’s Scale of Hardness.


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