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MANUAL on DISPOSAL OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY ee eet cel can aredeelent ech enedamahantfeehamel vusel-anchaoel Se oe St a Se Fe ee ae Se Sa SA RE RS Nepuble:ot the Philippines SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES BUREAU Deparment of Budget and Management Malacanang, Manila January 28, 1992 THE HONORABLE SECRETARY Dapariment of Budgel and Management Malacanang, Manila Sir We are submitting herewith the tinal copy of the Manual om the Disposal of Government Proparty which tha Systems and Procadures Bureau prepared pursvant to Its mandate under Execulive Order No. 285, together with the National Budget Circular officiaily endorsing the use of tha Mani>l by ali concerned. The Manual is ant improved version ot a looseteaf material on disposal guidelines earlier developad by the Bureau for DB's. internal use In conmaction with disposal activities thal ihe Dearlment's Regional Offices and SPB ilself are underlaking but which some ether agencies have already been using aver in the absence of an official enelorsomemt. The Circular will provide tha necessary tnprimatur and, hopatully, widen the Manual's dissemination and utilization. Respectiully submitted: —y: RO E Az. FUNK _ fre, Maenagamant Specialist tf Manggament Spdalist Il Fgtecs otober*z Information Systoms Analyst lil? Rae. Ja- C20 one Oban. He VERZOS: uvdia 6. CHUA ALL AE BAe ct A metetiet: PN tet Bose erg ees ch Bec dent TO REPUBLIC OF THE,” A)MNVINES: DEPARTMEN'E OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT MATACATANE! gl UTA NATIONAL BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. January 281 1992 ALL HEADS OF DEPARIMENTS, BUREAUS, OFFICES AND AGENCIES OF JHE- NATIONAL GOVERNMENT; STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES; GOVERNMENT-OWNED OR CONTROLLED CORPORATIONS; AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : 9 MANUAL ON THE DISPOSAL OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY 4.0: 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 With tho abolition of the. Supply Coordination Olfice (SCO) pursuant to Executive Order No. 285 dalod July 1967, the sunction of disposal of obsolete, forfeiied, abandonod and surplus supplies, mafarials and equ” ment has been transferred to tha different ime departments and agancies, subject .o the guidelines developed by the Systems and Procedures Bureau (SFB) ol the Depariment of Budget and Management (DBM) and existing laves. Pursuant to this directive, a Manual on the Disposal of Gaverninant Property is horaby issued to guide agoncies In thelr disposal underiakings. The Manual was prepared taking into conslduration existing faws and policies governing disposal, ita guidelines isstiad by tha dofunct Supply Coordination Ofifee and pertinent rules and reguittions of ihe Commission and Audit. Refinemonts and supplements ware intraducad by DEI fo anhance relevance and praciicality of the guidelines. This was done as a resull of ebservatians obtained from actual exposure of SPB slaff and DBM Regional offices fo disposal activities. As manuals are suppased to be dynemic, improvements on the guidelines may ba introduced from time to time as we ava abla to develop belter disposat methods. Agancias are ancouraged to prasani their suggestians or recommendations to DBM in this regard. Itis hoped that the Manualen the Disposal of Gavernmont Property wilt be helptul to all concerned, E>, hontai re. DE ee SN I Sf Pe Sra eS ee eo eo MANUAL on DISPOSAL OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY oe AR LE OE SL TN: A a A A A A He. Hew A Se ee ae Re ee hee ee ee a AN Se ee eee a VV PART I moo 8 PART It TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION Background and Purpose Legal Bases Agancy Coverage Scope of Guidelines Definition of Terms DISPOSAL ACTIVITIES/PROCESSES, Creation of tha Disposal Committee LO Organization 2.0 Funelions 3.0 Secretariat Sarvices 4.0 Desiynation of DBM Rapressntative Determination of Disposable Property Submission of Disposal Documants 1.0 Inventory and inspection Repart 2.0 Hopor. of Wasta Materials 3.0 — tnvaice Peceipt of Property Inspection 1.0 Objective a PART It o 8 mo m Appraisal 1.0 Objgetive 28 Basis of Computatlon 3.0 Formulae 4.0 Definition of Farms (as used (rt the farmulae} 5.0 Sampo Computations Selting of Minknum Value Medes of Disposal $0 CandemnatiovDestruction of Propoity 2.0 Yransler of Property 3.0 Satter 4.0 Donation of Proparty $9 Sale of Proparly Dropping from (ha Books of Accounts GUIDELINES/PROCEBUHES IN THE SALE OF PROPERTY Prebiduing Requirements Who may Participate In Publle Bidding Accomplishniant and Submisstan of Bids Bid Bond Defective Bids Withdrawal of Bids a 10 16 19 9 20 20 a4 21 M. N. ANNEXES Hagotiated Sale Awarding of Bids Payment Ciniming of Awerd Taxes, Customs Duties, Cosis ar Charges Année A - Inventoly and Inspection Report (General Form No. 17-A) Annex & - Adputl bt Waste Materlats (General Form No. 64-A} Annex G - involea Racelpl tor Property {Gonara} Form No. 30-Ay Annex D - Table of Estimetad Servica Uile Annex E - Annuat Average of US$ Guiding, Raie 22 22 23 23 24 PART! INTRODUCTION Backcr cund and Purpose Property disposal Is the third and last phese in tha supply management cycle where the [st two plases consist of procurgmentand utliizatlon and mainienancs. Disposal occurs whon a piace of equipment ar properly can no fonger provide elficien! servics or, though still working, has been renderad useless due to obsolescence. Disposal proceedings should be Immediately (nitiated to avold further deletoration of the property and consequent depraciatlon In tts value. A systemat{c and tImely disposal will yleld benelits in terms of, among others, a higher appralsad value and by enabling storage areas available for other purposes. To factlitale the disposal of ihe increasing quantity of unserviceable equipment and propaity, the haads of {he various dapartmants/agencles have been autiorlzed to dispose o! such equipment anc property. Together with such authorization, @ uniform procedure vf government propally disposat ts pfesertbed. The manual alms to serve as a quide to agenclas by providing Informative and prascriptive melarials on tie Isgat provisions, responsibilities , procedures, condillans and requizamants corcgning disposal actions. Legal Bases Disposal activities are governed primarily by the (ollowing Issuances: 1.0 Executive Order No. 888, Serios of 1983 Executive Ordar No. 888 dated March 18, 1983 stipulales, among others: 1.1 the authorily of the Ministers (now Socretariss) and Heads of Ministries (now Depatimenis/Agencies) to dispose of thelr Jaspecilys unserviceable squipmon and disposable propelty: 1.2 the creation of a Disposal Commiltes in each department/agency to be composed of the representatives of the owning department/agency, the Bureau cf Supp’y Guardination and the Conmomccian on Andi 2.0 the creation of Meytonal Digposal Committoas composed of the tapresantativos of {he ragianal offices of ine owning Hepatiinentiagancy, the Bureau of Supply Coordinallon, and the Commission on Audit; 1.4 the duties of the Disposal Commiliae and the Regional Disposal Comuilles; 1.5 the submission of disposat documents andthe modes of disposal Execulive Order No. 285, Series. of 1997 Execullve Order No. 255 dated July 25, '987, an the other land, provides, among others: at 2.2 23 tha abolition of tha General Services Adminislralion and the transter of (ts functions to apprepriata government agencles; iha mandate ol tha Systems snd Procedures Bureau of the Dapartment of Budget and Management (o develop guidetines retativa to disposal of government properly; Ihe reconsiltution ofthe Disposal Committaa which shalf now include the saprasentative of tha Department of Budget and Managamant in ten of the Supply Coordination Office . Agency Coverago The quidelinas prescribed in Wis manual shall apply to departments and agancias of the national government Including their respective sogionallield ofilces, stale universitias and colleges, and govamment-owned or controilad corpotailons. Scope of Guidallnes 4.0 2.0 The guidelings contained hereln shall refer to the disposal of government proparty which are unservicaable, obsolete, forleited, abandoned,.excess. Gr surplus to the needs of the govamimant, or junk or scrap materials. As.usedin this manual, government properly relors lo parsonal proparty suich as supplies, tiaterials and equipment purchased of owed, stocked and used by the goverment ii its operations. Disposal of tha following ptoperty ate likewise covered by these guidelines but shall be done In coordination wilh appropiate government at 2.2 23 Musoum materints acquired ant preserved solely for extilblilon; and anlique property and works of atl, which shall be referred lo the National Museurn for the datermination of its dispustttan anct appraisal of vaive; Documenis submilieJ for copydght, In coordinalion wilh the National Library; and Modats submitted in cannectlon wilh applications for patente, In coordination with tha Burean of Patenls, Trademarks and Technology Transfer. 3.0 Excluded trom Ihe coverage ol Ihis manual ave a4 32 Reai Properly, which shall be governed by the DBM.DENA- DPWH Joln| Circular No. 1 dated September 40, 1989. Disposal of real proporty shall bo done In coordination with (ie Department of Environment and Natural Resources Records, which shail be yovarnad by the DECS Department order No. 13-A daled February 3, 1968. Definition of Terms The following torns which ara used to reler lo disposable government property are defined, thie: 4.0 Abandoned Property - any personal property in ta possession of any government agency without & known owner. 2.0 Beyond Economical Aepair - when the cost of rapait and nialntenance becomes prohibitive and disadvnnlageous to the guvernment considering such faclors as: aA a2 2.3 24 2.5 malntanance expenses downline replacement cost of spare paris frequency of breakdown alternative modas such as sfenlal of equipment or outright replacement 3.0 Econontically Repaiiable - that which can be rehatilialed and malntalned at a cost eoanomical to the agency, considering tha live (6) Taclorg mentionsd tn ttem 2.0 above. As a 5.0 6.0 8.0 8.0: 10.0 Equipment- any propany, oler thant land, structures and fixed factlitles, having @ useful fife greater than eng year, the cost of which amounts to. 21,500 of nore (par COA Circular Mo. 88-2008) and which whan used dow auiler any materel oF substantial change or alteration (n size PSTN Excess Frogarty - that whleb Is beyond the. requirement of the owning. agency but may still ba naedad tr some other govamment agencies. Expendable Propeny - tat which may ba consumed, spent, ar used-up, Faifeltact Pronarty - hat witch is acquired by summery process or by «te Thilinntnas, Matatlals - aia expetivauis u. process of manufacture or construction including parts or remimanis hut destroyed or Jamayod! (xed aasets, Non-axpandable Propoity - \hat which cannot be consumed, spont or used-up, such as, equipment Obsolete Property - thal which has lost Its efficacy either dug to: ieehnelogica advencomesi., change el procedures. reorganization of ofllce, of completion of preject. SorapAunit - fragments of dlecardod. meterials that has no vatua excapt for iis basic materiat contents and whch cannot be repracessed and re- used In the cosratlons of other government proparty. Suppias - arp sxpandable commodiltes which are normally consumed within a year In canaectlon with governnient operalicns. Surplus Prope? ty - excess personal property no longer needed by the government. Unseryiceable Property - that which ig bayend repair and has ro more utilization potentlet, PART If DISPOSAL ACTIVITIES/PROCESSES A. Creation of ihe Disposat Committee 1.0 2.0 Organ ation The creattan Gf a Disposal Commiltes In gach depaitment and agency Is provided in &.0, 888. On the olher hand, E.O. 205 stipulated the reconstitution of the Disposal Cammiltes as ollows: Owning Department or Agony - Chairman Commission on Audit - Member Department of Budgal and Management : Mamber The Regional Disposal Commiliess era organized in the same manner, with representatives Irom the following Regional Olfice of Owning Dapl. Agency - Chairman DBM Roglonat Olfice Membor COA Regionat Office - Mamber Functions 2.1 Disposal CommilfeefRegional Disposal Conimitles The functions of the Disposal Comnuttees and the Regional Disposal Commillaes as provided In E.O. 886 are the following: a. Inspector authorize the dapariment’s/agancy's field offices fo inspect the unserviceable equipment ard property to varily justification tor disposal; b. Sel the final appraised value of all disposable property considering obsolescence, maikel demand, pliysical condilion and result of previous biddings for similar properly: c. Flaconumand to tha Head of the DepartmentAgancy for approval, the manner of disposal; d. — Conduel public biddings for the sale of disposable property on an "as is, where is" basis and to recommend rcorrasnoncinn award 3.0 49 Recommendations of Disposal Commitigas In the regions and in agancigs atlached to cattatn Deparimants shall be subject to the final approval of the tlead of the Department concomnacd. 2.2 Chaitman and Members of tha Commitiag The Disposal Commiliee Chalrman calls the meoting of the Committae and initiates lhe activitias in the disposal process. In cases of contlicts or differencas among the Comimillae members especially regarding varying appraised values, the Chairman stall make the final dacision as lo which recommendation shall be subriitted to the Head of the DepartmenVAgency for approval The members are clothed wilt the authorily to make decistons in behalf of thelr raspective offices during the vatious commilise deliberations. Tha mombers are expected to Undertake inspection, appraisal and valuation activitlas as a group or tndividually, and pattelpata in the bidding and awarding aclivities Secretarial Services A Sacrefatial and technical stall to ba manned from existing personnel of the agency shail be formed to handie all the Committee's technical and adminislrative matlers as well as tlio salekesping and systematic filing of Cemmillas documents and records Designation of the DAM Representative The DBM representative to Ihe Disposal Comniiltea shail be daslgnatad by an authorized DBM official upon submission by the agency of a fetter requesiing such dasignation. Determination of Olsposable Property 2.0 3.0 Any or all of tha following conuitlons shall constitule disposable property: Proparty which can no longer be repaired or racondilionad; Property whose maintenance costcosts of repair more than oulweighs. the benefits and services that will be derived from iis continued use; Property that has become obsolete or outmoded because of changes In {achnology; 5.0 Unused supplies, materials, and spare parts that were procuied in excess Of taquitemants; and 6.0 Unused suppliss and materials that has become dangerous to use because of loug sleraga or usa of which Is delarminad ta be hazardous. Supmission uv. vocuments Potlaining lo Disposable Property Accountable officials in possession of unserviceable properly shall subtnit to the Disposal Commiltea, through their lespective leads of offices, the following accomplished foims, as appropriate 1.0 fnventory and Inspection Heport (| & 1 Report, ollerwise known as General For No. 17-A). This form covers seni-expendable malarials and equipment and nun-expendable supplies and should be accompanied by any of the following as the case maybe: [See Annox A} 1.1 individual survey report, duly certified by the Supply Officer and Head of Agency; 1.2 List of missing spate parts, duly certilier” by the Supply Officer anu Head of Agency; 1.3 Stencils of chassis and engine numbers of motor vehicles; and 1.4 Current photographs in two (2) positions. 2.0 Report of Waste Matenals (QWM olharwise known as General Form No. 64-A}. This form cavers expendable materials, supplies, and consumabtes including spare pails, amply containers, remnants from destroyed of damaged fixed assets. [Seo Annex B] 3.0 Invoice-Receipt for Property (INP otharwise known as General Form No. 30-A). This forny covers gavernmant property transferred from another agancy which bas become unsorvicoable, and duly recommended for disposal by the head of the agency. [Seo Annex C] inspection 1.0 Objective. Inspection Is aimed at obtaining a first hand observation of {he physical and operational condition of (he properly and. thstr prarkelability or abillly lo attract prospective buyers. 2.0 Conduet of Ocular Inspection. Insneclon may be dione saparately by E. 24 22 23 Appralsal Verity stated serial numbor, motor nunibor, properly number, and ether specifications ecessary for. establishing cones idaniification of the properly. Delerming the physical condiliov/gensral appearance of the proparty rolative to: a. ihe equipment being operational, economically repairable or beyond economical repair; b ihe availabilily of spata paris and tha general obsolescence of the equipment; and ¢. tha quatily, degree and extent of malntenance and repair done on equipment. In cases where the equipment is declared to be junk, the totat estimated welght per lol should be detarniinad to form as basis of the appraised value. The cosl per unit of the property/supplies inspected will depend on the kind of material appraised. 1.0 Objective. The objective in computing the appraised value of the property for disposal is to sol the government's minimum selling price 50 that Ihe government shall receive fair compansaticn for the flanis sold. Ths Disposal Commitlee niembers, including the owning agency, shall gach prepare its appraisal report. 2.0 Basis of the Computation, After having conducted the ocular inspection and regardless of the mode of disposal fo ba undertaken, the appraised value shall be computed using as basis thé information/data appearing in the Invantery & Inspection Meport, Report of Waste Materials and invoice-Necaipl tor Properly The toltowlng basic variables are io be used - year af acquisition - cost of acquisition - replacement cost 3.0 Formulae. In the computation of the appraised value, any of the formulae as enumeralad below in varsions may be usad depending on the Bt a2 3.3 version 1 lbis ls used for all types of properly where the acquisition cost. and year of acquigition are known, APPRAISED VALUE = RUY x CE x CKE x No, of Units vhare, RUv = (AE ~ SV) + sy Version 2 - this Ls used for all types of property where the acquisition cost and year of acquisitlon are unknown but the replacement cest can be astabtl shed. APPRAISED VALUE = RO ox CE x UF x Ho. of Units version 3 - this ts used for all types ef property where the acquisition cost ks unknown, but year vf acquisition and replacement cost can be established, APPRAISED VALUE = RC x AF x CF x No. of Units Legend: RUV - Ramaining Uselul Value CF - Condition Factor CFF - Currency Fluctuation Factor AC. - Acquisition Cost VV - Salvage Valua RA - Remaining Usetut Lite 1 - Estimated Servlea Lite AS - Actual Service AC - Raplacainent Cost UF - Usage Factor 40 Definition of Tors (as used In tho formulag): at Ad 43 44 45 46 47 4.8 49 ACQUISITION COSI (AC), ralats to tha price or amount al which the propotly was putchased or acquired REPLACEMENT COSTS @XC}, refers fo the cutront markel price of a similar new equipmem,; or if tha equipment is no longer ov ule in the market due to product obsatascence, the markel jaico of a similar equipment which can functional'y replace tie item appraised CUNRENCY FLUCTUATION FACTOR (CFF), er P to § rata APPRAISAL YEAH over P to $ rata ACQUISITION YEAH, as usaclin Version 1, refers lo the U.S. Dollar relerence rate telalive to the Philippine Peso at the lime of appraisavacquisition. [See Annex D for Annual Average of US$ Guiding Rate} ESTIMATED SERVICE LIFE (L), as used in Version 1, refers lo the length of service life that may be expected from a pallicutar equipment assuming normal utilization. (See Annex “E" tor Table of Eslimated Service Life of Equipmont/’ sperly] ACTUAL SEAVICE (AS), is defined as the age of the ecuipmentiproperty from date of purchase, or the diflarance betwoon the year of disposal and the acquisition year. REMAINING USEFUL LIFE (R), as used in Version 1, rofers to ihe difference between the Eslimated Service Life (L) and the number of years of actual service (AS) of tha properly. {I the compuled [is less than zero, is assigned a valua of zero SALVAGE VALUE (SY), is equivalent! to len percent (10%) of the acquisition cost of the equipmeavproperty, PHYSICAL CONDITION (PC), refers to the condition of the property at tha tla of Inspection relative to such observable factors as orm, physical state, ganeral appearance, degree of dalerictation obsolescence, completeness of components, markelabilly of tha propeiy/components and other similar observable [actors CONDITION FACTOR (CF), as used in alt versions, rolers to the value, used for compulallonal putposes, corresponding tot ho Physical Condition of the equipmenyproperty. PHYSICAL CONDITION CE. VALUE EXCELLENT 0.80 VERY GOOD 0.70 Goon 0.60 SATISFACTORY 0.50 ADEQUATE 0.40 FAIR 0.30 POOR 0,20 VERY POOR 0.10 4.10 USAGE FACTOR (UF), as used in all versions, ratets to whether the equipmontproperly has been used of not at the time of disposal. if the property has not bean used, UF is assigned a conslant value of 0.90; otherwise, it is equal fo the values assigned lo the Condition Factor (CF). VALUES OF THE USAGE FACTOR: a) if UNUSED 0.90 b) if USED, and the physical candilion .s: PHYSICAL CONDITION UF VALUE EXCELLENE 0.80 VERY GOOU 0.70 GOOD 0.60 SATISFACTORY 0.50 ADEQUATE 0.40 FAIR 0.30 POOR 0.20 VERY POOR O10 4.41 AGE FACTOR {AF}, a5 usod le Version 3, _rators to the romaining: economic value of the property telalive t estimated useful life. {See Annex E for Table of Eslimaied Service Lite of Equipment/Propetty] The valua of the AGE FACTOR (AF) is delormined by avaliuating fired ihe Panreciatinn and rarkan ihn eerracnnneling 50 —__._lf Dlg: 1 2 -1.00 3 -0.90 4 -0.80 B02 “0.60 7 -0.60 & 0.40 9 -0.90: 10 -0.20 AL -0.t0 12 130 14 Yeltig of AF ig: D = 0.50 0.900 Sample Computations 5.1 Version 1 APPRAISED VALUE = RUV K CF X RUV = (AC - SV) x CEF X No. of Units RAL + SY Given: Year of Acquisition: 1860, Year of Disposal: igat Acquisition Cost: P 50,000.00 Esilmated Sarvice Life: 20 years We. of Units: one (1) Physical Condillon: poor Step 1. Compute Remaining Useful Life (Fi) Re L- AS 20 - (1991 - 1960) 20-41 an Stap 2. Step 3. Stop 4. Stap 5. Stop 6. Compute for tho Salvage Value (S\) SV = 10% x Acquisition Cost 0 10% x P 80,000.09 = P 5,800.00 Compute for the Aemaining Useful Value (AUY) AUY = (AC -SVE x + av = (50,000 - 5,000) x _0 + 5,000 20 u (45,000) x 0 + 5,000 = 5,000 Compute for the Currency Fluct ufon Factor (CFF) CFF = Peso to Dollar rate appraisal year Peso ta Dollar rale acquisition year Convert Physteal Condition to equivalent aumerteal value using CF Table OF value for POOR = 0.20 Computa far the Appraised Value APPRAISED VALUE « RUV XCF X CFF X No, of ualts = 5,000 x .20 x G.752 x t 5.2 Version 2 APPRATSRD Laampie No Given: Step f. Step 2. Step 3. Example No. Glven: Step 1. VALUE = ROX CEM oUF x Me. of Unkbe 1 (Usage Factor = Used) Year of Acquisitian: unknown Acquisition Cost unknowe: Replacement Cost: P 50,080.00 No. of Unis: one (1 Physical Condition: fair Usage Factor asad Convert Physical Condition to equivalent nusericat value using CF Table CF vaiua fer FAIR = 0.30 Couvett observed Usage Facior io entiivatent numerical value using UF Table UF (used) value for FAIK = 0.30 Compute for the APPFAISED VALUE APPRAISED VALUE = AC x CF x UF x No. of units = P'50,006 X 0.30 X 0.30 X 1 =P 4,500" 2 (Usage Factor = Unused) Year of Acquisllian: unknown, Acquisillon Cast: unknown Replacament Cost: P 50,000.00 No. of units: one (1) Physical Condition: Very Good Usage Factor: Unused Convert Physicat Condiffon to equivalent numerical value using CF table Step 2. UF far unusad property ts constant UF ~ 9.90 Step 3. Compute for the APPRAISED VALUE APPRAISED VALUE = AG X CF X UF X Naot units = P 60,000 x 0,70 x 0.90 x 1 = P:31,500.00 8.3 Version a REPRAISEO VALUE ROR AF * CF xX No, of vas | Given: Year of Acquisition: 1975 Yoar of Disposal: igot Acquisition Cosh: unknown Replacement Cost: P 60,009.60 Esitmated Service Lila: 20 years Wo. of units: ana (t} Physical Condition: Satistaclory Step 1. Convert Physical Condition fa equivalent suniseical vatue using CF Table CE value fur SATISFACTORY — 0.50 Stap 2. Caninute for the Depreciation (0) Dek - AS L 4.0 Tho snininem value sot shall ba good only fer six manths, If the properly semains unsold aller six months, a reappraisal must be conducted, Modes o! Olsposal The Disposal Commitige shall ecommend te the head of the agency the proper made of disposal. Properly inay by dispysed in any of the fatiowtng modes, a8 appropriate and deamed most advantageous to the gavorimant 1.0 Condemnation/Qestruction of Property Valueless, utisalable or hazaidous proparly may bs cotidemmed and destroyed by pounding, burning, breaking, shradding, throwing or any olhet maltod by which tie propatty Is disposed bayond econemic fecovery. Destruction shal ba mada in tha prosance of the Disposal Coiniilles. 2.0 Transfer of Propeity Upon the iniliative ot the owning agency 6 upon submission of teqiest to the owning agancy, propatly recommandad for disposal may be transferred to another government agency. Transfer shail by done sither with or withoul cos. Cost in [his casa relers 10 payment based on Ihe appraised value of the property. In effecting the transfer of property. the Invvica Rocoipl for Ptopoity (IAP or Ganoral Form No. 30-A) must be prepsrad by the ownlng agency and Lransmitied logather with the property ta the recipient or requesting agency 3.0 Sarter Batler Is a modilied form of Transter of Property wherein aa agency transieis property to another government agency In exchangs for another pieca of property. The value of the properly being transterred may or may aol be oquivatent to thal being received, In olfecting battor of property, tha Invoice Flsceipt of Property (INP or General Form No. 30-A} shall be prepared by each patty and transmitted together will ihe proparly to the olber parly. 4.0 Donation of Properly Property recommended for disposal may be donated to charitable,

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