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Business Insght
Th ursday, .February 73, 2O2O

'F{ouse franchise panel

under pressure from all sides'
BY !VEI{DELL VIGII.IA obrr,rusll. ainrcJ lr prcssurin!r pctiloo rvir:h tLrc Suptco,c (ioLrt
lnwrrxlicrs t() c\l.eltLl the franchisc, sccliing thc rcvocation of thc
r\N ;Lrlnrinistr';rtirrn ll" rraLcr rrcl- ;\lban' s,ricl. ncm,L,r:li's fiarchisc firt its allcgcd
rlittrcl 1r:srcttlel lhilt I l()use ir)cnl " PrLirrLt rren oioJ,o nrLmLrT srLr:r "rtbrrsii c precticcs."
Lrrs licl "pr:csrurccl" b1 Ptcsidcnt lirue). \\.rc'rc
LrLrri (Plcrrsc li:ave us r\llS (ltsN's 2-5 yct t:r:anchisc
i)rrtcrrc's stlrrr:i,ttirilsl thc rctiervll rrot Lrnll being Irtcssurcti b)' tire cxpircs r,n Ai.,uch 30, /\1blno ind
t-'1r thc lc.qirlrrtir c lranclrisc of tclc Prcsiclrnt, but cvcl ABS CllN has Seoetc Plcsiclent \riccnte Sotto III
visr()o ncr..v()t li t\]tS (lllN bcco rrurniog stories," hc saicl. on'l'ucsclny snicl the nctrvorli can
ls:rbclrr l{cp. :\ n trr nio " li rrl pcr." DLrrcltc hns brcn cr-iticizinu cooLin,-rc opcLati|ig c!cn aliet its
,\lbrLoo, e r'icc chrLir: Lri tht crrnrnit I\IJS (lBN lor thc rnedia ncrrvorkiJ fr':Lnclisc cxpircs bccruse tire biils
tcc on lctisleln c fr:unclrisc, stid rhc liilule to air his clLrpargr ac'ls clur- scckrg l ltnnchisc rcncrval ere still
lrrcssurc is coLling "tir,rr lLl sirlcs." ing the 2016 presiclcntirl polls dc pcndlng.
Asrrlc llour thc Prcsirlcnr, prcs spitc its collection of his paymcnt. Scvetnl Lrills scehiog l r-cnerval oi
sLrrc is llso comin! lj-orr thc'l'\/ l,asr N{onda1., Soliciror Gcncnl
giaLr L thrLt lns bccrr t trnniru sS l ics .losc C;rlidr lilcd a qr,ro w.rrtento Sce FIOLISE> PagcB2

'Anq opinjon noon.-ang expecradon noon

au i-. t"i"-t^s opposidon. pwedeng imloy
HOUSE oara kapag na-appiove na, in effect,

the franchise have been peoding at the House ir* "ioi*a iti a*chise to the day the fran-
since the last 17th Congtess .'.il*a iur? rfir, being used today in order
tbat the ABS-CBN franchise may con-
Albano said it is 'unfair to accuse congless- to iustifi,
the expectadon n tbe
men of sronewalling amjd calls ftom various .i]t'".,-d1t" opi"i"n uefore,
sectots for the panel to hear the franchise bill. .,^.ib!.r.,,Jth"t. *as nobody opposjng it' was
so rhat when
He said thev h'ave been busy urith orler im- i.r.*otr. a"".o"tinue opemtions effect'it will
Dormnt issues like the Taal Volcano eruprion ti"-ft*a"r" *..*A is approrrd,in
ftanchise expired)
iast month and the threat of the 2019 novel i"1"""""ti*," ,U" aay'*re
Drilon told radio dzRH. "'
coronavirus, now called COVID-19.
He said that as a compatison, the public
should knov *rat even the 17th Congress had
failed to act oo the same measure. ap-
"Kunq Ersto niyongmag-blame game, '1ung ALbano said fellow lawmakers ate also
panel He said rhe com-
ibans cJmmittees,'1ung Iegislarive franchise olvine Dtessure on the
comi:rittee (lf you want to play the blame game, "-i;;;? fu held execucive meetings abor'rt rhe
p1s55u1e f19rn gutside
the orher committees; in the 1?tlr Congress did "lE"n to uvoid
i*rs'i. there! pressure not on'ly
not evell act on it because of so many other uo,,
pt.ti[.nt, pressute from
erorr,'it'a therel
pressing issues," Albano said.
c,lrrnr"tr-^ Uto Atienza, our colJeagues.in
-.i!t"ti. tr.t.*t pt"s:ure from tbe media"'he
'' ANC in an intetvtew'
a'SS-CBN to be careF.ll about
Senate minoriw leader Franklin Drilon said ft.
its'Vo'riings" when teporting srories about *re
the operation of ABS-CBN beyood the expira-
tion could pose a legal question ?i""lr"* i.'..*a ulll becattsi "yott- are actt'ally
He said if
the legidative franchise expires, ;;;l;;;;r".t"t. on us also which is actually
it follor.vs that ABS-CBN cannot co[rtrnue b'ui i-ot"o,-.r Cottgr".s as a vhole "
*g.a "t.l.t" to tespond to the
Petruon lt
ooerating. "erwork
'DriioJsaid issues raised in the quo warranto
rhe practice in the past years has 'ai"a it is highly
been that a legislatile ftanchise is deemed ex- t.i"i" ,tt" s"preme Coutt "as d be
tended if *rerels a pending bill for its renewal but orobable that thoie same concerns rvor-
'tackled in our hearings "
it was subject of debates in the Pleoary last year'


In a statement teleased late Tuesday aftel- "soLicitor General lose Calida more thah
noon, Speaket AIan Peter Cayetano utged welcome ro pr.s.n, his side in a calm, )ogic*l
the network to do some "soul-searching i aod mander on aits and issues invoMng him' He
teflect on "how we have all reached this point." has consistentlv refused to do so. lnstead ttrt
He gave the assurance Congress will fulfill its solicitot general accused Mr. Navallo of perse-
..,nsd"tutional mandate to teview and decide on ..,tins h; and utqed him menacingly to pnC-
the ftanchise issue, despite the OSG's pending cice li'- iostead oiiournalism." JUCRA said
''Calida. by h.is hosdJiry to Atry' Navallo,
action before the Supfeme Court.
As to the timetable fot *re headngs, Cayetano failed to rise co rhe exacdng smndards of his
ptofession borh as an officei of the court and
said that while "there ate certaio interests who 'as
waot to rush this process, we stand by the iead- a rankine civil servant," it added.
ership of the l8th Congress and the cnmmitree The eroip said what Calda has done is an
on legisladve franchises on how to prioritize "affron?' to^the media's constitutional right ro
urgent and imporrant legislation." report and ask questions.
Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez, one Calida refused to be inrerviewedby reporters
of th-e aut-hors of the bil.ls seeking to extend after the 61ing, saying he was in a hutry for an
the network's franchise, said Calida "is wrong aooointment.
'ixl".n Navallo ptessed him for details' Calida
in usurping the power of Congress by tying
to go to the SuPteme Coult " again said he has io go and rhen asked the Laner
'-lI. if he is a lawvet.
be dismissed immediately oo the
*ill S(4"en Navallo answered in the affirmative,
gtounds that, fitst. the Supreme Court hap Caiida said Navallo has been criticizing him and
no iurisdiction and second. the Petrbon has rold r}le reporter to jusr pracdce hjs profession
no Lasis. The tepeal of a franchise is within so thev would face each other in coutt.
Consress' domaio. We in Coogress will not be Navallo replied he was just doing his job as
deteired bv this fiIinq," he said' a iournalist.
Chjef Presidential Lrgal Counsel Salvador Reporrers co'"ering l\4alacaiang issr-:ed a
Panelo. concutrent presidenrial spokesman, statement savinqit is idvocating "respect for
maintained rhe President had nothing to fu press fteedomls an act of solidarity with
with CaLida's petition. ABS-CBN."
He also re'futed claims that the Supreme The MalacaiangPress CorPs (MPC), ao inde-
Court has no iurisdiction ovet the franchise pendent organization composed of iournalists
issue. *ho are resulariv covering President Duterre
'They ate wtong Under the Constirution' in the Palaci, also vowed to re-
the Suoreme Court can act on any conEoversy "ia
vigilant against attemPts to "weaponizb
when it involves an abuse of discretion," he legal reiredies and processes to suppress ftee
said while reitetadnq that Calida was iust do- expression."
ing his job of Fting"clrarges when he sees aiy i'ln liqhtof the recent developments, pardcu-
irregularity or unlawfirl act Iarlv Io-ABS-CBN\ franchise issue, the MPC
d.ilor", u.ty to curtail these freedoms,
io any way and form. In recent years, the MPC
has taken a stand against thteats and attacks
Print and broadcast reporters coverirg th'e on press fieedom, including efforts to spreaf
iusdce beat (Supreme Court, Courr of Appeals, feki news and discredtc the rraditional media.
and the Departrnentof lustice) slammed Calida Once more, the MPC firmly advocates respect
for calting out ABS-CBN reponer M'ike Narallb fot press freedom as an act of solidarity with
after the 6ling of the quo wattanto Petrhon , ABS-CBN," MPC said "
In a statemint' the Iustice and Court Report- Other mediagroups have exPressed r suPPort
ers Association (UCilA) said Calida could and for ABS-CBN like the Defense Press CorPs oI
should have aniwered the quety of Navallo the Philippines, the PNP Ptess Corps and the .
on the reasofl fol 6ling the Padtion instead df EconomiCJoumalsts Associarion of rlre Phj.lip-
showing hostility to the teporter. pine' GIAP) which asked Congtess to tenew
the network! franchise. - Wrfi Raymond Af-
rba, locelln Montemaiot, and As hlel Hachclo .

\ raealr PAq€'l

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