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Polymer International Polym Int 48 :63–68 (1999)

Kinetics and reaction mechanism of template

polymerization investigated by conductimetric
measurements. Part 1. Radical polymerization
of sodium acrylate
Caterina Cris tallini,* Andrea Villani, Luigi Lazzeri, Gianluca Ciardelli
and Antonio Ses to Rubino
Department of Chemical Engineering , Univers ity of Pis a , via Diotis alvi 2 , 56126 Pis a , Italy

Abstract : The radical homopolymerization of sodium acrylate in water in the presence of potassium
peroxodisulphate as initiator was investigator through the use of conductimetry and dilatometry. The
kinetics were monitored while varying either the monomer concentration or temperature. Initial rate
and order of reaction were determined with good accuracy in a comparative way. The conductimetric
method proved superior in monitoring the reaction progress at temperatures higher than 50ÄC, allow-
ing the activation energy of the reaction to be determined.
( 1999 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords : conductimetry ; dilatometry ; sodium acrylate ; radical polymerization

INTRODUCTION monitor this polymerization through detection of the

The kinetic study of polymerization processes electrical conductivity of the solution. The sodium
requires the monitoring of some physicochemical acrylate is in fact ionized in aqueous solution ; there-
properties which change as the polymerization pro- fore, if the conductivity of the formed polymer is
ceeds. Measurement of the refractive index,1 dielec- neglected, the ionic conductivity of the solution at
tric constant (in a few cases2), viscosity and scattered any instant of time can be related to the concentra-
light,3 and also density1,4h6 have been widely used. tion of the monomer at that time. When following
Other detection methods are spectroscopy (Raman, template polymerization reactions, moreover, con-
FTIR, UV or in appropriate conditions, ýuorescence ductimetric curves can be used to gain further infor-
or NMR),7 chromatography (gas or liquid chroma- mation on the mechanism of the reaction (e.g.
tography,8 size exclusion chromatography) and ther- pick-up or zip) as will be described in the following
moanalysis (DSC).9h11 papers of this series.14
A polymerization process is often accompanied by This paper is concerned with the critical descrip-
volume contraction. For this reason, dilatometry is tion of the use of the conductimetric method for the
widely used to monitor the progress of monomer study of the polymerization of an ionic monomer,
conversion, being simple and inexpensive.1,3,12,13 sodium acrylate, and is mainly focused on a compari-
The application of conventional dilatometers to poly- son between this method and the usual dilatometric
merization reactions is limited by two sources of technique.
error (when the monomer itself or its solutions are The total conductivity of an ionic reaction solution
used as recording liquid): a distortion of the menis- results from the contributions of several species,
cus in the capillary and an unsatisfactory dissipation such as the monomers, the growing chains, eventual
of the heat of reaction because of the viscosity dead chains and the initiator molecules. In addition,
increase in the reaction mixture. the contribution of the growing chains is not con-
Such a difficulty was indeed encountered in the stant because their mobility changes as their size
present experimental work which deals with the increases. In this work, it was ürst of all assumed
homopolymerization of sodium acrylate in aqueous that the conductivity changes were only due to the
solution and on its template polymerization. To disappearing monomers. This means, in a ürst
overcome this problem, an attempt was made to approximation, that the eþect of the change in pH,

* Corres pondence to : Caterina Cris tallini, Department of

Chemical Engineering, Univers ity of Pis a, via Diotis alvi 2, 56126 (Received 13 February 1998 ; revis ed vers ion received 1 June
Pis a, Italy 1998 ; accepted 7 September 1998 )

( 1999 Society of Chemical Industry. Polym Int 0959–8103/99/$17.50 63

C Cristallini et al.

the decomposition of initiator, or other factors that

can bring a contribution to the variation of the con-
ductivity of the solution, are neglected. All data were
obtained from direct experimental measurements.
This approach has been employed to investigate
the possibility of using conductimetry instead of
dilatometry to follow the progress of a poly-
merization reaction, with a good agreement of the
results, in a qualitative way, and to test the quantitat-
ive reliability of the method. The conductivity
method has the advantage of allowing a digital
recording of experimental data with computer pro-
cessing that makes an experimental curve of conduc-
tivity versus time readily available, and overcomes
the difficulties encountered in recording dilatometric
contraction. According to our knowledge, this work
represents the ürst attempt to investigate the poly-
merization of ionized monomers by conductimetric

Materials Figure 1. Schematic des cription of the working approach.
Sodium acrylate and potassium peroxodisulphate
(KPS) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich, reagent in a 36 ml cell, under uniform stirring. The electro-
purity grade, and used without further puriücation. lytic cell had a geometric constant k of 0.226 cm~1.
Degassed and deionized water was used as a solvent. The electrolytic cell was connected to a Metrohm
712 conductometer, working at 1 kHz frequency.
Apparatus Data were processed by a control program (Labview
The working approach employed parallel measure- 2.5.2, National Instruments), reporting data of the
ments of the electrical conductivity and the meniscus speciüc electrical conductivity at increasing reaction
position in the dilatometer, as schematized in Fig 1. times (data were measured automatically every 10 s).

Polymerization procedure RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Polymerizations were conducted in water at diþerent Typical volume contraction versus time and speciüc
temperatures (50, 60 and 70¡C), monomer concentra- conductivity versus time curves at 50¡C and 10 mM
tions (sodium acrylate, 0.4–0.7 M) and initiator con- initiator are reported in Figs 2 and 3(a), respectively.
centrations (KPS, 5–20 mM). From Fig 3(a) it is evident that, at least during the
Electrical conductivity and dilatometry measure- ürst 50 min,2 at increasing polymerization times,
ments were carried out simultaneously on two identi- conductivity decreases in a linear fashion as the
cal polymerization mixtures.
The reaction apparatus was contained in a water
bath kept at constant temperature (^0.1¡C).

Polymerization procedure
Dilatometric measurements
Volume contraction was determined at diþerent
polymerization times, using a glass 12 ml dilatometer
where polymerization was carried out under uniform
stirring. The dilatometer was ülled up with the reac-
tion mixture and enough p-xylene (as recording
liquid) to occupy the total volume of the vessel. The
lowering of the meniscus was detected, at constant
time intervals, by a cathetometer.

Conductimetric measurements
The electrical conductivity of the polymerization
mixture was determined by carrying out the reaction Figure 2. Typical volume contraction vers us time curve.

64 Polym Int 48 :63–68 (1999)

Radical polymerization of sodium acrylate

Figure 3. Typical conductivity

vers us time curve : (a) in the
firs t 50 min of reaction and (b)
for the whole monitoring

meniscus displacement increases ; this trend can be formed for the dilatometric curves concerning four
explained with the reduced mobility of the ionic diþerent monomer concentrations : C 0 \ 0.4 M,
species formed during the reaction. In Fig 3(b) the 0.5 M, 0.6 M and 0.7 M, respectively. Secondly, the
curve recorded for a longer period of time of up to slope of the linear ütting was calculated in order to
1000 min is shown to demonstrate how the data are obtain an estimate of the initial reaction rate vdil
recorded continuously by the experimental array. expressed in cm min~1. As expected, the initial poly-
To set up a comparison between the two tech- merization rate increases with increasing initial
niques used to monitor the progress of the reaction, monomer concentration. Thirdly, vdil was converted
it is necessary to ünd a correlation between the varia- into vc expressed in the usual concentration unit
tion of the monitored parameter (i.e. the lowering of (mol l~1 min~1) by considering the ünal value of the
the dilatometer meniscus for dilatometry and the volume contraction (*h ) corresponding to the disap-
speciüc conductivity of the solution for pearing of 85% (HPLC) of the initial monomer
conductimetry) and the disappearance of the amount (eqn 1):
monomer from the reaction solution during polymer
formation. This task is particularly complex for the lc \ 0.85 vdil C 0 /*h (1)
i i M f
conductimetric techniques, in which the single con-
tributions of each species (monomer, initiator, Equation (1) is obtained by considering that the reac-
growing polymer) to the overall conductivity of the tion rate \ d[M]/dt \ d[M]/(V dt) \ dC/dt. This
system must be taken into account. However, in approximated result is obtained by neglecting the
order to look for a quantitative agreement between volume change during the reaction, as justiüed by
the two detection methods, it was assumed that con- the following calculation. The total volume of the
ductivity changes with time only because of the con- dilatometer is 12 cm3. The meniscus displacement
version of monomer to polymer. occurs within a capillary tube with an inner diameter
The polymerization was considered to be termin- of 1 mm. The biggest meniscus displacement (*h )
ated when both the contraction of the reaction observed in our experiments was 4.67 cm, for a poly-
volume (as measured in the dilatometer) and the spe- merization reaching 85% conversion. That is, the
ciüc conductivity of the polymerization reached a displacement for a 100% conversion would have
stationary value (which will be indicated as the ünal been 4.67/0.85 \ 5.49 cm. This value corresponds to
value from now on). The stability of the monitored a volume change of 4.32 ] 10~2 cm3 ; this is less than
physical properties (reaction volume, reaction 0.4% of the total volume of the solution. This very
conductivity) can in fact be assumed to be an indica- small value lead us to neglect the changes in concen-
tion that no further progress of the polymerization is tration due to volume changes.
occurring. At the end of polymerization, the conver- Similar calculations were performed on the data
sion of the monomer was determined by HPLC after obtained by conductimetry, with the advantage that
calibration of the method with solutions of known the conductivity versus time curve is determined
sodium acrylate concentration. A conversion of 85% directly by the instrument, and can also be ütted as
was determined in both cases. exponential decay, the number of experimental data
The initial reaction rate was calculated from the being much larger than for dilatometry.
dilatometric curves as follows (all polymerizations In this case, the derivative of the exponential
were carried out at constant temperature, T \ 50¡C decay for t \ 0, vcon (expressed as S cm~1 min~1) can
and initiator concentration, 10 mM). Firstly, the be calculated and considered as an estimate of the
experimental points, obtained from the measurement initial velocity. Alternatively, this value can be deter-
of the volume contraction, were interpolated by mined from the slope of a linear ütting of the experi-
means of a linear ütting of the ürst six points (10 in mental points at the beginning of the polymerization.
the case of C 0 \ 0.7 M). This operation was per- Values of vc obtained with the two methods were
M i
Polym Int 48 :63–68 (1999) 65
C Cristallini et al.

indeed very close. Assuming in this case that the

total conductivity decrease (*s ) is only due to the
disappearance of the monomer, we can propose eqn
(2) for conductimetry :

vc{ \ 0.85 vcon C 0 /*s (2)

i i M f
which is similar to eqn (1), and valid under the same
approximation of neglecting the volume change
during reaction. Changes of conductivity due to
volume changes were neglected for the same reasons
as for dilatometry. Values thus calculated are report-
ed in Table 1.
Figure 4. Convers ion vers us time plot obtained by means of
On the basis of the above deünition, the conver- dilatometry (=) and conductimetry (line at half height) with C 0 \
sion will be correlated with the lowering of the M
0.4 M, T \ 50¡C and initiator concentration of 10 mM.
meniscus (dilatometry) or the conductivity of the
solution (conductimetry) by means of eqn (3): comparable data are obtained for the initial reaction
rate with the two methods. Comparison of the values
Conversion (x or x ) \ 0.85 of the last two columns on the left, indicate that
d c
] [val(t) [ val(t \ 0)]/val(end) (3) slightly lower values are obtained by conductimetry ;
however, the ratio between the two values is quite
constant (i.e. vc{ is about 0.8vc), suggesting a good
where val(t) is the meniscus displacement or solution i i
stability of the methods with changing initial
conductivity at instant t, val(t \ 0) is the meniscus
monomer concentrations. The accord between the
displacement or solution conductivity at the begin-
two methods, with respect to the relative change of
ning of the polymerization, val(end) is the meniscus
reaction rate upon changing the initial monomer con-
displacement or solution conductivity at the end of
centration, becomes more evident from the analysis
the polymerization (see above) and 0.85 is the con-
of Fig 5 where the ratio between initial reaction rates
version determined by means of HPLC at the end of
at varying C 0 values and that at C 0 \ 0.4 M is
the polymerization (see above). (The variation of the M M
reported on a logarithmic scale (ln(v/v(C 0 \ 0.4)) as
monitored physical properties is proportional to the M
a function of ln(C0 /(C 0 \ 0.4)). The data obtained
amount of monomer polymerized.) For example, in M M
the case C 0 \ 0.4 we shall use for dilatometry value
(t \ 0) \ 0, ünal value \ *h \ 2.68 cm ; and for
conductimetric measurements value (t \ 0)\ 0.03626;
ünal value \ *s \ 0.01082 S cm~1. Then we shall
calculate the conversion by means of eqn (3).
The two sets of conversion data are compared in
Fig 4, where conversion values are calculated for
each experimental point taken during the ürst 100
min of reaction. The conversion versus time curves
were obtained by the two methods with good agree-
ment. The scattered data obtained by dilatometry
can be ascribed to the manual and discontinuous
procedure used for measuring the lowering of the
meniscus in the capillary tube. The scattering is of
course absent in the conductimetric curve which is
Figure 5. Logarithmic plot of the ratio (v /v (C 0 \ 0.4)) between
gained by a continuous computerized automatic M
reaction rates at varying C 0 values and that for C 0 \ 0.4 M, as a
array. M M
function of (C 0 /0.4) : dilatometry (L) and conductimetry ( ] ). The
Results reported in Table 1 show clearly that, even M
s lope of the linear fitting (s olid line) gives the order of reaction
with the approximation assumed in calculations, with res pect to the monomer.

C0 v dil ] 103 v con ] 103 v c ] 103 v c{ ] 103

M i i i i
(mol l É1) (cm min É1) (S cm É1 min É1) (mol l É1 min É1) (mol l É1 min É1)
Table 1. Values obtained for
the initial reaction rate from 0.4 8.84 0.02967 1.121 0.9323
dilatometry (v c) and 0.5 11.79 0.04624 1.764 1.416
conductimetry (v c{) 0.6 17.92 0.05644 2.355 1.928
and parameters us ed in 0.7 26.45 0.07756 3.370 2.798
their calculation

66 Polym Int 48 :63–68 (1999)

Radical polymerization of sodium acrylate

from the two methods exhibit a scattering which is was obtained in both cases, showing that the deter-
barely detectable. mination of this parameter can be obtained by dila-
The diþerence in the initial reaction rate obtained tometry and conductimetry with very good precision.
with dilatometry and conductimetry could be due to This value corresponds to the slope of the linear
some physicochemical reason that makes some ütting for data shown in Fig. 5. Data available in the
approximation not completely correct, therefore literature show that, although an order of reaction of
aþecting the calculated value, or to some systematic unity should be expected, a value higher than unity
error of one or both measuring methods. On the can be experienced in some conditions as reported
basis of the above experimental data it is possible to for acrylic acid,15h16 methyl methacrylate,17 and
evaluate the external reaction order with respect to acrylamide.18
monomer concentration. Equation (4) shows the In order to determine the activation energy, mea-
polymerization rate of sodium acrylate in the pres- surements were conducted at constant monomer
ence of potassium peroxodisulphate as initiator (C ): (0.5 M) and initiator (10 mM) concentration while
varying the temperatures (T \ 50, 60, 70¡C). From
v \ kC a C b (4) the well-known Arrhenius equation we know that
which at constant initiator concentration becomes k \ A exp([E /RT) (7)
v \ kC a C b \ k@C a (5) which gives the dependence of a kinetic constant
upon the absolute temperature (T), where A and R
Therefore, expressing eqn (5) in a logarithmic form are constants and E is the activation energy of the
reaction. If we suppose that v is the reaction rate at
ln v \ ln k@ ] a ln C (6) 50¡C (v ) we obtain
M 50
the order of reaction with respect to monomer can be
derived from the slope of the linear graph ln v ln
v E 1
\[ a [
1A B (8)
r v R T 323
versus ln C 0 , which is reported in Fig 6 for both 50
dilatometry and conductimetry measurements. The and the activation energy is obtained as the slope of
calculated values are reported in Table 2. the curve ln v/v versus 1/T multiplied by [R.
As shown in Fig. 6, two parallel straight lines are 50
Experimental points and the corresponding linear
obtained from the interpolation of data obtained by ütting are reported in Fig 7. Values measured and
the two methods. The slope of these curves gives the calculated are summarized in Table 3. All data were
order of reaction with respect to the monomer for the obtained from conductimetric measurements,
polymerization of sodium acrylate. A value of 1.9 because the experimental arrangement for the dila-
tometric method proved not to be well-suited to

Figure 6. Plots of the logarithms of initial reaction rate vers us

ln C 0 obtained from dilatometric (=, s olid line) and Figure 7. Plot of ln v /v vers us 1/T with values obtained from
M 0
conductimetric (…, dotted line) meas urements . conductimetric meas urements .

C0 v c ] 103 v c{ ] 103 ln C 0 ln v c ln v c{
M i i M i i
(mol l É1) (mol l É1 min É1) (mol l É1 min É1)
Table 2. Values obtained for
the order of reaction with 0.4 1.121 0.9323 [0.9163 [6.717 [6.978
res pect to monomer 0.5 1.764 1.416 [0.6931 [6.34 [6.56
concentration from dilatometry 0.6 2.355 1.928 [0.5108 [6.051 [6.251
(v c) and conductimetry (v c{), 0.7 3.370 2.798 [0.3567 [5.599 [5.879
i i
and parameters us ed in their Order of reaction 1.937 1.929

Polym Int 48 :63–68 (1999) 67

C Cristallini et al.

Table 3. Values determined for the calculation of the polymerization of other ionic monomers in the pres-
activation energy of the radical polymerization of ence of preformed macromolecules. The results will
s odium acrylate (an E value of 14.3 kcal molÉ1 was
a be compared to those obtained by the usual dila-
tometric technique. The conductimetric method will
be also used as a diagnostic tool to obtain more
T (¡C ) 1/T v c{ ] 103 \ v ln v /v
i 50 reliable information on the mechanism of template
(K É1) (mol l É1 min É1)
polymerization, with respect to dilatometry.
50 0.0031 1.416 0
60 0.003 2.597 0.6065
70 0.0029 5.987 1.44 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The authors thank Dr Giovanni Polacco for his
support and for fruitful discussions.
follow the reaction at temperatures higher than 50¡C
owing to the enhanced polymerization rate. From the
extrapolation of these data an E value of 14.3
a 1 Stickler M, Makromol Chem Macromol Symp 10/11 :17 (1987).
kcal mol~1 is obtained in this temperature range. 2 Burrel CM, Majury TG and Melville HW Proc R London Ser
A 205 :309 (1951).
3 Burnett GM, Mechanisms of Polymer Reactions, Interscience,
New York (1954).
CONCLUSIONS 4 J aeger W, Wandrey Ch, Reinisch G and Linow K-J Faser-
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possibility of using conductimetry to follow the poly- 5 Trathnigg B, Makromol Chem 181 :1979 (1980).
merization reaction of an ionic monomer such as 6 Trathnigg B, Angew Makromol Chem 88 :127 (1980).
7 Mauser H, Formale Kinetic, Bertelsmann Universitaetsverlag,
sodium acrylate in water. A decrease of conductivity
Duesseldorf, (1974).
is observed during polymerization as a consequence 8 Eisenbeiss F, Dumont E and Henke H, Angew Makromol
of the lower mobility of the ionic species of the Chem 71 :67 (1978).
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parameters, such as initial reaction rate and external
order of reaction with respect to monomer concen- 11 Ebdon J R and Hunt B J Anal Chem 45 :804 (1973).
tration, can be derived from the conductimetric 12 Gladyshev GP and Gibov KM, Polymerization at Advanced
curve, in fairly good quantitative accord with the Degrees of Conversion Israel Program for Scientiüc Trans-
same parameters derived from the more usual dila- lations, J erusalem (1970).
13 Plesch PH, Int Lab October :18 (1986).
tometric technique. In our work, moreover, we expe-
14 Cristallini C, Ciardelli G, Polacco G, Villani A, Lazzeri L and
rienced several difficulties in determining the Giusti P. Polym Int, submitted.
activation energy of the reaction by taking dila- 15 Manickam SP, Venkatarao K and Subbaratnam NR, Eur
tometric measurements at temperatures higher than Polym J 15 :483 (1978).
50¡C. In contrast, these difficulties were not encoun- 16 Kabanov VA Topchiev DA Karaputadze TM and Mkrtchian
LA, Eur Polym J 14 :153 (1975).
tered when following polymerization by the conduc-
17 Bulacovschi V, Mihailescu C, Ioan S and Simionescu, BC, J
timetric technique, thus allowing a reasonable value Macromol Sci-Chem A28(7):613 (1991).
for the activation energy to be determined. Future 18 Hamilton CJ and Tighe BJ , in Comprehensive Polymer Science
work will be devoted to showing how the conducti- Vol 3, Ed by Allen G, Bevington J C Eastmond G, Ledwith
metric method can be applied to monitoring the A, Russo S and Sigwalt P, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1989).

68 Polym Int 48 :63–68 (1999)

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