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"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says,

fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." -George W.


Things do not happen. Things are made to happen. Since post-modern time our definition of

genocide has changed. It has been tossed around as something people should not do, an act that

is supposedly tabooed. Yet upon our foundations and teachings underlies the seed of hypocrisy.

The tools of genocide change, and so do the culprits. Since the creation of the state of Israel

crimes against humanity have coincided with its name. The Belfour deal ( or declaration) gave

Israel the right to freely enforce its borders and displace any amount Palestinians that polluted its

cleansed lands. However it was not until recently that the crude act of genocide began. Israel is

commonly portrayed by American media as the pinnacle of justice in the Middle East. Yet it is

much more sinister than a beacon of light. After decades of the intolerable act of violation of

human rights, the group Hamas was formed in late 1987, in order to forfil retribution. In order to

stomp down this rebellion, Israel sent out a full onslaught invasion of the Gaza strip (2003). A

small area, twenty five miles long, Gaza could barley withhold the brute force of the Israel army.

Foreign nations (except the united states) pleaded for the targeted strike of key locations in Gaza,

but Israel refused. Israel steamrolled forward in a shocking display of blitzkrieg not seen since the

second world war. Tear gas, rubber pelts,bullets and other methods of controlling the fleeing

civilians (deemed evil-rampaging-terrorists) were practically hurled at the innocent population

with little or no thought. Israeli gunmen, bearing witness to what they had become set down their

guns, and simply walked away from the "battle field". As Israel reinforced its occupation of Gaza,

it also reinforced its border. Tall standing walls were raised up to keep out the suicidal terrorists

that lurked beneath every shadow. Within time, people were forced to carry documents. Only
citizens of the state could travel freely. Food,supplies and basic necessities entering Gaza were

slugged down in order to check for weapons of mass destruction. People that lived in their homes

from birth were forced to move or die as the cold tracts of the united states tanks rolled over

them. American tax dollars at work. Walls with barbwire fences, limited supply of basic human

needs, horrible standard of living , and displacement by the thousands. Ironically, the group that

Israel had set forth to destroy had become the savior of Palestinian people. Reporters from all

over the globe came home with shocking news that Hamas had opened up Aid stations and

Hospitals for all in need. Defenseless Palestinians attempted to fight back with rocks and stones.

But the rocks thrown by a small child were met with machine gun fire. It all sounded so familiar.

A government displacing,starving and eventually killing a group of people. A wall riddled with

graffiti, separating east from west. The ignorance of pseudo-intellectuals writing decisions that

shake the fragments of small lives. Genocide has always been a common occurrence. But one

would think as society progresses, so would the lack of tolerance for it. Genocide is occurring in

Israel. These things are made to happen. And with time, these things can be

prevented from happening. Education is important, however learning from it is of the utmost

importance. With a little change from the public opinion, Israel can open the bars of freedom to

the worlds largest prison.

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