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Checklist for Customer

□ For conceptual design of a new biogas plant

□ For the expansion of an existing biogas plant

How did you get notice of Schmack Biogas AG?

1. Basic Information

1.1. Your Address

Company Telephone

First name Fax

Surname Email

Street Webpage

Zipcode / Town / City

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1.2. General Data

1.2.1 Reason for your Inquiry

□ Basic information
□ Initial design
□ Concrete design

Project name: ___________________________________________

Planned size of the biogas plant/ planned output: ______________ kW

Expected realisation date: _________________________________

1.2.2 Reasons for designing a Biogas Plant

(Multiple choices are possible)

□ Production of electricity
□ Production of methane
□ Production of heat
□ Generation of “green”/CO2 certificates
□ Reduction of waste
□ Improvement of fertilizer
□ Reduction of smell
□ Others: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

1.2.3 Plant Location

□ Available area of land for the biogas plant: _____________ ha

□ Existing driving storage (silage clamp): ________________ m³

□ Existing storage capacity for manure: _________________ m³ or ha

□ Other existing and available storages/silos/premises/components:_______________________________________________________


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Is the location connected to the canalisation?
□ No

Does this location have an availability of:

□ Fresh water
□ Gas
□ Phone line
□ Proximity to a natural-gas pipeline

Any special requirements re. further treatment of the residual substrate after fermentation?

Further comments:
(e.g. vicinity of industry, legal requirements, future expansion etc.)

If possible, please include sketch, drawing, or photo.

1.2.4 Farmland for Energy Crops (if applicable)

- Company-owned area: _____________ ha farmland

- Leased area: _____________ ha farmland; Annual leasing rate: _____________ €/a

- Distance to planned biogas plant location: _______________ km

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2. Feedstock

2.1. Feedstock obtained from Livestock Farming

No. Kind of livestock Number of Kind of fodder Kind of stable/ kind of Annual quantity Avg. duration of Dry matter Organic dry
livestock manure (e.g. (m³/a or t/a) waste storage content matter
(LSU*) strawkeeping) (month) (%) content (%)

* 1 LSU = 500kg

2.2. Feedstock obtained from renewable raw materials / energy crops

No. Type of energy-crop Annual quantity (t/a) Costs of crop (€/t) Dry matter content (%) Organic dry matter content (%)

2.3. Feedstock obtained from organic waste

No. Type and specification of Origin Annual Interval of Dry matter Organic dry matter Income (+) or Payment (-)
substance quantity Delivery per year content (%) content (%) for waste (€/t)
(e.g. kitchen waste, waste of (t/a)
slaughterhouse, dairy etc.)

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Further comments:

3. Electricity

Domestic costs of electricity per kWh:

Private: _______________ €/kWh

Industry: _______________ €/kWh

Domestic costs of natural gas per kWh:

Private: _______________ €/kWh

Industry: _______________ €/kWh

How much are your own power requirements per year: _______________ MWh/a

Estimated costs per year: ________________ €/a

Refund for generated electricity w/ biogas: ________________ €/kWh

Further comments:

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4. Heat

Type of fuel used for heat generation: ________________________________________

Current quantity of fuel used for heat generation per year: ________________________

Cost of fuel per unit: ______________________ €

Estimated costs per year: _____________________ €/a

Further comments:

5. Country-specific Information

Is there any financial support from your government for building up a biogas plant?
(If yes, please specify, if no, please let us know if there are any plans to do so.)

□ Yes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

□ No: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have any law referring to renewable energies in your country?

(If yes, please specify, if no, please let us know if there are any plans to do so.)

□ Yes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

□ No: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Does your country have any renewable energy plan for the years 2010/2020?
(If yes, please specify, if no, please let us know if there are any plans to do so.)

□ Yes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

□ No: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Further comments:

Date: ______________________

Name: ______________________

Signature: ______________________

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