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To: Miss Enger

From: Amber K. Hayes AKH

Re: Unit 4 Project Proposal: Methamphetamines Program Brochure

Date: 22 October 2010

For my individual project I will be making a brochure about a program I will

be putting on to make individuals aware of Methamphetamines. I will also
put other informative information about methamphetamines in brochure, so
even if the individuals are unable to make it to program, they will still gain
useful information about methamphetamines. In the following memo I will
go into greater detail about the purpose of my project, how I will complete
my project, and a timeline and grading rubric to be used for my project.

The project I have selected for my individual project for Unit 3 will be to
design a brochure about a program I plan to hold to keep kids away from
methamphetamines, also called meth, and to make individuals of all ages
aware of its effects. Having come from a small town where meth became
popular fast and became a big problem, I feel it is important to educate
people about this problem. Several people in my community, including some
that I knew, got involved in meth and their deterioration was fast. In order
to make people aware of this problem, I am going to send out brochures on a
program I will be putting on for kids, twelve years of age and older, to
attend, with the option of having their parents attend with them, to make
them aware of the dangers of methamphetamines. Therefore, my brochure
will contain information about methamphetamines along with the
information about my program, that way even if they decide not to attend
my program, they are still gaining information about meth and making them
aware of the problem. My brochure will be a typical three-fold brochure with
a cover page to catch the readers’ attention, information on the inside on
each fold, with sources where they can find more information on the back
cover. I will use information through a variety of online resources about
methamphetamines, which are listed in my works cited page. My brochure
will contain pictures of different forms of meth, so they aware if they come in
contact with it and picture of users of meth, so people can identify those in
their lives who may be using it. Through my program and brochure, I am
hoping to make people aware of methamphetamines and how they can ruin
people’s lives. If I can prevent even five kids from trying meth, they may
prevent five more by sharing their knowledge of the drug with their friends,
and so on.

As I stated above, I come from a community that was stricken by the
growing problem of methamphetamines and I have personally seen the
effects the drug can have on individuals. For this reason I have several goals
I wish to accomplish while carrying out this project and they are as followed:

• I hope to further my own knowledge of methamphetamines along with

furthering my knowledge about developing brochures.
• In the future I plan on being a criminal lawyer, where I hope to make
individuals in communities aware of problems such as
methamphetamines, perhaps by making and handing out brochures,
so this project will be helpful in learning how to develop informative,
effective brochures.
• I will also develop a method of getting my main points across and send
a strong message through limited amounts of space, requiring me to
learn how to prioritize my information while researching.

As a future criminal lawyer and, eventually, a parent, it is important to me to
learn effective ways to make my community and individuals in it aware of
criminal activities and problem, and the consequences of what could happen
to them if they participate in these activities. By developing informative
brochures, I will be able to get helpful information across through quick
reading and pictures, and hopefully catch the reader’s attention enough they
will want to learn more about the topic. In order to make effective brochures
and achieve my goal, I will need to take the following steps:

• First, I will conduct research on methamphetamines, and find pictures

to go along with my research. The information I plan on looking for is
what methamphetamines are, what the side effects of using it are
including information about its addictiveness, and the legal
consequences if they get caught using or distributing it. The pictures I
plan on putting in my brochure are ones of different forms of
methamphetamines that are available and pictures of users of
methamphetamines, so my readers will be able to identify likely meth
users and see what meth can do to people.
• Secondly, I will develop a plan for the program I will be putting on
about meth. I will do this by thinking about different informative
programs I have attended and what I found helpful about each of those
programs. I will also try to utilize internet sources such as YouTube,
and look for videos of programs that have been put on there and get
some examples from them. After gathering information about different
programs and how to put on an effective, informative one, I will
develop my program and write out a description of my program for my
• Next, I will create an outline for my brochure including where I will put
my different information and where my pictures and headings will be
placed in order to be the most effective and eye catching. I will also
design a cover page and back page at this time.
• After developing an outline for my brochure, I will then take my
information and place it into my brochure along with my pictures.
Since I already have a layout set up, this step should be fairly simple.
• Lastly, I will revise my brochure and make any switches in placement
of my information and pictures. I will also add any additional
information or pictures that I feel would make my brochure more
complete. After these final revisions, my brochure will be ready to

The following timeline table outlines the time frame in which I am going to
perform the task I described in my methodology:


Week 1 = 10/18-10/22, Wk 2 =
10/23-11/06, Wk 3 = 11/07-11/20,
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week
Wk 4 = 11/21-11/30,
Project Due 12/3/10.

1. Project Proposal: Due


1. Research Methamphetamines

2. Develop a program

3. Develop brochure design

4. Put all information into

5. Progress Report Due (11/24)

6. Final Revisions

7. Final Project submitted (12/3)

Evaluation Criteria:
Miss Enger will evaluate my project’s success based off of my grading rubric
included in this proposal. I will evaluate my own success by determining if I
completed the tasks I was supposed to in the time frame I set out to
complete them in and by going through my grading rubric after I submitted
my project and evaluating myself on my criteria. In my own time, I plan on
sharing my brochures with others, and from their response to my brochure, I
will also be able to tell if I was successful in completing what I hoped to. The
grading rubric for my project is below.

Grading Rubric:
Requirement Maximu Score Comments
m Points

Organized in an easy
to follow and reader
friendly format: The
layout doesn’t
overwhelm the reader
and the information is
easy to find and

Understandable: The
brochure is easy to
read and follow. The
content makes sense 20
and flows together

Content is effective
and serves a purpose:
The brochure has an
impact on the reader’s
perspective on the
topic, is informative
and leaves a lasting

Good use of visuals:

The images serve a
purpose; they are
appropriate for the
content and effective
in getting the point of
the brochure across.

The brochure is neat

and presentable: It is
not cluttered or put
together in a sloppy

Spelling and Grammar


-2 pts. for 1-4 errors

-4 pts. for 5-7 errors
-6 pts. for 8 or more

Total Score 100

Works Cited:
Amphetamines Law for Possession and Other Penalties." The Good Drugs

Guide - Honest Drug Information on Use and Treatment. 2010. Web. 21

Oct. 2010.


"FAQ about Methamphetamine." KCI - The Anti-Meth Site. 2010. Web. 22 Oct.

2010. <http://www.kci.org/meth_info/faq_meth.htm>.
"Methamphetamine." NIDA InfoFacts. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Mar.

2010. Web. 10 Oct. 2010.


Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator. Mar. 2010. Web. 22 Oct. 2010.


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