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marathonareREST,CONSISTENCY,andthe right
Otherkey elementsto a successful
SH OE S !!
Maratkon lFraining Sciredule:Irctewvtediste

1 CIOSS 3 m ru n 5 mrun 3mrun rest 5 m pace 8

2 cross 3 m ru n 5 mrun 3mrun rest 5mrun o

1 cross 3mrun 5 mrun 3mrun rest 5 m pace o

4 CTOSS 3 m ru n 6 mrun 3mrun resl 6 m pace ll

CTOSS 3 m ru n 6 mrun 3mrun rest 6mrun l2

5 mrun 3mrun rest 6 m pace o
CIOSS 3 m ru n
7 CTOSS 4 m ru n Tmrun 4mrun rest 7 m pace t4
E cross 4 m ru n Tmrun 4mrun r9st Tmrun l5
9 CTOSS 4 m ru n 5mrun 4mrun rest 7 mpace ll
l0 CTOSS 4 mru n 8mrun 4mrun rest 8 m pace t7
ll cross 5 mru n 8mrun 5mrun rest 8mrun l8
1.2 cross 5 mru n 5mrun 5mrun IeSt 8 m pace l3
l3 cross 5 mru n 8mrun 5mrun resl 5 m pace 20
l4 cross 5 m ru n 5mrun 5mrun rest 8mrun t2
l5 cross 5 m ru n 8 mrun 5mrun fest 5 m pace 20
t6 cross 5 m ru n 6mrun 5mrun rest 4 m pace t2
17 CfOSS e[m run 5 mrun {mrun fest 3mrun 8
l8 cross 3 m ru n 4mrun rest rest 2mrun race

: dpsdernred$ds$s

3 m ru n 1 5mrun
c ro s s 1 3m ru n 3mrun
3 m run l rest
c ro s s 1 3m ru n 1 7m run i 3 m run l rest

4m r un
4 m ru n l 8 mrun 14mrun 8mrun
9 mrun

l 0 m run 5mrun l 0 m run

l0 m run 5mrun

5 mru n l .l0mrun l0mpace | 20

c ro s s 1 3m ru n 1 4m run l rest
MarathonTrainins ScheduleAdvanced- I

3 x hi l l
3 mrun
3 mrun 4 x hi l l
35 Tem Tmrun
Tmpace I l0
4 m run ls x nitt

gmpace 12
9 m ru n 4 m run l 0 x nl tt
l 0 m ru n
4 mru n
4 mru n l l 0 mru n / x nl tl

5 m ru n
5 m ru n l 0 m ru n
6 x hi l l

fromlle[[ie Pilchlot{

Warm Up and Cool Bown: Stretchingis importantduringyour warrn-

up, beforeyou run, becauseit increasesblood flow to the muscles.But stretching
duringyour cool-downmay be evenmore important."After running,stretching
helpsto removelactic acid from the muscle,which in turn reducesmuscle
soreness,"saysPitchford."That promotesbetterflexibility." Stretchingafterwards
alsowill helpyou relax.

Dantt Overstretch! While stretchingcanpromoteflexibility,stretchingtoo

far actually candamagethe muscles-particularlyif you're recoveringform an
injury. "A healthymusclecan elongateup to 1.6times its length,"suggests
Pitchford,"but generallydoesn'trespondwell to that much stretching."By
overstretching, you createan automaticmyotaticreflex that actuallywill causethe
muscleto recoilto protectitselffrom tearingand injury.Also,don't bouncewhile
stretching.Holding your stretchin a staticpositionworks best.

Combine Stretching and Strengthe*ing: A goodtimeto doyour

stretchingexercisesis while restingbetweenlifts during your strengthtraining.
(See:Strength.)Strengthtraining wrll not decreaseyour flexibility, saysPitchford,
as long asyou do it properlyand performyour lifts throughtheir full rangeof

Use MICE Rather Than RICE: Healthprofessionals

promoteRICE as oneway of treatingan injury: Rest,Ice, Compressionand
Elevation.But PitchfordpromotesMICE. "Move it," shesays.This is because
immobilizinga musclecanleadto decreased blood flow andmuscleatrophy.If
you stretchproperlywhile recoveringfrom an injury, you can speedthat recovery.

Resist Aging: Pitchfordbelievesit a myth that agingis the only factorthat

causesusto loseflexibility."It's lack of exercise,"shesays."Studiesshowthata
sedentarylifestyleis a biggerfactorin decreasingflexibility than aging."If you
stayactiveaerobicallyand usestretchingto maintainyour flexibility, you will look
and feel youngerbecauseof the way you move.
Finally, the key to the exercisespresentedbelow is to maintaingood form. Don't
look sloppystretching.The 90-degreeanglesfeaturingstraightbacksand carefully
positionedlimbs that work in the strengthexercisespromotedby personaltrainer
CathyVasto alsowork well in many of the stretchingexercisespromotedby
DebbiePitchford.Pitchford'sfive fantasticstretchingexercisesfollow. (Hold each
stretchfor 10 seconds, repeatingl0 times.)

1. Quadriceps Stretcht The quadriceps is the musclein the front of the

thigh, importantfor lifting your kneesand increasingyour speed.It is the "quads"
that often go at the end of marathons,causingrunnersto comeshuffling acrossthe
finish line becausethey havea hardtime lifting their feet off the ground.To do this
exercisewhile standing,simply grabhold of a stationaryobjectfor balancewith
onehandand usethe oppositehandto graspthe leg aroundthe ankle,lifting it
towardyour buttocks.Pitchfordpointsout severalform faults: "You want to keep
your back straightand not allow the kneeto drift for"wardaheadof the stanceleg.
A lot of runnersslouchforward,which effectivelynegatesthe stretch's

An evenmore effectiveway to do this exercise,however,is lying on a bench,

usinga towel wrappedaroundthe ankleto pull your foot towardyour buttocks.
You shouldpositionyourselfon the edgeof the benchwith the foot of your
danglingleg forward,kneebent,leg relaxed.As with the otherstretchingexercises,
hold eachstretchfor 10 secondsandrepeatasmany as 10 times for eachleg.

2. Harnstring Stretch i This is the exercisethat got me readyto run the
Klondike Relay.Most runnersdo this exerciseby puttingtheir foot on a waist-high
stationaryobject(or a hurdleif at the track) and slowly leaningforward,reaching
down the shinuntil they feel a stretchin the hamstring.The hamstringis the
musclethat runs from just below the kneeup into the buttocks.It's the musclethat
lifts the lower leg andbendsthe kneeafterthe quadshavelifted your knees.
Sprinterspull this musclemorethan distancerunners,but as I discovered,even
strainingyour hamstringcan limit your ability to run fast.

The bestway to do this exercise,however,is not with your foot on a stool,but

ratherwhile lying on your back.This is how Pitchfordtaughtme the hamstring
stretch.Lie on your back,keepingthe back flat andyour eyesfocusedupward.
Graspthe back of onethigh with both your handsand (leg bent)pull that thigh into
a 90-degree your knee.After you've
positionvs. the floor. Thenslowly straighten
gottenusedto doing this exercise,you can achievea betterstretchby pulling your
thigh closerto your chest-but don't overdoit!


3. Piriformis Stretch! The piriformismuscleis responsible for lateral

rotationof the hip. It is particularlyimportantto athleteswho haveto change
direction,suchastennisplayersandrunningbacksin football.But thoughrunners
run straightahead,keepingthe piriformis musclelooseis importantfor overall
flexibility. Lying on your back, crossyour legsjust asyou might while sitting in a
chair.Graspingthe "under"leg with both hands,pull the kneetowardyour chest
until you feel the stretchin your buttocksand hips.
4. Castroc Stretch: tnis push-offexerciseis the oneyou mostoftensee
runnersdoing beforeraces.Typically, they leanagainsta wall to stretchthe calf
muscles-but they don't alwaysdo it right, claimsPitchford.The gastrocmuscle,
alongwith the soleus,is locatedin the back of the calf. It is the calf musclethat
actuallypropelsyour leg acrossyour groundedfoot while running.Lean againsta
wall or otherstationaryobject,both palmsagainstthe object.The leg you want to
stretchis back,severalfeet from the wall, your heel firmly positionedon the floor.
Your otherleg is flexed abouthalfivaybetweenyour back leg andthe wall. Start
with your back straightand graduallylungeforward until you feel the stretchin
your calf. "It is importantto keepyour back foot straightand angled90 degrees
from the wall." savsPitchford.
5. Soleus Stretch: "This is the stretchthat mostrunnersforget,"says
Pitchford."They stretchtheir gastrocmuscles(as above)without realizingthere'sa
similar stretchfor the soleus."The soleusis the othermajor musclein the calf,
locatedin front of the gastroc.It is importantfor plantingthe foot on the ground
beforeyour pushoff. Positionyourselfsimilar to the gastrocstretchwith back
straightandpalmsagainstthe wall. The differenceis that you startin a "seated"
positionwith your legsbent,your buttocksdropped.Gently leaninto the wall until
you feel the stretchin your lower calf.

Stretchingis important,saysPitchford,not only becauseit will makeyou a better

runner,lesslikely to get injured,but it canalsohelp you to maintainflexibility to
do all the otheractivitiesin your life.

Cop.vrightQ 2000 b-vtlal tligdon. all riglrtsreserved.

Go High/tr Ow: If you'retrainingfor a racelike the GateRiver Run,you
don't want to bulk up. Extra weight will slow you down. To avoid putting on
pounds,keepthe poundsof the weightsyou lift low and the repetitionshigh. Vasto
recommendslifting 50 to 60 percentof the maximumweight you can lift in a setof
12 repetitions.Two setsof 12work well for mostof the lifts describedlater.For
maximumbenefits,without wastinga lot of time, do your strengthtrainingtwo or
threetimes a week,after you run, not before.

[-OCk GO*d Lifting: Keepyour form-not for vanify,but to preventinjury.

Think 90-degrees. Most seatedlifts work bestif your body partsareat right angles:
legsstraight,feet flat againstthe floor, trunk erect,chin up, eyesforward.Practice
the pelvic tilt whereyou pressyour torsoback againstthe chair,or floor, to keep
your back from slumping."Good form works in lifting as much as it doesin

tsreathe Right: The worstmistakeyou canmakewhile lifting is to hold your

breath,That simplytightensthe musclesthatyou wantto keeploose.Inhalewhile
you prepareto lift the weight,then exhalewhile lifting it, inhaling agarnwhile
loweringit. "Thebestway to breatheis naturally,"saysVasto,"sothatyou're not
evenawareyou're doingit."

Rest by Stretehing: Whenmovingfrom exerciseto exercise,don't rush

and don't wastetime chit-chattingwith friends.Stayfocusedon your workout by
stretchingin between."It's very importantwhile strengthtrainingto havea
stretchingroutine,"warnsVasto."You don't want to loseyour flexibility, which
canhappenif you forgetto stretch.Eccentriccontractions(which occurwhen
loweringthe weights)actuallycantightenthe muscles."Stretchingwhile strength
trainingprovidesa doubledoseof conditioningin a minimum of time. (For six
sensational stretchingexercises,see:Stretch.)

Finally, the key to the exercisespresentedbelow is to go slow and remainin

control."You're not trying to seehow fastyou can get in and out of the weight
room,"saysVasto."You're trying to win your raceon the road."Vasto'ssix
l. Bench Pressi This is a basiclift, usedby all bodybuilders, but you canuse
it to build strengthand speed.Lie on your back on a bench(although you can also
usethe floor). For weight,usea barbellor dumbbells.Keep your back flat, your
kneesbent.Your palmsshouldbe facing forward,your handsshouldbe equal
distantand over your shoulders.Lift the bar or dumbbellsstraightup (think 90-
degrees)and lower slowly. Do tuzosetsof 12 reps.For an alternateworkout
without weights,do simplepush-ups.(Strengthens the pectorals,deltoids,triceps



?, Rowin$: Grippingdumbbells,sit on the edgeof a benchor firm chair.

(Rememberto keepyour back straight.)Hold the dumbbellswith your arms
extended,palmsfacing inward againstyour knees.Raisethe dumbbellsto just
oppositeyour chest,then returnto the startingposition.Do two setsof 12 reps.
You can alsodo this exercisewhile standing,keepingyour kneesbent at a 45-
degreeangleandyour torsobent forward.Anotheroption is to usea singleweight
grippedin both handsandbring it up to your chest.(Strengthens the rhomboids.)

StartingPosition FinishingPosition

3. Ovgrhgad Putl: "This is an easyexercise,"saysVasto."You cando it

with a 16-ouncecanof soup,a 5-poundbag of flour, or a waterbottleif you don't
havea dumbbell.The anglemultipliesthe effectof evenlight weights."Takethe
objectand hold it overhead,elbowsforward,back straight,kneesslightly bentto
takethe pressureoff your back.(You can alsodo this exercisewhile seated.)
Lower the weight behindyour headtowardthe back of your neck,thenreturnto
the startingposition.Do two setsof 12 reps.(Strengthens
the triceps.)

4. Thg Curl: Sit in a chair,feet flat on the floor, stomachin, shouldersback,
headup. Your elbowsshouldbe againstyour waist aboveyour hips,your palmsup
holdingthe weights.(Rememberwhat we saidabout90-degreeangles.)Raisethe
weightsto your shoulders,loweringslowly. Do two setsof 12 reps."Two cansof
soupwork aswell asbarbellsor dumbbells,"claimsVasto.(Shedoesn'tyet havea
CampbellSoupendorsement to go with her Asics shoeendorsement,but she's
working on it). This exercisecan alsobe donestandingup. (Strengthensthe


Curl Down Curl Up

5" The Crunch I AlthoughVastodoes400 sit-upsa day,sherecommends

crunchesto her clients,becauseit isolatesthe abdominalmuscles."The absare
your coreof balance,"saysVasto."They supportyour upperbody, importantat the
end of a race."(A crunchis a sit-upwhereyou stop afterraisingyour shouldersoff
the floor.) In the startingposition,your back shouldbe flat againstthe floor, your
headup, eyeson the ceiling,handsgrippingthe back of your neck,your knees
relaxedand bent,feet on the floor. Raiseonly to the point whereyou feel your
stomachmusclestightening,hold then release,returningyour back to the floor.
Vastorecommendsstartingwith 3 setsof 15 and working up to 4 setsof 20. A
variationis to tilt sideways,pointingtowardyour "love handles,"on alternatelifts.
(Strengthens the abdominalmuscles,referredto asthe "abs."The love-handle
variationstrengthens the obliquemuscles.)

6, The Lunge: The five previousexercises strengthen the upperbody,often
neglectedby runners.The lungewill help strengthenseveralof the musclesof the
lower body. Startthis exercisewith your feet shoulder-widthapart.If you usea
barbell,it shouldrest acrossyour shouldersandbehindyour neck.If using
dumbbells,hold them besideyour thighs.Take a long stepforwardwith one leg
anddescendto a low position,thenrise.Bring the leadleg backandrepeatwith the
otherleg forward.Form is very importantin doing this exerciseto avoid injury.
"Again, think 90-degrees," warnsVasto.In the forwardposition,your kneeshould
be over your feet, forming a 90-degreeangle.Allowing your forward kneeto move
too far aheadof the anklecausesunnecessary stress.Similarly,the backknee
shouldnot touchthe ground.The back lower leg shouldbe parallelto the ground,
forming still another90-degreeangle.(Strengthens many of the musclesof the
legs,includingthe quadriceps,hamstrings,glutealsand erectorspinae.)


Strengthis important,saysVasto,not only to improveyour speedfor running

races,but it will makeyou feel good and look good and improvethe quality of
your life, throughoutyour lifetime.
How to Design:Interval Training
Benefits:IncreaseVO2,increaseanaerobic efficiency/
increase rate(up to 12 hoursafterexercise)
paceperl/zmileEx:7 min milepace=
Step1: Perform3 miletimetrialandcalculate
Step2: After10-15minutewarmup andstretch,performinteruals
racepaceby 5 secondsEx:3:25per halfmile
Step3: Perform3-minuteeasyjog for recovery
Step4: Reputea totalof 3 times:(3) 1/zmileintervalswith 3-minutejog
Step5: Add 1 every2 weeks
Step6: Do a 10-minute
in mile/minute
Step7: Shouldshowhugedecrease time

How to Design:Hill Training

andtake1-3minutesto climbwill showsimilarbenefits
Hillsthat havean inclineof 5-7o/o
to intervaltraining
HillsimproveVO2,economy/leg power,and legturnover
Hillscanalsobe phasedintothe run itself
up to a 600yd hillwiththejog downas the
Samplehillworkoutmayinclude5 intervals
Note:Optimaltimefor hilltrainingfor Bostonis 1 Vz- 3 minutesperhillat a moderate
How to Design: Faftlek Training
is a wordthatmeansspeedplay& originated
Fartlek in Sweden
Fartleks of running
consist at varyingspeeds overgrassy
usually terrain
is usedto gaugeworkoutintensity
Fartleks & hills
to intervals
Goodfor runners whopreferlessstructure
x Interuals,HillsandFartleksall havea similarbenefit. Performoneof theseper week.
Theidealcombination for Bostonmaybe hrlls/interuals.*

Refersto using different modesof cardiovascularexerciseduring training

Reduces or improving
the riskof overuseinjurywhilemaintaining
of cardiovascular

Maintains from injury,evenif you cannot

run for 3-6 weeks

that will helpimproveperformance


NordicTrack,Stairmaster, andinlineskatingareall
goodmodesfor crosstraining

Studies limitsperformance
on a bikeor elliptical
showthat cross-training in
who havehadto taketimeoff fromrunning

Idealfor runnerswhowouldliketo run 5-6daysperweek,but whosebodiescannothandle

the stress

Because hasmuchlessimpactthanrunning,it allowsyouto go for a longer


for weight-control.
Excellent impact

Nutritionfor MarathonRunners
*note: moreon Nutritionwill be givenat the NutritionLectureor can be foundby contacting
Joa n n e Ke av eney ,R D 6l T-375- 5 6 0 0 x . 2 5 7 o r e m a i| jk e a v e n e y @ f it c o r p .co m fo r i n d i vi d u

Males20-50yearsold- 2800-3000 caUday
Females 20-50yearsold - 2400calldaY

Carbs:55 o/o- 650/o

of totalcalories
0.5-0.75gramsper poundof totalbodyweight
Fats:25% of totalcalories

Researchindicatesmostathletesconsume morethanenoughvitamins& minerals

FDACenterfor FoodSafetyandAppliedNutritionwebsiteto answeranyquestions:
www,cfsan.fda.govthenclickon DietarySupplements

Eatsomethingbeforeyou run!
Learnthroughtrial & errorwhatworkswith your stomach
Recommended: 0.5 gramsof carbsper poundof bodyweight
t hourpre-exercise

- sametimeseachday
Try to eat on a schedule

4-Boz fluidfor every15-20minutesof hardrunning

Spoftsdrinks& gelsrecommended longerthan60-90minutes
for sessions
Neededfor electrolytereplacement


Mile 2 Mile 5 Mile 10 Mile 15 Mile 20 Mile Marathon
10:00 20:00 50:00 1:40:00 2:30:00 3:20:00 4:22:00
10:20 20:40 51:40 L:43:20 2:35:00 3:26:40 4:30:44
10:40 2t:20 53 :20 t:46:40 2:40:00 3:33;20 4:39:28
11:00 22:00 55:00 1:50:00 2:45:00 3:40:00 4:48:32
11:20 22:40 56:40 1:53:20 2:50:00 3:46:40 4:57:t6
11:40 23:20 2820 1:56:40 2:55:00 3:53:20 5:06:00
12:00 24:00 1:00:00 2:00:00 3:00:00 4:00:00 5:L4:44
L2:20 24:40 1:01:40 2:03:20 3:05:00 4:06:40 5:23:28
t2:40 25:20 1:03:20 2:06:40 3:10:00 4:L3:20 5:32:t2
13:00 26:00 1:05:00 2:10:00 3:15:00 4:20:00 5:40:56
13:20 26:40 1:06:40 2:I3:20 3:20:00 4:26:40 5:49:40
13:40 27:20 1:08:20 2:1640 3:25:00 4:33:20 5:58:24
14: 00 28:00 1:10:00 2:20:00 3: 30: 00 4:40:00 6:07:08
14:20 28:40 1:11:40 2:23:20 3:35:00 4:44:40 6:L6:32
14:40 29:20 1:13:20 7:26:40 3: 40: 00 4253:20 6:25:16
15:00 30:00 1:15:00 2:30:00 3:45:00 5:00:00 6:34:00
15:20 30:40 1:16:40 2:33:20 3:50:00 5:06:40 6:43:24
15:40 3I:20 1:18:20 2:3640 3:55:00 5:13:20 6:52:08
16: 00 32:0 0 1:2 0:0 0 2:40:00 4:00:00 5:20:00 7:0I:32
t6:20 32:40 L:2L:40 2:43:20 4:05:00 5:25:40 7:t0:L6


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