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ELSEVIER Surface and Coatings Technology 94-95 (1997) 64-69

Erosion behavior of uncoated Waspaloy and Waspaloy

coated with titanium carbide

Vesselin Shanov, Widen Tabakoff*, J.A. Gunaraj

Depnrfmmf of Aerospace Engineering rind Engineering Mechunics, University of Cirrrinnati. Cincinnnfi, OH 4.5’221, USA


Turbines and engines operating in a particulate flow environment experience erosion and performance deterioration. The industrial
approach for decreasing the erosion of machine components is to apply wear resistance coatings. This paper describes an experimental
investigation performed to compare the behavior of uncoated and coated Waspaloy eroded in a media composed of chromite particles. The
specimens were coated with titanium carbide (Tic) by a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique. The experimental program covered a
temperature range From ambient tempcmture to 538OC, the particle velocities ranging from 180 m s-’ to 305 m s-‘, and impingement angles
varying from 10” to 90”. The facility used for this work was a custom-made, high temperature erosion wind tunnel. The eroded surface
morphology was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results obtained depict the influence of the temperature. velocity
and the impingement angle on the erosion rate. In addition to this, further data show the variation of the coating erosion rate with the
quantity of chromite powder used. The erosion rate behavior of the TiC coating with respect to the impingement angles reveals a brittle
characteristic trend. The uncoated superalloy behaves as a ductile material because the maximum erosion is between 30’ and 4.5”. It is
found that the sample temperature has a significant effect on the mat&al erosion rate. The erosion resistance of the CVD coating increases
at elevated temperatures, whereas that of uncoated Waspaloy decreases. The results indicate that the erosion rate for both uncoated and
coated samples is proportional to the particlc impact velocity to the power n. This investigation showed that the tested CVD titanium
carbide coating provides very good erosion protection for Waspaloy in a particulate flow environmentat elevatedtemperatures. 0 1997
Elsevier Science S.A.

Ke~n,ords: Waspaloy; Chromite particles; Titanium carbide coating; Chemical vapor deposition (CVD); Impingement angle; Erosion rate
at high temperatures

1. Introduction face layers of these coating materials and a bulk substrate,

beingtough enoughto stopcracks generatedat the surfaceis
The ingestion of particle matter such as sand and dust attractive in the designof somemachine componentsoper-
wears the system componentsexposed to particulate flow. ating in a particulate flow environment. Erosion studiesof
An important researchtask is the development of better and ceramic coatings applied on stainlesssteel (SS) or super-
more durable high temperatureprotective coatings in order alloy-basedsubstratesby plasmaspraying, sputtering, deto-
to increase the lifetime of systems which are exposed to nation gun spraying (D-gun), and electro-spark detonation
aggressive erosion-corrosion environment. Ceramic coat- are well describedin many articles [3-71.
ings such as refractory metal carbides,nitrides, and oxides The erosion resistanceof ceramic coatings is strongly
have been investigated very intensively becauseof their dependenton the coating processand on the substratemate-
high resistanceto erosion and corrosion. A comprehensive rial [3,4]. Two basic coating techniqueshave been devel-
source of information is reported in Ref. [l]. Titanium car- oped over the years: chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and
bide (Tic), titanium nitride (TiN), and alumina (AlzO$, are physical vapor deposition (PVD). Some PVD techniques,
widely used as wear resistancecoatings for cemented car- notably sputtering and ion plating, can produce carbides
bide cutting tools such as inserts, drill bits, and saws 121. and nitrides of the same structure quality as a CVD deposi-
The concept of a composite machine part, combining sur- tion. CVD, however, currently remainsthe best coating for
deposition of thin ceramic, although competition from the
* Corresponding author. PVD techniqueslately has become more intense. Our pre-

02.57~8972f97i917.00 0 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved

PII s0257-8972(97)00477-5
vious work demonstrated the excellent protection that CVD chromite powder was used in the present investigation. This
coatings provide for superalloy substrates in particulate flow erodent material is usually considered to be solid solutions
environment [8,9]. of various spinels. Chromite used for the erosion tests was
The objective of the presented study was to investigate reported in our previous publications [3,7,15]. The erodent
the effect of the erosion parameters on the wear behavior of powder was sifted and the fraction below 75 pm was used
Waspaloy, coated with CVD titanium carbide. For compar- for the experiments. This is a standard requirement for test-
ison, erosion data of uncoated Waspaloy were also col- ing erosion resistant surfaces for coatings used on steam
lected. This nickel-based alloy is heat resistant and reveals turbines.
high strength. Waspaloy is frequently used for manufactur- Flat rectangular coupons were machined from Waspaloy
ing jet engine buckets, disks and high temperature bolts plate. The specimens were 26 mm long, 3 mm thick and 13
[lo]. The effect of temperature on the erosion mechanism mm wide. The sample surfaces exposed to the environmen-
of Waspaloy at constant particle velocity of 50 m s-l and tal flow were coated with a 15-pm thick titanium carbide
impingement angle of 30” is discussed in Ref. [I 11. To the film. The impact velocities changed from 180 to 305 m s’ at
best of our knowledge, there is no information in the litera- temperatures from ambient to 538°C. Test data were accu-
ture regarding erosion study of CVD coated Waspaloy. mulated by setting the particle impingement angle at 20, 30,
50, 70 and 90”. The erosion tests were conducted to obtain
two types of erosion data, namely the erosion rates and the
2. Experimental details cumulative erosion mass loss for the CVD coated and
uncoated Waspaloy. The erosion rate is defined as the
2.1. Experimental set-up ratio between the change of the sample mass and the mass
of the impacting particles. The erosion rate tests were car-
A reactor hot wall was used for CVD deposition of the ried out in one cycle using a certain amount of particles
TiC coating [7]. The charge is placed in a vacuum bell impacting the sample surface. The wear did not exceed
which is heated up by an electrical furnace. The reactor 75% of the total coating mass. The cumulative erosion
operated at a temperature of 1000°C and total pressure of mass loss tests on the other hand were conducted in multiple
40 Torr (5333 Pa) [12,13]. The following gas mixture was cycles. In each cycle, the specimen was impacted by a pre-
introduced into the reactor for TiC deposition: TiCId-H2- weighed increment of the particle mass. After each particle
CH+ Waspaloy was used as a substrate material on which mass increment had impacted the sample, its surface was
the CVD coating was grown at a deposition rate of about 1 cleaned, the specimen was weighed, and the change in the
Pd. specimen mass was recorded. The erosion rate for each
The high temperature erosion test facility was designed to successive particle increment was determined from the
provide erosion data in the range of operating temperatures obtained experimental data. Erosion duplicate tests were
experienced in compressors and turbines. In addition to the run and only the mean values are presented. The uncertainty
high temperatures, the facility simulates all the erosion para- of the obtained erosion rates was within 7%.
meters determined to be important from an aerodynamic
point of view. These parameters include particle velocity,
angle of impact, particle size, particle concentration and 3. Erosion test results and discussion
sample size [14].
The TiC coating on Waspaloy prepared by a CVD process
2.2. Test conditiom and mnterials exhibits fine grained structure which was observed by scan-
ning electron microscopy (SEM) (Fig. 1).
The particle velocity, particle impingement angle, parti-
cle characteristics, and material sample temperature 3.1. Impact angle eflect on the erosion rnte
strongly influence the erosion rate. These parameters were
varied in the present study for the tested TiC coatings The variation in the erosion rate as a function of the
applied on Waspaloy. This metal alloy selected for the particle impact angle for CVD coated and uncoated Waspa-
test program is commonly used for turbine components. loy is shown in Fig. 2. On inspection of this plot, it can be
The composition of Waspaloy was as follows: Waspaloy: seen that the erosion rate of the TiC coating increases with
M 59.0, Cr 19.5, Co 13.5, MO 4.2, Ti 3.0, Mn 0.7, Fe 0.2, Al increase in the impingement angle. The plot also shows that
1.2, c 0*07. the maximum erosion rate for the TiC coating corresponds
The particle velocity was controlled by changing the tun- to a particle impact angle of 90”. Titanium carbide coating
nel air pressure. The particle impingement angle was set by exhibits a ‘brittle’ erosion behavior when exposed to parti-
rotating the sample relative to the flow stream direction. The culate flows. The same erosion pattern was ‘observed pre-
sample temperature was varied by heating the flow stream viously for TiC coating, on the Ni-based superalloys MAR
which heats the sample to the desired temperature. Since the 246 [S] and INCO 718 [9]. During the exposure of the
solid particles in the steam turbines are mainly boiler scales, sample to the oncoming particulate flow the erosion rate
66 I? Shanov et al. / Sq%ce cmd Conrings Technology 94-95 (1997) 64-69

Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrograph of TIC coating on Waspaloy after

Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrograph af TIC coating on Waspaloy before erosion at 90’ impingement angle: T = 538”C, VP = 305 m s-‘, 20 g chro-
erosion: plan view. mite mass.

of the TiC coating was largely due to chipping. On further material removal mechanism is based on flaking and
observation by SEM (Fig. 3), the eroded surface displayed ploughing. Similar surface morphology was observed by
no cracks or plastic deformation in the coating. This beha- Chinnadurai and Bahadur [ 111for Waspaloy when impacted
vior, we believe, is affected by the fine grained structure of with Sic particles. For uncoated Waspaloy, we obtained an
the coating and its good adhesion to the substrate. Similar erosion rate of one order of magnitude higher than that of
conclusions were made by Levy et al. concerning the low the coated alloy at the same conditions. It can hence be
erosion wear of CVD silicon carbide coating [ 121. concluded that the CVD titanium carbide coating provides
Variation of the erosion rate with the impact angle for very good erosion protection for the Waspaloy in particulate
uncoated Waspaloy is also shown in Fig. 2. The erosion flow environment.
rates of these specimens passes through a maximum close
to 45” impact angle. This pattern indicates the ductile nature 3.2. Temnpemtureeffect
of the substrate. The chromite particles, striking the
uncoated specimen, ‘cut’ metal chips along the surface The variation in the TiC coated and uncoated Waspaloy
and cause plastic deformation. This is shown in Fig. 3 for erosion rate with respect to the temperature of the particu-
a Waspaloy specimen at an impingement angle of 90”. The late flow at an impact angle of 90” is presented in Fig. 5. It
was noticed that the erosion rate of the uncoated substrates
l”‘“O first decreased to 300°C and then increased as the tempera-
ture was increased to 538°C. According to Chinnadurai and

4.00 1 / I k I”*“”
$j 3.00

15 30 45 60 75

Rg. 2. Erosion rate variation of uncoated and coated Waspaloy with Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrograph of uncoated Waspaloy after erosion
impingement angle: T= 538”C, 16 = 305 m s-], 20 g chromite mass. at 90’ impingement angle: T = 538”C, tJP= 305 m s-l, 20 g chromite mass.
V. Shnnov et nl. / Surjluce and Coarings Technology 94-95 (1997) 64-69 67


1 .oo

$ 0.80
5 0.60 I-
& 0.40


0.00 o Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrograph of TiC coating on Waspaloy after

TEMPERATURE (“C) erosion at 90” impingement angle: T= 25”C, VP = 180 m s-‘, 20 g chro-
mite mass.
Fig. 5. Variation of the uncoated and coated Waspaloy erosion rate with The effect of the temperature on the material’s physical
temperature at 90” impingement angle: V, = 180 m SK’,20 g chromite properties such as strength and hardness is of substantial
importance for further interpretation of the obtained results
Bahadur ill], the hardness of uncoated Waspaloy decreases [11,16-18-j.
with an increase in temperature and this causes an increase
in the erosion rate. 3.3. Particle velocity effect
As seen from Fig. 5, the erosion rate of coated specimens
decreases with rise in temperature. It is clear from these The effect of the particle impact velocity on the erosion
results that the TIC coating better protects the superalloy rate of TIC coated and uncoated Waspaloy is presented in
at elevated temperatures. Our previous study of CVD TiC
coatings on INCO 718 and stainless steel 410 showed simi-
lar behavior [9]. SE&I observations of the eroded coating on
Waspaloy at ambient temperature and at 538°C reveal more
destruction by the impacted particles on the surface mor-
phology at the lower temperature. The high temperature
erosion structure of the coating shown in Fig. 6 becomes
interrupted at ambient temperature by small craters (Fig. 7).

100 400
Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrograph of TiC coating on Waspaloy after
erosion at 90” impingement angle: T = 53PC, VP = 180 m P’, 20 g chro- Fig. 8. Variation of the uncoated and coated Waspaloy erosion rate with
mite mass. velocity at 90” impingement angle: T = 538’C, 20 g chromite particles.
68 V. Shrorov et ui. / Surjircr and Courings Technology 94-95 (1997) 64-69

ing the exposure of Waspaloy to the high temperature coat-

ing process. The erosion process and the surface coated life
depends on the particles concentration, size, hardness and
many other factors. A further composition and microstruc-
ture study of the coating/substrate interface is required and
such an investigation is in progress.

4. Summary and conclusions

A comparative study was conducted to investigate the

erosion behavior of uncoated Waspaloy and Waspaloy
coated with CVD titanium carbide. The experimental results
characterized the tested coating subjected to high tempera-
ture erosion by chromite particles. The effect of the impact
angle, particle velocity and temperature on the erosion rate
of the studied materials has been experimentally investi-
gated. It was found that the tested coating on Waspaloy
behaves as a brittle substance and its erosion rate decreases
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 at high temperatures. The uncoated Ni superalloy exhibits
MASS OF PARTICLES (g) ductile behavior and wears more at elevated temperatures.
The data obtained for the TiC coating showed one order of
Fig. 9. Titanium carbide coating weight loss variation with particle mass at
magnitude less erosion rate compared to the uncoated metal
90” impingement angle: T = 538”C, 16 = 30.5 m s-‘, chromite particles.
substrate. It was established that the erosion rates of both
uncoated and coated Waspaloy are proportional to the par-
Fig. 8. The experimental data show that the particle velocity ticle velocity to the power 12,where the exponent I? is 2.51
has a significant influence on the wear of both coating and for the coated metal and 2.31 for the uncoated substrate.
substrate material. The logarithmic plots prepared from This study demonstrated that the CVD titanium carbide
experimental data reveal linear behavior of the erosion coating provides very good erosion protection for Waspaloy
rate with the velocity. The velocity exponents II obtained when exposed to particulate flow at high temperatures.
from the power low curve fitting are 2.51 for coated Was-
paloy and 2.3 1 for uncoated substrare. The TIC exponent t7
is close to that reported for the same coating on stainless
steel-S5 3 10 substrate 191.

3.4. Pnrticlc rims effu oil the erosion rate

The cumulative mass erosion test result5 for the TiC coat-
ing on Waspaloy at 90” impingement angle are shown in F 2.0 h

Figs. 9 and 10. The non-linear rrlationship between the E

weight loss and the mass of impacting particles (Fig. 9) P
indicates that there is a continuous change in the erosion 2 1.5
rate. This is displayed in Fig. 10, nrhich presents the erosion 5
rate variation with the cumulative mass of particles. The z
erosion rate of the TiC coating on Waspaloy decreases initi- ; 1.0
ally due to the removal of a very thin top layer which has
been exposed to the coating process and to the atmospheric
environment. This thin top layer can be removed via polish- 0.5
ing. However, after a particle dose of 10 g, the erosion rate
remains steady with further increase of the impacting ero-
dent mass. After a particle dose of 40 g, the erosion rate 0.0
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
increases rapidly and reaches a constant value of about 2
mg/g. The erosion rate of the uncoated Waspaloy is around
3.4 mglg and it was not reached after particle dose of 183 g.
Fig. 10. Variation bf the titanium carbide coating erosion rate with particle
The latter indicates existence of an intermediate layer mass at 90” impingement angle: T= 538”C, V, = 305 m s-l, chromite
between the coating and the substrate probably formed dur- particles.
V. Shanoi et al. / Swfuce and Coatings Technolog) 94-95 (1997) 64-69 69

Acknowledgements [S] W. Tabakoff and V. Shanov, Sut$ Conr. Technol., 76/77 (1995)
[9] V. Shanov and W. Tabakoff, Eruion Resisrance OJ’ Coatirzgs /or
This research was sponsored by NationaI Science Foun- Meral Prorecrion at E!evared Temperatures, presented at the Inter-
dation, Washington, DC, Grant INT-9204963.-Dr. V, Sha- national Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, April
nov would like to thank the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship 22-26, 1996, San Diego, CA.
Board for financial support. The authors thank Dr. J. Lian [lo] J.P. Frick, Wo’oidman’s Engecring Alloys, 7th edn., ASM International
for performing the SEM work. Materials Park, Ohio, 1990, p. 1318.
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[12] V. Shanov, W. Tabakoff and M. Metwally, Sur[i: Coat. Technoi., 54/
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