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# OpenKore - Miscellaneous functions

# This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
# License, version 2.
# Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
# this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
# also distribute the source code.
# See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license.
# $Revision: 7501 $
# $Id: Misc.pm 7501 2010-09-23 16:24:16Z kLabMouse $
# MODULE DESCRIPTION: Miscellaneous functions
# This module contains functions that do not belong in any other modules.
# The difference between Misc.pm and Utils.pm is that Misc.pm can have
# dependencies on other Kore modules.
package Misc;
use strict;
use Exporter;
use Carp::Assert;
use Data::Dumper;
use Compress::Zlib;
use base qw(Exporter);
use encoding 'utf8';
use Globals;
use Log qw(message warning error debug);
use Plugins;
use FileParsers;
use Settings;
use Utils;
use Utils::Assert;
use Skill;
use Field;
use Network;
use Network::Send ();
use AI;
use Actor;
use Actor::You;
use Actor::Player;
use Actor::Monster;
use Actor::Party;
use Actor::NPC;
use Actor::Portal;
use Actor::Pet;
use Actor::Slave;
use Actor::Unknown;
use Time::HiRes qw(time usleep);
use Translation;
use Utils::Exceptions;
our @EXPORT = (
# Config modifiers
# Debugging
# Field math
# Inventory management
# File Parsing and Writing
# Logging
# OS specific
# Misc
# Actor's Actions Text
# AI Math
# Misc Functions

# use SelfLoader; 1;
# __DATA__

sub _checkActorHash($$$$) {
my ($name, $hash, $type, $hashName) = @_;
foreach my $actor (values %{$hash}) {
if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, $type)) {
die "$name\nUnblessed item in $hashName list:\n" .
# Checks whether the internal state of some variables are correct.
sub checkValidity {
my ($name) = @_;
$name = "Validity check:" if (!defined $name);
assertClass($char, 'Actor::You') if ($net && $net->getState() == Network
&& $net->isa('Network::XKore'));
assertClass($char, 'Actor::You') if ($char);
_checkActorHash($name, \%items, 'Actor::Item', 'item');
_checkActorHash($name, \%monsters, 'Actor::Monster', 'monster');
_checkActorHash($name, \%players, 'Actor::Player', 'player');
_checkActorHash($name, \%pets, 'Actor::Pet', 'pet');
_checkActorHash($name, \%npcs, 'Actor::NPC', 'NPC');
_checkActorHash($name, \%portals, 'Actor::Portal', 'portals');

### CATEGORY: Configuration modifiers
sub auth {
my $user = shift;
my $flag = shift;
if ($flag) {
message TF("Authorized user '%s' for admin\n", $user), "success"
} else {
message TF("Revoked admin privilages for user '%s'\n", $user), "
$overallAuth{$user} = $flag;
writeDataFile(Settings::getControlFilename("overallAuth.txt"), \%overall
# void configModify(String key, String value, ...)
# key: a key name.
# value: the new value.
# Changes the value of the configuration option $key to $value.
# Both %config and config.txt will be updated.
# You may also call configModify() with additional optional options:
# `l
# - autoCreate (boolean): Whether the configuration option $key
# should be created if it doesn't already exist.
# The default is true.
# - silent (boolean): By default, output will be printed, notifying the user
# that a config option has been changed. Setting this to
# true will surpress that output.
# `l`
sub configModify {
my $key = shift;
my $val = shift;
my %args;
if (@_ == 1) {
$args{silent} = $_[0];
} else {
%args = @_;
$args{autoCreate} = 1 if (!exists $args{autoCreate});
Plugins::callHook('configModify', {
key => $key,
val => $val,
additionalOptions => \%args
if (!$args{silent} && $key !~ /password/i) {
my $oldval = $config{$key};
if (!defined $oldval) {
$oldval = "not set";
if (!defined $val) {
message TF("Config '%s' unset (was %s)\n", $key, $oldval
), "info";
} else {
message TF("Config '%s' set to %s (was %s)\n", $key, $va
l, $oldval), "info";
if ($args{autoCreate} && !exists $config{$key}) {
my $f;
if (open($f, ">>", Settings::getConfigFilename())) {
print $f "$key\n";
$config{$key} = $val;
# bulkConfigModify (r_hash, [silent])
# r_hash: key => value to change
# silent: if set to 1, do not print a message to the console.
# like configModify but for more than one value at the same time.
sub bulkConfigModify {
my $r_hash = shift;
my $silent = shift;
my $oldval;
foreach my $key (keys %{$r_hash}) {
Plugins::callHook('configModify', {
key => $key,
val => $r_hash->{$key},
silent => $silent
$oldval = $config{$key};
$config{$key} = $r_hash->{$key};
if ($key =~ /password/i) {
message TF("Config '%s' set to %s (was *not-displayed*)\
n", $key, $r_hash->{$key}), "info" unless ($silent);
} else {
message TF("Config '%s' set to %s (was %s)\n", $key, $r_
hash->{$key}, $oldval), "info" unless ($silent);
# saveConfigFile()
# Writes %config to config.txt.
sub saveConfigFile {
writeDataFileIntact(Settings::getConfigFilename(), \%config);
sub setTimeout {
my $timeout = shift;
my $time = shift;
message TF("Timeout '%s' set to %s (was %s)\n", $timeout, $time, $timeou
t{$timeout}{timeout}), "info";
$timeout{$timeout}{'timeout'} = $time;
writeDataFileIntact2(Settings::getControlFilename("timeouts.txt"), \%tim

### Category: Debugging
our %debug_showSpots_list;
sub debug_showSpots {
return unless $net->clientAlive();
my $ID = shift;
my $spots = shift;
my $special = shift;
if ($debug_showSpots_list{$ID}) {
foreach (@{$debug_showSpots_list{$ID}}) {
my $msg = pack("C*", 0x20, 0x01) . pack("V", $_);
my $i = 1554;
$debug_showSpots_list{$ID} = [];
foreach (@{$spots}) {
next if !defined $_;
my $msg = pack("C*", 0x1F, 0x01)
. pack("V*", $i, 1550)
. pack("v*", $_->{x}, $_->{y})
. pack("C*", 0x93, 0);
push @{$debug_showSpots_list{$ID}}, $i;
if ($special) {
my $msg = pack("C*", 0x1F, 0x01)
. pack("V*", 1553, 1550)
. pack("v*", $special->{x}, $special->{y})
. pack("C*", 0x83, 0);
push @{$debug_showSpots_list{$ID}}, 1553;
# visualDump(data [, label])
# Show the bytes in $data on screen as hexadecimal.
# Displays the label if provided.
sub visualDump {
my ($msg, $label) = @_;
my $dump;
my $puncations = quotemeta '~!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\"\'';
no encoding 'utf8';
use bytes;
$dump = "================================================\n";
if (defined $label) {
$dump .= sprintf("%-15s [%d bytes] %s\n", $label, length($msg)
, getFormattedDate(int(time)));
} else {
$dump .= sprintf("%d bytes %s\n", length($msg), getFormattedDa
for (my $i = 0; $i < length($msg); $i += 16) {
my $line;
my $data = substr($msg, $i, 16);
my $rawData = '';
for (my $j = 0; $j < length($data); $j++) {
my $char = substr($data, $j, 1);
if (ord($char) < 32 || ord($char) > 126) {
$rawData .= '.';
} else {
$rawData .= substr($data, $j, 1);
$line = getHex(substr($data, 0, 8));
$line .= ' ' . getHex(substr($data, 8)) if (length($data) > 8
$line .= ' ' x (50 - length($line)) if (length($line) < 54);
$line .= " $rawData\n";
$line = sprintf("%3d> ", $i) . $line;
$dump .= $line;
message $dump;

### CATEGORY: Field math
# calcRectArea($x, $y, $radius)
# Returns: an array with position hashes. Each has contains an x and a y key.
# Creates a rectangle with center ($x,$y) and radius $radius,
# and returns a list of positions of the border of the rectangle.
sub calcRectArea {
my ($x, $y, $radius) = @_;
my (%topLeft, %topRight, %bottomLeft, %bottomRight);
sub capX {
return 0 if ($_[0] < 0);
return $field->width - 1 if ($_[0] >= $field->width);
return int $_[0];
sub capY {
return 0 if ($_[0] < 0);
return $field->height - 1 if ($_[0] >= $field->height);
return int $_[0];
# Get the avoid area as a rectangle
$topLeft{x} = capX($x - $radius);
$topLeft{y} = capY($y + $radius);
$topRight{x} = capX($x + $radius);
$topRight{y} = capY($y + $radius);
$bottomLeft{x} = capX($x - $radius);
$bottomLeft{y} = capY($y - $radius);
$bottomRight{x} = capX($x + $radius);
$bottomRight{y} = capY($y - $radius);
# Walk through the border of the rectangle
# Record the blocks that are walkable
my @walkableBlocks;
for (my $x = $topLeft{x}; $x <= $topRight{x}; $x++) {
if ($field->isWalkable($x, $topLeft{y})) {
push @walkableBlocks, {x => $x, y => $topLeft{y}};
for (my $x = $bottomLeft{x}; $x <= $bottomRight{x}; $x++) {
if ($field->isWalkable($x, $bottomLeft{y})) {
push @walkableBlocks, {x => $x, y => $bottomLeft{y}};
for (my $y = $bottomLeft{y} + 1; $y < $topLeft{y}; $y++) {
if ($field->isWalkable($topLeft{x}, $y)) {
push @walkableBlocks, {x => $topLeft{x}, y => $y};
for (my $y = $bottomRight{y} + 1; $y < $topRight{y}; $y++) {
if ($field->isWalkable($topRight{x}, $y)) {
push @walkableBlocks, {x => $topRight{x}, y => $y};
return @walkableBlocks;
# calcRectArea2($x, $y, $radius, $minRange)
# Returns: an array with position hashes. Each has contains an x and a y key.
# Creates a rectangle with center ($x,$y) and radius $radius,
# and returns a list of positions inside the rectangle that are
# not closer than $minRange to the center.
sub calcRectArea2 {
my ($cx, $cy, $r, $min) = @_;
my @rectangle;
for (my $x = $cx - $r; $x <= $cx + $r; $x++) {
for (my $y = $cy - $r; $y <= $cy + $r; $y++) {
next if distance({x => $cx, y => $cy}, {x => $x, y => $y
}) < $min;
push(@rectangle, {x => $x, y => $y});
return @rectangle;
# checkLineSnipable(from, to)
# from, to: references to position hashes.
# Check whether you can snipe a target standing at $to,
# from the position $from, without being blocked by any
# obstacles.
# TODO: move to Field?
sub checkLineSnipable {
return 0 if (!$field);
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
# Simulate tracing a line to the location (modified Bresenham's algorith
my ($X0, $Y0, $X1, $Y1) = ($from->{x}, $from->{y}, $to->{x}, $to->{y});
my $steep;
my $posX = 1;
my $posY = 1;
if ($X1 - $X0 < 0) {
$posX = -1;
if ($Y1 - $Y0 < 0) {
$posY = -1;
if (abs($Y0 - $Y1) < abs($X0 - $X1)) {
$steep = 0;
} else {
$steep = 1;
if ($steep == 1) {
my $Yt = $Y0;
$Y0 = $X0;
$X0 = $Yt;
$Yt = $Y1;
$Y1 = $X1;
$X1 = $Yt;
if ($X0 > $X1) {
my $Xt = $X0;
$X0 = $X1;
$X1 = $Xt;
my $Yt = $Y0;
$Y0 = $Y1;
$Y1 = $Yt;
my $dX = $X1 - $X0;
my $dY = abs($Y1 - $Y0);
my $E = 0;
my $dE;
if ($dX) {
$dE = $dY / $dX;
} else {
# Delta X is 0, it only occures when $from is equal to $to
return 1;
my $stepY;
if ($Y0 < $Y1) {
$stepY = 1;
} else {
$stepY = -1;
my $Y = $Y0;
my $Erate = 0.99;
if (($posY == -1 && $posX == 1) || ($posY == 1 && $posX == -1)) {
$Erate = 0.01;
for (my $X=$X0;$X<=$X1;$X++) {
$E += $dE;
if ($steep == 1) {
return 0 if (!$field->isSnipable($Y, $X));
} else {
return 0 if (!$field->isSnipable($X, $Y));
if ($E >= $Erate) {
$Y += $stepY;
$E -= 1;
return 1;
# checkLineWalkable(from, to, [min_obstacle_size = 5])
# from, to: references to position hashes.
# Check whether you can walk from $from to $to in an (almost)
# straight line, without obstacles that are too large.
# Obstacles are considered too large, if they are at least
# the size of a rectangle with "radius" $min_obstacle_size.
# TODO: move to Field?
sub checkLineWalkable {
return 0 if (!$field);
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
my $min_obstacle_size = shift;
$min_obstacle_size = 5 if (!defined $min_obstacle_size);
my $dist = round(distance($from, $to));
my %vec;
getVector(\%vec, $to, $from);
# Simulate walking from $from to $to
for (my $i = 1; $i < $dist; $i++) {
my %p;
moveAlongVector(\%p, $from, \%vec, $i);
$p{x} = int $p{x};
$p{y} = int $p{y};
if ( !$field->isWalkable($p{x}, $p{y}) ) {
# The current spot is not walkable. Check whether
# this the obstacle is small enough.
if (checkWallLength(\%p, -1, 0, $min_obstacle_size) ||
checkWallLength(\%p, 1, 0, $min_obstacle_size)
|| checkWallLength(\%p, 0, -1, $min_obstacle_size) ||
checkWallLength(\%p, 0, 1, $min_obstacle_size)
|| checkWallLength(\%p, -1, -1, $min_obstacle_size) ||
checkWallLength(\%p, 1, 1, $min_obstacle_size)
|| checkWallLength(\%p, 1, -1, $min_obstacle_size) ||
checkWallLength(\%p, -1, 1, $min_obstacle_size)) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub checkWallLength {
my $pos = shift;
my $dx = shift;
my $dy = shift;
my $length = shift;
my $x = $pos->{x};
my $y = $pos->{y};
my $len = 0;
do {
last if ($x < 0 || $x >= $field->width || $y < 0 || $y >= $field
$x += $dx;
$y += $dy;
} while (!$field->isWalkable($x, $y) && $len < $length);
return $len >= $length;
# closestWalkableSpot(r_field, pos)
# r_field: a reference to a field hash.
# pos: reference to a position hash (which contains 'x' and 'y' keys).
# Returns: 1 if %pos has been modified, 0 of not.
# If the position specified in $pos is walkable, this function will do nothing.
# If it's not walkable, this function will find the closest position that is wal
kable (up to 2 blocks away),
# and modify the x and y values in $pos.
# TODO: move to Field?
sub closestWalkableSpot {
my $field = shift;
my $pos = shift;
foreach my $z ( [0,0], [0,1],[1,0],[0,-1],[-1,0], [-1,1],[1,1],[1,-1],[-
1,-1],[0,2],[2,0],[0,-2],[-2,0] ) {
next if !$field->isWalkable($pos->{x} + $z->[0], $pos->{y} + $z-
$pos->{x} += $z->[0];
$pos->{y} += $z->[1];
return 1;
return 0;
# objectInsideSpell(object, [ignore_party_members = 1])
# object: reference to a player or monster hash.
# Checks whether an object is inside someone else's spell area.
# (Traps are also "area spells").
sub objectInsideSpell {
return 0 if ($config{'rabidDog'} || $config{'killSteal'});
my $object = shift;
my $ignore_party_members = shift;
$ignore_party_members = 1 if (!defined $ignore_party_members);
my ($x, $y) = ($object->{pos_to}{x}, $object->{pos_to}{y});
foreach (@spellsID) {
my $spell = $spells{$_};
if ((!$ignore_party_members || !$char->{party} || !$char->{party
&& $spell->{sourceID} ne $accountID
&& $spell->{pos}{x} == $x && $spell->{pos}{y} == $y) {
return 1;
return 0;
# objectIsMovingTowards(object1, object2, [max_variance])
# Check whether $object1 is moving towards $object2.
sub objectIsMovingTowards {
my $obj = shift;
my $obj2 = shift;
my $max_variance = (shift || 15);
if (!timeOut($obj->{time_move}, $obj->{time_move_calc})) {
# $obj is still moving
my %vec;
getVector(\%vec, $obj->{pos_to}, $obj->{pos});
return checkMovementDirection($obj->{pos}, \%vec, $obj2->{pos_to
}, $max_variance);
return 0;
# objectIsMovingTowardsPlayer(object, [ignore_party_members = 1])
# Check whether an object is moving towards a player.
sub objectIsMovingTowardsPlayer {
return 0 if ($config{'rabidDog'} || $config{'killSteal'});
my $obj = shift;
my $ignore_party_members = shift;
$ignore_party_members = 1 if (!defined $ignore_party_members);
if (!timeOut($obj->{time_move}, $obj->{time_move_calc}) && @playersID) {
# Monster is still moving, and there are players on screen
my %vec;
getVector(\%vec, $obj->{pos_to}, $obj->{pos});
my $players = $playersList->getItems();
foreach my $player (@{$players}) {
my $ID = $player->{ID};
next if (
($ignore_party_members && $char->{party} && $char->
|| (defined($player->{name}) && existsInList($config{t
ankersList}, $player->{name}))
|| $player->statusActive('EFFECTSTATE_SPECIALHIDING'))
if (checkMovementDirection($obj->{pos}, \%vec, $player->
{pos}, 15)) {
return 1;
return 0;

### CATEGORY: Logging
# TODO: merge?
sub itemLog {
my $crud = shift;
return if (!$config{'itemHistory'});
open ITEMLOG, ">>:utf8", $Settings::item_log_file;
print ITEMLOG "[".getFormattedDate(int(time))."] $crud";
close ITEMLOG;
sub chatLog {
my $type = shift;
my $message = shift;
open CHAT, ">>:utf8", $Settings::chat_log_file;
print CHAT "[".getFormattedDate(int(time))."][".uc($type)."] $message";
close CHAT;
sub shopLog {
my $crud = shift;
open SHOPLOG, ">>:utf8", $Settings::shop_log_file;
print SHOPLOG "[".getFormattedDate(int(time))."] $crud";
close SHOPLOG;
sub monsterLog {
my $crud = shift;
return if (!$config{'monsterLog'});
open MONLOG, ">>:utf8", $Settings::monster_log_file;
print MONLOG "[".getFormattedDate(int(time))."] $crud\n";
close MONLOG;

### CATEGORY: Operating system specific

# launchURL(url)
# Open $url in the operating system's preferred web browser.
sub launchURL {
my $url = shift;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
require Utils::Win32;
Utils::Win32::ShellExecute(0, undef, $url);
} else {
my $mod = 'use POSIX;';
eval $mod;
# This is a script I wrote for the autopackage project
# It autodetects the current desktop environment
my $detectionScript = <<EOF;
function detectDesktop() {
if [[ "\$DISPLAY" = "" ]]; then
return 1
local LC_ALL=C
local clients
if ! clients=`xlsclients`; then
return 1
if echo "\$clients" | grep -qE '(gnome-panel|nau
tilus|metacity)'; then
echo gnome
elif echo "\$clients" | grep -qE '(kicker|slicke
r|karamba|kwin)'; then
echo kde
echo other
return 0
my ($r, $w, $desktop);
my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2($r, $w, '/bin/bash');
print $w $detectionScript;
close $w;
$desktop = <$r>;
$desktop =~ s/\n//;
close $r;
waitpid($pid, 0);
sub checkCommand {
foreach (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
return 1 if (-x "$_/$_[0]");
return 0;
if (checkCommand('xdg-open')) {
launchApp(1, 'xdg-open', $url);
} elsif ($desktop eq "gnome" && checkCommand('gnome-open')) {
launchApp(1, 'gnome-open', $url);
} elsif ($desktop eq "kde") {
launchApp(1, 'kfmclient', 'exec', $url);
} else {
if (checkCommand('firefox')) {
launchApp(1, 'firefox', $url);
} elsif (checkCommand('mozilla')) {
launchApp(1, 'mozilla', $url);
} else {
$interface->errorDialog(TF("No suitable browser
detected. Please launch your favorite browser and go to:\n%s", $url));

### CATEGORY: Other functions
# TODO: move actorAdded/Removed to Actor?
sub actorAddedRemovedVars {
my ($actor) = @_;
# returns (type, list, hash)
if ($actor->isa ('Actor::Item')) {
return ('item', \@itemsID, \%items);
} elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::Player')) {
return ('player', \@playersID, \%players);
} elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::Monster')) {
return ('monster', \@monstersID, \%monsters);
} elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::Portal')) {
return ('portal', \@portalsID, \%portals);
} elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::Pet')) {
return ('pet', \@petsID, \%pets);
} elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::NPC')) {
return ('npc', \@npcsID, \%npcs);
} elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::Slave')) {
return ('slave', \@slavesID, \%slaves);
} else {
return (undef, undef, undef);
sub actorAdded {
my (undef, $source, $arg) = @_;
my ($actor, $index) = @{$arg};
$actor->{binID} = $index;
my ($type, $list, $hash) = actorAddedRemovedVars ($actor);
if (defined $type) {
debug TF("actorAdded: %s %s (%s), size %s\n", $type, (unpack 'V'
, $actor->{ID}), $actor->{binID}, $source->size), 'actorlist', 3;
if (DEBUG && scalar(keys %{$hash}) + 1 != $source->size()) {
use Data::Dumper;
my $ol = '';
my $items = $source->getItems();
foreach my $item (@{$items}) {
$ol .= $item->nameIdx . "\n";
die "$type: " . scalar(keys %{$hash}) . " + 1 != " . $so
urce->size() . "\n" .
"List:\n" .
Dumper($list) . "\n" .
"Hash:\n" .
Dumper($hash) . "\n" .
"ObjectList:\n" .
assert(binSize($list) + 1 == $source->size()) if DEBUG;
binAdd($list, $actor->{ID});
$hash->{$actor->{ID}} = $actor;
objectAdded($type, $actor->{ID}, $actor);
assert(scalar(keys %{$hash}) == $source->size()) if DEBUG;
assert(binSize($list) == $source->size()) if DEBUG;
} else {
warning "Unknown actor type in actorAdded\n", 'actorlist' if DEB
sub actorRemoved {
my (undef, $source, $arg) = @_;
my ($actor, $index) = @{$arg};
my ($type, $list, $hash) = actorAddedRemovedVars ($actor);
if (defined $type) {
debug TF("actorRemoved: %s %s (%s), size %s\n", $type, (unpack '
V', $actor->{ID}), $actor->{binID}, $source->size), 'actorlist', 3;
if (DEBUG && scalar(keys %{$hash}) - 1 != $source->size()) {
use Data::Dumper;
my $ol = '';
my $items = $source->getItems();
foreach my $item (@{$items}) {
$ol .= $item->nameIdx . "\n";
die "$type:" . scalar(keys %{$hash}) . " - 1 != " . $sou
rce->size() . "\n" .
"List:\n" .
Dumper($list) . "\n" .
"Hash:\n" .
Dumper($hash) . "\n" .
"ObjectList:\n" .
assert(binSize($list) - 1 == $source->size()) if DEBUG;
binRemove($list, $actor->{ID});
delete $hash->{$actor->{ID}};
objectRemoved($type, $actor->{ID}, $actor);
if ($type eq "player") {
binRemove(\@venderListsID, $actor->{ID});
delete $venderLists{$actor->{ID}};
assert(scalar(keys %{$hash}) == $source->size()) if DEBUG;
assert(binSize($list) == $source->size()) if DEBUG;
} else {
warning "Unknown actor type in actorRemoved\n", 'actorlist' if D
sub actorListClearing {
undef %items;
undef %players;
undef %monsters;
undef %portals;
undef %npcs;
undef %pets;
undef %slaves;
undef @itemsID;
undef @playersID;
undef @monstersID;
undef @portalsID;
undef @npcsID;
undef @petsID;
undef @slavesID;
sub avoidGM_talk {
return 0 if ($net->clientAlive() || !$config{avoidGM_talk});
my ($user, $msg) = @_;
# Check whether this "GM" is on the ignore list
# in order to prevent false matches
return 0 if (existsInList($config{avoidGM_ignoreList}, $user));
if ($user =~ /^([a-z]?ro)?-?(Sub)?-?\[?GM\]?/i || $user =~ /$config{avoi
dGM_namePattern}/) {
my %args = (
name => $user,
Plugins::callHook('avoidGM_talk', \%args);
return 1 if ($args{return});
warning T("Disconnecting to avoid GM!\n");
main::chatLog("k", TF("*** The GM %s talked to you, auto disconn
ected ***\n", $user));
warning TF("Disconnect for %s seconds...\n", $config{avoidGM_rec
relog($config{avoidGM_reconnect}, 1);
return 1;
return 0;
sub avoidList_talk {
return 0 if ($net->clientAlive() || !$config{avoidList});
my ($user, $msg, $ID) = @_;
if ($avoid{Players}{lc($user)}{disconnect_on_chat} || $avoid{ID}{$ID}{di
sconnect_on_chat}) {
warning TF("Disconnecting to avoid %s!\n", $user);
main::chatLog("k", TF("*** %s talked to you, auto disconnected *
**\n", $user));
warning TF("Disconnect for %s seconds...\n", $config{avoidList_r
relog($config{avoidList_reconnect}, 1);
return 1;
return 0;
sub calcStat {
my $damage = shift;
$totaldmg += $damage;
# center(string, width, [fill])
# This function will center $string within a field $width characters wide,
# using $fill characters for padding on either end of the string for
# centering. If $fill is not specified, a space will be used.
sub center {
my ($string, $width, $fill) = @_;
$fill ||= ' ';
my $left = int(($width - length($string)) / 2);
my $right = ($width - length($string)) - $left;
return $fill x $left . $string . $fill x $right;
# Returns: 0 if user chose to quit, 1 if user chose a character, 2 if user creat
ed or deleted a character
sub charSelectScreen {
my %plugin_args = (autoLogin => shift);
# A list of character names
my @charNames;
# An array which maps an index in @charNames to an index in @chars
my @charNameIndices;
my $mode;
# the client also does this
$questList = {};
TOP: {
undef $mode;
@charNames = ();
@charNameIndices = ();
for (my $num = 0; $num < @chars; $num++) {
next unless ($chars[$num] && %{$chars[$num]});
if (0) {
# The old (more verbose) message
T("------- Character \@< ---------\n" .
"Name: \@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n" .
"Job: \@<<<<<<< Job Exp: \@<<<<<<<\n" .
"Lv: \@<<<<<<< Str: \@<<<<<<<<\n" .
"J.Lv: \@<<<<<<< Agi: \@<<<<<<<<\n" .
"Exp: \@<<<<<<< Vit: \@<<<<<<<<\n" .
"HP: \@||||/\@|||| Int: \@<<<<<<<<\n" .
"SP: \@||||/\@|||| Dex: \@<<<<<<<<\n" .
"zeny: \@<<<<<<<<<< Luk: \@<<<<<<<<\n" .
$num, $chars[$num]{'name'}, $jobs_lut{$chars[$nu
m]{'jobID'}}, $chars[$num]{'exp_job'},
$chars[$num]{'lv'}, $chars[$num]{'str'}, $chars[
$num]{'lv_job'}, $chars[$num]{'agi'},
$chars[$num]{'exp'}, $chars[$num]{'vit'}, $chars
[$num]{'hp'}, $chars[$num]{'hp_max'},
$chars[$num]{'int'}, $chars[$num]{'sp'}, $chars[
$num]{'sp_max'}, $chars[$num]{'dex'},
$chars[$num]{'zeny'}, $chars[$num]{'luk'});
push @charNames, TF("Slot %d: %s (%s, level %d/%d)",
push @charNameIndices, $num;
if (@charNames) {
message(TF("------------- Character List -------------\n" .
"%s\n" .
join("\n", @charNames)),
return 1 if $net->clientAlive;
Plugins::callHook('charSelectScreen', \%plugin_args);
return $plugin_args{return} if ($plugin_args{return});
if ($plugin_args{autoLogin} && @chars && $config{char} ne "" && $chars[$
config{char}]) {
$timeout{charlogin}{time} = time;
return 1;
my @choices = @charNames;
push @choices, T('Create a new character');
if (@chars) {
push @choices, T('Delete a character');
} else {
message T("There are no characters on this account.\n"), "connec
my $choice = $interface->showMenu(
T("Please choose a character or an action."), \@choices,
title => T("Character selection"));
if ($choice == -1) {
# User cancelled
return 0;
} elsif ($choice < @charNames) {
# Character chosen
configModify('char', $charNameIndices[$choice], 1);
$timeout{charlogin}{time} = time;
return 1;
} elsif ($choice == @charNames) {
# 'Create character' chosen
$mode = "create";
} else {
# 'Delete character' chosen
$mode = "delete";
if ($mode eq "create") {
while (1) {
my $message = T("Please enter the desired properties for
your characters, in this form:\n" .
"(slot) \"(name)\" [ (str) (agi) (vit) (int) (de
x) (luk) [ (hairstyle) [(haircolor)] ] ]");
my $input = $interface->query($message);
unless ($input =~ /\S/) {
goto TOP;
} else {
my @args = parseArgs($input);
if (@args < 2) {
$interface->errorDialog(T("You didn't sp
ecify enough parameters."), 0);
message TF("Creating character \"%s\" in slot \"
%s\"...\n", $args[1], $args[0]), "connection";
$timeout{charlogin}{time} = time;
last if (createCharacter(@args));
} elsif ($mode eq "delete") {
my $choice = $interface->showMenu(
T("Select the character you want to delete."),
title => T("Delete character"));
if ($choice == -1) {
goto TOP;
my $charIndex = @charNameIndices[$choice];
my $email = $interface->query("Enter your email address.");
if (!defined($email)) {
goto TOP;
my $confirmation = $interface->showMenu(
TF("Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you want to delete:\n%s", $c
[T("No, don't delete"), T("Yes, delete")],
title => T("Confirm delete"));
if ($confirmation != 1) {
goto TOP;
$messageSender->sendCharDelete($chars[$charIndex]{charID}, $emai
message TF("Deleting character %s...\n", $chars[$charIndex]{name
}), "connection";
$AI::temp::delIndex = $charIndex;
$timeout{charlogin}{time} = time;
return 2;
sub chatLog_clear {
if (-f $Settings::chat_log_file) {
# checkAllowedMap($map)
# Checks whether $map is in $config{allowedMaps}.
# Disconnects if it is not, and $config{allowedMaps_reaction} != 0.
sub checkAllowedMap {
my $map = shift;
return unless $AI == 2;
return unless $config{allowedMaps};
return if existsInList($config{allowedMaps}, $map);
return if $config{allowedMaps_reaction} == 0;
warning TF("The current map (%s) is not on the list of allowed maps.\n",
main::chatLog("k", TF("** The current map (%s) is not on the list of all
owed maps.\n", $map));
main::chatLog("k", T("** Exiting...\n"));
# checkFollowMode()
# Returns: 1 if in follow mode, 0 if not.
# Check whether we're current in follow mode.
sub checkFollowMode {
my $followIndex;
if ($config{follow} && defined($followIndex = AI::findAction("follow")))
return 1 if (AI::args($followIndex)->{following});
return 0;
# boolean checkMonsterCleanness(Bytes ID)
# ID: the monster's ID.
# Requires: $ID is a valid monster ID.
# Checks whether a monster is "clean" (not being attacked by anyone).
sub checkMonsterCleanness {
return 1 if ($config{'rabidDog'} || $config{'killSteal'});
return 1 if (!$config{attackAuto});
my $ID = $_[0];
return 1 if ($playersList->getByID($ID));
my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($ID);
# If party attacked monster, or if monster attacked/missed party
if ($monster->{dmgFromParty} > 0 || $monster->{dmgToParty} > 0 || $monst
er->{missedToParty} > 0) {
return 1;
if ($config{aggressiveAntiKS}) {
# Aggressive anti-KS mode, for people who are paranoid about not
kill stealing.
# If we attacked the monster first, do not drop it, we are being
return 1 if ($monster->{dmgFromYou} || $monster->{missedFromYou}
# If others attacked the monster then always drop it, wether it
attacked us or not!
return 0 if (($monster->{dmgFromPlayer} && %{$monster->{dmgFromP
|| ($monster->{missedFromPlayer} && %{$monster->{misse
|| (($monster->{castOnByPlayer}) && %{$monster->{castO
|| (($monster->{castOnToPlayer}) && %{$monster->{castO
# If monster attacked/missed you
return 1 if ($monster->{'dmgToYou'} || $monster->{'missedYou'});
# If we're in follow mode
if (defined(my $followIndex = AI::findAction("follow"))) {
my $following = AI::args($followIndex)->{following};
my $followID = AI::args($followIndex)->{ID};
if ($following) {
# And master attacked monster, or the monster attacked/m
issed master
if ($monster->{dmgToPlayer}{$followID} > 0
|| $monster->{missedToPlayer}{$followID} > 0
|| $monster->{dmgFromPlayer}{$followID} > 0) {
return 1;
if (objectInsideSpell($monster)) {
# Prohibit attacking this monster in the future
$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}{$char->{ID}} = 1;
return 0;
#check party casting on mob
my $allowed = 1;
if (scalar(keys %{$monster->{castOnByPlayer}}) > 0)
foreach (keys %{$monster->{castOnByPlayer}})
my $ID1=$_;
my $source = Actor::get($_);
unless ( existsInList($config{tankersList}, $source->{na
me}) ||
($char->{party} && %{$char->{party}} && $char->{
party}{users}{$ID1} && %{$char->{party}{users}{$ID1}}))
$allowed = 0;
# If monster hasn't been attacked by other players
if (scalar(keys %{$monster->{missedFromPlayer}}) == 0
&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}}) == 0
#&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{castOnByPlayer}}) == 0 #change to $allo
&& $allowed
# and it hasn't attacked any other player
&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{missedToPlayer}}) == 0
&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgToPlayer}}) == 0
&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{castOnToPlayer}}) == 0
) {
# The monster might be getting lured by another player.
# So we check whether it's walking towards any other player, but
# if we haven't already attacked the monster.
if ($monster->{dmgFromYou} || $monster->{missedFromYou}) {
return 1;
} else {
return !objectIsMovingTowardsPlayer($monster);
# The monster didn't attack you.
# Other players attacked it, or it attacked other players.
if ($monster->{dmgFromYou} || $monster->{missedFromYou}) {
# If you have already attacked the monster before, then consider
it clean
return 1;
# If you haven't attacked the monster yet, it's unclean.
return 0;
# boolean createCharacter(int slot, String name, int [str,agi,vit,int,dex,luk] =
# slot: The slot in which to create the character (1st slot is 0).
# name: The name of the character to create.
# Returns: Whether the parameters are correct. Only a character creation command
# will be sent to the server if all parameters are correct.
# Create a new character. You must be currently connected to the character login
sub createCharacter {
my $slot = shift;
my $name = shift;
my ($str,$agi,$vit,$int,$dex,$luk, $hair_style, $hair_color) = @_;
if (!@_) {
($str,$agi,$vit,$int,$dex,$luk) = (5,5,5,5,5,5);
if ($net->getState() != 3) {
$interface->errorDialog(T("We're not currently connected to the
character login server."), 0);
return 0;
} elsif ($slot !~ /^\d+$/) {
$interface->errorDialog(TF("Slot \"%s\" is not a valid number.",
$slot), 0);
return 0;
} elsif ($slot < 0 || $slot > 4) {
$interface->errorDialog(T("The slot must be comprised between 0
and 4."), 0); # TODO: private servers allow more slots
return 0;
} elsif ($chars[$slot]) {
$interface->errorDialog(TF("Slot %s already contains a character
(%s).", $slot, $chars[$slot]{name}), 0);
return 0;
} elsif (length($name) > 23) {
$interface->errorDialog(T("Name must not be longer than 23 chara
cters."), 0);
return 0;
} else {
for ($str,$agi,$vit,$int,$dex,$luk) {
if ($_ > 9 || $_ < 1) {
$interface->errorDialog(T("Stats must be compris
ed between 1 and 9."), 0);
for ($str+$int, $agi+$luk, $vit+$dex) {
if ($_ != 10) {
$interface->errorDialog(T("The sums Str + Int, A
gi + Luk and Vit + Dex must all be equal to 10."), 0);
$messageSender->sendCharCreate($slot, $name,
$str, $agi, $vit, $int, $dex, $luk,
$hair_style, $hair_color);
return 1;
# void deal(Actor::Player player)
# Requires: defined($player)
# Ensures: exists $outgoingDeal{ID}
# Sends $player a deal request.
sub deal {
my $player = $_[0];
assert(defined $player) if DEBUG;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($player, 'Actor::Player')) if DEBUG;
$outgoingDeal{ID} = $player->{ID};
# dealAddItem($item, $amount)
# Adds $amount of $item to the current deal.
sub dealAddItem {
my ($item, $amount) = @_;
$messageSender->sendDealAddItem($item->{index}, $amount);
$currentDeal{lastItemAmount} = $amount;
# drop(itemIndex, amount)
# Drops $amount of the item specified by $itemIndex. If $amount is not specified
or too large, it defaults
# to the number of items you have.
sub drop {
my ($itemIndex, $amount) = @_;
my $item = $char->inventory->get($itemIndex);
if ($item) {
if (!$amount || $amount > $item->{amount}) {
$amount = $item->{amount};
$messageSender->sendDrop($item->{index}, $amount);
sub dumpData {
my $msg = shift;
my $silent = shift;
my $dump;
my $puncations = quotemeta '~!@#$%^&*()_+|\"\'';
$dump = "\n\n================================================\n" .
getFormattedDate(int(time)) . "\n\n" .
length($msg) . " bytes\n\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < length($msg); $i += 16) {
my $line;
my $data = substr($msg, $i, 16);
my $rawData = '';
for (my $j = 0; $j < length($data); $j++) {
my $char = substr($data, $j, 1);
if (($char =~ /\W/ && $char =~ /\S/ && !($char =~ /[$pun
|| ($char eq chr(10) || $char eq chr(13) || $char eq
"\t")) {
$rawData .= '.';
} else {
$rawData .= substr($data, $j, 1);
$line = getHex(substr($data, 0, 8));
$line .= ' ' . getHex(substr($data, 8)) if (length($data) > 8
$line .= ' ' x (50 - length($line)) if (length($line) < 54);
$line .= " $rawData\n";
$line = sprintf("%3d> ", $i) . $line;
$dump .= $line;
open DUMP, ">> DUMP.txt";
print DUMP $dump;
close DUMP;
debug "$dump\n", "parseMsg", 2;
message T("Message Dumped into DUMP.txt!\n"), undef, 1 unless ($silent);
sub getEmotionByCommand {
my $command = shift;
foreach (keys %emotions_lut) {
if (existsInList($emotions_lut{$_}{command}, $command)) {
return $_;
return undef;
sub getIDFromChat {
my $r_hash = shift;
my $msg_user = shift;
my $match_text = shift;
my $qm;
if ($match_text !~ /\w+/ || $match_text eq "me" || $match_text eq "") {
foreach (keys %{$r_hash}) {
next if ($_ eq "");
if ($msg_user eq $r_hash->{$_}{name}) {
return $_;
} else {
foreach (keys %{$r_hash}) {
next if ($_ eq "");
$qm = quotemeta $match_text;
if ($r_hash->{$_}{name} =~ /$qm/i) {
return $_;
return undef;
# getNPCName(ID)
# ID: the packed ID of the NPC
# Returns: the name of the NPC
# Find the name of an NPC: could be NPC, monster, or unknown.
sub getNPCName {
my $ID = shift;
if ((my $npc = $npcsList->getByID($ID))) {
return $npc->name;
} elsif ((my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($ID))) {
return $monster->name;
} else {
return "Unknown #" . unpack("V1", $ID);
# getPlayerNameFromCache(player)
# player: an Actor::Player object.
# Returns: 1 on success, 0 if the player isn't in cache.
# Retrieve a player's name from cache and modify the player object.
sub getPlayerNameFromCache {
my ($player) = @_;
return if (!$config{cachePlayerNames});
my $entry = $playerNameCache{$player->{ID}};
return if (!$entry);
# Check whether the cache entry is too old or inconsistent.
# Default cache life time: 15 minutes.
if (timeOut($entry->{time}, $config{cachePlayerNames_duration}) || $play
er->{lv} != $entry->{lv} || $player->{jobID} != $entry->{jobID}) {
binRemove(\@playerNameCacheIDs, $player->{ID});
delete $playerNameCache{$player->{ID}};
return 0;
$player->{name} = $entry->{name};
$player->{guild} = $entry->{guild} if ($entry->{guild});
return 1;
sub getPortalDestName {
my $ID = shift;
my %hash; # We only want unique names, so we use a hash
foreach (keys %{$portals_lut{$ID}{'dest'}}) {
my $key = $portals_lut{$ID}{'dest'}{$_}{'map'};
$hash{$key} = 1;
my @destinations = sort keys %hash;
return join('/', @destinations);
sub getResponse {
my $type = quotemeta shift;
my @keys;
foreach my $key (keys %responses) {
if ($key =~ /^$type\_\d+$/) {
push @keys, $key;
my $msg = $responses{$keys[int(rand(@keys))]};
$msg =~ s/\%\$(\w+)/$responseVars{$1}/eig;
return $msg;
sub getSpellName {
my $spell = shift;
return $spells_lut{$spell} || "Unknown $spell";
# inInventory($itemName, $quantity = 1)
# Returns the item's index (can be 0!) if you have at least $quantity units of t
he item
# specified by $itemName in your inventory.
# Returns nothing otherwise.
sub inInventory {
my ($itemIndex, $quantity) = @_;
$quantity ||= 1;
my $item = $char->inventory->getByName($itemIndex);
return if !$item;
return unless $item->{amount} >= $quantity;
return $item->{invIndex};
# inventoryItemRemoved($invIndex, $amount)
# Removes $amount of $invIndex from $char->{inventory}.
# Also prints a message saying the item was removed (unless it is an arrow you
# fired).
sub inventoryItemRemoved {
my ($invIndex, $amount) = @_;
my $item = $char->inventory->get($invIndex);
if (!$char->{arrow} || ($item && $char->{arrow} != $item->{index})) {
# This item is not an equipped arrow
message TF("Inventory Item Removed: %s (%d) x %d\n", $item->{nam
e}, $invIndex, $amount), "inventory";
$item->{amount} -= $amount;
$char->inventory->remove($item) if ($item->{amount} <= 0);
$itemChange{$item->{name}} -= $amount;
# Resolve the name of a card
sub cardName {
my $cardID = shift;
# If card name is unknown, just return ?number
my $card = $items_lut{$cardID};
return "?$cardID" if !$card;
$card =~ s/ Card$//;
return $card;
# Resolve the name of a monster
# This function will only look at the data in monsters.txt
# DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION when you want to get the real name of a monster,
# servers can change this name internally use getNPCName instead.
sub monsterName {
my $ID = shift;
return 'Unknown' unless defined($ID);
return 'None' unless $ID;
return $monsters_lut{$ID} || "Unknown #$ID";
# Resolve the name of a simple item
sub itemNameSimple {
my $ID = shift;
return 'Unknown' unless defined($ID);
return 'None' unless $ID;
return $items_lut{$ID} || "Unknown #$ID";
# itemName($item)
# Resolve the name of an item. $item should be a hash with these keys:
# nameID => integer index into %items_lut
# cards => 8-byte binary data as sent by server
# upgrade => integer upgrade level
sub itemName {
my $item = shift;
my $name = itemNameSimple($item->{nameID});
# Resolve item prefix/suffix (carded or forged)
my $prefix = "";
my $suffix = "";
my @cards;
my %cards;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
my $card = unpack("v1", substr($item->{cards}, $i*2, 2));
next unless $card;
push(@cards, $card);
($cards{$card} ||= 0) += 1;
if ($cards[0] == 254) {
# Alchemist-made potion
# Ignore the "cards" inside.
} elsif ($cards[0] == 65280) {
# Pet egg
# cards[0] == 65280
# substr($item->{cards}, 2, 4) = packed pet ID
# cards[3] == 1 if named, 0 if not named
} elsif ($cards[0] == 255) {
# Forged weapon
# Display e.g. "VVS Earth" or "Fire"
my $elementID = $cards[1] % 10;
my $elementName = $elements_lut{$elementID};
my $starCrumbs = ($cards[1] >> 8) / 5;
$prefix .= ('V'x$starCrumbs)."S " if $starCrumbs;
$prefix .= "$elementName " if ($elementName ne "");
} elsif (@cards) {
# Carded item
# List cards in alphabetical order.
# Stack identical cards.
# e.g. "Hydra*2,Mummy*2", "Hydra*3,Mummy"
$suffix = join(':', map {
cardName($_).($cards{$_} > 1 ? "*$cards{$_}" : '')
} sort { cardName($a) cmp cardName($b) } keys %cards);
my $numSlots = $itemSlotCount_lut{$item->{nameID}} if ($prefix eq "");
my $display = "";
$display .= "BROKEN " if $item->{broken};
$display .= "+$item->{upgrade} " if $item->{upgrade};
$display .= $prefix if $prefix;
$display .= $name;
$display .= " [$suffix]" if $suffix;
$display .= " [$numSlots]" if $numSlots;
return $display;
# storageGet(items, max)
# items: reference to an array of storage item hashes.
# max: the maximum amount to get, for each item, or 0 for unlimited.
# Get one or more items from storage.
# Example:
# # Get items $a and $b from storage.
# storageGet([$a, $b]);
# # Get items $a and $b from storage, but at most 30 of each item.
# storageGet([$a, $b], 30);
sub storageGet {
my $indices = shift;
my $max = shift;
if (@{$indices} == 1) {
my ($item) = @{$indices};
if (!defined($max) || $max > $item->{amount}) {
$max = $item->{amount};
$messageSender->sendStorageGet($item->{index}, $max);
} else {
my %args;
$args{items} = $indices;
$args{max} = $max;
$args{timeout} = 0.15;
AI::queue("storageGet", \%args);
# headgearName(lookID)
# Resolves a lookID of a headgear into a human readable string.
# A lookID corresponds to a line number in tables/headgears.txt.
# The number on that line is the itemID for the headgear.
sub headgearName {
my ($lookID) = @_;
return "Nothing" if $lookID == 0;
my $itemID = $headgears_lut[$lookID];
if (!defined($itemID)) {
return "Unknown lookID $lookID";
return main::itemName({nameID => $itemID});
# void initUserSeed()
# Generate a unique seed for the current user and save it to
# a file, or load the seed from that file if it exists.
sub initUserSeed {
my $seedFile = "$Settings::logs_folder/seed.txt";
my $f;
if (-f $seedFile) {
if (open($f, "<", $seedFile)) {
binmode $f;
$userSeed = <$f>;
$userSeed =~ s/\n.*//s;
} else {
$userSeed = '0';
} else {
$userSeed = '';
for (0..10) {
$userSeed .= rand(2 ** 49);
if (open($f, ">", $seedFile)) {
binmode $f;
print $f $userSeed;
sub itemLog_clear {
if (-f $Settings::item_log_file) { unlink($Settings::item_log_file); }
# look(bodydir, [headdir])
# bodydir: a number 0-7. See directions.txt.
# headdir: 0 = look directly, 1 = look right, 2 = look left
# Look in the given directions.
sub look {
my %args = (
look_body => shift,
look_head => shift
AI::queue("look", \%args);
# lookAtPosition(pos, [headdir])
# pos: a reference to a coordinate hash.
# headdir: 0 = face directly, 1 = look right, 2 = look left
# Turn face and body direction to position %pos.
sub lookAtPosition {
my $pos2 = shift;
my $headdir = shift;
my %vec;
my $direction;
getVector(\%vec, $pos2, $char->{pos_to});
$direction = int(sprintf("%.0f", (360 - vectorToDegree(\%vec)) / 45)) %
look($direction, $headdir);
# manualMove(dx, dy)
# Moves the character offset from its current position.
sub manualMove {
my ($dx, $dy) = @_;
# Stop following if necessary
if ($config{'follow'}) {
configModify('follow', 0);
# Stop moving if necessary
AI::clear(qw/move route mapRoute/);
main::ai_route($field->name, $char->{pos_to}{x} + $dx, $char->{pos_to}{y
} + $dy);
# meetingPosition(ID, attackMaxDistance)
# ID: ID of the character to meet.
# attackMaxDistance: attack distance based on attack method.
# Returns: the position where the character should go to meet a moving monster.
sub meetingPosition {
my ($target, $attackMaxDistance) = @_;
my $monsterSpeed = ($target->{walk_speed}) ? 1 / $target->{walk_speed} :
my $timeMonsterMoves = time - $target->{time_move};
my %monsterPos;
$monsterPos{x} = $target->{pos}{x};
$monsterPos{y} = $target->{pos}{y};
my %monsterPosTo;
$monsterPosTo{x} = $target->{pos_to}{x};
$monsterPosTo{y} = $target->{pos_to}{y};
my %realMonsterPos = calcPosFromTime(\%monsterPos, \%monsterPosTo, $mons
terSpeed, $timeMonsterMoves);
my $mySpeed = ($char->{walk_speed}) ? 1 / $char->{walk_speed} : 0;
my $timeCharMoves = time - $char->{time_move};
my %myPos;
$myPos{x} = $char->{pos}{x};
$myPos{y} = $char->{pos}{y};
my %myPosTo;
$myPosTo{x} = $char->{pos_to}{x};
$myPosTo{y} = $char->{pos_to}{y};
my %realMyPos = calcPosFromTime(\%myPos, \%myPosTo, $mySpeed, $timeCharM
my $timeMonsterWalks;
my $timeCharWalks;
my %monsterStep;
my %charStep;
# There can not be zero step if monster moves
for (my $monsterStep = 1; $monsterStep <= countSteps(\%realMonsterPos, \
%monsterPosTo); $monsterStep++) {
# Calculate the steps
%monsterStep = moveAlong(\%realMonsterPos, \%monsterPosTo, $mons
# Calculate time to walk for monster
$timeMonsterWalks = calcTime(\%realMonsterPos, \%monsterStep, $m
# Character's route to monsterStep position
for (my $charStep = 0; $charStep <= countSteps(\%realMyPos, \%mo
nsterStep); $charStep++) {
# Calculate the steps
%charStep = moveAlong(\%realMyPos, \%monsterStep, $charS
# Check whether the distance is fine
if (round(distance(\%charStep, \%monsterStep)) <= $attac
kMaxDistance) {
# Calculate time to walk for char
$timeCharWalks = calcTime(\%realMyPos, \%charSte
p, $mySpeed);
# Check whether character comes earlier or at th
e same time
if ($timeCharWalks <= $timeMonsterWalks) {
return \%charStep;
# If the monster is too fast, move to its pos_to plus attackMaxDistance
for (my $charStep = 0; $charStep <= countSteps(\%realMyPos, \%monsterPos
To); $charStep++) {
# Calculate the steps
%charStep = moveAlong(\%realMyPos, \%monsterPosTo, $charStep);
# Check whether the distance is fine
if (round(distance(\%charStep, \%monsterPosTo)) <= $attackMaxDis
tance) {
return \%charStep;
sub objectAdded {
my ($type, $ID, $obj) = @_;
if ($type eq 'player' || $type eq 'slave') {
# Try to retrieve the player name from cache.
if (!getPlayerNameFromCache($obj)) {
push @unknownPlayers, $ID;
} elsif ($type eq 'npc') {
push @unknownNPCs, $ID;
if ($type eq 'monster') {
if (mon_control($obj->{name},$obj->{nameID})->{teleport_search})
Plugins::callHook('objectAdded', {
type => $type,
ID => $ID,
obj => $obj
sub objectRemoved {
my ($type, $ID, $obj) = @_;
if ($type eq 'monster') {
if (mon_control($obj->{name},$obj->{nameID})->{teleport_search})
Plugins::callHook('objectRemoved', {
type => $type,
ID => $ID
# items_control($name)
# Returns the items_control.txt settings for item name $name.
# If $name has no specific settings, use 'all'.
sub items_control {
my ($name) = @_;
return $items_control{lc($name)} || $items_control{all} || {};
# mon_control($name)
# Returns the mon_control.txt settings for monster name $name.
# If $name has no specific settings, use 'all'.
sub mon_control {
my $name = shift;
my $nameID = shift;
return $mon_control{lc($name)} || $mon_control{$nameID} || $mon_control{
all} || { attack_auto => 1 };
# pickupitems($name)
# Returns the pickupitems.txt settings for item name $name.
# If $name has no specific settings, use 'all'.
sub pickupitems {
my ($name) = @_;
return ($pickupitems{lc($name)} ne '') ? $pickupitems{lc($name)} : $pick
sub positionNearPlayer {
return 0 if ($config{'rabidDog'} || $config{'killSteal'});
my $r_hash = shift;
my $dist = shift;
my $players = $playersList->getItems();
foreach my $player (@{$players}) {
my $ID = $player->{ID};
next if ($char->{party} && $char->{party}{users} &&
next if (defined($player->{name}) && existsInList($config{tanker
sList}, $player->{name}));
return 1 if (distance($r_hash, $player->{pos_to}) <= $dist);
return 0;
sub positionNearPortal {
my $r_hash = shift;
my $dist = shift;
my $portals = $portalsList->getItems();
foreach my $portal (@{$portals}) {
return 1 if (distance($r_hash, $portal->{pos}) <= $dist);
return 0;
# printItemDesc(itemID)
# Print the description for $itemID.
sub printItemDesc {
my $itemID = shift;
my $itemName = itemNameSimple($itemID);
my $description = $itemsDesc_lut{$itemID} || T("Error: No description av
message TF("===============Item Description===============\nItem: %s\n\n
", $itemName), "info";
message($description, "info");
message("==============================================\n", "info");
sub processNameRequestQueue {
my ($queue, $actorLists, $foo) = @_;
while (@{$queue}) {
my $ID = $queue->[0];
my $actor;
foreach my $actorList (@$actorLists) {
last if $actor = $actorList->getByID($ID);
# Some private servers ban you if you request info for an object
# GM Perfect Hide status
if (!$actor || defined($actor->{name}) || $actor->statusActive('
shift @{$queue};
# Remove actors with a distance greater than clientSight. Some p
rivate servers (notably Freya) use
# a technique where they send actor_exists packets with ridiculo
us distances in order to automatically
# ban bots. By removingthose actors, we eliminate that possibili
ty and emulate the client more closely.
if (defined $actor->{pos_to} && (my $block_dist = blockDistance(
$char->{pos_to}, $actor->{pos_to})) >= ($config{clientSight} || 16)) {
debug "Removed actor at $actor->{pos_to}{x} $actor->{pos
_to}{y} (distance: $block_dist)\n";
shift @{$queue};
$messageSender->sendGetPlayerInfo($ID) if (isSafeActorQuery($ID)
== 1); # Do not Query GM's
$actor = shift @{$queue};
push @{$queue}, $actor if ($actor);
sub quit {
$quit = 1;
message T("Exiting...\n"), "system";
sub relog {
my $timeout = (shift || 5);
my $silent = shift;
$net->setState(1) if ($net);
undef $conState_tries;
$timeout_ex{'master'}{'time'} = time;
$timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'} = $timeout;
$net->serverDisconnect() if ($net);
message TF("Relogging in %d seconds...\n", $timeout), "connection" unles
s $silent;
# sendMessage(String type, String msg, String user)
# type: Specifies what kind of message this is. "c" for public chat, "g" for gui
ld chat,
# "p" for party chat, "pm" for private message, "k" for messages that only
the RO
# client will see (in X-Kore mode.)
# msg: The message to send.
# user:
# Send a chat message to a user.
sub sendMessage {
my ($sender, $type, $msg, $user) = @_;
my ($j, @msgs, $oldmsg, $amount, $space);
@msgs = split /\\n/, $msg;
for ($j = 0; $j < @msgs; $j++) {
my (@msg, $i);
@msg = split / /, $msgs[$j];
undef $msg;
for ($i = 0; $i < @msg; $i++) {
if (!length($msg[$i])) {
$msg[$i] = " ";
$space = 1;
if (length($msg[$i]) > $config{'message_length_max'}) {
while (length($msg[$i]) >= $config{'message_leng
th_max'}) {
$oldmsg = $msg;
if (length($msg)) {
$amount = $config{'message_lengt
if ($amount - length($msg) > 0)
$amount = $config{'messa
ge_length_max'} - 1;
$msg .= " " . substr($ms
g[$i], 0, $amount - length($msg));
} else {
$amount = $config{'message_lengt
$msg .= substr($msg[$i], 0, $amo
sendMessage_send($sender, $type, $msg, $
$msg[$i] = substr($msg[$i], $amount - le
ngth($oldmsg), length($msg[$i]) - $amount - length($oldmsg));
undef $msg;
if (length($msg[$i]) && length($msg) + length($msg[$i])
<= $config{'message_length_max'}) {
if (length($msg)) {
if (!$space) {
$msg .= " " . $msg[$i];
} else {
$space = 0;
$msg .= $msg[$i];
} else {
$msg .= $msg[$i];
} else {
sendMessage_send($sender, $type, $msg, $user);
$msg = $msg[$i];
if (length($msg) && $i == @msg - 1) {
sendMessage_send($sender, $type, $msg, $user);
sub sendMessage_send {
my ($sender, $type, $msg, $user) = @_;
if ($type eq "c") {
} elsif ($type eq "g") {
} elsif ($type eq "p") {
} elsif ($type eq "bg") {
} elsif ($type eq "pm") {
$sender->sendPrivateMsg($user, $msg);
%lastpm = (
msg => $msg,
user => $user
push @lastpm, {%lastpm};
} elsif ($type eq "k") {
# Keep track of when we last cast a skill
sub setSkillUseTimer {
my ($skillID, $targetID, $wait) = @_;
my $skill = new Skill(idn => $skillID);
my $handle = $skill->getHandle();
$char->{skills}{$handle}{time_used} = time;
delete $char->{time_cast};
delete $char->{cast_cancelled};
$char->{last_skill_time} = time;
$char->{last_skill_used} = $skillID;
$char->{last_skill_target} = $targetID;
# increment monsterSkill maxUses counter
if (defined $targetID) {
my $actor = Actor::get($targetID);
# Set encore skill if applicable
$char->{encoreSkill} = $skill if $targetID eq $accountID && $skillsEncor
sub setPartySkillTimer {
my ($skillID, $targetID) = @_;
my $skill = new Skill(idn => $skillID);
my $handle = $skill->getHandle();
# set partySkill target_time
my $i = $targetTimeout{$targetID}{$handle};
$ai_v{"partySkill_${i}_target_time"}{$targetID} = time if $i ne "";

# boolean setStatus(Actor actor, opt1, opt2, option)
# opt1: the state information of the actor.
# opt2: the ailment information of the actor.
# option: the "look" information of the actor.
# Returns: Whether the actor should be removed from the actor list.
# Sets the state, ailment, and "look" statuses of the actor.
# Does not include skillsstatus.txt items.
# TODO: move to Actor?
sub setStatus {
my ($actor, $opt1, $opt2, $option) = @_;
assert(defined $actor) if DEBUG;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
my $verbosity = $actor->{ID} eq $accountID ? 1 : 2;
my $changed = 0;
my $match_id = sub {return ($_[0] == $_[1])};
my $match_bitflag = sub {return (($_[0] & $_[1]) == $_[1])};
# TODO: we could possibly make the search faster (binary search?)
for (
[$opt1, \%stateHandle, $match_id, 'state'],
[$opt2, \%ailmentHandle, $match_bitflag, 'ailment'],
[$option, \%lookHandle, $match_bitflag, 'look'],
) {
my ($option, $handle, $match, $name) = @$_;
#next unless $option; # skip option 0 (no state, ailment, look h
as such id or bitflag) (we can't have this, the state resets its statuses using
for (keys %$handle) {
if (&$match($option, $_)) {
unless ($actor->{statuses}{$handle->{$_}}) {
$actor->{statuses}{$handle->{$_}} = 1;
message status_string($actor, $name . ':
' . ($statusName{$handle->{$_}} || $handle->{$_}), 'now'), "parseMsg_status$nam
e", $verbosity;
$changed = 1;
#last; # stop this for loop if found (we cannot
do this because of bit flag match must loop all)
} elsif ($actor->{statuses}{$handle->{$_}}) {
delete $actor->{statuses}{$handle->{$_}};
message status_string($actor, $name . ': ' . ($s
tatusName{$handle->{$_}} || $handle->{$_}), 'no longer'), "parseMsg_status$name"
, $verbosity;
$changed = 1;
#last; # stop this for loop if found (we cannot
do this because of bit flag match must loop all)
foreach (keys %stateHandle) {
if ($opt1 == $_) {
if (!$actor->{statuses}{$stateHandle{$_}}) {
$actor->{statuses}{$stateHandle{$_}} = 1;
message TF("%s %s in %s state.\n", $actor, $acto
r->verb('are', 'is'), $statusName{$stateHandle{$_}} || $stateHandle{$_}), "parse
Msg_statuslook", $verbosity;
$changed = 1;
} elsif ($actor->{statuses}{$stateHandle{$_}}) {
delete $actor->{statuses}{$stateHandle{$_}};
message TF("%s %s out of %s state.\n", $actor, $actor->v
erb('are', 'is'), $statusName{$stateHandle{$_}} || $stateHandle{$_}), "parseMsg_
statuslook", $verbosity;
$changed = 1;
foreach (keys %ailmentHandle) {
if (($opt2 & $_) == $_) {
if (!$actor->{statuses}{$ailmentHandle{$_}}) {
$actor->{statuses}{$ailmentHandle{$_}} = 1;
if ($actor->isa('Actor::You')) {
message TF("%s have ailment: %s.\n", $ac
tor->nameString(), $statusName{$ailmentHandle{$_}} || $ailmentHandle{$_}), "pars
eMsg_statuslook", $verbosity;
} else {
message TF("%s has ailment: %s.\n", $act
or->nameString(), $statusName{$ailmentHandle{$_}} || $ailmentHandle{$_}), "parse
Msg_statuslook", $verbosity;
$changed = 1;
} elsif ($actor->{statuses}{$ailmentHandle{$_}}) {
delete $actor->{statuses}{$ailmentHandle{$_}};
message TF("%s %s out of %s ailment.\n", $actor, $actor-
>verb('are', 'is'), $statusName{$ailmentHandle{$_}} || $ailmentHandle{$_}), "par
seMsg_statuslook", $verbosity;
$changed = 1;
foreach (keys %lookHandle) {
if (($option & $_) == $_) {
if (!$actor->{statuses}{$lookHandle{$_}}) {
$actor->{statuses}{$lookHandle{$_}} = 1;
if ($actor->isa('Actor::You')) {
message TF("%s have look: %s.\n", $actor
->nameString, $statusName{$lookHandle{$_}} || $lookHandle{$_}), "parseMsg_status
look", $verbosity;
} else {
message TF("%s has look: %s.\n", $actor-
>nameString, $statusName{$lookHandle{$_}} || $lookHandle{$_}), "parseMsg_statusl
ook", $verbosity;
$changed = 1;
} elsif ($actor->{statuses}{$lookHandle{$_}}) {
delete $actor->{statuses}{$lookHandle{$_}};
message TF("%s %s out of %s look.\n", $actor, $actor->ve
rb('are', 'is'), $statusName{$lookHandle{$_}} || $lookHandle{$_}), "parseMsg_sta
tuslook", $verbosity;
$changed = 1;
Plugins::callHook('changed_status',{actor => $actor, changed => $changed
# Remove perfectly hidden objects
if ($actor->statusActive('EFFECTSTATE_SPECIALHIDING')) {
if (UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, "Actor::Player")) {
message TF("Found perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nameSt
# message TF("Remove perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nam
# $playersList->remove($actor);
# Call the hook when a perfectly hidden player is detect
# Plugins::callHook('perfect_hidden_player',undef);
Plugins::callHook('perfect_hidden_player',{actor => $act
or, changed => $changed});
} elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, "Actor::Monster")) {
message TF("Found perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nameSt
# message TF("Remove perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nam
# $monstersList->remove($actor);
# NPCs do this on purpose (who knows why)
} elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, "Actor::NPC")) {
message TF("Found perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nameSt
# message TF("Remove perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nam
# $npcsList->remove($actor);
} elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, "Actor::Pet")) {
message TF("Found perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nameSt
# message TF("Remove perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nam
# $petsList->remove($actor);
return 1;
} else {
return 0;

# Increment counter for monster being casted on

sub countCastOn {
my ($sourceID, $targetID, $skillID, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless defined $targetID;
my $source = Actor::get($sourceID);
my $target = Actor::get($targetID);
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
if ($targetID eq $accountID) {
} elsif ($target->isa('Actor::Player')) {
} elsif ($target->isa('Actor::Monster')) {
if ($sourceID eq $accountID) {
} elsif ($source->isa('Actor::Player')) {
} elsif ($source->isa('Actor::Monster')) {
# boolean stripLanguageCode(String* msg)
# msg: a chat message, as sent by the RO server.
# Returns: whether the language code was stripped.
# Strip the language code character from a chat message.
sub stripLanguageCode {
my $r_msg = shift;
if ($config{chatLangCode} && $config{chatLangCode} ne "none") {
if ($$r_msg =~ /^\|..(.*)/) {
$$r_msg = $1;
return 1;
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
# void switchConf(String filename)
# filename: a configuration file.
# Returns: 1 on success, 0 if $filename does not exist.
# Switch to another configuration file.
sub switchConfigFile {
my $filename = shift;
if (! -f $filename) {
error TF("%s does not exist.\n", $filename);
return 0;
parseConfigFile($filename, \%config);
return 1;
sub updateDamageTables {
my ($sourceID, $targetID, $damage) = @_;
# Track deltaHp
# A player's "deltaHp" initially starts at 0.
# When he takes damage, the damage is subtracted from his deltaHp.
# When he is healed, this amount is added to the deltaHp.
# If the deltaHp becomes positive, it is reset to 0.
# Someone with a lot of negative deltaHp is probably in need of healing.
# This allows us to intelligently heal non-party members.
if (my $target = Actor::get($targetID)) {
$target->{deltaHp} -= $damage;
$target->{deltaHp} = 0 if $target->{deltaHp} > 0;
if ($sourceID eq $accountID) {
if ((my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($targetID))) {
# You attack monster
$monster->{dmgTo} += $damage;
$monster->{dmgFromYou} += $damage;
if ($damage <= ($config{missDamage} || 0)) {
debug "Incremented missedFromYou count to $monst
er->{missedFromYou}\n", "attackMonMiss";
} else {
$monster->{atkMiss} = 0;
if ($config{teleportAuto_atkMiss} && $monster->{atkMiss}
>= $config{teleportAuto_atkMiss}) {
message T("Teleporting because of attack miss\n"
), "teleport";
if ($config{teleportAuto_atkCount} && $monster->{numAtkF
romYou} >= $config{teleportAuto_atkCount}) {
message TF("Teleporting after attacking a monste
r %d times\n", $config{teleportAuto_atkCount}), "teleport";
if (AI::action eq "attack" && mon_control($monster->{nam
e},$monster->{nameID})->{attack_auto} == 3 && $damage) {
# Mob-training, you only need to attack the mons
ter once to provoke it
message TF("%s (%s) has been provoked, searching
another monster\n", $monster->{name}, $monster->{binID});

} elsif ($targetID eq $accountID) {
if ((my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($sourceID))) {
# Monster attacks you
$monster->{dmgFrom} += $damage;
$monster->{dmgToYou} += $damage;
if ($damage == 0) {
$monster->{attackedYou}++ unless (
scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}}
) ||
scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgToPlayer}})
$monster->{missedFromPlayer} ||
$monster->{target} = $targetID;
if ($AI == 2) {
my $teleport = 0;
if (mon_control($monster->{name},$monster->{name
ID})->{teleport_auto} == 2 && $damage){
message TF("Teleporting due to attack fr
om %s\n",
$monster->{name}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{teleportAuto_deadly} && $damage
>= $char->{hp}
&& !$char->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION'))
message TF("Next %d dmg could kill you.
$damage), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{teleportAuto_maxDmg} && $damage
>= $config{teleportAuto_maxDmg}
&& !$char->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION')
&& !($config{teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock} &&
$field->name eq $config{lockMap})) {
message TF("%s hit you for more than %d
dmg. Teleporting...\n",
$monster->{name}, $config{telepo
rtAuto_maxDmg}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock} && $
field->name eq $config{lockMap}
&& $damage >= $config{teleportAuto_maxDmgI
&& !$char->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION'))
message TF("%s hit you for more than %d
dmg in lockMap. Teleporting...\n",
$monster->{name}, $config{telepo
rtAuto_maxDmgInLock}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif (AI::inQueue("sitAuto") && $config{telep
&& $damage > 0) {
message TF("%s attacks you while you are
sitting. Teleporting...\n",
$monster->{name}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{teleportAuto_totalDmg}
&& $monster->{dmgToYou} >= $config{telepor
&& !$char->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION')
&& !($config{teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock}
&& $field->name eq $config{lockMap})) {
message TF("%s hit you for a total of mo
re than %d dmg. Teleporting...\n",
$monster->{name}, $config{telepo
rtAuto_totalDmg}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock} &&
$field->name eq $config{lockMap}
&& $monster->{dmgToYou} >= $config{telepor
&& !$char->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION'))
message TF("%s hit you for a total of mo
re than %d dmg in lockMap. Teleporting...\n",
$monster->{name}, $config{telepo
rtAuto_totalDmgInLock}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{teleportAuto_hp} && percent_hp(
$char) <= $config{teleportAuto_hp}) {
message TF("%s hit you when your HP is t
oo low. Teleporting...\n",
$monster->{name}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{attackChangeTarget} && ((AI::ac
tion eq "route" && AI::action(1) eq "attack") || (AI::action eq "move" && AI::ac
tion(2) eq "attack"))
&& AI::args->{attackID} && AI::args()->{attac
kID} ne $sourceID) {
my $attackTarget = Actor::get(AI::args->
my $attackSeq = (AI::action eq "route")
? AI::args(1) : AI::args(2);
if (!$attackTarget->{dmgToYou} && !$atta
ckTarget->{dmgFromYou} && distance($monster->{pos_to}, calcPosition($char)) <= $
attackSeq->{attackMethod}{distance}) {
my $ignore = 0;
# Don't attack ignored monsters
if ((my $control = mon_control($
monster->{name},$monster->{nameID}))) {
$ignore = 1 if ( ($contr
ol->{attack_auto} == -1)
|| ($control->{a
ttack_lvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_lvl} > $char->{lv})
|| ($control->{a
ttack_jlvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_jlvl} > $char->{lv_job})
|| ($control->{a
ttack_hp} ne "" && $control->{attack_hp} > $char->{hp})
|| ($control->{a
ttack_sp} ne "" && $control->{attack_sp} > $char->{sp})
|| ($control->{a
ttack_auto} == 3 && ($monster->{dmgToYou} || $monster->{missedYou} || $monster->
if (!$ignore) {
# Change target to close
r aggressive monster
message TF("Change targe
t to aggressive : %s (%s)\n", $monster->name, $monster->{binID});
AI::dequeue if (AI::acti
on eq "route");
} elsif (AI::action eq "attack" && mon_control($
monster->{name},$monster->{nameID})->{attack_auto} == 3
&& ($monster->{dmgToYou} || $monster->{m
issedYou} || $monster->{dmgFromYou})) {
# Mob-training, stop attacking the monst
er if it has been attacking you
message TF("%s (%s) has been provoked, s
earching another monster\n", $monster->{name}, $monster->{binID});
useTeleport(1, undef, 1) if ($teleport);
} elsif ((my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($sourceID))) {
if (my $player = ($accountID eq $targetID && $char) || $playersL
ist->getByID($targetID) || $slavesList->getByID($targetID)) {
# Monster attacks player or slave
$monster->{dmgFrom} += $damage;
($accountID eq $targetID ? $monster->{dmgToYou} : $monst
er->{dmgToPlayer}{$targetID}) += $damage;
$player->{dmgFromMonster}{$sourceID} += $damage;
if ($damage == 0) {
($accountID eq $targetID ? $monster->{missedYou}
: $monster->{missedToPlayer}{$targetID}) += 1;
$accountID eq $targetID && $monster->{attackedYou}++ unl
ess (
scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}}
) ||
scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgToPlayer}})
$monster->{missedFromPlayer} ||
if (existsInList($config{tankersList}, $player->{name})
($char->{slaves} && %{$char->{slaves}} && $char->{sl
aves}{$targetID} && %{$char->{slaves}{$targetID}}) ||
($char->{party} && %{$char->{party}} && $char->{part
y}{users}{$targetID} && %{$char->{party}{users}{$targetID}})) {
# Monster attacks party member or our slave
$monster->{dmgToParty} += $damage;
$monster->{missedToParty}++ if ($damage == 0);
$monster->{target} = $targetID;
OpenKoreMod::updateDamageTables($monster) if (defined &O
if ($AI == 2 && ($accountID eq $targetID or $char->{slav
es} && $char->{slaves}{$targetID})) {
# object under our control
my $teleport = 0;
if (mon_control($monster->{name},$monster->{name
ID})->{teleport_auto} == 2 && $damage){
message TF("%s hit %s. Teleporting...\n"
$monster, $player), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo
rtAuto_deadly'} && $damage >= $player->{hp}
&& !$player->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION')
) {
message TF("%s can kill %s with the next
%d dmg. Teleporting...\n",
$monster, $player, $damage), "te
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo
rtAuto_maxDmg'} && $damage >= $config{$player->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_maxD
&& !$player->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION')
&& !($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'tele
portAuto_maxDmgInLock'} && $field->name eq $config{lockMap})) {
message TF("%s hit %s for more than %d d
mg. Teleporting...\n",
$monster, $player, $config{$play
er->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_maxDmg'}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo
rtAuto_maxDmgInLock'} && $field->name eq $config{lockMap}
&& $damage >= $config{$player->{configPref
&& !$player->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION')
) {
message TF("%s hit %s for more than %d d
mg in lockMap. Teleporting...\n",
$monster, $player, $config{$play
er->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock'}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif (AI::inQueue("sitAuto") && $config{$play
&& $damage) {
message TF("%s hit %s while you are sitt
ing. Teleporting...\n",
$monster, $player), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo
&& ($accountID eq $targetID ? $monster->{d
mgToYou} : $monster->{dmgToPlayer}{$targetID}) >= $config{$player->{configPrefix
&& !$player->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION')
&& !($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'tele
portAuto_totalDmgInLock'} && $field->name eq $config{lockMap})) {
message TF("%s hit %s for a total of mor
e than %d dmg. Teleporting...\n",
$monster, $player, $config{$play
er->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_totalDmg'}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo
rtAuto_totalDmgInLock'} && $field->name eq $config{lockMap}
&& ($accountID eq $targetID ? $monster->{d
mgToYou} : $monster->{dmgToPlayer}{$targetID}) >= $config{$player->{configPrefix
&& !$player->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION')
) {
message TF("%s hit %s for a total of mor
e than %d dmg in lockMap. Teleporting...\n",
$monster, $player, $config{$play
er->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock'}), "teleport";
$teleport = 1;
} elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo
rtAuto_hp'} && percent_hp($player) <= $config{$player->{configPrefix}.'teleportA
uto_hp'}) {
message TF("%s hit %s when %s HP is unde
r %d. Teleporting...\n",
$monster, $player, $player->verb
(T('your'), T('its')), $config{$player->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_hp'}), "tel
$teleport = 1;
} elsif (
&& (
$player->action eq 'route' && $p
layer->action(1) eq 'attack'
or $player->action eq 'move' &&
$player->action(2) eq 'attack'
&& $player->args->{attackID} && $player-
>args->{attackID} ne $sourceID
) {
my $attackTarget = Actor::get($player->a
my $attackSeq = ($player->action eq 'rou
te') ? $player->args(1) : $player->args(2);
if (
!($accountID eq $targetID ? $att
ackTarget->{dmgToYou} : $attackTarget->{dmgToPlayer}{$targetID})
&& !($accountID eq $targetID ? $
attackTarget->{dmgToYou} : $attackTarget->{dmgFromPlayer}{$targetID})
&& distance($monster->{pos_to},
calcPosition($player)) <= $attackSeq->{attackMethod}{distance}
) {
my $ignore = 0;
# Don't attack ignored monsters
if ((my $control = mon_control($
monster->{name},$monster->{nameID}))) {
$ignore = 1 if ( ($contr
ol->{attack_auto} == -1)
|| ($control->{a
ttack_lvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_lvl} > $char->{lv})
|| ($control->{a
ttack_jlvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_jlvl} > $char->{lv_job})
|| ($control->{a
ttack_hp} ne "" && $control->{attack_hp} > $char->{hp})
|| ($control->{a
ttack_sp} ne "" && $control->{attack_sp} > $char->{sp})
|| ($accountID e
q $targetID && $control->{attack_auto} == 3 && ($monster->{dmgToYou} || $monster
->{missedYou} || $monster->{dmgFromYou}))
unless ($ignore) {
# Change target to close
r aggressive monster
message TF("%s %s target
to aggressive %s\n",
$player, $player
->verb(T('change'), T('changes')), $monster);
$player->dequeue if $pla
yer->action eq 'route';
} elsif ($accountID eq $targetID && $player->act
ion eq "attack" && mon_control($monster->{name}, $monster->{nameID})->{attack_au
to} == 3
&& ($monster->{dmgToYou} || $monster->{m
issedYou} || $monster->{dmgFromYou})) {
# Mob-training, stop attacking the monst
er if it has been attacking you
message TF("%s has been provoked, search
ing another monster\n", $monster);
useTeleport(1, undef, 1) if ($teleport);
} elsif ((my $player = $playersList->getByID($sourceID) || $slavesList->
getByID($sourceID))) {
if ((my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($targetID))) {
# Player or Slave attacks monster
$monster->{dmgTo} += $damage;
$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}{$sourceID} += $damage;
$monster->{lastAttackFrom} = $sourceID;
$player->{dmgToMonster}{$targetID} += $damage;
if ($damage == 0) {
if (existsInList($config{tankersList}, $player->{name})
|| ($char->{slaves} && $char->{slaves}{$sourceID}) ||
($char->{party} && %{$char->{party}} && $char->{part
y}{users}{$sourceID} && %{$char->{party}{users}{$sourceID}})) {
$monster->{dmgFromParty} += $damage;
OpenKoreMod::updateDamageTables($monster) if (defined &O
# updatePlayerNameCache(player)
# player: a player actor object.
sub updatePlayerNameCache {
my ($player) = @_;
return if (!$config{cachePlayerNames});
# First, cleanup the cache. Remove entries that are too old.
# Default life time: 15 minutes
my $changed = 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @playerNameCacheIDs; $i++) {
my $ID = $playerNameCacheIDs[$i];
if (timeOut($playerNameCache{$ID}{time}, $config{cachePlayerName
s_duration})) {
delete $playerNameCacheIDs[$i];
delete $playerNameCache{$ID};
$changed = 1;
compactArray(\@playerNameCacheIDs) if ($changed);
# Resize the cache if it's still too large.
# Default cache size: 100
while (@playerNameCacheIDs > $config{cachePlayerNames_maxSize}) {
my $ID = shift @playerNameCacheIDs;
delete $playerNameCache{$ID};
# Add this player name to the cache.
my $ID = $player->{ID};
if (!$playerNameCache{$ID}) {
push @playerNameCacheIDs, $ID;
my %entry = (
name => $player->{name},
guild => $player->{guild},
time => time,
lv => $player->{lv},
jobID => $player->{jobID}
$playerNameCache{$ID} = \%entry;
# useTeleport(level)
# level: 1 to teleport to a random spot, 2 to respawn.
sub useTeleport {
my ($use_lvl, $internal, $emergency) = @_;
my %args = (
level => $use_lvl, # 1 = Teleport, 2 = respawn
emergency => $emergency, # Needs a fast tele
internal => $internal # Did we call useTeleport from inside useT
if ($use_lvl == 2 && $config{saveMap_warpChatCommand}) {
Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args);
sendMessage($messageSender, "c", $config{saveMap_warpChatCommand
return 1;
if ($use_lvl == 1 && $config{teleportAuto_useChatCommand}) {
Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args);
sendMessage($messageSender, "c", $config{teleportAuto_useChatCom
return 1;
# for possible recursive calls
if (!defined $internal) {
$internal = $config{teleportAuto_useSkill};
# look if the character has the skill
my $sk_lvl = 0;
if ($char->{skills}{AL_TELEPORT}) {
$sk_lvl = $char->{skills}{AL_TELEPORT}{lv};
# only if we want to use skill ?
return if ($char->{muted});
if ($sk_lvl > 0 && $internal > 0 && ($use_lvl == 1 || !$config{'teleport
Auto_useItemForRespawn'})) {
# We have the teleport skill, and should use it
my $skill = new Skill(handle => 'AL_TELEPORT');
if ($use_lvl == 2 || $internal == 1 || ($internal == 2 && !isSaf
e())) {
# Send skill use packet to appear legitimate
# (Always send skill use packet for level 2 so that save
# autodetection works)
if ($char->{sitting}) {
Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args);
main::ai_skillUse($skill->getHandle(), $use_lvl,
0, 0, $accountID);
return 1;
} else {
$messageSender->sendSkillUse($skill->getIDN(), $
sk_lvl, $accountID);
undef $char->{permitSkill};
if (!$emergency && $use_lvl == 1) {
Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args);
$timeout{ai_teleport_retry}{time} = time;
return 1;
delete $ai_v{temp}{teleport};
debug "Sending Teleport using Level $use_lvl\n", "useTeleport";
if ($use_lvl == 1) {
Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args);
$messageSender->sendWarpTele(26, "Random");
return 1;
} elsif ($use_lvl == 2) {
# check for possible skill level abuse
message T("Using Teleport Skill Level 2 though we not ha
ve it!\n"), "useTeleport" if ($sk_lvl == 1);
# If saveMap is not set simply use a wrong .gat.
# eAthena servers ignore it, but this trick doesn't work
# on official servers.
my $telemap = "prontera.gat";
$telemap = "$config{saveMap}.gat" if ($config{saveMap} n
e "");
Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args);
$messageSender->sendWarpTele(26, $telemap);
return 1;
# No skill try to equip a Tele clip or something,
# if teleportAuto_equip_* is set
if (Actor::Item::scanConfigAndCheck('teleportAuto_equip') && ($use_lvl =
= 1 || !$config{'teleportAuto_useItemForRespawn'})) {
return if AI::inQueue('teleport');
debug "Equipping Accessory to teleport\n", "useTeleport";
AI::queue('teleport', {lv => $use_lvl});
if ($emergency ||
!$config{teleportAuto_useSkill} ||
$config{teleportAuto_useSkill} == 3 ||
$config{teleportAuto_useSkill} == 2 && isSafe()) {
$timeout{ai_teleport_delay}{time} = 1;
return 1;
# else if $internal == 0 or $sk_lvl == 0
# try to use item
# could lead to problems if the ItemID would be different on some server
# 1 Jan 2006 - instead of nameID, search for *wing in the inventory
# could lead to problems if the name is different on some servers
# 11 Mar 2010 - instead of name, use nameID, names can be different for
different servers
my $item;
if ($use_lvl == 1) {
#$item = $char->inventory->getByName("Fly Wing");
$item = $char->inventory->getByNameID(601);
} elsif ($use_lvl == 2) {
#$item = $char->inventory->getByName("Butterfly Wing");
$item = $char->inventory->getByNameID(602);
if ($item) {
# We have Fly Wing/Butterfly Wing.
# Don't spam the "use fly wing" packet, or we'll end up using to
o many wings.
if (timeOut($timeout{ai_teleport})) {
Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args);
$messageSender->sendItemUse($item->{index}, $accountID);
$timeout{ai_teleport}{time} = time;
return 1;
# no item, but skill is still available
if ( $sk_lvl > 0 ) {
message T("No Fly Wing or Butterfly Wing, fallback to Teleport S
kill\n"), "useTeleport";
return useTeleport($use_lvl, 1, $emergency);
if ($use_lvl == 1) {
message T("You don't have the Teleport skill or a Fly Wing\n"),
} else {
message T("You don't have the Teleport skill or a Butterfly Wing
\n"), "teleport";
return 0;
# top10Listing(args)
# args: a 282 bytes packet representing 10 names followed by 10 ranks
# Returns a formatted list of [# ], Name and points
sub top10Listing {
my ($args) = @_;
my $msg = $args->{RAW_MSG};
my @list;
my @points;
my $i;
my $textList = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$list[$i] = unpack("Z24", substr($msg, 2 + (24*$i), 24));
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$points[$i] = unpack("V1", substr($msg, 242 + ($i*4), 4));
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$textList .= swrite("[@<] @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>
[$i+1, $list[$i], $points[$i]]);
return $textList;
# whenGroundStatus(target, statuses, mine)
# target: coordinates hash
# statuses: a comma-separated list of ground effects e.g. Safety Wall,Pneuma
# mine: if true, only consider ground effects that originated from me
# Returns 1 if $target has one of the ground effects specified by $statuses.
sub whenGroundStatus {
my ($pos, $statuses, $mine) = @_;
my ($x, $y) = ($pos->{x}, $pos->{y});
for my $ID (@spellsID) {
my $spell;
next unless $spell = $spells{$ID};
next if $mine && $spell->{sourceID} ne $accountID;
if ($x == $spell->{pos}{x} &&
$y == $spell->{pos}{y}) {
return 1 if existsInList($statuses, getSpellName($spell-
return 0;
sub writeStorageLog {
my ($show_error_on_fail) = @_;
my $f;
if (open($f, ">:utf8", $Settings::storage_log_file)) {
print $f TF("---------- Storage %s -----------\n", getFormattedD
for (my $i = 0; $i < @storageID; $i++) {
next if (!$storageID[$i]);
my $item = $storage{$storageID[$i]};
my $display = sprintf "%2d %s x %s", $i, $item->{name},
# Translation Comment: Mark to show not identified items
$display .= " -- " . T("Not Identified") if !$item->{ide
# Translation Comment: Mark to show broken items
$display .= " -- " . T("Broken") if $item->{broken};
print $f "$display\n";
# Translation Comment: Storage Capacity
print $f TF("\nCapacity: %d/%d\n", $storage{items}, $storage{ite
print $f "-------------------------------\n";
close $f;
message T("Storage logged\n"), "success";
} elsif ($show_error_on_fail) {
error TF("Unable to write to %s\n", $Settings::storage_log_file)
# getBestTarget(possibleTargets, nonLOSNotAllowed)
# possibleTargets: reference to an array of monsters' IDs
# nonLOSNotAllowed: if set, non-LOS monsters (and monsters that aren't in attack
MaxDistance) aren't checked up
# Returns ID of the best target
sub getBestTarget {
my ($possibleTargets, $nonLOSNotAllowed) = @_;
if (!$possibleTargets) {
my $portalDist = $config{'attackMinPortalDistance'} || 4;
my $playerDist = $config{'attackMinPlayerDistance'} || 1;
my @noLOSMonsters;
my $myPos = calcPosition($char);
my ($highestPri, $smallestDist, $bestTarget);
# First of all we check monsters in LOS, then the rest of monsters
foreach (@{$possibleTargets}) {
my $monster = $monsters{$_};
my $pos = calcPosition($monster);
next if (positionNearPlayer($pos, $playerDist)
|| positionNearPortal($pos, $portalDist)
if ((my $control = mon_control($monster->{name},$monster->{nameI
D}))) {
next if ( ($control->{attack_auto} == -1)
|| ($control->{attack_lvl} ne "" && $control->{a
ttack_lvl} > $char->{lv})
|| ($control->{attack_jlvl} ne "" && $control->{
attack_jlvl} > $char->{lv_job})
|| ($control->{attack_hp} ne "" && $control->{a
ttack_hp} > $char->{hp})
|| ($control->{attack_sp} ne "" && $control->{a
ttack_sp} > $char->{sp})
|| ($control->{attack_auto} == 3 && ($monster->{
dmgToYou} || $monster->{missedYou} || $monster->{dmgFromYou}))
|| ($control->{attack_auto} == 0 && !($monster->
{dmgToYou} || $monster->{missedYou}))
if ($config{'attackCanSnipe'}) {
if (!checkLineSnipable($myPos, $pos)) {
push(@noLOSMonsters, $_);
} else {
if (!checkLineWalkable($myPos, $pos)) {
push(@noLOSMonsters, $_);
my $name = lc $monster->{name};
my $dist = round(distance($myPos, $pos));
# COMMENTED (FIX THIS): attackMaxDistance should never be used a
s indication of LOS
# The objective of attackMaxDistance is to determine the ran
ge of normal attack,
# and not the range of character's ability to engage monster
## Monsters that aren't in attackMaxDistance are not checked up
##if ($nonLOSNotAllowed && ($config{'attackMaxDistance'} < $dist
)) {
## next;
if (!defined($highestPri) || ($priority{$name} > $highestPri)) {
$highestPri = $priority{$name};
$smallestDist = $dist;
$bestTarget = $_;
if ((!defined($highestPri) || $priority{$name} == $highestPri)
&& (!defined($smallestDist) || $dist < $smallestDist)) {
$highestPri = $priority{$name};
$smallestDist = $dist;
$bestTarget = $_;
if (!$nonLOSNotAllowed && !$bestTarget && scalar(@noLOSMonsters) > 0) {
foreach (@noLOSMonsters) {
# The most optimal solution is to include the path lengh
ts' comparison, however it will take
# more time and CPU resources, so, we use rough solution
with priority and distance comparison
my $monster = $monsters{$_};
my $pos = calcPosition($monster);
my $name = lc $monster->{name};
my $dist = round(distance($myPos, $pos));
if (!defined($highestPri) || ($priority{$name} > $highes
tPri)) {
$highestPri = $priority{$name};
$smallestDist = $dist;
$bestTarget = $_;
if ((!defined($highestPri) || $priority{$name} == $highe
&& (!defined($smallestDist) || $dist < $smallestDist))
$highestPri = $priority{$name};
$smallestDist = $dist;
$bestTarget = $_;
return $bestTarget;
# Returns 1 if there is a player nearby (except party and homunculus) or 0 if no
sub isSafe {
foreach (@playersID) {
if (!$char->{party}{users}{$_}) {
return 0;
return 1;
# Returns 1 if we are safe to query actor name by given actor ID.
sub isSafeActorQuery {
my ($ID) = @_;
foreach my $list ($playersList, $monstersList, $npcsList, $petsList, $sl
avesList) {
my $actor = $list->getByID($ID);
if ($actor) {
# Do not AutoVivify here!
if (defined $actor->{statuses} && %{$actor->{statuses}})
if ($actor->statusActive('EFFECTSTATE_SPECIALHID
ING')) {
return 0;
return 1;
###CATEGORY: Actor's Actions Text
# String attack_string(Actor source, Actor target, int damage, int delay)
# Generates a proper message string for when actor $source attacks actor $target
sub attack_string {
my ($source, $target, $damage, $delay) = @_;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
return TF("%s %s %s (Dmg: %s) (Delay: %sms)\n",
$source->verb(T('attack'), T('attacks')),
$damage, $delay);
sub skillCast_string {
my ($source, $target, $x, $y, $skillName, $delay) = @_;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
return TF("%s %s %s on %s (Delay: %sms)\n",
$source->verb(T('are casting'), T('is casting')),
($x != 0 || $y != 0) ? TF("location (%d, %d)", $x, $y) : $target
sub skillUse_string {
my ($source, $target, $skillName, $damage, $level, $delay) = @_;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
return sprintf("%s %s %s%s %s %s%s%s\n",
$source->verb(T('use'), T('uses')),
($level != 65535) ? ' ' . TF("(Lv: %s)", $level) : '',
($damage != -30000) ? ' ' . TF("(Dmg: %s)", $damage || T('Miss')
) : '',
($delay) ? ' ' . TF("(Delay: %sms)", $delay) : '');
sub skillUseLocation_string {
my ($source, $skillName, $args) = @_;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
return sprintf("%s %s %s%s %s (%d, %d)\n",
$source->verb(T('use'), T('uses')),
($args->{lv} != 65535) ? ' ' . TF("(Lv: %s)", $args->{lv}) : '',
T('on location'),
# TODO: maybe add other healing skill ID's?
sub skillUseNoDamage_string {
my ($source, $target, $skillID, $skillName, $amount) = @_;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
return sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s%s\n",
$source->verb(T('use'), T('uses')),
($skillID == 28) ? ' ' . TF("(Gained: %s hp)", $amount) : ($amou
nt) ? ' ' . TF("(Lv: %s)", $amount) : '');
sub status_string {
my ($source, $statusName, $mode, $seconds) = @_;
assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;
# Translation Comment: "you/actor" "are/is now/again/nolonger" "status"
TF("%s %s: %s%s\n",
($mode eq 'now') ? $source->verb(T('are now'), T('is now'))
: ($mode eq 'again') ? $source->verb(T('are again'), T('is again
: ($mode eq 'no longer') ? $source->verb(T('are no longer'), T('
is no longer')) : $mode,
$seconds ? ' ' . TF("(Duration: %ss)", $seconds) : ''
sub lineIntersection {
my $r_pos1 = shift;
my $r_pos2 = shift;
my $r_pos3 = shift;
my $r_pos4 = shift;
my ($x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $y1, $y2, $y3, $y4, $result, $result1, $result2)
$x1 = $$r_pos1{'x'};
$y1 = $$r_pos1{'y'};
$x2 = $$r_pos2{'x'};
$y2 = $$r_pos2{'y'};
$x3 = $$r_pos3{'x'};
$y3 = $$r_pos3{'y'};
$x4 = $$r_pos4{'x'};
$y4 = $$r_pos4{'y'};
$result1 = ($x4 - $x3)*($y1 - $y3) - ($y4 - $y3)*($x1 - $x3);
$result2 = ($y4 - $y3)*($x2 - $x1) - ($x4 - $x3)*($y2 - $y1);
if ($result2 != 0) {
$result = $result1 / $result2;
return $result;
sub percent_hp {
my $r_hash = shift;
if (!$$r_hash{'hp_max'}) {
return undef;
} else {
return ($$r_hash{'hp'} / $$r_hash{'hp_max'} * 100);
sub percent_sp {
my $r_hash = shift;
if (!$$r_hash{'sp_max'}) {
return 0;
} else {
return ($$r_hash{'sp'} / $$r_hash{'sp_max'} * 100);
sub percent_weight {
my $r_hash = shift;
if (!$$r_hash{'weight_max'}) {
return 0;
} else {
return ($$r_hash{'weight'} / $$r_hash{'weight_max'} * 100);

###CATEGORY: Misc Functions
sub avoidGM_near {
my $players = $playersList->getItems();
foreach my $player (@{$players}) {
# skip this person if we dont know the name
next if (!defined $player->{name});
# Check whether this "GM" is on the ignore list
# in order to prevent false matches
last if (existsInList($config{avoidGM_ignoreList}, $player->{nam
# check if this name matches the GM filter
last unless ($config{avoidGM_namePattern} ? $player->{name} =~ /
$config{avoidGM_namePattern}/ : $player->{name} =~ /^([a-z]?ro)?-?(Sub)?-?\[?GM\
my %args = (
name => $player->{name},
ID => $player->{ID}
Plugins::callHook('avoidGM_near', \%args);
return 1 if ($args{return});
my $msg;
if ($config{avoidGM_near} == 1) {
# Mode 1: teleport & disconnect
$msg = TF("GM %s is nearby, teleport & disconnect for %d
seconds", $player->{name}, $config{avoidGM_reconnect});
relog($config{avoidGM_reconnect}, 1);
} elsif ($config{avoidGM_near} == 2) {
# Mode 2: disconnect
$msg = TF("GM %s is nearby, disconnect for %s seconds",
$player->{name}, $config{avoidGM_reconnect});
relog($config{avoidGM_reconnect}, 1);
} elsif ($config{avoidGM_near} == 3) {
# Mode 3: teleport
$msg = TF("GM %s is nearby, teleporting", $player->{name
} elsif ($config{avoidGM_near} >= 4) {
# Mode 4: respawn
$msg = TF("GM %s is nearby, respawning", $player->{name}
warning "$msg\n";
chatLog("k", "*** $msg ***\n");
return 1;
return 0;
# avoidList_near()
# Returns: 1 if someone was detected, 0 if no one was detected.
# Checks if any of the surrounding players are on the avoid.txt avoid list.
# Disconnects / teleports if a player is detected.
sub avoidList_near {
return if ($config{avoidList_inLockOnly} && $field->name ne $config{lock
my $players = $playersList->getItems();
foreach my $player (@{$players}) {
my $avoidPlayer = $avoid{Players}{lc($player->{name})};
my $avoidID = $avoid{ID}{$player->{nameID}};
if (!$net->clientAlive() && ( ($avoidPlayer && $avoidPlayer->{di
sconnect_on_sight}) || ($avoidID && $avoidID->{disconnect_on_sight}) )) {
warning TF("%s (%s) is nearby, disconnecting...\n", $pla
yer->{name}, $player->{nameID});
chatLog("k", TF("*** Found %s (%s) nearby and disconnect
ed ***\n", $player->{name}, $player->{nameID}));
warning TF("Disconnect for %s seconds...\n", $config{avo
relog($config{avoidList_reconnect}, 1);
return 1;
} elsif (($avoidPlayer && $avoidPlayer->{teleport_on_sight}) ||
($avoidID && $avoidID->{teleport_on_sight})) {
message TF("Teleporting to avoid player %s (%s)\n", $pla
yer->{name}, $player->{nameID}), "teleport";
chatLog("k", TF("*** Found %s (%s) nearby and teleported
***\n", $player->{name}, $player->{nameID}));
return 1;
return 0;
sub avoidList_ID {
return if (!($config{avoidList}) || ($config{avoidList_inLockOnly} && $f
ield->name ne $config{lockMap}));
my $avoidID = unpack("V", shift);
if ($avoid{ID}{$avoidID} && $avoid{ID}{$avoidID}{disconnect_on_sight}) {
warning TF("%s is nearby, disconnecting...\n", $avoidID);
chatLog("k", TF("*** Found %s nearby and disconnected ***\n", $a
warning TF("Disconnect for %s seconds...\n", $config{avoidList_r
relog($config{avoidList_reconnect}, 1);
return 1;
return 0;
sub compilePortals {
my $checkOnly = shift;
my %mapPortals;
my %mapSpawns;
my %missingMap;
my $pathfinding;
my @solution;
my $field;
# Collect portal source and destination coordinates per map
foreach my $portal (keys %portals_lut) {
$mapPortals{$portals_lut{$portal}{source}{map}}{$portal}{x} = $p
$mapPortals{$portals_lut{$portal}{source}{map}}{$portal}{y} = $p
foreach my $dest (keys %{$portals_lut{$portal}{dest}}) {
next if $portals_lut{$portal}{dest}{$dest}{map} eq '';
t}{x} = $portals_lut{$portal}{dest}{$dest}{x};
t}{y} = $portals_lut{$portal}{dest}{$dest}{y};
$pathfinding = new PathFinding if (!$checkOnly);
# Calculate LOS values from each spawn point per map to other portals on
same map
foreach my $map (sort keys %mapSpawns) {
message TF("Processing map %s...\n", $map), "system" unless $che
foreach my $spawn (keys %{$mapSpawns{$map}}) {
foreach my $portal (keys %{$mapPortals{$map}}) {
next if $spawn eq $portal;
next if $portals_los{$spawn}{$portal} ne '';
return 1 if $checkOnly;
if ((!$field || $field->{name} ne $map) && !$mis
singMap{$map}) {
eval {
$field = new Field(name => $map)
if ($@) {
$missingMap{$map} = 1;
my %start = %{$mapSpawns{$map}{$spawn}};
my %dest = %{$mapPortals{$map}{$portal}};
closestWalkableSpot($field, \%start);
closestWalkableSpot($field, \%dest);
start => \%start,
dest => \%dest,
field => $field
my $count = $pathfinding->runcount;
$portals_los{$spawn}{$portal} = ($count >= 0) ?
$count : 0;
debug "LOS in $map from $start{x},$start{y} to $
dest{x},$dest{y}: $portals_los{$spawn}{$portal}\n";
return 0 if $checkOnly;
# Write new portalsLOS.txt
writePortalsLOS(Settings::getTableFilename("portalsLOS.txt"), \%portals_
message TF("Wrote portals Line of Sight table to '%s'\n", Settings::getT
ableFilename("portalsLOS.txt")), "system";
# Print warning for missing fields
if (%missingMap) {
warning TF("----------------------------Error Summary-----------
warning TF("Missing: %s.fld\n", $_) foreach (sort keys %missingM
warning TF("Note: LOS information for the above listed map(s) wi
ll be inaccurate;\n" .
" however it is safe to ignore if those map(s) are
not used\n");
warning TF("----------------------------Error Summary-----------
sub compilePortals_check {
return compilePortals(1);
sub portalExists {
my ($map, $r_pos) = @_;
foreach (keys %portals_lut) {
if ($portals_lut{$_}{source}{map} eq $map
&& $portals_lut{$_}{source}{x} == $r_pos->{x}
&& $portals_lut{$_}{source}{y} == $r_pos->{y}) {
return $_;
sub portalExists2 {
my ($src, $src_pos, $dest, $dest_pos) = @_;
my $srcx = $src_pos->{x};
my $srcy = $src_pos->{y};
my $destx = $dest_pos->{x};
my $desty = $dest_pos->{y};
my $destID = "$dest $destx $desty";
foreach (keys %portals_lut) {
my $entry = $portals_lut{$_};
if ($entry->{source}{map} eq $src
&& $entry->{source}{pos}{x} == $srcx
&& $entry->{source}{pos}{y} == $srcy
&& $entry->{dest}{$destID}) {
return $_;
sub redirectXKoreMessages {
my ($type, $domain, $level, $globalVerbosity, $message, $user_data) = @_
return if ($config{'XKore_silent'} || $type eq "debug" || $level > 0 ||
$net->getState() != Network::IN_GAME || $XKore_dontRedirect);
return if ($domain =~ /^(connection|startup|pm|publicchat|guildchat|guil
return if ($domain =~ /^(attack|skill|list|info|partychat|npc|route)/);
$message =~ s/\n*$//s;
$message =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
sendMessage($messageSender, "k", $message);
sub monKilled {
$monkilltime = time();
# if someone kills it
if (($monstarttime == 0) || ($monkilltime < $monstarttime)) {
$monstarttime = 0;
$monkilltime = 0;
$elasped = $monkilltime - $monstarttime;
$totalelasped = $totalelasped + $elasped;
if ($totalelasped == 0) {
$dmgpsec = 0
} else {
$dmgpsec = $totaldmg / $totalelasped;
# Resolves a player or monster ID into a name
# Obsoleted by Actor module, don't use this!
sub getActorName {
my $id = shift;
if (!$id) {
return 'Nothing';
} else {
my $hash = Actor::get($id);
return $hash->nameString;
# Resolves a pair of player/monster IDs into names
sub getActorNames {
my ($sourceID, $targetID, $verb1, $verb2) = @_;
my $source = getActorName($sourceID);
my $verb = $source eq 'You' ? $verb1 : $verb2;
my $target;
if ($targetID eq $sourceID) {
if ($targetID eq $accountID) {
$target = 'yourself';
} else {
$target = 'self';
} else {
$target = getActorName($targetID);
return ($source, $verb, $target);
# return ID based on name if party member is online
sub findPartyUserID {
if ($char->{party} && %{$char->{party}}) {
my $partyUserName = shift;
for (my $j = 0; $j < @partyUsersID; $j++) {
next if ($partyUsersID[$j] eq "");
if ($partyUserName eq $char->{party}{users}{$partyUsersI
&& $char->{party}{users}{$partyUsersID[$j]}{onli
ne}) {
return $partyUsersID[$j];
return undef;
# fill in a hash of NPC information either based on location ("map x y")
sub getNPCInfo {
my $id = shift;
my $return_hash = shift;
undef %{$return_hash};
my ($map, $x, $y) = split(/ +/, $id, 3);
$$return_hash{map} = $map;
$$return_hash{pos}{x} = $x;
$$return_hash{pos}{y} = $y;
if (($$return_hash{map} ne "") && ($$return_hash{pos}{x} ne "") && ($$re
turn_hash{pos}{y} ne "")) {
$$return_hash{ok} = 1;
} else {
error TF("Invalid NPC information for autoBuy, autoSell or autoS
torage! (%s)\n", $id);
sub checkSelfCondition {
my $prefix = shift;
return 0 if (!$prefix);
return 0 if ($config{$prefix . "_disabled"});
return 0 if $config{$prefix."_whenIdle"} && !AI::isIdle();
# *_manualAI 0 = auto only
# *_manualAI 1 = manual only
# *_manualAI 2 = auto or manual
if ($config{$prefix . "_manualAI"} == 0 || !(defined $config{$prefix . "_ma
nualAI"})) {
return 0 if ($AI != 2);
}elsif ($config{$prefix . "_manualAI"} == 1){
return 0 if ($AI != 1);
}else {
return 0 if ($AI == 0);
if ($config{$prefix . "_hp"}) {
if ($config{$prefix."_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->hp_percent, $1));
} else {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{hp}, $config{$prefix."_hp"
if ($config{$prefix."_sp"}) {
if ($config{$prefix."_sp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->sp_percent, $1));
} else {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{sp}, $config{$prefix."_sp"
if ($config{$prefix."_homunculus"} =~ /\S/) {
return 0 if (!!$config{$prefix."_homunculus"}) ^ ($char->{homunc
ulus} && !$char->{homunculus}{state});
if ($char->{homunculus}) {
if ($config{$prefix . "_homunculus_hp"}) {
if ($config{$prefix."_homunculus_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{homunculus}{hpPerc
ent}, $1));
} else {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{homunculus}{hp}, $
if ($config{$prefix."_homunculus_sp"}) {
if ($config{$prefix."_homunculus_sp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{homunculus}{spPerc
ent}, $1));
} else {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{homunculus}{sp}, $
if ($config{$prefix."_homunculus_dead"}) {
return 0 unless ($char->{homunculus}{state} & 4);
if ($config{$prefix."_mercenary"} =~ /\S/) {
return 0 if (!!$config{$prefix."_mercenary"}) ^ (!!$char->{merce
if ($char->{mercenary}) {
if ($config{$prefix . "_mercenary_hp"}) {
if ($config{$prefix."_mercenary_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{mercenary}{hpPerce
nt}, $1));
} else {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{mercenary}{hp}, $c
if ($config{$prefix."_mercenary_sp"}) {
if ($config{$prefix."_mercenary_sp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{mercenary}{spPerce
nt}, $1));
} else {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{mercenary}{sp}, $c
if ($config{$prefix . "_mercenary_whenStatusActive"}) {
return 0 unless $char->{mercenary}->statusActive($config
{$prefix . "_mercenary_whenStatusActive"});
if ($config{$prefix . "_mercenary_whenStatusInactive"}) {
return 0 if $char->{mercenary}->statusActive($config{$pr
efix . "_mercenary_whenStatusInactive"});
# check skill use SP if this is a 'use skill' condition
if ($prefix =~ /skill/i) {
my $skill = Skill->new(auto => $config{$prefix});
return 0 unless ($char->getSkillLevel($skill)
|| $config{$prefix."_equip_leftA
|| $config{$prefix."_equip_right
|| $config{$prefix."_equip_leftH
|| $config{$prefix."_equip_right
|| $config{$prefix."_equip_robe"
return 0 unless ($char->{sp} >= $skill->getSP($config{$prefix .
"_lvl"} || $char->getSkillLevel($skill)));
if (defined $config{$prefix . "_aggressives"}) {
return 0 unless (inRange(scalar ai_getAggressives(), $config{$pr
efix . "_aggressives"}));
if (defined $config{$prefix . "_partyAggressives"}) {
return 0 unless (inRange(scalar ai_getAggressives(undef, 1), $co
nfig{$prefix . "_partyAggressives"}));
if ($config{$prefix . "_stopWhenHit"} > 0) { return 0 if (scalar ai_getM
onstersAttacking($accountID)); }
if ($config{$prefix . "_whenFollowing"} && $config{follow}) {
return 0 if (!checkFollowMode());
if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusActive"}) {
return 0 unless $char->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenStat
if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusInactive"}) {
return 0 if $char->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusIn
if ($config{$prefix . "_onAction"}) { return 0 unless (existsInList($con
fig{$prefix . "_onAction"}, AI::action())); }
if ($config{$prefix . "_notOnAction"}) { return 0 if (existsInList($conf
ig{$prefix . "_notOnAction"}, AI::action())); }
if ($config{$prefix . "_spirit"}) {return 0 unless (inRange(defined $cha
r->{spirits} ? $char->{spirits} : 0, $config{$prefix . "_spirit"})); }
if ($config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) { return 0 unless timeOut($ai_v{$pref
ix . "_time"}, $config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) }
if ($config{$prefix . "_inLockOnly"} > 0) { return 0 unless ($field->nam
e eq $config{lockMap}); }
if ($config{$prefix . "_notWhileSitting"} > 0) { return 0 if ($char->{si
tting}); }
if ($config{$prefix . "_notInTown"} > 0) { return 0 if ($field->isCity);
if ($config{$prefix . "_monsters"} && !($prefix =~ /skillSlot/i) && !($p
refix =~ /ComboSlot/i)) {
my $exists;
foreach (ai_getAggressives()) {
if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_monsters"}, $monste
rs{$_}->name)) {
$exists = 1;
return 0 unless $exists;
if ($config{$prefix . "_defendMonsters"}) {
my $exists;
foreach (ai_getMonstersAttacking($accountID)) {
if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_defendMonsters"}, $
monsters{$_}->name)) {
$exists = 1;
return 0 unless $exists;
if ($config{$prefix . "_notMonsters"} && !($prefix =~ /skillSlot/i) && !
($prefix =~ /ComboSlot/i)) {
my $exists;
foreach (ai_getAggressives()) {
if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_notMonsters"}, $mon
sters{$_}->name)) {
return 0;
if ($config{$prefix."_inInventory"}) {
foreach my $input (split / *, */, $config{$prefix."_inInventory"
}) {
my ($itemName, $count) = $input =~ /(.*?)(?:\s+([><]=? *
$count = '>0' if $count eq '';
my $item = $char->inventory->getByName($itemName);
return 0 if !inRange(!$item ? 0 : $item->{amount}, $coun
if ($config{$prefix."_inCart"}) {
foreach my $input (split / *, */, $config{$prefix."_inCart"}) {
my ($item,$count) = $input =~ /(.*?)(?:\s+([><]=? *\d+))
$count = '>0' if $count eq '';
my $iX = findIndexString_lc($cart{inventory}, "name", $i
my $item = $cart{inventory}[$iX];
return 0 if !inRange(!defined $iX ? 0 : $item->{amount},
if ($config{$prefix."_whenGround"}) {
return 0 unless whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($char), $config{$p
if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotGround"}) {
return 0 if whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($char), $config{$prefi
if ($config{$prefix."_whenPermitSkill"}) {
return 0 unless $char->{permitSkill} &&
$char->{permitSkill}->getIDN == Skill->new(auto => $conf
if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotPermitSkill"}) {
return 0 if $char->{permitSkill} &&
$char->{permitSkill}->getIDN == Skill->new(auto => $conf
if ($config{$prefix."_whenFlag"}) {
return 0 unless $flags{$config{$prefix."_whenFlag"}};
if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotFlag"}) {
return 0 unless !$flags{$config{$prefix."_whenNotFlag"}};
if ($config{$prefix."_onlyWhenSafe"}) {
return 0 if !isSafe();
if ($config{$prefix."_inMap"}) {
return 0 unless (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_inMap"}, $fiel
if ($config{$prefix."_notInMap"}) {
return 0 if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_notInMap"}, $field
if ($config{$prefix."_whenEquipped"}) {
my $item = Actor::Item::get($config{$prefix."_whenEquipped"});
return 0 unless $item && $item->{equipped};
if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotEquipped"}) {
my $item = Actor::Item::get($config{$prefix."_whenNotEquipped"})
return 0 if $item && $item->{equipped};
if ($config{$prefix."_zeny"}) {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{zeny}, $config{$prefix."_zeny"}));
# not working yet
if ($config{$prefix."_whenWater"}) {
my $pos = calcPosition($char);
return 0 if ($field->getBlock($pos->{x}, $pos->{y}) != Field::WA
if (defined $config{$prefix.'_devotees'}) {
return 0 unless inRange(scalar keys %{$devotionList->{$accountID
}{targetIDs}}, $config{$prefix.'_devotees'});
my %hookArgs;
$hookArgs{prefix} = $prefix;
$hookArgs{return} = 1;
Plugins::callHook("checkSelfCondition", \%hookArgs);
return 0 if (!$hookArgs{return});
return 1;
sub checkPlayerCondition {
my ($prefix, $id) = @_;
return 0 if (!$id);
my $player = Actor::get($id);
return 0 unless (
UNIVERSAL::isa($player, 'Actor::You')
|| UNIVERSAL::isa($player, 'Actor::Player')
|| UNIVERSAL::isa($player, 'Actor::Slave')
# my $player = $playersList->getByID($id) || $slavesList->getByID($id);
if ($config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) { return 0 unless timeOut($ai_v{$pref
ix . "_time"}{$id}, $config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) }
if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusActive"}) {
return 0 unless $player->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenSt
if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusInactive"}) {
return 0 if $player->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenStatus
if ($config{$prefix . "_notWhileSitting"} > 0) { return 0 if ($player->{
sitting}); }
# TODO: Optimize this
if ($config{$prefix . "_hp"}) {
# Target is Actor::You
if ($char->{ID} eq $id) {
if ($config{$prefix."_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->hp_percent, $1));
} else {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{hp}, $config{$pref
# Target is Actor::Player in our Party
} elsif ($char->{party} && $char->{party}{users}{$id}) {
# Fix Heal when Target HP is not set yet.
# return 0 if (!defined($player->{hp}) || $player->{hp}
== 0);
return 0 if ($char->{party}{users}{$id}{hp} == 0);
if ($config{$prefix."_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {
# return 0 if (!inRange(percent_hp($player), $1)
return 0 if (!inRange(percent_hp($char->{party}{
users}{$id}), $1));
} else {
# return 0 if (!inRange($player->{hp}, $config{$
prefix . "_hp"}));
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{party}{users}{$id}
{hp}, $config{$prefix . "_hp"}));
# Target is Actor::Slave 'Homunculus' type
} elsif ($char->{homunculus} && $char->{homunculus}{ID} eq $id)
if ($config{$prefix."_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {
return 0 if (!inRange(percent_hp($char->{homuncu
lus}), $1));
} else {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{homunculus}{hp}, $
config{$prefix . "_hp"}));
# Target is Actor::Slave 'Mercenary' type
} elsif ($char->{mercenary} && $char->{mercenary}{ID} eq $id) {
if ($config{$prefix."_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {
return 0 if (!inRange(percent_hp($char->{mercena
ry}), $1));
} else {
return 0 if (!inRange($char->{mercenary}{hp}, $c
onfig{$prefix . "_hp"}));
if ($config{$prefix."_deltaHp"}){
return 0 unless inRange($player->{deltaHp}, $config{$prefix."_de
# check player job class
if ($config{$prefix . "_isJob"}) { return 0 unless (existsInList($config
{$prefix . "_isJob"}, $jobs_lut{$player->{jobID}})); }
if ($config{$prefix . "_isNotJob"}) { return 0 if (existsInList($config{
$prefix . "_isNotJob"}, $jobs_lut{$player->{jobID}})); }
if ($config{$prefix . "_aggressives"}) {
return 0 unless (inRange(scalar ai_getPlayerAggressives($id), $c
onfig{$prefix . "_aggressives"}));
if ($config{$prefix . "_defendMonsters"}) {
my $exists;
foreach (ai_getMonstersAttacking($id)) {
if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_defendMonsters"}, $
monsters{$_}{name})) {
$exists = 1;
return 0 unless $exists;
if ($config{$prefix . "_monsters"}) {
my $exists;
foreach (ai_getPlayerAggressives($id)) {
if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_monsters"}, $monste
rs{$_}{name})) {
$exists = 1;
return 0 unless $exists;
if ($config{$prefix."_whenGround"}) {
return 0 unless whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($player), $config{
if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotGround"}) {
return 0 if whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($player), $config{$pre
if ($config{$prefix."_dead"}) {
return 0 if !$player->{dead};
} else {
return 0 if $player->{dead};
# Note: This will always fail for Actor::Slave
if ($config{$prefix."_whenWeaponEquipped"}) {
return 0 unless $player->{weapon};
# Note: This will always fail for Actor::Slave
if ($config{$prefix."_whenShieldEquipped"}) {
return 0 unless $player->{shield};
# Note: This will always fail for Actor::Slave
if ($config{$prefix."_isGuild"}) {
return 0 unless ($player->{guild} && existsInList($config{$prefi
x . "_isGuild"}, $player->{guild}{name}));
if ($config{$prefix."_dist"}) {
return 0 unless inRange(distance(calcPosition($char), calcPositi
on($player)), $config{$prefix."_dist"});
if ($config{$prefix."_isNotMyDevotee"}) {
return 0 if (defined $devotionList->{$accountID}->{targetIDs}->{
my %args = (
player => $player,
prefix => $prefix,
return => 1
Plugins::callHook('checkPlayerCondition', \%args);
return $args{return};
sub checkMonsterCondition {
my ($prefix, $monster) = @_;
if ($config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) { return 0 unless timeOut($ai_v{$pref
ix . "_time"}{$monster->{ID}}, $config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) }
if (my $misses = $config{$prefix . "_misses"}) {
return 0 unless inRange($monster->{atkMiss}, $misses);
if (my $misses = $config{$prefix . "_totalMisses"}) {
return 0 unless inRange($monster->{missedFromYou}, $misses);
if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusActive"}) {
return 0 unless $monster->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenS
if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusInactive"}) {
return 0 if $monster->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenStatu
if ($config{$prefix."_whenGround"}) {
return 0 unless whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($monster), $config
if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotGround"}) {
return 0 if whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($monster), $config{$pr
if ($config{$prefix."_dist"}) {
return 0 unless inRange(distance(calcPosition($char), calcPositi
on($monster)), $config{$prefix."_dist"});
if ($config{$prefix."_deltaHp"}){
return 0 unless inRange($monster->{deltaHp}, $config{$prefix."_d
# This is only supposed to make sense for players,
# but it has to be here for attackSkillSlot PVP to work
if ($config{$prefix."_whenWeaponEquipped"}) {
return 0 unless $monster->{weapon};
if ($config{$prefix."_whenShieldEquipped"}) {
return 0 unless $monster->{shield};
my %args = (
monster => $monster,
prefix => $prefix,
return => 1
Plugins::callHook('checkMonsterCondition', \%args);
return $args{return};
# findCartItemInit()
# Resets all "found" flags in the cart to 0.
sub findCartItemInit {
for (@{$cart{inventory}}) {
next unless $_ && %{$_};
undef $_->{found};
# findCartItem($name [, $found [, $nounid]])
# Returns the integer index into $cart{inventory} for the cart item matching
# the given name, or undef.
# If an item is found, the "found" value for that item is set to 1. Items
# cannot be found again until you reset the "found" flags using
# findCartItemInit(), if $found is true.
# Unidentified items will not be returned if $nounid is true.
sub findCartItem {
my ($name, $found, $nounid) = @_;
$name = lc($name);
my $index = 0;
for (@{$cart{inventory}}) {
if (lc($_->{name}) eq $name &&
!($found && $_->{found}) &&
!($nounid && !$_->{identified})) {
$_->{found} = 1;
return $index;
return undef;
# makeShop()
# Returns an array of items to sell. The array can be no larger than the
# maximum number of items that the character can vend. Each item is a hash
# reference containing the keys "index", "amount" and "price".
# If there is a problem with opening a shop, an error message will be printed
# and nothing will be returned.
sub makeShop {
if ($shopstarted) {
error T("A shop has already been opened.\n");
return unless $char;
if (!$char->{skills}{MC_VENDING}{lv}) {
error T("You don't have the Vending skill.\n");
if (!$shop{title_line}) {
error T("Your shop does not have a title.\n");
my @items = ();
my $max_items = $char->{skills}{MC_VENDING}{lv} + 2;
# Iterate through items to be sold
shuffleArray(\@{$shop{items}}) if ($config{'shop_random'} eq "2");
for my $sale (@{$shop{items}}) {
my $index = findCartItem($sale->{name}, 1, 1);
next unless defined($index);
# Found item to vend
my $cart_item = $cart{inventory}[$index];
my $amount = $cart_item->{amount};
my %item;
$item{name} = $cart_item->{name};
$item{index} = $index;
$item{price} = $sale->{price};
$item{amount} =
$sale->{amount} && $sale->{amount} < $amount ?
$sale->{amount} : $amount;
push(@items, \%item);
# We can't vend anymore items
last if @items >= $max_items;
if (!@items) {
error T("There are no items to sell.\n");
shuffleArray(\@items) if ($config{'shop_random'} eq "1");
return @items;
sub openShop {
my @items = makeShop();
my @shopnames;
return unless @items;
@shopnames = split(/;;/, $shop{title_line});
$shop{title} = $shopnames[int rand($#shopnames + 1)];
$shop{title} = ($config{shopTitleOversize}) ? $shop{title} : substr($sho
$messageSender->sendOpenShop($shop{title}, \@items);
message TF("Shop opened (%s) with %d selling items.\n", $shop{title}, @i
tems.""), "success";
$shopstarted = 1;
$shopEarned = 0;
sub closeShop {
if (!$shopstarted) {
error T("A shop has not been opened.\n");
$shopstarted = 0;
$timeout{'ai_shop'}{'time'} = time;
message T("Shop closed.\n");
# inLockMap()
# Returns 1 (true) if character is located in its lockmap.
# Returns 0 (false) if character is not located in lockmap.
sub inLockMap {
if ($field->baseName eq $config{'lockMap'}) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub parseReload {
my ($args) = @_;
eval {
my $progressHandler = sub {
my ($filename) = @_;
message TF("Loading %s...\n", $filename);
if ($args eq 'all') {
} else {
Settings::loadByRegexp(qr/$args/, $progressHandler);
if (my $e = caught('UTF8MalformedException')) {
error TF(
"The file %s must be valid UTF-8 encoded, which it is \n
" .
"currently not. To solve this prolem, please use Notepad
\n" .
"to save that file as valid UTF-8.",
} elsif ($@) {
die $@;
OpenKoreMod::initMisc() if (defined(&OpenKoreMod::initMisc));
return 1;

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