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Siebel Logs

If you have worked on Siebel CRM I am sure that you have heard the term
LOGS lot of times. They are one of the most important and useful things if
you are a Siebel Developer. But still most of us actually know how to use
them to our advantage or to reduce our development time. Here in this Article
I will try to explain some tips and tricks to get the logs and debug our
code. Now we all know that we have two types of Siebel Application

• Dedicated Client
• Web Client

Siebel Web Client: We will talk first about the Siebel Web Client. Now to
get logs from Siebel Web Client there is no easy way and the only way to get
logs is to increase the log level at server for "Object Manager" or
particular component that you want to get logs of for example Workflow
Process Manager. I will talk detail about the Web Client Logging techniques in
my next few posts.

In this article I am going to discuss ways which can help us get logs from
dedicated clients and speed up our debugging and development time.

Dedicated Client: There are essentially two ways to get logs from dedicated

• Spool
• Environmental Variable

Spool: It is a very basic and known technique to get the spool of all the SQL
Queries that are fired in the database level and we all come across it during
our initial Siebel development days. We can enable the spool for Siebel Client
as well as Siebel Tools. The steps to enable spool for both the Siebl tools and
client there is common process which is as following

1. Right click the Siebel tools or Siebel Client Shortcut

2. Go to end of String which is in Target Text Field
3. Enter the Following string at the end: /s "c:\spool.txt"

/s switch here stands for Spool. Various other switches that can be used are
as following

• /u : username
• /p : password
• /d : database
With the following string you can automate login to your local or sample
database depeding on the value you give in the switch. I am providing you
examples of both

/u sadmin /p sadmin /d sample : String to login to Sample database with

Sadmin user id
/u user /p pwd /d local : String to login to Local database with "user" user

Environmental Variable: This is more powerful and less know method of

generating logs for dedicated client. Siebel has provided couple of
Environmental Variables which are as following:


SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS: This environmental variable can have two types

of values.
Numeric or text. The numeric value is the log level which can be between 1-4.
1 being the lowest and 4 being the highest. The Text value can be ALL which
means Log Level of 4.

SIEBEL_LOG_DIR: This value of this variable is path where you want to

create the logs. Makes sure that the path you mention is valid otherwise the logs
will be created in the temp directory.

Examples of both the environmental variables are as following

SIEBEL_LOG_DIR: C:\siebel_logs

The process to create these environmental variables is as following

1. Right click on the My Computer Icon

2. Select Properties from context menu
3. Go to ==> Advanced Tab
4. Click ==> Environmental Variables
5. In User Environmental Variables Tab click New
6. Enter SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS in Variable Name field
7. Enter ALL in Variable Value Field
8. Click New again and Enter the following details
9. Variable Name : SIEBEL_LOG_DIR ; Variable Value : "your siebel log

Remember that Variable Names are case Sensitive. After you have created the
variables when you start you dedicated client you will notice that in the path
that you have given a file named siebel.log is created for Dedicated Client and
file named siebel_dev is created for Siebel Tools.

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