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Nama : Muhammad Rifky Efendy Kelas : 2A Akuntansi

NIM : 11190820000011 MatKul : B. Inggris

Analytical Exposition Text

Corona Should Be Against Surround Us
Thesis : Corona virus or COVID-19 is the new virus that was first reported in Wuhan City, China.
The Chinese National Health Commission said the virus was first reported to World Health Organization
(WHO) on December 31, 2019. This virus attacks the human respiratory system so someone who is
exposed to the virus will experience shortness of breath so that it can cause death. Until recently the
corona virus has been affecting 199 countries and territories around the world and 2 international
conveyances: the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan, and the Holland America's
MS Zaandam cruise ship. WHO has stated that this virus is a pandemic.
Arguments : Corona virus is a virus that is dangerous to humans. When you affected by corona
virus you will experience some symptoms. It start with a fever, followed by a dry cough. After a week, it
can lead to shortness of breath. In some patients (particularly the elderly and others with other chronic
health conditions) these symptoms can develop into pneumonia, with chest tightness, chest pain, and
shortness of breath. There are even some people with mild symptoms like sore throat, sneezing, and stuffy
nose which is just like Flu symptoms. So even if we get infected we can become clueless because the
symptoms is very similar to Flu disease.
Arguments : The most frightening thing about the corona virus is not only the symptoms but its
very easy to spread to humans to humans. If you make contact with an infected person you will also
become infected. That's why this virus has spread to 199 countries around the world. From the last
updates, this virus has caused 723.313 cases with 33.993 deaths and 151.801 recovered. With so many
cases, its causing insufficient capacity in the hospital making medical staff work non-stop to treat infected
people. This virus cannot be underestimated.
Reiteration : Corona Virus should be against surround us. We should fight this virus together. To
fight this virus we cannot rely on medical staff alone we must also help by maintaining a healthy lifestyle,
staying at home, or donating our money to help stop this virus.

Hortatory Exposition Text

Self quarantine of Corona for students
Thesis : Because of the corona virus many universities were closed to stop the spread of the
corona virus. So the university dismissed all its students and ordered it to self quarantine. Self quarantine
is one of our ways to help stop the spread of the corona virus. With self quarantine we isolate ourselves at
home so we can stop contact with other people and strengthen our immunity.
Arguments 1 : Even though students are told to quarantine but we are still told to carry out
learning activities as usual. We do online learning using communication app like Zoom, Google
Classroom, DingTalk, etc. Although the title is “online learning” there are still many lecturers who only
provide material and assignments without guidance, especially if the deadline for collecting them is too
tight. Whereas it is also the responsibility of the lecturer to provide guidance to his students in order to
understand the material they provide
Arguments 2 : Because of the many assignments with narrow deadlines make students exhausted
both physically and mentally. Even though we should self quarantine at home to strengthen our immunity
so that it is not easily infected with the corona virus. But with so many tasks make our energy focused to
do the task so our immunity decreases.
Arguments 3 : Although not all lecturers are the same as mentioned above. There are still many
lecturers who provide guidance through communication applications and provide reasonable assignments
with time limits that are not narrow
Recommendation : I recommend that students feel calm or better when self quarantine at home,
the lecturers should provide good guidance and not a lot of assignments so that students can feel calm
during this disaster.

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