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3 PM Mr Scott Morrison 8-4-2020
4 Forwarded via email
6 Scott,
7 QUOTE my 24-3-2020 correspondence to you
8 Remember your add; “Where the hell are you?” Well, I would ask “Where the hell are
9 you when it comes to responsible leadership?”
10 END QUOTE my 24-3-2020 correspondence to you
12 Either you ignored to read the correspondence or simply lack the ability to apply common sense,
13 nevertheless I will hereby supplement my 24-3-2020 correspondence.
15 Firstly, as the Framers of the Constitution made clear:
16 Hansard 7-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
17 Convention)
18 QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-
20 I do not think the word quarantine, for instance, which is used in the sub-section of the 52nd clause, is
21 intended to give the Commonwealth power to legislate with regard to any quarantine. That simply applies to
22 quarantine as referring to diseases among man-kind.
25 Obviously in the proper context this means the Commonwealth can apply quarantine measures
26 regarding humans but within its powers of aliens, migration and immigration. The States lack
27 this powers unless the person is found to be in ill-health and not otherwise. This means, as the
28 Framers of the Constitution made clear that any “citizen” (meaning a person residing within the
29 Commonwealth of Australia) who is an “alien” can be subjected to special provisions of the
30 Commonwealth. The Commonwealth therefore even without any QUARANTINE issue involved
31 limit the movement of any “alien”, as it deems appropriate in the circumstances. Also it can
32 invoke S51(xxvi) against any specific race but not against the “general community”! The
33 Framers of the Constitution made clear that S51(xxvi) could not be used against the “general
34 community”. The States cannot unilaterally order a kind of house arrest for its citizens (being
35 people residing within the State) as it has no such constitutional powers. However, a State within
36 its Health legislation obviously can provide for anyone who has a certain contagious illness to be
37 limited in movement. Any citizen who however doesn’t accept this cannot be restrained unless
38 both in Federal and State/Territory a court obtains a specific court order against that particular
39 person. However, a court exercising state and/or federal powers cannot merely issue orders in
40 violation of a person’s constitutional rights. As I proved with both successful appeals on 19 July
41 2006 in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka that I was well within my constitutional rights of Political
42 Liberty to be subjected to “compulsory” voting. As such if I do vote in any political election it is
43 because I consider there is a worthy candidate who is standing to vote for. Otherwise I continue
44 to exercise my rights not to vote.

8-4-2020 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 2

1 Likewise with this nonsense of purported unilateral “house arrest” under whatever mantra this is
2 pursued, it simply is not going to prevent me to do what I elect to do. Our constitution provides
3 for embedded legal rights of freedoms which no Parliament can blatantly disregard.
4 We had in Victoria that the politicians had an almighty rise in pay and why so one has to wonder
5 when the Health System they claim will be overburdened could have done with that money to
6 provide for the required ICU facilities that is needed? It has been the States themselves who
7 blatantly disregard responsible action considering there were past pandemics and so a competent
8 leader would have ensured the medical system to be prepared for the next wave, not scream
9 about the overburdening of a health system when they could have avoided it.
10 When then you get Premiers unconstitutionally ordering cruise ships to depart and so with sick
11 crew in my view in clear violation of the Titanic Board of Inquiry recommendations to not send
12 out ships where the lives of those on board are placed at the perils of the sea, then where was
13 your leadership to make clear (see below extensive set out) that those ships fall within the
14 powers of the Commonwealth and no Premier has the right to order them to leave.
15 Why indeed when Premiers are complaining about being short in hospital beds was one or more
16 cruise ships not converted to hospital ships?
17 In The Netherlands, as set out below, Scientist have established that human faeces will show
18 COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) infection days before an infected person shows any symptoms,
19 if they show any at all. We have home testing kits for people to test their swimming pool water
20 and why not have a “home faeces test kit” for people to test if they are infected? Consider
21 mothers of infants being able to test their babies before an all scale deadly infection becomes
22 reality?
23 No use to lock in people in high rising units ( in residential towers) who then are missing out of
24 Vitamin D, etc, and have a weaker immune system and become cooked in their unit when there
25 is a much better alternative to just concentrate upon those who are infected and let others
26 continue to get along their lives as they desire.
27 As I attend to below, why are medical staff despite their gowns, mask, and whatever becoming
28 ill? Is it that they may not at all fall ill because of being in contact with patients but because they
29 actually became ill away from their place or work? Meaning, they are perhaps contaminating
30 those attending to hospitals? Is it that the mask and other protection gear they are using might in
31 the end not at all be sufficient to protect them?
32 Where are the food parcels for the elderly, the invalids and the carers and those under their
33 charge to prevent stress and duress? No use to claim to care for the elderly, etc, when blatantly
34 ignoring the stress and other problems you inflict upon them.
35 Our constitution doesn’t provide whatsoever for a so called “National Cabinet” and it is time you
36 show real leadership instead of this kind of nonsense. If you hold there is a “National Cabinet”
37 system within our constitution then I challenge you to show where it is stated in the constitution.
38 We obviously also lack a competent leader of the Opposition as not to even bother raise any of
39 the issues I am about.
40 The States created within s106 of the constitution “subject to this constitution” therefore are also
41 bound by the embedded legal principles. While the States are entitled to limit retailers in
42 working hours there should however be no abuse of this nor any bias to any particular section.
43 There is a lot more to this all but this correspondence will already be of a considerable extent and
44 so I will refrain delving in that issue in details, safe to say that in my view businesses who are
45 affected by restrictions by a State are entitled to sue the State for compensation. It has then
46 nothing to do with the Commonwealth. Neither does the constitution provide for the
47 Commonwealth to pay a reported $1,500.00 a fortnight for businesses to keep staff where they
48 are not even unemployed.
49 You and others may not like my exposure and criticism but I am sick and tired of this stupidity
50 of blatantly violating citizens their constitutional rights. As with this “compulsory” voting issue I
51 can assure you I am preparing my case already in case some person were to take me to task to
8-4-2020 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 3

1 litigate against me. How dare you to restrict the lives of the elderly who in their later years of life
2 are denied proper communication and freedoms otherwise where clearly there are other ways to
3 APPROPRIATELY address the issues at hand.
4 Going about playing some kind of Santa Claus isn’t going to resolve anything as you are really
5 giving away monies of other people. Neither is this in my view economical competent when a far
6 lesser manner issues can be addressed.
8 It is in my view very obvious that neither you or the Premiers have a clue what the true meaning
9 and application of our constitution is about, this despite you all are purported to be
10 “constitutional advisers” to the respective Governor/Governor-General. Shame on you all!
12 In my view the issue of $1,652 infringement notices have no legal justification and I view a
13 gross abuse of legal powers. If I was subjected to one I would rigorously defend my
14 constitutional rights.
17 The claim and exercise of Constitutional Rights cannot be converted into a crime. Miller v.
18 Kansas 230 F 2nd 486, 489:
20 For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party (Corpus Delicti) There can be no sanction or
21 penalty imposed on one because of this Constitutional right. Sherer v. Cullen 481 F. 945:
23 Vela v. Superior Ct., 208 Cal.App.3d. 141 [255 Cal.Rptr. 921 Obviously, administrative
24 agencies, like police officers must obey the Constitution and may not deprive persons of
25 constitutional rights.
27 http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2013/08/23/11-15354.pdf

29 The Supreme Court has explicitly held that when a defendant is found to have violated an individual’s right
30 to procedural due process, the plaintiff is “entitled to recover nominal damages,” even “without proof of
31 actual injury.” Carey v. Piphus, 435 U.S. 247, 266–67 (1978). Our circuit’s case law makes clear that
32 “neither the judge nor the jury has any discretion in this matter,” and that the rule entitling a plaintiff to
33 nominal damages applies with equal force to violations of substantive constitutional rights. Floyd v. Laws,
34 929 F.2d 1390, 1402 (9th Cir. 1991); see also Schneider v. Cnty. of San Diego, 285 F.3d 784, 794–95 (9th
35 Cir. 2002). Nominal damages must be awarded in cases in which the plaintiff is not entitled to compensatory
36 damages, such as cases in which no actual injury is incurred or can be proven. Here, however, there was
37 actual judge’s finding of liability establishes that Hazle suffered actual injury when he was unconstitutionally
38 incarcerated.
39 Given this undisputed finding that Hazle’s constitutional rights were violated, and applying the rule that the
40 award of compensatory damages is mandatory when the existence of actual injury is beyond dispute, we hold
41 that the district judge erred in refusing to hold that Hazle was, as a matter of law, entitled to compensatory
42 damages. We therefore reverse the district judge’s denial of Hazle’s motion for a new trial.
43 The Supreme Court has held that entitlement to compensatory damages in a civil rights action is not a matter
44 of discretion: “Compensatory damages . . . are mandatory; once liability is found, the jury is required to
45 award compensatory damages in an amount appropriate to compensate the plaintiff for his loss.” Smith v.
46 Wade, 461 U.S. 30, 52 (1983) (emphasis added).
49 Davis v. Wechsler , 263 US 22, 24. “Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no
50 rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.”
51 Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436, 491. “The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted
52 into a crime.”
53 Miller v. US, 230 F 486, 489. “There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this
54 exercise of constitutional rights.”
55 Sherer v. Cullen , 481 F 946. We could go on, quoting court decision after court decision, however, the
8-4-2020 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 4

1 Constitution itself answers our question 􀳦 Can a government legally put restrictions on the rights of the
2 American people at anytime, for any reason? The answer is found in Article Six of the U.S. Constitution:
3 Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 426, 491; 86 S. Ct. 1603 "Where rights secured by the Constitution are
4 involved, there can be no 'rule making' or legislation which would abrogate them."
5 Norton v. Shelby County , 118 U.S. 425 p. 442
6 "An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates
7 no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed."
8 Sherar v. Cullen , 481 F. 2d 946 (1973)
9 "There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of his exercise of constitutional rights."
10 Simmons v. United States , 390 U.S. 377 (1968)
11 "The claim and exercise of a Constitution right cannot be converted into a crime"... "a denial of them would
12 be a denial of due process of law".
13 Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S. Ct. 1401 (1958)
14 Note: Any judge who does not comply with his oath to the Constitution of the United States wars against that
15 Constitution and engages in acts in violation of the supreme law of the land. The judge is engaged in acts of
16 treason. The U.S. Supreme Court has stated that "no state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war
17 against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it". See also In Re Sawyer, 124 U.S.
18 200 (188); U.S. v. Will, 449 U.S. 200, 216, 101 S. Ct. 471, 66 L. Ed. 2d 392, 406 (1980); Cohens v.
19 Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat) 264, 404, 5 L. Ed 257 (1821).
20 Hoffsomer v. Hayes, 92 Okla 32, 227 F. 417 "The courts are not bound by an officer's interpretation of the
21 law under which he presumes to act."
22 Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137, 180 (1803)
23 "... the particular phraseology of the constitution of the United States confirms
24 and strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written constitutions, that a law repugnant to the
25 constitution is void, and that courts,as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument." "In declaring
26 what shall be the supreme law of the land, the Constitution itself is first mentioned; and not the laws of the
27 United States generally, but those only which shall be made in pursuance of the Constitution, have that rank".
28 "All law (rules and practices) which are repugnant to the Constitution are VOID". Since the 14th Amendment
29 to the Constitution states "NO State (Jurisdiction) shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the
30 rights, privileges, or immunities of citizens of the United States nor deprive any citizens of life, liberty, or
31 property, without due process of law, ... or equal protection under the law", this renders judicial immunity
32 unconstitutional.
33 Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 U.S. 232, 94 S. Ct. 1683, 1687 (1974)
34 Note: By law, a judge is a state officer. The judge then acts not as a judge, but as a private individual (in his
35 person). When a judge acts as a trespasser of the law, when a judge does not follow the law, the Judge
36 loses subject-matter jurisdiction and the judges' orders are not voidable, but VOID, and of no legal force or
37 effect. The U.S. Supreme Court stated that "when a state officer acts under a state law in a manner violative
38 of the Federal Constitution, he comes into conflict with the superior authority of that Constitution, and he is
39 in that case stripped of his official or representative character and is subjected in his person to the
40 consequences of his individual conduct. The State has no power to impart to him any immunity from
41 responsibility to the supreme authority of the United States."
42 Miller v. U.S., 230 F. 2d. 486, 490; 42
43 "There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one, because of his exercise of constitutional rights."
44 Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105
45 "No state shall convert a liberty into a license, and charge a fee therefore."
46 Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham, Alabama, 373 U.S. 262
47 "If the State converts a right (liberty) into a privilege, the citizen can ignore the license and fee and engage in
48 the right (liberty) with impunity."
49 Brinegar v. U.S.,388 US 160 (1949)
50 Probable Cause to Arrest - Provides details on how to determine if a crime has been or is being committed.
51 Carroll v. U.S., 267 US 132 (1925)
52 Probable Cause to Search - Provides details on the belief that seizable property exists in a particular place or
53 on a particular person.
54 Draper v. U.S. (1959)
55 Probable cause is where known facts and circumstances, of a reasonably trustworthy nature, are sufficient to
56 justify a man of reasonable caution in the belief that a crime has been or is being committed. Reasonable
57 man definition; common textbook definition; comes from this case.
59 I now will set out matters in my communication with INSPECTOR-RIKATI®

8-4-2020 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 5

1 Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –Re Are we ruled by Sentries or Terrorist

3 As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.
5 * Gerrit, What is your concept of terrorist?
7 **#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, when it comes to those in government, when they pursue to
8 implement something that is in violation of the legal principles embedded in our constitution.
10 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
11 Australasian Convention)
13 the protection of certain fundamental rights and liberties which every individual citizen is entitled to
14 claim that the federal government shall take under its protection and secure to him.
17 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
19 Mr. HIGGINS.-Suppose the sentry is asleep, or is in the swim with the other power?
21 Mr. GORDON.-There will be more than one sentry. In the case of a federal law, every member of a
22 state Parliament will be a sentry, and, every constituent of a state Parliament will be a sentry.
23 As regards a law passed by a state, every man in the Federal Parliament will be a sentry, and the whole
24 constituency behind the Federal Parliament will be a sentry.
27 While Section 51 of the constitution specifically refers to “peace, order and good government”
28 reality is that politicians couldn’t care less about that and the unelected judges of the High Court
29 of Australia in my view are part of this rot pretending that “peace, order and good
30 government” is not relevant.
32 What a person like prime minister Scott Morrison either fails to understand/comprehend or may
33 not care less about it that his own children and other descendants will be subjected to the rot he
34 presides over to be implemented.
35 Regardless if one were to accept that this speaker on the following video may present, in my
36 view any fair minded person should at the very least have a proper consideration of what is
37 stated.
40 I have had numerous video’s making similar claims where scientist and others state details they
41 base their conclusions upon.
43 https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-04-06-5g-alter-hemoglobin-coronavirus-patients-oxygen-deprivation.html
44 Can 5G exposure alter the structure and function of hemoglobin, causing coronavirus patients to die from oxygen deprivation?
46 Can 5G exposure alter the structure of hemoglobin by
47 increasing its affinity toward other molecules which are not
48 O2?
49 The real question in all this is best phrased as I have asked it above. I doubt that we are dealing with a
50 phenomenon where 5G radiation exposures blocks the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen, but rather
51 occupies the hemoglobin molecule with other elements that alter its structure and therefore its function,
52 inhibiting its ability to bind with oxygen.
53 This is very likely happening all across the world wherever 5G is currently functioning, it’s just that the
54 coronavirus is now exacerbating the symptoms and conditions to the point where mass death is occurring.
55 In other words, the coronavirus pandemic would likely not be nearly as bad if 5G exposure / radiation pollution
56 wasn’t already compromising the structure and function of hemoglobin cells in the bodies of people who live in
57 5G cities.

8-4-2020 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 6

1 This doesn’t mean the coronavirus isn’t real, of course; just that these two attacks on the human body have a
2 synergistic effect of toxicity and mortality.
4 Conclusion: Humanity is committing suicide with 5G
5 While I strongly disagree with those who are claiming there’s no such thing as a virus or that the coronavirus is
6 a hoax, I do agree that the widespread deployment of 5G antennas is a kind of suicide pact for the world.
7 Just as the Romans built their aqueducts out of lead linings and thereby poisoned their own citizens, driving
8 them insane with load poisoning, the modern world of Big Tech and telecommunications is mass poisoning
9 humanity with electropollution.
10 Right now, a lot of people are talking about the book, “The Invisible Rainbow” by John Kaminski, who believes
11 coronavirus is an “electrical disease” and that 5G alone is causing all the mass deaths, not the virus. He writes
12 things like, “The flu is not contagious” and “the quarantine is all a terrible hoax.”
13 Surely he is wrong on those claims, but he may not be wrong at all about the toxicity of electropollution and
14 how 5G is actually a kind of “suicide system” that’s destroying humanity.
15 This all deserves a tremendous amount of additional study, but because we live in a world where Big Tech
16 controls all the narratives and censors all those who question the safety of 5G, it now seems impossible for
17 humanity to extricate itself from this mass suicide mission that has already been unleashed.
18 And that doesn’t even cover the topic of vaccines. What if Bill Gates’ vaccines are being deliberately
19 engineered to contain toxic substances that 5G exposure will push into the cells, causing widespread death
20 from “binary” exposure and subsequent cell toxicity?
21 It sure would be a simple way for Bill Gates to achieve his global depopulation dreams, all while administering
22 a global IQ test that finds out which people are stupid enough to line up and be injected with a euthanasia
23 weapon system.
24 Watch my video here on how we can end this pandemic and end the lockdowns, too, by turning to nutrition
25 and masks:
26 Brighteon.com/bded5422-309d-48c7-859c-6de827faa8d7
30 Exercise - Wikipedia
32 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise
33 Anonymous View
34 Exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and
35 wellness. It is performed for various reasons, to aid growth and ...
37 10 Best Exercises for Everyone - Healthline
39 https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercises/10-best-exercises-everyday
40 Anonymous View
41 4 May 2018 ... Check out the 10 exercises you can do for ultimate fitness. Combine them into a
42 routine for a workout that's simple but powerful and sure to keep ...
44 The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise - HelpGuide.org
46 https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-living/the-mental-health-benefits-of-exercise.htm
47 Anonymous View
48 16 Feb 2020 ... Exercise and ADHD. Exercising regularly is one of the easiest and most effective
49 ways to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve ...
51 5 of the best exercises you can ever do - Harvard Health
53 https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/5-of-the-best-exercises-you-can-ever-do
54 Anonymous View

8-4-2020 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 7

1 Similar to other exercise, strength training may also help preserve brain function in later years.
2 Before starting a weight training program, be sure to learn the ...
4 Why Exercise Is Wise (for Teens) - Nemours KidsHealth
6 https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/exercise-wise.html
7 Anonymous View
8 Here are some of the reasons: Exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind.
9 Exercising causes the body to make chemicals that can help a person ...
11 Fitness and exercise | healthdirect
13 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/fitness-and-exercise
14 Fitness tips and exercise topics to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Cycling, walking, running, and yoga among
15 others.
17 Exercise Right
19 https://exerciseright.com.au/
20 Exercise Right is all about inspiring people to live happier and healthier lives. Read inspiring stories,
21 engaging content and evidence-based tips.
23 Exercise and physical activity | Australian Government Department ...
25 https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/exercise-and-physical-activity
26 Exercise and physical activity are important for good health and wellbeing. Find out what we're
27 doing to help Australians become more active.
29 The exercise effect - American Psychological
31 https://www.apa.org/monitor/2011/12/exercise
32 Anonymous View
33 Evidence is mounting for the benefits of exercise, yet psychologists don't often use exercise as
34 part of their treatment arsenal. Here's more research on why they ...
36 Coronavirus has closed the gyms, but are running, walking and ...
38 https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2020-03-24/with-coronavirus-what-are-your-safest-exercise-
39 options/12082308
40 Anonymous View
41 23 Mar 2020 ... "We know that exercising in the outdoors has added health benefits for ... Now is
42 also the time to start upping your exercise routine at home.
43 https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2020-03-24/with-coronavirus-what-are-your-safest-exercise-options/12082308
44 Coronavirus has closed the gyms, but are running, walking and cycling still safe exercise options?
46 Exercise outdoors, while you still can
47 If you're not self-isolating or unwell, the experts agree you
48 and your family can still go outside to exercise at this
49 stage.
50 But you must practise social distancing, keep up good hygiene
51 practices, and wash your hands when you get home.
52 This advice may change in the event of widespread community
53 transmission of this coronavirus, said Adam Kamradt-Scott, an
8-4-2020 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 8

1 expert in the spread and control of infectious diseases at

2 the University of Sydney.
3 So walking, cycling and running are still on the menu, as are
4 outdoor sports like golf and tennis although you'll likely
5 find your local golf course or tennis club will have
6 implemented extra hygiene measures to abide by.
9 Well video’s on the internet shows that people going to parks, etc, are directed to get away from
10 it. Meaning that even once choice of a form of exercise becomes unlawful.
12 For my “exercise” I went through numerous aisles of a hardware store and oh boy people seem
13 to be very frightened trying to pass in a hurry and wearing mask, etc. Those at cash registers
14 making clear to keep a distant, etc. People are happy to have with them the 5G mobile that as I
15 understand it assist for them to become ill more and more but to be near a human being now is
16 turning them in frightening animals.
17 Those very union people who are promoting workers rights in fact are in my view selling out the
18 workers to ensure they too are subjected to this almighty fire spewing dragon referred to being
19 COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) but which may be nothing more than the fury of terrorism
20 caused by 5G, etc.
22 Let us not ignore constitutional restrains and use the armed forces to terrorize citizens. We
23 need appropriate leadership and this I view is missing.
25 This document can be downloaded from:
26 https://www.scribd.com/document/453530495/20200327-PRESS-RELEASE-Mr-G-H-Schorel-Hlavka-O-W-B-ISSUE-Re-
27 Unconstitutional-Coronavirus-Army-Deployment-in-States-Etc
30 20200327-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –
31 Re Unconstitutional Coronavirus army deployment in States, etc
33 Remember that cigarette companies denied smoking was a health hazard. Likewise did other companies with
34 other products. Now if this 5G really is behind it all or somehow associated because it is a weaponized
35 system that is known to cause harm to people then if this is the real cause behind the Novel coronavirus then
36 it should have a moratorium applied to it. I have read and watched numerous videos about it and while I have
37 my concerns I am not so to say sold either way. Still I would prefer that governments would take the
38 approach that its first duty lies towards its citizens to protect them from harm and so no 5G roll out unless it
39 has been appropriately tested and cleared of causing any harm to the general public.
40 The same with the GM (Genetically Modified) food. We cannot allow people being subjected to changes of
41 DNA, etc, because of Genetically Modified food sources.
44 If I was in leadership then I would immediately have ordered a moratorium on 5G
45 implementation and likewise so on Genetically Modified food. That to me is what a
46 responsible person ought to do to make sure that the real cause of COVID-19 is not merely
47 assumed but is appropriately investigated.
49 What however politicians far too often are about is to TERRORISE citizens with creating fear
50 such as WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), whereas they do this to have an excuse to violate
51 constitutional limitations to legislate and have little resistance from ordinary people as they
52 rather sacrifice their freedoms being mass indoctrinated it is all for their own sake to accept
53 violations of their constitutional rights.

8-4-2020 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 9

1 We now have claims about a “National Cabinet” this even so no such thing can exist within our
2 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK). I understood from a news report that
3 Victorian Premier Daniel Andres made clear he would have sworn in persons to be Members of
4 that ‘National Cabinet”. As such, our federation will be no more but is high jacked to be a form
5 of government where electors have no say about this purported “National Cabinet” turning the
6 federation into a unification but with a so called cabinet that is not answerable to anyone. Those
7 premiers and first Ministers who think they are assisting in an issue should past their noses and
8 realize that the Federal Government really is seeking to absorb States rights. Once you accept
9 this concept of “National Cabinet” to pass ordinary constitutional confined legal issues then
10 where will it end? Will time and time again a Federal Government then proclaim a “WAR”
11 against an invisible enemy regardless if no such enemy exist? I cannot but repeat and repeat the
12 mantra about the WMD’s (Weapons of mass Destructions) issue. Yes we were told they would
13 find them. Well, more than 17 years later they never did and in my view they were well aware it
14 was an elaborate scam to subject citizens to new kind of legislations ordinary they never would
15 have accepted to be implemented contrary to their constitutional rights. To me the same is again
16 eventuating.
17 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
18 Australasian Convention)
20 Mr. WISE.-If the Federal Parliament chose to legislate upon, say, the education question-and the
21 Constitution gives it no power to legislate in regard to that question-the Ministers for the time being in each
22 state might say-"We are favorable to this law, because we shall get £100,000 a year, or so much a year, from
23 the Federal Government as a subsidy for our schools," and thus they might wink at a violation of the
24 Constitution, while no one could complain. If this is to be allowed, why should we have these elaborate
25 provisions for the amendment of the Constitution? Why should we not say that the Constitution may
26 be amended in any way that the Ministries of the several colonies may unanimously agree? Why have
27 this provision for a referendum? Why consult the people at all? Why not leave this matter to the
28 Ministers of the day? But the proposal has a more serious aspect, and for that reason only I will ask
29 permission to occupy a few minutes in discussing it.
32 Have you not wondered why so many doctors and nurses are falling ill? If they are using face
33 mask, washing their hands, using protective clothing, etc, then why are they still falling ill one
34 should ask!
35 Is it that they are becoming ill not because of their jobs but because like others are falling ill
36 because they got it not related or mostly not related to their jobs?
37 What if this Novel Coronavirus already existed all along but simply was not detected because it
38 somehow needed to be activated? As such, if as is claimed by others, to which I remain neutral,
39 that it was activated by using 5G then it may as I understand works with cancer. People have the
40 cancer within their bodies but only when it somehow becomes activated people can suffer
41 horrendously and many do die because of it. As such, the issue should be what triggers the
42 cancer to become active. Likewise, what triggers the Novel Coronavirus to become active while
43 it might be dormant in many people.
45 If those in the medical professions despite all kinds of precautions nevertheless can be somehow
46 infected then is this really work related or they are infected outside their workplace
47 environment?
48 Are they then rather a danger to others and spreading it around?
49 To claim that they fall ill because of patients attending to hospitals this then implies that the
50 elaborate system of hand washing, using facemask, gowns, etc isn’t working. And that I view
51 should be of grave concerns. And if there are child care facilities at such hospital then the young
52 indeed the very young may also become infected. If their parent(s) already is/are and the child
53 also then this will spread along other children in that care facility.
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Page 10

1 The very vulnerable persons, such as the old age persons who are so to say falling dead like flies
2 out of the sky may just discover that there is a promotion of having them to be immunized
3 against the flu, which in fact in my view weakens their resistance and so prepares them to expire
4 sooner than later. With the billions if not trillions of monies claimed to be used one find that so
5 far, at least to my knowledge, not a single food and sanitarian parcel is being provided to the
6 very elderly that are so vulnerable to have them sustain isolation., Instead they are so to say
7 driven to go at an ungodly hour of 7 am to try to get some supplies, regardless if there is none,
8 where product may just have been placed on shelves by staff who are infected with COVID-19.
9 As such instead of assisting the elderly to come through this isolation they, by backdoor manner,
10 are driven to their deaths.
12 https://nypost.com/2020/03/31/12-year-old-belgian-girl-becomes-europes-youngest-known-coronavirus-death/
13 12-year-old Belgian girl becomes Europe’s youngest known coronavirus death
15 The girl had had a fever for three days before her death, and tested positive for COVID-19, said another
16 spokesman, Steven Van Gucht, according to Agence France-Presse.
17 No other details were given about her case, including whether she had any other underlying health problems.
19 And
20 https://nypost.com/2020/03/31/12-year-old-belgian-girl-becomes-europes-youngest-known-coronavirus-death/
21 12-year-old Belgian girl becomes Europe’s youngest known coronavirus death
23 News of the 12-year-old girl’s death comes a day after a 14-year-old boy in Portugal, Vitor Godinho, died
24 after testing positive.
25 Last week, a 16-year-old Parisian girl only identified as Julie A. died despite having no underlying health
26 problems.
29 Coronavirus UK: Formerly healthy boy, 13, is youngest to die | Daily ...
30 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8173253/Boy-13-dies-testing-positive-coronavirus-London-hospital-
31 fundraiser-says.html
32 4 days ago ... Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, 13, from Brixton, London, died alone on ... 'He was only 13
33 years old without any pre-existing health conditions ...
35 Family of coronavirus victim, 13, can't attend his funeral | Daily Mail ...
36 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8183767/Family-boy-13-died-Covid-19-t-attend-funeral-symptoms.html
37 2 days ago ... Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, 13, died alone at King's College Hospital in London ... Tragic
38 burial of first child 13 year-old victim of coronavirus.
40 Coronavirus victim, 13, buried without family present after they ...
41 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/coronavirus-london-ismail-mohamed-abdulwahab-family-
42 funeral-symptoms-a9445156.html
43 1 day ago ... The funeral of 13-year-old Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, who died after ... been held with none
44 of his immediate family in attendance due to self-isolation. Ismail is believed to be the first child in the UK
45 to die from Covid-19.
47 https://nypost.com/2020/04/01/13-year-old-boy-dies-alone-in-coronavirus-isolation-in-uk-hospital/
48 13-year-old boy dies of coronavirus alone in UK hospital isolation
50 A “healthy” 13-year-old boy has become the UK’s youngest coronavirus victim — dying alone because of
51 strict isolation procedures, according to reports.
52 Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab died on Monday after being rushed to King’s College Hospital close to his
53 home in south London four days earlier after suffering breathing difficulties, the Sun says.
54 His family said they were “beyond devastated” at his death after he was put into an induced coma because of
55 the severity of his condition after testing positive for COVID-19, the report said. “To our knowledge he had
56 no underlying health conditions,” the family said in a statement, according to the UK paper.

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Page 11

1 Family friend Mark Stephenson — who by Wednesday morning had raised more than $73,600 in an online
2 fundraiser for the family — said the boy’s mother and six siblings were unable to be with him because of the
3 risks of the virus spreading.
4 “One of the saddest things in this whole situation is that he died alone,” Stephenson told ITV’s “Good
5 Morning Britain” of the youngster.
6 “When someone has this infection, they’re in isolation so how difficult it is for a mum to not be with her son
7 at this time when he’s sick.
8 “Usually a mother will be at his bedside, staying overnight in the hospital.”
11 Now would PM Scott Morrison if one of his daughters fell ill and ended up in a coma also would
12 accept to the child denied to have a parent at her bedside and then she could even die all alone?
13 And be buried alone? Let us be realistic and get some real leadership, not some knee jerking
14 reaction. I will below refer to numerous articles I have drawn information from with some
17 What about this utter nonsense in Victoria, to fine (now withdrawn) an about 17 old learner
18 driver under instructions with her mother for about $1,652 for learning to drive a motor vehicle.
19 Isn’t that legally required for her to learn? So what part of education doesn’t apply to learning to
20 drive? And, if she and her mother already reside together then how on earth could the child
21 possibly be fined where she remains in her mother’s care?
22 Anyhow, I do not accept that any government can unilaterally restrict citizen’s freedom of
23 movement as ultimately it is for a court of law to determine what is appropriate. This girl may
24 now have been scared to death as to try to learn driving. Just say the crasy politicians were to try
25 to restrict movement for 2 years. Would that means the child cannot have driving lessons for 2
26 years? Precisely undermining the safety message children are given to learn to drive well before
27 they turn 18.
29 Unlike ever before during my lifetime, I am this time very much exploring what is going on. I
30 never before did so with SARS, etc. And, well it may very well be that the Novel Coronavirus
31 may be caused or have the flu injections contributing to it being activated. If this were to be so
32 then what on earth is all this so called safety measures about if in fact the governments are hell
33 bend on having people immunized that might be the very cause of the Novel Coronavirus
34 outbreak. The common denominator might then be that the flu immunization weakens the
35 immune system and this allow the corona virus to be triggered, as might be with cancers.
37 One also has to consider if the “herd” policy such as allowed in The Netherlands and Sweden
38 might be actually better as while the initial deaths might be higher in the long term people might
39 gain their own build up of immune system against the Novel Coronavirus.
41 One has to ask also what on earth if the Federal Government or indeed the State Government
42 doing to assist the elderly. So much all this talk about the elderly and vulnerable but when my
43 wife asked me if we did get the $750 each as the Federal government had promised to be paid
44 last payment it never was there. Oh, I got it, the Prime Minister delayed it for another 4 weeks or
45 so as after all senior citizens have ample of monies to spend on trips to try to get groceries, etc.
46 Well, my wife is in the high category with heart failure, etc, and at 87 it seems to me that perhaps
47 he is waiting for her to die in the next few weeks to avoid having to pay out the $750?
49 To many elderly having to get to a store at 7am to try to get groceries, and also considering many
50 lack their own transport by that age, means it is ridiculous to not have a government organizing
51 some time during the middle of the day.

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Page 12

1 If the government can pay employers $1,500 a fortnight just to keep an employee then surely it
2 could have afforded emergency food parcels for the elderly, the disabled and carers. But, I am
3 not aware anything was done about this.
4 .
5 I understand that in NZ they are distributing free of charge facemask. I am not aware the same is
6 in Australia.
8 If the Novel Coronavirus may justify the about totally closing of the economy by ordering the
9 closure of shops, etc, then what about the flu? Or is this just an issue about exercising absurd
10 powers and use the Novel Coronavirus as no more but some excuse.
12 Ordinary I view citizens should be planning ahead to ensure they have necessarily food and other
13 items at home just in case for some reason they cannot go out to get something. However, for a
14 Government to order the lockdown and prevent ordinary shopping then I view this might be
15 where some class action may succeed to have wrongly robbed citizens of their ordinary rights.
16 What we seem to have is that in the end the operation succeeded but the patient died in the
17 process.
19 Let me make it very clear that the loss of any life is regrettable but we are all born to die. And, if
20 there is reportedly about 60 million people dying every year then one has to ask what is the
21 difference concerning those having the Novel Coronavirus?
22 Yes, people may die because they were affected by the Novel Coronavirus but many if not most
23 may die because their bodies would have given up anyhow. For sure, we need to try to preserve
24 any persons right to live but we also should do so in a humane manner.
25 For example to prevent air-travel because at times an plane does come down and travelers get
26 killed is hardly the answer.
27 Yes, people die in car crashes but surely one isn’t going to ban driving motor vehicles?
28 .
29 People at times get sunburned but surely one is not going to ban the sun from shining?
31 Below I quoted a part about Bunnings. And, it is not just electricians and plumbers but also
32 handyman like myself who shop there to repair and renovate at home. And, for me it is
33 “exercise” to walk about. How absurd to even consider closing down such a store!
34 While Scott Morrison claims to seek to protect the elderly, etc, reality is I have seen next to
35 nothing eventuating in reality.
36 https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/coronavirus/bunnings-and-kmart-could-be-next-in-line-to-close-as-coronavirus-
37 hits-economy/ar-BB11U4Gm?ocid=spartandhp
38 Bunnings and Kmart could be next in line to close as coronavirus hits economy
40 Today Hardware chain Bunnings follows supermarkets' lead by restricting purchases
41 The construction industry employs more than one million Australians and accounts for 10 per cent of the
42 entire workforce.
43 "If you're a plumber and you're doing an urgent hot water repair you need to be able to get in and get that
44 product and get out to a customer's home to get that system running," said Mr Schneider.
45 "It's the same for electricians, it's the same for thousands of small businesses."
48 What in my view what Scott Morrison did with the premiers is to blatantly undermine our
49 constitutional rights embedded in the constitution upon unilateral decisions which might prove to
50 have been grossly incompetent. After all, as long as Scott Morrison doesn’t know nor understand
51 what really is the trigger causing the Novel Coronavirus to be activated then how on earth can he
52 blindlessly seek to address the issue?
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 13

1 I am not a medical or technical expert to determine if 5G network is indeed part of the cause to
2 trigger the Novel Coronavirus to be activated but for sure it is too coincidental that Wuhan
3 started the 5G and well soon after the Novel Coronavirus commenced to be activated. And one
4 should therefore consider if those who had a flu immunization are more likely to end up with the
5 Novel Coronavirus then those who have not.
6 .
7 While it might be an extraordinary demand to perform autopsies on each person claimed to have
8 died as result of the Novel Corona virus reality is that we may never know without a proper
9 autopsy.
11 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/remember-the-young-woman-who-died-while-waiting-for-a-
12 coronavirus-test-in-new-orleans-yeah-that-was-a-media-lie-too/
13 Remember the Young Woman Who Died While Waiting for a Coronavirus Test in New Orleans? ...Yeah,
14 Well Now the Truth Is Out
16 Coronavirus: Natasha Ott’s family, friends mourn her shock death https://t.co/1aWjMW1jHP
17 pic.twitter.com/h7EET6KqGV — Billy (@Billywhoissilly) March 26, 2020
18 I Hope Trump, Pence & Co Are Abreast:
19 They Told Her She May Not Need The Test
20 According to Los Angeles Times and multiple media reports, a 39-year old Natasha Ott, of New Orleans,
21 health worker died having waited for others b4 testing, and while her test result was on the way.
22 pic.twitter.com/08hiufyN4y — Ben Ikari (@wulooben) March 24, 2020
23 New Orleans woman, 39, dies while awaiting coronavirus test results-Natasha Ott, of New Orleans, was
24 found dead on her kitchen floor Friday by her longtime partner, Josh Anderson, while she was still awaiting
25 her Covid-19 test results. #TheMoreYouKnow https://t.co/9wlUB8qZlV
27 But it was not true.
28 A second coronvirus test came back negative on Natasha Ott.
29 The media reported incorrectly that she died of COVID-19 while waiting for her test results.
30 Furthermore, it was not revealed that she was in fact suffering for the last TWO years from an undiagnosed
31 intestinal condition but her boyfriend lied and said she was perfectly healthy.
32 She was a “Peace Corps Alumni.”
33 The Sun Herald reported:
34 The exact reason the woman, Natasha Ott, died remains under investigation by the Coroner’s Office,
35 spokesman Jason Melancon said. Such investigations can take several weeks to complete.
36 Ott’s death drew public notice when her boyfriend, Josh Anderson, wrote in a widely shared social media
37 post that he had found her dead March 20 in her kitchen. Anderson recounted that an ailing Ott, after testing
38 negative for the flu, had been tested for COVID-19 — the potentially deadly respiratory disease caused by
39 the virus — but died before getting the results back.
40 So will any of the liberal news outlets correct their lies?
41 It’s doubtful.
44 What we now may have is that people likely may die not because of the Novel Coronavirus but
45 because the madhouse the world has become about the novel coronavirus as was with the mantra
46 of WMD’s. It is no longer relevant what is really the facts of it all. Just go along with the mantra
47 of politicians.
48 Didn’t former Vice President Al Gore claim that by 2000 all the rivers in Australia would be
49 dried out? That too was an absurd claim as to Global Warming now changed to Climate change.
51 What we need is competent leadership.
52 .
53 https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/mom-of-young-twins-dies-of-coronavirus-despite-careful-habits/
54 Mom of 6-year-old twins dies of coronavirus despite careful habits
56 A British mother of twin 6-year-old boys has died of the coronavirus although she had no underlying health
57 problems and had taken “every precaution under the sun,” according to a report.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 14

3 https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/mom-of-young-twins-dies-of-coronavirus-despite-careful-habits/
4 Mom of 6-year-old twins dies of coronavirus despite careful habits
6 Saunby — whom Jarvis described as a “germaphobe and obsessive hand-washer” — first began exhibiting
7 symptoms on March 26, but thought her sore throat was due to tonsillitis.
8 The following day, her condition worsened and by Sunday, she developed difficulty breathing.
9 After collapsing at home, Saunby was put on a ventilator and rushed to a hospital, where she died.
10 “Caroline took every precaution under the sun,” Jarvis told the Northern Echo. “She was practi cing social
11 distancing, she was washing her hands, took hers and everyone’s safety seriously, was healthy — yet she was
12 taken from us in only four days. This virus does not discriminate.”
15 But without knowing all the FACTS it might be she died of something unrelated to the Novel
16 Coronavirus. Her cleaning habit obviously didn’t prevent her to fall ill.
18 All the time those medical experts are going on about the “curve” and politicians about the
19 hospital system to being overwhelmed. Well leadership would have ensured that this was all part
20 and package of planning beforehand.
22 It is like with the bushfire issue. States fail to be sufficient prepared for it and then blame the
23 Federal Government for it. This now with the lack of mask, hospital facilities, etc, and the
24 Federal Government gets the blame yet again.
25 No amount of monies will ever resolve those problems if you got grossly incompetent
26 leadership.
27 .
28 With SARS and other deadly viruses it should have been a learning lesson that hospitals should
29 be prepared incase there is a sudden influx doe to some virus.
30 Remember the bush fires and the mantra by Premier Daniel Andres that was just the starts? Well
31 I am not aware that since then another bushfire of that scale or near to it eventuated.
34 Considering that the elderly through their working lives paid about 7% in retirement pension
35 taxation now receive little because the politicians have already mismanaged if not robbed the
36 monies then what better way to use 5G and COVID-19 to exterminate as many elderly as
37 possible? So, let them have their special hour to collect items, that may be covered by COVID-
38 19, as to ensure they will die as quickly as possible. It is not uncommon that people in fear have
39 a lesser resistance when it comes to their immune system then those who are not living in as
40 perpetual state of fear. How on earth can one rely upon lying politicians?
42 The release of the Ruby Princess (infected) passengers if anything should have resulted to the
43 sacking/charging of various people, after all, it was a major cause of spreading COVID-19 but
44 there appears to have been none. Then Border Force reportedly demanding release of containers
45 without the proper 14 days quarantine also may underline that those on Government are
46 pretending an almighty safety issue while themselves contravening it.
47 So, a learner driver being educated to drive a motor vehicle gets a reported $1,600.00 fine but
48 those in charge releasing untold persons infected with the Novel Coronavirus somehow Peter
49 Dutton Minister claims it was a mere error (or to this nature). That is like claiming that to have
50 hit and run from a motor vehicle accident where a person was killed is not that bad then having
51 your elbow sticking out through the window when driving. Pull the other leg will you.
53 * What is your view about the Woolworths Basics Box home delivery system?
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 15

1 **#** I went on the Woolworths website as to try to work out what the prices of items are about
2 that they listed, but I for one unlikely would want to ever order from them. When typing in
3 “toilet paper” I had 137 responses that included toilet cleaners, this even so I used inverted
4 comma’s. Then I typed in “tuna” I had zero. However later when trying again I had about 3
5 pages. When I typed in “Long Life Milk” I got a lot but in my view the Woolworths homebrand
6 of Safeway was not listed. As such, you are forced to order more expensive items. It was so
7 convoluted that after about 1 hour I gave up. How indeed can they advertise numerous “Toilet
8 paper” items when in store they might have just 1 brand for sale. Also they seem to hold the right
9 to provide another item if they have no stock and to me that means they could provide cheaper
10 brands instead. In my view ACCC should investigate if this is merely some kind of elaborate
11 swindle/scam or not.
12 I noticed that the Coles website indicated “toilet paper” items of toilet paper of which 2 were
13 indicated not to be available. However, in the store I noticed about nothing available. As such, it
14 appears to me that the supermarkets are holding back stock for customers coming into the store
15 so that those ordering by phone or internet can be provided with items.
16 It appears to me that the supermarkets therefore are deliberately concealing items by withholding
17 them from the shelves as to get customers to order by phone or internet. But I may state that I
18 found Coles website to be more customer friendly and it took me about 25% of the time that I
19 needed for the same on Woolworths website.
21 * What about Judge Napolitano statement?
23 **#** He writes books about constitutional matters and as out constitution has the legal
24 principles embedded governing the US constitution and the 14 Amendments then existing you
25 can apply the same to Australia.
26 https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/03/andrew-p-napolitano/can-the-government-restrict-travel-
27 to-protect-public-health/
28 Can the Government Restrict Travel to Protect Public Health?
29 By Andrew P. Napolitano
30 Judge Andrew Napolitano: Coronavirus fear lets government assault our freedom in violation of
31 Constitution
32 https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/goverment-restrict-public-health-judge-andrew-napolitano

33 By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano | Creators Syndicate

35 The issue of whether government in America can quarantine persons against their will, ostensibly for their
36 own health and that of others with whom they may come in contact, requires a dual analysis – one of the
37 powers of the federal government and the other of the powers of the states.

38 For constitutional analysis purposes, since local and regional governments derive their powers from the states
39 in which they are located, the analysis of state powers pertains to them as well.

40 We begin our analysis with the observation of the truism that freedom is the default position. The language of
41 the Declaration of Independence, as well as various amendments in the Bill of Rights, unambiguously
42 reflects the views that those who wrote, ratified and amended the Constitution recognized that our rights – to
43 think, speak, publish, worship, defend ourselves, travel, own property, be left alone – are natural to our
44 humanity.

45 These rights preexisted the government. Their source is our humanity. Government does not grant these
46 rights. Rather, its primary purpose – as stated in the Declaration of Independence, its sole purpose – is to
47 protect these rights.

48 Though the courts have interpreted the Constitution to possess lamentable exceptions, the framers and
49 ratifiers arguably accepted the non-aggression principle – articulated in the modern era by the late Professor
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 16

1 Murray Rothbard – that declares that all aggression against persons and property, even by the government, is
2 immoral.

3 In the case of the federal government, it is one of limited, delegated powers. Of course, 230 years of
4 legislation and litigation have blown its powers outside the confines of the Constitution and, invariably, in
5 the direction of expanding federal power at the expense of personal liberty and the states.

6 The states formed the federal government and not the other way around. Yet today, the feds stay in power by
7 bribing the states with cash grants, the rich with bailouts, the middle class with tax breaks and the poor with
8 transfer payments. Notwithstanding all this, the courts continue to recognize the concept of personal liberty
9 in a free society.

10 All this is the background of an issue lurking beneath the headlines this week. Can the government
11 quarantine people without proof of contagion and imminent assault? The short answer is no.

12 We know that, under the Fifth Amendment, if any government – state or federal – wants to impair the life,
13 liberty or property of any person, it must follow due process.

14 Due process has two components – substantive and procedural. The substantive component asks if the
15 impairment of liberty is proper to the government that seeks the impairment, and the procedural component
16 asks if the impairment has come about fairly.

17 Now back to what the feds can do and what the states can do in a public health crisis. There are no
18 emergency provisions or triggers in the Constitution; yet, Congress gave itself the power to regulate public
19 health and safety under various pretexts.

20 The pretexts exist because the nanny-state urge of members of Congress to regulate is confronted by the
21 reservation in the 10th Amendment of health and safety to the states. Those pretexts are regulating commerce
22 and all that affects commerce, and paying the states to do Congress' will.

23 Stated differently, the Supreme Court has ruled that both the federal government and the states can confine a
24 person who has not committed a crime, or one who has but has served one’s full sentence, in order to protect
25 society from the person's intentional or uncontrollable harmful tendencies.

26 It is contrary to the plain meaning of the Constitution for Congress to give itself powers that were not
27 delegated to it by the Constitution, but the courts have permitted this. Yet, even in the case of a lunatic who
28 has committed a crime and served his full sentence but remains dangerous, the courts have recognized
29 constitutional safeguards to protect his natural rights.

30 Now back to our question of whether the government – state or federal – can confine persons against their
31 will in order to protect public health. The short answer is yes, but the Constitution requires procedural due
32 process. That means a trial for every person confined.

33 Thus, a government-ordered quarantine of all persons in a city block or a postal ZIP code or a telephone area
34 code would be an egregious violation of due process, both substantive and procedural. Substantively, no
35 government in America has the lawful power to curtail natural rights by decree.

36 Procedurally, notwithstanding the fear of disease contagion, the states and feds may only quarantine those
37 who are actively contagious and will infect others imminently. And it must present evidence of both at a trial
38 at which it bears the burden of proof.

39 While the non-aggression principle permits offensive aggression in self-defense when an attack is imminent
40 and certain, that is a high standard for the government to meet, as it should be. Freedom – even the freedom
41 of a madman or a dangerously sick and contagious person – is the default position. Infringing upon it without
42 procedural due process is always constitutionally impermissible.

43 The Constitution was not written for the government to right every wrong. We know that government itself
44 causes most wrongs – the theft of property by taxation, the impairment of economic liberty by regulation, the
45 slaughter of innocents by war, the infringement of expressive liberties by majority vote. Yet, the Constitution
46 still mandates an exacting due process for all whom the government would restrain.

47 That means a trial before any quarantine, no matter the public danger, and a fair trial, not one animated by
48 mass hysteria or government-generated fear.

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3 * It means to me that a unilateral decision by the government is not enforceable.
5 **#** That is precisely my view also.
7 And Trump Takes Advice From This Quack?
8 By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
9 April 3, 2020
10 Dr. Fauci Says He Will Lift Social Distancing Restrictions After ‘No New Cases, No New Deaths’ (VIDEO)
11 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/trump-takes-advice-quack-dr-fauci-says-will-lift-social-distancing-
12 restrictions-no-new-cases-no-new-deaths-video/
14 * No new cases and no new deaths would be extremely difficult to achieve because people are
15 dying all the time.
17 **#** And, that is the problem. If they find a person who died had the Novel Coronavirus then
18 they will likely classify it as a death due to Novel Coronavirus, this even so it may not at all have
19 been the cause of death.
21 EXCLUSIVE: Data Shows US Efforts to Combat China Coronavirus Crushed the US Economy -- But Brazil
22 and Sweden Have Similar Fatality Numbers With Open Economies
23 Dr. Fauci Pushes for Nation-wide Stay at Home Order -- To Hell with the Economy!
24 BREAKING: New York Data Confirms Once Again - 99% of Coronavirus Fatalities Have Pre-Existing
25 Conditions - 94% of Fatalities Over Age 45! ...Open The Economy!
26 BROKEN MODELS: The CDC Doctors Screwed Up Bigly! USNS Comfort in NY Harbor Sits Idle with 3
27 Patients -- USNS Mercy in LA has Only 15 Patients
28 See more...
30 *. With Olga last October being in hospital (ICU) with Heart Failure and fluid in the lungs had
31 the Novel Coronavirus then been known they might have classified her as a person suffering of
32 it?
34 **#** That is the problem. It is all a guessing game rather than establishing the FACTS.
36 IMHE Coronavirus Model the White House is Relying on is GARBAGE - It Predicted 121,000 Americans
37 Hospitalized by Yesterday; Actual Number?... 31,142
39 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/alabama-and-massachusetts-are-giving-the-
40 addresses-of-people-diagnosed-with-coronavirus-to-police/
41 Alabama and Massachusetts are Giving the Addresses of People Diagnosed with Coronavirus to
42 Police
44 ‘It’s based on an early and mistaken idea that the disease was only spread by people who were obviously
45 symptomatic,’ Dr. Deborah Peel, founder of the advocacy group Patient Privacy Rights, said, reported the
46 Daily Mail.
47 ‘We now know that that’s wrong, so it makes no sense. Everybody should act in a careful, social distancing
48 way to interact with anybody’s door they have to knock on.’
51 The problem with releasing identities is that then those who are to self-isolate even if not
52 infected can end up like lepers. A stigma that can cause a lot of problems. Here we have the
53 police enforcing something that is not at all as such ordered by the court, being house arrest.
55 *. What about that Global Tax issue?

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1 **#** This is another example how the Novel Coronavirus is being misused and abused to serve
2 certain peoples agenda. Within our constitutional provisions there is no such thing to tax citizens
3 for the sake of other countries. Every time the Federal government gives monies away to some
4 other country is does so illegally as the constitution doesn’t provide for it to be done.
5 The Daily Mail reported:
6 TRENDING: UN Wants a 10% Global Tax to Pay for New “Shared Responsibility” Program to Address
7 oronavirus Pandemic
8 *.What about those “models”?
10 **#** Let consider what President Trump stated, that scientist have their models, and his wife
11 was a model. At least she was a real model!
12 We have too often heard about the modeling of the Global Warming. Well it was in my view
13 fraudulently done, so Scientist could get a lot of monies from taxpayers monies.
15 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/outrageous-dr-birx-serves-complete-rubbish-to-american-public-
16 insists-without-one-iota-of-proof-that-the-us-economic-suicide-cut-coronavirus-deaths-by-over-a-million-deaths-
17 video/
18 OUTRAGEOUS! Dr. Birx Pushes COMPLETE RUBBISH on American Public -- Insists without One Iota of Proof
19 that the US Economic Suicide Cut Coronavirus Deaths by Over a Million Deaths! (VIDEO )
21 As The Gateway Pundit reported numerous times — The global community shut down their economies after
22 the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that the coronavirus had a 3.4% mortality rate.
23 WHO leader, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, really stoked fear across the planet when he claimed the
24 COVID-19 had a 3.4% mortality rate and then compared that to the annual estimated flu mortality rate of
25 0.1%.
26 We don’t know how horrible the economic damage will be thanks to the ‘models’ pushed by ‘experts’ but we
27 know it will be huge.
28 On Sunday Dr. Deborah Birx spoke at the daily White House coronavirus press conference.
31 *. What really is the time for a person to isolate if they were infected?
33 **#** That too is an issue. They claim 14 days but reality is it can be a lot longer. And some
34 who were allegedly recovered from the Novel coronavirus now have been found to be infected
35 again.
37 https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/chinese-researchers-find-coronavirus-patient-contagious-for-49-days/
39 Chinese researchers say they have discovered a new “chronic” mutation of the coronavirus in a patient who
40 was contagious for a record-breaking 49 days.

41 The patient, a middle-aged man, had non-severe symptoms but had a prolonged ability to infect others, said
42 the Chinese military researchers in Wuhan, according to the South China Morning Post.

43 He had an intermittent low fever and no cough, chills, shortness of breath or other typical symptoms of
44 COVID-19.

45 CAT imaging showed lesions in both of his lungs, but they disappeared a few days after he was admitted to
46 the hospital, and his body temperature also returned to normal.

47 But he kept testing positive for the illness, showing a high viral load similar to patients experiencing severe
48 cases.
51 *. What about the alleged transmission manners?
53 **#** Well the following may explain some of it.

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2 https://nypost.com/2020/04/03/scientists-say-covid-19-can-come-from-aerosolized-feces/
4 The disease caused by the coronavirus, which scientists had already warned can be spread from fecal-oral
5 transmission, can also be transmitted via “aerosolized feces,” according to Forbes, citing a study published by
6 the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology.

7 Aerosolized feces can be propelled into the air through what’s called a toilet plume — the spread of aerosols,
8 sometimes containing infectious fecal matter, caused by a flush.

9 “Close the lid and then flush,” a mechanical engineering professor from Purdue University, Dr. Qingyan
10 Chen, told Forbes. He said it was a simple solution to help control the spread of the disease through toilet
11 plumes.
14 *. Do you have concerns about doctors in China suddenly going missing from the public eye?
16 **#** Obviously I have, this as removing doctors who seek to expose the truth means there is a
17 lot more to it all. There were reports that indicated to me that people were dying at home and left
18 to rot away and not counted as part of the number of deaths regarding the Novel Coronavirus
19 even so they were self-isolated or required to do so because of being infected with the Novel
20 coronavirus.
22 https://nypost.com/2020/04/01/whistleblowing-coronavirus-doctor-mysteriously-vanishes/
23 Whistleblowing coronavirus doctor at Wuhan hospital mysteriously vanishes
25 Ai Fen had pointed out cases of the illness to colleagues at Wuhan Central Hospital, eight of whom were
26 reprimanded themselves, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported.

27 The whereabouts of Ai, who is head of the emergency department, are now unknown, 60 Minutes Australia
28 reported Monday.

29 “Just two weeks ago the head of Emergency at Wuhan Central hospital went public, saying authorities had
30 stopped her and her colleagues from warning the world,” the outlet tweeted. “She has now disappeared, her
31 whereabouts unknown.”
35 *. Do you view homemade mask assist?
37 **#** It all depends upon what you want to use it for, as well as the circumstances prevailing.
39 https://www.msn.com/en-au/lifestyle/smart-living/do-homemade-face-masks-help-stop-the-
40 spread-of-the-coronavirus/ar-BB122caN?ocid=spartandhp
41 Do Homemade Face Masks Help Stop The Spread Of The Coronavirus?
43 We still don’t have a study that looks at whether making a habit of mask wearing is likely to protect people in
44 the general population as we go about our day. Based on these studies it’s possible, but not definitively
45 known, that a properly worn mask is better than nothing.
48 https://www.msn.com/en-au/lifestyle/smart-living/do-homemade-face-masks-help-stop-the-spread-of-the-
49 coronavirus/ar-BB122caN?ocid=spartandhp
50 Do Homemade Face Masks Help Stop The Spread Of The Coronavirus?
52 Image: Shutterstock You’ve probably seen the calls for DIY fabric face masks for hospitals and care facilities
53 in recent weeks, and if you have a sewing machine perhaps you’ve made some yourself. Now there are

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1 suggestions that maybe all of us should be wearing masks. If we do, homemade fabric masks could be a
2 responsible choice that preserves medical-grade masks for medical professionals.
3 But do they work? And is the habit of wearing them likely to do more harm than good? The answer is: it’s
4 complicated. But if you decide you’d like to make masks for yourself or others, here’s what you need to know.
5 Fabric masks don’t work as well as surgical masks
6 There are two studies that I’ve seen repeatedly cited to show that fabric masks may be effective for the
7 general population, and one in health care workers that seems to show the opposite. Let’s take a look at
8 them.
9 Before we start talking about how effective fabric masks are, it’s important to consider how they’re being
10 used, so we can say: effective for what? There are three main use cases people are discussing, so let’s
11 disentangle these threads so we can look at each:
12  healthcare workers, as a replacement for medical masks or in addition
13  sick people, to avoid transmitting germs to others
14  healthy people in everyday life, to reduce their risk of contracting infection
15 People who believe they are healthy may turn out to unknowingly be sick, so when we talk about mask-
16 wearing by the general public, this is often a mix of protecting the wearer from others and protecting others
17 from the wearer.
18 None of these three studies accurately capture all of the effects of telling a population to wear (or not wear)
19 masks. They each only look at a specific scenario and study it in one narrow way.
22 *. You refer to 5G have you got any video’s or the location of it?
24 **#** The following video of 22 March 2018, as such long before COVID-19 surely indicates a
25 concern as to the usage of towers and also that any person able to hack into the system could
26 essentially cause mash death using the 5G system. As I understand it cruise ships are using 5G
27 and so little wonder about so many falling ill and even dying when they are/were on a cruiseship.
29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y1NRNF3Sm0
30 They Do NOT Want You Seeing This! - 5G Death Towers Exposed
32 *. What about “herd” immunity?
34 **#** Well consider the following:
35 The Netherlands is OK with citizens being exposed to the ...
36 https://www.jta.org/2020/03/24/lifestyle/the-netherlands-is-ok-with-citizens-being-exposed-to-the-coronavirus-
37 thats-terrifying-to-me-and-nearby-jewish-communities
38 24 Mar 2020 ... That makes Sweden and Holland the exceptions in Western Europe. Belgium, France, Italy, Spain,
39 Denmark, Austria and Switzerland have all ...
41 FULL BRIEFING_ President Trump gives update on testing, numbers and care
42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj4EGvmOkJY
43 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmpbWUt338I
44 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlieOu7HAks
46 https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/world/there-will-be-a-lot-of-death-donald-trump-predicts-toughest-weeks-ahead-
47 as-us-coronavirus-toll-mounts/ar-BB12aPJt?ocid=spartandhp
48 'There will be a lot of death': Donald Trump predicts 'toughest' weeks ahead as US coronavirus toll mounts
50 https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/coronavirus/long-lonely-winter-australians-could-be-in-cooped-up-in-isolation-
51 until-long-after-christmas-with-strict-social-distancing-measures-for-up-to-two-years/ar-
52 BB12aV5G?ocid=spartandhp
53 Long lonely winter: Australians could be in cooped up in isolation until long after CHRISTMAS - with strict social
54 distancing measures for up to two years
56 https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/world/coronavirus-thai-king-self-isolates-in-alpine-hotel-with-harem-of-20-
57 women-amid-pandemic/ar-BB11RXgL?ocid=spartandhp

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1 Coronavirus: Thai king self-isolates in Alpine hotel with harem of 20 women amid pandemic
3 Guesthouses and hotels in the region were ordered to close due to the coronavirus crisis, but a spokesperson
4 for the local district council said the Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl was an exception because “the guests are a
5 single, homogenous group of people with no fluctuation”.
6 However, 119 members of the entourage had been reportedly sent back to Thailand on suspicions they
7 contracted the highly contagious respiratory disease.
10 https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-death-rate/
11 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mortality Rate
13 https://www.jta.org/2020/03/24/lifestyle/the-netherlands-is-ok-with-citizens-being-exposed-to-the-coronavirus-
14 thats-terrifying-to-me-and-nearby-jewish-communities
15 The Netherlands is OK with citizens being exposed to the coronavirus. That’s both reassuring and terrifying to
16 me.
18 Prime Minister Mark Rutte has essentially argued that social distancing will only prolong the disastrous
19 effects of the virus. He believes — supposedly based on the knowledge of medical professionals — that the
20 Dutch population should be somewhat exposed to the virus so that immunity can be formed and society
21 can return to a sense of normalcy as quickly as possible.
22 The Dutch government did shut down schools, cafes, movie theaters, houses of worship and many offices,
23 but we are still free here to move around, shop, pick up takeout and receive packages in the mail. Our
24 extensive public transportation network hasn’t skipped a beat.
28 https://www.brighteon.com/16381b86-f559-4571-97ce-8603468833c9
29 Dr. Paul Cottrell: This is only the FIRST WAVE of the coronavirus... prepare for more
31 https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/coronavirus-epicenter-could-possibly-shift-back-to-east-asia/
32 Coronavirus epicenter could shift back to East Asia, expert warns
34 “This is really the fear for what will be seeding the second wave, that countries that are still suffering the
35 brunt of the coronavirus infection will be exporting people with the virus,” Teo said.
36 The epicenter may repeatedly shift until people develop herd immunity — when sufficient people in a
37 population have become so immune to the bug that it halts the spread of the disease, he said.
38 That can happen either through a vaccine, or naturally as people are exposed to the virus, the expert added.
41 https://nypost.com/2020/04/01/county-in-china-locks-down-amid-concerns-of-second-coronavirus-wave/
42 County in china locks down amid concerns of second coronavirus wave
44 A notice on the county microblog account said special permits are needed to leave home and residents
45 must have their temperature taken and are required to wear face masks, the South China Morning Post
46 reported.
49 https://nypost.com/2020/04/01/county-in-china-locks-down-amid-concerns-of-second-coronavirus-wave/
50 County in china locks down amid concerns of second coronavirus wave
52 She said residents were urged by authorities to stock up on daily necessities and that each family could
53 assign one person to visit the grocery store once every two days.
56 https://nypost.com/2020/04/01/county-in-china-locks-down-amid-concerns-of-second-coronavirus-wave/
57 County in china locks down amid concerns of second coronavirus wave
59 In a classified report to the White House, three US intelligence officials said this week that China’s public
60 records of coronavirus cases were incomplete and deceptive.
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1 A United Nations report released Wednesday praised China for sharing the genetic sequence of COVID-19
2 but failed to highlight that it didn’t report the first confirmed case until it was forced to and that officials
3 knew about the virus two months before.
6 As I understand it WHO (World Health Organization) is covering up the false details China has
7 been providing.
9 It is clear that a lockdown for two years or more could never be maintained. On the one hand
10 some countries are now releasing criminals because of the Novel Coronavirus too complicated
11 for having prisoners and on the other hand now the Government is essentially imprisoning
12 innocent people.
13 How crazy is that?
15 A good thing that comes from it all is the measurers taken to stop people to eat exotic animals as
16 well as cats and dogs.
18 https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/shenzhen-is-first-in-china-to-ban-consumption-of-cats-dogs/
19 Shenzhen becomes first Chinese city to ban consumption of cats, dogs
21 Also, the advice by the Malaysia Government is not to be ignored. After all women too often are
22 so to say nagging their husbands to death about things the husband often has no control about.
24 https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/malaysia-tells-women-not-to-nag-men-during-coronavirus-lockdown/
25 Malaysia government tells women not to nag husbands amid coronavirus lockdown
27 Malaysia’s government has sparked outrage by telling women to avoid nagging their hubbies during the
28 coronavirus lockdown.
29 A series of online posters with the hashtag #WomenPreventCOVID19 told residents how to behave while
30 stuck at home — urging women to dress up nicely and wear makeup.
31 Wives were also told to avoid nagging their husbands — and to instead lighten the mood by mimicking the
32 high-pitched voice of Doraemon, a blue anime robot cat popular across Asia.
33 Another poster depicts a man sitting on a sofa, telling women to refrain from being “sarcastic” if they need
34 help with household chores.
37 President Trump is basically inviting Joe Biden to participate about the Novel Coronavirus but
38 Joe Biden to my understanding rather has been using it as a political football. Indeed, in January
39 claiming PRESIDENT Trump was racial because of closing the borders against Chinese
40 travelers. He never apologized for this, even so it is now clear that president Trump acted
41 correctly at the time.
43 https://nypost.com/2020/04/03/biden-and-trump-working-on-details-for-coronavirus-call/
44 Joe Biden’s team working out details for a coronavirus call with
46 And considering Ecuador reported conditions one may have grave concerns to how many
47 countries failed to be prepared.
49 https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/rotting-corpses-litter-ecuador-streets-as-coronavirus-spreads/
50 Rotting corpses litter Ecuador streets as coronavirus spreads
52 As President Trump makes clear:
54 https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/trump-complainers-should-have-stocked-up-on-supplies-before-coronavirus-crisis/
55 Trump: ‘Complainers’ should have stocked up on supplies before coronavirus

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2 “Massive amounts of medical supplies, even hospitals and medical centers, are being delivered directly to
3 states and hospitals by the Federal Government,” Trump wrote. “Some have insatiable appetites & are never
4 satisfied (politics?). Remember, we are a backup for them.”
5 Trump added, “The complainers should have been stocked up and ready long before this crisis hit. Other
6 states are thrilled with the job we have done. Sending many Ventilators today, with thousands being built. 51
7 large cargo planes coming in with medical supplies. Prefer sending directly to hospitals.”
10 https://nypost.com/2020/04/03/capt-brett-crozier-gets-dramatic-send-off-from-sailors/
11 Ousted Navy captain Brett Crozier, who raised coronavirus alarm, gets dramatic send-off
13 Navy personnel cheer for fired Navy Capt. Brett Crozier as he walks off the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft
14 carrier in Guam.
15 Facebook
16 The concerned captain drew the ire of his superiors when on March 30 he sent a memo requesting that they
17 allow him to offload sailors who had been infected with COVID-19.
18 “We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die,” wrote the then-commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
19 “If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset — our sailors.”
22 https://nypost.com/2020/04/03/us-government-will-cover-uninsured-americans-covid-19-treatment/
23 Government will pay for uninsured Americans’ coronavirus treatment: Trump
25 WASHINGTON — Uninsured Americans will be able to seek coronavirus treatment for free, with the federal
26 government agreeing to cover hospitals’ expenses, President Trump announced Friday.
27 The provision will be covered by a $100 billion fund for healthcare providers that was part of a historic
28 enormous $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package passed by Congress last month.
29 “Today I can so proudly announce that hospitals and health care providers treating uninsured coronavirus
30 patients will be reimbursed by the federal government using the economic relief package Congress passed
31 last month,” Trump said at the White House coronavirus briefing.
32 “That should alleviate any concern that uninsured Americans may have about seeking the coronavirus
33 treatment,” he added, saying the order was “very much in favor of our great people.”
34 Some of the nation’s largest insurers, including Signa and Blue Cross-Blue Shield, have also announced they
35 will waive all co-pays for coronavirus treatment for the next 60 days.
36 “That is a big statement and we appreciate that,” the president said.
39 https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/kushner-secures-month-supply-of-n95-masks-for-nyc-hospitals/
40 Jared Kushner says he secured N95 masks for NYC during briefing room debut
42 President Trump asked Kushner to become involved in the government’s coronavirus response several weeks
43 ago and is now running his own task force looking for “outside the box” solutions, Kushner told reporters.
46 https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/feds-distribute-200k-n95-masks-seized-from-coronavirus-hoarder/
47 Feds distribute 200K N95 masks seized from coronavirus hoarder
49 Federal officials said Thursday they are giving nearly 200,000 N95 respirator masks to New Jersey and New
50 York after confiscating them from a hoarder.
51 The masks, along with about 600,000 medical gloves, 130,000 surgical masks and other protective
52 equipment, were taken Monday by authorities, according to a joint statement by federal officials.
53 “If you are amassing critical medical equipment for the purpose of selling it at exorbitant prices, you can
54 expect a knock at your door,” said Attorney General Bill Barr.
55 The Department of Health and Human Services used its authority under the wartime Defense Production Act
56 to send the supplies to the New Jersey Department of Health, the New York State Department of Health and
57 the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
58 “HHS will pay the owner of the hoarded equipment pre-COVID-19 fair market value for the supplies,”
59 according to a statement.
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1 https://nypost.com/2020/04/03/3m-pushes-back-after-trump-orders-it-to-stop-exporting-n95-masks/
2 3M pushes back after Trump orders company to stop exporting N95 masks
4 The Trump administration on Thursday invoked the Defense Production Act, compelling 3M to prioritize
5 orders for desperately needed N95 respiratory masks for the US government’s national stockpile.
6 The Minnesota-based company, one of the largest manufacturers of the masks, said it was looking forward to
7 implementing the order and had already been going “above and beyond” in recent weeks to churn them out
8 as quickly as possible amid the coronavirus pandemic.
9 But 3M criticized a previously unreported request from the White House that it also stop sending any N95
10 masks to Latin America and Canada, citing “significant humanitarian implications” given the great need for
11 them in the US and complaints from governors around the country, including New York’s Andrew Cuomo,
12 that they wind up in bidding wars for supplies against each other and other countries.
13 “The Administration also requested that 3M cease exporting respirators that we currently manufacture in the
14 United States to the Canadian and Latin American markets,” the Friday morning statement read.
15 “There are, however, significant humanitarian implications of ceasing respirator supplies to healthcare
16 workers in Canada and Latin America, where we are a critical supplier of respirators,” it continued.
19 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/04/world/europe/germany-coronavirus-death-
20 rate.html?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=70a7a458db-briefing-dy-
21 20200406&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-70a7a458db-44316169
22 A German Exception? Why the Country’s Coronavirus Death Rate Is Low
24 Testing
25 In mid-January, long before most Germans had given the virus much thought, Charité hospital in Berlin had
26 already developed a test and posted the formula online.
27 By the time Germany recorded its first case of Covid-19 in February, laboratories across the country had built
28 up a stock of test kits.
29 “The reason why we in Germany have so few deaths at the moment compared to the number of infected can
30 be largely explained by the fact that we are doing an extremely large number of lab diagnoses,” said Dr.
31 Christian Drosten, chief virologist at Charité, whose team developed the first test.
33 By now, Germany is conducting around 350,000 coronavirus tests a week, far more than any other European
34 country. Early and widespread testing has allowed the authorities to slow the spread of the pandemic by
35 isolating known cases while they are infectious. It has also enabled lifesaving treatment to be administered in
36 a more timely way.
37 “When I have an early diagnosis and can treat patients early — for example put them on a ventilator before
38 they deteriorate — the chance of survival is much higher,” Professor Kräusslich said.
39 Medical staff, at particular risk of contracting and spreading the virus, are regularly tested. To streamline the
40 procedure, some hospitals have started doing block tests, using the swabs of 10 employees, and following up
41 with individual tests only if there is a positive result.
42 At the end of April, health authorities also plan to roll out a large-scale antibody study, testing random
43 samples of 100,000 people across Germany every week to gauge where immunity is building up.
46 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/04/world/europe/germany-coronavirus-death-
47 rate.html?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=70a7a458db-briefing-dy-
48 20200406&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-70a7a458db-44316169
49 A German Exception? Why the Country’s Coronavirus Death Rate Is Low
51 “We have so much capacity now we are accepting patients from Italy, Spain and France,” said Susanne
52 Herold, a specialist in lung infections at the hospital who has overseen the restructuring. “We are very strong
53 in the intensive care area.”
54 All across Germany, hospitals have expanded their intensive care capacities. And they started from a high
55 level. In January, Germany had some 28,000 intensive care beds equipped with ventilators, or 34 per 100,000
56 people. By comparison, that rate is 12 in Italy and 7 in the Netherlands.
57 By now, there are 40,000 intensive care beds available in Germany.
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1 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/04/world/europe/germany-coronavirus-death-
2 rate.html?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=70a7a458db-briefing-dy-
3 20200406&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-70a7a458db-44316169
4 A German Exception? Why the Country’s Coronavirus Death Rate Is Low
6 Should I wear a mask?
7 The C.D.C. has recommended that all Americans wear cloth masks if they go out in public. This is a shift in
8 federal guidance reflecting new concerns that the coronavirus is being spread by infected people who have no
9 symptoms. Until now, the C.D.C., like the W.H.O., has advised that ordinary people don’t need to wear
10 masks unless they are sick and coughing. Part of the reason was to preserve medical-grade masks for health
11 care workers who desperately need them at a time when they are in continuously short supply. Masks don’t
12 replace hand washing and social distancing.
16 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/04/world/europe/germany-coronavirus-death-
17 rate.html?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=70a7a458db-briefing-dy-
18 20200406&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-70a7a458db-44316169
19 A German Exception? Why the Country’s Coronavirus Death Rate Is Low
21 Should I stock up on groceries?
22 Plan two weeks of meals if possible. But people should not hoard food or supplies. Despite the empty
23 shelves, the supply chain remains strong. And remember to wipe the handle of the grocery cart with a
24 disinfecting wipe and wash your hands as soon as you get home.
26 Can I go to the park?
27 Yes, but make sure you keep six feet of distance between you and people who don’t live in your home.
28 Even if you just hang out in a park, rather than go for a jog or a walk, getting some fresh air, and
29 hopefully sunshine, is a good idea.
32 Let’s be clear about it that while as I understand it police are chasing people out of parks, I view
33 this is the worst thing to do. As I understand it, Vitamin D is an important part of ensuring your
34 immunity to any virus it is at its best. Locking up people say in high rising flats may really
35 undermine their immune system to fight any virus.
37 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01028-x?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=70a7a458db-
38 briefing-dy-20200406&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-70a7a458db-44316169
39 CAREER COLUMN 03 April 2020
40 Mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic
42 The coronavirus outbreak has left many of us feeling frightened, worried and overwhelmed. This is affecting
43 people in different ways, but concerns relating to a lack of focus or productivity are not uncommon.
46 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2020/04/tiger-coronavirus-covid19-positive-test-bronx-
47 zoo/?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=70a7a458db-briefing-dy-
48 20200406&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-70a7a458db-44316169
49 Tiger tests positive for coronavirus at Bronx Zoo, first known case in the world
51 “It’s the first time, to our knowledge, that a [wild] animal has gotten sick from COVID-19 from a person,”
52 says Paul Calle, chief veterinarian for the Bronx Zoo. The Malayan tiger, named Nadia, likely contracted the
53 coronavirus from an infected—but unknown—asymptomatic zookeeper. “It’s the only thing that makes
54 sense,” Calle says. The zoo has been closed to visitors since March 16.
55 Several domestic animals had previously tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19,
56 including a Pomeranian and a German shepherd in Hong Kong, a domestic cat in Belgium.
57 Cats, both wild and domestic, are susceptible to feline coronavirus, but until recently, it was unknown
58 whether they could contract SARS-CoV-2. A new Chinese study has found that cats may be able to infect
59 each other, and scientists are rushing to learn what other species may be able to be infected by it.
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2 And
3 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2020/04/tiger-coronavirus-covid19-positive-test-bronx-
4 zoo/?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=70a7a458db-briefing-dy-
5 20200406&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-70a7a458db-44316169
6 Tiger tests positive for coronavirus at Bronx Zoo, first known case in the world
8 According to the USDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is currently no evidence
9 that domestic or captive wild animals can spread the novel coronavirus to people. (It’s believed the virus
10 infecting humans likely developed from a very closely related coronavirus found in bats.)
11 What’s next?
12 This is all completely new, Calle says, so there are many unanswered questions, including whether tigers and
13 lions are more susceptible to coronavirus than other animals. None of the zoo’s other big cats, including
14 snow leopards, cheetahs, a clouded leopard, an Amur leopard, and a puma are showing symptoms.
15 Zookeepers around the country have been making extra efforts to protect great apes in their care, as great
16 apes can easily catch respiratory illnesses from humans. Experts have warned that they may be particularly
17 susceptible to coronavirus.
18 The Bronx Zoo team has shared the diagnostic information widely with the zoo and scientific community,
19 Calle says. “I suspect that there are other cases, and now that we’re sharing this information i have a hunch
20 other likely cases will turn up.”
21 Dan Ashe, president of the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), which accredits more than
22 200 zoos in the U.S., including the Bronx Zoo, commends Calle’s team for their quick action. He says that
23 the AZA has helped distribute information from the USDA, which cautions about the potential transfer from
24 humans to felids, and from the Bronx Zoo, about increased safety measures, including wearing masks and
25 goggles to protect animals and keeping a distance of six feet whenever possible.
26 Ashe says he believes the priority should be testing people. “If we’d known the keeper had COVID-19 they
27 wouldn’t have been at work,” he says. “If [the virus] can go from people to big cats, the most important thing
28 we can do is test the people.”
31 As I understand it coronaviruses have been around for a long time. As such, what one needs to
32 seek to discover why is the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) now rearing its ugly head? What
33 caused this to become so active? Did it exist already for a long time like “sleepers” and only now
34 was activated being it because of the 5G or other issues?
36 Doing the research of when really the Novel Coronavirus may have existed may then possibly
37 enable the establishment of what circumstances caused its activation.
38 The Dutch in their testing seemed to establish that before anyone was held to be infected with the
39 Novel Coronavirus the feaces in treatment plants already showed the Novel Coronavirus to exist.
40 As such, being able to test once feaces might be a way to establish if one is infected. One has, for
41 example at Bunnings hardware stores where one can get free of charge small testing bottles to
42 test the swimming pool water in once yard. Perhaps a similar system could be developed that a
43 person could do a test at home. This would mean that a person could be aware of being infected
44 long before, if any, symptoms appear. It means that immediate action can be taken to isolate not
45 only this person but also those in his home/work environment. This is the kind of test that may
46 drastically reduce the spread of COVID-19 but may then also enable the general community to
47 get back to ordinary lifestyles.
48 Taking people out of their comfort zone, even so they may not at all be infected or have a risk to
49 be infected can cause considerable harm in both the short term as well long term and should be
50 sought to be avoided.
52 As I understand it, in China they use human feaces for growing food item for human
53 consumption. Actually, I understand The Netherlands are seeking to do so also. Well the Novel
54 Coronavirus may now be a major issue regarding this. Likewise, I view that the Victorian
55 government owned GWMWater instead of Safe Drinking Water only provides UNTREATED
56 water loaded with pesticides, etc, to many country towns to be used for growing wheat, etc. Yes,
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 have your so-called “healthy breakfast” cereals laced with poison for your children and others to
2 eat.
4 What is really needed is a comprehensive look about what may have originated to the Novel
5 Coronavirus so that one can learn to perhaps to avoid a repeat of similar viruses in the future.
7 How sewage could reveal true scale of coronavirus outbreak
8 www.nature.com › news
9 www.nature.com › news
10 4 days ago - Scientists have found traces of the coronavirus in several wastewater ... days after the
11 Netherlands confirmed its first case of COVID-19 using ...
13 SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater: potential health risk, but also data ...
14 www.thelancet.com › article › PIIS2468-1253(20)30087-X › fulltext
15 www.thelancet.com › article › PIIS2468-1253(20)30087-X › fulltext
16 by W Lodder
17 5 days ago - ... 4 days after the first cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) were identified in the
18 Netherlands on Feb 27, 2020 (unpublished data).
20 Coronavirus in sewage foreshadowed outbreak in Dutch city ...
21 www.dw.com › coronavirus-in-sewage-foreshadowed-outbreak-in-dut...
22 www.dw.com › coronavirus-in-sewage-foreshadowed-outbreak-in-dut...
23 7 days ago - Scientists say they found the virus, that causes COVID-19, in a Dutch city's waste water before
24 the first confirmed case in the city. They hope that ...
26 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00973-x
27 NEWS 03 April 2020 Correction 03 April 2020
28 How sewage could reveal true scale of coronavirus outbreak
30 More than a dozen research groups worldwide have started analysing wastewater for the new coronavirus as
31 a way to estimate the total number of infections in a community, given that most people will not be tested.
32 The method could also be used to detect the coronavirus if it returns to communities, say scientists. So far,
33 researchers have found traces of the virus in the Netherlands, the United States and Sweden.
34 Analysing wastewater — used water that goes through the drainage system to a treatment facility — is one
35 way that researchers can track infectious diseases that are excreted in urine or faeces, such as SARS-CoV-2.
38 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00973-x
39 NEWS 03 April 2020 Correction 03 April 2020
40 How sewage could reveal true scale of coronavirus outbreak
42 Early-warning sign
43 Infection-control measures, such as social distancing, will probably suppress the current pandemic, but the
44 virus could return once such measures are lifted. Routine wastewater surveillance could be used as a non-
45 invasive early-warning tool to alert communities to new COVID-19 infections, says Ana Maria de Roda
46 Husman, an infectious-disease researcher at the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the
47 Environment in Bilthoven. The institute has previously monitored sewage to detect outbreaks of norovirus,
48 antibiotic-resistant bacteria, poliovirus and measles.
49 de Roda Husman’s group detected traces of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater at Schiphol Airport in Tilburg only
50 four days after the Netherlands confirmed its first case of COVID-19 using clinical testing. The researchers
51 now plan to expand sampling to the capitals of all 12 provinces in the Netherlands and 12 other sites that
52 have not had any confirmed cases. Medema’s group found viral RNA in the city of Amersfoort before
53 infections had been reported in the community.
54 Studies have also shown that SARS-CoV-2 can appear in faeces within three days of infection, which is
55 much sooner than the time taken for people to develop symptoms severe enough for them to seek hospital
56 care — up to two weeks — and get an official diagnosis, says Tamar Kohn, an environmental virologist at
57 the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. Tracking viral particles in wastewater could give
58 public-health officials a head start on deciding whether to introduce measures such as lockdowns, she says.
59 “Seven to ten days can make a lot of difference in the severity of this outbreak.”
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 28

1 Earlier identification of the virus’s arrival in a community might limit the health and economic damage
2 caused by COVID-19, especially if it comes back next year, says Bibby.
3 Wastewater monitoring has been used for decades to assess the success of vaccination campaigns against
4 poliovirus, says Charles Gerba, an environmental microbiologist at The University of Arizona in Tucson. The
5 approach could also be used to measure the effectiveness of interventions such as social distancing, says
6 Gerba, who has found traces of SARS-CoV-2 in raw sewage in Tucson.
9 One has to consider “birds of prey” who may enjoy their meal of an animal that may have died
10 from COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) and then have their droppings onto your garden patch
11 growing vegetables. The question is then will this contaminate the food you are growing in your
12 garden patch and so food grown by growers, etc?
14 How indeed do we know if the Novel Coronavirus didn’t exist months ago, but was just not
15 detected and/or activated?
17 I own a property in Berriwillock, Victoria and the last time the toilet was used was once in
18 October 2019. It gets collected in a concrete container in the ground and as such could be
19 checked if any Novel Corona virus existed before it became known in Wuhan. Also, I take
20 yearly water samples of the UNTREATED water that GWMWater supplies to the households,
21 instead of Safe Drinking Water. One could analyze these samples (I have stored) to check if the
22 water contains any residue of the Novel Coronavirus.
24 My wife (87) in October 2019 was rushed by me to Austin Hospital with Heart Failure, fluid on
25 the lungs, High pulse of 155. And, one may ask was this then already, albeit not known to exist,
26 of the Novel Coronavirus. If so, has she now anti-Novel Coronavirus cells? (On 7 April 2020 she
27 had another blood sample taken for Austin Hospital.
29 There is no way we can expect let alone demand that people are say locked up in some high
30 rising unit in some tower prevented from getting out and about to get some needed Vitamin D,
31 etc, it is like them confined to conditions of imprisonment.
33 As shown in regard of China it failed to immediately make known about the Novel Coronavirus
34 and even arrested doctors to conceal it. The following article may give some indication about it.
36 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/03/22/world/coronavirus-spread.html
37 How the Virus Got Out
39 Many of the first known cases clustered around a seafood market in Wuhan, China, a city of 11 million and
40 a transportation hub.
41 Four cases grew to dozens by the end of December. Doctors knew only that the sick people had viral
42 pneumonia that did not respond to the usual treatments.
43 The true size of the outbreak was much larger even then — an invisible network of nearly 1,000 cases, or
44 perhaps several times more.
45 Estimates from Trevor Bedford, Hutchinson Center and University of Washington, and Lauren Gardner,
46 Johns Hopkins University
47 With each patient infecting two or three others on average, even a perfect response may not have contained
48 the spread.
49 But Chinese officials did not alert the public to the risks in December. It wasn’t until Dec. 31 that they alerted
50 the World Health Organization and released a statement — and a reassurance.
51 “The disease is preventable and controllable,” the government said.
52 The timing of the outbreak could not have been worse. Hundreds of millions of people were about to travel
53 back to their hometowns for the Lunar New Year.
54 Here’s how people moved around on Jan. 1, according to a Times analysis of data published by Baidu and
55 major telecoms, which tracked the movements of millions of cell phones.
56 Travel volume on Jan. 1. Minor routes not shown.
8-4-2020 Page 28 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 At least 175,000 people left Wuhan just on that day, we found.

2 Travel from Wuhan on Jan. 1
3 The departures from Wuhan accelerated over the next three weeks. About 7 million people left in January,
4 before travel was restricted.
5 Travel from Wuhan on Jan. 21
6 Thousands of travelers were infected.
7 Red dots show proportion of infected travelers, based on estimates from Jeffrey Shaman, Columbia
8 University.
9 By the time Chinese officials acknowledged the risk of human-to-human transmission on Jan. 21, local
10 outbreaks were already seeded in Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities.
11 Cases as of Jan. 21
12 Travel on Jan. 21
13 Two days later, the authorities locked down Wuhan, and many cities followed in the next few weeks. Travel
14 across China nearly stopped.
17 One again has to ask why are scientist dying? Are they infected at work or they are like
18 anyone else infected regardless of their particular work conditions?
20 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00154-w
21 NEWS 06 April 2020
22 Coronavirus latest: scientists mourn renowned HIV researcher who died of COVID-19
24 Ramjee was also an active advocate for women, says Quarraisha Abdool Karim, also a CAPRISA
25 epidemiologist.
26 “Gita was a unique investigator who understood that clinical trials are not just about clinics and laboratories
27 and products, but fundamentally about people,” says Mitchell Warren, the executive director of AVAC,
28 previously known as the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition, in New York City. “These were not trials about
29 products. These were trials about women’s lives.”
30 Several other renowned scientists have also died from COVID-19 in recent weeks. Among them are John
31 Murray, a pioneering tuberculosis clinical researcher at the University of California, San Francisco College
32 of Medicine; James Goodrich, a paediatric neurosurgeon at Einstein College of Medicine in New York City,
33 known for separating conjoined twins; and molecular biologist Michael Wakelam, the director of the
34 Babraham Institute in Cambridge, UK.
35 Ramjee’s colleagues note the cruelty of losing her to the COVID-19 pandemic when she devoted so much of
36 her life to eradicating another global outbreak. But, Warren notes, researchers tackling COVID-19 response
37 would do well to follow the example that Ramjee set. “We mourn. And then we do what Gita would do.”
40 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00154-w
41 NEWS 06 April 2020
42 Coronavirus latest: scientists mourn renowned HIV researcher who died of COVID-19
44 1 April 03:00 gmt — Nearly 80% of US intensive-care patients have underlying conditions
45 More than three-quarters of people with COVID-19 in intensive-care units in the United States have at least
46 one ‘underlying condition’ — a chronic health problem, such as diabetes or heart disease, that has been
47 shown to contribute to hospitalization and severe illness.
50 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00154-w
51 NEWS 06 April 2020
52 Coronavirus latest: scientists mourn renowned HIV researcher who died of COVID-19
54 31 March 03:00 gmt — Lockdowns might already have averted tens of thousands of deaths in Europe
55 Infection-control measures such as national lockdowns in many European countries are reducing the spread
56 of the coronavirus. Across 11 countries, between 21,000 and 120,000 deaths were probably avoided by the
57 end of March, according to a model by a group at Imperial College London.
58 The study, published by the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team on 30 March, estimates the effects
59 of non-pharmaceutical interventions, which include closing schools and banning mass gatherings, on the
60 spread of the virus across parts of Europe, including Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. The authors

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 30

1 measured the effects through a change in the virus’s effective reproduction number.
2 If the effective reproduction number is greater than 1, infections will proliferate and the outbreak will
3 continue to spread. If it is less than 1, the rate of new infections will decrease until the outbreak is under
4 control. The report shows that some of the countries studied — including Italy, which implemented stringent
5 lockdown measures three weeks ago — might have fallen below this threshold as a result of the
6 interventions. Previous work by other groups has found that the strict lockdowns in China reduced this value
7 to below 1, stemming the tide of the epidemic there.
10 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00154-w
11 NEWS 06 April 2020
12 Coronavirus latest: scientists mourn renowned HIV researcher who died of COVID-19
14 ‘We need to be alert’: Scientists fear second coronavirus wave as China’s lockdowns ease
16 Because many countries still lack the capacity for widespread testing, the latest model uses reported COVID-
17 19 deaths, rather than infection rates, to track the spread of the virus. Given the lag time between infection
18 and mortality, it could take several weeks for the full effects of the interventions to be felt, especially in
19 countries in the relatively early stages of their epidemics, such as the United Kingdom, according to the
20 report.
21 The researchers are careful to note that they cannot attribute the transmission reduction to any particular
22 intervention. And it’s too early to know whether the interventions as a whole are having the intended effect in
23 some European countries. But, “if current trends continue, there is reason for optimism”, they write.
26 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00154-w
27 NEWS 06 April 2020
28 Coronavirus latest: scientists mourn renowned HIV researcher who died of COVID-19
30 Covert coronavirus infections could be seeding new outbreaks
31 On 25 March, a UK government official said that the country had ordered 3.5 million ‘finger-prick’ tests and
32 planned to order millions more. The test will analyse drops of blood for antibodies that show whether a
33 person has previously been infected with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. This will show who might
34 now be immune and aid researchers in understanding the virus’s spread. These ‘serological tests’ should
35 become available to the public in days rather than weeks or months, said Sharon Peacock, director of the
36 national infection service at Public Health England (PHE), a UK health agency. Peacock suggested that the
37 bulk of the UK tests, which will be available to buy from Amazon and pharmacies to perform at home, had
38 not yet arrived.
39 Most tests to diagnose coronavirus infection have involved laboratory-based testing using the technique
40 known as PCR, which checks for active infection. But an urgent goal has been to develop serological tests,
41 which can detect past infection. These are now being deployed worldwide. Singapore, for instance, has been
42 using the tests for more than a month to trace known infections and monitor at-risk populations.
43 But thoroughly evaluating the efficacy of the tests and the rate of false positives is essential, says Robert
44 Garry, a virologist at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana, whose team is
45 developing its own serological test.
46 The blood test will need to distinguish between antibodies against the COVID-19 virus and those against
47 other seasonal coronaviruses to which people are commonly exposed, he says. “I would expect the false-
48 positive rate to be very high because of this prior exposure — unless they figured out how to make the
49 serological test very specific,” he says. Garry says that for a validated test, he would expect a false-positive
50 threshold of less than 5% — meaning fewer than 5 out of 100 people without the antibodies test positive —
51 although he could see that being relaxed to 10%. Even with ready access to clinical samples, understanding
52 false-positive levels on this timescale would require a massive effort, says Garry.
55 In my view when a lot of people are scared to death as to their health and wellbeing you will get
56 those who love the opportunity to seek their own benefits from it. At least that is my view about
57 those scientist seeking to use fetus tissues.
59 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00154-w
60 NEWS 06 April 2020
8-4-2020 Page 30 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 31

1 Coronavirus latest: scientists mourn renowned HIV researcher who died of COVID-19
3 26 March 3:00 gmt — 100 scientific organizations call to end Trump’s ban on fetal-tissue research
4 A group of 100 research societies, professional organizations and universities is calling on US President
5 Donald Trump to lift restrictions on the use of fetal tissue in research, arguing that the limits delay necessary
6 work on potential treatments for COVID-19.
7 “We believe that researchers should have all of the biomedical research tools out there to develop treatments
8 for COVID-19,” says Eric Anthony, director of policy at the International Society for Stem Cell Research in
9 Skokie, Illinois, a key signatory of the letter sent on 25 March.
10 Fetal tissue, often received from abortion clinics, has long been used in vaccine research. But last June, the
11 Trump administration, following a campaign by opponents of abortion, moved to ban government
12 scientists from using fetal tissue in research once their existing supplies ran out. The rules also included
13 restrictions for non-government scientists funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), requiring
14 that new grant applications for research that uses fetal tissue pass ethics review by an agency-appointed
15 board.
16 The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which oversees the NIH, invited nominations to
17 that ethics board in February, and the comment period closed last week.
18 Signatories to the letter asking for relief from the federal restrictions include the American Academy of
19 Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University.
20 At least one government scientist has appealed for an exemption to the rules in order to do coronavirus
21 research, according to a story in The Washington Post last week. An HHS spokesperson told Nature that the
22 agency has made no decision about the request, and that the “Trump Administration has activated a whole-
23 of-government, whole-of-America approach to prepare for and respond to COVID-19”.
26 Many will use the Internet also to create their own informed/misinformed views. We are all
27 entitled to FREEDOM OF SPEECH as this is embedded as a legal principle in the
28 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) and we should be careful not to deter
29 people to present their views. After all, many inventions were the result of non-experts seeking
30 to do something and by error then discovered something. Accidental inventors one may call
31 them.
32 Where experts themselves are still seeking to discover what really eventuated then surely it does
33 no harm that non-experts, even those with misguided views, present what they deem might be
34 applicable. When I was in factory management I had an open office policy that workers could
35 make known their suggestions regardless if in the end I didn’t hold them to be workable.
37 https://www.wired.com/story/opinion-dont-be-fooled-by-covid-19-
38 carpetbaggers/?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=70a7a458db-briefing-dy-
39 20200406&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-70a7a458db-44316169
40 C. Brandon Ogbunu I D E A s 04.05.2020 12:00 PM
41 Don't Be Fooled by Covid-19 Carpetbaggers
43 One of the most high-profile examples of a well-regarded academic jumping the Covid-19 shark would be
44 the rise and fall of Stephen Quake, armchair epidemiologist. Notably, Quake is a professor at Stanford and a
45 superstar biophysicist by every professional metric. He doubles as copresident of the Chan-Zuckerberg
46 Biohub, a $600 million collaborative research initiative, a role that amplified the influence of, and backlash
47 to, his March 22 Medium essay, “How Bad Is the Worst-Case Coronavirus Scenario?”
48 Based on the popular model developed by Neil Ferguson and colleagues, Quake compared the 500,000
49 possible Covid-19 cases to other major causes of death and seemed to suggest that, because a comparable
50 number of Americans die of cancer, the fuss around the number of potential Covid-19 deaths is unwarranted.
51 Quake’s argument reads like a Thanos-inspired “All Lives Matter” manifesto: People die a lot anyway, and
52 this unusual way of dying will be solved in a short while, so what's the big deal? Quake’s attempt at an “I bet
53 they’ve never heard this” provocation was only successful in telling us that he is either a bad person or didn’t
54 think very clearly about the problem (maybe both).
55 Advertisement
56 Most charitably, we might attribute misfirings like Ginn’s and Quake’s to outsized egos, which compels them
57 to question whether studying Covid-19 is really more challenging than studying the market or polymers (or
58 whatever complicated idea that they’ve built a reputation on). Their egos may conclude that people in the
59 field of epidemiology can’t possibly be any smarter than they are, and another flawed Medium article is born.
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Page 32

3 The following may underline that despite the various outbreaks in the past that required
4 ventilators; somehow, there was still a considerable shortage of them. Meaning that the very
5 professionals and politicians were blatantly disregarding any proper preparation for another
6 outbreak. It is their blatant ignorance that is now at least in my view resulting to many persons
7 loosing their lives where this might have been avoided had they prioritize issues appropriately. It
8 was one thing with the 1918 Spanish fly outbreak to lack to have sufficient ventilators, as I
9 understand they simply didn’t exist then, however after so many viruses outbreaks it for any
10 common sense person would be very obvious that there would likely be another one around the
11 corner. Applying house arrest for something that could have been likely curtailed without this if
12 sufficient ventilators, and appropriate training, had been organized may underline we need less
13 politicians pursuing photo opportunities and more competent politicians who as a Minister has a
14 hands on approach as the Framers of the Constitution held would be a Minister.
16 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01019-y?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=70a7a458db-
17 briefing-dy-20200406&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-70a7a458db-44316169
18 WORLD VIEW 03 April 2020
19 The outbreak that invented intensive care
21 But I have always known that this possibility loomed. My research focuses on quantifying the availability
22 and nature of ICU beds from country to country, examining the wide variability in provision. Even in
23 ordinary times, demand for ICU beds and ventilators can spike, for instance each year during influenza
24 season. I have been lucky to work in places where such strain in normal times is easily absorbed. In many
25 parts of the world, these facilities do not exist; in some hospitals, particularly in low-income countries, what
26 is considered an ICU bed is simply one that it is equipped to provide supplemental oxygen to a patient, but
27 not with a ventilator.
28 In the COVID-19 pandemic, the spectre of care without ventilators has reared its head, even in countries that
29 are the best provisioned, such as Germany and the United States. That so many doctors might have no
30 alternative, except to watch patients die, recalls the 1950s and before.
31 We do not yet know the true COVID-19 mortality rate. This is in part owing to the appalling lack of
32 widespread testing in many nations, which makes it difficult to understand how many have been infected. It
33 is also because, so far, the majority of patients in high-income countries who have needed intensive care and
34 a ventilator have had both.
35 Comparisons are being made to the 1918 influenza pandemic — eerily, just over a century ago — which had
36 a mortality that might turn out similar. But that outbreak occurred without a ventilator in sight. Is this new
37 disease, in fact, more deadly? Thanks to what my predecessors learnt in Copenhagen almost 70 years ago, we
38 can, in some parts of the world, offset the havoc of COVID-19 with mechanical ventilation and sophisticated
39 intensive care that was not available in 1918. But it is as COVID-19 continues to spread in areas that do not
40 have ICU beds — or not nearly enough of them — that we will, sadly, learn the true natural course of this
41 new virus.
44 Re: Wisconsin legislature comes under fire for ‘unconscionable’ decision to hold primary amid coronavirus
45 pandemic - The Washington Post
46 6 Apr at 2:52 pm Mark Scarberry <mark.scarberry@pepperdine.edu>
48 If the parties could agree on a simple 6 or 7 week postponement -- not imposed by the governor under
49 emergency powers he apparently has conceded he doesn't have -- this wouldn't seem to set a dangerous
50 precedent. The Republicans would not have to agree that the May election or any later election would be
51 done under the solely vote-by-mail process that the governor wants.
54 The Novel Coronavirus even is sought to be used in regard of political elections. Perhaps next a
55 person to stay in power will argue that Invoking Emergency Powers will allow to abandon any
56 future election and so stay in power for life.
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Page 33

1 https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-the-papers-52193331?xtor=ES-208-
2 [31109_News_NLB_Wk15_Tue_7_Apr_ACT]-20200407-[bbcnews_papers_newsuk_papers]
3 Newspaper headlines: PM's intensive care move dominates front pages
5 Elsewhere, the Financial Times says the government is trying to work out how and when to relax the UK's
6 lockdown. It argues that countries which have rightly decided to close down their economies have only "a
7 very few months" before the costs and social unrest become "unbearable". According to the Daily Telegraph,
8 ministers are scrambling to formulate a new exit strategy following warnings from experts that mass testing
9 cannot be introduced for at least a month.
13 https://www.bbc.com/news/video_and_audio/headlines/52189013/jacinda-ardern-tooth-fairy-and-easter-bunny-are-
14 essential-workers
15 'Tooth Fairy and Easter bunny 'essential workers'
16 The New Zealand prime minister made a special Easter announcement as her country battles coronavirus.
18 Perhaps she could have believed in Santa Claus and included him also as an “essential worker”? Does
19 anyone really hold that a child believing in the Tooth Fairy and Easter bunny really will grasp what the
20 meaning of “essential workers” is about?
23 https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/ruby-princess-artania-dodge-orders-to-leave-australian-waters/ar-
24 BB12fEYT?ocid=spartandhp
26 The cruise ship Artania is seen docked in Fremantle harbour in Fremantle Both infected ships have been
27 responsible for widespread and deadly COVID-19 outbreaks in Australia.
28 Mr Outram said the decision to move the ships on meant 13,000 crew members would soon be outside
29 Australian borders.
30 "Had those crew become sick it would be a big strain on the Australian health system," he said.
31 The Ruby Princess, carrying 1040 stranded crew, 200 who are sick, will remain in Port Kembla, a southern
32 NSW port.
33 The vessel is linked to hundreds of COVID-19 cases and at least 14 deaths across Australia. An elderly man
34 who was a passenger aboard the Ruby Princess died in Tasmania today.
35 Meanwhile, the WA Premier Mark McGowan has called for the German cruise ship Artania to leave and
36 never return.
37 The Artania is linked to more than 50 cases and the death of a 69-year-old foreign man last week.
38 Mr Outram said his department was now working alongside authorities to get the Artania and Ruby Princess
39 crew fit and well enough to leave.
42 In my view no matter what those companies of the ocean liners may have done or should have
43 done or should not have done the crew are the innocent victims. Why indeed didn’t cruise ships
44 stop travelling around the world when the Novel Coronavirus became an apparent issue?
45 Why didn’t the various government make this an issue from onset?
46 There ought to be little doubt that such ships are costing a huge amount of monies to operate.
47 And, as such those companies operating them would be reluctant to cancel any trips. After all,
48 more than likely, I assume, at the time they picked up passengers the issue was not that much as
49 to require them to no longer pick up passengers.
50 The Titanic board of inquiry concluded, as I understand it, that no one is to be caused to be at the
51 perils of the sea. As such I view that no government should force any ship to leave port where
52 this would mean that crew’s lives are placed in jeopardy. While I can understand the drain upon
53 the hospital then again so have other countries with their hospitals when Australians are there to
54 be cared for.
56 There is this quite frequent argument that the “health system” cannot cope with the influx of
57 ever increasing cases regarding COVID-19. Well one has to ask: Why not?
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Page 34

2 After all, we had pandemic’s before and surely a competent Minister for Health would be aware
3 to plan ahead in case there is another pandemic. Are we now to sacrifice the lives of those
4 innocent people trapped in a job because of the gross incompetence of the various Ministers of
5 Health failing big time to be ready for the pandemic?
7 This is not about Australians first, because we will have Australians around the world who will
8 require medical treatment and surely we wouldn’t want their lives to be placed in jeopardy to
9 have them expelled to seek to avoid the “health system” in that country to be overwhelmed.
11 In my view the Ports are under the control of the Federal Government and that means that PM
12 Scott Morrison should be the one to determine what is to happen and so within the spirit of the
13 Titanic Board of Inquiry that no one person’s life should be placed at the perils of the sea.
14 We have a maritime obligations not to send out anyone on a ship that may result in the dead of
15 that person unduly.
16 We are also obligated to ensure that any ship is seaworthy and if therefore it has crew who are
17 sick and prevents the ship to be seaworthy then we owe it to those on board of the ship to
18 provide courteous and proper care and attention, even if we charge the relevant company for this.
19 Indeed one may even have to consider if those ships should have been allowed to leave in the
20 first place if there are families of the death who might wish to sue for damages and the ships
21 were kept in case there is a Court order to allow for damages. Impounding a ship is a common
22 maritime event, as I understand it, when a ship is subject to a claim against it.
23 Also, Section 92 makes clear that any ship that arrives in the Commonwealth of Australia other
24 than paying appropriate harbor charges cannot be discriminated against. Hence, I view to
25 demand a ship to leave is unreasonable and defies the provisions of Section 92 of the
26 constitution.
28 There may likely be a backlash that certain companies may desire to ban Australia for shipping
29 purposes and then the long term harm could be considerable where the Commonwealth of
30 Australia was foolish enough to have little or no shipping fleet on its own,
32 Our travel industry could end up to be decimated because of what I consider utter foolish
33 conduct to order ships to leave in dire circumstances that I view blatantly disregard the lives of
34 the crew on board of those ships.
37 I will now quote a correspondence I emailed to the Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass earlier
38 today.
40 QUOTE 20200408-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Deborah Glass-Victorian Ombudsman
41 Deborah Glass-Victorian Ombudsman 8-4-2020
42 Office and mailing address
43 Level 2, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
44 ombudvic@ombudsman.vic.gov.au
46 20200408-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Deborah Glass-Victorian Ombudsman
48 Madam,
49 by now you too may have been aware about the Victorian Police having issued a
50 $1,652.00 fine against Hunter Reynolds albeit this appears to have been withdrawn since.

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Page 35

1 My concern is that the State of Victoria or for that any state has no police powers to restrict
2 anyone from their legal and constitutional rights of freedom of movement.
4 Regretfully we lack too often competent politicians, lawyers and judges to
5 understand/comprehend this.
6 .
7 I will below provide some quotations of the Hansard Constitution Convention Debates for the
8 creation of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) of which within section
9 106 the states were created “subject to this constitution” and it should be clear that the Framers
10 of the Constitution stated:
12 Hansard 7-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
13 Convention)
14 QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-
16 I do not think the word quarantine, for instance, which is used in the sub-section of the 52nd clause, is
17 intended to give the Commonwealth power to legislate with regard to any quarantine. That simply applies to
18 quarantine as referring to diseases among man-kind.
21 The Framers of the Constitution rejected that the States could invoke police powers
23 In 2001 I was an INDEPENDENT candidate in the federal political election but refused to vote. I
24 did so again in 2004 and in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka on 19 July 2006 comprehensively defeated
25 the Commonwealth as to compulsory voting. I at times do vote when I consider there is a worthy
26 candidate to vote for, but my objection was against compulsory voting and the Court upheld both
27 appeals, which I conducted representing myself.
29 As such I proved in the past that to understand and comprehend what the constitution stands for
30 is critical.
31 .
32 We now have allegedly some 150 PSO to run around bothering people, etc, where I view none of
33 the States, including the State of Victoria can invoke any police powers. The mere fact that in
34 error and by misconception this nevertheless is pursued cannot justify it being done.
35 .
36 While I am aware that the issue of the Novel Coronavirus might be deemed serious this however
37 cannot and never must be deemed to be acceptable to act in violation of constitutional constrains.
39 Hansard 9-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
40 Australasian Convention)
42 Mr. DEAKIN (Victoria).-The position of my honorable and learned friend (Mr. [start page 2092] Higgins)
43 may be perfectly correct. It may be that without any special provision the practice of the High Court, when
44 declaring an Act ultra vires, would be that such a declaration applied only to the part which trespassed
45 beyond the limits of the Constitution. If that were so, it would be a general principle applicable to the
46 interpretation of the whole of the Constitution.
48 .
49 Hansard 8-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
51 Mr. GLYNN.-I think they would, because it is fixed in the Constitution. There is no special court, but the
52 general courts would undoubtedly protect the states. What Mr. Isaacs seeks to do is to prevent the question of
53 ultra vires arising after a law has been passed.
54 [start page 2004]
55 Mr. ISAACS.-No. If it is ultra vires of the Constitution it would, of course, be invalid.
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Page 36

2 The powers of the Commonwealth is limited also as to actual persons infected and not some
3 general provision against anyone regardless if they are or are not infected.
5 The Commonwealth is limited to enforce any legislation through the State Court and as such
6 cannot itself enforce legislative provisions which are without court sanction to do so where is it
7 disputed. My case AEC v Schorel-Hlavka on 19 July 2006 underlined this.
9 I have below quotes the various parts of the Hansard Constitution Convention Debates as to the
10 various manner in which the Framers of the Constitution debated the issue of “quarantine”.
12 It should be understood it is totally irrelevant what other countries may or may not do as they
13 may not have a constitution in the format as the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act
14 1900 (UK) provides for.
16 Let me be very clear about it my wife is 87 and recently (October 2019) was in hospital and
17 admitted to ICU with heart Failure, fluid in the lungs, etc, and so I am extremely concerned as to
18 the health and wellbeing. However, I realise that my concerns for my wife should never mean I
19 could ignore violations of constitutional rights of anyone. If we were to engage in that kind of
20 conduct politicians will always use some mantra to undermine citizens constitutional rights.
21 We have seen with the WMD (Weapons of mass Destruction) mantra how people was mass
22 murdered and without constitutional authority.
24 If we were to turn a blind eye to this issue of the Novel coronavirus then politicians and others
25 will likely build upon this to continue to undermine citizens constitutional rights. This we cannot
26 accept nor stand for!
28 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the
29 National Australasian Convention)
31 Mr. HIGGINS.-Suppose the sentry is asleep, or is in the swim with the other power?
32 Mr. GORDON.-There will be more than one sentry. In the case of a federal law, every member
33 of a state Parliament will be a sentry, and, every constituent of a state Parliament will be a
34 sentry. As regards a law passed by a state, every man in the Federal Parliament will be a
35 sentry, and the whole constituency behind the Federal Parliament will be a sentry.
38 Many Australian soldiers have given their lives to protect the people of the Commonwealth of
39 Australia so they can enjoy the freedoms our constitution provides for.
41 The obligation is upon each and every persons, regardless of his/her political views, public
42 position, etc, as to ensure those soldiers death was not in vain and to be the sentries the Framers
43 of the Constitution alluded to.
44 .
45 We should not ignore that viruses have been going around from time to time and the gross
46 incompetence of Ministers of health to therefore fail to ensure that the State Health system is
47 ready cannot be used as some excuse to rob people of their constitutional rights.
48 .
49 Often there are claims that the State Health System may not cope with it all, yet then cruise ships
50 that could be converted to hospital ships are ordered to leave notably by Premiers who I view
51 constitutionally lack such powers.
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Page 37

1 https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/03/andrew-p-napolitano/can-the-government-restrict-travel-
2 to-protect-public-health/
3 Can the Government Restrict Travel to Protect Public Health?
4 By Andrew P. Napolitano
5 Judge Andrew Napolitano: Coronavirus fear lets government assault our freedom in violation of
6 Constitution
7 https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/goverment-restrict-public-health-judge-andrew-napolitano
9 I will not quote the entire statement as the links will enable you to do so.
11 Our constitutional system is based upon that the Commonwealth can charge a person of an
12 alleged crime before the State courts exercising federal jurisdiction and not otherwise. As such, it
13 cannot apply a general ban against ordinary citizens that they are not permitted to move about,
14 etc. Neither can the States do so as they lack the constitutional authority for this.
16 If indeed as many seem to suggest that the 5G system is causing the real problems of the Novel
17 Coronavirus (COVID-19) and yet neither the Commonwealth and/or the States are pursuing a
18 proper investigating about this then this too may underline that the politicians claim to care but
19 in reality ignore to show to do so.
20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y1NRNF3Sm0
21 They Do NOT Want You Seeing This! - 5G Death Towers Exposed
23 https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-04-06-5g-alter-hemoglobin-coronavirus-patients-oxygen-
24 deprivation.html
25 Can 5G exposure alter the structure and function of hemoglobin, causing coronavirus patients to die from oxygen deprivation?
27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=P9dAN9VZdNQ&feature=emb_titlehttps://www.yout
28 ube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=P9dAN9VZdNQ&feature=emb_title
29 Former Vodafone boss blows whistle on 5G and COVID19. - YouTube
30 Former Vodafone boss blows whistle on weaponized 5G and COVID19. This keeps getting deleted so im re-
31 uploading it as the public deserve to hear it. It is a shorter version of the original as it ...
33 We have a constitution and must adhere to this no matter what as any violation is
34 unconstitutional and cannot be excused.
35 My constitutional rights and so of any citizen cannot be denied merely upon the wimps of
36 politicians. Again, with the WMD their mantra was for a pre-emptive strike where in reality
37 President Saddam Hussein was not even contemplating any attack from Iraq upon the
38 Commonwealth of Australia. Any citizen pursuing this kind of horrendous conduct to be
39 inflicted upon a fellow citizen more than likely would end up being convicted and spend the rest
40 of his life in prison confinement. Politicians somehow had, albeit wrongly, placed themselves
41 above the rule of law. This is why we need to stop this.
43 My wife as senior citizen have not been aware that any State of Federal Government by their so
44 called mandatory rules have provide any form of relief such as food parcels, etc. As such, they
45 have made life rather more contemplated. Surely if this was a real issue about health and safety
46 concerns and not just a political trick to invoke further unconstitutional powers under the guise
47 of being for the safety and wellbeing of citizens, then where are the facemask as they are freely
48 issued as I understand it in New Zealand? Why is there no emergency food supplies to the
49 elderly, the invalid and the carers?

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Page 38

1 With employees of various stores having been found to have contracted COVID-19 then this if
2 anything places at potential risk (of contamination of the products placed on the shelves) the very
3 elderly who are claimed to be first in line to shop at 7am. An ungodly hour for many.
5 I also noted that some supermarkets have empty shelves in the stores while one can order the
6 product via the internet from its website. As such, it appears there is a desire by supermarkets
7 make a handsome profit in that manner. This while senior citizens and others struggling to get to
8 a supermarket are discovering a trip likely without the needed products on the shelves.
10 In my view if a person is infected and directed to isolate then I view this should be with that an
11 emergency food parcel is provided for the duration of the isolation and not as I understand
12 happens that an infected person then has to go shopping to get food for the period of isolation.
14 While the ruby Princess is in NSW nevertheless I view that it violates the Titanic Board of
15 Inquiry recommendations that one should never send any person life to be depending upon the
16 perils of the sea. As such where there is a cruise ship with sick people on board then I view any
17 state is required to ensure the person is first nursed to health before a ship can be ordered to leave
18 with such person.
20 Below are not all instances of references to the QUARANTINE issue but does reflect in general
21 what the Framers of the constitution debated about the issue.
22 While in general States are entitled to apply certain restrictions regarding quarantine of animals
23 it has no such powers when to comes to “man-kind” health issues such as COVID-19. And, the
24 ports are actually under federal control and as such it is not for a State Government to direct a
25 cruiseship to leave as it is within the realm of power of the Commonwealth.
27 In my view the State Government and the Victorian Police as well as the PSO’s should seize and
28 desist any further to enforce rules, etc, that are in violation of the constitutional compact and so
29 the rights of citizens.
31 Hansard 4-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
32 Convention)
34 Those who have been making the laws of their own colonies, and those whose businesses have compelled the
35 making of these laws, have felt the disadvantages of the incongruity of the bankruptcy acts, and,
36 domestically, we regard our marriage and divorce laws as great incongruities; and when we free our ports
37 there can be no doubt that the regulations as to the navigation of our fleets, and matters connected with our
38 quarantine ports, and various other subjects of that kind, must be a federal concern; but as to whether it may
39 be wise to be so self-contained in Australasia in connection with our judiciary system as not to permit an
40 appeal outside of Australasia must be a matter of which I trust the law officers which are so well representing
41 their respective colonies here will put clearly before the Convention.
44 Hansard 31-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
45 Australasian Convention)
47 The appointment of the civil service it is proposed to vest in the governor-general-in-council. These
48 provisions introduce what we call responsible government-not necessarily party government, which is
49 another division of responsible government, but a government responsible in name and form to the
50 head of the state and in substance to the parliament of the commonwealth. It is proposed that its
51 executive authority shall be co-extensive with its legislative power. That follows as a matter of course. In
52 immediately starting the business of the commonwealth, it is provided that certain powers may be taken over
53 at once by the executive government of the commonwealth, namely, as to customs, excise, posts and
54 telegraphs, military and naval defence, ocean beacons and buoys and ocean lighthouses and lightships, and

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admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 39

1 quarantine. Other matters are left to be dealt with by the federal legislature from time to time as they may
2 think fit.
5 Hansard 3-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
6 Convention)4
8 (2.) The government of any territory which may by surrender of any state or states and the acceptance of the
9 parliament become the seat of government of the [start page 702] commonwealth, and the exercise of like
10 authority over all places acquired by the commonwealth, with the consent of the parliament of the state in
11 which such places are situate, for the construction of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, quarantine
12 stations, or for any other purposes of general concern;
15 Hansard 6-4-1891 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
16 Convention)
18 Mr. THYNNE: I have nothing more to say with reference to the hon. member. With regard to my hon.
19 friend, Mr. Wrixon, another delegate from Victoria, we find that it has hitherto been almost the invariable
20 rule in Australian politics that distinguished statesmen who have left the colonies for a short time, on
21 business howsoever important, have found it necessary to undergo on their return some period of political
22 quarantine before returning to political power.
25 Hansard 23-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
26 Australasian Convention)
28 Dr. QUICK to move:
29 That a return be laid before this Convention showing-
30 I. The present annual cost of maintaining the following services in each of the Australian
31 Colonies, viz.:-Quarantine, ocean beacons and buoys, ocean lighthouses and lightships.
32 II. The average annual cost of such services in each of the said colonies during the last ten
33 years.
36 Hansard 24-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
37 Australasian Convention)
39 We must see that the new body has absolute control over the Customs and Excise duties and bounties. There
40 are other matters which I need not go into. There is defence and quarantine, and similar matters, which will
41 be placed under the Federal Government, and, in fact, we may say all matters relating to the external affairs,
42 internal commerce, defence, and general government can safely be placed in the hands of the new body, and
43 the States can retain all the other powers which they now possess.
46 Hansard 26-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
47 Australasian Convention)
49 There are many matters which may be handed over with great advantage to the federal authority, such as
50 Customs and Excise, for instance. There are no subjects which have a broader or a more national interest than
51 these, and of all others these are the ones which we should first entrust to the care and control of the federal
52 authority. Defence, also, is a subject which must be vested in the Federation. Lighthouses, quarantine, and
53 matters relating to shipping regulations, are all subjects which will find their way naturally into the hands of
54 federal authority; but for the rest, let us keep within our own power all we possibly can.
57 Hansard 26-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
58 Australasian Convention)
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1 Mr. LYNE: If Mr. Holder's ideas were carried out you would hardly want either. I think he would hand
2 over the question of defence, the question of quarantine, and the question of a Federal Supreme Court.
6 Hansard 29-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
7 Australasian Convention)
9 If you do anything more than proceed on the lines of the Convention of 1891 you must instruct your
10 Financial Committee that the expenditure in connection with the construction of the various fortifications
11 shall be taken over. You are also going to take over matters affecting quarantine and shipping. If we are
12 going to be the lighters of our maritime highways, a Federal Marine Board will be as absolutely necessary as
13 the existing Marine Boards of the various colonies. If we are going to take over the responsibility of lighting
14 the beacons and wharves, as was proposed in the Bill of 1891, you must give instructions to the Finance
15 Committee to make provision for taking over the cost of those lighthouses, etc. These works must be the
16 responsibility of the Federal Government, if it takes the revenues which are to be raised therefrom.
20 Hansard 29-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
21 Australasian Convention)
23 Then the Federal Parliament should have control of the postal and telegraph departments, though I am quite
24 certain that it would be all against the interests of Western Australia to have it so. Quarantine is a fit subject
25 for federal control, and so are harbors and lights, but at the same time I do not think the Central Government
26 would look after the lights on the various coasts half so well as the local Governments.
30 Hansard 30-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
31 Australasian Convention)
33 The first consideration undoubtedly is to be able to defend ourselves. On this point I
34 thoroughly agree that the total cost of defence, as well as quarantine, should be borne by
35 the federal authorities.
39 Hansard 30-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
40 Australasian Convention)
42 You will have to transfer to the Federal Government the cost of defences, quarantine, lighthouses, buoys,
43 and so forth, and also charge them with the interest on the cost of fortifications in all the colonies.
47 Hansard 31-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
48 Australasian Convention)
50 Sir WILLIAM ZEAL: That is practically the outcome of what they say. They also propose that the
51 Federal Government shall only have the control of defence, light- [start page 360] houses, quarantine
52 regulations, and ports and harbors bordering on the seacoast.
56 Hansard 31-3-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
57 Australasian Convention)

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Page 41

1 Mr. BARTON: It would be a division which would hamper the Federal Government by the inconvenience
2 of the arrangement which would follow on their division. If we are to confine the Commonwealth to [start
3 page 377] a body which is to simply frame a Customs tariff, and to take charge of such matters as
4 quarantine, ocean lighthouses, and some little interference with buoys and beacons, it is a pity that the
5 States have gone to the expense-in one instance I believe of between £30,000 and £40,000-of holding the
6 election in order to be represented here. Let me not be unfair, because this very question brings me to the
7 question of the protection of the States. There is no one who holds more strongly than I do that it is necessary
8 to provide for the maintenance of the proper individuality of the States. Those who took part in the
9 Convention of 1891 can bear witness in that respect. I recognise the great difficulties there are in the way of
10 maintaining the full individuality of the States, and at the same time adhering to our well known form of
11 responsible government; but I believe that they can be surmounted, and that it would be a shame on us if we,
12 in the first instance, charged with the framing of our Constitution, did not make an effort to surmount them.
13 Recognising these difficulties, I believe that the States which happen to be the less populous, should be dealt
14 with liberally and generously. The State interests must be conserved, not only by safeguarding their full right
15 to exercise all functions reserved to them, but by making the powers to be exercised by them so certain that
16 there can be no doubt, even if the matter is referred to the Supreme Court, about the clearness of the
17 definition.
18 Sir RICHARD BAKER: There is the danger of the powers overlapping.
19 Mr. BARTON: I am coming to that in a minute. We have not only to attempt to safeguard State rights by
20 placing provisions for that purpose in the Constitution, but we must also take great care to make the
21 machinery as fully applicable to the preservation of those interests which are erroneously called State rights
22 as if they also were set down in the bond. There have been cases of overlapping, as we find in the records of
23 the United States, and the reports of the Privy Council in the case of Canada. We know that there is constant
24 liability to overlapping; that when the federal body exercises its powers of legislation which are definitely
25 given to it, if the utmost care and the utmost precision are not exercised to confine the legislative operations
26 within the circle of the power given in the Constitution, there will be these cases of overlapping in the federal
27 law, which would constitute an encroachment upon the competency and individuality of the States. These
28 cases must arise, and they form one of the strongest arguments for a second Chamber in the Federation, and
29 for arming that Chamber with competent powers to prevent that overlapping. When such cases occur, you
30 have to call in the machinery of the Federal Court, and may be afterwards the machinery of the Privy
31 Council; but is it not better that there should be in the Constitution an element in the shape of a second
32 Chamber, which will do its utmost to try and keep these powers, which will keep legislation within
33 Constitutional limits, and prevent resort to authorities external to Parliament? That is one of the strongest
34 necessities it seems to me for a second Chamber. If the principle is not conceded that federal laws require the
35 assent of the people and the assent of the States, why is it that the most democratic amongst us concede two
36 Houses? I suppose there are some among us who will say that in a separate form of government, a
37 government not united or federated, they would get along very well with one Chamber instead of two. But
38 the most democratic-even if they are not representatives of this hospitable State in which we are now sitting,
39 South Australia, there are those of Tasmania, and others -who would urge this, that even if they might not be
40 reconciled to a second Chamber in their own colony as a separate State, they would not be reconciled to a
41 Federation without a second Chamber. Why is this, unless it be a recognition of the fact that the laws require
42 the assent of the people and also of the States? With [start page 378] a National Assembly as the sole
43 Chamber the clear tendency must be to engulf State interests. If you have the States Assembly alone with
44 equal representation, there would, I think, be a clear tendency to that kind of loose confederation in which the
45 Union would be dependent upon the States. If that were the priniciple of the Federation we should have
46 something very little better than the principle of even the Federal Council at Hobart or the abolished Articles
47 of Confederation of the United States. It is recognised that neither of these things will do; that you must have
48 two Chambers, one Chamber for the representation of national interests and the other Chamber for the
49 representation of State interests. If you depart from that principle you must be giving too great power to the
50 national interests or too great power to the State interests and the golden mean is reached by granting these
51 two Chambers. This is, of course, an elementary proposition; and the reason I refer to it I will make clear
52 enough. The reason is that if you have your body constituted in either of the ways I have spoken of, neither of
53 the conditions would make a Federation; and as we come here charged to make a Federal Constitution, we
54 cannot make a piece of legislative machinery of that kind. We must not make our legislative machinery so
55 that we shall have either unification on the one hand. or a confederacy on the other. Clearly, then, the
56 intention of two Houses is to make the principle a rule of daily governance. Though it might happen that such
57 necessity might not arise in more than a fractional part of the proceedings of the Commonwealth, still the
58 principle must be inserted as a rule of daily governance, because there will be no day on which the necessity
59 for the exercise of that principle might not arise. Then the mere concession of the principle of two Houses is
60 enough to show that one must rest on the basis of proportional population, the other on State entities. This is
61 the gist of the matter, that there are two different entities to be preserved. They are both necessary to
62 constitute a Federation. One unit is the individual citizen, and the other unit is the State entity. We are bound
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Page 42

1 to confess that both the individual citizen as represented in the National Assembly and the individual State as
2 represented in the States Council must have their powers, and you must provide so that in each case the
3 majority of the units shall prevail. I do say that you must so protect your Constitution that you will not have a
4 majority of citizens dominating the State interests, or the State interests dominating the national life; but it
5 must be so constituted that the interests they each represent are firmly embedded in the Constitution, and you
6 must leave the future to the evolution of those two legislative bodies, which command the respect of both
7 entities of the Federation, namely, the majority of the citizens, and the majority of the States. At the same
8 time attacks have been made in the course of debate by the representatives of both extremes.
12 Hansard 13-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
13 Australasian Convention)
15 I have read over again and again the long list of powers with which this Commonwealth is to be invested; and
16 on each one of those, thirty-five in the fiftieth clause and four in the next, have asked myself in how many are
17 State interests likely to be involved, and how often? Members who read them will see that scarcely one of the
18 provisions, neither those with regard to tariff or navigation and shipping, or quarantine, or currency and
19 coinage and legal tender, are likely to be at all affected by the question whether an elector resides in a large
20 or a small State.
24 Hansard 13-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
25 Australasian Convention)
27 With most of these things no one State is concerned with the management of the other, but there are certain
28 matters-such as defence, quarantine, and various other things-we generally agree upon, in which we as a
29 people say we are concerned, not as residents of Victoria, Tasmania, or any other colony, but because our
30 interests and our desires are united. We say there is henceforth to be no distinction between us; let us blot out
31 of our future history and out of our future politics the arbitrary fact that we are residents of different colonies,
32 and if we start with that and we select these subjects, it is on the distinct basis that our interests are identical.
33 If our interests are identical why do we have it continually thrown in our face that the diversity of State
34 interests in these matters is to be protected? We select these subjects on which we are agreed; there is by this
35 very hypothesis no diversity of interests in these matters, and the residuary powers are retained by the States.
36 As to these they have their State rights, and the federal authority cannot enter into the sphere one single inch.
37 It is outside the sphere of Federation altogether, but when we have selected these subjects on which our
38 interests are presumably identical the [start page 544] States, as such, have equally little claim to enter.
42 Hansard 14-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
43 Australasian Convention)
45 What would be the position [start page 571] in which the smaller States would be placed if we agree to this
46 amendment? What will be the privileges of the smaller States? They will have the privilege of being taxed at
47 the hands of the larger States. They will have the privilege of being represented by about twenty-five
48 members. as against fifty members on the other side. The smaller States will contribute at per head of their
49 population as much to the defences, to quarantine, and to all other departments which will be handed over to
50 the Central Parliament for control-and how else could they fairly contribute-but they only have a very small
51 voice in the control of how this money should be spent.
55 Hansard 17-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
56 Australasian Convention)
58 II. The government of any territory which by the surrender of any State or States and the acceptance of the
59 Commonwealth becomes the seat of Government of the Commonwealth, and the exercise of like authority
60 over all places acquired by the Commonwealth, with the consent of the State in which such places are situate,
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Page 43

1 for the construction of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, quarantine stations, or for any other purposes
2 of general concern:
6 Hansard 16-9-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
7 Australasian Convention)
9 Then take the question of quarantine. That would appear to be a matter in which no question of local
10 interest could arise. But in a continent so huge as this island of Australia, where there is every variety of
11 climatic condition, even the question of quarantine may become a question in which the very existence
12 of a state is threatened. We have a tropical climate, we have a sub-tropical climate, and we have a temperate
13 climate. The northern portion of the island is tropical. A tropical disease may threaten Australia which we
14 know cannot obtain any footing in the eastern, southern, or western provinces. Protection against this disease
15 may be of insignificance to the larger populations, those living in the temperate climate to the south, but it
16 may be a question of the most vital importance, a question of the very existence of the population which may
17 ultimately gather on our northern seaboard. We hardly know these conditions yet, but I could enumerate half
18 a dozen diseases.
19 The Right Hon. G.H. REID: We have a common interest in preventing disease from decimating
20 Australia?
21 The Hon. Dr. COCKBURN: But it would not decimate Australia, because it could only affect a few
22 people, a comparatively small portion of the northern parts of this continent.
23 The Right Hon. G.H. REID: But it might travel!
24 The Hon. Dr. COCKBURN: I mean diseases that would not travel; diseases that are strictly tropical.
25 The Right Hon. G.H. REID: If they would not travel they ought not to come under a federal act!
26 The Hon. Dr. COCKBURN: You cannot pick out these things. The question might be one affecting two
27 or three colonies possibly it might affect Queensland and South Australia only, or possibly also a portion of
28 Western Australia. It might be a question of vital importance to those colonies, but of not the slightest
29 importance to Tasmania, Victoria, or New South Wales.
30 [start page 677]
31 The Right Hon. G.H. REID: Surely the Government would do what was right!
32 The Hon. Dr. COCKBURN: The Government would do what was right if they had not the ultimate power
33 to do what was wrong.
34 The Right Hon. G.H. REID: The Government would not have any, interest in doing what was wrong!
35 The Hon. Dr. COCKBURN: We all know that, in representative chambers, the view that ultimately
36 prevails is in accordance with the representation in that chamber. If a district is fairly represented, it gets
37 justice; if it is inadequately represented, and can be disregarded, it very often does not get justice. It would be
38 the same in the case of the senate, if its views could be set aside by a mass referendum. Even the question of
39 marriage and divorce is of importance to all the colonies. At present, we have absolute autonomy in that
40 respect; we make our own laws. It would be an injustice to say that the laws of marriage and divorce, which
41 are to affect South Australia, should be framed by any parliament in which that colony had not an adequate
42 representation. If there were power to set aside the wish of the senate, in which we would have a fair
43 representation, you would make us really a quantity which need not be taken into account at all you would
44 totally abolish our autonomy in these matters; and I say autonomy is too dear a privilege to be lightly got rid
45 of in this way. We all of us now manage our own affairs according to our own views.
49 Hansard 22-9-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
50 Australasian Convention)
52 The Hon. R.E. O'CONNOR (New South Wales)[12.42]: It may be interesting for the hon. and learned
53 member, Dr. Cockburn, to hear this very concise statement of the law of the United States, which would be
54 exactly applicable to this proposed constitution, and very much on the lines that the hon. and learned
55 member, Mr. Isaacs, has just stated. I am citing from a well-known book, Ordronaux's "Constitutional
56 Legislation." At page 296 he says this:
57 By, parity of reason addressed to the protection of the public health, states may exercise their police powers
58 to the extent of prohibiting both persons and animals, when labouring under contagious diseases, from
59 entering their territory. They may pass any sanitary laws deemed necessary for this purpose, and enforce
60 them by appropriate regulations. It is upon this reserved right of self-protection that quarantines are
61 permitted to interfere with the freedom of commerce and of human intercourse. But this power is not
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Page 44

1 without its limitations, and its exercise must be restricted to directly impending dangers to health, and not to
2 those who are only contingent and remote. Hence, while diseased persons or diseased animals, and those
3 presumedly so from contact with infected bodies or. localities, may be prevented from entering a state, any
4 general law of exclusion, measured by months, or operating in such a way as to become a barrier to
5 commerce or travel, would be a regulation of commerce forbidden by the constitution. Such a statute being
6 more than a quarantine regulation, transcends the legitimate powers of a state.
7 So it is quite clear that all the powers are left in the state, which are necessary for the preservation of
8 the health of the inhabitants and of the property by the state. Those powers would include power to deal
9 with such diseases in the vegetable world as the hon. and learned member; Dr. Cockburn, has spoken of, and
10 also with animal diseases. It was suggested in Adelaide that these powers might be used in such a way as to
11 have a protective influence in favour of certain states.
12 Mr. Symon: That would be in conflict with the constitution!
13 The Hon. R.E. O'CONNOR: I was going to point that out. There are a number of decisions in
14 America, as has been pointed out by my hon. and learned friend, in which on that very ground or
15 similar grounds it has been held that the law, not being a bona fide exercise of the police powers, is not
16 within the powers of the state. Of course, there is another question behind all that, which I think is a very
17 important one, that is, considering the immense traffic, say, in cattle, that there is right across this continent,
18 the infrequency of habitation, and the difficulties of enforcing the quarantine laws from state to state, whether
19 such a disease, for instance, as the tick disease should be dealt with by the authority of the commonwealth
20 instead of by the states themselves. It is a very important question, and there are many difficulties in the way
21 of its being dealt with by the federal authority. One of the chief of them is, I think, the impossibility of the
22 federal authority administering an act of that kind without having an enormous array of officials and
23 immense expenditure. As we all know, there are in each colony laws-affecting contagious diseases of cattle
24 or sheep, and they are all administered by local bodies, The machinery and administration are simple, and the
25 laws are cheaply worked in the various districts themselves. But if you place them under the federal
26 movement, to be operated by federal officers, you render an [start page 1063] immense machinery
27 necessary to carry out the very simple objects which are carried out by the local bodies at the present
28 time. It appears to me that the balance of reason is in favour of leaving things as they are, leaving power in
29 the states to deal with all those matters that come under the head of police powers in the United States, the
30 infection of animals, the infection of vegetables, the introduction of, animal and vegetable diseases. There is
31 ample power to deal with them, and I think that the matter might be left in that way.
32 The CHAIRMAN: I would point out that there is no question of quarantine or quarantine
33 regulations before the Committee.
34 The Hon. Dr. COCKBURN (South Australia)[12.47]: I think we should renew this debate at some future
35 period. In reply to the hon. and learned member, Mr. O'Connor, I may say that I am not at all sure that our
36 proposed constitution does not go further in reference-to free-trade between the states than the American
37 Constitution does, and therefore, it might require some further provision in view of the very strong words
38 which it contains, although such a provision might not be necessary in America. Words simply prohibiting
39 the introduction of actual disease would not be sufficient. I admit that the decision which has been quoted
40 relates also to anything that has been in contact with any disease in anyway. But it would be necessary in
41 many cases actually to prohibit the introduction of all cattle and all vegetables of a certain character. If
42 Queensland were to relax her local quarantine regulations, it might be necessary for the adjoining colony to
43 prohibit a single hoof of cattle from crossing the border, and this might be held to be an absolute derogation
44 from freedom of trade, unless there were special provision in the constitution dealing with it. It might be
45 necessary for South Australia to prevent the importation of any portion of a vine, and this might be said to
46 seriously derogate from freedom of trade between the colonies. I ask the Drafting Committee to be
47 exceedingly careful in the matter. I think the power does not exist, and I am sure that it should exist for
48 otherwise we should find that the opposition to this constitution bill, if it is assumed that there is no such
49 power given, would be of a very fierce and vehement character.
50 Mr. HIGGINS (Victoria)[12.49]: I think that I can reassure the hon. and learned member to some extent. He
51 has raised an important point, and I do not think that we should reserve these important points until we meet
52 in Melbourne, but should settle them now if we can do so.
53 The Hon. E. BARTON: In how many weeks? We have not finished one provision in two and a half
54 hours!
55 Mr. HIGGINS: But this is one of the most important parts of the bill. I think it is our duty, not to have
56 tentative solutions, but to make the best solution we can, and I feel, now that this question has been raised, it
57 is our duty to devote ourselves to it. The hon. member is quite right in saying that the proposed bill goes
58 further in the direction of providing for free intercourse and freedom of trade between the states than does the
59 American Constitution. It goes much further.
60 An HON. MEMBER: By reason of the general words in clause 89. It is proposed to eliminate those
61 words!

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Page 45

1 Mr. HIGGINS: Yes; I made a note of that. It is perfectly clear that under the American Constitution a state
2 can make a law preventing the sale within its own borders of animals having any disease, and to prevent the
3 introduction of such animals, into its territory.
4 The Hon. Dr. COCKBURN: There is no doubt about that!
5 Mr. HIGGINS: The hon. and learned member is quite right in saying that if clause 89 remains as it is
6 the states of the [start page 1064] Australasian commonwealth will have no such power. A good
7 example of the application of this law in America is given at page 104 of Baker's "Annotated Constitution of
8 the United States":
9 The statute of Minnesota approved April 16th, 1889, entitled " An act for the protection of the public health,
10 by providing for inspection, before slaughtering of cattle, sheep, and swine designed for slaughter for human
11 food" is unconstitutional and void in so far as it requires, as a condition of sales in Minnesota of fresh beef,
12 veal, mutton, lamb, or pork for human food, that the animals from which such meats are taken shall have
13 been inspected in that state before being slaughtered. The inspection thus provided for is of such a character,
14 or is burdened with such conditions, as will prevent the introduction into the state of sound meats, the
15 product of animals slaughtered in other states.
16 To make an inspection law was prima facie within the powers of the state of Minnesota; but the state
17 legislature went beyond its powers in enacting an act which provided for an inspection of such a character as
18 to interfere with the sale in Minnesota of meat brought from other states, Under the bill, as it stands,
19 measures to prevent the introduction of tick will be beyond the powers of the states to enact. Under the
20 American Constitution, full power is given to provide against the introduction of tick into a state; but if in
21 preventing the introduction of tick or other disease, an undue interference with the course of trade is created,
22 which protects one state against the other states, the courts will interfere, and say that the law is
23 unconstitutional and void. I think that the course of leaving this matter to the Drafting Committee to consider
24 is the correct one.
25 The Hon. E. BARTON (New South Wales)[12.53]: I intimated a little earlier -I do not know that the hon.
26 and learned member, Dr. Cockburn, heard me-that I intended to make clause 89 read in this way:
27 So soon as uniform duties of customs have been imposed, trade and intercourse throughout the
28 commonwealth is not to be restricted or interfered with by any taxes, charges, or imposts.
29 If this amendment is made, the matter maybe considered in connection with clause 99, which provides that:
30 All powers which at the establishment of the commonwealth are vested in the parliaments of the
31 several colonies, and which are not by this constitution exclusively vested in the parliament of the
32 commonwealth, or withdrawn from the parliaments of the several states, are reserved to, and shall
33 remain vested in, the parliaments of the states respectively.
34 At the present time this power exists in all the states; but if the amendments I have suggested be carried the
35 prohibition of the importation of diseased animals or plants will not be a matter of taxes, charges, or imposts.
36 Therefore, the power to prevent the introduction of diseases would still remain with the states, except
37 in so far as any state law was found to be an intentional derogation from the freedom of trade. I think
38 that if we amend clause 89 in the way I suggest the object of the hon. and learned member, Dr. Cockburn,
39 will be met; but if it is not met I will undertake to deal with the matter in any way that he suggests.
40 The Hon. Dr. COCKBURN: I am quite satisfied!
41 The Hon. I.A. ISAACS (Victoria)[12.56]: Will the hon. and learned member also take note in this
42 connection of the concluding words of clause 95? That clause must be brought into accord with clause 89 as
43 amended. I would also point out with regard to the word "country" that some little difference of opinion may
44 arise as to the meaning of that word. The sub-clause relates to "countries" and to "states." "States" we know
45 are such parts of Australia as are within the commonwealth. If any colony stands out it may be a little
46 doubtful whether it will be a "country." Would Queensland, if it stood out, be a "country"?
47 [start page 1065]
48 The Hon. R.E. O'CONNOR: A territory would be either a state of the commonwealth, or another
49 country!
50 The Hon. I.A. ISAACS: The word "country" might mean an independent state.
51 The Hon. E. BARTON: I will keep the matter in mind, though I fancy it is all right!
52 Sub-clause 1 agreed to.
58 Hansard 22-9-1897 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
59 Australasian Convention)
61 Sub-clause 11. Quarantine.
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Page 46

1 The Hon. R.E. O'CONNOR (New South Wales)[2.43]: I think there is a matter connected with this
2 clause which deserves consideration. In the first place, we ought to be clear in our minds what we
3 intend to, cover by the word "quarantine" The word "quarantine" in its original meaning no doubt
4 applied only to the quarantine of ships-the quarantine of forty days required under the old laws for the
5 purification of a ship from disease. But I think the meaning of quarantine has gradually, extended
6 much beyond that, and the word is now applied to an enclosure to prevent diseases that have been
7 contracted on board ship from spreading to the land. It means general powers of isolation in all cases. I
8 think we ought, in [start page 1072] the first place, to decide whether we intend to interfere with the
9 general health powers which the states now possess, and ought, perhaps, to retain, or only with those
10 matters which are generally spoken of as marine quarantine. The question is whether we should give
11 power to the commonwealth under any circumstances to legislate in regard to those matters that
12 belong to the care of the public health in the different states?
13 The Hon. I.A. ISAACS: They would not do that, unless they thought that the health of other states
14 was concerned!
15 The Hon. R.E. O'CONNOR: This is one of those cases in which we should first of all decide on a policy,
16 and then make a definite provision. As to what the policy should be, it appears to me that the commonwealth
17 power should extend only to those matters that affect the health of the commonwealth from outside.
18 Therefore I am prepared to move:
19 That the word "quarantine" be omitted with a view to insert in lieu thereof the words "public health in
20 relation to infection or contagion from outside the commonwealth."
21 I will point out one reason why a provision of that kind is necessary. Supposing that all the colonies were
22 not included in the federation, you might have smallpox, or some other contagious disease, in one colony
23 which was not in the federation, and along the whole line of the boundary it would be necessary to make
24 exactly similar provisions to those which would have to be made at the seaports. Now, under the head of
25 "quarantine" I doubt very much whether such a power would be included; whereas if you say that the power
26 is to be over matters connected with the "public health in relation to infection or contagion from outside the
27 commonwealth," you state accurately what you mean." It appears to me that those words cover every
28 possible case you want to deal with, and would make a line of demarcation between diseases that arose or
29 spread within the states themselves which is a matter that ought to be dealt with by the health authorities of
30 each state -and diseases that arose outside, which undoubtedly could be dealt with properly only by one
31 authority for the whole commonwealth. In the first place, as far as policy is concerned, that is a matter for the
32 Committee to decide. If hon. members decide as to policy, then how it is to be expressed is more or less a
33 matter of drafting. But if the matter is considered worthy of consideration, I will move the insertion of the
34 words I have suggested.
35 The Hon. I.A. ISAACS (Victoria)[2.48]: I hope that the hon. and learned member will not move an
36 amendment to that effect. I think that the meaning of the word "quarantine" is pretty well known.
37 There is no doubt that leaving the sub-clause as it is preserves to every state the power that it now has
38 to make laws in relation to all such subjects. It does not vest an exclusive power in the commonwealth to
39 pass such laws. The state can pass its own law, and alter it as it pleases; but I think it is well to do as
40 was done in the Canadian act in that respect-to give a power which the commonwealth might, in case
41 of emergency, employ for the sake of the general health power to make a law respecting quarantine, as
42 it is generally understood, so as to preserve all the ports of the commonwealth, not only from infection
43 from abroad, but also from the danger of any infection which might have reached one port of the
44 commonwealth spreading to the rest of the commonwealth. I think that there is no great harm in retaining
45 the word "quarantine," and that, if we were to eliminate this word, the day might come when we would very
46 much regret having done so.
47 The Hon. R.E. O'CONNOR: The subclause as it stands now provides for the quarantine of animals!
48 [start page 1073]
49 The Hon. I.A. ISAACS: I believe it would include the quarantine of animals if those animals when
50 slaughtered would go into consumption as food, and might thereby affect the public health.
51 The Hon. Dr. COCKBURN: What about the quarantine of dogs?
52 The Hon. I.A. ISAACS: I think that the federal parliament should have the power to deal with this
53 matter if it thinks fit to do so, While the states might be left to protect themselves, surely, no harm
54 would be done if we enabled the federal parliament to do more than any state could do, that is, give
55 protection to the whole commonwealth.
56 The Right Hon. Sir E. BRADDON (Tasmania)[2.52]: At the present time an arrangement has been come to
57 by the joint action of the various colonies in regard to the quarantine of animals. The inspectors of stock meet
58 from time to time, and agree to regulations which are afterwards enforced by their various governments.
59 The Hon. I.A. ISAACS: But any one of the colonies may at any time withdraw from the compact!
60 The Right Hon. Sir E. BRADDON: Yes. Of course it is not desirable that any colony should withdraw.
61 The CHAIRMAN: Does the hon. and learned member, Mr. O'Connor, intend to move an amendment?

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Page 47

1 The Hon. R.E. O'CONNOR: No. I see that there is sufficient reason for leaving the words in the clause. I
2 drew attention to the matter because I thought it was worthy of consideration, and when we meet again
3 perhaps some improvement may be suggested.
4 Sub-clause 11 agreed to.
9 Hansard 28-1-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
10 Australasian Convention)
12 Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-As to this sub-section, there are one or two matters which I should like
13 to point out to the committee, and then leave it to them to say if they are matters of drafting or matters of
14 substance. I think myself that they do partake of substance. This is the sub-section which relates to an
15 exclusive power to be given to the Commonwealth to deal with territory or certain pieces of land
16 required for Commonwealth purposes, the territory being for the seat of government, and other pieces of
17 land being for the construction of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, quarantine stations or for any
18 other purposes of general concern.
22 Hansard 28-1-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
23 Australasian Convention)
25 Dr. COCKBURN.-I do not think there ought to be. Whether or not there ought to be is a matter for debate
26 and for settlement by this Convention as a question of principle, and not as a mere matter of wording. Now,
27 take the second part of the sub-section, in which power is given with the consent of the state for the
28 construction, say, of a quarantine station. I question very much whether the power to establish such a
29 station as a leper station, for example, ought to be given to the Federal Parliament without having to
30 consult the wishes of the state in which it is proposed to establish such an institution. The Federal
31 Parliament will be a distant body, and it may not be exactly apprised of all the local conditions. It may want
32 to establish a leper station in some part of Australia where its establishment would be most disastrous to the
33 interests of the communities in the vicinity, which ought, I think, to have a voice in a matter of this sort.
34 These words are put in to make it abundantly clear that the federal capital shall be chosen only with the
35 consent of the state concerned, which consent would, of course, be given in most cases. I should like to have
36 the matter I have referred to made perfectly clear. It is open to doubt at present, I think, whether the
37 Federal Parliament will have power to take any land for the purposes of government without the
38 consent of the state concerned. I do not think the Federal Parliament should have such a power, and I
39 should be sorry to see it have such a power by the mere insertion of certain words which were not
40 intended to have that meaning. I should like this committee to be clear as to whether or not it is
41 intended that the Federal Parliament should have power to take land from any state without the
42 consent of the state.
43 Mr. OCONNOR (New South Wales).-I think the honorable member who has last spoken is quite
44 right; but there is a great distinction between the two classes of matters dealt with in this sub-section. I
45 think that the seat of government of the Commonwealth ought to be in quite a different position to
46 such matters as the construction of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and so on. Dr. Cockburn will
47 recollect that there is no such power for the acquisition of land for the ordinary public purposes of the
48 Commonwealth.
49 Dr. COCKBURN.-Might not the power be included in the general powers of sub-section (37)?
50 Mr. OCONNOR.-No. The only powers that can be held to be given are those which are expressly
51 given. It will be wise, later on, to add a clause which I think the Convention will see the advisability of
52 adding, restricting the power to acquire land to acquisition for the public purposes of the
53 Commonwealth; and I think it should then be made very clear that no power is given in that clause to
54 acquire land for a federal capital without the consent of the state interested. Because it is quite clear,
55 from the nature of things, that it is quite impossible that a power of that kind could be carried out
56 without such an amount of friction and difficulty as might lead to a great deal of trouble.
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Page 48

1 Hansard 28-1-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
2 Australasian Convention)
4 Mr. OCONNOR.-Undoubtedly; because in regard to defence there should be a paramount power for
5 the Commonwealth to act as might be thought necessary, and there should be a similar power with
6 regard to quarantine and other matters which are of general concern. But with regard to the acquisition
7 of a piece of land for the seat of government, which must [start page 259] embrace a large area and be an
8 exceedingly important matter for the state in which it is situated, the Commonwealth should not have power
9 to obtain such land without the consent of the state. That can be dealt with when we are dealing with the
10 general clause, giving power to acquire land for the use of the state.
11 Mr. HIGGINS.-Does not clause 105 answer that objection?
12 Mr. OCONNOR.-No; that is simply a permissive power to the Parliament of the state to surrender any
13 portion of its territory.
14 Mr. ISAACS.-And saying what shall happen if they do.
15 Mr. OCONNOR.-Quite so; but that clause does not deal with the question as to whether the
16 Commonwealth may acquire land for any purpose.
17 Mr. SYMON.-Is that power of the state necessary in this Constitution at all?
18 Mr. OCONNOR.-I do not know that it is.
19 Mr. SYMON.-I think it is an interference.
23 Hansard 7-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
24 Convention)
26 Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-I remember well that this question was raised in Adelaide by the
27 honorable member (Dr. Cockburn), and there is a great deal in it. The section in the American Constitution is
28 as follows:-
29 No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports except what
30 may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws; and the net produce of all duties and imposts
31 made by any state on imports or exports shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States, and all such
32 laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress.
33 Then it goes on to other subjects, such as maintaining armies and levying war. A case which the honorable
34 member (Mr. Isaacs) mentioned appears clearly to go the length which he suggested, that is that this section
35 as it exists in the American Constitution, or the parallel clause, does not deal with inter-state commerce but
36 only with imports from or exports to foreign countries. That might be got rid of, as far as this clause is
37 concerned, by a small amendment. For instance, after the words "imports and exports," we might insert
38 "inter-state or foreign" or similar words. That will show clearly that the power was intended to be reserved to
39 the states to deal with importation even from other colonies of such pests as have been mentioned. It might be
40 as well between now and the next occasion upon which we deal with this clause to draft an amendment to
41 meet the position. Mr. Isaacs has referred me to a decision in America, in the State of Minnesota v. Barber,
42 136 U.S., 313, which goes this length:-
43 The statute of Minnesota providing for inspection within the state of animals designed for meat, by its
44 necessary operation practically excludes from the markets of that state all fresh beef, veal, mutton, lamb, or
45 pork, in whatever form, if taken from animals slaughtered in other states, notwithstanding the same may be
46 sound and healthy. The result is that it thus directly tends to restrict the slaughtering of animals whose meat
47 is to be sold in Minnesota to those engaged in such business in that state. This discrimination is an
48 encumbrance on commerce amongst states, and is unconstitutional. It cannot be regarded as a rightful
49 exertion of the police power of the state. A burden thus imposed is not to be sustained simply because the
50 statute imposing it applies alike to the people of all the states, including the state enacting it.
51 That is a statute which applied to every animal, whether sound and healthy or not, entering the state and
52 designed for meat. That does not apply to the case which arises under the clause with which we are now
53 dealing. What we want here, I take it, is to see that the states retain power to deal with these pests not in the
54 way of prohibition-and the law which was referred to in that case was a prohibition, and was therefore
55 declared unconstitutional. But we want here a provision that the states shall be able to exercise their powers
56 as individual states at proper places such as the ports and borders. That will not be an infringment of free-
57 trade within the Commonwealth. The way to look at it is: Is it desirable that this power shall be placed in the
58 Commonwealth or among the powers of the states? I am inclined [start page 651] strongly to the latter view. I
59 do not think the word quarantine, for instance, which is used in the sub-section of the 52nd clause, is intended
60 to give the Commonwealth power to legislate with regard to any quarantine. That simply applies to
61 quarantine as referring to diseases among man-kind. I do not think it is intended to enable the
8-4-2020 Page 48 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 49

1 Commonwealth to deal with such matters as the tick disease. It has been pointed out by the honorable
2 member (Mr. Fraser) that the Federation should have that power. As far as I am at present advised, that
3 would be a very unwieldy and difficult power for the Commonwealth to use at all. It requires the local
4 knowledge which would only be possessed by the states Parliaments and Governments. I am in favour of the
5 amendment suggested by the honorable member (Mr. Isaacs), and I shall prepare an amendment to make it
6 quite clear that the states shall have power to deal with this matter, not by way of putting on imposts, but
7 simply making charges to enable them to carry out inspection laws.
10 Hansard 11-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
11 Australasian Convention)
13 Dr. QUICK.-I do not think there is any objection on that score. Therefore I would suggest whether the
14 committee should not put naval and military defence under paragraph (b) of sub-section (2) of clause 90. The
15 same argument will apply with equal force to ocean beacons and [start page 839] buoys, ocean light-houses
16 and light-ships, and quarantine, because the citizens of the Commonwealth are uniformly interested in
17 having a good system in regard to these matters. I think we should accustom ourselves to the system of
18 federalization as far as possible from the beginning; and I feel certain that unless that be done in regard to
19 defence, at any rate, this scheme will receive very hostile criticism outside, and probably the Convention may
20 be accused of a want of breadth of view, as well as of a want of patriotism. There is no financial difficulty
21 arising in regard to the distribution of the surplus in the matter of federal defence, and therefore I would
22 suggest that the matter should be considered as one of importance. Undoubtedly, the proviso to which Mr.
23 O'Connor has directed my attention is a very good one. It goes a long way to meet some of the points I have
24 mentioned.
25 Mr. HOLDER.-It is a half-way-house to complete federation.
28 See also: Quick & Garran Page 398, etc.
30 So much to its all but in my view the above ought to make it clear that the proposed
31 amendments also will be unconstitutional.
33 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to address all issues.
34 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Friends call me Gerrit)


36 (Our name is our motto!)
38 END QUOTE 20200408-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Deborah Glass-Victorian Ombudsman
40 Treatment worse than the outcome.
42 Operation successful, this even so the patient died in the process.
44 I have obviously done a lot of research and now can we get competent politicians and others to
45 appropriately consider it all?
47 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
49 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
50 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


52 (Our name is our motto!)
8-4-2020 Page 49 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati

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