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Luh Putu Devia Aprilianti / 1712021232 / 6G

A. Based on the method of teaching ( The Procedure of the method)

a. Stimulation (stimulation / stimulation)

First at this stage students are faced with something that causes confusion, then proceed
to not give generalizations, so that the desire arises to investigate themselves. The teacher
can also start by asking questions, encouraging reading books, and other learning
activities that lead to problem solving preparation. Stimulation at this stage serves to
provide conditions for learning interactions that can develop and assist students in
exploring material.

b. Problem statement (statement / problem identification)

The teacher gives the opportunity for students to identify as many agendas of the problem
that are relevant to the learning material based on the results of stimulation, then one of
them is chosen and formulated in the form of a hypothesis (temporary answers to
problem questions).

c. Data collection.
When exploration takes place, the teacher also gives the opportunity for students to
gather as much information as is relevant to prove whether or not the hypothesis. This
stage serves to answer questions or prove whether or not a hypothesis, thus students are
given the opportunity to gather relevant information, read literature, observe objects,
interview with resource persons, conduct their own trials and so on.

d. Data Processing
Data processing is an activity to process data and information that has been obtained by
students through interviews, observations, etc., then interpreted. All informants of the
results of reading, interviews, observations, etc., all are processed, randomized, classified,
tabulated, even if necessary calculated in a certain way and interpreted at a certain level
of trust

e. Verification
This stage gives students the opportunity to conduct careful checks in proving whether or
not the hypothesis set earlier with alternative findings, connected with the results of data
processing. According to Bruner, the learning process will run well and creatively if the
teacher gives the opportunity to students to find a concept, theory, rules or understanding
through the examples he encountered in his life.

f. Generalization (drawing conclusions / generalizations)

This stage is the process of drawing a conclusion that can be used as a general principle
and applies to all the same events or problems, taking into account the results of
verification. Based on the results of the verification, the principles underlying the
generalization are formulated

B. Based on the Genre

1. Narrative text is a narrative (or story) is any report of connected events, presented in a
sequence of written or spoken words, and/or in a sequence of (moving) pictures.
2. Generic Structure of narrative text is 1. Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph
where the characters of the story are introduced. 2. Complication : Where the problems in
the story developed. 3. Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved. 4. Coda /
reorientation (optional) – lesson from the story
3. Social Function of narrative text is the social function of narrative is to amuse,
entertain and to deal with an actual or vicarious experience in different ways. It also
deals with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind,
which in turn finds a resolution.

4. Language Feature of narrative text is

– Past tense (killed, drunk, etc)
– Adverb of time (Once upun a time, one day, etc)
– Time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)
– Specific character. The character of the story is specific, not general. (Cinderella, Snow
White, Alibaba, etc)
– Action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug, walked, etc)
– Direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow White said,”My name is Snow
White). The direct speech uses present tense.

5. Material ( PPT)

C. Instruction of each step of the procedure

1. The teacher displays the power point as a medium for displaying material /
introducing material
2. The teacher explains a little about the Narrative Text material
3. The teacher tries to give an example of Narrative Text
4. The teacher invites students to make themselves divided into 4 people in the class
5. The teacher asks students to display the results of the discussion with the group
6. The teacher rewards students by giving grades
B. Based on the method of teaching ( The Procedure of the method)

a. Stimulation (stimulation / stimulation)

First at this stage students are faced with something that causes confusion, then proceed
to not give generalizations, so that the desire arises to investigate themselves. The teacher
can also start by asking questions, encouraging reading books, and other learning
activities that lead to problem solving preparation. Stimulation at this stage serves to
provide conditions for learning interactions that can develop and assist students in
exploring material.

b. Problem statement (statement / problem identification)

The teacher gives the opportunity for students to identify as many agendas of the problem
that are relevant to the learning material based on the results of stimulation, then one of
them is chosen and formulated in the form of a hypothesis (temporary answers to
problem questions).

c. Data collection.
When exploration takes place, the teacher also gives the opportunity for students to
gather as much information as is relevant to prove whether or not the hypothesis. This
stage serves to answer questions or prove whether or not a hypothesis, thus students are
given the opportunity to gather relevant information, read literature, observe objects,
interview with resource persons, conduct their own trials and so on.

d. Data Processing
Data processing is an activity to process data and information that has been obtained by
students through interviews, observations, etc., then interpreted. All informants of the
results of reading, interviews, observations, etc., all are processed, randomized, classified,
tabulated, even if necessary calculated in a certain way and interpreted at a certain level
of trust

e. Verification
This stage gives students the opportunity to conduct careful checks in proving whether or
not the hypothesis set earlier with alternative findings, connected with the results of data
processing. According to Bruner, the learning process will run well and creatively if the
teacher gives the opportunity to students to find a concept, theory, rules or understanding
through the examples he encountered in his life.

f. Generalization (drawing conclusions / generalizations)

This stage is the process of drawing a conclusion that can be used as a general principle
and applies to all the same events or problems, taking into account the results of
verification. Based on the results of the verification, the principles underlying the
generalization are formulated
C. Based on the Genre
1. definition about procedure text : (1)Texts that explain how something works or how
to use instruction / operation manuals e.g. how to use the video, the computer, the
tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax. (2) Texts that instruct how to do a particular
activity e.g. recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety rules. (3) Texts
that deal with human behavior, e.g how to live happily, how to succeed
2. Generic Structure:
1. Goal : (e.g : How to make spaghetti)
2. Material or Ingredient : (e.g : the material to cook omelette are egg, onion,
vegetable oil, etc. )
3. Step : (e.g : first, wash the tomatoes, onion, …., second cut the onions becomes
slice. . . )
3. Social function of procedure text is to tell the reader how to do / ‘These events are
usually divided into several steps.
4. Language Feature
• Use of imperatives (cut, don’t mix)
• Use of action Verbs (turn, put, mix)
• Use of connectives (first, then, finally)
• Use of adverbial phrases (for five minutes, 2 centimeters from the top)
5. Material ( Doc. Video )
C. Instruction of each step of the procedure
1. The teacher displays the power point as a medium for displaying material /
introducing material
2. The teacher explains a little about the Procedure text material
3. The teacher tries to give an example of Procedure text
4. The teacher invites students to make themselves divided into 4 people in the class
5. The teacher asks students to display the results of the discussion with the group
6. The teacher rewards students by giving grades
D. Based on the method of teaching ( The Procedure of the method)

a. Stimulation (stimulation / stimulation)

First at this stage students are faced with something that causes confusion, then proceed
to not give generalizations, so that the desire arises to investigate themselves. The teacher
can also start by asking questions, encouraging reading books, and other learning
activities that lead to problem solving preparation. Stimulation at this stage serves to
provide conditions for learning interactions that can develop and assist students in
exploring material.

b. Problem statement (statement / problem identification)

The teacher gives the opportunity for students to identify as many agendas of the problem
that are relevant to the learning material based on the results of stimulation, then one of
them is chosen and formulated in the form of a hypothesis (temporary answers to
problem questions).

c. Data collection.
When exploration takes place, the teacher also gives the opportunity for students to
gather as much information as is relevant to prove whether or not the hypothesis. This
stage serves to answer questions or prove whether or not a hypothesis, thus students are
given the opportunity to gather relevant information, read literature, observe objects,
interview with resource persons, conduct their own trials and so on.

d. Data Processing
Data processing is an activity to process data and information that has been obtained by
students through interviews, observations, etc., then interpreted. All informants of the
results of reading, interviews, observations, etc., all are processed, randomized, classified,
tabulated, even if necessary calculated in a certain way and interpreted at a certain level
of trust

e. Verification
This stage gives students the opportunity to conduct careful checks in proving whether or
not the hypothesis set earlier with alternative findings, connected with the results of data
processing. According to Bruner, the learning process will run well and creatively if the
teacher gives the opportunity to students to find a concept, theory, rules or understanding
through the examples he encountered in his life.

f. Generalization (drawing conclusions / generalizations)

This stage is the process of drawing a conclusion that can be used as a general principle
and applies to all the same events or problems, taking into account the results of
verification. Based on the results of the verification, the principles underlying the
generalization are formulated
E. Based on the Genre

1. Definition about procedure text :

2 . Generic Structure:

4. Language Feature

C. Instruction of each step of the procedure

1. The teacher displays the power point as a medium for displaying material /
introducing material
2. The teacher explains a little about the material
3. The teacher tries to give an example of
4. The teacher invites students to make themselves divided into 4 people in the class
5. The teacher asks students to display the results of the discussion with the group
6. The teacher rewards students by giving grades

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