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CRM and ECC Consistent System Refresh CRM 4.0

Document Information
Project Name: BRIDGE
GCS team: SAP & DB Technical Delivery
Document Id: BRIDGE_CRM_V2_Consistent System Refresh.doc

Status of the document

Final Document. X

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CRM and ECC Consistent System Refresh CRM 4.0

Version History
Version Date Revised By Description
V0.1a 18.12.2006 Markus Adding the customizing synchronization details and linking the
Kleinhans Mustapha Outtaleb and Alexandre Komjati fisrt refresh document.
V0.2a 29.10.2007 François Adding datafile copy / database renaming operations, export / import
Blanchard of RFC destination tables.
V.0.2c 29.11.2007 François Adding IPC configuration files (YY files).
V.1.0a 23/04/2008 François Adding new database copy / rename procedure to take into account
Blanchard V2 cluster technology and file restore with BCV technology.
V.1.0b 05/05/2008 François Adding Content server repository / Spool server / ISA Catalog /
TREX gateway / IPC Check / Thrusted RFC destination.
V.1.0c 23/10/2008 François Adding informations about E-Selling catalog publication target.

Quality Review Method: Review by xxx entities involved
Prepared By: François Blanchard Date: 05.11.2007
Reviewed By: Date:
Validated level 1 by : Date:
Validated level 2 by : Date:

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Table of contents

1. Object .............................................................................................................................................................7
1.1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................................7
1.2. Inputs and referenced documents ......................................................................................................8
1.3. Naming Convention.............................................................................................................................9
1.4. Different Cases for the system refresh. ..............................................................................................9
1.4.1. Case of a Project system Refresh. .........................................................................................9
1.4.2. Case of an Online Backup for the source system. .................................................................9
1.4.3. Case of an Offline backup for the Source system. .................................................................9
1.4.4. Case of a Pre-Production system Refresh. ..........................................................................10
1.4.5. London and Toltec SRDF link Schema. ...............................................................................11
2. Before the Copy...........................................................................................................................................11
2.1. User information................................................................................................................................11
2.2. Backup Schedule. .............................................................................................................................11
2.3. Adding a SAP message system........................................................................................................11
2.4. SAP Preparation tasks. .....................................................................................................................12
2.4.1. Refresh Data Export Location:..............................................................................................12
2.4.2. On the SOURCE System......................................................................................................13
2.4.3. On the TARGET System (before the refresh). .....................................................................14
2.4.4. On Target system: Oracle Export. ........................................................................................15
2.4.5. Identifying online archive log generated during the backup and check for duplicate files. ..16
2.4.6. On Target System: Export RFC destination using R3Trans.................................................18
2.4.7. Target: Export RFC Thrusted destination informations. .......................................................19
2.4.8. Target: Exporting Login Screen Info .....................................................................................20
2.4.9. Target: Exporting the users before the refresh.....................................................................20
2.4.10. Exporting printers definition using SPAD..............................................................................21
2.4.11. Exporting Spool servers information (SPAD). ......................................................................22
2.4.12. Content Server: Export Repository informations. .................................................................23
2.4.13. Export IPC Configuration. .....................................................................................................25
2.4.14. Exporting TREX configuration. .............................................................................................27
2.4.15. Export SAF Tool Configuration. ............................................................................................28
2.4.16. Export E-Selling catalog information. ...................................................................................28
2.4.17. Disconnecting the Target system from CUA. .......................................................................29
2.4.18. Exporting the database structure from Source Database. ...................................................30
2.4.19. Copying the Database structure file to the target Server. ....................................................30
2.4.20. Generating Control Files for target database on the target system......................................31
Temp.sql exemple.............................................................................................................................32
2.4.21. Stopping CRM - Application on the target Host....................................................................32
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2.4.22. Checking file system size on the Target Host. .....................................................................32

2.4.23. Deleting Database files on the target system. ......................................................................33
3. Performing the database copy...................................................................................................................33
3.1. Ensure Backup Consistency [ECC and CRM] ..................................................................................33
3.2. Prepare the database restoration. ....................................................................................................34
3.2.1. Case of a project Environment refresh (Brbackup / Brrestore) (this section should be
changed for V2 project systems using networker (V2) in place of Tina (V1)). .....................34
3.2.2. Case of a pre-production or production environment. ..........................................................35
3.3. Restoring Database files on target host............................................................................................35
3.3.1. Case of a Project environment (DEV, INT) (brbackup / brrestore).......................................35
3.3.2. Case of Production and / or Pre-production environement (Clone Technology)..................37
3.4. Instance Recovery: Only for PROD and PREPROD systems. .........................................................38
3.4.1. Renaming Files systems / change owner and permission. ..................................................38
3.4.2. Recreate /oracle symbolic link. .............................................................................................39
3.4.3. Importing Oracle stuff exported before .................................................................................39
3.4.4. Relink database. ...................................................................................................................39
3.4.5. Checking validity of the restored files on the target system .................................................39
3.4.6. Rename restored archive log to target system name...........................................................41
3.5. Renaming target Database. ..............................................................................................................41
3.5.1. Starting the listener. ..............................................................................................................41
3.5.2. Regenerating Target control files..........................................................................................41
3.5.3. Applying archive logs ............................................................................................................43
(only in case of online backup used go to the next chapter in case of offline backup).....................43
3.5.4. Opening Database. ...............................................................................................................44
3.5.5. Checking-Deleting old Controlfiles and old Archive logs files on target system...................44
3.5.6. Rename the Database..........................................................................................................44
3.5.7. Recreate the OPS$ Users. ...................................................................................................45
4. Post copy, Oracle tasks. .............................................................................................................................47
4.1. Deleting the unusable entries in SAP tables :...................................................................................47
4.2. Create the new target spfile. .............................................................................................................47
4.3. Turning OFF the archive log mode. ..................................................................................................48
4.4. Re-importing RFC destinations table content. ..................................................................................49
5. Post Copy: SAP tasks [CRM – ECC]..........................................................................................................51
5.1. Re-Install SAP License [CRM – ECC]. .............................................................................................51
5.2. Stopping Oracle database.................................................................................................................51
5.3. Re-Starting SAP (and Oracle) instance [CRM – ECC]. ....................................................................52
5.4. Transport System Re-configuration (TMS) [CRM – ECC]. ...............................................................53
5.4.1. RADDBDIF program. ............................................................................................................53
5.4.2. TMS Re-configuration...........................................................................................................53
5.5. Re-import SAP instance profiles [CRM – ECC]. ...............................................................................54
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5.5.1. Deleting the old profile on the target system. .......................................................................54

5.5.2. Importing right profiles ..........................................................................................................55
5.6. Re-importing logical system definition [CRM – ECC]. ......................................................................55
5.7. Operation Mode configuration [CRM – ECC]....................................................................................55
5.8. Re-importing exported users [CRM – ECC]......................................................................................55
5.9. Check / Recreate Thrusted RFC destinations [CRM – ECC]. ..........................................................56
5.10. Locking project users [CRM – ECC]. ................................................................................................57
5.11. Checking the TEMSE Consistency [CRM – ECC] ............................................................................59
5.12. Deleting unuseables SAP licenses [CRM – ECC]. ...........................................................................60
5.13. Re-import Printer Definition using SPAD. .........................................................................................60
5.14. Re-import Spool servers Definition using SPAD...............................................................................62
5.15. Check the physical Path definition. ...................................................................................................62
5.16. Changing SAP Directories. ...............................................................................................................63
5.17. Restoring logon group and RFC server group [CRM – ECC] ...........................................................64
5.18. Checking the system settings [CRM – ECC] ....................................................................................64
5.19. Checking SAP Help. [CRM – ECC]...................................................................................................64
5.20. Checking SAPNET Connection using SNOTE [CRM – ECC]. .........................................................65
5.21. Checking / Changing IGS RFC destination [ECC only]. ...................................................................66
5.22. Restoring SLD data connection. [CRM – ECC]. ...............................................................................67
5.23. Checking RFC Destination [CRM – ECC].........................................................................................68
6. Middleware reconfiguration [CRM – ECC]. ...............................................................................................68
6.1. Check old RFC destinations [ECC and CRM]..................................................................................68
6.2. Process Entries of qRFC queues [ECC and CRM, every client] .....................................................68
6.3. Check RFC destinations in the target systems [ECC and CRM, every client]..................................69
6.4. Logical System Conversion (BDLS) [ECC and CRM, every client] .................................................71
6.5. Edi port and partner profile [ECC – CRM].........................................................................................72
6.6. Apply Middleware Settings [ECC, every client]................................................................................73
6.7. Apply Middleware Settings [CRM, every client] ................................................................................74
6.8. Setup IPC Connection for the CRM target system [for every client].................................................75
6.9. Updating IPC customizing configuration files....................................................................................77
6.10. Register qRFC-Queues and Test Initial Downloads [CRM, every client] ........................................79
6.11. Check Middleware Jobs [CRM, every client] ....................................................................................82
6.12. Manual Post Processing ...................................................................................................................83
6.12.1. Set RFC Destinations and URLs ..........................................................................................83
6.12.2. Define URLs..........................................................................................................................83
6.12.3. Data Exchange Conditions (ECC5) ......................................................................................84
6.12.4. Distribution Model Maintenance (ECC5) ..............................................................................84
6.12.5. Maintenance of system data.................................................................................................87
6.12.6. User Interface settings for IPC configuration........................................................................88

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6.12.7. Assign RFC destination for synchronous Method calls ........................................................88

6.12.8. Activation of cross system lock on ECC5 .............................................................................89
6.12.9. Activation of cross system lock on CRM ..............................................................................90
6.12.10. Adapdation of RFC destination for ECC5 calls from CIC ................................................92
6.12.11. Check/Correct table SMOFPARSFA ...............................................................................96
6.12.12. Maintain Logical System for Action Box Transactions ....................................................97
6.12.13. Program to update table CND_MAPM_CNV_REC .........................................................97
6.12.14. Cleaning incorrect B-Doc.................................................................................................98
7. CRM components reconnexion. ................................................................................................................99
7.1. Re-import Content Sever Repository informations. ..........................................................................99
7.2. Re-create IPC configuration............................................................................................................102
7.3. Checking / Changing TREX configuration. .....................................................................................106
7.4. Checking / Changing CRM-SAF Tool configuration. .....................................................................109
7.5. Make the E-Selling Catalog initial Replication. ...............................................................................110
7.6. Check the configuration of the Broadcast Messaging Server.........................................................112
7.6.1. Change the port used for incoming sockets connections...................................................112
7.6.2. Configure the BMS on the CRM ABAP ..............................................................................112
8. Final tasks. .................................................................................................................................................113
8.1. Connecting Systems to Central User Administration [for every client] ...........................................113
8.2. Database check. .............................................................................................................................116
8.3. Tablespaces free space check. ......................................................................................................117
8.4. Checking the system settings and client attributes. ........................................................................118
8.5. Re-activate Oracle archive log mode..............................................................................................119
8.6. Checking / enabeling archivelog mode. ..........................................................................................120
8.7. Re-importing Delta of Transport request.........................................................................................120
8.8. Unlocking Project Users..................................................................................................................121
8.9. Check and / or delete remaining SM02 messages. ........................................................................121
8.10. Restoring Login screen info. ...........................................................................................................121
8.11. Searching for critical warning or error. ............................................................................................121
8.12. Search for critical dump. .................................................................................................................121
8.13. Re-schedule SAP Background Jobs...............................................................................................121
8.14. Re-import certificates for SSO between Portal / ESS and Portal CRM (j2ee)................................122
8.15. Final Check. ....................................................................................................................................125

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CRM and ECC Consistent System Refresh CRM 4.0

1. Object
The SAP Customer Relation Management (CRM) system is linked very closely to the SAP Enterprise Core
Component system (ECC, formerly known as R/3), because as well master data as transaction data are being
synchronized all the time. The synchronization is handled by the CRM Middleware, a part of the CRM server
that sends business documents (BDocs) to the ECC system and processes BDocs received from the ECC
system. To ensure that BDocs are processed in the same order as they were sent, the transmission of those
BDocs is done by queued RFC calls in both directions.

Because of this tight integration, system copy operations always have to be synchronized between ECC and
CRM to ensure consistent data in the newly created or systems. Because the connection data for CRM
middleware is also copied during system copy, the new systems will directly start to send data to the system
connected to the source they were copied from (and not to each other). Because this would lead to data
inconsistency in the target client, the connections have to be broken before the copy


Copied System Copied System


Source System Source System Source System Source System

Before the client copies: The systems are connected to After the client copies: Because connection data is usually
each other. also copied during the client copy, both target clients are
connected to the wrong clients.

1.1. Scope
The list hereafter states which systems these procedure is related to:

Input / Document Scope

All CRM / ECC Bridge environments with oracle database (ABAP or J2EE). IN
All other SAP systems OUT

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1.2. Inputs and referenced documents

The lists of the inputs and documents are given here after:

Input / Document Type Date Origin

Technical Operations Manual for SAP Net Weaver Online documentation
(click help.sap.com)
SAP CRM Powered by SAP Net Weaver Online documentation
(click help.sap.com)

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1.3. Naming Convention.

Its very important in this operation that follow use very carefully actions to perform on the Source or Target

 <TAR-SID> or <TARGET>: Mean the target system for the database restore (target mean the
system to be refreshed).

 <SRC-SID> or <SOURCE>: Mean the source system from which the refresh is coming (source of
the database backup used).

 <COMP NAM>: variable will be used for oracle databse shema name, which is SAPCRM for CRM
and SAPECC for ECC.

 CLUSTER environement: You can find some remarks for system with HACMP functionality
(PROD, PREPROD & MAINT), CI and DB are on two different host.

 NON-CLUSTER: All other project environement (DB / CI are on the same server).

1.4. Different Cases for the system refresh.

Different cases are possible to perform a system refresh (Refresh means: Making a database copy from an
existing system to another existing system of the same solution (you can only copy a CRM to a CRM, an ECC
to an ECC etc…)).

In most cases the refresh will be done on pre-production system refreshed by production, but sometimes you
will have to do it on some project environments.

1.4.1. Case of a Project system Refresh.

For all project environments, oracle database is backuped by brtools (brbackup) so you will have to use
brtools (brrestore) to restore it.

1.4.2. Case of an Online Backup for the source system.

In case of online source backup, after restoring the datafiles you will to apply all archivelogs files generated
during the backup to have a consistent system.

1.4.3. Case of an Offline backup for the Source system.

For an offline backup, no archivelog are needed because application was stopped before the backup, so
after copying, the database can be directly renamed and opened.

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1.4.4. Case of a Pre-Production system Refresh.

For pre-production and production system, the backup is performed by a SRDF link between the two site
of London (PROD) and Toltek (Pre-Prod).

The Production disk Array in London is continuously synchronized with the Pre-Production DR (disaster
Recovery) disk array in Toltek by a SRDF link.

For a refresh, the source database is switched in Begin-backup state and the DR disks are synchronized with
the pre-productions ones.

The Unix team take the charge of copying databases files between the two servers and renaming files system
(owner, permission and oracle symbolic links) the SAP team task starts with restarting database (Instance
recovery without database rename, renaming the database, applying archive, reopening target database and
doing all post-refresh steps.

So, no brtools are used in this case (prod / preprod).

Refreh steps list for preproduction system-refresh.

• SAP: Refresh preparation: Export all needed data on TARGET system before the refresh (export DBS
/ listener config / users profiles.
• SAP: Generate Trace file on source system to prepare target controlfiles.
• UNIX: Backup Scheduling on source system (BCV Splitt), start backup and check return code.
• SAP: Stop SAP and oracle on Target system.
• Tools: Deschule Backup jobs on target system (and all jobs).
• UNIX: Copy ORAVG and REDOVG from source to target system (change /<preprod servr>/oracle link
to prod server name).
• SAP: Change /oracle owner to prod sid, change oraarch owner (oraarch is not part of ORAVG).
• SAP: Instance recovery (startup DB on target without renaming).
• SAP: Shutdown DB on target system.
• UNIX: Rename file systems, change oracle library links.
• SAP: Import DBS, user profiles, listener config on target system
• SAP: recreate /<server/oracle link, modify oracle files (clntsh..), modify oraarch owner
• SAP: Relink all (oracle)
• SAP: Regenerate target control files (Database rename).
• SAP: Apply Archive logs (only in case of online backup).
• SAP: Open database (resetlogs).
• SAP: Recreate oracle users.
• SAP: Change RFC destination (to avoid send data on prod systems).
• SAP: Lock SAP users on target system.
• SAP: export RFC destination table, delete RFC hostname informations.
• SAP: Restart SAP.
• SAP: Make all post refresh tasks (Middleware resynchronization).
• SAP: Unlock users
• SAP: Schedule backup an jobs on target system

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1.4.5. London and Toltec SRDF link Schema.

2. Before the Copy.

2.1. User information.

Make sure that all users have been informed of the next system refresh.

2.2. Backup Schedule.

On the Source system, be sure to use the same backup time stamp for ECC and CRM systems, be sure that
the backup is well scheduled.

2.3. Adding a SAP message system.

You can use SM02 to create a system message with the following kind format.

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2.4. SAP Preparation tasks.

2.4.1. Refresh Data Export Location:

Two directory were created to temporary store exported before, during and after the refresh, you can (have
to..) use them for your refresh.

UNIX export location:

Path: zdbackup:/sapcd/REFRESH/EXPORT

Windows Export Location:

N:\GTCC\Technical_Design_and_Build\02-SAP & DB Build\05- Administration Procedures\11 -


To be able to recreate connections with other systems and for other purpose, you will have to extract (or
save) data in the target system before deleting it (to be able to recreate them after the system copy).

To do it you can use some screen copy, oracle table export / import (if corresponding scripts have been
created or other tools).

For each transaction data to be exported, you can use the “system  List  Save” Menu path, to save the
data in flat file that you can record on your PC and reuse to recreate the data manually, use the following path:

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2.4.2. On the SOURCE System.

Task or Transaction code TEAM Remarks OK / KO
Before the backup, check
with SM13 if you don’t have
any interrupted update, ask SAP
functional team to cancel or
validate if yes.
Check the backup is
cheduled at the Same time SAP
within ECC System.
Logon with ora<sid> on the target system
and use the following command:
Ora<sid>/ sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’;
!!!Just before the backup:
ECC / CRM SQL> alter database backup controlfile
Export the source SAP
Source to trace;
database structure.
A new file with form <sid>_ora_xxxx.trc
will generated in:

When backup is completed Check that no new datafiles were added

Use DB12 to check the SAP during the backup (if yes you will have to
backup return code. recreate a new control file).
Target Oracle and SAP
UNIX – The Unix – Backup team is the owner of
users must be authorized ECC / CRM
Backup this tasks (no possible restauration
to access the Tina Source Source
Team without it).
If you have to restore an online backup,
you cannot restart database before it is in
DB12: Identify archive log a consistent state, to do that you need to
to be applied in case of SAP identify which archive have been
Online backup. generated during the backup and restore
them into the target oraarch directoy (this
step is described in point 2.4.3).

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2.4.3. On the TARGET System (before the refresh).

Task or Transaction code TEAM Remarks
!! Check you have sufficient space in
the target system /oracle/<TAR-
SID>/sapdataxx for the source SAP - Unix


Export the followings on
Because ORAVG volume will be copied
zdbackup/sapcd/REFRESH/EXPORT ECC / CRM
SAP from source during the refresh, you will
/oracle/<SID>/102_64/dbs Target.
have to backup a

Export Oracle User profiles.

On target database nodes, Logon with ECC / CRM
SAP Copy all file of user profile of ora<sid>
ora<sid>; use “cp .*” to export all Target.
user profiles

Must be done just before the database

Deschedule backup planned during ECC / CRM
Tools restore  Ask the right team to do it
the system refresh Target.
(Tools Team).
Must be done just before the database
restore  Ask the right team to do it.
(If jobs are not scheduled in ControlM you
Deschedule Jobs in the target system. CONTROLM will have to use SM37 to take all
scheduled / released jobs details to be
able to reschedule them after the system
Spad  Output devices  Edit 
SPAD: Export the printer definition.
ECC / CRM Transport All  Create a transport,
SPAD: Export the Spool server SAP
Target. release it and note the transport
request number.
IPC: Export IPC configuration
(table; COMM_IPC_DEST / SAP Screen copy
COMM_IPC_URL)  Screen shot
TREX: Export TREX configuration ECC / CRM
SAP Screen Copy.
(trans: SRMO) Target.
Content Sever: (OAC0 /
repository information; export Target.
certificate information.
Make screen-shot for all non-standard
RFC destination with all connexion
SM59: Export all RFC Destination ECC / CRM details (user, client,…).
(table RFCDES and RFCDOC Target.
Use brtools to make an export of table
Create a transport request with all logical
BD54: Export All logical system. SAP system, release it and note the
transport request number.
SMT1: Export RFC thrusted ECC / CRM Make screen shot of thrusted system
destination informations. Target. (ECC / CRM°.
RZ03 / RZ04: Make screenshot of ECC / CRM
SAP Make screenshot of RZ03 and RZ04.
operation mode definition Target.
Export on a flat file (system  list 
AL11: Export all SAP Directories ECC / CRM
SAP Save) or make a screen-shot of AL11
definition. Target.
Export on a flat file (system  list 
Save) or make a screen-shot of WE20
WE20: Take a screen shot of the ECC / CRM
SAP transaction.
Partner type LS and US. Target.
(be carefull with outbound / intbound
WE21: Take a screen shot of ALL ALE ECC / CRM Make a screen shot and be sure to have
Port number. Target. each port-number and associated RFC

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destination in the screenshot.

SMLG: Take a screen shot to be able ECC / CRM
SAP Make a screen shot.
to recreate all Logon Groups Target
RZ12: Take a screen shot to be able ECC / CRM Make a screen shot and be sure to have
to recreate all RFC Server Groups Target. all groups details.
RZ70: Take a screen shot to be able ECC / CRM
to recreate the SLD system connexion. Target.
SLDAPICUST: make screen shot SLD ECC / CRM
hostname Target.
Make a screen shot (work process and
RZ04: Export operation mode ECC / CRM time distribution).
configuration (screen shot). Target.  Use SM63 to display and save the time
ECC / CRM Take a screen shot of each client
SCC4: Client attributes SAP
Target. attributes.
You can use saplicense transaction or, as
SLICENSE: Extract the SAP License ECC / CRM
SAP <sid>adm, you can launch saplicense –
data. Target.
show command.
Because you will have to lock all user
before restarting SAP, take a list of the
SUIM: Display and save in a local the ECC / CRM
SAP locked user before the refresh, to be
locked user list. Target.
abble to restore the system in the same
Make a client export (client copy, with
SAP_USER profile) for each client on
SCC8: User Eport, make a client ECC / CRM
SAP the target system, note the request
export for all client to be refreshed. Target.
numbers and release them when the
export was finished.
On the target system, launch SCUA,
check child system = the refreshed
SCUA: Disconnect the client from the ECC / CRM
SAP system and use the trash to delete it,
CUA central system. Target.
chek by using SU01, the create button
must be there.
Check if there is a message, if yes take a
SE61, zlogin_screen_info ECC / CRM
SAP screenshot to be able to restore it (see
Exporting the SAP welcome message Target.
detail in step: 2.4.8
SM69: Export all Specific External ECC / CRM Extract the data containing an hostname
command defined. Target. or

2.4.4. On Target system: Oracle Export.

Export Oracle Stuff:

Copy the content of the followings directory on /sapcd/REFRESH/EXPORT/”component”

• /oracle/<SID>/102_64/dbs
• /oracle/<SID>/102_64/oraInventory
• /oracle/<SID>/102_64/network/admin
• On DB Node, export profiles of ora<sid> and <sid>adm (for ora<sid> user, cd $HOME, cp –p .*
/sapcd/REFRESH/EXPORT/CRM/QCA/profiles/ora<sid> (do the same for <sid>adm).

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2.4.5. Identifying online archive log generated during the backup and check for duplicate

*Only in case of online backup used for the system copy.

For the target database to be consistent, you will have to apply all archive log generated during the backup

To identify archive log generated during the backup do the followings:

 Logon to the source system.

 Launch DB12 and choose “overview of database backups”.

 Identify the backup that you want to use to restore (and open the detailed log).

 In this screen, check that you have no duplicate data files (2 files with same name even if they are in
different locations).

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 Click on the “detail log” button.

 At the beginning of the log you can check the archive log sequence used during the backup.
Here you have only the log sequence number, the complete archive is composed by the followings:
<SID>arch1_<log sequence number>_<number>.dbf

 By returning to the first DB12 screen you can use the following to know the real archive log file and if
you have to restore to a defined time stamp you can check wich archive files you will have to restore to
do it.

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 In this screen you can check which archive log file you will have to restore in target oraarch directory to
recover database to the needed time stamp (*should be same time stamp for ECC and CRM

2.4.6. On Target System: Export RFC destination using R3Trans.

Objective of this step is to export all RFC destination (by exporting content of all RFC tables) of source
system to be able to restore them after the refresh (and before restarting the target system), to avoid
refreshed target system try to communicate with some client of the source system).

Note: All exported data will be temporary stored into /oracle/<SID>/sapreorg


 Creates R3trans parameter file containing the table list to be exported.

 Logon to the target system with user <sid>adm

 Go to /oracle/<TAR SID>/sapreorg
 Create the parameter file using “vi” command (file name: export_rfc.ctl).

zr2serv:/>su - zr0adm
Time Navigator environment has been correctly set
zr2serv:zr0adm 1> cd /oracle/ZR0/sapreorg
zr2serv:zr0adm 2> vi export_rfc.ctl
CLIENT=000 (*rfc tables are client independent tables).

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Exemple on ZR0:

 Execute the R3trans export.

Use command: R3trans –w <export log file name> <parameter file name>
Exemple for ZR0: R3trans –w export_sm59.log export_rfc.ctl

zr2serv:zr0adm 7> R3trans -w export_sm59.log export_rfc.ctl

This is R3trans version 6.13 (release 640 - 25.07.06 - 17:34:00).
unicode enabled version
R3trans finished (0000).  Check the R3trans return code !

This command create the file sm59_<SID>.dat (created before) which contain exported table content,
and the log file export_sm59.log (name added in the export command line).

zr2serv:zr0adm 9> pwd

zr2serv:zr0adm 10> ls –ltr

The table export is now ready to be imported latter (RFC data must be updated just after database
rename and before starting the target SAP system!).

2.4.7. Target: Export RFC Thrusted destination informations.

 Logon to target system.

 Launch transaction smt1

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2.4.8. Target: Exporting Login Screen Info

 Launch se61.
 Choose data element ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO
 Choose change.
 Create a transport request with your change (no change here, change mode is only to create a
transport request.
 Release the transport request and not the transport request number.

2.4.9. Target: Exporting the users before the refresh.

To be able to logon with the same password to the refreshed system after the system refresh, all
user need to be exported for all needed client).

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 Log on the Target system in the client the users have to be kept.
 Launch SCC8 transaction.
 Select the profile SAP_USER
 Be sure that target system = <TAR-SID>
 Note the transport request number.
 Release the Transport Request (User transport request name would be: <target


Make sure that there is enough space in the directory /usr/sap/trans

Use SCC3 Tcode to survey the export.

Note the transport Order. He will be usefull for the client Import.

2.4.10. Exporting printers definition using SPAD.

 Launch transaction SPAD

 Use the “printer button”.
 Switch in change mode.
 Choose Menu  Edit  Transfer  Export and make the following selection*

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 Check the export log

 Check the file on your PC.

2.4.11. Exporting Spool servers information (SPAD).

 First, use the “export” functionality for OMS.

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 Use transaction SPAD.

 Use the “Spool servers” Button.

 Make a screen copy.

 Double click each servers and make a screen copy to able to reconfigure / check both, servers during
post refresh activities.

2.4.12. Content Server: Export Repository informations.

 Launch transaction OAC0, double click the line Z_<CS SID>_TEST

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 Use the “full administration” button and make a screen copy.

 Click the “CSADMIN” button (or launch transaction “CSADMIN”.

 Make a screen copy of tab “certificates” and “Settings”.

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 Launch transaction “strustssO2” and make a screen copy.

2.4.13. Export IPC Configuration.

Make the following screenshot to export connected IPC information:

In case of several client; those export must be done in every needed clients.

Check and export IPC Release informations:

 Launch transaction: TTE_SIMULATION

 Launch transaction SE16:

Fill-in table name: COMM_IPC_DEST

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Fill-in table name: COMM_IPC_URL

 Export RFC Destination Information

 Launch SM59:

 Double click Dispatcher and Server destination and take screen shots.

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2.4.14. Exporting TREX configuration.

 Launch transaction SRMO:

 Take screenshots of both tabs “Search Server Relation” and “RFC Destinations”.

Tab: Search Server Relation

Tab: RFC Destination

 Launch SM59 to take screen shot of TREX RFC Destinations:

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2.4.15. Export SAF Tool Configuration.

 Connect target system.

 Launch transaction se16 and export (screen copy or “save list as..”) for the following table.

2.4.16. Export E-Selling catalog information.

 Launch transaction SPRO:

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Double click each server and take screenshot of all detailed informations.

2.4.17. Disconnecting the Target system from CUA.

 Logon to the target System.

 Launch transaction SCUA.

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 Use the trash button to delete the system (!!! be sure to do it only for the target system

2.4.18. Exporting the database structure from Source Database.

On the source system: To be able to regenerate the control files on the target system you must extract the
exact database structure in a file, this file then will be copied on the target server to be used to generate the
corresponding control files.

This operation must be done just before launching the backup (to be sure that no modification were done on
the database), you must check after the backup in the source system alertlog that no new datafile were
added during the backup.

 Logon to the source system with user ora<sid>

 Launch sqlplus and connect database: sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’;
 Use command: alter database backup control file to trace;

<ora>sid/ sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’;

SQL> connected

SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace;

Database altered

A new trace file with form: <sid>_ora_xxxx.trc will be created in directory: /oracle/<SRC-
SID>/saptrace/usertrace (or at the emplacement of oracle parameter: user_dump_dest.

SQL> show parameter user_dump_dest


------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
user_dump_dest string /oracle/<SID>/saptrace/usertrace

2.4.19. Copying the Database structure file to the target Server.

To be able to rename the database on the target server when file will be copied, you have to copy the trace file
generated in preceding step, this file will be then used to recreate target control files and to rename target

 Copy the trace file (<src sid>_ora_xxxx.trc into the same directory on target host: /oracle/<TAR

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 On the target system, rename the trace file (<src sid>_ora_xxxx.trc) copied in the preceding step to
name: control.sql
(cmd: “mv <src sid>_ora_xxxx.trc control.sql”).

2.4.20. Generating Control Files for target database on the target system.

 On the target system, open the file /oracle/<TAR SID>/saptrace/usertrace/control.sql

 Suppress the line at the beginning of the file, the first lines should be:


 Change the SID relative to Source system to SID of the Target system, using the following

:1,$s%<Source SID>%<Target SID>%g

 Cut the lines relative to TEMP FILE Creation and create a script named temp.sql like the following:

ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oracle/ <TAR SID> /sapdata3/temp_2/temp.data2'

ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oracle/<TAR SID> /sapdata3/temp_1/temp.data1'

 Delete the last lines of the file, the last lines should be:


 Rename the trace file with new SID to control.sql which will be used to regenerate the target
control files.
 Add the lines relatives to Tempfile in a file temp.sql which will be used to recreate the Temp file
(because in new release, temp file is not backuped anymore).
 Copy those two files in the /sapcd/REFRESH/EXPORT/<component>/<SID> directory.

Control.sql exemple:
GROUP 21 (
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/origlogA/log_g21m1.dbf',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/mirrlogA/log_g21m2.dbf'
) SIZE 150M,
GROUP 22 (
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/origlogB/log_g22m1.dbf',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/mirrlogB/log_g22m2.dbf'
) SIZE 150M,
GROUP 23 (
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/origlogA/log_g23m1.dbf',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/mirrlogA/log_g23m2.dbf'
) SIZE 150M,
GROUP 24 (
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/origlogB/log_g24m1.dbf',

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'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/mirrlogB/log_g24m2.dbf'
) SIZE 150M,
GROUP 25 (
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/origlogA/log_g25m1.dbf',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/mirrlogA/log_g25m2.dbf'
) SIZE 157286912,
GROUP 26 (
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/origlogB/log_g26m1.dbf',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/mirrlogB/log_g26m2.dbf'
) SIZE 157286912
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata2/undo_1/undo.data1',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata4/crm_1/crm.data1',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata4/crm_2/crm.data2',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata4/crm_3/crm.data3',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata4/crm_4/crm.data4',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata4/crm_5/crm.data5',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata3/crm620_1/crm620.data1',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata3/crm620_2/crm620.data2',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata3/crm620_3/crm620.data3',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata3/crm620_4/crm620.data4',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata1/crmusr_1/crmusr.data1',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata2/crm620_5/crm620.data5',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata2/crm620_6/crm620.data6',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata4/crm_6/crm.data6',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata1/crm_7/crm.data7',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata1/crm_8/crm.data8',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata1/crm_9/crm.data9',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata4/crm620_8/crm620.data8',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata1/crm620_7/crm620.data7',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata1/system_2/system.data2',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata1/undo_2/undo.data2',
'/oracle/<TARGET SID>/sapdata1/sysaux_1/sysaux.data1'

Temp.sql exemple
ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oracle/ZC0/sapdata3/temp_2/temp.data2'
ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oracle/ZC0/sapdata3/temp_1/temp.data1'

2.4.21. Stopping CRM - Application on the target Host.

Now we will have to stop SAP and other application on the target server (ECC and CRM).
For the CRM, all components (R3, J2EE, TREX, IPC, Gateway) have to be stopped, use the right procedure:
“BRIDGE_CRM_V2_Starting and Stopping CRM.doc”

 Ask Tools team to stop the monitoring (Tivoli and Solution manager).
 Ask the Tools team to stop the Jobs scheduler.
 Stop SAP on all applications servers (as <sid>adm  stopsap r3)
 Stop SAP and Oracle on Central and database instance (as <sid>adm  stopsap).
 Clean IPC: as <sid>adm  cleanipc <inst number>
 Stop the Oracle listener (as ora<sid>  lsnrctl stop LISTENER_<SID>
 Check with “ps” that all processes have been stopped.
 Stop all other application running (IPC, TREX, Gateway, Content server).

2.4.22. Checking file system size on the Target Host.

To be able to restore the source database in the target file system, you must ensure that there is sufficient
freespace available on the target file systems.

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The target file system must have the same size that source or must have sufficient freespace to store the
utilized FS size from the source.

On the target host, check the following File systems size:

/oracle/<SID>/sapdata<n> (1 to n)

2.4.23. Deleting Database files on the target system.

*Note: To be done before deleting target datafile:

 Be sure that the source system backup is successfull  Inform project if not OK.
 Be sure there is no duplicate name of backuped files (even in different location, brrestore is not able to
restore 2 datafiles with same name even if they are in different location), could be checked into the
source backup detailed log file.
 Be sure that no new datafiles where added to the source database during the backup (check that there
was database structure change during the backup, could be checked in the source alerlog file).

 Log on the target system with user ora<sid>.

 Suppress all the old target data files in each /oracle/<SID>/sapdata* directory using the command
rm –r in the sapdatas directories (you must the sapdatas directory when launching command

 Delete the content of the following directories :

/oracle/<SID>/sapdata<n> (1 to

3. Performing the database copy

3.1. Ensure Backup Consistency [ECC and CRM]

Because of data replication mechanism between ECC and CRM System, both system databases need to be
recreated with the same time stamp, it means that in case of offline backup the begin backup phase must
be done at the same time in ECC and CRM, and in case of online backup the begin backup as less
importance, but you will have to apply archive log until exactly the same time stamp.

The backup time stamp for applying archive must be known (Coordination ECC / CRM) BEFORE STARTING

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3.2. Prepare the database restoration.

3.2.1. Case of a project Environment refresh (Brbackup / Brrestore) (this section

should be changed for V2 project systems using networker (V2) in place of Tina (V1)).

In case of project refresh, we will use brbackup / brrestore program and in this case we have to autorize the
target system to access the source tina catalog.

a. Enabling the restore from the source to the target host (Unix – Backup Team).

You must ask the Unix team to authorize the target users (ora<sid> and <sid>adm) to access the source
catalog (Tina Team).

b. Copying the backup log file from source to target system.

On the Source System.

 Log on the source system with user ora<sid>.

 Go to the directory /oracle/<SID>/sapackup.

 Identify the last backup log (cf DB12 under SAP to find the corresponding file name). The file
would be *.aff for an offline backup and *.anf for an online backup.

 Copy the file to the /oracle/<TAR SID>/sapackup directory of the target host.

 Change the rights of the file on the target system with the target user and the group :
“chown ora<target sid>:sapsys <file name>”

c. Modifying the init<SID>.utl on the target host.

On the Target System.

 Go to the directory /oracle/<SID>/102_64/dbs.

 Make a backup copy of the original init<SID.utl (“cp –p init<SID>.utl init<SID>.utl.backup”).

 Modify the file init<SID>.utl on the target system. The field “folder” should be changed to the value
of the source system.

catalog sch5 (could be different, catalog used could be checked in the backup log).

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folder <source host>_<SRC SID>  Exemple:”dc2serv_DCB” (if the source is DCB on dc2serv).
tmp_dir /tmp

d. Checking Brtools release on the target system.

 Log on to the target system with user ora<sid>.

 Check the brtools version by using brtools –V command.

Make sure you use at least BRTOOLS 6.40 (patch 36) for V1 systems and BRTOOLS 7.00 (patch 24) for
V2 systems.

Here is screenshot for V2 systems.

3.2.2. Case of a pre-production or production environment.

For pre-production and production environment, when database are deleted there is nothing else to prepare
because Unix is responsible for restore the source database from the Disk Clone (you can directly go to the
restoration chapter)  Unix team copy the ORAVG and REDOVG from production to production servers (you
only have to check that dbs, network, oraInventory and ora<sid> user profiles are exported (in addition of all
SAP stuff).

3.3. Restoring Database files on target host.

3.3.1. Case of a Project environment (DEV, INT) (brbackup / brrestore).

On the target system:

 Logon with ora<sid> user.

 Go to the directory /oracle/<SID>/sapackup
 Start the restore with the command : brrestore –b backup_file (use the backup file copied above )

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qg2serv:oraqgv 1> brrestore -b bdtojmok.aff

BR0401I BRRESTORE 6.40 (15)
BR0405I Start of file restore: rdtowhbl.rsb 2006-09-26 14.56.17
BR0454W Values of oracle_sid are different: current 'QGV', backup bdtojmok.aff 'PGV'
BR0455W Value 'QGV' of oracle_sid will be used for restore
BR0454W Values of oracle_home are different: current '/oracle/QGV/920_64', backup bdtojmok.aff
BR0455W Value '/oracle/QGV/920_64' of oracle_home will be used for restore
BR0454W Values of sapdata_home are different: current '/oracle/QGV', backup bdtojmok.aff '/oracle/PGV'
BR0455W Value '/oracle/QGV' of sapdata_home will be used for restore
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2006-09-26 14.56.17
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:

 Enter ‘c’ to continue.

A warning message appears because SID in the file init<SID>.sap and the backup_log are not the
same (this warning is normal).

If the sapdatas doesn’t exist, the tool will create them:

BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

BR0427I Files from the old sapdata_home /oracle/PGV will be restored into the new sapdata_home
BR0370I Directory /oracle/QGV/sapdata1/ecc_12 created
BR0370I Directory /oracle/QGV/sapdata4/ecc_11 created
BR0370I Directory /oracle/QGV/sapdata3/ecc_10 created

BR0370I Directory /oracle/QGV/sapdata1/system_2 created

BR0370I Directory /oracle/QGV/sapdata1/system_1 created
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2006-09-27 08.45.22
BR0407I Restore of database: QGV
BR0408I BRRESTORE action ID: rdtozxwx
BR0409I BRRESTORE function ID: rsb
BR0449I Restore mode: ALL
BR0419I Files will be restored from backup: bdtoygbc.aff 2006-09-27 00.30.44
BR0416I 41 files found to restore, total size 88140.320 MB
BR0421I Restore device type: util_file
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2006-09-27 08.45.22
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:

 Enter ‘c’ to continue. The restore will start.

 Check the brrestore return code (must be succesfull or successful with, check for the warning).

BR0406I End of file restore: rdvrhjob.rsb 2007-07-11 13.37.14
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2007-07-11 13.37.14
BR0403I BRRESTORE completed successfully with warnings

!! Now it’s very important to change back the init<SID>.utl to the original one (if no, your next backup
on the target system will be done on the source folder !).

Changing back the init<SID>.utl file.

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 Logon to the target system.

 Go to /oracle/<SID>/102_64/dbs
 Use command rm init<SID>.utl (to delete the incorrect ones).
 Use command mv init<SID>.utl.backup init<SID>.utl
 Check the followings in the init<SID>.utl file (or create it like that if you have no backup).

zc2serv:/oracle/ZC0/102_64/dbs>more initZC0.utl
catalog sch5  Should be the catalog defined for the target system.
folder zc2serv_ZC0  Should be the target system name and server.
tmp_dir /tmp

3.3.2. Case of Production and / or Pre-production environement (Clone Technology).

For Production and pre-production systems, backup / restore are not performed by brbackup / brrestore tools.
Technology used is clone / BCV which consist to make a flash (quick) copy / synchronisation of the production
or pre-production disks to another disk array, this copy is then backuped on tape (advantage of this kind of
architecture is that unavailability duration of production and preproduction systems is reduced in comparaison
with brbackup (disk synchronisation is a very quick process, only a few minutes needed)).

So in this case, the Unix team (infrastructure team) is responsible to restore the database data of production
environment into pre-production server.

Unix team will copy on pre-production servers the volume group ORAVG and REDOVG.

Here is the list of file system copied during this operation.

Here PCA ORAVG was copied on QCADB server:

Here PCA REDOVG was copied on QCADB server:

Ask UNIX team to restore production VG on pre-production server.

 Ask the UNIX team to copy on pre-production server, the ORAVG and REDOVG from production.

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 In case of online backup used, be sure to restore all archive log needed (3 files before the backup
stars and 3 files after the backup is finished on source system).
 Give them the database source <SID> / server and target <SID> / server.

3.4. Instance Recovery: Only for PROD and PREPROD systems.

For PROD and PREPROD systems.

When Unix team as completed the Volume Group copy.

• Use the following to check if all file system have been copied:
“lsvg –l <TARSID>oravg” and “lsvg –l <TARSID>redovg”.

• You must see the followings (see the screenshot above about PCA VG).

Changing /oracle symbolic link.

• Delete the /<tarsid>db/oracle link (“cd /” and “rm oracle”).

• Create the /<srcsid>db/oracle link (“ln –s /<srcsid>db/oracle oracle”).
• At the end you must see the followings on pre-production server.

Changing /oracle and /oracle/<SID>/oraarch owner to <src>sid owner.

At the end you must see the followings

Restarting Oracle database (Instance recovery).

Now you will have to restart the database (SRC) on target server (without renaming !).

• Connect db server as ora<tarsid>

• Launch sqlplus “sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’;”
• RestartDB: “startup”
• When database is opened.
• Shutdown it with “shutdown immediate”.

3.4.1. Renaming Files systems / change owner and permission.

At this point UNIX team must rename file systems on preprod server, and changing oracle
library links (Ask Unix team to do it).

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3.4.2. Recreate /oracle symbolic link.

• Delete the /<prodsid>db/oracle link and recreate the link for preprod.
• Logon as root.
• Use cd $HOME
• Use: rm oracle
• Use: “ln –s /<tarsid>db/oracle oracle” to recreate the link with preproduction hostname.
• Check / Change permission of /oracle and oraarch directory to ora<tarsid>

3.4.3. Importing Oracle stuff exported before

(only for PREPROD / PROD).

• On the target, copy back the dbs directory under /oracle/<SID>/102_64

• On the target, copy back the admin directory under /oracle/<SID>/102_64/network
• On the target, copy back the oraInventory directory under /oracle/<SID>
• On the target, copy back the ora<sid> and <sid>adm profiles on each home directory.

3.4.4. Relink database.

At this point you will have to relink the database.

• Logon as ora<sid>
• Launch command: “relink all”

3.4.5. Checking validity of the restored files on the target system

 Checking User, Group, Authorizations of the restored files.

 All the sapdatas, directories and subdirectories should have the permission code 755 and
the user : ora<sid> , group : dba

 saparch,oraarch,mirrlog and origlog directories should have the permission code 755 and
the user : ora<sid> , group : dba.

Subdirectories should have the permission code 640 and the user : ora<sid> , group : dba

 Use the following command to change owner and / or permission if incorrect.

To change permission
qg2serv:oraqgv 21> cd $HOME
qg2serv:oraqgv 22> chmod -R 755 sapdata*

If the user and group are not well positionned :

To change owner
qg2serv:oraqgv 22> cd $HOME
qg2serv:oraqgv 23> chown -R ora<sid>:dba sapdata*

 Logon to the target system with user ora<sid> and check the following (file time stamp and
file location under home directory of ora<sid> user).

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zc2serv:/>su - orazc0
Time Navigator environment has been correctly set
zc2serv:orazc0 1> cd $HOME
zc2serv:orazc0 2> ls -ltr |grep sapdata
drwxr-xr-x 9 orazc0 dba 256 Jul 11 10:49 sapdata4
drwxr-xr-x 8 orazc0 dba 256 Jul 11 10:49 sapdata3
drwxr-xr-x 5 orazc0 dba 256 Jul 11 10:49 sapdata2
drwxr-xr-x 11 orazc0 dba 4096 Jul 11 10:49 sapdata1
zc2serv:orazc0 3>

 Check the restore of the mirrlog and origlog directories:

zc2serv:orazc0 9> ls -ltr |grep log

drwxr-xr-x 3 orazc0 dba 256 Jul 12 14:25 origlogA
drwxr-xr-x 2 orazc0 dba 256 Jul 12 14:25 mirrlogA
drwxr-xr-x 2 orazc0 dba 256 Jul 12 14:25 origlogB
drwxr-xr-x 2 orazc0 dba 256 Jul 12 14:25 mirrlogB
zc2serv:orazc0 10>

 Check in oraarch directory (you must see restored archive of source system).

zc2serv:orazc0 25> cd /oracle/zc0/oraarch

zc2serv:orazc0 26> ls
<SRC SID>arch1_2468_627747881.dbf <SRC SID>arch1_2479_627747881.dbf
<SRC SID>arch1_2469_627747881.dbf <SRC SID>arch1_2480_627747881.dbf
<SRC SID>arch1_2470_627747881.dbf <SRC SID>arch1_2481_627747881.dbf
<SRC SID>arch1_2471_627747881.dbf <SRC SID>arch1_2482_627747881.dbf
<SRC SID>arch1_2472_627747881.dbf <SRC SID>arch1_2483_627747881.dbf
<SRC SID>arch1_2473_627747881.dbf <SRC SID>arch1_2484_627747881.dbf
<SRC SID>arch1_2474_627747881.dbf <SRC SID>arch1_2485_627747881.dbf
<SRC SID>arch1_2475_627747881.dbf <SRC SID>arch1_2486_627747881.dbf
<SRC SID>arch1_2476_627747881.dbf <SRC SID>arch1_2487_627747881.dbf
<SRC SID>arch1_2477_627747881.dbf <SRC SID>arch1_2488_627747881.dbf
<SRC SID>arch1_2478_627747881.dbf tmpinst

 Check the restore of the controlfiles in this tree different locations:

Must match the control_files location parameter of init<SID>.ora

You can delete those control files, new ones will be generated latter.
DELETE or MOVE only the files, the cntrl directory must exists !

zc2serv:orazc0 18> ls -ltr -R * |grep cntrl

drwxr-xr-x 2 orazc0 dba 256 Jul 12 12:20 cntrl
-rw-r----- 1 orazc0 dba 10665984 Nov 09 10:15 cntrlZC0.dbf
drwxr-xr-x 2 orazc0 dba 256 Jul 12 12:20 cntrl
-rw-r----- 1 orazc0 dba 10665984 Nov 09 10:15 cntrlZC0.dbf
drwxr-xr-x 2 orazc0 dba 256 Jul 12 12:20 cntrl
-rw-r----- 1 orazc0 dba 10665984 Nov 09 10:15 cntrlZC0.dbf

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 By that way, check the restore of the saparch directory.

3.4.6. Rename restored archive log to target system name.

Only in case of online backup used for the refresh.

To be applied in target system, restored archive log files should be rename to the target system name like the

Original name: <SRC SID>arch1_<seq number>_xxxxxxxxx.dbf

New name: <TAR SID> arch1_<seq number>_xxxxxxxxx.dbf

On the target system, to do it you can create the following script in /oracle/<SID>/oraarch directory:

for i in <SRC SID>arch1*.dbf

newname="`echo $i | sed 's/<SRC SID>/<TAR SID> /'`"
mv $i $newname
echo $i

On the Target system:

 Logon with ora<sid> user.

 Go to /oracle/<SID>/oraarch
 Launch the script by using ./<script name> command.

Check the result in target oraarch directory all archive log files should contain only the target SID.

3.5. Renaming target Database.

3.5.1. Starting the listener.

 Logon to the target system with ora<sid> user.

 Use the following command to stat the listener (“lsnrctl start LISTENER_<SID>).

zc2serv:orazc0 2> lsnrctl start LISTENER_ZC0

LSNRCTL for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 09-NOV-

2007 10:53:46

Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Starting /oracle/ZC0/102_64/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...

The command completed successfully

3.5.2. Regenerating Target control files.

Checking old control_files.

Check in the tree control files location that no control files are present, cntrl directory should be empty.

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 Logon to the target system with ora<sid> user

 Open the init<SID> file and search for control_file parameters value:
 Use the following command to check control_files location parameter init oracle parameter file:

zc2serv:zc0adm 3> more /oracle/ZC0/102_64/dbs/initZC0.ora |grep control_files


If present, you must delete all control files, the tree cntrl directories must be empty.

Recreating new control_files.

 Logon to the target system with ora<sid>

 Check in $ORACLE_HOME for the two file created before (control.sql and temp.sql, give 777
permission if it is not case.

zc2serv:/>su - orazc0
Time Navigator environment has been correctly set
zc2serv:orazc0 1> pwd
zc2serv:orazc0 2> ls -ltr
total 200
drwxrwxrwx 2 orazc0 dba 256 Jun 15 15:40 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Jun 15 15:41 920_64.OLD
drwxr-xr-x 5 orazc0 dba 256 Jun 25 14:41 saptrace
drwxr-xr-x 64 orazc0 dba 4096 Jun 26 15:46 102_64

drwxr-xr-x 3 orazc0 dba 20480 Nov 09 13:03 saparch
drwxr-xr-x 3 orazc0 dba 4096 Nov 09 14:49 oraarch
-rwxrwxrwx 1 orazc0 dba 1955 Nov 09 15:30 control.sql
-rwxrwxrwx 1 orazc0 dba 208 Nov 09 15:33 temp.sql
zc2serv:orazc0 6>

 as ora<sid> launch sqlplus and launch the following command to recreate control_files:

zc2serv:orazc0 6> sqlplus '/ as sysdba';


Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning and Data Mining options

SQL> @control.sql

Return should be: control_files created.

Your database is now started in NOMOUNT State.

 Check in the control_files directories if your tree control files copy are well created.

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3.5.3. Applying archive logs

(only in case of online backup used go to the next chapter in case of offline backup).

In case of online Backup, before opening the database, you need to apply at least all archive log
generated on the source system during the backup.

To do it you will have to options:

 Using “recover until time” command.

In this case you will specify a time stamp (should be at least one hour after the end of the backup) and
the database will be recovered until this time.

 Using “recover until cancel” command.

In this case oracle will apply all archive log (you will have to confirm each file) and you will have to
cancel archive log application when you see the last archive log file name that you want to apply.


 Logon to the target system with ora<sid> user.

 Launch sqlplus with command “sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’;”

SQL>Alter database mount;

SQL> recover database until time ‘YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MN:SE’ using backup controlfile;

(ex: SQL> recover database until time '2006-02-01:07:11:02' using backup controlfile).

The given time stamp must be 1 hour latter the last archive log generated during the backup, it will be the last
applied archive.

Like described at the beginning of this doc you can find all information regarding the backup and archive log
file name during (or before or after) in the SOURCE system by using DB12, or by searching into the *.anf
backup log file into sapbackup directory.

The following message will appear:

ORA-00279: change 12314918 generated at 10/31/2006 15:06:57 needed for thread 1

ORA-00289: suggestion : /oracle/QGV/oraarch/qgvdb_QGV_arch_1_2417.arc
ORA-00280: change 12314918 for thread 1 is in sequence #2417
Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
“press enter”

 First: Choose “enter” to confirm archive 1 by 1, like that you can check each archive log file (there should
be not a lot of archive to apply because of few system activity during the backup).

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 Choose “CANCEL” when the last needed archive was applied and before apply the next one.

SQL> recover database until cancel using backup controlfile;

ORA-00279: change 12314918 generated at 10/31/2006 15:06:57 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /oracle/QGV/oraarch/qgvdb_QGV_arch_1_2417.arc
ORA-00280: change 12314918 for thread 1 is in sequence #2417
Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
Media recovery cancelled.

Media recovery cancelled  mean that archive were successfully applied !!

If using other command (recover database until cancel using backup controlfile;) this is the same
except that the system will apply all apply until the last one (by asking for confirmation for each of

3.5.4. Opening Database.

 Opening the database :

SQL> alter database open resetlogs;

Database altered.

 Creating the new tempfiles : (using the script created “temp.sql”)

SQL> @tempfiles.sql
Database altered.

3.5.5. Checking-Deleting old Controlfiles and old Archive logs files on target system.

 Open the init<SID>.ora to get the path of the controlfiles:

qg2serv:oraqgv 24> more $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<TAR SID>.ora|grep cntrl

*.control_files='/oracle/<TAR SID>/origlogA/cntrl/cntrlQGV.dbf',
'/oracle/<TAR SID>/sapdata1/system_1/cntrl/cntrlQGV.dbf',
'/oracle/<TAR SID>/saparch/cntrl/cntrlQGV.dbf'

Delete the old controlfiles relative to the SOURCE SID or the one that you have renamed before (ex :
cntrlPGV.dbf), the only remaining files should be the active controlfiles.

 Delete all archive logs contained in the oraarch directory.LLLLLLL

/oracle/<TAR SID>/oraarch  detelte all archive log (of course your database was already
opened in preceding chapter)

3.5.6. Rename the Database.

 Displaying the source global name :

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SQL> select global_name from global_name;

<SRC SID>.WORLD  Source SID, must be changed to target.

 Rename the global name (<SID>.WORLD):

SQL> alter database rename global_name to <TAR SID>.WORLD;

Database altered.

3.5.7. Recreate the OPS$ Users.

In this example, the database PGV has been restored and renamed in QGV.

 Connect to the database :

zc2serv:/>su - orazc0
zc2serv:orazc0 1> sqlplus '/ as sysdba';

 Displaying the source OPS$ Users declared on the database :

SQL> select username from dba_users where username like '%OPS$%';

OPS$<SRC SID>ADM  To be dropped an recreated.
OPS$ORA<SRC SID>  To be dropped an recreated.

 Droping the source OPS$ users :

SQL> drop user OPS$<SRC SID>ADM cascade;

User dropped.
SQL> drop user OPS$ORA<SRC SID> cascade;
User dropped.

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 Recreates the right users in accordance with the new SID :

SQL> create user OPS$<TAR SID>ADM default tablespace PSAP<COMP NAME>USR temporary
psaptemp identified externally;
User created.

Note : In this way it will delete the table SAPUSER.

SQL> create user OPS$ORA<TAR SID> default tablespace PSAP<COMP NAME>USR temporary
psaptemp identified externally;

User created.

 Give the right authorizations to oracle users:

SQL> grant dba, connect, resource to OPS$<TAR SID>ADM with admin option;
Grant succeeded.

SQL> grant dba, connect, resource to OPS$ORA<TAR SID> with admin option;
Grant succeeded

 Recreate the table SAPUSER

SQL> create table OPS$<TAR SID>ADM.SAPUSER (USERID varchar2(256), PASSWD

Table created.

SQL> insert into OPS$<TAR SID>ADM.SAPUSER values ('SAPECC','bridg012');

1 row created.

 Give authorization to OPS$<TAR SID>ADM user to modify the table SAPUSER.

SQL> grant select,insert,update on OPS$<TAR SID>ADM.SAPUSER to OPS$<TAR SID>ADM;

Grant succeeded.

 Modify SAP<COMP NAME> password (must be done for both SAPCRM And SAPECC°.

zc2serv:/>su – ora<si>

brconnect -u system/bridg012 -f chpass -o SAP<COMP NAME> -p bridg012

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4. Post copy, Oracle tasks.

4.1. Deleting the unusable entries in SAP tables :

 Connect to the DB wih the SAP user (SAPCRM / SAPECC users).

SQL> connect sapcrm

Enter password :bridg012
Connected  Check this result.

 Truncate the following tables:

Must be done for SAPECC and SAPCRM.

zc2serv:/>su - orazc0
zc2serv:orazc0 1> sqlplus '/ as sysdba';

truncate table SAPECC.dbstathora;

truncate table SAPECC.dbstaihora;
truncate table SAPECC.dbstatiora;
truncate table SAPECC.dbstattora;
truncate table SAPECC.alconseg;
truncate table SAPCRM.alsystems;
truncate table SAPCRM.dbsnp;
truncate table SAPCRM.moni;
truncate table SAPCRM.osmon;
truncate table SAPCRM.pahi;
truncate table SAPCRM.sdbad;
truncate table SAPCRM.sdbah;
truncate table SAPCRM.sdbap;
truncate table SAPCRM.sdbar;
truncate table SAPCRM.ddlog;
truncate table SAPCRM.tpfet;
truncate table SAPCRM.tpfht;
truncate table SAPCRM.tlock;
truncate table SAPCRM.ddlog;

4.2. Create the new target spfile.

 Stoping the DB.

 Creating the spfile
 Restarting the DB.

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SQL> shutdown immediate;  Stopping the DB.

Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> create spfile from pfile;  Creating new spfile.
File created.

SQL> startup  Staring up and opening DB.

ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 2417987296 bytes
Fixed Size 745184 bytes
Variable Size 1241513984 bytes
Database Buffers 1174405120 bytes
Redo Buffers 1323008 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.

4.3. Turning OFF the archive log mode.

 Stopping the Database:

zc2serv:/>su - orazc0
zc2serv:orazc0 1> sqlplus “ / as sysdba”;
SQL> shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.

 Starting-up the Database in mount mode :

SQL> startup mount;
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 2417987296 bytes
Fixed Size 745184 bytes
Variable Size 1241513984 bytes
Database Buffers 1174405120 bytes
Redo Buffers 1323008 bytes
Database mounted.

 Turn off the archive log mode :

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SQL> alter database noarchivelog;

Database altered.

 Opening the Database:

SQL> alter database open;
Database altered.

 Check the archive log status :

SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode No Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /oracle/QGV/oraarch
Oldest online log sequence 2387
Current log sequence 2390

4.4. Re-importing RFC destinations table content.

There is an additional step to be executed before the startup of the SAP new systems. The old
hostnames of ECC and CRM saved in the RFC destinations must be changed in field RFCOPTIONS of table
RFCDES on database level. Otherwise the new ECC and CRM system may start to send messages to the old
CRM and ECC system directly after startup. In ECC you have change all entries containing the hostname or IP
of the CRM system, in CRM vice versa. Change the hostname or IP to something silly (e.g. to the word
“dummy”) using an SQL-command for each RFC destination between ECC and CRM (see example below).
After that the new systems can be started.

Here we will have to re-import the Source RFC Destination exported in step 2.4.4.

Creating the import parameter file.

 Logon to the target system with <sid>adm user.

 Go to /oracle/<SID>/sapreorg
 Use “vi” tools to create a “import_RFC.sql” file like the followings:

CLIENT=000  Client is not important there because RFC tables are client-independent ones.
FILE='sm59_ZR0.dat'  File created in Step 2.4.4

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zr2serv:zr0adm 4> vi import_rfc.sql

"import_rfc.sql" [New file]

Launching the Data import.

 Use the following command to launch the table import.

 As <sid>adm
 Command: “R3trans -w import_sm59.log import_rfc.sql”

The warning is due to the fact the Source system = target system (normal), check in import_sm59.log file if
you don’t have any other error.

Check in the log file that you don’t any error during the table import.

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5. Post Copy: SAP tasks [CRM – ECC]

5.1. Re-Install SAP License [CRM – ECC].

 Log on the target system as <sid>adm.
 Execute the saplicense program to get the Hardware key :

qg2serv:qgvadm 5> saplicense -get

saplicense: HARDWARE KEY = A0121256785

Then, install the key, wich has been already declared under sapnet.

( https://websmp101.sap-ag.de/notes -> License Keys -> my SAP Business Suite + Display license
keys requested by me, or search for the source SID)

qg2serv:qgvadm 6> saplicense -install

Specify your SAP System ID:
Specify your unique System idenfification:
If you have no systemnumber specified just press enter.
SYSTEM-NR = 000000000310461520 (System number register in sapnet)
Specify your hardware key:
HARDWARE KEY = A0121256785 (result of the command saplicense –get)
Specify your installation number:
INSTALLATION NO = 0020200711
Specify your expiration date:
EXPIRATION_DATE [YYYYMMDD] = 99991231 (enter YYYYMMDD as a date)
Specify your license key:
LICENSE_KEY 1...5....0....5....0...4
LICENSE_KEY = KTA8FOLK975PXNYN6F2VPLBL (license key given in sapnet for this system)
saplicense: License successfully installed

5.2. Stopping Oracle database.

Now you will have to completely stop oracle database (before re-starting it with <sid>adm and startsap

 Log-on to the target server with ora<sid> user.

 Launch sqlplus:

zc2serv:orazc0 1> sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba';

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Nov 21 12:50:32 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> shutdown;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.

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Now, check if oracle listener is well started (you must see both listener (java and abap ones).

SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64
bit Production
With the Partitioning and Data Mining options
zc2serv:orazc0 4> ps -ef |grep LISTEN
orazc0 1138908 1 0 Nov 16 - 0:20 /oracle/ZC0/102_64/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER_ZC0 -
orazc0 1429684 6058138 1 12:52:51 pts/0 0:00 grep LISTEN
oraz10 1548400 1 0 Nov 16 - 0:06 /oracle/Z10/102_64/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER_Z10 -

5.3. Re-Starting SAP (and Oracle) instance [CRM – ECC].

Be sure for RFC destination that the hostname contained in table RFCDES was correctly re-imported in
step: 4.4.

 Leave oracle user

 Logon with SAP user <sid>adm
 Start sap system (and oracle).

zc2serv:orazc0 6> logout

zc2serv:/>su - zc0adm
Time Navigator environment has been correctly set
zc2serv:zc0adm 1> startsap
Checking ZC0 Database

Starting SAP-Collector Daemon

13:41:05 21.11.2007 LOG: Effective User Id is root
* This is Saposcol Version COLL 20.90 640 - AIX v6.55 5L-64 bit 060323
* Usage: saposcol -l: Start OS Collector
* saposcol -k: Stop OS Collector
* saposcol -d: OS Collector Dialog Mode
* saposcol -s: OS Collector Status
* The OS Collector (PID 1110062) is already running .....
saposcol already running
Running /usr/sap/ZC0/SYS/exe/run/startdb
Trying to start ZC0 database ...
Log file: /sapmnt/ZC0/home/startdb.log
ZC0 database started
/usr/sap/ZC0/SYS/exe/run/startdb completed successfully

Checking ZC0 Database

ABAP Database is running

Starting SAP Instance DVEBMGS00

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Startup-Log is written to /sapmnt/ZC0/home/startsap_DVEBMGS00.log
Instance on host zc2serv started
IGS on host zc2serv started

5.4. Transport System Re-configuration (TMS) [CRM – ECC].

5.4.1. RADDBDIF program.

 Logon to the target system in client 000, in English language and with user DDIC.
 Launch se38 and execute the RADDBDIF program in background mode.

5.4.2. TMS Re-configuration.

You must check which system is the transport domain controller (normaly production system for a pre-
production system refresh) in your transport domain.

On the Transport Domain Controller.

 Logon the domain controller system in English, in client 000 with user DDIC.
 Launch STMS transaction.
 Go to Menu  Overview  Systems.
 Suppress the refreshed system.
 Use the “extras” menu to distribut the configuration.

On the refreshed system (target).

 Logon to the target system in client 000, as DDIC and in English.

 Launch SE06 to reinitialize the transport system.
Choose ‘Database copy or Database migration’.

Then ‘Execute’. And answer ‘Yes’ on all the next pop-ups :

 Do you want to reinstall the CTO ? Yes ‘Single system settings set’.
 Source system of database copy <SRC SID>
 Change originals from <SRC SID> to <TAR SID> ?  Yes.

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 Change originals from <SRC SID> to $news$?  Yes.

 Delete TMS configuration ?  Yes.
 Do you want to delete the TMS configuration ?  Yes.
 Delete old versions of the transport routes ?  Yes.
 Do you want to delete old versions of the transport routes ?  Yes.

After the SE06, go back and launch STMS again (as the indications in the message at the bottom
of te screen at the end of the SE06)

 You are asked to register in the domain « DOMAIN_<TMS domain controller SID> »,
save .
 Log on the domain controller as DDIC in client 000 and in English and accept the new
system <TAR SID> waiting in « STMS  overview  systems » by using STMS

Checking the transport system:

 launch STMS.
 Then go to OverviewSystems.
 Select the SAP System, and use SAP SystemCheckTransport Directory

 Result should be like the followings.

5.5. Re-import SAP instance profiles [CRM – ECC].

In this step you will re-import the SAP profiles which are only stored on file system.

5.5.1. Deleting the old profile on the target system.

 Use RZ10 to delete the source system profile present in target database.
 Use Menu  Profile  Delete  All Versions  Of a profile.
 Confirm the first popup.
 !!! Be sure to answer « NO » when asking to delete profile at operating system level.

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5.5.2. Importing right profiles

 Use RZ10 to reimport the right profiles.
 Use: Utilities -> Import Profiles -> Of Active Server

5.6. Re-importing logical system definition [CRM – ECC].

 Use STMS to re-import all logical destination exported in step: 0
 Launch BD54 to check.

 When the Destinations have been created, use SE06 to set the system to “Not Modifable”.

 Set the Client details like before the resfresh, using SCC4 tcode and accordingly with the screenshots
made in step: 0

5.7. Operation Mode configuration [CRM – ECC].

Use the tcode RZ04 to restore operation modes like before the refresh (check in step 0).

 According to the original configuration, reaffect the operation mode to the corresponding time period in
the SM63.
 Then choose: Menu  Settings  Based on actual status  New instances  Generate.

 Deletes all entries making reference to the source system, like the followings:
 Select the hostname and then :

 Check also the RZ03 tcode. The server name has to be the same than RZ04.

5.8. Re-importing exported users [CRM – ECC].

 Use SCC4 Tcode to change the role of the reference Client, to TEST :

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 Check the client copy Protection. The protection level of the target client has to be 0.

 Execute STMS or SCC9 Tcode to Import the transport order exported at the step 2.4.9.

 Execute the Post operation using SCC7 tcode.

5.9. Check / Recreate Thrusted RFC destinations [CRM – ECC].

Use SMT1, compare with screenshots taken before the refresh, recreate needed Thrusted RFC destination
(thrusting ECC is mandatory for CRM).

Do the following to check and /or recreate.

To configure the trusted relationship between two SAP instances, you have to make the following steps:

- Connect to the first instance and start transaction SMT1

- Select R/3 systems and click create button

- Enter the trusted destination and click enter

- Log on to the target system

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- Check the entries and save

- Repeat the steps in the other SAP system

Finally you can check the trusted destinations via SM59.

5.10. Locking project users [CRM – ECC].

Depending of the project need, you can now lock all final user to avoid connection on the system before the
end of the refresh.

 First use SU10 to display the current locked users (to be saved in a file).

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 Save the following user list in a file to be sure to not unlock them when the refresh (locked users
before the refresh must remain locked after the refresh !).

 Use SU10 to select all user except the followings (normaly all technical users should have the user
group “SUPER” affected, like that it will be easy to select those users with one group):


 Let the selection empty.

 Select the user to lock (except the exception listed below).

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 Select the user to be locked and choose “lock”.

You will have to unlock those users before delivering the system to the users.

5.11. Checking the TEMSE Consistency [CRM – ECC]

 Use SP12 and perform a consistency check of the TEMSE.

 Choose: Menu  Temse Data Storage  Consistency Check.
 If inconsistencies are detected, delete them.

 Result should be like the followings for TST01 and TST03 tables.

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5.12. Deleting unuseables SAP licenses [CRM – ECC].

You have to delete source system licenses, for cluster system (like pre-production) be sure to have installed
both licenses (should be 2 license installed, one for each cluster node, because hardware key are different on
both, check cluster installation document in case of problem) for node 1 and 2.

 Launch transaction SLICENSE

 First select the <source system> license to be deleted :

 Then, delete it :

5.13. Re-import Printer Definition using SPAD.

 Launch transaction SPAD in change mode.
 Choose button “output devices”.

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 Choose Menu  Edit  Transfer  Import.

 Make the following selection.

 Check the log and check the printer in SPAD.

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5.14. Re-import Spool servers Definition using SPAD.

 Launch transaction SPAD.

 Go to “spool servers”.

 Use the “import” button.

 After importing, double click each spool and compare with your screen shots.
 Make the modification to be sure you are in the same configuration than initial.

5.15. Check the physical Path definition.

Browse table PATH with SE16 transaction to check if some physical path are containing SID or hostname
hardcoded (normaly no).

 Launch SE16
 Make the following selection

 You must check only parameters for hostname or SID, check in the column for harcoded SID’s
(Use transaction to change them back if you’ve found some).

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5.16. Changing SAP Directories.

All directories should no point to target system

 Use AL11, look for directories containing the source SID  Change to the target SID.

- select the directory

- press “configure”
- Modify the Directory Name with the target SID.
- Save and go back.

A new directory will be added, but the old one still appear.

- select the old directory

- press “configure”
- then delete it

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5.17. Restoring logon group and RFC server group [CRM – ECC]

Use the screen copy made in section 0 to restore logon group with SMLG and RFC server group with RZ12.

 Use the RZ12 to reaffect the different application servers to a particular RFC Server Group.
 Use the SMLG to recreate the logon group.
 For logon groups, execute a Diagnostic for cyclic CCMS system programs.
 Menu  SMLG  Goto  System diagnosis  Cyclic syst prog .

 Result should be “No problems Found”.

 If the jobs are not scheduled. Select the server + ALLOW

5.18. Checking the system settings [CRM – ECC]

 Use SE06 tcode to Check the System Change Option :

 The system status has to be “Not Modifiable” :

5.19. Checking SAP Help. [CRM – ECC]

 Use SR13 to check that the SAP Help is declared and available.
 Go to the PlainHtmlHttp tab and check the presence of a variant :

CRM Help:

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ECC Help

 Check the SAP Help :

 The help should be displayed in a Internet Explorer windows.

5.20. Checking SAPNET Connection using SNOTE [CRM – ECC].

 First, set the system status to modifiable in SE06 (don’t forget to close it after the check)
 Use SNOTE and download a factice note to check the connection :

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 Connection is OK.

5.21. Checking / Changing IGS RFC destination [ECC only].

 Execute SM59 and modify the RFC Destination IGS_RFC_DEST (TCP/IP connections)
 In the field program ID, replace the <SRC SID> (IGS.<SID>) by <TAR SID>

 Save the modification, and test the connection.

 Then, execute RSRT to do an IGS Test (This check has to be done on each instances) :

 Select to test the display.

 Result should be like the followings.

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5.22. Restoring SLD data connection. [CRM – ECC].

You must restore all SLD data information referring to the screen shot made in step 0

 The fields “Host Name” and “Port” has to be filled for the right SLD.

 Use SLDCHECK to check the connection to the System Landscape Directory by the internet

 Use RZ70 to check the background job scheduling.

 Check hostname and service name for SLD Bridge.

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5.23. Checking RFC Destination [CRM – ECC]

RFC destinations on target system should be re-imported in section 4.4, you will have to check if they works
(make special attention for ECC, BW, XI, SOLMAN and SRM destination (all should work, you can check in
screen copy made before the export in case of problem).

For each destination make a connection and authorization tests (trusted destination should work too).

6. Middleware reconfiguration [CRM – ECC].

Do not perform the logical system conversion (BDLS) before all qRFC queues are emptied as
described in section 6.2 of this document. Converting logical system names is described in section 6.4
(BDLS) of this document.

Postpone the connection to the central user administration until the logical systems have been converted (CUA
reconnexion is described in step: 8.1

6.1. Check old RFC destinations [ECC and CRM]

The RFC destinations in CRM named after the logical system names of the clients of the source ECC system
should now point to the host of the new ECC system. Vice versa in the ECC system the RFC connections
named after the logical system names of the clients of the source CRM system should now point to the host of
the new ECC system. If that is not the case, adjust the connections. This way we will be able to process all the
entries remaining in the qRFC queues.

Important: Never change these RFC destinations to point to the hosts of source systems again, because
otherwise the system may immediately start sending messages to the wrong systems! This is why these
hostnames had been re-imported (exported before the copy) before initially starting the systems.

6.2. Process Entries of qRFC queues [ECC and CRM, every client]
In every pair of ECC and CRM clients connected to each other, use transaction codes SMQ1 for outbound and
SMQ2 for inbound queues to check if these queues still contain entries. If they do, they all have to be
processed. You can just delete queues called CRM_SITE_* as they refer to mobile clients. If other entries
cannot be processed, try to solve the problem. If there is no other possibility, you may want to delete entries,
although this will lead to data inconsistency (which will maybe be feasible in a test or training system). In any
case it is important that all the queues be empty (as shown on the screenshots) before proceeding with the
next steps.

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6.3. Check RFC destinations in the target systems [ECC and CRM, every client]
Check if all the technical users for RFC communication between ECC and CRM still exist for every pair of
clients connected to each other. If not, create them. Especially check that all the user IDs exist, are not locked
and have the password that is configured in the RFC destinations mentioned below!

System Username Profile Used for


CRM RFC_<CRM-SID>_000 SAP_ALL Replication and Realignment

Check if all the RFC destinations ECC and CRM exist for every pair of clients connected to each other. If not,
create them.

Type System Target Name User ID

R/3 ECC CRM like logical system name of CRM target client RFC_<ECC-SID>_<ECC-client>
R/3 CRM ECC like logical system name of ECC target client RFC_<CRM-SID>_<CRM-client>
Log. CRM - SAPCRM_MW_RR_<CRM-target-client> RFC_<CRM-SID>_000
Log. CRM - WORKFLOW_LOCAL_< CRM-target-client > WF-BATCH

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Additionally you must check the TRFC options for the two connections of type R/3. Open the RFC connection
in change mode and choose Destination → TRFC Options from the menu and configure 10 Connection
Attempts up to task and one minute Time between retries (see screenshot below). Make sure that all RFC
destinations work.

The RFC destination for the workflow should be created using transaction code SWU3. Navigate to Maintain
Runtime Environment → Configure RFC Destination in the tree structure, right click on Configure RFC
Destination and choose Execute Activity. Enter user ID WF-BATCH and the password you entered in section
6.3 (see screenshot below). You will receive an error if the password you enter is wrong. As it is not possible to
do authorization checks for logical RFC destinations, this is a good chance to ensure that the correct password
is set in the workflow destination, also if it already exists.

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6.4. Logical System Conversion (BDLS) [ECC and CRM, every client]
In every pair of clients connected to each other both in the ECC and CRM system, all tables in the target
clients containing the logical system name now still contain the logical system name of the source clients.
These entries have to be converted now. (This is called logical system conversion.) It is important that all the
qRFC queues are empty before converting the logical system (as described in section 6.2).

 Call transaction code BDLS, enter the old and new logical system names and select Conversion of
Client-Dependent and Client-Independent Tables. To actually perform the conversion, you have to
uncheck both Test Run and Check Existence of New Names in Tables.

You have to perform the logical system conversion three times per pair of clients, once in ECC and twice in

• In the ECC system, convert the name of the ECC source system / client to the name of the ECC target
system / client.
• In the ECC system, convert the name of the CRM source system / client to the name of the CRM target
system / client.
• In the CRM system, convert the name of the ECC source system / client to the name of the ECC target
• In the CRM system, convert the name of the CRM source system / client to the one of the CRM target
system / client.
• In the ECC system, convert the name of the BW source system / client to the target BW target system /

Check in the Landscape Detailled design file if there is some other system connected and you need to
convert them.

Important: If the specified new logical system name already exists in the system, you will receive a warning.
Ignore this warning but pressing Enter on your keyboard.

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Optional: After the logical system conversion finished, you might want to run report ZSCAN_LOGSYS_WAS
from SAP note 564435 in both systems to check for tables still containing the old logical system name. Follow
the instructions in SAP note 564435 on how to check the logical system conversion on what to do if the old
logical system name is still found.

Finally re-distribute all ALE distribution models used in the target clients from the system and client where they
were defined. Logon to the defining system, call transaction code BD64 and select the desired model view’s
name. Choose Edit → Model View → Distribute from the menu, deselected all systems except the ones you
refreshed and start the distribution. Make the user ID used to logon to the target systems (as entered in the
RFC destinations) is authorized to distributed the model in every target system. (If not, you can e.g. grant the
role SAP_BC_CUA_SETUP_CLIENT to distribute the CUA model.) After that, delete all the distribution models
that will not be used in the target system’s clients (but only in the source system’s clients) both in ECC and
CRM systems. (Call transaction code BD64 in the target clients, choose Distribution model → Switch to
processing mode in the menu, select the desired model view’s name, and click Edit → Delete.)

6.5. Edi port and partner profile [ECC – CRM]

Use the transaction WE20 and WE21 to check and modify the Port Definition and the Partner Profiles (Partner
Type LS, check for the Logical systems (should be changed by BDLS) in accordance with the screenshots ,
see section 0.

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6.6. Apply Middleware Settings [ECC, every client]

Check that CRM is marked active in table CRMSONSUM. Adjust the entry for the connected CRM system in
the table CRMRFCPAR as shown in the screenshot (using transaction code SM30).

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6.7. Apply Middleware Settings [CRM, every client]

If every CRM client connected to an ECC client check if the values from table SMOFPARSFA contain the
correct RFC destinations (using transaction code SM30). They should have been converted during logical
system conversion. If the value is <ENTER DESTINATION>, this value had not been customized in the source
client and there is no need to change anything. These are the most important rows:

Key Parameter Name Parameter Value 1

CRMCFSOLTP CRMCFSOLTP RFC destination to connected ECC target client

CMRCREDCHE CMRCREDCHE RFC destination to connected ECC target client
R3A_COMMON CRM_DEFAULT_DESTINATION RFC destination to connected ECC target client
CRMGENERAL LOGICAL_SYSTEM Logical system name of CRM target client
MKTPLBW MKTPLBWRFC RFC destination to connected BW client
MKTPLSEM MKTPLSEMRFC RFC destination to connected BW client

The ECC site has to be updated in every CRM client. Call transaction code SMOEAC in the CRM target client,
select object type site and press the goggles button display the sites. Navigate to the ECC site, display it by
double-clicking on its name (usually OLTP) and switch to change mode (e.g. by pressing F9).

Press the button Site Attributes. Choose the new RFC destination for the connected ECC target client and click
the Get Values button to update the logical system name. Confirm by clicking the green hook and do not forget
the save your settings using the disk button.

After a system refresh the mobile sites usually should be deleted and recreated for the new laptop to be

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6.8. Setup IPC Connection for the CRM target system [for every client]
To call the IPC administration tool, logon to the operating system of the CRM central instance server as user
<crm-sid>ipc. Set the DISPLAY environment variable to your local desktop computer and ensure it can display
X-windows (by running an X-server software like Hummingbird Exceed). Enter the command “cd
$IPC_HOME/BIN; ./admin.sh”.

icserv:ipcic1 1> whoami

icserv:ipcic1 2> setenv DISPLAY
icserv:ipcic1 3> cd $IPC_HOME/bin; ./admin.sh
Using JAVA_HOME: /usr/java14_64
AIX icserv 3 5 00C9B44E4C00
java version "1.4.2"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2)
Classic VM (build 1.4.2, J2RE 1.4.2 IBM AIX 5L for PowerPC (64 bit JVM) build
caix64142-20060421 (SR5) (JIT enabled: jitc)

Click on Next twice in the IPC administration tool window to get to the database screen. Click on the entry for
your system in the list on the top of the right-hand side of the database screen to display the configured clients.

For every client click the Edit Client button and check connection data: client number, user ID (usually
IPCUSER), and password. Press the OK button to confirm. Mark the connection as Default and the use the
Log in button to test the connection. If everything is working, you will not receive any message and the Log in
button will be grayed out. Otherwise you will receive an error message.

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To check if the CRM server can connect to the IPC server, login the CRM system with an administrative user
(any client). To start an IPC session, call transaction code SE37, enter the name of the function module
com_ipc_session_begin and press F8 to start it.

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Enter the number of a CRM target client for import parameter IV_CLIENT and any string for import parameters
IV_USER_NAME and IV_USER_LOCATION and press F8 again to execute. There must not be any error, and
the export parameter EV_SESSION_ID_IPC must not be empty. Repeat this for all clients connected to IPC.
(You can check all the clients from any client.)

6.9. Updating IPC customizing configuration files.

Customer customizing is contained in user exit files:

• YYPricingUserExits.class
• YYPricingUserExits.java
• customerexits.properties

Those files have to be copied from source to target system.

YY* Files are located in “/usr/sap/<IPC SID>/ipc/lib/userexits”:

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Copy “YY*” files from Source server directory to same directory on target host (use “scp” command) :

Source files are located in /usr/sap/<SRC SID>/ipc/lib/userexits

Use the followings:

• Logon to source server (IPC is on linux server for project evts before upgrade to V2) and go to:

<src server>:/ # cd /usr/sap/<IPC SID>/ipc/lib/userexits

<src server>:/usr/sap/<IPC SID>/ipc/lib/userexits #
<src server>:/usr/sap/<IPC SID>/ipc/lib/userexits # scp YY* <user>@<tar host>:/usr/sap/<IPC

ebp7096@q15serv's password: xxxxxxx

YYPricingUserExits.class 100% 20KB 20.1KB/s

YYPricingUserExits.java 100% 20KB 20.1KB/s

• Logon to target server and change the files owner to <tar sid>adm:sapsys

Customer exits File are located in /usr/sap/:

Copy “customerexits.properties” files from Source server directory to same directory on target host (use “scp”
command) :

Source files are located in /usr/sap/<SRC SID>/ipc/lib/

Use the followings:

• Logon to source server (IPC is on linux server for project evts before upgrade to V2) and go to:

<src server>:/ # cd /usr/sap/<IPC SID>/ipc/lib/

<src server>:/usr/sap/<IPC SID>/ipc/lib/ #
<src server>:/usr/sap/<IPC SID>/ipc/lib/ # scp userexits.properties <user>@<tar host>:/usr/sap/<IPC

ebp7096@q15serv's password: xxxxxxx

customerexits.properties 100% 547 0.5KB/s 00:00

• Logon to target server and change the files owner to <tar sid>adm:sapsys

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6.10. Register qRFC-Queues and Test Initial Downloads [CRM, every client]
Important: Now qRFC inbound and outbound queues have to be registered. The steps of the section will have
to be repeated in every CRM client connected to an ECC client. You cannot register queues for a client
different from the one you are logged on to.

To register the qRFC inbound queues needed for communication with ECC or mobile clients and for CRM
internal processing (R3A*, CRM*, CRI*, and CSA*), call transaction code SMQR in the CRM target client. Click
the Registration button, enter CSA* as queue name and click the green hook. Repeat this step similarly for
queues R3A*, CRM*, and CRI*.

To register the qRFC outbound queue for sending messages to the ECC, call transaction code SMQS in the
CRM target client. Click the Registration button, enter the logical system name of the ECC target client as
queue name, set MAXCONN to 10, and click the green hook.

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To enable replication and realignment, the queue SAPCRM_MW_RR_000 has to be registered at the QOUT
scheduler. Call transaction code SMQS in the CRM target client, click on the Register button, set destination to
SAPCRM_MW_RR_000 and MAXCONN to 1, and confirm using the green hook.

After that exclude this queue from the schedule by choosing Edit → Exclude from the menu and enter its
name. Make sure that this queue is marked type N after this.

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Register the qRFC outbound queue for sending messages to the CRM target client from ECC. Call transaction
code SMQS in the ECC target client, click the Registration button, enter the logical system name of the CRM
target client as queue name, set MAXCONN to 5, and click the green hook.

To test the connection the ECC system, you should perform an initial download of a customizing object. Call
transaction code R3AS, enter DNL_CUST_BASIS as load object, OLTP as source site and CRM as
destination site. Start the download by clicking the green hook with the clock.

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Finally download all customizing objects from the CRM online database into the CRM consolidated database
(CDB) for CRM mobile. Again call transaction code R3AS, enter *CUST* as load objects, CRM as source site
and CDB as destination site. Start the download by clicking the green hook with the clock.

Check if the download was successful using transaction code R3AM1.

6.11. Check Middleware Jobs [CRM, every client]

Check if all middleware jobs are running properly in every CRM client using transaction code SMWP. (There is
another administration procedure on that subject.) Finally restart the middleware queue daemon using
transaction code SMOHQUEUE by pressing the Start Queue Daemon button.

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6.12. Manual Post Processing

6.12.1. Set RFC Destinations and URLs

System: CRM
SAP CRM Set RFC Destinations and URLs
Transaction code SPRO

IMG path Customer Relationship Management  Basic Functions 

Configuration Engine  Set RFC Destinations and URLs

Check what are the target destinations defined in this transaction (eg UI_ANALYSIS_BRIDGE,

6.12.2. Define URLs

System: CRM
Transaction code SPRO

IMG path Customer Relationship Management  Basic Functions 

Configuration Engine  Define URLs

For each target destination in the previous transaction, the URL has to be changed to call the correct IPC

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UI_ANALYSIS_BRIDGE  http://<IPC server>:<port>/ipcpricing/

UI_CFG_BRIDGE  http://<IPC server>:<port>/ ipc/ipc/command.do
UI_CSR  http://<IPC server>:<port> /csr/csr/init.do

6.12.3. Data Exchange Conditions (ECC5)

System: ECC5

SAP CRM Data Exchange Conditions

Transaction code SPRO

IMG path Integration with Other SAP Components  Customer Relationship

Management  Basic Functions  Data Exchange Conditions

For ZCNP and ZSPA condition types, the CRM logical system has to be changed after a client copy:

6.12.4. Distribution Model Maintenance (ECC5)

System: ECC5

SAP CRM Maintain Distribution Model and Distribute Views

Transaction code SALE or BD64

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IMG path IDoc Interface / Application Link Enabling (ALE)  Modelling and
Implementing Business Processes  Maintain Distribution Model and
Distribute Views

1. Start transaction BD64 and go in change mode

2. Delete the existing distribution model “HR to SRM/CRM 4.0 (Without Qualifications) HR_CRM_EMP”
3. Save.
4. Select Edit/Model view/Create using template (Ctrl + F5) in the menu and follow the program

Select the appropriate CRM and ECC5 logical system:

5. Save the distribution model:

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6. Select the model and choose : Environment  Generate Partner Profile and execute:

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6.12.5. Maintenance of system data

System: CRM

SAP CRM Maintenance of system data

Transaction code EEWC

IMG path -

Before changes (this entry is only valid for system ICACLNT411).

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Copy this entry and change system = actual CRM system + logical system = actual CRM system.

6.12.6. User Interface settings for IPC configuration

System: CRM IPC

Transaction code
IMG path

On each new CRM server created by client, a new IPC server is connected.
Some User Interface settings have been set for configuration in IPC XCM file.

This file can be changed via the following URL:

 http://<IPC server>:<port>/ipc/admin/xcm/init.do

Example : http://dcserv.eud.schneider-electric.com:51100/ipc/admin/xcm/init.do

6.12.7. Assign RFC destination for synchronous Method calls

System: CRM

SAP CRM Assign RFC destination for synchronous Method calls

Transaction code BD97

IMG path no

The trusted RFC destination for connecting to ECC5 has to be updated for BAPI calls and dialog calls

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6.12.8. Activation of cross system lock on ECC5

System: ECC5

SAP CRM CSL: Token Manager

Transaction code SM30 on table CSL_M

IMG path no

Before change:

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Create an entry for CRM and ECC5 logical system and set CSL activated for both systems:

6.12.9. Activation of cross system lock on CRM

System: CRM

SAP CRM CSL: Token Manager

Transaction code SM30 on table CSL_M
+ SM30 on table CSL_CCP
IMG path no
Table CSL_M:

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Before change

Create an entry for CRM and ECC5 logical system and set CSL activated for both systems:

Table CSL_CCP:
Before change

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Create an entry for CRM and ECC5 logical system:


6.12.10. Adapdation of RFC destination for ECC5 calls from CIC

System: CRM

SAP CRM CSL: Token Manager

Transaction code SM59
IMG path Customer Relationship Management  Interaction Center WinClient
 Component Configuration  Visible Components  Action Box

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Settings  Define Configuration Profile for Action Box

The trusted RFC destination RFC_CIC_REM has been created to call the ECC5 from CIC to create sales
documents directly on ECC5 (eg. Sales orders). But, this RFC destination is client-dependant and this
destination is valid for all the clients on the same CRM server.
So, if you have several CRM clients on the same server, this RFC destination can be used, and you have to
create one RFC destination per client.

First, check if the RCF destination is available. If not create a new one, which calls the correct ECC5 client.
Transaction SM59:

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Transaction EWFC0:
For each transaction defined in the action box, the RCF destination has to be changed:

Select Action box profile that is used within your CIC Profile

Press change button

For the following transactions do the following changes

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Position Cursor on Transaction and press button ‘Data Flow’

Change the RFC Destination to the new one

Here the RFC_CIC_REM destination has to be changed in RFC_CIC_REM_225

Press Back button and save changes

Repeat these steps for all the transaction defined in the action box !

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6.12.11. Check/Correct table SMOFPARSFA

System: CRM

SAP CRM Middleware parameter

Transaction code SM30 on table SMOFPARSFA

IMG path none

This table which pilots the middleware has to be reviewed and all the RFC destination has to be checked.

Please check entries for:


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6.12.12. Maintain Logical System for Action Box Transactions

System: CRM

SAP CRM Maintain Logical System for Action Box Transactions

Transaction code CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_ASS

IMG path CRM  Interaction Center WinClient  Component Configuration 

Visible Components  Action Box Settings  Maintain Logical
System for Action Box Transactions (just for ECC)

In this customizing, the entry for ECC has to be changed with the appropriate ECC5 logical system:

6.12.13. Program to update table CND_MAPM_CNV_REC

System: CRM

SAP CRM Program to update table CND_MAPM_CNV_REC

Transaction code Program has to be defined
IMG path none

After the client copy (only in case of client copy of course), the table CND_MAPM_CNV_REC is incorrect.
The field SOURCE_ID is updated via transaction BDLS correctly with the ECC5 logical system. But the field
SOURCE_CLNT contains the client of the source system during the copy. Result: inconsistencies, dumps
during the replication of pricing conditions.

Action: create et execute a report to update the field SOURCE_ID with the ECC5 client number.

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6.12.14. Cleaning incorrect B-Doc.

Check in the system if some rejected b-Doc remains (for pre-production system, this tasks should be validated
by functional team), and delete them if yes.

 Connect target system.

 Launch transaction SMW01 (to be done in all client of target).
 Use the following search criteria (could be adapted if too much b-docs).


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 Select the line to be deleted (if validated) and use the delete button.

 The B-Doc should now have the status “processed”.

7. CRM components reconnexion.

7.1. Re-import Content Sever Repository informations.

 Use transaction strust to replace the source system certificate
 Launch transaction OAC0.
 Select and delete REPOSITORY related to SOURCE SYSTEM.

 Use Screenshot taken before the refresh to recreate the repository Z_<CS SID>_TES.

 Launch se38 and execute program: RSCMSPWS

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 In Upper case, fill-in user: SAPCS and password: BRIDG012 and execute
Should be succesfull

 Launch transaction CSADMIN and do the following (activate the certificate in tab “certificate”
And Update Settings of the repository on TAB settings (use screen shot to do it).

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 Fill in settings

 Activate the certificate.

Checking Connection with Content server.

 Use SA38 or SE38 and program: RSCMST, enter the name of the test repository just created. Run the
test and make sure that all the traffic lights are switched to green.

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 Choose number of test runs.

 Check the result (should be green).

7.2. Re-create IPC configuration.

 Checking IPC release.

IPC has to be at the same patch level than CRM ABAP.

 Use transaction TTE_SIMULATION to check IPC release:

 Check the following.

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 Checking CRM BBPCRM Software component release.

BBPCRM SC’s should be at the same release and patch than IPC server / dispatcher (Here 4.0 SP12).

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 Check and change if necessary in the followings tables (use screenshots taken before to be sure).
Use SE16 for tables: COMM_IPC_DEST; COMM_IPC_URL.

 COMM_IPC_DEST (should contain the connected IPC infos).

 COMM_IPC_URL (Check for target hostname).

 Checking IPC RFC Destinations.

Destination name should contain the target IPC SID, check for target hostname and gateway
hostname too).

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 IPC Dispatcher.

 IPC Server.

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7.3. Checking / Changing TREX configuration.

Use screenshots taken before the refresh.
Check the TREX is started and start-it if stopped.

 Launch SM59 to check the Trex destination.

(Naming convention is TREX_<TREX SID>, but can different if V2 retrofii was not yet done).
Check the following.

 Make a Connection test (should be succesfull).

 Launch Transaction SRMO and check the followings.

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 Make a connection test.

 Check / Change the Catalog publication informations.

 Launch SPRO transaction and check / change the following (use screenshot before the refresh).

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 Launch SE38 (prog: COM_PCAT_IMS_FEED_INIT / variant: INI_YSEB2BCAT) to change the

product catalog variant definition.

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7.4. Checking / Changing CRM-SAF Tool configuration.

Check the followings, use screen shot to recreate the right connection parameters if needed.
Use SE16 for table CRMC_SAF_ APP_RFC

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7.5. Make the E-Selling Catalog initial Replication.

Deleting old E-Selling Catalog Data (data from before the refresh).

 Connect AIX server with root.

 Go to /sapmnt/<J2EE SID>/global/imsdocs
 Use: rm –r *
 Go to /sapmnt/<TREX SID>/global/index-master (or index)
 Use: rm –r *

Replicate the new E-Selling Catalog to J2EE server.

Launch transaction: COM_PCAT_IMS_FEED_INIT

Fill-in the followings informations

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Restart the B2B web application (sometimes it’s better if possible to restart the complete J2EE server).

Check by connecting the B2B schneider application use the following links
Use user = RUN<SID>EMP / password = bridg0

url: http://<hostname>:5<inst n°>00/b2b_secore/b2b/ init.do?umelogin=NO

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The following web page (Schneider E-Sellin catalog). Means everything is OK.

7.6. Check the configuration of the Broadcast Messaging Server

This application should be already deployed in the CRM J2EE Engine connected to the CRM ABAP.
Refer to the documentation BRIDGE_CRM_SAP_BMS_Installation_Procedure.doc to check the configuration.

7.6.1. Change the port used for incoming sockets connections

You will have to check the port used for incoming sockets connections (point 5.1 of the document). If the
instance number of the target J2EE Engine is different to the source, you will have to change the web.xml file
located at /usr/sap/<SID>/JC<nn>/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/sap.com/com.sap.broadcast/servlet_jsp/BROADCAST/root/WEB-
The default port should be 1<JAVA_CRM_Instance_number>00

7.6.2. Configure the BMS on the CRM ABAP

The messaging profiles are maintained by functional teams.

You can access this IMG activity directly by using transaction CRMC_CIC_BROAD.
Send a mail to the functional team so they can change the parameters of the defined profiles:



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Applet Host => http://<hostname_of_J2EE_server>:5<Instance_Number_J2EE_CRM>00/BROADCAST

Port number => the port you specified in the web.xml of the deployed application (see above)

8. Final tasks.

8.1. Connecting Systems to Central User Administration [for every client]

Login the central user administration system with an administrative user and execute transaction code SCUA.
Switch to change mode (e.g. pressing key F6).

Make sure the logical system names of the target clients are included in the list, and save the settings. This will
(re-)connect ECC and CRM systems to the central user administration.

The operation might take some time. Check that transmission to your target clients was successful in the log
displayed after completion.

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To distribute the company addresses to all the systems not being synchronized call transaction code SCUG
and press the button Company Addresses.

On the next screen, press the button Distribute to All Child Systems.

You will see the remark “New System: Not All Users Were Copied” next to the newly copied target clients. To
copy users from a target client to the central user administration system, click on its logical system name in the
list and press the Users button.

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On the next screen, choose all the users listed on the tabs New Users, Identical Users, and Different Users
and use button Transfer users to transfer them to the central user administration system.
Important: By doing so you overwrite user data in the central system! You may want to correct user data in
the target clients first before transferring them.

To trigger a text comparison of the roles created in the new child system, use transaction code SA38 to report
SUSR_ZBV_GET_RECEIVER_PROFILES. Enter the logical system name of the central user administration
system (as Receiving System) and execute (e.g. using key F8).

Finally logon the target clients (that is the newly copied ECC and CRM clients) and call transaction code BD87.
To filter for user clone IDocs coming from the central user administration system, enter the logical system
name of the central user administration system as partner system and USERCLONE as message type. If the
are unprocessed ones, select them and process them using the Process button.

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As manual processing is not a solution generally, a background job should be scheduled to do this. Create a
background jobs called Z_RECEIVE_IDOC_CUA_<client number> using transaction code SM36 in the ECC
and CRM target client containing the reports RSBTONEJOB and RBDAPP01. Create reasonable variants for
these reports if the do not exist. Let the job run as user ID CUA_ADM_BTCH. Schedule it every 15 minutes.

8.2. Database check.

Use DB16 to launch a database check and search for warning and errors.

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 Launch DB14 to check for result (depending of the database sizedepending of database)

 Search for the last dbcheck log (FID = chk), and dbl click on the line.

 Check the return code, and use the “detail log button” if RC is different from 0.
 Search for warning or error, identify the problem and solve it.

8.3. Tablespaces free space check.

 Use DB02 to check the tablespace freespace and at os level the sapdata file system freespace
(reported by the DB check (DB16)) and datafiles distribution

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 Check also that the tablespaces are in Autoextend OFF.

 Use the refresh button to update database size statistics.

 Use the “current size” button.

 Search for tablespaces wich have more than 90% filled (depending of the tablespace size).
 All tablespace should the autoextend option to off.

8.4. Checking the system settings and client attributes.

 Use SE06 to check and / or modify the system settings (should be not modifiable).

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 Use scc4 to check / modify the clients settings (for all client) check in screen copy made in step

8.5. Re-activate Oracle archive log mode.

 Logon the server with <sid>adm

 Launch stopsap command to stop sap instance.
 Leave <sid>adm.
 Log on with ora<sid> user.
 Launch sqlplus.
 Start your database in mount mode
 Switch archive log to on.
 Stop you database again.
 Leave ora<sid> user
 Log-on with <sid>adm
 Re-start SAP system (and Oracle).
 Log on and launch a database check again.

q14serv:/usr/sap/trans_Q1B/bdwlixaa # su - q1badm
q14serv:q1badm 1> stopsap

Instance on host q14serv stopped

Q1B database stopped
/usr/sap/Q1B/SYS/exe/run/stopj2eedb completed successfully
q14serv:q1badm 2> exit
q14serv:q1badm 3> logout
q14serv:/usr/sap/trans_Q1B/bdwlixaa # su - oraq1b
q14serv:oraq1b 1> sqlplus '/ as sysdba';

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Nov 23 14:05:31 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup mount;

Database mounted.
SQL> alter database archivelog;

Database altered.

SQL> shutdown immediate;

ORA-01109: database not open

Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning and Data Mining options

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q14serv:oraq1b 2> exit

q14serv:oraq1b 3> logout
q14serv:/usr/sap/trans_Q1B/bdwlixaa # su - q1badm
q14serv:q1badm 1> startsap

Instance on host q14serv started
IGS on host q14serv started

Starting CCMS Agent sapccmsr

CCMS Agent sapccmsr already running Don’t forget to check if the ccms agent is well started.

8.6. Checking / enabeling archivelog mode.

 You have now to switch your database to archive log mode to on.

 Log-on with <sid>adm user.

 Stop the sap system (“stopsap”).
 Leave <sid>adm.
 Log on with ora<sid> user.
 Launch sqlplus (‘sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’;)
 Activate archive log mode: “alter database archive log;”
 Stop the database again (“shutdown immediate;”).
 Leave SQL and ora<sid> user.
 Log-on with <sid>adm user.
 Startsap the sap system.
 Leave <sid>adm

Use the following to check the actual archive log mode:

zc2serv:/>su - orazc0
zc2serv:orazc0 1> sqlplus '/ as sysdba';
SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode Archive Mode  Means that archive log is set to on.
Automatic archival Enabled  Means that archive log is set to on.
Archive destination /oracle/ZC0/oraarch/ZC0arch
Oldest online log sequence 2777
Next log sequence to archive 2782
Current log sequence 2782

8.7. Re-importing Delta of Transport request.

Since the target system was stopped for refresh, transport have been imported into production
environnement, to have a consistent system those transport have to imported in the pre-
production system.

You can check in the transport log system of the source system (STMS) which transport have
been imported.

Ask the CCTeam for listing all transport imported from the beginning of the refresh and import
them in the pre-prod system.

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The CCTeam is responsible for doing transport, so don’t do it yourself top avoid importing non
requested transport orders.

8.8. Unlocking Project Users.

 Check in section 5.10, and ask the CCTeam to be sure witch user have to be unlocked.
 Use transaction SU10 to unlock them.

8.9. Check and / or delete remaining SM02 messages.

Launch SM02 search and delete message relating to source system.

8.10. Restoring Login screen info.

You can update data manually or re-import transport request created in step: 2.4.8

Manual steps:

 Launch se61.
 Choose data element ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO
 Choose change, update with information taken in step 2.4.8

8.11. Searching for critical warning or error.

 Use SM21 to search for critical warning or error messages.

8.12. Search for critical dump.

 Use ST22 to search for dump generated AFTER the refresh.

8.13. Re-schedule SAP Background Jobs.

 Ask the Controlm or Tools team to reschedule the standard jobs.

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 Wait for the first execution of each job.

 All jobs should be finished successfully.
 Take care specialy to all Middleware jobs for CRM (job name should start by MW*).

8.14. Re-import certificates for SSO between Portal / ESS and Portal CRM (j2ee).
After the refresh, to be able to use this instance with ESS and CRM scenario, we have to re-import the
certificates of the Portal in ESS and CRM Web AS JAVA instances.

Download the certificate of the portal, and uncompress it.

Go to System Administration -> System Configuration -> Keystore Administration
Click on “Download verify.der File”

Download the certificate from the ESS J2EE instance / and For CRM J2EE Instances.
Connect to this instance with Visual Administrator:
Then Go to Services -> Keystorage, select the certificate and export it to a file.

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On the ECC and CRM instance, start transaction strustsso2:

Remove the old entries in the system PSE tab by selecting the lines and clicking .

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Then import the certificates you have downloaded before, into the ECC system.

Click the button and specify the path to the certificate. It appears in the Certificate part of the screen:

Click on

Click on
Enter the <SID> of the system and the client (000 if it is a J2EE system)

Repeat the operation for the other system

Save the modification in the transaction screen.

Now, you the ESS connection should work again:

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8.15. Final Check.

Before deliver your refreshed instance to the project, make a global system check.
Take care of all exported stuff in step 0 and check if nothing was forgotten.

A TECHNICAL VALIDATION of the component (CRM and ECC) should be done after each system
refresh to be sure that nothing was forgotten.

IF all is checked and OK, you can deliver the system to the project team.


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