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Safety Instrumented
And Safety
Integrity Level


Worldwide Level and Flow Solutions SM


and Productivity

ndustrial safety in pre-digital eras centered mainly around safe
work practices, hazardous materials control, and the protective
“armoring” of personnel and equipment. Today, safety penetrates far
deeper into more complex manufacturing infrastructures, extending its
protective influence all the way to a company’s bottom line.
Contemporary safety systems reduce risk with operational advancements
that frequently improve productivity and profitability as well.

New Standards. Until the 1980s safety management was largely self-
A WWII-era safety poster regulated. Prompted by the ascendency of electronic control devices,
growing complexities in manufacturing systems, environmental protec-
tion mandates, and a greater need to protect plant assets, new interna-
tional safety standards have emerged and continue to evolve. With the
M I L E S T O N E introduction of standards such as IEC 61508, IEC 61511 and ISA 84,
TUV (Bavaria) Microcomputers in
interest in Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) and general instrument
Safety-Related Systems (1984) reliability has grown. In the pages ahead we’ll describe the basics of SIS
and Safety Integrity Level (SIL). We’ll conclude with an overview of
Health & Safety Executive (UK) Magnetrol’s level and flow instrumentation products that are suitable for
Programmable Electronic Systems in
these new standards in safety and we’ll detail their reliability. Reliability
Safety Related Applications (1987)
is the key, for even non-safety related people are now using analysis data
OSHA (29 CFR 1910.119) (1992): from these new regulations as an insight into device performance.
Process Safety Management of
Highly Hazardous Chemicals Understanding Risk. All safety standards exist to reduce risk, which is
inherent wherever manufacturing or processing occurs. The goal of elim-
inating risk and bringing about a state of absolute safety is not attain-
Instrument Society of America
ANSI/ISA 84 (2004):
Safety Instrumented Systems for
able. More realistically, risk can be categorized as being either negligible,
the Process Industries tolerable or unacceptable. The foundation for any modern safety system,
then, is to reduce risk to an acceptable or tolerable level. In this context,
International Electrotechnical safety can be defined as “freedom from unacceptable risk.”
Commission (1998-2003) The formula for risk is:
IEC 61508 (2000): A general
approach to Functional Safety Systems RISK = HAZARD FREQUENCY x HAZARD CONSEQUENCE
IEC 61511 (2003): Process sector
implementation of IEC 61508 Risk can be minimized initially by inherently safe process design, by the Basic
Process Control System (BPCS), and finally by a safety shutdown system.

Layered Protection. No single safety measure can reduce risk and

protect a plant and its personnel against harm or mitigate the spread
of harm if a hazardous incident occurs. For this reason, safety exists Figure A
in protective layers: a sequence of mechanical devices, process
Layers of Protection*

controls, shutdown systems and external response measures which

prevent or mitigate a hazardous event. If one protection layer fails,
successive layers will be available to take the process to a safe state.
As the number of protection layers and their reliabilities increase,
the safety of the process increases. Figure A shows the succession
of safety layers in order of their activation:

1. Process Design: The Basic Process Control System

(BPCS) provides safety through proper design of process control.
This level consists of basic controls, alarms, and operator supervision.
2. Critical Alarms: This layer of protection provides critical
alarms which alert operators to a condition that a measurement
has exceeded its specified limits and may require intervention.
3. Automatic SIS: The SIS operates independently of the
BPCS to provide safety rather than process control. The SIS performs
shutdown actions when previous layers cannot resolve an emergency.
4. Relief Devices: This active protection layer employs valves,
pressure relief devices, or a flare system (if combustibles are present)
to prevent a rupture, spill or other uncontrolled release.
In-plant response layers
5. Plant Response: This passive protection layer consists of
Prevent hazardous occurrences.

containment barriers for fire or explosions as well as procedures for

evacuation. (Some models combine this and the next layer into one
“mitigation layer.”)
6. Community Response: The final (outermost) level of
protection is the emergency response action taken by the community
and consists of fire fighting and other emergency services.

According to IEC standards, the methods that provide layers of protec-

External response layers

tion should be: • Independent • Reliable • Auditable • Risk-specific in

Mitigate hazardous occurrences.

design. The IEC definition of protective layers is rigorous because it

supports the use of safety layers in the determination of Safety Integrity

Hazards Analysis. The levels of protective layers required is determined

*The above chart is based upon

by conducting an analysis of a process’s hazards and risks known as a

a Layers Of Protection Analysis
(LOPA) as described in IEC
Process Hazards Analysis (PHA). Depending upon the complexity of the 61511 part 3 Annex F.

process operations and the severity of its inherent risks, such an analysis
may range from a simplified screening to a rigorous Hazard and
Operability (HAZOP) engineering study reviewing process, electrical,
mechanical, safety, instrumental and managerial factors. Once risks and
hazards have been assessed, it can be determined whether they are below
acceptable levels. If the study concludes that existing protection is insuf-
ficient, a Safety Instrumented System (SIS) will be required.

Safety Instrumented
Systems (SIS)
The Safety Instrumented System (SIS) plays
a vital role in providing a protective layer
around industrial process systems. Whether
called an SIS, emergency or safety shutdown
system, or a safety interlock, its purpose is to
take process to a “safe state” when pre-deter-
mined set points have been exceeded or when
safe operating conditions have been trans-
gressed. A SIS is comprised of safety functions
(see SIF below) with sensors, logic solvers and
actuators. Figure B shows its basic components:
• Sensors for signal input and power
• Input signal interfacing and processing
• Logic solver with power and communications
• Output signal processing, interfacing and power
Figure B Process schematic

• Actuators (valves, switching devices) for final control function

showing functional separation of
SIS (red) and BPCS (blue).

SIF: Safety Instrumented Functions. A Safety Instrumented Function

(SIF) is a safety function with a specified Safety Integrity Level which is
implemented by a SIS in order to achieve or maintain a safe state. A
SIF’s sensors, logic solver, and final elements act in concert to detect a
hazard and bring the process to a safe state. Here’s an example of a SIF:
A process vessel sustains a build-up of pressure which opens a vent

valve. The specific safety hazard is overpressure of the vessel. When


pressure rises above the normal set points a pressure-sensing instru-

SIS ment detects the increase. Logic (PLC, relay, hardwired, etc.) then opens
a vent valve to return the system to a safe state.

SIF 1 SIF 2 Like the safety features on an automobile, a SIF may operate continu-
SIL 2 SIL 2 ously like a car’s steering, or intermittently like a car’s air bag. A safety
function operating in the demand mode is only performed when
required in order to transfer the Equipment Under Control (EUC) into a
SIF 3 specified state. A safety function operating in continuous mode operates
to retain the EUC within its safe state. Figure C shows the relationship
between SIS, the Safety Instrumented Functions it implements, and the
Safety Integrity Level that’s assigned to each Safety Instrumented
Figure C Every SIS has one or
more safety functions (SIFs) and

Safety Life Cycle. Earlier we mentioned how a Hazard and Risk

each affords a measure of risk
reduction indicated by its safety
integrity level (SIL). The SIS and Assessment study will determine the need for an SIS. This assessment is
one part of a safety life cycle which all major safety standards have speci-
the equipment do NOT have an

fied. The safety life cycle shows a systematic approach for the develop-
assigned SIL. Process controls
are “suitable for use” within a
given SIL environment. ment of a SIS. A simplified version is shown in Figure D.

Figure D The Safety Life Cycle is a

Safety Integrity Level (SIL)

sequential approach to developing
a Safety Instrumented System (SIS).
References to a Safety Life Cycle can
be found in ANSI/ISA 84.00.01 Parts

To what extent can a process be expected to perform safely? And, in

1–3; IEC 61508 Part 1; and IEC 61511
Parts 1–3.
the event of a failure, to what extent can the process be expected to
fail safely? These questions are answered through the assignment of
a target Safety Integrity Level (SIL). SILs are measures of the safety
risk of a given process.

Four Levels of Integrity. Historically, safety thinking categorized a

process as being either safe or unsafe. For the new standards, how-
ever, safety isn’t considered a binary attribute; rather, it is stratified
into four discrete levels of safety. Each level represents an order of
magnitude of risk reduction. The higher the SIL level, the greater
the impact of a failure and the lower the failure rate that is

Safety Integrity Level is a way to indicate the tolerable failure rate of

a particular safety function. Standards require the assignment of a
target SIL for any new or retrofitted SIF within the SIS. The assign-
ment of the target SIL is a decision requiring the extension of the
Hazards Analysis. The SIL assignment is based on the amount of
risk reduction that is necessary to maintain the risk at an acceptable
level. All of the SIS design, operation and maintenance choices must
then be verified against the target SIL. This ensures that the SIS can
mitigate the assigned process risk.

Determining SIL Levels. When a Process Hazards Analysis (PHA)

determines that a SIS is required, the level of risk reduction afforded
by the SIS and the target SIL have to be assigned. The effectiveness
of a SIS is described in terms of “the probability it will fail to per-
form its required function when it is called upon to do so.” This is
its Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD). The average PFD
(PFDavg) is used for SIL evaluation. Figure E shows the relationship
between PFDavg, availability of the safety system, risk reduction and
the SIL level values.

Various methodologies are used for assignment of target SILs. The

determination must involve people with the relevant expertise and
experience. Methodologies used for determining SILs include—but
are not limited to—Simplified Calculations, Fault Tree Analysis,
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) and Markov Analysis.
SIL AVAILABILITY PFDavg Risk Reduction Qualitative Consequence

4 >99.99% 10-5 to <10-4 100,000 to 10,000 Potential for fatalities in the community
Figure E 3 99.9% 10-4 to <10-3 10,000 to 1,000 Potential for multiple fatalities
SIL and
2 99-99.9% 10-3 to <10-2 1,000 to 100 Potential for major injuries or one fatality
Measures* 1 90-99% 10-2 to <10-1 100 to 10 Potential for minor injuries

Assessing SIL-Suitable Controls. A Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic

SIL: Safety Integrity Level.

AVAILABILITY: The probability Analysis (FMEDA) is a detailed performance evaluation that estimates the fail-
ure rates, failure modes, and diagnostic capability of a device.
that equipment will perform its

PFDavg: The average PFD used The following concepts define key FMEDA data for SIL-suitable Magnetrol
in calculating safety system controls shown on pages 7 to 10:
reliability. (PFD: Probability of

• FITS. Column one shows failure rates are shown as Failures in Time
Failure on Demand is the

(FITs) where 1 FIT = 1 x 10-9 failures per hour. A second failure rate column
probability of a system failing
to respond to a demand for
action arising from a potentially has been added showing Annual data as it is becoming a commonly used
hazardous condition.)

• SERIES. The brand and model designation of the control, e.g. Eclipse® 705.

• SIL. A device’s Safety Integrity Level per IEC 61511. Because combined
* Both IEC and ANSI/ISA
standards utilize similar tables
covering the same range of sensors can increase the SIL, it is often stated as “1 as 1oo1 /2 as 1oo2,”
PFD values. ANSI/ISA, how-
meaning: SIL 1 if the device is one-out-of-one used; SIL 2 if it is one-out-of-two
devices used.
ever, does not show a SIL 4.
No standard process controls

• INSTRUMENT TYPE. Type “A” units are devices without a complex

have yet been defined and
tested for SIL 4.
micro- processor on board, and all possible failures on each component can
be defined. Type “B” units have a microprocessor on board and the failure
mode of a component is not well defined.

• SFF. Safe Failure Fraction indicates all safe and dangerous detected
failures. The formula for determining SFF is: The total failures minus the
dangerous undetected failures divided by the total failures. A SFF of 91%
FINAL WORD for the Eclipse 705-51A, for example, means that 91% of the possible failures
are self-identified by the device or are safe and have no effect.

“The regulatory control • PFDavg. Average probability of failure on demand.

system affects the size of
• FAIL DANGEROUS DETECTED. Dangerous failures detected by internal
your paycheck; the safety diagnostics or a connected logic solver.
control system affects
• FAIL SAFE. Failure that causes system to go to the fail-safe state with-
whether or not you will
out a demand from the process.
be around to collect it.”
• FAIL DANGEROUS UNDETECTED. Dangerous failures that are not
—Irven H. Rinard detected by the device.
Professor and Chairman
Chemical Engineering
City College of New York
SIL-Suitable Controls
• The SIL indicated below is per IEC 61508/61511. • Contact Magnetrol for complete FMEDA reports.
• Failure rates expressed in FITS and Annual. • PFDavg is calculated according to a proof
test interval of one year, though other proof test intervals can be applied.


• Transmitter failure rates assume the logic solver can detect both over-scale and under-scale currents.

• Eclipse® Guided Wave Radar Eclipse Model 705 (510) Model 705 (51A)
Level Transmitter
SIL 1 as 1oo1 2 as 1oo1
The Eclipse guided wave radar level
Instrument Type B B
transmitter is the latest generation of
SFF 84.5% 91.0%
loop-powered 24 VDC transmitters.
PFDavg 8.06E-04 4.69E-04
Eclipse interchanges with coaxial,
twin rod, and single rod probes. A
FITS Annual FITS Annual
PACTware™ DTM interface offers the
Fail Dangerous
leading-edge in configuration, diag-
Undetected 183 1.60E-03 106 9.29E-04
nostics and graphics.
Fail Dangerous
Detected 567 4.97E-03 650 5.69E-03

Safe 431 3.78E-03 424 3.71E-03

• Pulsar® Thru-Air Pulsar Model RX5

Radar Level Transmitter
SIL 1 as 1oo1
The Pulsar pulse burst radar level Instrument Type B
transmitter is the latest loop- SFF 73.7%
powered, 24 VDC thru-air radar PFDavg 9.72E-04
transmitter. It offers lower power
consumption, faster response time FITS Annual
and easy operation. Pulsar’s perform- Fail Dangerous
ance is not process dependent. Its Undetected 222 1.94E-03
5.8/6.3 GHz frequency performs well Fail Dangerous
in turbulence, foam and vapor. A Detected 308 2.70E-03
PACTware™ DTM interface offers the
leading-edge in configuration, diag- Safe 314 2.75E-03
nostics and graphics.

• Modulevel® Displacer Modulevel Model ES II

Level Transmitter
SIL 1 as 1oo1
Digital ES II electronic transmitters are Instrument Type B
advanced, intrinsically safe two-wire SFF 66.5%
instruments. Features standard 4-20 PFDavg 8.94E10-4
mA output, microprocessor-based
electronics, HART compatible output, FITS Annual
standard output range from 3.8 to Fail Dangerous
20.5 mA, push-button program local Undetected 204 1.79E-03
calibration, and continuous self-test. Fail Dangerous
A PACTware™ DTM interface offers Detected 257 2.25E-03
the leading-edge in configuration,
diagnostics and graphics. Safe 148 1.30E-03
SIL-Suitable Controls

• Aurora® Magnetic Level Aurora/Eclipse 705 (510) 705 (51A)

Aurora is a patented, redundant, Magnetic SIL 1 as 1oo1 2 as 1oo1
Level Indicator combined with the Instrument Type B B
Magnetrol Eclipse Guided Wave Radar SFF 84.5% 91.0%
Transmitter and Pactware™ DTM interface. PFDavg 8.06E-04 4.69E-04
Aurora is designed and manufactured for
the most demanding applications found in FITS Annual FITS Annual
the process industries today. Fail Dangerous

Even in the event of a float failure due to a

Undetected 183 1.60E-03 106 9.29E-04

major process upset or overpressure condi-

Fail Dangerous

tion, the 4-20 mA output signal from the

Detected 567 4.97E-03 650 5.69E-03

Eclipse radar transmitter will continue to

provide output proportional to the liquid
Safe 431 3.78E-03 424 3.71E-03

level in the chamber and vessel.

• Jupiter® Magnetostrictive Jupiter Models 20X/22X/24X Model26X

Level Transmitter
The Jupiter magnetostrictive level SIL 1 as 1oo1 2 as 1oo1
transmitter provides a 4-20 mA output Instrument Type B B
proportional to level. Unit can be exter- SFF 83.7% 90.7%
nally mounted to a magnetic level indi- PFDavg 9.60E-04 5.45E-04
cator or directly inserted into a vessel.
Features 4-20 mA output; LCD with FITS Annual FITS Annual
push-button operation; simple set-up Fail Dangerous
and configuration; easy attachment to Undetected 218 1.91E-03 123 1.08E-03
an MLI; direct insertion into a wide Fail Dangerous
variety of vessels. A PACTware™ DTM Detected 698 6.11E-03 793 6.95E-03
interface offers the leading-edge in con-
figuration, diagnostics and graphics. Safe 421 3.69E-03 413 3.62E-03

• Thermatel® TA2 Mass Thermatel Flow Meter Model TA2

Flow Meter
SIL 1 as 1oo1
Available in both in-line and insertion Instrument Type B
styles, the Thermatel TA2 mass flow SFF 69.0%
transmitters provide reliable mass PFDavg 1.42E-03
measurement of air and gas flow. The
integral electronics are contained within FITS Annual
an explosion-proof enclosure. The units Fail Dangerous
come pre-calibrated and set up for the Undetected 323 2.83E-03
user's applications. Easy to follow Fail Dangerous
software permits field changes in the Detected 343 3.00E-03
instrument's configuration.
Safe 376 3.29E-03
SIL-Suitable Controls
• Relay-only devices assume the relay is configured Fail-safe (i.e. de-energize upon alarm or failure).
• Current shift devices assume the logic solver can detect both over-scale and under-scale currents.

• Echotel® Compact Echotel Model 940 Model 941

Ultrasonic Level Switches RELAY CURRENT SHIFT
SIL 2 as 1oo1 1 as 1oo1
Echotel Model 940 (relay version) Instrument Type B B
and Model 941 (current-shift SFF 92.8% 86.7%
version) switches are economical, PFDavg 1.07E-04 1.90E-04
compact switches with pulsed
signal ultrasound and tip-sensitive FITS Annual FITS Annual
transducers. High-performance Fail Dangerous
pulsed signal technology excels in Undetected 24 2.10E-04 43 3.77E-04
difficult conditions and provides Fail Dangerous
excellent immunity from electrical Detected 220 1.93E-03 191 1.67E-03
noise that is common in many
industrial applications. Safe 91 7.97E-04 91 7.97E-04

• Echotel Single Point Echotel Model 961-5 Model 961-2/7

Ultrasonic Level Switches CURRENT SHIFT RELAY
SIL 2 as 1oo1 2 as 1oo1
Echotel Model 961 single point Instrument Type B B
switches feature pulse wave technolo- SFF 91.4% 92.0%
gy with a tip-sensitive set point. The PFDavg 1.61E-04 1.77E-04
Model 961 is used as a high or low
level alarm. Features include FITS Annual FITS Annual
advanced diagnostics that continu- Fail Dangerous
ously check sensor and electronics. Undetected 36 3.15E-04 40 3.50E-04
An alarm will sound in the event of Fail Dangerous
electrical noise interference. Detected 288 2.52E-03 351 3.07E-03

Safe 96 8.41E-04 106 9.29E-04

• Echotel Dual Point Echotel Model 962-5 Model 962-2/7

Ultrasonic Level Switches CURRENT SHIFT RELAY
SIL 2 as 1oo1 2 as 1oo1
Echotel Model 962 dual point Instrument Type B B
switches are designed for level SFF 91.8% 91.5%
alarming or pump control. Features PFDavg 1.87E-04 2.31E-04
include pulse wave technology and
advanced diagnostics that continu- FITS Annual FITS Annual
ously check sensor and electronics. Fail Dangerous
An alarm will sound in the event of Undetected 42 3.68E-04 52 4.56E-04
electrical noise interference. Fail Dangerous
Detected 362 3.17E-03 427 3.74E-03

Safe 110 9.64E-04 130 1.14E-03


SIL-Suitable Controls

• Sealed & Flanged Cage Cage Switches SPDT DPDT

Mechanical Float Level (Low Level Applications only)
Switches SIL 2 as 1oo1 2 as 1oo1
Instrument Type A A
External cage type level switches SFF 76.1% 82.6%
are completely self-contained units PFDavg 4.82E-05 3.50E-05
designed for side mounting to a tank
or vessel with threaded or flanged FITS Annual FITS Annual
pipe connections. These float- Fail Dangerous
actuated controls have proven Undetected 11 9.64E-05 8 7.01E-05
their reliability in process control Fail Dangerous
for decades. Nearly 30 Magnetrol Detected 0 0.00E+00 0 0.00E+00
mechanical switch models are suitable
for SIL 2 environments. Safe 35 3.07E-04 38 3.33E-04

• Thermatel TD Series Level, Thermatel Model TD1 Model TD2

Flow, Interface Switches
SIL 1 as 1oo1 1 as 1oo1
Thermatel Model TD1/TD2 flow, level, Instrument Type B B
interface switches feature continuous SFF 69.3% 73.0%
diagnostics with fault indication, PFDavg 6.13E-04 7.05E-04
temperature compensation, narrow
hysteresis and fast response time. FITS Annual FITS Annual
Non-linear mA output signal can be Fail Dangerous
used for trending, diagnostics and Undetected 140 1.23E-03 161 1.41E-03
repeatable flow/level indication. Fail Dangerous
Models will detect minimum flow Detected 252 2.21E-03 390 3.42E-03
or the presence or absence of flow.
Safe 65 4.69E-04 46 4.03E-04

• Thermatel TG Series Level, Thermatel Models TG1 / TG2

Flow, Interface Switches
SIL 1 as 1oo1
Thermatel TG1/TG2 switches provide Instrument Type B
a two-wire, intrinsically safe circuit SFF 79.4%
between the probe and remote din PFDavg 5.04E-04
rail enclosure. Switches are suitable
for liquid or gas flow, level, or FITS Annual
interface detection. TG1 (with red Fail Dangerous
alarm LED) and TG2 (no red alarm) Undetected 115 1.01E-03
feature 24 VDC input power, mA Fail Dangerous
output signal for diagnostics and Detected 188 1.65E-03
repeatable flow/level indication, and
adjustable set point and time delay. Safe 255 2.23E-03

Visit magnetrol.com for more information on SIL-suitable Magnetrol controls

including complete FMEDA reports. For further information regarding SIS, SIL and
general process safety we recommend these online resources:

Subject: www:
IEC standards & bookstore................................iec.ch/home
ISA standards & bookstore................................isa.org
Exida engineering guides...................................exida.com
TUV functional safety services...........................tuv-global.com
UK Health & Safety Executive............................hse.gov.uk
Institution of Chemical Engineers...................... icheme.org
IHS/Global engineering documents...................global.ihs.com
Factory Mutual process safety...........................fm global.com
OSHA process safety standards........................osha.gov
Center for Chemical Process Safety..................aiche.org
5300 Belmont Road • Downers Grove, Illinois 60515-4499 USA
Phone: 630-969-4000 • Fax: 630-969-9489
magnetrol.com • info@magnetrol.com
Heikensstraat 6 • 9240 Zele, Belgium
Phone: 052 45.11.11 • Fax: 052 45.09.93

BRAZIL: Av. Luis Stamatis • 620-Jacana • Sao Paulo CEP 02260-001

CANADA: 145 Jardin Drive, Units 1 & 2 • Concord, Ontario L4K 1X7
CHINA: Room #8008 • Overseas Chinese Mansion • 129 Yan An Road (W) • Shanghai 200040
DEUTSCHLAND: Alte Ziegelei 2–4 • D-51491 Overath
DUBAI: P.O. Box-293671 • 803, Green Tower, Baniyas Street • Dubai, United Arab Emirates
INDIA: C-20 Community Centre • Janakpuri, New Delhi 110 021
ITALIA: Via Arese, 12 • 20159 Milano
SINGAPORE: No. 48 Toh Guan Road East #05-123• Enterprise Hub • Singapore 608586
UNITED KINGDOM: Regent Business Centre • Jubilee Road • Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9TL

Magnetrol & Magnetrol logotype, Echotel®, Eclipse®, Modulevel®, Thermatel®, Pulsar®,

Aurora® and Jupiter® are trademarks of Magnetrol International.

PACTware™ is trademark of PACTware Consortium

Copyright © 2007 Magnetrol International. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Bulletin: 41-299.1 • Effective: October 2007

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