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Around about 3500 B.C. people begin to settle around the Nile River.

In 3100

B.C. hieroglyphic script was developed, they used hieroglyphics for over 3500 years to

record important information. Also, in 3100 B.C. Narmer or Menes was the first Egyptian

pharaoh to rule both upper and lower Egypt. In 2700 B.C., the first stone pyramid was

built. In 2055 B.C. Mentuhotep II gained control over the entire country.

Egyptian built a lot of amazing buildings here is just a few of them. The largest

of the three stone pyramids was Giza which was built for the pharaoh Khufu It stands 147

meters high and its estimated weight is about 6,500,000 tones. Hypostyle Hall was built

around 1300 B.C. it was located in Karnak it is one of the largest of it's kind from ancient

Egypt, it has 134 large stone columns! In 196 B.C. the Rosetta stone was carved in an

agreement between the priests and the Egyptian government at that time it was written in

three different scripts used at that time: hieroglyphic, demotic and ancient Greek.

Egyptian believed in a lot of gods and goddess and believed in was important to

worship them so that life would continue without hassle. Some of the most important

gods and goddess were Thoth he was the god of writing and knowledge the Egyptians

believed he looked like a man with a head of a ibis holding a writing palette, Hapy was

the god of the yearly flooding of the Nile River the believed he looked like a man with a

pot belly, shown with water plants, and Isis the protective goddess, she used powerful

magic spells to help people in need they believed she looked like a women with a

headdress in the shape of a throne and a pair of cow horns with a sun disk.

Most Egyptians worked as field hands, farmers, craftsmen, and scribes. The most

powerful person in Egypt was the pharaoh The pharaoh was the religious and political

leader of the Egyptian people. The pharaoh was the leader of both upper and lower Egypt,
he owned all the land, made laws, collected taxes and protected Egypt against strangers.

The pharaohs were buried in pyramids that had all the things that the pharaoh would need

in the after life. The pharaoh was often known as the “Lord of the Two Lands” or “the

Highest Priest of Every Temple.

The Egyptians developed hieroglyphics, built huge pyramids and developed such

good irrigation method that some are still used today. They also developed the nilometer

which was used to check the height if the water in the Nile River. They even thought of

ways to preserve dead people by mummifying them!

I choose Ancient Egypt over Phoenicia because every thing they have achieved is

amazing! How they could make huge pyramids without big machines is beyond amazing

and how they created their own form of writing I cant even imagine. I would whether live

in Ancient Egypt because they were much more developed and civilized.

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