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udk,fpm;vS,favmif;rsm;twGuf usifh0wf
- 2014 ckESpf atmufwkdbmv (21) &ufwGif EdkifiHa&;ygwDrsm; tm;vHk;rS
qHk;jzwfcJhaom usifh0wfrlrsm;udktajccHí
- ,m,Dvyk if ef;aumfrwD (FDA, NBF, NLD, NUP, UNA ESihf USDP)
rS rlMurf;a&;qGJcJhNyD;
- 2015 rwfv(31)&ufaeYwGif Edik if aH &;ygwrD sm;tm;vH;k ESihf n§Ed idI ;f aqG;aEG;cJyh gonf/
- jynfaxmifpk a&G;aumufyaJG umfr&Sirf S 2015 {NyvD wGif jyefvnfo;kH oyfcyhJ gonf/
- 2015 arv (15) &ufaeYwGif n§Ed idI ;f aqG;aEG;cJNh y;D Edik if aH &; ygwrD sm;tm;vH;k rS
- 2015 ZGefv (26) &ufaeYwGif &efukefNrdKUwGif vufrSwfa&;xdk;cJhygonf/

Code of Conduct
for political parties and candidates
- based on the principles decided by all political
parties on 21st October 2014
- drafted by the ad-hoc Working Committee (FDA,
- consulted with all political parties on 31st March 2015
- reviewed by the UEC in April 2015 (legal review)
- consulted and accepted by all political parties on
15th May 2015
- signed on 26th of June 2015 in Yangon.
1/ ed'gef; 1. Preamble

1/ 2015 ckEpS f a&G;aumufyo JG nf ta&;BuD;aom rSww f ikd f 1. The 2015 election is an important milestone
wpfck jzpfonft h jyif jynfaxmifpkor®w jrefrmEdkiif \
H and a step in the historic democratic transition
ordkif;0if 'Drdkua&pDtoGif ul;ajymif;rIwGifvnf; of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. In
ajcvSr;f wpf&yfjzpfonf/ þtcif;tusi;f atmufwGif this context, political parties commit to
Edkiif aH &;ygwDrsm;onf 'Drkud a&pDusaom aqG;aEG;rIrsm; fostering democratic dialogue and to
jzpfxGe;f a&;? rwluGJjym;rIukd todtrSwjf yKvufcHNyD; cooperating together accepting and recognising
twlwuG yl;aygif;aqmif&u G af &;qDokYd taxmuftul diversity.
jyKrnf[k oabmwlqHk;jzwfonf/

2 3
2/ EdkifiHa&;ygwDrsm;? ukd,fpm;vS,favmif;rsm;qdkif&m 2. The Code of Conduct for political parties and
þusi0hf wfonf Edkiif Ha&;ygwDrsm;tm;vHk;\oabm candidates (the “CoC”) is a set of ethical
wlnDcsufjzifh a&;qGJxm;NyD;? ¤if;wdkUudk vufawGU principles developed with the consensus of
taumiftxnfazmfMurnf jzpfonf/ þusihf0wf political parties. The political parties have
onf jynfaxmifpkor®wjrefrmEdkifiHwGif w&m;0if consented to follow these principles. This CoC
rSwfyHkwifxm;aom EdkifiHa&;ygwDrsm;? r[mrdwf will apply to political parties officially
tzGJUrsm;? nGefUaygif;ygwDrsm;ESifh a&G;aumufyGJ0if registered in the Republic of the Union of
woD;yk*¾vrsm; (Edkiif aH &;ygwDrsm;rS wm0ef&o Sd rl sm;? Myanmar, political parties’ alliances, coalitions
ygwD0ifrsm;? vTwfawmfu d k , f p m;vS , f a vmif ; rsm;? of parties and independent candidates running
a&G;aumufyGJ udk,pf m;vS,rf sm;? udk,pf m;jyKolrsm; in the elections (including but not limited to
tygt0if) tm;vHk;u vdkuef m&rnfu h si0hf wf jzpfonf/ political parties’ officials, election candidates,
txufazmfjyyg yk*K¾d vfrsm;? udk,pf m;vS,rf sm;ESihf tzGJU members, agents, and representatives), referred
tpnf;rsm;udk ]þusi0hf wfukd vufrw S af &;xdk;olrsm;} to here as the “Parties” . The Parties will
[lí&nfnTe;f ygrnf/ þusihf0wfyg tcsut f vuf observe the content of this CoC in both letter
rsm;udk pmom;tm;jzifhaomf vnf;aumif;? tESpo f m& and spirit.
tm;jzifhaomfvnf;aumif; vdkuef mMu&rnf/

4 5
3/ þusihf0wf\ ta&;tMuD;qHk; &nfrSef;csufrsm;rSm 3. The most important objectives of the CoC are:
a&G;aumufyJG vkyif ef;pOf atmifjrifapa&;udk taxmuf to contribute to the success of the electoral
tul jzpfapa&;? a&G;aumufyGJvkyif ef;pOf pOfquf process; to ensure the continuity of that
rjywf&Sdapa&;? oufqkdi&f mvlyk*¾Kd vfrsm;? tzGJUtpnf; process; to build confidence among individuals,
rsm;ESifh yg0ifaqmif&Gufolrsm;tMum; ,HkMunfrI organizations and stakeholders involved in the
wnfaqmufa&;? onf;cHrIjzifh tjyKoabmaqmif process; to create a positive and tolerant
aom tajctaewpf&yf jzpfay:vmapa&;? yGihfvif; atmosphere; and to encourage open, free and
vGwv f yfí w&m;rQwaom ,SONf ydKifrIjzpfay:vmap fair competition. On this basis, the Parties are
a&;wdkUjzpfonf/ xdktajccHay:wGif þusifh0wfudk determined to contribute responsibly,
vufrSwx f kd;olrsm;onf rnfonfh rwluGJjym;rIrsm; voluntarily and willingly to create an
&daS eapumrl a&G;aumufyJG vkyif ef;pOf atmifjrifa&;udk environment conducive to the success of the
OD;wnfaom 0ef;usiw f pfck jzpfay:vmapa&;twGuf electoral process, irrespective of the differences
rdrq d E´tavsmuf wm0efopd w d jf zifh pdwt
f m;xufoefpmG in their positions.
ulnaD qmif&u G yf grnf[k ckid rf mpGm oEéXd mefjyKMuonf/
4/ þusi0hf wfonf jynfov Yl w T af wmfqkid &f mOya'? trsKd ; 4. This CoC sits within the framework of respect
om; vTwfawmfqdkif&mOya'? jynfe,fESifh wdkif; for the 2008 Constitution, and the laws and
a'oBuD;vTwaf wmfqkdi&f m Oya'rsm;ESihf Edkiif Ha&;ygwD decisions of the official institutions of the Re-
rsm; rSwyf Hkwifjcif; Oya'tp&dSonfh jynfaxmifpk public of the Union of Myanmar. These laws
jrefrmEdkiif HtwGi;f &Sd wnfqJOya'rsm;ESihf 2008 ckESpf include as the Pyithu Hluttaw Law, the Amoytha
zGJYpnf;yHk tajccHOya'rlabmiftwGi;f wGio f m tusKH; Hluttaw Law, the State-Region Hluttaw Law
0ifonf/ and the Political Parties Registration Law.
6 7
5/ þusi0hf wfonf ¤if;udkvufrw S af &;xdk;olrsm;u rdrw d kYd 5. The CoC is a voluntary instrument for the use
oabmqE´tavsmuf oHk;pGJrnfh vrf;nTefjzpfNyD; and guidance of the Parties, who will
,ckusih0f wfrS tm;ay;jr§ihw f ifxm;onfh wefzkd;rsm;ESihf endeavour to act according to the values and
tnD tm;xkwaf qmif&u G Mf u&ef jzpfonf/ þusi0hf wf principles it promotes. The CoC is not legally
onf Oya't& wm0ef,l vdkuef maqmif&Gu&f rnfh binding and does not impose any legal
usi0hf wfr[kwo f vdk þusi0hf wfukd vufrw S af &;xdk;ol obligation on the Parties. For the avoidance of
rsm;tay:wGiv f nf; Oya't& pnf;aESmifxm;jcif;? any doubt, the CoC cannot be used as a legal
cH0efuwdjyKapEdkijf cif; r&Sad y/ &Si;f vif;pGm azmfjy&vQif basis for any legal action or prosecution in the
jynfaxmifpkor®w jrefrmEdkiif HtwGi;f ü vnf;aumif;? Republic of Union of Myanmar or in any other
tjcm;Edkiif Hrsm;ü vnf;aumif; Oya't& ta&;,l country. In case of any conflict or discrepancy
aqmif&u G &f ef odkYr[kwf w&m;pGJqkd&ef þusih0f wfukd between this CoC and the Myanmar legal and
Oya'tjzpf toHk;rjyKEdkiaf y/ tu,fí þusihf0wf regulatory framework, the existing laws will
onf wnfqJ Oya' rlabmifrsm;ESihf uGJvGJaevQif prevail.
wnfq f JOya'uomvQif vTr;f rdk;ap&rnf/

8 9
2/ a&G;aumufyGJwGif 0ifa&muf,SOfNydKifaom ygwDrsm; 2. To respect all Parties contesting the elections
tm;vHk;udk av;pm;&ef 1. The Parties undertake to respect the rights
1/ þusi0hf wfukd vufrw S af &;xdk;olrsm;onf tjcm; of all other Parties to the CoC, and to take
vufrSwfa&;xdk;olrsm;tm;vHk;\ tcGifhta&; all necessary and reasonable measures to
rsm;udk av;pm;&ef oabmwlMuonf/ at;csr;f respect other Parties’ right to conduct their
om,mpGm rJqG,pf nf;½Hk;apjcif;tvdkYiSm Edkiif Ha&; campaigns in an atmosphere of serenity.
ygwDrsm;onf tjcm; Edkiif Ha&;ygwDrsm;\ tcGihf
ta&;udk av;pm;&efESihf vdktyfaom? usKd ;aMumif;
qDavsmrf I&Sad om tpDtrHrsm;tm;vHk;wdkYukd vkyf
aqmif&ef oabmwlonf/

10 11
2/ azmfjyyg &nfrSe;f csuf txajrmufatmifjrifap 2. To achieve this goal, the Parties are
a&;twGuf þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;ol committed to respecting and promoting the
rsm;onf atmufazmfjyyg tcsurf sm;udk av;pm; following.
vdkuef maqmif&Guyf grnf[k uwdu0wfjyKonf/
(u)jyXmef;xm;onfh Oya'rsm;? oufqdkif&m a. other Parties’ right and freedom to:
enf;Oya'rsm;ESihftnD taESmifht,Sufr&Sd? assemble peacefully and to hold public
jcdrf;ajcmufjcif;r&Sd? zdtm;ay;jcif;r&SdbJ? meetings; to campaign; to have access
jidrf;csrf;pGmpka0;jcif;? vlxktpnf;ta0;yGJ to and contact voters; to present their
rsm; usi;f yjyKvkyjf cif;? rJqG,pf nf;½Hk;jcif;? ideas, basic principles, and political
rJqE´&iS rf sm;ESihf xdawGUjcif; ponfyh gwDtoD; agendas; to have free access to mass
oD;\ rl0g'vrf;pOfrsm; Edkiif Ha&; vkyif ef; media for political canvassing; and to
pOfrsm; wifjyjcif;? rJqG,pf nf;½Hk;&ef vlxk publish and distribute their electoral
qufoG,fa&; rD'D,mtm; vGwfvyfpGm documents and materials without
toHk;jyKcGihf&Sjd cif;? a&G;aumufyGJqkdi&f m pm hindrance, intimidation or coercion, as
&Gupf mwrf;rsm;? toHk;taqmifrsm; xkwaf 0 set out in existing laws or regulations.
jzefYcsjd cif; ponfh tjcm;ygwDrsm;\ tcGihf
ta&;rsm;ESihf vGwv f yfcGihfrsm;udk av;pm;
(c) Edkiif Hom;rsm;\ Edkiif Ha&;vIy&f Sm;rIrsm;wGif b. the right of citizens to participate in
yg0ifEkdirf I tcGihfta&;ukd av;pm;jcif;/ political activities;

12 13
(*) a&G;aumufyGJ rJqG,pf nf;&Hk;rIqkdi&f m tcsed f c. to follow the letter and the spirit of the
umv? aiGaMu;oHk;pGJrI? rJqG,pf nf;&kH;rIwGif procedures set out in laws and
yg0ifaqmif&Gurf I? rD'D,mtoHk;jyKrIESihf ywf regulations with regard to the use of
oufaom Oya'rsm;? oufqdkif&m enf; funds, the use of media, and
Oya'rsm;rS jyXmef;xm;onfh vkyx f Hk;vkyf participation in campaigning.
enf;rsm;ESihf tESpo
f m&twdki;f vdkuef mjcif;/

(C)tkyfcsKyfa&;tzGJUtpnf;rsm;? bmoma&; d. the neutrality of administrative or

tzGJUtpnf;rsm;\ ormorwfusjcif;? xdkY religious organizations, and the
tjyif trsm;jynfolESihf yk*¾vu d tzGJUtpnf; principle of not mis-using financial
rsm; ydkifqdkifaom aiGaMu;t&if;tjrpf? and human resources and materials of
vlom;t&if;tjrpfESihf tjcm;aom ½ky0f w¬K public and private institutions, the
ypönf;rsm;udk ravsmfruef toHk;rjyK&ef principle of non-abuse of the decision-
pnf;rsO;f ? qHk;jzwfcsuf csrw S o f nfh vkyif ef; making process, and mis-use of
pOfEiS hf ,if;qHk;jzwfcsuf csrw S o f nfh vkyif ef; influence in the decision-making
pOfwGif MoZmvTrf;rdk;rIudk a&G;aumufyGJ process for electioneering purposes.
rJq,G pf nf;½Hk;a&; tusKd ;pD;yGm;tvkiYd mS ravsmf
ruef toHk;jyKjcif;? tvGJoHk;pm; jyKvkyjf cif;
rsm;udk a&Smif&Sm;jcif;/

14 15
3/ xdt
Yk jyif þusi0hf wfukd vufrw S af &;xd;k olrsm;onf 3. In addition, the Parties are committed to
atmufazmfjyygtcsurf sm;ukd av;pm;vku d ef m&ef
uwdu0wf jyKonf/
(u)jidr;f csr;f aom? pnf;pepfusaom a&G;aumuf a. work with responsible staff of the
yGJrsm; jzpfajrmufapa&;twGuf jynfaxmifpk Union Election Commission (the
a&G;aumufyGJ aumfr&SifrS wm0efay;tyf “UEC”) to ensure peaceful and well-
xm;olrsm;ESihf vufwGJaqmif&Gu&f ef/ organized elections, and;
(c) twm;tqD; t[eft Y wm; odrkY [kwf taESmifh b. ensure full freedom of voters in
t,Surf &Sb d J jynfolrsm;onf 4if;wdkY\ rJ exercising their voting rights without
ay;ydkicf Gihfukd tjynfht0&&Sad p&ef/ being exposed to any form of
harassment or hindrance.

16 17
3/ tjiif;yGm;rIrsm;udk ajz&Si;f &mwGif tjcm;ygwDrsm;ESihf 3. To coordinate and cooperate with other
yl;aygif; nd§EIid ;f aqmif&Gu&f ef Parties in settling disputes
1/ þusi0fh wfukd vufrw S af &;xk;d olrsm;onf a&G; 1. The Parties shall actively seek rapid and
aumufyGJ vkyif ef;pOftwGi;f ay:aygufvmEdkif peaceful dialogue for amicable resolution
aom tjiif;yGm;rIrsm; odrkY [kwf y#dyu©rsm;ESiyhf wf between Parties of any dispute or conflict
oufí Ekid if aH &;ygwDrsm;tMum; jidr;f csr;f aom that may arise during the electoral process.
aqG;aEG;tajzxkwrf rI sm;udk vsijf refpmG &&S&d ef wuf Parties shall refrain from actions or issuing
<upGm aqmif&Gu&f rnf/ ygwDrsm;onf wif;rmrI statements that might fuel tensions. The
ydkrkdrsm;vmapEdkiaf om vkyaf qmifrIrsm; odkUr[kwf parties shall not interfere with actions
aMunmcsurf sm; xkwjf yefjcif;rS a&SmifMuOf&rnf/ taken by the authorities of the Republic of
tjiif;yGm;rIrsm;twGuf jynfaxmifpk or®w the Union of Myanmar to resolve disputes.
jrefrmEdkiif HtmPmydkirf sm;\ ajz&Si;f aqmif&Gurf I
rsm;udk taESmifht,Surf jzpfap&/

18 19
2/ vdktyfygu þusi0hf wfukd vufrw S af &;xdk;olrsm; 2. The Parties and the UEC undertake to
ESifh jynfaxmifpka&G;aumufyGJ aumfr&Sifonf cooperate for the elections as required. The
a&G;aumufyGJrsm;twGuf yl;aygif;aqmif&Guf&ef Parties commit to participate actively in
vufcHoabmwlonf/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwf consultation and coordination mechanisms
a&;xdk;olrsm;onf aemufykid ;f wGi&f v dS mrnfh tMuH that may be established in the future. In
jyKaqG;aEG;rIrsm;? wm0efcaH qmif&u G rf tI m;vHk;wGif this spirit of cooperation and with the aim
wuf<upGm yg0ifaqmif&Gu&f ef uwdu0wfjyK of national reconciliation, there should be
onf/ trsdK;om;&ifMum;apha&; &nfrSef;csu?f no discrimination against other Parties,
yl;aygif;aqmif&u G rf pI w
d "f gwfEiS t
hf wl ygwDtMuD; whether small or big Parties, competing
tao;? ,SONf ydKizf ufygwD? wdik ;f &if;om;ygwD? tp Parties and ethnic Parties.
d jzifh tjcm;ygwDrsm;tay: cGJjcm;qufqHrIrsm;

20 21
4/ ygwDrl0g'rsm;ESihf rwluGJjym;rItm; jr§ihfwifay;aom 4. To campaign on party policies and promote
rJqG,pf nf;&Hk;rIrsm; aqmif&Gu&f ef/ diversity
4.1/rJ q G , f p nf ; ½H k ; a&;umvtwG i f ; tjcm;ygwD 4.1.To not slander other Parties during the
rsm;tm; toa&zsujf cif;? ykwcf wfjcif; rjyK&ef campaign
þusi0fh wfukd vufrw S af &;xk;d olrsm;onf tjcm; The Parties shall refrain from incorrectly
ygwDrSacgif;aqmifrsm;? a&G;aumufcH udk,f criticizing leaders, candidates and
pm;vS,frsm;ESifh axmufcHolrsm;tm; 4if;wdkY\ supporters of other Parties on the basis of
yk*¾vu d b0ESihf yk*¾Kd vfa&;qkid &f m vGwv f yfrIukd aspects of their private lives. They will also
xdckduaf paom rrSerf uef a0zefwkducf kdurf Irsm; refrain from making criticisms based on
jyKvkyfjcif;rS a&SmifMuOf&rnf/ xdkYtjyif a&G; unverified allegations or facts that have
aumufcH udk,pf m;vS,rf sm;udkaomfvnf;aumif;? been distorted, and from insulting or
4if;wdk\ Y rdom;pk0ifwpfO;D OD;udkaomfvnf;aumif; making tendentious innuendoes about the
vlrsKd ;? bmoma&;? ,HkMunfrI? usm;-r? vlrIa&;? candidates or their family members based
arG;zGm;&ma'o? ynma&;tjyif tjcm;aom on race, religion, creed, gender, social or
tvm;wl udpörsm;tay:tajccHí wpfzufowf regional origin, education or any other
xifjrif ,lqajymqdkjcif; odkYr[kwf ykwfcwf similar reason. Polite and respectful
ajymqdkjcif; a&SmifMuOf&rnf/ rdeYfcGe;f ESihf aMu language should be used in speeches and
nmcsufrsm; ajymqdkxkwfjyef&mwGif ,Ofaus; announcements.
odraf rGUaom? av;pm;orI&aSd om pum;vHk;rsm;udk

22 23
4.2/ygwDrl0g'rsm;ESihf rwluGJjym;rItm; jr§ihfwifay; 4.2 To campaign on party policies and
aom rJqG,pf nf;½Hk;rIrsm; aqmif&Gu&f ef promote diversity
Ekid if Ha&;ygwD (oYk)d uk,
d pf m;vS,af vmif; wpfOD; Criticism of any Party or candidate shall
udk a0zefajymqkrd Irsm; jyKvky&f mwGif oufqkdif be confined only to the policies and
&mygwD odkYr[kwf udk,pf m;vS,af vmif;\ rl0g' programs of the Party or candidate and
rsm;? vkyif ef;pOfrsm;tjyif uk, d pf m;vS,af vmif;\ his/her past performances. No criticism
twdwjf zwfoef; vkyaf qmifrIrsm;udkom a0zef may be made without basis or by distorting
ajymqkcd Gih&f o
Sd nf/ tajctjrpfr&dSbJ (okY)d r[kwf the facts. No incorrect or false criticism
rrSef vkyBf uHpGypf GJaom a0zefajymqkrd Irsm; rjyK regarding personal matters unrelated to
vky&f / Edkiif Ha&;ygwDwpfck\ acgif;aqmifwpfOD; political responsibilities shall be made of
odkUr[kwf EdkifiHa&;ygwDwpfck\ wuf<uvIyf political party leaders, activists and
&Sm;olwpfOD;? odkUr[kwf udk,fpm;vS,favmif; candidates.
wpfOD;tay: ¤if;\ EdkifiHa&;wm0efESifh ouf
qdkijf cif; r&dSbJ udk,af &;udk,w f mESihfywfoufí
rrSeu f efaom a0zefrIrsm;? rSm;,Gi;f aom a0zefrI
rsm; rjyKvkky&f /

24 25
4.3/rJqG,fpnf;½Hk;rIwGif bmoma&;ESifh vlrsdK;a&; 4.3.Not to use religious and racial
qdki&f m cGjJ cm;qufqrH jI yKaom oHk;EIe;f ajymqdkrrI sm; discriminatory messages in campaigns
1/ Edkiif Ha&;ygwDrsm; rSwyf Hkwifjcif;Oya'tcef; 1. In line with the Political Parties
(2)? yk'rf 6 (C) ESihftnD þusiYf0wfukd Registration Law Chapter II (article
vufrSwfa&;xdk;olrsm;onf vlrsdK;? udk; 6d), the Parties commit to abstaining
uG,&f m bmom? vlwpfOD;csi;f odkUr[kwf from “writing, delivering speech or
jynfolvlxk\ *kPfodu©mESifh udk,fusifh organizing and instigating that can
w&m;tay: oufa&mufrI &daS pEdkiaf om? y#d cause conflict or that can affect dignity
yu© jzpfapEdkiaf om a&;om;jcif;? ajymqdk and morals relating to nationality,
jcif;? pnf;½Hk;jcif;? vHIUaqmfjcif;rsm; rjyK religion, individual or public.”
vky&f ef uwdu0wfjyKonf/

26 27
2/ Edkiif aH &;qdki&f m vlxkpnf;a0;yGrJ sm; odkrY [kwf 2. The Parties commit themselves, when
vlxkqufo, G af &;rD'D,mrSwpfqifh vlxkokdY addressing the public at political
qufoG,af jymqdkjcif;? rdeYfcGe;f ajymMum;jcif; rallies or as part of their
jyK&mwGif þusiY0f wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;ol communications through mass media,
rsm;onf atmufygtcsurf sm;udk a&SmifMuOf including the social media, to refrain
rnfjzpfaMumif; uwdu0wfjyKygonf/ from:
(u) rnfonfh yk*¾dKvfwpfOD;ESifh wpfOD; a) any form of intimidation or
tMum;wGirf qdk? vltpktzGJU wpfzGJUESihf incitement to violence vis-à-vis any
wpfzGJU tMum;? ,HkMunfrIwpfckESifh person or group of persons or beliefs;
wpfcktMum;wGirf qdk y#dyu© jzpfap
Ed k i f o nf h jcd r f ; ajcmuf r I u d k jzpf a p?
vIHUaqmfrIukdjzpfap jyKvkyjf cif;rS a&Smif
(c) rke;f wD;rIjzpfapaom toa&zsujf cif; b) defamation and incitement to
odkUr[kwf t,l0g'azmufjyefol? Edkiif H hatred, or accusation of apostasy,
awmfopömazmufol? tMurf;zuf0g' treason, terrorism or any other similar
usiho f Hk;ol pojzifh pGypf JjG cif; odkUr[kwf serious charges;
tvm;wl qdk;&Gm;aom pGyfpGJcsufrsm;
jyKvkyjf cif;rS a&SmifMuOf&ef/

28 29
(*) trsK;d om;pnf;vHk;rIukd Ncdr;f ajcmufvm c) fuelling regionalist, racial, sectarian
Edik o
f nfh a'opGJ? vlrsK;d pGJ? *dkP;f *PpGJ? or tribal trends that could threaten
vlrsKd;pk pGJBuD;rIudk ydkrdkBuD;rm;atmif national unity;
vkyaf qmifjcif;rS a&SmifMuOf&ef/ d) insult, libel and degradation.
(C)apmfum;jcif;? toa&ysuaf p&ef a&;
om;jcif;? odu©musatmif vkyaf qmif
jcif;wdkYrS a&SmifMuOf&ef/
3/ rJqG,fpnf;½Hk;rIwpfckonf bmomw&m;? 3. An election campaign should not be
vlrsKd ; pk? usm;-r? bmompum;? vlrt I odki;f implemented in a manner that encour-
t0ef;tMum; trke;f yGm;rIukd tm;ay;onhf ages hatred between any religion, tribe,
yHkpHrjzpfap&/ group, gender, language, or community.
4/ tajccHOya'yk'rf 407(C)udk av;pm;vdkuf 4. Respecting the Article 407(d) of the
emvsuf þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;ol Constitution, the Parties shall not
rsm;onf bmoma&;udk Edik if aH &;twGuf tvGJ “abuse religion for political purposes”.
oHk;pm;rjyK&/ tu,fí rJqG,pf nf;½Hk;&ef When there is no other place for
twGuf ae&mr&dSygu þusihf0wfukd vuf campaigning, the Parties may use
rSwaf &;xd;k olrsm;onf oufqikd &f mbmoma&; places for social gathering in religious
tzGJUtpnf;rsm;\ oabmwlnDcsufjzifh buildings, with the agreement of the
bmoma&; taqmuftODrsm;twGi;f &dS vlraI &; religious organisations of the site.
udpörsm;twGuo f m toHk;jyKaom ae&mrsm;
udk rJqG,f pnf;½Hk;&mwGif toHk;jyKEdkio f nf/
30 31
5/ vHkNcHKa&; 5. Security
5.1/rJq, G pf nf;½Hk;a&;yGrJ sm;wGif wnfNidraf t;csr;f a&;udk 5.1 To maintain peace and stability while
xde;f odr;f &ef/ campaigning
1/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 1. The Parties undertake to speak out
tMurf;zufrIukd jzpfap&ef wdku½f kduaf omf against violence, and not to contribute
vnf;aumif;? oG,0f kduí f aomfvnf;aumif; to it whether directly or indirectly.
yg0ifvkyaf qmifjcif;rjyK&ef wm0ef,l&rnf/ They must not destroy posters or
tjcm;aom ygwDrsm;\ ydkpwmrsm;? aMumfjim advertisements of other Parties. They
rsm;tm; zsuq f D;jcif; rjyKvky&f / ¤if;wdkY\ must ensure that their campaigns do
vlxkpnf;½Hk;a&;rsm;aMumifh tMurf;zufrI not incite violence, encourage hatred,
rsm; rjzpfap&ef? trke;f w&m; wdk;yGm;rIukd or cause or aggravate tensions between
tm;ray;&ef? tpktzGJUrsm;tMum;aomfvnf; different groups or communities. They
aumif;? vlYtzGJUtpnf; tMum;aomfvnf; shall try in good faith to take all
aumif; wif;rmrIrsm;jzpfapjcif; (odkYr[kw)f necessary measures to avoid violent
d k;d &Gm;vmapjcif;rsm; jzpfrvmap&ef vkyf confrontations.
aqmifygrnf/ xdyw f kduyf #dyu©rsm; jzpfyGm;
jcif;rS a&SmifMuOf&efvkdtyfaom tpDtrHrsm;
tm;vHk;udk rSeu f ef½kd;om;pGmjzifh MudK;yrf;

32 33
2/ rJqE´&Sifrsm;\ vHkjcHKa&;twGuf þusifh 2. The Parties shall cooperate with each
0wf u d k vuf r S w f a &;xd k ; ol r sm;tMum; other for the security of voters. They
yl;aygif;aqmif&Gurf I jyK&rnf/ a&G;aumuf shall agree to cooperate with law
yGrJ sm; Nidr;f csr;f pGm atmifjrifapa&;ESihf jynfol enforcement services such as
rsm;tMum; wnfNidrfat;csrf;rI jzpfap&ef Myanmar Police Force to promote a
þusifh0wfudkvufrSwfa&;xdk;olrsm;onf peaceful electoral environment and
jref r mEk d i f i H & J w yf z G J Y uJ h o d k Y a om w&m; maintain public order.
Oya'pdk;rdk;a&;tzGJYrsm;ESifh yl;aygif;aqmif
&Gu&f rnf/
5.2/vufeufukdiaf qmifí rJqG,pf nf;½Hk;jcif;rjyK&ef 5.2 To not campaign with arms
þusih0f wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf vlxk The Parties, in public gatherings, commit
tpnf;ta0;yGJrsm; jyKvkyf&mwGif rD;wkwfrsm;? not to carry torches, arms and ammunition,
vufeufrsm;? cJ,rf;rsm; udkiaf qmifjcif; cGsejf r and not to display or use sharp and
aom? 'kw?f "g;&Sn?f "g; tp&dSonfh tEå&m,f dangerous weapons such as sticks, swords,
&daS om vufeufrsm;udk jyojcif; odkrY [kwf toHk; and knives.
jyKjcif;rsm; rjyK&ef uwdjyKMuonf/

34 35
5.3/vkyif ef;pOftay: csKd ;azmufrIESihf ajzmifhrwf wnf 5.3 Violations and the integrity of the process
1/ oufqkid &f m vTwaf wmfa&G;aumufyGJ Oya' 1. In line with the respective Hluttaw
tcef; (14) t& þusihf0wfukd vufrSwf Laws, Chapter XIV, the Parties
a&;xdk;olrsm;onf ta,mifaqmifjcif;? a&G; commit not to engage in violations
aumufyGJwpfckwGif rJwpfBudrx f uf ydkay; such as impersonation, casting votes
jcif; (tMudrMf udrf rJay;jcif;)? vmbfay;? more than once in the same election
vmbf,ljcif; tp&dSonfh csKd ;azmufrIrsm;wGif (multiple voting), and giving or taking
yg0ifjcif;rjyK[k uwdu0wf jyKonf/ bribes. The Parties also commit not
þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf to abuse the advanced voting
MudKwif rJay;jcif; vkyx f kH;vkyef nf;tm; tvGJ procedures.
oHk;pm;rjyK&ef uwdu0wfjyKonf/
2/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 2. The Parties shall cooperate with UEC
azmfjyyg taMumif;t&mrsm; rjzpfay:ap&ef and sub-commissions, security and
[efYwm;jcif;ESifh ajz&Sif;aqmif&Guf&mwGif judicial authorities, and organizations
jynfaxmifpk a&G;aumufyaJG umfr&SiEf iS hf aumf active in electoral observation, in
r&Sicf GJrsm;? vkHjcHKa&;ESihf w&m;a&; tmPm preventing and addressing the above
ydkirf sm;? a&G;aumufyJG apmifMh unfah vhvma&; issues.
tzGJYrsm;ESihf yl;aygif; aqmif&Guyf grnf/

36 37
3/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 3. The Parties shall refrain from
atmufygvky&f yfrsm; vkyaf qmifjcif;rS a&Smif
(u)rJ½kHrsm;twGi;f ? odkUr[kwf rJ½kHteD;0ef; a) acquiring votes through their
usifwGif rJ&&Sda&;twGuf Oya'ESihf presence inside polling stations or
NidpGe;f onfh w&m;r0if vIy&f Sm;aqmif conducting illegal activities in the
&GufrIrsm; jyKvkyjf cif;? rJ&Hkrsm;twGi;f polling stations/ offices or their
0ifa&mufaejcif;rsm;/ surroundings;
(c) rSm;,Gi;f aom xkwjf yefaMunmrIrsm;udk b) making false verbal or written
EIwfjzifhaomfvnf;aumif;? pmjzifha&; declarations or attempting to
om;íaomf vnf;aumif; jyKvkyjf cif;? mislead voters;
rJqE´&Sirf sm;ukd xifa,mifxifrSm; jzpf
atmif jyKvkyjf cif;/
(*) txl;tultnDvkt d yfaom rJqE´&iS rf sm;? c) deceiving or exercising any form
pmrwwfaom odkUr[kwf tm;enf;csuf of pressure on voters with special
rsm;&dSaom rJqE´&Sifrsm;tay: vSnfh needs, illiterate voters or those
jzm;jcif;? zdtm;ay;jcif; odkYr[kwf ¤if; voters with limited capacity, or
wdkU\ vGwfvyfpGm a&G;cs,fcGifhudk resorting to abuse of power to
tuefUtowfjzpfap&ef tmPmtvGJ restrict voters’ freedom of choice;

38 39
(C) jynfaxmifpk a&G;aumufyGJaumfr&Sif d) interfering with the work of the
a&G;aumufyGJ pDrHcefYcGJolrsm;\ vkyif ef; Electoral Management Body of
wm0efrsm;udk taESmifht,Sufay;jcif; the Union Election Commission or
ESihf ¤if;wdkYukd wHpkd;vufaqmifay;jcif;/ offering them gifts
(i) rJay;jcif;ESifh rJa&wGufjcif; vkyfief; e) disrupting the operation of voting
rsm;udk taESmifht,Sujf yKjcif;/ or vote counting.
4/ rJqE´&iS w f \
Ykd vGwv f yfpmG rJay;ykid cf iG hf tcGihf 4. The Parties shall not commit or cause
ta&;tm; wm;jrpfjcif; (odkYr[kw)f ygwD to be committed any act of obstruction
udk,pf m;vS,rf sm;ESihf apmifhMunfhavhvmol or detention in order to prevent voters
rsm;\ vk y f i ef ; aqmif w mrsm;ud k rjyD ; from exercising their voting right or
ajrmufEkdi&f ef wm;jrpfjcif; ponfhrnfonfh prevent party agents and observers
tjyKtrl r sd K ;uk d r Q rjyKvk y f & / xd k Y t wl from completing their tasks.
vkyaf qmif&ef tm;ay;rIrjyK&/

40 41
d kdYtm; axmufcHolrsm;ESihf xdawGUqufqHjcif; 5.4.Engagement with supporters
1/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 1. The Parties agree to:
atmufygtcsurf sm;udk vkyaf qmifygrnf[k a. issue guidelines that strictly forbid
oabmwlygonf/ their subordinates, candidates,
(u)ygwD\atmufajc tqifhqifh tzGJY members and those involved in
tpnf;rsm;? a&G;aumufcHukd,pf m;vS,f their campaign from intimidating
rsm;? tzG0YJ ifrsm;ESihf vlxkpnf;½Hk;a&;vkyf any person whatsoever at any
ief;rsm;wGif yg0ifolrsm;tm; rnfol time; and campaign against
wpfO;D wpfa,mufurkd Q rnfonft h csed rf S violence or threats of violence and
Ncdr;f ajcmufjcif;? tMurf;zufjcif;wdkYukd against any act of vandalism or
rjyKvkyf&ef/ &yf&Gmat;csrf;rI ysuf any act of disturbance of
jym;apjcif ; ES i f h vl x k w nf N id r f r I u d k community peacefulness or
tEå&m,fjzpfapaom? ysufpD;apaom endangering of public order.
rnfonhv f kyif ef;rsm;wGirf qdk yg0ifjcif;
rjyK&ef vrf;nTecf surf sm; xkwjf yef&ef/

42 43
(c) Oya'ESihf qefu Y sirf rI sm;udk vkyaf qmif&ef b. refrain from hiring (or using) any
twGuf rnfonht f oif;tzGJY? vlyk*¾Kd vf? associations, or any person or
tzGJUtpnf;ukrd qdk bef;jy&ef&nf&G,Nf yD; body corporate as a façade to
iSm;&rf;jcif;? tok;H jyKjcif;wdUkrS a&SmifMuOf&ef/ undertake illegal acts.
(*) tMurf;zufrrI sm; jzpfay:vmygu vlod c. upon the occurrence of acts of
&SiMf um; jypfwif½Iwcf s&ef? ygwDwGi;f violence, denounce them publicly,
wGif vdktyfonfh pnf;urf;ydki;f qdki&f m and take the necessary
aqmif&Guf&ef&Sdonfrsm;udk oifhawmf disciplinary action within the
ouJo Y kYd jyKvkyof mG ;&ef? tjypfusL;vGerf I Party when appropriate, and
rsm;udk ta&;r,lbJxm;jcif;tm; wdkuf combat impunity.
2/ udk,pf m;vS,af vmif;rsm;onf ygwDta&;? 2. Candidates are responsible for the
ygwDpnf;½kH;a&;rsm;udk wm0ef,l aqmif&Guf behavior of the representatives and
aeaom ¤if;wdkU\ udk,pf m;vS,rf sm;ESihf vIyf activists undertaking their campaigns; they
&Sm;aqmif&Gufolrsm;\ tjyKtrl? tajym must explicitly approve all documents in
tqkrd sm;udk wm0efcH&rnf/ udk,pf m;vS,f their campaign by endorsing them clearly.
avmif;rsm;onf ygwDpnf;½kH;a&;twGif;
tokH;jyKonfhygwDrS ay;urf;aom pm&Guf
pmwrf;rsm;tm;vkH;onf ¤if;wdkU\ oabm
xm;jzpfaMumif; jynfph &kH iS ;f vif;pGm? wdusjywf
om;pGm twnfjyKazmfjyxm;&rnf/
44 45
6/ wef;wl&nfwl ,SONf ydKifcGihf&Sdaom tajctae 6. Level Playing field
6.1/rJqE´&Sirf sm;\ qE´rJukd vTr;f rdk;&efaomf vnf; 6.1 To not use state resources and security
aumif;? jcdr;f ajcmuf&efaomfvnf;aumif; &nf apparatus to threaten or influence voters.
f Edkiif Hawmf t&if;tjrpfrsm;ESihf vkHjcKHa&;
,EÅ&m;rsm;udk tokH;rjyK&ef/
1/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 1. The Parties agree to refrain from:
atmufazmfjyygrsm;udk aqmif&u G jf cif;rjyK&ef
(u) qkvmbfrsm; cs;D jr§ií hf jzpfap? Ncdr;f ajcmuf a) abusing positions of power,
íjzpfap? tvm;wl enf;vrf;rsm;udk influence or privilege for electoral
toH;k jyKíjzpfap vkyyf ikd cf iG t
hf mPm tqifh purposes by offering rewards,
twef;udk tvGJoHk;pm;jyKjcif;? a&G; using intimidation, or any other
aumufyJG &nfreS ;f csut f wGuf txl;tcGih f means.
ta&;&,ljcif; okrYd [kwf vTr;f rd;k jcif;/
(c) Edkiif Hawmftqifh? jynfe,f? wdki;f tqifh? b) using national-level, regional,
a'oEÅ&tqifh odkUr[kwf tjcm;aom local or any other state-owned
Edkiif Hawmfykdif t&if;tjrpfrsm;udk vlxk resources for campaign purposes
rJq, G f pnf;½Hk;a&;twGuf toHk;jyKjcif;? or to prevent others from engaging
odrYk [kwf Oya't& cGijhf yKxm;onfh Edik if H in political activities permitted by
a&;vkyfief;rsm;wGif tjcm;olrsm;tm; law.
ryg0ifEkdiaf p&ef vkyaf qmifjcif;/
46 47
2/ þusih0f wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 2. The Parties shall commit not to obtain
jynfoyl kdiyf pön;f rsm;tm;toHk;jyKNyD; jynfol or buy votes using public property; a
rsm;xHrS rJ&ap&ef jyKvkyfjcif; odkYr[kwf senior government official must not
rJ0,fjcif;rsm; rjyKvkyf&ef uwdu0wf campaign for a candidate using his/
jyKonf/ tpdk;&tqifjh rifh t&m&Srd sm;taejzifh her position, authority and financial
udk,pf m;vS,af vmif;twGuf ¤if;wGi&f adS om means. When travelling under orders
&mxl;? tcGifhtmPmESifh aiGaMu; t&dSef or in connection with duty
t0gudktoHk;jyKí rJq, G af y;jcif; rjyKvky&f / assignments, a candidate must not use
udk,pf m;vS,af vmif;wpfOD;onf wm0efESihf his/her current positions and
qufpyfaom odkUr[kwf nTeMf um;csuaf Mumifh authorities to conduct a campaign.
c&D;oGm;ae&onfhtcgwGif rdrw d Gi&f Sad eaom
vuf&Sd&mxl;? vkyfydkifcGifhrsm;udk toHk;cs?
toHk;jyKí rJqG,f pnf;½Hk;rIrjyK&/
6.2/rD'D,m 6.2 Media
1/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 1. The Parties should:
(u)rD'D,m vGwfvyfcGifhudk av;pm;&yg a. respect the freedom of the media.
(c) a&G ; aumuf y G J owif ; ,l a eMuaom b. not harass, obstruct, threaten, or
owif;orm;rsm;udk aESmifh,Sufjcif;? assault journalists who are
ydwyf if wm;qD;jcif;? Ncdr;f ajcmufjcif;? engaged in their professional
wdkucf kdujf cif;rsm;udk rjyKvky&f / activities
48 49
(*) rdrd odkYr[kwf rdrdygwD\ rJqG,f c. not offer bribes or inducements to
pnf;½Hk;rIrsm;udk rD',
D mrsm;ü tom;ay; journalists or media houses to
azmfjy&eftwGuf owif;orm;rsm;ESihf influence their coverage of
rD'D,mwkdufrsm;udk wHpdk;vufaqmif campaigns.
ay;jcif;? pnf;½Hk; odr;f oGi;f jcif; rjyK
vky&f /
2/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 2. None of the Parties shall abuse their
rD'D,mtoHk;jyKcGihfukd tompD;&&dS&eftwGuf office to gain unfair advantage in
¤if;wdkY\ MoZmtmPmudk tvGJoHk;pm;rjyK&/ access to the media.
6.3/rJqG,fpnf;&Hk;a&;vkyfief;rsm; toHk;p&dwfrsm; 6.3 To abide by the regulations relating to
qdki&f m pnf;rsO;f Oya'rsm;udk av;pm;vdkuef m&ef campaign expenditure
1/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 1. The Parties agree to comply with the
a&G;aumufyGJ toHk;p&dwfESifhywfowfí laws relating to campaign
vTwaf wmfa&G;aumufyGJ Oya' tcef; (12) expenditures, in particular Chapter
ESihf enf;Oya' tcef; (13) wdkYyg rJqG,yf GJ XII of of the Hluttaw Election laws
toHk;p&dwrf sm;qdki&f m Oya'rsm;udk av;pm; and Chapter XIII of the By-Laws of
vdkuef m&ef oabmwlygonf/ þusih0f wfü the Hluttaw election laws. Any text in
a&G;aumufyGJ toHk;p&dwfESifh ywfoufí the CoC should be read in line with
xnfhoGi;f azmfjyxm;aom tcsurf sm;onf that guidance.
jyXmef;xm;aom Oya'rsm;ESihftnD &Sad e&
50 51
2/ þusih0f wfukd vufrSwf a&;xdk;olrsm;onf 2. The Parties commit to carry out all
rdrdwdkY\trSwfwHqdyfrsm;? ydkpwmrsm;udk public postings, including but not
trsm;jynfolESihf oufqkdiaf om ae&mrsm; limited to posters and billboards, in
wGif cswd q
f &JG mwGif jrdKUawmfpnfyifom,ma&; strict compliance with the regulations
aumfrwD? wdki;f a'oBuD;rsm;? jynfe,frsm; and limitations set by any city
u xkwjf yefxm;onfh pnf;rsO;f pnf;urf;rsm;? development committee and regional
uefYowfcsurf sm;? Oya'rsm;ESiht f nD wdus or State regulations on public display.
pGm vdkuef maqmif&Guyf grnf/
3/ rJqG,pf nf;½Hk;&mwGif a0;vHaom jynfe,f 3. During campaigning, candidates are
rsm;twGuf oGm;a&muf&ef&SNd yD;? oGm;&rnfh permitted to use commercial flights if
c&D;pOf &Snfvsm;ygu (odkYr[kwf) oGm; travelling to distant locations or those
a&muf&rnfha'oonf av,mOfysHjzifh oGm; locations that can only be reached by
a&mufrSom oifhavsmfonhfa'ojzpfygu airplane; however, the use of
trsm;jynfol toHk;jyKMuaom c&D;oGm; helicopters or charter flights should be
av,mOf y sH (Commercial Flight) jzif h avoided.
oGm;vmEkid of nf/ odkY&mwGif &[wf,mOf?
odkUr[kwf pif;vHk;iSm;av,mOfysH toHk;jyK
jcif;rsm;udk a&SmifMuOf&rnf/

52 53
7/ usm;-r rwluGJjym;rIESihf roefpGr;f olrsm; 7. Gender and differently abled people
1/ a&G;aumufyGJvkyif ef;pOf tqifhtm;vHk;wGif þ 1. The Parties shall strive, during all stages
usihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk; olrsm;onf trsKd ; of the electoral process, to provide equal
orD;? vli,fESihf touft&G,Mf uD;&ifhol tm;vHk; opportunities and criteria for the greater
tay: wef;wltcGifhta&;ESifh vdktyfcsufrsm; participation of women, youth and the
wef;wl&Sdap&ef tm;xkwf aqmif&Gu&f rnf/ vlU elderly, and to make as much effort as
tzGJUtpnf;rS z,fMuOfcHxm;&olrsm;? qif;&J possible to encourage and facilitate
EGr;f yg;olrsm;ESihf 0ifaiGenf;olrsm; yg0ifvmEdkiaf p participation of marginalized, poor and
&ef twwfEkdiq f Hk; ulnDyHhykd;ay;&rnf/ rJqG,f low-income sectors of society. The time
pnf;&Hk;onfhtcsdefudkvnf; tdrfaxmifrIwm0ef of campaigning should be arranged so as
xrf;aqmifae&onfh trsKd ;orD;rsm; tvG,w f ul to enable women working in households
yg0ifEkdiof nfhtcsed f jzpfap&ef pDrHMu&rnf/ to be easily able to participate.
2/ þusif h 0 wf u d k vuf r S w f a &;xd k ; ol r sm;onf 2. The Parties shall not incite or encourage
rnfolwpfOD;wpfa,mufudkrQ usm;? r rwl any person to commit gender-based
uGJjym;rIukd tajccHaom tMurf;zufrI odkUr[kwf violence. Campaigning for the election
tvm;wlvkyf&yfrsdK;usL;vGef&ef ajr§mufxdk;yifh should be gender friendly and sensitive
aumfjcif; rjyK&/ a&G;aumufyGJtwGuf rJqG,f towards differently abled people.
pnf;½Hk;rIrsm;onf usm;? r rwluGJjym;rItm;
em;vnfvufcHaom tajctaeom jzpf&rnf/
xdkYtwl roefpGrf;olrsm;twGufyg tajctae
aumif;wpfck jzpf&rnf/
54 55
8/ apmifhMunfh avhvmjcif;ESihf taumiftxnf azmfjcif; 8. Monitoring and implementation
8.1/þusihf0wftm; av;pm;vku d ef mjcif;&dSr&dS apmihf 8.1 To establish a standard procedure for
MunfhMuyfrwfjcif;ESihf vdktyfaomta&;,laqmif monitoring compliance and take actions
&Gurf rI sm;jyKvkyjf cif; vkyx
f k;H vkyef nf;rsm;a&;qG&J ef/ The Parties shall:
þusif h 0 wf u d k vuf r S w f a &;xd k ; ol r sm;onf
atmufazmfjyygvkyif ef;rsm; aqmif&Gu&f rnf/
(1) tjcm; þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;ol 1. undertake the necessary efforts to
rsm;ESifh yHkrSefqufoG,frI&dSap&ef BudK;yrf; maintain communication with the
tm;xkwrf Irsm; vkyaf qmif&rnf/ other Parties to the CoC
(2) þusih0f wfukd taumiftxnfazmf vdkuef m 2. establish a “CoC Monitoring
aqmif&u G &f eftwGuf usi0hf wfavhvm apmifh Committee” in which the Parties shall
Munfha&;aumfrwD wpf&yfzGJYpnf;NyD; tqdkyg commit to actively participate so as
aumfrwDxJwGif þusihf0wfukd vufrSwf to discuss and facilitiate the
a&;xdk;olrsm;onf usihf0wfrsm; taumif implementation of the CoC. The CoC
xnfazmf vdkufemaqmif&Gufa&;twGuf Committee will rely on the
wufMuGpGm yg0ifaqG;aEG; ulnDaqmif&Guf communication each Party has with its
Mu&ef uwdjyKonf/ tqdkyg aumfrwDonf various committees in constituencies
Edkiif Ha&;ygwDrsm;u rJqE´e,frsm;wGif oifh as appropriate.
avsmo f vdkzGJYpnf;xm;onfh aumfrwDrsm;ESihf
owif ; tcsuf t vuf r sm; zvS , f u m
vufwGJvkyaf qmifoGm;rnf/
56 57
(3) þusifh0wfudk vkdufemjcif;&dSr&dSudk ygwD 3. decide at the majority whether the CoC
trsm;pk\ oabmxm;qE´jzifh qHk;jzwf has been followed or not. If necessary,
&rnf/ tu,fí vdktyfygu yl;wGJaMujim they can issue joint statements to
csurf sm; a&;qGJxkwjf yefí &kwo f rd ;f ay;&ef request a retraction.
(4) þusih0f wfukd taumiftxnfazmf vdkuef m 4. in the implementation of the CoC, to
aqmif&u G &f mwGif a&G;aumufyJG avhvmapmifh be accountable to and work together
MunfhrItwGuf jynfaxmifpk a&G;aumufyGJ with civil society organizations that
aumfr&Siu f todtrSwf jyKxm;onfh t&yf have been accredited by the UEC for
zuf vlrItzGJUtpnf;rsm;ESifh wm0efodpGm election observation.
vufwGJ vkyaf qmif&rnf/
(5) a&G;aumufyGJjzpfpOfwpfckvHk;wGif tjcm; 5. appoint representatives from
ygwDrsm;tMum; cGJjcm;qufqHrI r&SdapbJ respective parties to the Committee,
tjiif;yGm;rIrsm;udk tjrefqHk; tvGwo f abm and use the Committee throughout the
ajz&Si;f Edki&f eftwGuf t"duowif; tcsuf electoral process as a primary channel
tvuf zvS,f&mae&mjzpfaom usifh0wf to exchange information so as to
avhvm apmifhMunfha&;aumfrwDokdY ouf contribute to resolve disputes
d pf m;vS,rf sm;
qkid &f m Ekid if Ha&;ygwDrS uk, informally, without delay, and without
cefYtyfapvTwf&rnf/ any discrimination against other

58 59
(6) tjiif;yGm;rIwpfckukd rajz&Si;f Edki?f qHk;jzwf 6. respect the confidentiality of the CoC
csuf rcsEkid af o;onfh umvwpfcktxd usihf Monitoring Committee during the
0wf avhvmapmifhMunfha&; aumfrwDonf period when a dispute is still under
¤if;wdkY&&Sdxm;onfh owif;tcsuftvuf scrutiny. All Parties must cooperate
rsm;udk tjyifokdY raygufMum;atmif xde;f so as to ensure that the Committee
odr;f apmifha&Smufjcif;? aumfrwDtm; ygwD does not become a place that promotes
wpfck? ygwDtpktzGJY wpfcktwGuf 0g' propaganda for, or attacks, an
jzefYcs&d mae&m odkYr[kwf ygwDwpfck? ygwD individual party or group of parties.
tpktzGJY wpfcktm; wdkufcdkufqefYusif&m
ae&mwpfck rjzpfap&ef 0dkif;0ef;yl;aygif;
aqmif&Gujf cif;rsm; jyK&rnf/
8.2/qufoG,fa&; 8.2 Communication
1/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 1. The Parties shall find ways to
usifh0wfyg tcsuftvufrsm;udk trsm; disseminate a simplified content of the
jynfol em;vnfvG,faomyHkpHjzifh vlxk CoC to the general public and the
vlwef;pm;tpHk? axmufcHolrsm;? trsm; supporters.
jynfolrsm;xH tus,fjyefUqHk;a&muf&dSEdkif
aom enf;vrf;rsm;udk owfrSwaf y;&rnf/

60 61
2/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 2. The Parties shall undertake to
tcsdefra&G;? ae&mra&G; ,ckpmwrf;ESifh disseminate the CoC and encourage
yg0ifaom tcsufrsm;udk xyfrHjzefYcsday; respect for the CoC on all occasions,
&efESihf trsm;jynfol ydkrkdo&d Sed m;vnfap&ef and introduce the CoC to all of their
wm0ef,l&rnf/ xkYdtjyif 4if;wdkY\ t&m&Sd officials, agents, members, activists,
rsm;? udk,pf m; aqmif&Guaf y;olrsm;? tzGJUY representatives and supporters and to
0ifrsm;? wuf<uvIy&f Sm;olrsm;? axmufcH the general public as well.
olrsm;ESihf trsm;jynfolrsm;udkyg od&Sad tmif
todynmjyefYyGm;ay;&ef wm0ef&So d nf/
3/ þusihf0wfukd vufrSwaf &;xdk;olrsm;onf 3. To this end, the Parties shall take all
,ckusi0hf wfpmwrf;yg t"du rl0g'usi0hf wf steps to educate and train their
rsm;udk rdrw d kdYtm; axmufcHolrsm; od&Sd supporters; and to inform them
em;vnf vkdufemusifhoHk;Ekdifapa&;twGuf consistently and to the greatest extent
twwfEkid q f Hk; avhusihyf nmay;jcif;? xde;f possible of the main rules and
ausmif;jcif;wkYd jyKvkyMf u&rnf/ commitments of the CoC.

62 63
tao;pdwfod&Sdvdkygu qufoG,f&ef -
Secretariat of the Code of Conduct for
Political parties and candidates.
Tel : +95 1 534754, 512873, 507089 (Ext : 107)
Email: coc.secretariat@gmail.com


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