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Annotated Bibliography of Camus’ The Stranger

Bigelow, Ed. Barbara C. "Europe Under Occupation." World War II Reference

Library, et al. Vol. 1: Almanac. Detroit: UXL, 2000. 131-156. Gale U.S. History In
Context. Web. 17 Dec. 2010.


World War II was an all out war in Europe. During the war France got over
powered by Germany. Then at the end of the war France was Finally free.

Important Quotes:

“Because World War II was a total war, its effects on ordinary people, not just the
soldiers and sailors, were deeper and more widespread than in previous wars.
This was especially true when a foreign army defeated and then occupied a
country. A military occupation, when one country stations troops on another's
territory to control it, is often a time of hardship. But occupation by Nazi Germany
in World War II was much harder and more murderous than anything that had
come before. While Germany occupied or controlled much of Europe from 1940
to the middle of 1944, it carried out policies, especially in eastern Europe, that
involved the intentional killing of millions of people.” (paragraph 1)


The purpose of this quote is because Algeria was a colony of France and The
Stranger takes place in Algeria. Which most likely was effected by the take over
of France.

Borchert, Ed. Donald M. “MacIntyre,. "Existentialism." Encyclopedia of

Philosophy. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. 500-510.
Gale U.S. History In Context. Web. 9 Dec. 2010.


Kierkegaard a philosopher argues that the psychology of any human nature

experiences the dread of themselves or others. Kierkegaard called this the
original sin. Heidegger, another philosopher, sees it as a world problem.

Important Quotes:

“Kierkegaard argued that in certain psychologically defined moments truths about

human nature are grasped. One such moment would be when we realize that we
do not just fear specific objects but experience a generalized dread. Of what? Of
nothing in particular. What is this nothing, this void we confront? Kierkegaard
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interpreted it in terms of original sin. Heidegger sees it as an ontological

constituent of the universe.” (par. 20)


The reason why I pick that quote is because, all it talks about is death and sin,
which is perfect for The Stranger. It resembles when Meursault killed the arab. It
shows his sin that he created and the arab’s and Meursault’s death.

Harper Collins Publishers ROTH, JOHN K. "ALBERT CAMUS." Great Thinkers of

the Western World, 1999. 556. Gale World History In Context. Web. 17 Dec.


Albert Camus was argued on not being a existentialist. He was born and raised
in Algeria. Camus was also very active in the French Resistence.

Important Quotes:

“Although Albert Camus was not fond of being called an existentialist, the
writings that made him the 1957 Nobel laureate in literature did much to
popularize that philosophical movement. Novelist, playwright, and essayist,
Camus was born and educated in Algeria, where he founded a theater group for
which he wrote and produced plays. In 1940, he moved to Paris, became active
in the French Resistance against the Nazi occupation, and later practiced
journalism. He was friendly with Jean-Paul Sartre but the two had a falling out
and became philosophical rivals, even though many of their views were similar.”
(paragraph 4)


The reason why I picked this quote is because it relates to The Stranger. Like
Meursault, Camus was born and raised in Algeria.

New York Times “Burns, John F. "The World; Algeria. Remember That Name."2
Jan. 2000: 4. Gale World History In Context. Web. 16 Dec. 2010.


France had 130 years of colonial rule over Algeria. Americans hardly ever went
to visit Algeria. Algeria became famous right after World War II because of the
effects it had on it.
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Important Quotes

“The plain fact is that Algeria, however distant it has grown to Americans since it
made headlines for them during World War II, remains of enormous strategic
importance.”(paragraph 9)


The reason why I picked this quote is because The Stranger Takes place in
Algeria. I thought it would be nice to learn about its history. The purpose of this
quote is because Algeria was a colony of France and The Stranger takes place in
Algeria. Which most likely was effected by the take over of France.

Poe, Edgar Allan , “Alone”, Poetry Out Loud, 19 Dec. 2010


Edgar Allan Poe did an amazing job writing this poem. He did a great job with the

Important Quotes:

“My sorrow—I could not awaken

My heart to joy at the same tone—
And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone—” (lines 6-8)


I think that this poem is a great poem to go with Camus’ The Stranger. It is
because Meursault in the novel never had any emotions, and this poem talks
about a man loving alone. Which is like not loving at all, like Meursault.

Solomon, Robert , “Albert Camus - The Absurd”, YouTube Video Source, 19

Dec. 2010


Robert Solomon talks about Albert Camus’ novel The Stranger. The main idea of
the video discussion is the theory of the absurd found within Camus’ The


The purpose of this video is to show the Absurdity found within The Stranger.
Robert Solomon did an excellent job explaining this discussion.
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