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Giant head: beside allowing him usmear with confidence between the flora in food search, it

allows him to guard great quantity of information and to develop the telepathy with the human

Eyes with angle of vision of 720 º: the cow is the animal only one that they have double approach
perimetral, very useful for pesquisar the butcher who comes traversing with a knife of 20 inches.
These devices allow him to see color of 48 bits and six dimensions (they can distinguish ghosts,
extraterrestrial beings, plasmatic storms, between other phenomena).

Prehensile tail: it serves him to frighten the flies and is an economic replacement of the hygienic

Redundant digestion: if the animal is not sure of having done the digestion, his organism of
entrusts of the topic. Of this form the cow can center

The feature most typical of the jackasses or donkeys they are his big ears, which were serving him
to lose heat (these animals were living of wild form in the deserts). Nevertheless, they do not stop
reminding us very much to the horses. In fact they belong to the same family, that of the équidos.
The horses, the jackasses have a nice mane.

A difference between the jackass and the horse is his size. Generally, the jackass is smaller than
the horse. (Consistently, on the other hand, the head of the jackass is proportionally bigger than
that of the horse). Nevertheless, always they exist exceptions exist, as the jackass of Poitou, of
French origin, with his 1 ' 5 m of height to the cross or the horse of Argentine origin Farabella with
his scanty 0 ' 75 m of height (the smallest horse of the world).
The jaguar is a félido of great size. It has a hair very similar to the leopard though the jaguar has a
central spot inside the black small roses. On the other hand, the jaguar is more robust than his
relative the leopard.

The jaguar is the major feline of America.

The jaguar hunts during the dawn and the late afternoon.

The jaguar is mature sexually 3 years after life.

The babies of jaguar weigh approximately 5 kg on having been born.

The Anaconda, also known as the " Boa of Water " it is the biggest serpent of the world, being able
to manage to measure more than 12 meters of length and with a díametro that can reach more
than 30 centimeters and they can weigh more than 200 kilograms. His scientific name is " Eunectes
murinus ".

The anacondas are excellent swimming. They can remain under the water up to in 10 minutes. His
eyes and his nostrils are located above of his head, which allows him to have them out of the
water, when she is plunged. In land, they are much slower, for which they feed preferably in the
water or in the banks of the rivers. The Anaconda is not a poisonous serpent, is a constrictive
serpent. It catches to his dam with his fangs and can immerse it in the water up to drowning her,
Due to the great quantity of races that exist (more than 300), there is a great variety of dogs, of
different weight and size, for what it is difficult to establish a weight and height means.

The race of the smallest dog, the Chihuahua, weight approximately 2 kg and it measures
approximately 17 cm of height.

At the far end, the San Bernardo is with 70 kg of weight and 75 cm of height happens.

Between both ends constituted by the Chihuahua and the San Bernardo there is a great quantity
of intermediate values. As dogs of average size, for mentioning some examples, we have the
Dalmatian with some 25 kg of weight and 57 cm of height, the Samoyedo, which has a weight of
26 kg and a height of 50 cm or the Bull Terrier with a weight and a height very similar to the

The domestic cat is an animal of small size that weighs of average approximately 5 kg, though
variations exist according to the races and the sex. The males are slightly major that the females,
for what they weigh something more than his companions.

The domestic cat has a length of approximately 50 cm, without counting the tail. If we bear the
tail in mind, the domestic cat measures approximately 80 cm, since his tail has approximately 30
cm of length; though logically variations exist according to the race with which we treat.

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