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Angels in America Tony Kushner Play 50s Contemporary the middle of he night 29 tell her that he i gay, she sells few York City and gets lost. She talking told ro cake and I goof — wal ic asthe very last op 501 hal of and I asked the diver 2 this Brookya, and he ned yes bat he ding at and in truth think he Spoke no English a all, which I hink ment on public transportation The pubic being English-speaking monty. ro spctk English Twas supposed be mee a thea port by my sons He sid show nd I dove wait moe than thice and hice quarters hous for anyone. 1 should have been poten, {guess Is his Broly The Bron! Well how in 1 of Heaven did 1 get to che Brom, when the busdever ssi .,?Can you just ell me where 1 [dont know what yee Shur up. Please Now | waat you stop jabbing ull your wis tgetherand tell me how to get wo Beouklyn. Because yoy know! And you are going co tll me! Be and Iam wet and cod and Iam very ange! yore pai ic but ust make che effort! Take 4 deep breath! DO TT (nhates with the eraz; woman) Thats good. Now exhale (shales with the ery woman} Good Now. He 108 + 222 Comedy Monologues, 2 Minutes and Under Blown At Lisa Walle essay F sre were buh going to all the Sight rea ther I had dp shipped” ach other Ch heating how if is sights bea with, and Tmo in school then would be et ? Then Ch

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