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How to Permanently Double Your Concentration

in Just 12 Minutes

Speed Reading reigns.

Concentration is what won President Obama the 2008 nomination,

election, and control over the sitting Congress. If his thoughts were
dispersed in four directions instead of centered on the economy, no
one would have voted for a ditz-head who could not focus his attention.

What is the meaning of the expression – she looked me straight

in-the-eye? How does it make you feel when the other person
to the conversation is looking to your left, right, or over your head?

What Good is a Peak Experience? Who needs it?

President Kennedy talked about being In-the-Flow, and In-the-

Zone when he concentrated 100% on a specific task, and ignored
all distractions. He received his intuitive, most creative ideas to
solve problems during these Peak Experiences.

Would it help your career, give you the competitive-edge, to double your
concentration (2x), compared to your peers?

A. Einstein

What do you make of this remark made by A. Einstein

in the year he passed on, 1955?

“If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then

is an empty desk a sign?”

He hit me with his arrow because I cannot stand it when my

desk is crammed with scattered papers. But when there is nothing
in my incoming box (To-Do), that stresses me out too.

My 3-pound coconut is only tranquil when the brain is pumping

Dopamine, the Pleasure hormone; that occurs only when it is engaged
in active behavior toward a specific outcome.

Will you remember the neurotransmitter – Dopamine, your pleasure hormone?

It is what motivates you and me to work to fulfill our heart’s desire.

Concentration is a Finite Resource

Most folks read words and never stop to ask if they understand the meaning of

any specific phrase, word or sentence. Their goal is to finish reading, not to
understand the essence of the text. What does finite mean?

Finite means: with a limit. Money is finite, and has to be replaced once
you spend it. So what? Our brain produces a finite, limited amount of concentration
time. Once you use it up, you must wait until the brain refills it.

If you waste concentration on dreary and mindless conversations or watching TV

Soap-Operas, it is not available for learning new information and self-improvement.

Concentration is Loaded (Hardwired) in Our Brain

Neurological (brain research) experiments over the past ten years indicate that the
average college graduate has a maximum of 90 minutes of concentration available
for a single subject. From the 91st minute, the gas tank is M-T (empty), and the flow
for a peak experience stops.

Attention on the other hand, is limited to under thirty-seconds before our

mind is distracted to thinking about something else. That sounds like almost no
capacity. How can we increase focused attention and concentration for learning and
memory improvement?

Multitasking is a Myth

Remember when you were a kid and you want to insult someone’s intelligence?

“He cannot chew gum and walk down the street at the same time.”

Scientific research offers evidence that Homo sapiens cannot successful accomplish
more than one task at once. You attention is selective, and once you pin the tail on
the donkey, your brain ignores everything else.

If you are keeping count of a specific occurrence – how many couples are entering
the room, an 800-pound gorilla can walk in front of your eyes. Your brain totally
ignores, and you consciously miss, the big monkey because you are concentrating on
the couples. We can do well only one function at a time.

It is just how we are hardwired because your choice of attention selection is what
your brain will experience. Choice is volition (will), and focuses our consciousness.

What about people who claim to multitask? They divide their mind and concentrate
on reading text and listening to music, and lose up to 40% of the material read.

Using a Pacer to Double Your Concentration

A Pacer is a pen in your fist or the cursor (extended index finger) symbol made

by your Mouse. When you read a book, article or report the average college
graduate will lose her reading concentration (place on each page) a minimum of
five-times per page. Regression is the act of losing your concentration and going
back to find it again, and again.

Regression reduces your long-term memory, reading speed, and concentration by

up to 66%.

Your brain comes with a built-in hardwired program to improve concentration. It is

an automatic reflex that triggers our eyes to follow a moving object. It has
evolutionary survival value to use your peripheral (side) vision to see danger
(predators and rivals) from the side of your eyes.

It gives you a 1-2-second heads-up to run from danger like your fundament is on
fire. We use the same reflex – your eyes follow a moving object coming
into your field-of-vision, to trigger your peripheral vision to double your
concentration. You have to use a Pacer to activate this reflex.

If you practice reading with a retractable pen in your hand, not using the writing
point, to underline the words of each sentence. You will beyond the shadow of a
doubt, double your concentration in the first 12 minutes.

The better you concentrate, the greater your ability to process information into
knowledge. Is that a powerful tool? To create this habit you must continue to
practice underlining using your Pacer for 21 consecutive days.

Ear Plugs

Another strategy to help double your concentration is to overcome distractions

and diversions from dividing your mind and thwarting learning and memory.

Any drug store sells ordinary earplugs for under two-dollars that last forever.

We want to shut out the conversations of folks around us when we are studying.
The distraction of voices reduces our concentration by more than 50%. It is an
Urban Myth, like the alligators in the NYC sewer system, and not neuroscience, that
listening to Music while studying improves learning. Turn off the rhythmic noise.

All music and whispered conversations are noise, and a brain distraction.

Earplugs win the prize for permitting us to focus our concentration solely on
learning and memory and inhibit distracting noise.


Would the skill of reading three (3) books, articles and reports in the time it

takes your peers to hardly finish one, give you a school and career competitive-
advantage? How about doubling your long-term memory – permanently?

Ask us how to learn like A. Einstein and ace school and career.

Speed reading reigns supreme.

See ya,

copyright © 2009 H. Bernard Wechsler hbw@speedlearning.org

www. speedlearning.org 1-877-567-2500

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