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Pooh Pattern (Winnie the Pooh 2019)

Materials - Equipment (7-8 inches tall)

1. Yarn brand Dalah Yellow (259), Red (207)

2. Hook number 0 (1.75 m.m)

3. Synthetic fiber

4. Button eyes size 8 m.m

5. Yarn or brown thread

Note: The picture may be too dark, or too bright, due to shooting in natural light. It may cause
some pictures to be dark. Sorry. // ^^

1. 1 piece of head / yellow yarn

Row Details Sts
The head is crocheted in spiral.
1 6sc in a magic ring 6
2 Inc x6 12
3 (1sc, inc) x6 18
4 1sc, inc (2sc, inc) x5, 1sc 24
5 (inc, 3sc) x6 30
6 2sc, inc, (4sc, inc) x5, 2sc 36
7 (inc, 5sc) x6 42
8 3sc, inc, (6sc, inc) x5, 3sc 48
9 (inc, 7sc) x6 54
10 4sc, inc, (8sc, inc) x5, 4sc 60
11 3sc, inc, (6sc, inc) x2, 24sc, (6sc, inc) x2, 3sc 66
12 25sc, dec, 12sc, dec, 25sc 64
13 24sc, dec, 12sc, dec, 24sc 62
14-18 62sc 62
19 19sc, inc x2, 2sc, inc x2, 19sc 66
20 16sc, inc x2, 3sc, inc x2, 16sc 68
21-22 70sc 70
23 3sc, dec, 7sc, dec, 7sc, inc, 27sc, inc, (7sc, dec) x2, 2sc 68
24 68sc 68
25 1sc, dec, (2sc, dec) x2, 46sc, dec, (2sc, dec) x2, 1sc 62
26 4sc, dec, 50sc , dec, 4sc 60
27 3sc, dec, 6sc, dec, 3sc, dec, (1sc, dec) x2, 4sc, dec x2, 4sc, dec, (1sc,
dec) x2, 3sc, dec, 6sc, dec, 3sc 48
28 2sc, dec, (4sc, dec) x2, 6sc, dec x2, 6sc, dec 40
29 (3sc, dec) x8 32
30 (2sc, dec) x8 24
Stuff the head in giving it a shape.
Add decorations of the face (eyes, muzzle) before doing the next
Your work will stay in waiting for a moment. You will have to
complete the body first because you will have to join the neck part
into the head. After that, you’ll crochet the row 31-32 of the head.
31 (1sc, dec) x8 18
32 18sc, sl st to close. 18
Fasten off, hide thread.

2. Legs and body / yellow yarn
(Start crocheting the left leg first, when reaching row 11, f asten off. After that, start
crocheting the right leg, do not fasten off the 2nd leg, then crochet the 2 legs together in row 11
to start the body part)

Rows Details sts

Left Leg Right Leg
1 Start with 3ch Start with 3ch 8
1ch, 2sc, double-inc*, 1sc, inc 1ch, 2sc, double-inc*, 1sc, inc
2 inc, 1sc, inc x3, 1sc, inc x2 inc, 1sc, inc x3, 1sc, inc x2 12
3 1sc, inc, 1sc, (1sc, inc) x3, 1sc, (1sc, 1sc, inc, 1sc, (1sc, inc) x3, 1sc, (1sc, 18
inc) x2 inc) x2
4 4sc, dec x6, 4sc 4sc, dec x6, 4sc 14
5 14sc 14sc 14
6 On the Blo: 2sc, dec, 10sc On Blo: 10sc, dec, 2sc 13
7 13sc 13sc 13
8 2sc, inc x2, 9sc 9sc, inc x2, 2sc 15
9 15sc 15sc 15
10 2sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 10sc 10sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 2sc 13
11 12sc, sl st (fasten off, hide 3sc, 1sl st, 3ch then connect to the
thread) left leg
Continue to crochet to the end of the left leg, sl st. Bring another color 40
as marquer of rows.
Keep crocheting until you complete 40sc (see Figure 4)
12-17 40sc 40
18 5sc, dec, 1sc, dec, 17sc, dec, 1sc, dec, 8sc (stuff the body) 36
19 36sc 36
20 4sc, dec ,1sc, dec , 16sc, dec , 1sc, dec , 6sc 32
21-22 32sc 32
23 4sc, dec , 1sc, dec , 12sc, dec , 1sc, dec , 6sc (add stuffing) 28
24 28sc 28
25 6sc, dec , 1sc, dec , 5sc, dec , 1sc, dec , 7sc 24
26-29 24sc 24
30 7sc, dec , 5sc, dec , 8sc 22
31 22sc 22
32 6sc, dec , 5sc, dec , 7sc 20
33 6sc, dec , 4sc, dec , 6sc 18
34 6sc, dec , 3sc, dec, 5sc 16
35-36 16sc 16
37 Inc x16 32
38-39 32sc 32
40 Dec x16 (add stuffing) 16
41 16sc 16
42 Dec x8 8
43 Dec x4, sl st 4
Fasten off, hide threads.

* Note: double-inc = crochet 3sc in the same st
Blo = crochet the back loop only of the sts

Crochet the legs together:

3. Arm / yellow yarn
Rows Details Sts
Start with 3ch
1 1ch, 2sc, double-inc, 1sc, inc 8
2-3 8sc 8
4 dec, 6sc 7
5 inc, 6sc 8
6 8sc 8
7 1sc, inc, 6sc 9
8 9sc 9
9 2sc, inc, 6sc 10
10-13 10sc 10
14 3sc, inc, 6sc 11
15 11sc 11
16 11sc, sl st 11
Fasten off. Sew the arms to the body.

4. Nose / yellow yarn

Rows Details Sts
We start to crochet in spiral.
1 6sc in a magic ring 6
2 Inc x2 12
3 (1sc, inc) x6 18
4 18sc 18
5 9sc, sl st -
Leave a long thread to sew
the muzzle to the head.

Add nose embroidery with brown yarn.

5. Ear / yellow yarn
Rows Details Sts
1 6sc in a magic ring 6
2 Inc x6 12
3-4 12sc 12
5 (4sc, dec) x2 10
Leave a long threat to sew
to the head.

6. Red shirt / Red yarn

Rows Details Sts
Start crocheting 34ch
1 1ch, 34sc 34
2 1ch, turn, 34sc 34
3 1ch, turn, (4sc, inc) x6, 4sc 40
4 1ch, turn, 40sc 40
5 1ch, turn, 6sc, [4ch, 1sc (into the 8th st)], 13sc, [4ch, 1sc (into 34
the 8th st)], 5sc
6 1ch, turn, 34sc, sl st in the 1st st 34
7 1ch, (4sc, inc) x6, 4sc, sl st in the 1st st 40
8-9 1ch, 40sc, sl st in the 1st st 40
Fasten off, hide threads

6.1 Red sleeve / Red yarn

Rows Details Sts
Start crocheting at the point indicated in the picture
1 1ch, 14sc 14
2-3 14sc 14
4 14sc, sl st 14
Fasten off, hide threads

Step by step to crochet shirt and where to begin the arm.

Sewing method

Dress Winnie, sew the back of the shirt.

Complete the head in sewing the muzzle between rows 21-27, add the eyes around the
row 20, embroider the brows in brown between rows 15-16.

Sew the ears between rows 7-11 of the head.

Hide the threads inside the head, now put the head on neck round part of the body,
then complete the rounds 31-32 of the head.

Your Winnie is now ready!!


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