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When Did This Relationship

Become a Booty Call?

Hold Out For Love!

By Mimi Tanner,
Author of “Hard To Get”

Copyright © 2010 by Mimi Tanner. All Rights Reserved.

When Did This Relationship Become a Booty Call?
Hold Out For Love!

When Did This Relationship Become a Booty Call?

Sometimes a man fades out of your life. It can happen so gradually. You follow
relationship advice and you get a good response from him – but only to a point, and then
he’s gone again.

He only calls you when he feels like it - and doesn't feel like it that often...

So first, ask yourself if you are okay with this. Does this repeated scenario make you feel

(Usually it does for most people - but not all. It's our tolerance level that matters - as well
as our being really HONEST with ourselves about what we really want to put up with.)

If this is happening between you and a man, then recognize that he's not the one for you -
at least not at this time!

He's not keeping in touch with you - he's only doing this when the mood strikes him. So...
keep your options open! The last thing you should do is wait for him to change.

Sometimes you may feel like you two are getting back together again. But then he does
his flake-out again! Nice guy. Happy to see you. Gets together with you. Things look
good again. Then you don't hear from him AGAIN for AGES....

Shampoo, Rinse, Repeat!!!

I can almost guarantee that this is happening because sex goes along with these nice but
infrequent reunions.

If so, please DON'T. Please REFRAIN from that refrain to your reunions... because (do I
really need to say this?):

1. You don't know where he’s been!

2. You give him reason to just leave you again after he’s dabbled with your emotions
again, and you got your hopes up.

He got his hopes up too - hoping you'd sleep with him. How easy or difficult did you
make it for that to happen? The more difficult it was, the longer you had his attention....

Copyright © 2010 by Mimi Tanner. All Rights Reserved.

When Did This Relationship Become a Booty Call?
Hold Out For Love!

Some women will hold out and let a chase begin - and then give in within a week or so,
thinking that it worked, and now they're back in a relationship with him.

Newsflash: That's not long enough. The same thing will happen again!!

How long is long enough? For a man who has been rinsing and repeating, you have to
forget an affair with him if you really WANT him - and he's probably NOT the man for
you if he keeps flaking out on you and has developed this PATTERN.

Tell him "NO." Ask yourself if you really want to repeat that pattern over and over? No,
you really don't, most likely.

So it's NO. NO. NO. Cough up a ring, set a date, then maybe you'll think about it... it
sounds funny, but I am serious!

Another newsflash - those of you who wait till marriage save yourself SOOOO many of
these woes - as you know, and as you deserve to have broadcast to the world so others
can consider doing the same, or at least can consider holding out for getting engaged!!!

Life is short - you'd better think over what you really want to put up with in your love

As copywriter Gary Bencivenga says, "Why not the best?"

Why not the best for YOU???? Why put up with Mr. Wrong?

Make yourself Miss Right and go for Mr. Right and let Mr. Occasional be occasional
with his OTHER girls in various ports - who may contract some kind of STD between
now and when you see him next.

Go for the BEST!!! If not, WHY NOT??? Think about that this weekend.... this is your
life we're talking about!

With love,
Mimi Tanner

Now stay tuned for the rest of the story…..

Copyright © 2010 by Mimi Tanner. All Rights Reserved.

When Did This Relationship Become a Booty Call?
Hold Out For Love!

“Can You Handle the Truth?”

Are you really ready to hear this? Can you "handle the truth"? You may not like what
you're about to hear - or else you may say YES YES YES.

After writing “When Did This Relationship Become a Booty Call,” I got this email from
a man:

“This is the best advice you have ever given to women. From beginning to end it is filled
with great wisdom that I hope women will take notice of and realize how brilliant it is.
Just wanted to let you know from a man's perspective that I thought it is fantastic


I wrote back to Nathan wanting to know what in particular he as a man thinks women
need to hear - so we can more information from the guy's perspective.

"Nathan, Thank you - anything you want to add from a man's point of view, I would love
to share with my readers."

Well - Nathan did not disappoint me with the dead-on observation you're about to read!!

Copyright © 2010 by Mimi Tanner. All Rights Reserved.

When Did This Relationship Become a Booty Call?
Hold Out For Love!

A Man’s Point of View:

Nathan wrote:

"If a man is only coming around sporadically, he is only looking for sex. I must
confess I have been guilty of this.

"If you have sex with him he assumes you are ok with that.

"It's not that men are evil, we just assume that you all know the score and we are
giving you what you want or else you wouldn't let it happen.

"If you want a relationship with this particular man, the worst thing to do is have
sex with him, because you will always be just a sex partner to him. He will look
elsewhere for the woman to spend the rest of his life with.

"Definitely do not contact him when he hasn’t been contacting you, unless you
just want to be a booty call. Thanks again."

-- Nathan

I hope this truth from the man's point of view is heard loud and clear.

Men assume if you say yes, then that means it's okay with you. They don't tend to
complicate things the way many women do - the complication comes in because a
woman thinks that sex means they are getting closer - "intimate."

Does a man get that message? Not according to Nathan. He gets the message that you
want sex with him right then. And that you did not have him sign a waiver or a contract

Yet women get so upset and hurt and disappointed when exactly this thing happens - and
it happens every day.

What did Nathan say? "It's not that men are evil."

So if you are "willing" - then you sent him the message that you're willing. It is okay. It
doesn't mean you're going to marry the guy or even see him or hear from him the NEXT

And you know how much you'll hate that feeling.

Copyright © 2010 by Mimi Tanner. All Rights Reserved.

When Did This Relationship Become a Booty Call?
Hold Out For Love!

So don't go there. Do not be his "booty call" - it takes two booties to make a booty call,
you know!! His and yours, I believe!

The clear message is that instead of making yourself the girl who can't say no - end of
story - end of chase - you should expect a lot MORE to the love story.

Have you EVER seen a movie where they met, bedded, and then the credits rolled?

Usually there are OBSTACLES. That is what makes life interesting and challenging.

If you do not do anything else - HOLD BACK from SEX. (Some women think that
means to hold back until Saturday. No, please hold back LONGER as in MONTHS.... by
then you may realize he is NOT for you, and you've saved yourself a lot of misery.)

If you hold back until engagement or marriage - all the more power to you! And you are
a lot more likely to get treated like a princess the longer you do wait - because it shows
that you do not give yourself away to JUST ANYBODY.

But it's about MUCH MORE than just the "booty call."

It's about TRUST!!!!

If a guy knows you will get in bed with any man relatively quickly, then he knows that
it's very likely that you have - or you will have - a LOT of sex partners in your life...

This is not good news to a guy. He doesn't want to marry the woman who is EASY. That
spells disaster, lack of discipline, and not a good mother for the kids he may plan to have.
That spells a lack of class. That spells a long trail behind you of men he doesn't know -
but you do - who may crop up, and he has to deal with the details of what went on before.

No, men are not evil. They are sexually motivated, like it or lump it. Reality is reality.
We're talking in generalities - what you should expect and plan for in general. Don't go
thinking a guy is "different" - oh, you have plenty of time to find out FOR SURE.

Copyright © 2010 by Mimi Tanner. All Rights Reserved.

When Did This Relationship Become a Booty Call?
Hold Out For Love!

Hold Out For Love

Be the woman who is not so easy to get.

If you don't do anything else, THAT is ONE thing that will indeed set you far apart from
the crowd of desperate women who think (due to movies and tv and whatnot) that
jumping into bed with guys for any reason is a normal and expected thing to do.

Some women actually believe this and men are only too happy when they do - but those
women end up wondering why he's now no longer calling them and pursuing them!!

Thank you for your honesty, Nathan, I know you have helped a lot of women to think this
over and make some decisions that will work in their favor!

This truth can be very challenging for women - they too are motivated by sex and love of
course - they can get blinded by their emotions.

Time is your friend - take your friend along with you - take your time.

The fewer sex partners you have in your lifetime, the better. Ask any man how they feel
about that kind of math too!

The details of your past are not a man's business - but if you show him with your actions
that the number is likely to be pretty high - you've lost a lot of his trust in your integrity
and judgment.

Yes, it is a double standard. To a point. Some women are okay with being a booty call.
If so, then that's their decision.

Do you want that, or do you want him to fall in love with you? You decide....

With love,
Mimi Tanner

Copyright © 2010 by Mimi Tanner. All Rights Reserved.

When Did This Relationship Become a Booty Call?
Hold Out For Love!

Books by Mimi Tanner

"Calling Men - the Complete Guide to

Calling and Emailing the Men You Date!"

"Secrets of Flirting: How to Flirt With Any

Man On The Planet!"

"Man Mistake Eraser - How to Regain a Man's


and of course...

"Hard to Get - Your Personal Guidebook on How to

Play the Game of Love!"

Copyright © 2010 by Mimi Tanner. All Rights Reserved.

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