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As I’m sure those of you familiar with our regular fee structure have noticed, we have created some
new categories for registration. These new categories have been created in recognition of the fact
that there is a need for registration for some persons who have, prior to this, not been able to take
advantage of the many benefits which registration with SACNASP offers. The new categories are:

Trainee Certificated Natural scientist (Train.Cert.Sci.Nat)

This category is designed to answer the needs of people who intend to register as a Certificated
Natural Scientist (Cert.Sci.Nat.) after meeting the experiential requirements. A minimum of one
year’s (12 months) of appropriate work experience is required before a practitioner qualifies to regis-
ter as a Certificated Natural Scientist. Below is the table of requirements for registration at either
Level A or Level B:

Qualification requirements Experience requirements

Recognised 3-year
Na onal Diploma
Recognised 3-year None.
Bachelor’s Degree

Basic pattern of study

Year of study 1 2 3

Subject level I II III

Broadening and deepening of studies in

relevant discipline


Qualification requirements Experience requirements

Recognised two- or three-

A. Two-year Diploma: None.
year Diploma
B. Three Na onal Diploma: None.

Basic pa ern of Year of
1 2 level I II
study A study A
1 23 Subject I II III
Basic pa ern of Year of
study B study B

While no work experience is required for registration as a Trainee Certificated Natural Scientist, they
must submit an application for registration as a Certificated Natural Scientist within a minimum of 12
months after gaining the required work experience. The registration will automatically lapse after
three years if an application for upgrading is not submitted.

Please note that while referee reports are not required for registration as a Trainee Certificated Natu-
ral Scientist, when applying to upgrade from Trainee to Certificated level, two reports must be sub-
mitted as part of the upgrade application: one report from a preferably SACNASP-registered scien-
tist, and the second from the applicant’s direct/immediate supervisor.

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