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October 2010


Dear Friend of Radio Liberty,

"Certainly Colonel E. Mandell House occupied a unique position in the annals of American
diplomacy. He, who had never been appointed to any position and who had never been
passed upon by the Senate, was 'fully instructed and commissioned' to act in the most
grave situation. I have never ceased to wonder how he had managed to attain such power
and influence."
Ambassador James W. Gerard, "My First Eighty-three Years in America," p. 230 [1]

"Colonel Edward Mandell House, a close aide of President Wilson's - who was called a
'man of mystery' -was guided inwardly to bring the idea of a League of Nations to the
world. Colonel House was a quiet, self-effacing adviser with tremendous dedication,
practical intelligence, and skill. 'By his idealism he touched those belonging to the Inner
Government of the world, and by his mastery of practical politics he was able to influence
those who governed the outer,' noted metaphysician Theodore Heline. Colonel House was
also called by some 'the Hidden Master of the New Deal.'"
Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, "Spiritual Politics," p. 248 [2]

"In Changing Esoteric Values by Foster Bailey, on page 58, Colonel House is referred to as
a 'disciple,' and President Wilson is referred to as 'a sixth ray disciple.'"
Dr. Dennis Cuddy, "The Road to Socialism and the New World Order," p. 32 [3]

My September 2010, Radio Liberty letter began with seven questions:

(1) "Why is America changing? (2) Why is the U.S. fighting in Afghanistan today? (3) Why did
Building 7 collapse at 5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001? (4) Why is the Chinese economy
expanding? (5) Why is the U.S. economy contracting? (6) Why does the U.S. give tax incentives
to U.S. corporations that transfer their production overseas? (7) Who controls the United States?

I will answer those questions, and discuss Colonel Edward Mandell House, 'the man of mystery'
who chartered the current course of our nation.

Why is America changing?

A small group of powerful men (the Brotherhood of Darkness) control the "political government
of the United States." They work under the auspices of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR),
the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Club of Rome (CR), the Bilderbergs (BB),
and the Trilateral Commission (TC) that has chapters in North America, Europe, and Asia. The
North American Chapter of the TC is the pinnacle of power at the present time, but that is
changing. Members control the Federal Reserve System (the U.S. Central Bank), the Central
Bank of Canada, the Central Bank of Israel, the major U.S. banks, the major media outlets, the
major corporations, both political parties, and most of the wealth of the world. [4] Why did
David Rockefeller organize the Trilateral Commission? Senator Barry Goldwater addressed that
question in his 1979 book, "With No Apologies."

Senator Goldwater's words are reproduced in bold type. My response is printed in italics.

"In 1962 then Governor Nelson Rockefeller delivered a series of lectures at Harvard
University on the future of federalism. In his presentation the governor dwelt at length on
the inter- dependence of nations in the modern world, concluding with this statement: 'And
so the nation-state, standing alone, threatens in many ways to seem as anachronistic as the
Greek city-state eventually became in ancient times.'" [5]

Nelson Rockefeller wanted to establish a world government. That has been the quest of the secret
societies that have plagued mankind since the dawn of civilization, and that is the quest of the
Brotherhood of Darkness today. The Rockefeller family, the Rothschilds, the Black Nobility, and
many wealthy families, want to destroy Christianity, and establish a world government. They
want a New World Order.

Senator Goldwater continued:

"Everything the governor said was true. We are dependent on other nations for raw
materials and for markets. . . . Where I differ from the governor is in the suggestion
implicit through- out the lectures that to achieve this new federalism, the United States
must submerge its national identity and surrender substantial matters of sovereignty to a
new political order.

The implications in Governor Rockefeller's presentation have become concrete proposals

advanced by David Rockefeller's newest international cabal, the Trilateral Commission.
Whereas the Council on Foreign Relations is distinctly national in membership, the
Trilateral Commission is international. . . . It is intended to be the vehicle for multinational
consoli- dation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political
government of the United States." [6]

The Trilateral Commission controls the "political government of the United States" today.
Between 1977 and 2008:

- Every President and/or Vice-president of the United States was a member of the Trilateral
Commission (TC).
- Six of the eight presidents of the World Bank were members.
- Eight of the ten U.S. World Trade Representatives were members.
- Seven of the twelve Secretaries of State were members.
- Nine of the twelve Secretaries of Defense were members.
- Prior to Ben Bernanke, three of the four Chairmen of the FED were members.
- The North American Chapter of the Trilateral Commission (the BOD) controls "the political
government of the United States" today. [7]

Why is the U.S. fighting in Afghanistan Today?

The Brotherhood of Darkness (BOD) works through a number of "front organizations." They
established the "Project for a New American Century" (PNAC) in 1997 because they want to
control the Middle East. Three years later (in 2000) PNAC published a monograph titled
"Rebuilding America's Defenses." The following statement appears on page 14:

"Since the collapse of the Soviet empire, this perimeter (the U.S. defense-perimeter -ed) has
expanded slowly but inexorably. . . . In the Persian Gulf region, the presence of American
forces, along with British and French units, has become a semipermanent fact of life. . . .
Indeed, the United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf
regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justifi-
cation, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue
of the regime of Saddam Hussein. . . ." [8]

The BOD wanted to station U.S. troops in the Middle East so they could control the Muslim
nations, but they needed an excuse to carry out that program. The PNAC document continued
(page 50) :

"A transformation strategy that solely pursued capabilities for projecting force from the
United States . . . and sacrificed forward basing and presence, would be at odds with larger
American policy goals and would trouble American allies.

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to

be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."

The U.S. (the BOD) controlled most of the world at that time. They had 720 foreign military
bases, and troops stationed in 130 nations, but the Muslim nation didn't want to relinquish their
sovereignty. What did the BOD do? They engineered the false flag attack that took place on
September 11, 2001, and used that incident to justify the U.S. attack on Afghanistan. [10]

Why did Building 7 collapse at 5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001?

Building 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition. You can watch Building 7 collapse at my
Web site -www.radioliberty.com - at "Videos Around the Web" - at the bottom of the page. What
will you see? You will see the center of the roof collapse when the technicians destroy the beams
that support the center of the building so the walls fall inward. Then the base of Building 7
disintegrates, and the structure falls symetrically, straight down, at the speed of gravity. 1,373
architects and engineers have signed a petition that calls for an independent investigation of the
destruction of Building 7. [11]

Why is the Chinese economy expanding?

The BOD is implementing Principle 10a of the Earth Charter; it calls to:

"Promote the equitable distribution of wealth within nations and among nations."

The BOD is transferring U.S. manufacturing to China, and other nations, because the BOD wants
to raise the standard of living in other nations, and lower the standard of living in the United
States. They:

(1) Removed U.S. tariffs. American manufacturers can't compete with foreign companies that
employ "slave labor."
(2) Encouraged the World Bank, the Asian Development Fund, the IMF, American banks, and
European banks to fund construction of factories in other nations.
(3) Provided tax incentives to companies that produce products in China.
(4) Let foreign nations manipulate the value of their currency.
(5) Let foreign nations discriminate against American products. [12]

Why is the U.S. economy contracting?

(1) The BOD rewards companies that shift their headquarters and manufacturing overseas; i.e.,
no U.S. corporate tax. [13]
(2) BOD corporations outsource their jobs; i.e., answering services in India.
(3) If a CEO shifts production overseas, they receive a higher salary. [14]
(4) BOD banks limited lending, and contracted the money supply (M3). [15]

Why does the U.S. give tax incentives to U.S. corporations that transfer their production

The U.S. gives tax incentives to corporations that shift their production overseas, and employ H-
1B workers, because the BOD wants to lower the standard of living in the United States. [16]
David Rockefeller justified the program when he wrote:

"Populists and isolationists ignore the tangible benefits that have resulted from our active
international role during the past half-century . . . there have been fundamental improve-
ments in societies around the world . . . as a result of global trade, improved communi-
cations and the heightened interaction of people from different cultures. Populists rarely
mention these positive consequences, nor can they cogently explain how they would have
sustained American economic growth and the expansion of our political power with- out
them." [17]

David Rockefeller is correct. There have been "fundamental improvements in societies around
the world," but the BOD program destroyed the industrial base of our nation.
Who controls the United States?

The BOD controls the United States, and they are destroying the moral and financial structure of
our nation.

Who was Colonel House, and why is he important today?

Colonel Edward Mandell House never held public office, but he was the most important political
figure of the twentieth century. Colonel House controlled the Wilson administration, prolonged
World War I, brought the U.S. into the Great War, helped write the Treaty of Versailles that led
to World War II, aided the Bolsheviks, helped J.P. Morgan organize the Council on Foreign
Relations, and was a close personal friend of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. [18]

How did Colonel House control President Wilson and his administration? Arthur Howden Smith
knew Colonel House, and wrote:

"Colonel House would come into an office and say a few words quietly, and after he had
gone you would suddenly become seized by a good idea. You would suggest that idea to
your friends or superiors and be congratulated for it; it would work first rate, beyond your
wildest dreams. You might forget about it. But some time, as sure as shooting, in cogitating
profoundly over it, you would come to an abrupt realization that that idea had been oozed
into your brain by Colonel House in the course of conversation." [19]

How did Colonel House "ooze" his ideas into other men's minds? Ambassador Gerard was the
American Ambassador to Germany from 1913-1917. Ambassador Gerard knew Colonel House,
but didn't understand the source of his mysterious ability.

Ambassador Gerard described a tragic event that took place at that time:

"In the early months of 1915 it became apparent that the German blitzkrieg had lost its
initial force. The push for Paris and the German sweep to a quick victory had failed. . . .
The Germans . . . knew that the quickest way to the ear of Washington was through me,
and in due course it was intimated to me that Germany was ready to make peace. . . . I felt
justified, on February 11, 1915, (seven months after the war began - ed) in sending
President Wilson the following cable in code.

It is my conviction that if a reasonable peace proposition were offered Germany very many
men of influence would be inclined to use their efforts to induce Germany to accept the
proposition. If peace does not come immediately a new and protracted phase of the war will
commence. It will be fatal to hesitate or wait a moment; success is dependent on immediate
action. It is my belief that if you seize the present opportunity you will be the instrument of
bringing about the greatest peace which has ever been signed, but it will be fatal to hesitate
or wait a moment." [20]

Germany wanted to end the war, but Colonel House had a different agenda.
Ambassador Gerard continued:

"The response to this cable was an instruction from President Wilson to refer everything to
Colonel House, who, the communication specified, had been 'fully instructed and
commissioned to act in all these matters'. . . .

All authority, therefore, had been vested in Colonel House, and as I was directed to report
to Colonel House direct, the President ceased to be even a conduit of communications. . . .

Certainly Colonel E. Mandell House occupied a unique position in the annals of American
diplomacy. He, who had never been appointed to any position and who had never be passed
upon by the Senate, was 'fully instructed and commissioned' to act in the most grave
situation. I have never ceased to wonder how he managed to attain such power and
influence." [21]

How did Colonel House attain his "power and influence"? The August Radio Liberty letter
described the occult background of the organizations that were primarily responsible for World
War I; i.e., the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge, and Cecil Rhodes' secret society. Sir Edward Grey
precipitated the conflict. If you read Sir Edward's autobiography, you will discover he was
closely affiliated with the Milner Group that was involved in the occult, and Colonel Edward
Mandell House was a close friend.

The September Radio Liberty letter discussed Rasputin, the Russian mystic who controlled the
Romanov family, and the part J.P. Morgan played in inciting the war. J.P. Morgan was involved
in astrology.

How did Colonel House control President Wilson and his administration? Corinne McLaughlin
and her husband, Gordon Davidson, answered that question in their book, "Spiritual Politics."
They wote:

"Colonel Edward Mandell House, a close aide of President Wilson - who was called a 'man
of mystery' -was guided inwardly to bring the idea of a League of Nations to the world.
Colonel House was a quiet, self-effacing adviser with tremendous dedication, practical
intelligence, and skill. 'By his idealism he touched those belonging to the Inner Government
of the world, and by his mastery of practical politics he was able to influence those who
governed the outer,' noted metaphysician Theodore Heline. Colonel House was also called
by some, 'the Hidden Master of the New Deal.'" [22]

I believe Colonel House was involved in occult practices, and I believe he used occult power to
touch "those belonging to the Inner Government of the world." Dr. Dennis Cuddy researched the
events that took place during that era, and wrote:

"In Changing Esoteric Values by Foster Bailey, on page 58, Colonel House is referred to as
a 'disciple,' and President Wilson is referred to as a 'sixth ray disciple.' Foster's wife, Alice
Bailey (the leading occultist of the day), referred to FDR as 'that great first ray disciple' in
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, in which she wrote of those who 'will develop the new
world religion . . . [and] the new civilization. . . . They can, however, be delayed by the
reactionary types of people, by the ultra-conservative and closed minds. . . . These must all
be brought under the power of death.'" [23]

Why did Colonel House prolong World War I, and kill millions of innocent people? Colonel
House aswered that question in an article published in Foreign Affairs magazine in June 1923.
Foreign Affairs is the official journal of the Council on Foreign Relations:

"If war had not come in 1914 in fierce and exaggerated form, the idea of an association of
nations would probably have remained dormant, for great reforms seldom materialize
except during great upheavals. . . . If law and order are good within states (nations), there
can be no reason why they should not be good between states (nations)." [24]

Colonel House prolonged World War I because he wanted world government. I believe Colonel
House, President Wilson, and President Roosevelt were knowingly, or unknowingly, involved in
the occult movement, and I believe the men who lead the BOD are knowingly or unknowingly
involved in the occult movement today.

The world is changing. The U.S. economy is contracting. U2 unemployment is 9.6%, U6

unemployment is over 16%, and if you remove "the birth-death ratio," U6 unemployment is over
22%. One-and-a-half million families have lost their homes since January 2009, four million
homes are in some stage of foreclosure, the price of food and household necessities is increasing,
and the FED is funding the major (BOD) banks that created the problem.

Most people realize something is seriously wrong, but they don't understand the spiritual
component of the battle. The Republican sweep of the House of Representatives reflects the
growing awareness of the American people. We must stay the course, and expose the "dark
force" that controls our nation because:

Then to side with truth is noble, When we share her wretched crust,
Ere her cause bring fame and profit. And 'tis prosperous to be just,
Then it is the brave man chooses, While the coward stands aside,
Till the multitude make virtue, Of the faith they have denied. . . .

Though the cause of evil prosper, Yet 'tis truth alone is strong;
Though her portion be the scaffold, And upon the throne be wrong.
Yet that scaffold sways the future, And, behind the dim unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow, Keeping watch above his own. [25]

Barbara and I appreciate your faithful prayers and your loyal support:

Yours in Christ,

Stanley Monteith

1. James W. Gerard, My First Eighty-three Years in America, Doubleday & Company, Garden
City, New York, 1951, p. 230.
2. Corinne McLaughlin et al, Spiritual Politics, Ballantine Books, New York, 1994, p. 248.
3. Dennis Cuddy, The Road to Socialism and the New World Order, Bible Belt Publishing,
Bethany, OK, 2006, p. 32.
4. www.augustreview.com/knowldege_base/getting_started/trilateral _commission_me...
5. Barry Goldwater, With No Apologies, William Morrow and Company, New York, 1979, p.
6. Ibid., pp. 279-280.
7. www.augustreview.com/news_commentary/trilateal_commission/obama:_trilateral...
8. Donald Kagan, Rebuilding America's Defenses, Project for a New American Century, 2000, p.
9. Ibid., pp. 50-51.
10. http://911research.wtc7.net/post911/attacks/afghanistan/index.html
11. www.ae911truth.org/
12. www.earthcharterinaction.org/content/
13. www.sisterswade.com/?p=3188
14. http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/invest/forbes/P93373.asp
15. www.shadowstats.com/
16. www.itworld.com/career/67290/greenspan-h-1b-cap-would-make-us-workers-privil...
17. David Rockefeller, Memoirs, Random House, New York, 2002, p. 405.
18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_M._House
19. Arthur D. Howden Smith, The Real Colonel House, George H. Doran Co, New York, 1918,
pp. 120-21.
20. James W. Gerard, op.cit., pp.226-7.
21. Ibid., pp. 227-230.
22. Corinne McLaughlin, op.cit.
23. Dennis Cuddy, op. cit.
24. Dennis Cuddy, Secret Records Revealed, Hearthstone Publishing, Ltd., Oklahoma City, OK,
1994-1999, p. 30.
25. Stanley Monteith, Brotherhood of Darkness, Hearthstone Publishing, Oklahoma City, OK,
2000, p.138.

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