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by the Greek imbroglio.

The European Union (EU) was a
conglomerate of nations with differ-
ent levels of development and pro-
ductivity. However, they decided to go
in for a common currency in the be-
lief that all these factors would soon
converge, which, however, did not
happen. For the last decade or more,
since the economies of most of the
countries were booming, the con-
tradictions did not come to the sur-
face. Of course, there were occasions


when individual countries felt that the
monetary policy being pursued at the
EU-level was hurting them.
The pursuit of a single monetary
policy for the EU as a whole is making
the life of some other smaller countries
with lower productivity uncomfortable.

GREEK EPISODE In a situation like the one faced by

Greece, if Greece had its own cur-
rency, it would have devalued but that
option is not available now. No doubt,
these small countries benefited earli-
er being under the umbrella of the EU.
Given this situation, it may seem
An important one for all countries is the need to maintain incumbent on the richer countries with-
in the EU to come to the help of small-
fiscal prudence, says C RANGARAJAN er countries. The question that will be
raised is for how long and whether
he Greek tragedy has The 2008 financial crisis was trig- the second to the manner of financing such assistance will be an open-end-

T opened our eyes to many

things. No one can any
longer mock the critics of
high fiscal deficits. Not on-
ly was the fiscal deficit of Greece high
but that there were attempts to ma-
nipulate the numbers to hide the re-
gered by the excesses of financial in-
stitutions and financial markets. It
was thus the failure of the market
and the private sector. Driven by the
need to achieve higher profitabili-
ty in the face of acute competition,
private financial institutions, in-
the deficit. In substance, the US situ-
ation is in many ways similar to the
Greek situation. The US was having a
high fiscal deficit even before the cri-
sis. It has now exploded and is close
to 10 per cent of its GDP. The fiscal
deficit is also being financed by for-
ed one. The euro would perhaps sur-
vive as a common currency of the EU.
But for it to continue as a common cur-
rency, several fundamental changes
may have to be introduced.
The EU must have an overarching
mechanism to monitor the fiscal per-
ality. It took a long time before this cluding banks, resorted to innova- eign institutions, including central formance of member countries. A sim-
could be uncovered. tions which proved to be self-de- banks holding US government bonds. ple Maastricht rule regarding fiscal
It is now estimated that the budget structive of the financial system. On Of course, the saving grace for the US deficit is not enough. Countries have
deficit of Greece is in the range of 13.5 the other hand, the current Greek is that the US dollar serves as a reserve found it possible to get around it
per cent of GDP. The stock of debt is episode has been triggered by the currency. Unlike Greece, the US may through various mechanisms. The EU
equivalent to 115 per cent of GDP. excess of a public entity, which is the still be a desired destination of investors. must also think in terms of creating
Greece has reached a critical point government of Greece itself. Thus, But the inherent dangers should not a fund which can come to the aid of
where it cannot meet its repayment ob- it is a case of “government failure” be overlooked. the member countries at the time
ligations without outside help. The eu- as opposed to “market failure”. How- The US needs to correct the serious of any crisis.
rozone and the IMF have put together ever, the reactions of private finan- imbalance it faces on the fiscal and bal- The one lesson from the Greek
an ambitious package to help Greece. cial markets and financial institu- ance of payments fronts. At least with episode for all countries is the need to
It is not known at this stage how this tions have aggravated the crisis. It respect to balance of payments, the maintain fiscal prudence. There is mer-
will be implemented. The package of is also not clear what role investment process of correction has started. It it in containing the fiscal deficit to a
support will also require Greece to put banks have played in misleading in- is now estimated that the current ac- level that is consistent with a country’s
through a series of austerity measures. vestors into investing in government count deficit of the US might have come ability to meet the debt service pay-
Unfortunately, there is a strong re- bonds of Greece. down to 3 per cent of GDP in 2009 from ments. It is wrong to assume that by
sistance to such measures. the peak of 6 per cent. The US is not running high fiscal deficits, a coun-
The debt problem of Greece is com- n both cases, rating agencies played Greece and it has many strengths. Nev- try can grow faster and ride out of the
pounded by the fact that a good part of
the government debt is held by foreign
a dubious role. In the case of the in-
financial crisis, the rat-
ertheless, the similarities should not
be overlooked.
problems. The situation becomes even
more complicated if a substantial part
institutions, particularly foreign banks. ing agencies were irresponsible in cre- The impact of the Greek crisis per of the debt is held by foreigners. On
It is estimated that ¤106 billion of ating a booming market in suspect de- se may be minimal on India. However, the whole, there is wisdom in countries
government bonds may be held by for- rivative products. In the current India has to watch out as to how the working towards maintaining an ap-
eign banks. A default by Greece will episode, it was an error of omission. eurozone will handle the situation. If propriate ratio of stock of public debt
have serious consequences for its econ- The rating agencies took a long time there is turmoil in Europe as a con- to GDP. To be prudent is to be wise.
omy. It will dry up all sources of ex- to discover the correct fiscal posi- sequence of the crisis, it may adversely This is plain “old” economics.
ternal funding which will then weaken tion of Greece. affect India’s trade and capital flows.
the economy even more. Greece is There are several lessons to be learnt The world may come in for another The author is chairman,
also having to deal with a huge debt from the Greek episode. The first re- shock if the eurozone countries fail to Prime Minister’s Economic
problem when it is hardly growing. lates to the level of fiscal deficit and come to grips with the problems forced Advisory Council

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