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The Official

PL Dating


Copyright © 2010-2011 PL

Published by FastPencil, Inc.

3131 Bascom Ave.
Suite 150
Campbell CA 95008 USA
(408) 540-7571
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PL does not claim that any advice or statement is accurate.

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The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the
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First Edition
Chapter 1 The Alpha Male ..................................... 1
Chapter 2 Dating Mindset ..................................... 9
Chapter 3 Belief ................................................ 15
Chapter 4 Confidence ........................................ 23
Chapter 5 Action .............................................. 31
Chapter 6 Location ............................................ 37
Chapter 7 Conversation ...................................... 41
Chapter 8 Free Online Dating ............................... 51
Chapter 9 Dating Facts ....................................... 61
Chapter 10 Moving Forward .................................. 65
The Alpha Male

Becoming and alpha male: The definition and

expression behind “alpha male” is:

In social animals, the alpha is the individual in the com-

munity with the highest rank.

Where one male and one female fulfil this role, they are
referred to as the alpha pair (the term varies when several
females fulfil this role – it is extremely rare among mam-
mals for several males to fulfill this role with one female).

Other animals in the same social group may exhibit def-

erence or other symbolic signs of respect particular to
their species towards the alpha.

2 The Official PL Dating Report

The alpha animals are given preference to be the first to

eat and the first to mate; among some species they are the
only animals in the pack allowed to mate. Other animals in
the community are usually killed or ousted if they violate
this rule.

The term “alpha male” is sometimes applied to humans

to refer to a man who is powerful through his courage and
a competitive, goal-driven, “take charge” attitude. With
their bold approach and confidence “alpha males” are
often described as charismatic.

While “alpha males” are often overachievers and recog-

nized for their leadership qualities, their aggressive tactics
and competitiveness can also lead to resentment by

Every guy wants to be the alpha male: First mating

rights is naturally a big attraction. But human society and
rules makes the process of becoming the alpha male diffi-
cult to pinpoint for many men…

Most guys believe that if they make a lot of money they

will immediately become the alpha male… not true

Others believe that becoming a famous actor or sports

star will give them automatic rights to alpha status.

Both are right to some degree: It is clear that women

are drawn to leaders and dominant players in society…
The Alpha Male 3

But how does joe average become and alpha male without
rock star status or a Bentley Continental GT?

To discover how to become and alpha male first you

must understand what makes women REALLY go for cer-
tain men.

We have all one been astonished at least ONCE in our

life at some of the choices that hot women make. Perhaps
they have chosen that weird geeky guy or the dumb jock
instead or you (the nice caring guy that will treat them

A guy called Jhon Alexander has apparently been

studying this for the past 4 years and as a result moved
from a timid depressed guy who never got laid to a real
alpha male figure.

How did joe average Jhon Alexander go from having to

work hard for every lay to literally having women
approaching him time after time?

He suddenly found himself in “cant miss” situations

with women without trying while unknowingly pressing
their emotional turn on buttons.

He told me he was genuinely confused as to why more

guys are not using these alpha male techniques to attract
4 The Official PL Dating Report

Sex with a college professor…

I’d been fantasizing about my twenty-something col-

lege professor for two semesters, but she couldn’t even
remember my name.

8 days after I got your material she handed me a note

asking me to stay after class. When I got to her office she
locked the door and practically raped me!

John you are like my f**king guardian angel. I have had

sex with 3 different girls in t
he last 5 days.
He was confused as to why he was all of a sudden
attracting women because he didn’t change:

His basic personality

His annual income

His looks

And he wasn’t even experienced with the art of seduc-

tion or sexuality when he started hooking up with women.
Jhon Alexander was Joe Average yet he was pulling attrac-
tive, emotionally stable women left right and centre.

What changed?
The Alpha Male 5

The alpha male concept is almost like a transition from

boy to man. The sad thing is most “men” still act like boys.

They never grew up emotionally.

Most men are emotional wastelands - they are just

unable to connect with a women and give them the emo-
tional stimulation required to trigger attraction and love.

Joe Average Jhon Alexander applied “underground”

psychological principals he discover during research to
change how he thought about the whole game.

He discovered that a few easy mindset changes could

accelerate anyone’s success with women despite their cur-
rent physical, emotional or financial status.

What that means is that it doesn’t matter if you’re a fat

56 year old guy living at home with no job, YOU can still
have success with women and dating.


First you need to work on yourself… It should take less

than 30 minutes and by the end of it you will have in your

Magic mind tricks or attraction

6 The Official PL Dating Report

“push button” seduction systems

Silent techniques of magnetic attraction

Scientifically backed psychological techniques looking

into “hot buttons” and “frames”

Rapid “appearance” changes that triple success (less

than 5 minutes)

Specific behaviours you should be using and how to

implement them in the real world

Flirting clues for confidence

A body language, fast track course.

Success with women is easy!

IF… you know HOW

There was a time when I used to be so terrified of

speaking to attractive women that my vision blurred, my
face turned beet red and i’d stammer like an idiot…

But after altering a few small personality flaws I am able

to confidently use somewhat arrogant and cocky humour
to my advantage to put her in her place.
The Alpha Male 7

No longer should you have to be at the mercy of

beauty. Once you can control your own emotions you will
have to beat a path to get out the door with your chosen
women (or 3) on your arm.

It sounds like the fantasy of a school boy but dreams

are a reality for those men willing to confront them and
act upon what’s necessary to make it happen.

The road to the alpha male is not laid with cotton wool
and pink ribbons. There will be some rejection - but the
payoff is a brand new life.
Dating Mindset

Zen Dating Advice

1 Relax…Breath

2. Talk Less

3. Stop Searching

#1 - Talk Less! (shut up)

Talking less enables easier self reflection but more

importantly allows women to talk about themselves. Even
if your not interested in their latest shoe or dress purchase
it’s easy to be perceived as giving a dam if your not ranting
on about your life.

10 The Official PL Dating Report

You may love being the centre of attention but do not

be so rude as to never let anyone else have their say.

This means actually NOT talking for at least 3-4

minutes while you appreciate and encourage OTHER
peoples thoughts and interests.

You may not even recognise that you do it but inter-

rupting other people is extremely rude - especially if you
change the subject away from their interests. They
(women) may be to polite to let you know what your
doing but you can be sure there will be a cross next to your
name when you do.

You may never be the “strong silent type” (able to feel

good about yourself independently of anyone else’s
external recognition and praise)

But you can try to be more aware of other peoples feel-

ings and personalities. If you usually the centre of atten-
tion recognise that YOU have a lot of power to make
other people feel great about themselves.

The silent types wont interrupt you to have their say

like you might but they ARE waiting to be asked for their
own valued opinion. Simply asking a women about how
she feels about the topic of conversation when in a group
boosts your value big time in every bodies eyes.
Dating Mindset 11

So rather than coming across as a self absorbed know it

all use your confidence to your advantage and talk less by
asking more.

#1 - Relax…Breath

Nobody (especially including women) likes a party

pooper. Relax and enjoy the ride. There is no pass fail, win
or lose with women there is only good and bad experi-

There are always more women to impress or fail to

impress by inaction!

By relaxing you allow your real personality to shine

through and the jokes come naturally. Different personali-
ties are funny in different ways.

If you are not great with wisecracks and witty com-

ments then you can work on that but perhaps you should
look into interesting factual information that sparks great

Or maybe you are allows really honest about situations

which is naturally funny anyway.

Everybody has their own way of lightening the mood -

being more of yourself rather than trying to fake someone
else’s personality that you THINK women want is the
12 The Official PL Dating Report

only right path to take… WHY? (nobody can fake that

good + your life will be a constant lie).


Relaxing and taking women LESS SERIOUSLY is per-

haps the BEST dating advice a guy can receive. The guys
that actually need a few tips really suffer from as a result of
being to serious!

They over complicate what is really a simple experience

and place to much emphasis on the WIN or LOSE men-
tality. All women really want is to have some FUN.

If you can lighten the mood and make them fell com-
fortable in your presence you are 80% of the way there!
Truly. The rest is simply down to a few projections of high
value and self respect.

Treat Women With Respect

On the back of taking women less seriously there is also

a case for not treating her right…

Check out this parody of Jersey Shore

Let’s stay away from acting like RONNIE or looking

like Pauley D ok?
Dating Mindset 13

Treating your women like one of your mates will slowly

ensure that she BECOMES one of your mates.

You might think at the beginning that it’s great -

She is comfortable around you

Your like “brother and sister” together

The reality is she is your girlfriend or wife! Not your

mate. Having wrestling matches or farting contests is
going to screw your relationship up pretty quickly.

#3 - Stop Looking!

This doesn’t mean stop showing up in places where

single women are hanging out but it does mean stop
EXPECTING that you will hook-up or find a women
every time you go out.

It is natural for guys to go searching for women but you

end up looking like a pack of dam wolves when you are
out with our buddies.

Women can spot desperate guys and you don’t want to

be a part of that.

When you stop expecting and actively searching you

will naturally attract the right women for you.
14 The Official PL Dating Report

You will chat to women because they are interesting to

talk to rather than being part of your twisted pick up
approach and set.

By talking less and breathing/listening more you are

able to become more aware of your surroundings. Real-
izing your faults is the first step to moving forward and
correcting them.

By stopping your desperate search for women you start

to realize the futility of chasing. You will start to work on
yourself and through enjoyable experiences with friends
you will attract the right women into your life naturally.

NOTE: this approach to dating may not work for

everyone… It is natural for guys to love the thrill of the
chase. All I would recommend is to give it a real try for a
month or two and see where you get with it.

“Stop looking” does not mean stop Living!


Are you attracted to yourself?

If you think you’re an ugly sack of shit that never com-

pletes tasks or reaches goals then how do you think
women are going to think of you? You CANT fake it…

Your subconscious is quietly documenting every little

thought and feeling you have about yourself; this slowly
gets represented as an external mirror of yourself.

If you know right now that your down on confidence

and lacking “game” perhaps you need to spend a little bit
of time work on yourself.

16 The Official PL Dating Report

There are a ton of courses out there that can help you
work on your confidence (david wygant and david dean-
gelo) are a couple of coaches that have mastered that
mindset that enables them to attract women and gets
them “laid”.

But more importantly their life and connections/rela-

tionships are richer because they are powerful successful

Being successful with women takes practise: Not every

women is going to be delighted to see you or willing to
chat or get connected but some will. It’s just comes down
to whether you have the will to work on your belief and

David talks alot about how the modern day “Pua”

trends is all bullshit because there really isn’t that much to
attracting women. You simply need to be in the right
mindset “man mindset” and connect with them.

How do you connect?

Observe what they are doing and ask them questions:

You want to be interested in them…

Very few people that she doesn’t know will take the
time to really get to know her. If you get under the surface
and get to know her the rest is history.
Belief 17

Without any lines and gimmicks you are able to

approach a women stress and anxiety free.

There is no stress because you are NOT trying to pick

anyone up. You are simply asking her about her day or
where she bout those flowers or why she choose her dress.

It doesn’t matter what you talk about so long as you are

genuinely interested in the question you ask. Just keep the
conversation about her and keep it moving along.

Don’t push for email, or phone numbers or dates later


If she wants to get to know you better she will likely ask
for your full name (or you give it to her when you leave)
and she WILL look you up on facebook if she is interested.

If you think she is a bit to nervous to take things further

it should be easy with the knowledge you gain chatting to
her to add her as a friend.

If you have done a good enough job connecting and

getting to know her she will want more of YOU: This
means you will never have to ask for a women’s number

They will ask you! At the end of the night you find that
she STILL hasn’t approached you for a number just casu-
18 The Official PL Dating Report

ally throw in “Ohh and you can find me on facebook if you

want” , while not giving her a chance to reply.

Remember it’s no a serious thing yet you are just

allowing her the opportunity to approach you in a relaxed
and safe manner.

Don’t feel rejected if she doesn’t add you. It’s no big


You approached other women that night right? Of

course you did.

I shouldn’t have even used the word approached in the

previous sentence… You “talked” to other women the
other night right?

Yes now that’s much easier – it’s easy to just chat to

girls/women about anything and everything and that’s all
your doing!

Remember if you start to get nervous and anxious

remind yourself that it’s natural and it’s just because you
haven’t had much practice at it.

Remind yourself that you are just TALKING about and

asking questions/ getting to know her. It’s not about a
pass or fail pick up.
Belief 19

If she digs your vibe then let’s move forward and con-
tinue chatting.

If not well that’s fine to: she will have some hot friends
that might right?

David Wyant suggests that it really is all about wid-

ening you circle of friends. You are interesting to talk to so
women and men want to talk to you… Now this is often
not the case which is why communication training is so

It takes time and it’s all worth it: Practice communi-

cating with everybody everyday. Sooner or later it will
become easier –
It may never be second nature to you because it may
not be in your nature and that’s OK to (you can still
attract women without it) but you at least need that base
talkative nature and ease of presence in everyone’s pres-

Am I making sense?

Don’t forget that you may have communication blocks:

If you turn to alcohol to ease conversation then this

may be the very thing holding you back…

Ease up on the booze and get healthy and just have a

few sips of wine before you approach.
20 The Official PL Dating Report

Butterfly repellent (butterflyrepellent.com) is a natural

beta blocker that helps with nerves and anxiety.

If you think that your dating games needs a little help

don’t be surprised that your diet is influencing your mood
and communicative performance.

Belief In Yourself

When you hear Dave speak it’s just so obvious immedi-

ately that he thinks highly of himself. Rather than learning
techniques, sets and lines work on your own self worth
and your own trust and belief in yourself.

This way not only will you attract more women in your
life but you will also attract success in other fields (spiritu-
ally, financially, emotionally)

Attraction isn’t a choice so you can’t attract every girl in

the room. This means you can be chatting with a women
and do everything right and she still won’t be interested in
hanging out.

Believe and trust in yourself enough to realise that it’s

OK that every women doesn’t dig you. That’s just unrea-
Belief 21

And it’s ok to not be great communicating with women

as well! Most men are terrible at chatting to attractive

Your confidence level may be lacking due to past

dating failures or rejections. It is up to you and
you only to re-establish your confidence with
women as it’s the core attribute to female attrac-
tion. Your male confidence is what makes you
attractive to women.

You may think that it’s your looks or even your person-
ality, but the big secret of female to male attraction is con-
Cocky even arrogant confidence around attractive
women will get you laid.

In order to increase your confidence with women YOU

are going to need to be proactive and the great thing is you

24 The Official PL Dating Report

are showing this by reading this post… Your on the right


Here are some confidence tips for men that will help
you to heal past failures and rebuild confidence from

More Confidence With Women – You Are Worthy

One of the main reasons people lack confidence is that

they don’t feel worthy.

Not worthy of female love

Not worthy of female attention

Not worthy of speaking up as no one is interested in

what you have to say

You may hear yourself saying: (or thinking subcon-


“I am not funny, or attractive or cool so why should

anyone listen to me?”

Therefore why should I approach that girl or speak up

in a crowd – I am not worthy of love and attention

Confidence 25

Everyone on this earth is equally worthy of love and

attention. Your past need not predict your future. YOU
decide if your worthy or not. YOU decide that a womens
rejection means you are not attractive.

Why not instead reframe a rejection into: “well to bad

love, you just missed out on the best night of your life…”

SHE made the error in not picking you because you



I think not:

Why should you believe anything else?

Does thinking negatively about anything really help

apart from exposing your own misfortunes and errors?

I am guessing you know your own misfortunes and

insecurities to bloody well for your own good.

They do not serve you – and you are worthy

Now that you are ready to give this dating thing

another shot. Let’s give you the best chance of success

More Confidence With Women - Patience

26 The Official PL Dating Report

You will intuitively know when the right time to

approach a women is or when you are ready to meet
someone knew. Do not force the issue or beat yourself up
about being a wuss for not stepping up to the plate. Trust
your gut and time your approach.

More Confidence With Women - Honesty

Are you ready for honesty?



Create a list of ALL the things you will no longer stand

for - all the things you are not comfortable with about
This should be pretty easy for you.

Ask someone you really trust to read the list and rank
from 1-10 the validity of these beliefs about yourself. Do
not choose your mom here, they will be too nice. A
wingman is great for this.

More Confidence With Women - Appearance

If you feel that the way you look is negatively affecting

your confidence with women then you need to address
this. Take your time and don’t try to be someone that you
Confidence 27

are not but rather clean up the rough edges you know you
have let go of. Invest in some new clothes – if you wear
black often why not try brown? Get a haircut and shave

These are small, subtle changes towards a cleaner more

success and goal orientated male appearance have been
proven to immediately boost self confidence.

Stop accepting second best – strive for excellence in

everything you do and follow though.

More Confidence With Women - Routines

Your daily routine – Routines are tough to both create

and destroy. Start following though with what you know
you want – a fit athletic body – go back to the gym and
make it a routine. Your routine will be different from the
next guys but just keep up the things that increase your
confidence. Do what you love and are good at. Increase
the face time and speaking time with friends.

More Confidence With Women - People

If your family or friends harbour a negative attitude to

life and positive change you need to work on isolating
your mind from their influence. Dont let them know what
your doing they will only bring you down. Spend more
time with people who you believe will help you become
more positive and confident.
28 The Official PL Dating Report

Join clubs, sports teams and social meet ups, the prac-
tice of social interaction is learnt.

Easier said that done: but start dating again no matter

how long its been. The more contact with women you
have the better.

More Confidence With Women - Exercise

Running is great for confidence – get out there and do

some form of physical exercise every day. Remember it’s
not the fat your are losing and the body you are getting
but the way exercise strengthens the mind. Exercise
actually changes your state.

So if you feel depressed get off that chair and do some-

thing about it. It doesn’t have to be long just a quick run
around the block if that’s all you can muster.

More Confidence With Women - Diet

You are what you eat – Ditch the sugary drinks and low
quality refined products. There is a whole new world or
enjoyment out there when you discover how to cook real
food. Chicks love a man that can cook.

If you feel that you drink too much alcohol, smoke or

do any form of drug you will obviously understand the
impacts this can have on your confidence.
Confidence 29

More Confidence With Women - Attitude

Learn to enjoy the basic pleasures of life they will start

to rebuild your confidence.

Mark your calendar today – The day you will start a

detox diet of your choice even if it’s just more green vege-
tables and no alcohol. Confidence with women starts one
day at a time.

Set goals and know what you want out of life both
physically mentally and emotionally. Women love a man
who knows what he want. This after all is what confidence
is all about.

Choose to look at every wrong turn and rejection from

now on positively. Do not spend time analysing what you
did wrong simply get back on your feet and follow the
steps above.

Above all be persistent. More confidence with women

is obviously what you want but it wont come quickly.
Confidence is earnt not won, stolen or bought.

It’s very easy to read some piece of information

and think that you understand it and will be able
to apply it in the real world.

But actually doing something is completely different

than knowing and understanding is intellectually…

The action and doing part is where all the magic hap-
pens: It’s where we discover how to put into practice all
the information we have gathered over the past few days/

There are many men out there who think that they
know how to impress and influence women, yet when it
comes time to perform they are surprised at the lack of

32 The Official PL Dating Report

You see, Women don’t want a guy who KNOWS that

he needs to be confident.

They want a guy who is ACTUALLY confident…

It’s most certainly old news that women are attracted to
a man who is confident and knows what he wants… but
does that really help you?

At the end of the day even if you know you SHOULD

be confident if you don’t know how to get that confident
dominant feeling every day and in every situation, it’s
Because you’re not putting anything into action or
practice in the real world you never REALLY learn any-

You think your getting more intelligent and “worldly”

with your new piece of information but really your just
playing around.

In this information age it’s easy to assume that you

know many things. In face your probably do know many
things because almost all information is available in milli-

But it’s those people who are DOING something with

the new knowledge they acquire that will make in-roads
and progress in the future.
Action 33

Women don’t want a guy who UNDERSTANDS

That he needs to be ‘in the moment’, they want a guy
who IS in the moment.

And they don’t want a guy who’s read books on not

being needy… They want a guy who’s ACTUALLY NOT

This is the main reason why nerds and geeks seem so

awkward in social situations… They just have not had
that much time putting social interaction into practice.
They spend the majority of their time reading analysing
studying or playing computer games etc.

If they gave up the books for two months I could have

them acting perfectly normal – it just takes a little bit of
exposure to communication and interaction.

They need to FEEL the emotion of confidence and

joking wordplay that exists in normal conversation rather
than serious analytical conversation.

Geeks could analyse and study solutions to their social

awkwardness for years but nothing would get solved until
they put action behind their thoughts.
34 The Official PL Dating Report

So now that you know (intellectually) that you need to

be DOING more will the information that you have (a
considerable amount) what are you going to do about it?

I would suggest that you write down 5 ACTIONS or

events that you should commit to doing every day that
involve interaction and activity.


Approach 1 stranger a day and chat to them / get to

know them (could be in a book store or in the line at a fast
food restaurant)

Join social clubs and sports teams to broaden your

social circle

Limit your computer screen time and spend more time

talking with friends
All of these actions require you to ACT and be more
rather then read and learn more… Reading and learning is
great but a BALANCE is required.

You will intellectually understand the importance of

being in the moment during a date.

Picture your date (women/wife/gf) as being the only

person in the room.
Action 35

Your complete attention is on her and only her. You are

not in your own head wondering what to say because if
you’re in your head you’re not connecting with her. You
actively observe and note her interests when she talks
which enable you to bring them up later in the night.

Getting out of your head and away from dating infor-

mation overload is the most important step for intellec-
tuals. You might be at work all day and “in your head” or
in your work.
How do you come out of it straight away and go to a
bar relaxed , laid back with and easy going attitude? Most
people drink alcohol which leads to even more anxiety
down the line.

It comes done to focus – allowing your mind to dart

and fly all over the place does not help you stay in the
moment for very long. You might feel amazingly confident
and in the moment for a few minutes and then it dies out.
Remember the feeling and keep it going by leaving no gap
between your conversation with friends and your next
conversation with the girl standing next to you.

Allow the natural conversation flow to become part of

you – there should be no anxiety and friction between
sets. If there is become self aware – you will be letting your
mind talk louder than your actions…
Have the will power to say no to that monkey on your
back and move forward with definite purpose. You will
36 The Official PL Dating Report

slip up and get anxious at times as this social interaction is

not normal for you but it’s all part of learning and growing.

The guys around you that seem to natural at chatting

up girls are likely not as genius as you at intellectual
problem solving, they do this often so don’t feel intimi-
dated. In time you will say goodbye to dating information
overload and welcome living in the NOW through action.

1. Social Sites

Yelp,Facebook,Myspace,Ning these are just a few of

the hundreds of amazing community sites out there – of
course you can always try dating sites but community sites
seem to be more based around small common interests of
real people. There are amazing stories and reviews. Great
opportunity to become part of a new community. Only
problem will be to transition from online to offline.

2. Acting Class

Once again interactive, community driven and people

return each week. It’s great fun and can be really funny.
Drinks after the event is common.

38 The Official PL Dating Report

3. Wine Walks and Tours

This ones been said before and can be expensive but

it’s another great option if your looking to find high end
women. Could be a bit pretentious if your not into that

4. Organised Adventure Trips

There are places you can go in your local town that

organise trips and events around common interests.
Hiking , fishing, scuba diving, biking, sport.
These activites always get the blood rushing and are
great natural ways to find new friends. These friends can
always lead on to something more serious later on which
is always the best way to create lasting relationships. There
is no pressure because it is such a relaxed environment.
You will be outside doing what you love so it’s easy to
impress without realizing that you are – also happens to be
the best way to impress. Ahhh mother nature you’ve done
it again.

5. Volunteer Work

It can be lot’s of fun to volunteer and know that you’re

giving back to the community. Getting to know other vol-
unteers is easy and you get to see your city in a different
light. Kids coaching, clean up work, big organised student
Location 39

6. Yoga Class

Meet HOT women in yoga pants and lose weight while

your doing it! IM IN…
Heard of http://www.girlsinyogapants.com/? Know
you have…

The gym is teeming with attractive vibrant and fit

young women but a more interactive team style class such
as yoga or kickboxing gets you interacting with people.
Much easier to strike up conversation when interacting
than when you pumping iron. Closed team environments
open up people to advances in a natural way. Women
might be a bit weary of being hit on in gyms… been done
to much. Yoga classes become a regular thing so it’s easy
to become friends.

7. Art Centers

Most towns have an area where there are outdoor stalls

and sections where you can check out the local art talent.
Cool little boutique stores and trendy coffee shops are
another great way to either take your date or find one.
Relaxed atmosphere and passionate people make this a
great way to find women.

8. Specialty Parks

Sometimes there are parks designated just for (eg

dogs). Women love to walk there puppies and dogs will
40 The Official PL Dating Report

always interact with each other meaning you don’t have to

approach anyone – your pup will do all the work for you.

With great first date conversation you are sure to

get a second date even if you don’t really “bond”.
It’s unreasonable to think there will be imme-
diate sexual chemistry at a simple lunch date.

That usually comes later, so all you should be focused

on in your first date is to keep the conversation flow
moving forward.

Redirect any conversation sticking points toward

something more positive.

What Not to Do

Controversial topics include: death, religion, politics,

divorce, pet hates: all these conversation topics can lead to

42 The Official PL Dating Report

small arguments or disagreements. If you trying to probe

your date with 20 questions regarding her past and
present beliefs you will ruin the real reason for the date.

Talking about your past negative relationships screams

“stuck in the past”. Your date will not be impressed if you
go on and on about them so best idea is to never bring
them up. You can mention past relationship duration but
that’s as far as you should go.

Some emotional insecure guys might try to predict

what her dates wants to hear so that they can be more con-
gruent in conversation.

This common conversational mistake leads to outright

failure because you can never predict what they are
thinking. Be yourself and hope for the best because liars
always look like fools.

Look up and directly into your dates eyes. Many guys

find this difficult to do as they are used to indirect conver-
sation over some activity such as sport or beers.

Your date will notice if you look away when she tries to
hold your gaze. Looking away is a sign of weakness and
insecurity which is certainly not what you want to convey.

You don’t have to stare non-stop but just make sure

your head is up and in her direction most of the time (not
staring at her rack)
Conversation 43

If your eyes are not on her make sure they are not on
other women. She won’t be impressed if you are checking
out girls while you are on a date. This is all part of the con-
versational experience – it’s not just about what you say.

For effective first date conversation it is crucial that you

focus on your
Voice tone: pitch and variability when necessary,
obvious but always forgotten

Eye direction: Keep your focus on her, she will love the
attention. She will feel the attention you are giving her if
your eye contact is sincere and steady. Eye contact is one
of the most important parts of any first date experience.
It’s one of the crucial areas of the bonding process.

Body language: Women can spot a desperate man from

a mile off. But at the same time coming off completely dis-
interested in the date will also blow your chances.

Just be yourself but focus on how your body is in rela-

tion to hers. Keep your arms unfolded and open to her
advances. It helps if your hips are oriented in the same
direction to hers.

First Date Conversation Secret

44 The Official PL Dating Report

Conversation that is driven only but intellectual surface

to surface topics will not stimulate the emotions of your

I mentioned earlier that your sexual connection and

intimacy will come later but that does not mean that you
shouldn’t talk about emotional topics.

The secret to the first date is to ensure that your date

feels noticed and understood. Ask her questions and move
the topics toward emotions and feelings if it feels natural
to you.

This could be something as simple as chatting about

her future travel plans. That way she will be thinking
about emotional travel experiences and adventure rather
than boring work.

It’s crucial to smile on the first date. One person that is

smiling can light up the whole room. When you smile it
makes your date feel relaxed and happy to be in your pres-

Get used to smiling with warmth and presence.

Listen intently and actively to what your date has to

say. They want to feel loved and respected. If you ask
them a question and then look away your chances of a
second date are slim.
Conversation 45

They will soon get the impression that you care little
about what they have to say. Every person (independent
of looks and social status) can teach you something
amazing about yourself.

Never count a date out until you have gotten to know

them. Respect everybody until THEY prove your other-

I you met this women online REMEMBER her name

(obviously) her dogs name, what her dog has for break-
fast, what she loves to do on Sundays, her family’s history,
ANYTHING that she has told you in the past

Bringing up emotional and person topics then becomes

much easier. We all love to talk about ourselves so if you
move into an awkward silence just bring up her dogs
eating habits or her what she likes to do in the weekend.

First Date

Remember those awkward moments on the a first date

where the two of you came completely unprepared to
Whether it was nerves or incompatibility those silences
can be avoided with a bit of pre date prep work.

Conversation flow is about allowing the conversation

to move naturally from one topic to the next with no fric-
46 The Official PL Dating Report

tion or tension in between. It helps if you can integrate

your personality into the conversation topics and infuse
the experience with wit and humour.

However if you are just starting out at this first date

thing then sticking to some set conversion topics is a good
idea too.

Good conversation flow only occurs when you are in a

relaxed mood which is tough when in the presence of
someone you want to impress.

Voice tone is important when keep the conversation

flow moving. You could be unknowingly coming across:
arrogant, condescending, negative simply by your voice
tone. Smile and keep your energy high but body relaxed at
the same time.

It’s easy to get intimidated at the thought of a blind

date or your first date as a result of online dating. Even
though you know that your both into the same stuff and
you bonded online you never know how the chemistry is
going to go offline.

Plus you might be nervous about your ability to put a

good performance in. You realise that offline communica-
tion is much different than emailing women online.
Conversation 47

Good conversational flow can be destroyed by bringing

up controversial topics or talking so much that it becomes
one sided (very common)

Talking points:


Whether you have travelled or not means little. The

point is that you are talking about the future (potentially
together) you are talking about goals and aspirations and
moving forward. Chatting about exotic locations together
defiantly relaxes the mood get’s her thinking about what
fun she will have with you.

If you have travelled alot keep your boasting a min-

imum and keep her talking about the places SHE would
like to visit and what SHE could to their.


Not everyone is into music but most will be happy to

chat about certain genres that represent their personality.
If you find out she is really into music you can get into
interpreting different songs and the rest is history.


Women love to talk about pets and animals. If you have

any pets they are a great way to move the conversation on
48 The Official PL Dating Report

from anything serious. Just make sure you don’t ramble on

about how amazing your pets are.


Food is one of those ancient past times that revolved

around sharing stories. The dietary habits of your women
will say alot about her.

Current Scandals and News:

Women also love all of the celebrity gossip and news so

get into that if you have nothing else to talk about. You
will get an indication if she likes to chat about it by her
reaction to your news story.


You can be sure that her family will be very important

to her.


Both watching and playing, hopefully the two of you

have this in common (via online dating )


Ask her what she does for fun when shes not working.
Conversation 49


(Last resort)
Free Online Dating

Pullingladies.com/dating and free online dating on the


Good 100% free online dating sites are hard to come


Okcupid is perhaps the most impressive example of a

site which allows free dating but also “scientifically
matches” you to other singles on the site.

One of the biggest complaints you will get with a site

like plentyoffish.com is the quality and intent of it’s users.

52 The Official PL Dating Report

The word FREE means there is no risk up front –

signup and email doesn’t cost you a dime and so easy
come easy go…

Many women are often frustrated that they cannot find

guys on free dating sites that are interested in a more
serious relationship. Women (quite rightly) are looking
for guys that they can get to know slowly over time.

Meaning that you meet up online and email until you

feel acquainted, then perhaps go for a casual lunch or
coffee date in the weekend.

The intent of men on free dating sites is usually for

casual encounters – that’s ok if there are enough women
to satiate the influx but most often there are “too many
dicks on the dance floor”.

Pullingladies.com/dating allows 100% free online

dating with no ads… It is by no means an example of a
good free dating site but has everything you need to
browse and contact other singles. In time the growth will
allow the features and structure of the site to be upgraded.

Until then small errors and photo uploading quirks will

have to be dealt with by the users who sign up.
Free Online Dating 53

So the main value that is added with a dating site in

general ( in case you hadn’t realised), is the ability to get
into contact with people you don’t know.

The problem with any dating site that starts off is the
growth phase in which there is just not enough database
size for it to be useful.

When plentyoffish.com grows at 20,000 singles a day!

…It’s tough to compete.

When a new user signs up and realises that there is

nobody present on the site from their area it quickly
becomes a useless exercise. In time of course this problem
is dealt with.

Jan-rain integration has just been implemented at

www.pullingladies.com/dating so that the sign up process
is much more seamless and the profile picture uploading
process happens automatically…


Apart from that though general site growth is the most

important aspect.

Need a little dating advice on how to play your hand

online? Heard of slow playing in poker? Here it is applied
to dating online.
54 The Official PL Dating Report

Moving from a virtual online relationship (dating site)

to an offline real relationship poses some new problems.

You don’t want to come across desperate or aggres-


You have to give your virtual partner or potential

partner time to assess how she feels about the situation.

Often times she will make the move and suggest that
two of you meet up (best scenario)… If time has passed
and she is still showing interest she is not sure if you are
that into her.

This is when you need to ask if she is keen to meet up


Slow Play

If you’re going to play it slow in your online offline

transition then you will be exchanging quite a few emails
and defiantly chatting on the phone, skype, facebook etc:

This happens when the two of you are quite serious

about the relationship but still want to make sure of each

Neither is certain that the other wants to take it further

so the online conversation goes on longer than it should.
Free Online Dating 55

Even so, eventually either one cracks and asks the other
to go out or meet up or you find out that they never
wanted to meet up in the first place.

Sometimes guys/girls are just interested in phone chat

etc and they are married or in a relationship.

Online daters who slow play and don’t commit to off-

line dates are not taking it seriously and tend to just be
doing it for the excitement and attention.

The slow play in online dating is a great way to find out

a lot about the person before you meet up. It’s possible to
make the first offline meeting a blast by becoming friends
online first.

The first date is like catching up with an old friend

because you have already shared so much together.

Online video and audio chat is great for this.

However most people do not like the idea of sitting in
front of a computer for any longer than they have to so if
you’re not into the slow play why not speed things up and
get to know each other over lunch…

Fast Play

This is a very exciting way to play the online dating

game. The quick contact is usually casual sex motivated so
56 The Official PL Dating Report

if you find yourself asking for her phone number and get-
ting it straight away you can infer what she’s into.

However the excitement of meeting and suggesting a

meeting place within 5 minutes can wear off.

The reality of meeting a stranger in person should kick

in when you go to meet them soon after (same day or

Women and men who agree to the quick meet up are

eager for companionship.

They may have been online for awhile and not been
approached by a guy like you before. Just remember that
decisions that you will later regret are often made during
fast online play.

But hey this isn’t poker and if you like a little crazy fun
then ring her up and chat to get to know her.

There is a middle ground between the fast play and the

slow play. Basically you act interested in meeting up but
also be rational and reserved.

Get her number but be sure that you have something in

common before you commit to anything.

If they sound weird on the phone or there are any

inconsistencies move on…
Free Online Dating 57

NEVER meet for the first time at your own house or

hers: Unless you have slow played and seen her face to
face via skype etc

If you plan a big restaurant dinner (or movie) from a

fast play and she turns out to be crazy what then? Meet at
a bar or for coffee or for a walk in the park…

That way their are easy outs and you don’t waste to
much time and money.

In the end… be rational. If you feel strongly about her

after a few emails and a phone call or online video chat
then trust your gut and go on a dinner.

If you met her via adultfriendfinder and exchanged 5

emails to arrive at each others cell phone numbers to text a
quick location out then for Christ sake don’t organise a
romantic dinner and a movie.

A quickie behind the bike sheds might be more in order

(before you FIRST meet her during the light of day in a
public place).
Remember the world can be a dangerous place for the

In the most part online dating is safe and fun and will
only add to your life.
58 The Official PL Dating Report

Find a new relationship , spice up your love life or find

a women that loves nerdy fat guys.

It’s all online and it’s all waiting for you to discover.
Using site such as black people meet, mature dating uk or
be naughty you are able to contact singles online who are
also looking for dating and relationships.

You pay a small fee for the ability to contact other sin-
gles of course but their are other sites where you can test
out the slow play fast play method…

Why not use okcupid, plentyoffish or oasis active?

They are free and full of ads but hey, it’s free.

If money is a problem right now use the free sites other-

wise eHarmony and vipsingles are sites that will allow you
to find someone amazing in your life.

Long meaningful relationships can and do happen

online every day as a result of singles slow playing and get-
ting to know many singles on the site at once.

In time they choose a few people that they really click

with and badda bing badda boom they are married. (eHar-
mony marriage statistics will blow your mind) e.g.
Free Online Dating 59

148,311 marriages and 1,130,006 non-married, monog-

amous relationships (ESTIMATED TO BE) started by
eHarmony, between January 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009

However you want to play your hand… whether it be

offline or online, remember to stay safe and choose wisely.
Dating Facts


Roughly 44% of all Adult Americas are single


Do you believe in love at first sight? 71% of fellow

Americans DO


There are more single women in America than there

are single men at a ratio of 100:86


62 The Official PL Dating Report

What’s the most important thing you look for in a rela-


- Personality (30%)

- Humor (14%)

- Smile (12%)

What you look like comes in at 11%

So if you’re a weird looking fat guy with a great smile,

great personality and great humour you to can snag a
model. Do you believe that?

I think that if someone has a great personality and is

able to make a women laugh then yes they can date attrac-
tive women. It would also help if they had money though.

It’s going to be tough for the fat guy at first though

because the first thing women notice on a date is LOOKS.
So after a rocky start you should be able to pull it back
with humour and a great smile.

However two strikes because most people believe in

love at first sight… So how does a fat ugly dude date a hot
women when the first thing women notice is looks and
71% of Americans believe in love at first sight?
Keep looking for that other 30%
Dating Facts 63


Currently more than 40 million American singles use

online dating to find love and relationships online.


Make sure your dating profile has a picture – you will

get TWICE the response WITH a picture than without
one. Or though I’m not quite sure why you wouldn’t use a
picture in a dating profile that specifically asks for one.
Perhaps you want to stay anonymous… If so you
shouldn’t be using online dating – perhaps adult friend


Still looking for relationships and love in a bar?

Only 2% of men are successful at establishing relation-

ships in a bar!!!

David Wygants communication techniques and life-

style is an example of how you CAN find and date
amazing women.


More than 50% of people surveyed admit to dating

MORE than one person at the same time! Naughty
64 The Official PL Dating Report

Naughty… well it’s not even that it comes down to morals

and trust.

More than 50% of Americans sometime in their life

were lying to a loved one about the most important aspect
of their relationship. Doesn’t say much about the moral
fibre of American culture but I suspect that this statistic
will hold elsewhere.


Infidelity is the cause of about a third of all breakups.


Now I’m not so sure about this one – the average single
male or female in America will go on 100 dates before
finding a partner for life… That’s alot of dates!


80 percent of singles believe that the first kiss is a good

indication of the potential of the future relationship…
Ahem… what about their personality?
Moving Forward

As we move forward it’s important to recognise

the ill doings of our past… even if douchebag
guidos are to blame for all the pathetic pick up
lines and macho (but feminine) looks and atti-
tudes that got us all rejected at least once.

As we move forward let’s take note of what has worked

and more importantly what has failed…

A sense of humour will be important in 2011 as it has

always been.

Humour is attractive because you portray

66 The Official PL Dating Report

Socially dominant characteristics

Willingness to make others laugh



Humour eases the mood and relaxes an otherwise tense

first or second interaction.

A sense of humour is important for a guy.

But for any women reading… being outgoing and the
center of attention leads to fewer dates than if you sat back
and looked pretty (sadly) Men are easily intimidated by
women that are dominant.

So it’s good for a guy to be funny and openly joking /

funny but not so great for women

Let this be the final call:

Pick up lines don’t work… AT ALL

They do not initiate conversation or suggest that you

are witty in any way. In fact if that line you just said sounds
remotely like a pick up line it’s crosses next to your name.
They are rehearsed, corny, and closed statements about
your personality rather than open ended insightful com-
Moving Forward 67

Dating conversation in 2011 is going to be based on

real time conversation that is forever changing based on
the current news and situation.

So to make myself clear

Chat up lines… almost ALL of them don’t work.

The chat up lines that do work are any lines that trigger
the other person to talk about THEMSELVES in an inter-
esting way.

What animal would you be?

What pizza would you be?

Maaaabey use :

I had a dream about you last night

And then go on on talk about why it could have been

her etc.

If you’re wondering what to say to a women when on a

date here is ONE simple dating tip to remember.
Somewhat scientific studies have been conducted in
England that confirm that if you ask questions that are
related to your dates interests you will increase your
chances of a second date…
68 The Official PL Dating Report

It seems that your attention and apparent interest in

THEM is enough to win her heart. Of course you actually
have to BE interested in her to pull it off…

Successfully winning over your dates heart in 2011 is

going to be all about being authentic. Women are sick of
fakes and phoneys and can pick them a mile away so ask
her questions about herself and pay attention. How hard
can it be?

Of course your female date will be polite and will invar-

iably ask you a similar question about yourself. When
talking look into her eyes and smile – be honest about
your life and what you want. If this means you don’t get
laid tonight (and you could have if you lied) then so be

Most guys would lie… but you are better than that

Dating in 2011 is about being authentic, real , honest

and in doing so being a better you (ergh, did I just say
that?) At the risk of sounding like a big girls blouse I will

By being more honest and accentuating you person-

ality rather than stifling it you are finally able to punch
above your weight. And punch you will. Promiscuity is on
the rise and online dating site will continue to shack sin-
gles up for casual bed snuggles.
Moving Forward 69

So enjoy finally being more of you: be honest about

what you want and go out an get it in the new year.

If you are looking for more success with women and

dating past victories should be used for reminiscent pur-
poses. Dating gurus and coaches will continue to dazzle us
with marketing wordplay and fantasies of womanising.

In the end you need little of this coaching but buy it

you will: As the buying decision cares little for rational

Your dick might do the talking for parts of 2011 but I

hope that you will remember our little talk. Trust yourself
and the direction in which you want your life to go.

The women will follow for women are drawn to the

powerful man who knows what he wants.

Re-read that last bit, it’s important that you get what I
am hinting at.

You need not chase and impress women with your

money hair or jokes. Take control of your life, if that
means starting a new job or going back to college then so
be it.

Let your instincts lead you to power. Once you succeed

you will be amazed at the women that race to your side.

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