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LIBERATION THEOLOGY: The Theology of LIberatIon Is a concrete response to  Nature of God

the Church’s mIssIon of Integral EvangelIzatIon. LIberatIon Theology emerges o God tenderly loves those dIspossessed by lIfe and IndentIfIes wIth
out of lIfe experIence, wIth a partIcular concern for the hIstorIcal gap between the vIctIms of thIs world
the current sItuatIon of poverty and the message of the Gospel. It then reflects o A God who Is at the mercy of theIr torturers
upon the nature of God and the realIty of sIn, wIth an emphasIs on the meanIng o (*connected to thesIs 2) God Is a mystery that must be
of salvatIon from sIn and death. communIcated "we cannot know what God Is, but only what God Is
[ReadIngs: AwakenIng from the Sleep of InhumanIty; Poverty and not"
LIberatIon Theology; ConscIentIzIng as a Way of LIberatIng; Some Quotes on  RealIty of sIn
EvangelIzatIon & JustIce] o ThIs world Is one gIgantIc cross for mIllIons of eople
  o We call our world sIn because sIn Is that whIch deals death
 Concrete response o Death whIch Is slow at the hands of the ever present structures
o Not just awakenIng from a dogmatIc slumber but from the sleep of InjustIce and death whIch Is swIft and vIolent when the poor seek
of InhumanIty. AwakenIng to the realIty of an oppressed and to change theIr lot
subjugated world o The world's poor are of no consequence to anyone
o Content of lIb Theo o People do not want to acknowledge or face up to the realIty of a
 God Is a God of lIfe – the creator and the sustainer of life crucIfIed world
over and against death o We all had somethIng to do wIth brIngIng about such a crudIfIed
 Human nature as flawed and sInful – intrinsic egoism world
and self- seeking that characterizes human beings is not limited  SalvatIon from sIn and death
to personal transactions o The poor of thIs world contInue to demonstrate that they have
 ChrIstIan doctrIne of Jesus ChrIst and salvatIon maIntaIns hope
that Jesus ChrIst Is the savIour of human exIstence from the o LIberatIon from sIn
ravages of sIn and death In thIs world  LIberatIon from personal sIn by conversIon and
 LIfe experIence repentance - God's boundless love accepts human beIngs as they
o I witnessed appalling poverty but even though I saw It with my are
eyes, I did not really see It  LIberatIon from socIal sIn - turnIng to Jesus and takIng up
o Allowing the world of one's everyday experience and the world of a pattern of lIfe sImIlar to hIs
religious faith to Interact o SalvatIon from death
o Theology emerges of the experience of life In all Its facets  Take up the Ideals of Jesus and corporately work to resIst
o Must have 2 qualities and change the sInful socIal structures
 Reflective thinking - must ask hard questions  FInd In Jesus' resurrectIon the promIse of hope for our
 The answers to the questions must be related to one's ultImate future beyond our death
own experiences Other thesis statements
 Historical gap between the current situation of poverty and the message of  Thesis 2 – it also draws from experience in such a way that it takes the
the Gospel experience to a whole new level through methodology
o Church has the duty of scrutinizing the signs of the times and  Thesis 3 – connection between the complex reality of poverty and the
Interpreting them In the light of the gospel reality of sin. Poverty is this cross that everyone carries and we all
o Stimulate our concerns about this Issue somehow are responsible for bringing that in
o Jesus carried out the work of redemption and so must the church  Thesis 4 - ???
o Evangelization In the modern world
 Witness of an authentically Christian life LIBERATION THEOLOGY: LIberatIon Theology can be dIfferentIated from other
 Proclaim liberation of millions of human beings theologIes because of Its partIcular startIng poInt, the questIons It asks, the tools It
 It Is ImpossIble to Ignore the Importance of problems
uses, and the methodology It follows. The realIty of poverty moves LIberatIon  InsertIon/ ImmersIon
Theology to Invoke a prophetIc and mystIcal theologIcal language.  SocIal analysIs
[ReadIngs: LIberatIon Theology; ConscIentIzIng as a Way of LIberatIng;  TheologIcal reflectIon
CharacterIstIcs of LIberatIon Theology, Ang SIrkulong Pastoral sa Pagtuturo ng  Pastoral actIon - put Into actIon what could be done to
Th141] change the socIally analyzed and theologIcally reflected sItuatIon
  of InjustIce and Insert agaIn In the communIty
 PartIcular startIng poInt o Methodology of lIb theo
o The non-human person  A prIorI and basIc faIth commItment to God In the
o Non- belIevers In order to rovoke faIth and belIevers In order to person of Jesus ChrIst
foster faIth  Fundamental choIce for lIberatIon and a preferentIal
o Non- person who Is not recognIzed or treated as a person, holds a optIon for the poor
depersonalIzed and dehumanIed self- Image  ScIentIfIc socIal analysIs
o Theology for lIberatIon and from oppressIon  TheologIcal reflectIon
o Should also Include polItIcs and IdeologIes  PurIfIcatIon, reInterpretatIon and revItalIzatIon of
 QuestIons It asks ChrIstIan doctrIne practIces
o How are we to speak of God In face of the sufferIng of the  DIscernment and formulatIon of moral ImperatIves for
Innocent concrete actIon - reflectIon on the ImplIcatIons of the purIfIed,
o LIberatIon theology Is also dIfferent bec. It asks how faIth can be reInterpreted and revItalIzed ChrIstIan doctrInes
reasonable to these nonhuman persons – very dIffIcult actually  OrthopraxIs - verIfIcatIon of the purIfIed, reInterpreted
 ThIs shows that nonhuman persons also pose the and revItalIzed ChrIstIan doctrInes
challenge of lIb theo o CIrcle of praxIs
 How would you proclaIm a God that Is mercIful, has  ExerIence
uncondItIonal love, and for the poor to the nonhuman,  SocIal analysIs
sufferIng poor? – mentIon thIs agaIn In languages part  TheologIcal reflectIon
because the languages Is the answer to thIs questIon  Reflected actIon
 Tools It uses  RealIty of poverty
o SocIal scIences - provIde the analytIcal tools for uncoverIng roots o IrruptIon of the poor
of the problem o Those who untIl now were absent from hIstory are becomIng
o It gIves us a complex vIew of realIty and socIety present
o It serves as a base o We are becomIng IncreasIngly aware of what Is at stake
o It thus helps us become more aware of the realIty of the  ProphetIc and mystIcal theologIcal language
nonhuman lIfe o ProphetIc
o Uncovers the hIstorIcal roots of the experIenced InjustIce  Denounces the sItuatIon of InjustIce
o 3 thIngs It wants to gaIn:  WIthout mystIcIsm, thIs can harrow Its vIsIon and
 unexamIned presupposItIons that shape our opInIons, weaken Its perceptIon of that whIch makes all thIngs new
actIons, thoughts, etc o MystIcal
 human InteractIon  Acknowledges that everythIng has an orIgIn In Gods love
 freedom In establIshIng structures In socIety  WIthout prophecy, thIs runs the rIsk of detachment from
 dIstInguIshes who benefIts and who are the hIstory In whIch God Is actIng and In whIch we encounter
excluded God
 perpetuates the InequalIty o The languages aIm Is to communIcate the gIft of God's reIgn as
 Methodology It follows revlealed In lIfe death and resurrectIon of Jesus
o Pastoral cIrcle Other thesis statements
 Thesis 1- look at thesis 1  We all Influence each other wIthIn each socIety
 Thesis 3- both talk about the reality of poverty but they complement each as well as wIthIn a global framework
other by describing both the power that the poor is capable of and the  Reflex of a certaIn negatIve sItuatIon should not
different facets of poverty be
 Thesis 4- power serving value, coercion theory  Human beIngs should not be allowed to suffer
so much
VALUE WITHIN LIB THEO: The PreferentIal OptIon for the Poor Is a response by  ScrIptural
the Church to the complex realIty of poverty. ThIs preferentIal optIon  StraIghforwardly place concern for the poor
manIfests Itself as a preferentIal love for and by those who are oppressed by  Follow the example of the prophets and how
poverty. It Is lIved out through one’s attItudes, concrete choIces and lIfestyle. Jesus lIved
[ReadIngs: PreferentIal OptIon for the Poor; Proper and Improper PartIalIty and the  TheologIcal
PreferentIal OptIon for the Poor; MultIdImensIonal Aspects of Poverty; Poverty In  God loves us equally, poor or not
LIb Theology]  There Is a preferentIal optIon because the poor
  are In need more
 Complex realIty of poverty  DespIte the egalItarIan nature of God's love,
o Not just the rural or urban poor or those who lack the God loves most who are most In need wIth respect to
fundamental needs for human lIfe theIr poverty bacause they are the most In need
o Poverty caused by human freedom, by whIllIng or the lack of It  For and by those who are oppressed by poverty
o A socIal condItIon o Who carrIes out the preferentIal optIon
o MargInalIzed In a socIal, psychologIcal, polItIcal, economI and  The optIon of the church for the poor Is the optIon of the
cultural way whole church
o 3 perspectIves  ThIs Is a church that Is not merely an InstItutIon of prIests
 Income poverty – defined by the poverty line but a church as the people of God
 BasIc needs – deprivation of material requirements  The church carrIes out Its task of speakIng out for the
 CapabIlIty – absene of some basic capabilities to function poor
o SEPS o Make or Implement the optIon
 SocIal  DIvIsIon of labor wIthIn socIety and wIthIn the church,
 EconomIc and that by and large, no professIon or honorable way of lIfe Is
 PolItIcal IntrIsIcally hostIle to an optIon for the poor
 SocIal psychologIcal  As a ChrIstIan, one should be supportIve of all efforts on
 PreferectIal optIon behalf of the poor
o GIve prIorIty to those who lack fundamental needs for human lIfe  All should dIsplay a concern for the poor
and choosIng to do It wIllIngly  AttItudes, concrete choIces and lIfestyle
o 3 poInts o how else are we to be genuIne about our POFTP but through our
 ChrIstIans are called fIrst to lIsten to, learn from and be own lIves
converted by the poor o ATTITUDE – Informs our perspectIve of the poor
 Full partIcIpatIon of all people wIthIn the polItIcal, o CHOICES – In whIch we manIfest that perspectIve
socIal and economIc lIfe of local communItIes o LIFESTYLE – way to lIve out our desIre for a better world
 AffIrmatIon of both God's preferentIal care and o the best way to lIve out POFTP Is through moral InclusIveness –
unIversal love IncludIng them In our lIves, acknowledgIng that they are humans stIll,
o 3 grounds thIs wIll gIve them hope
 EthIcal Other thesis statements
 RecognItIon of human solIdarIty
 Thesis 4 - complex reality of poverty and the methodology that attempts structures perpetuate
to study the social situation of the poor InequalIty

WHO LIB THEO ADDRESSES: SocIal analysIs Is an essentIal part of the methodology Power values Power servIng the value Values serve power
of LIberatIon Theology that attempts to obtaIn a more complete pIcture of the
socIal sItuatIon by descrIbIng the socIal structures operatIve In the sItuatIon. Why InequalIty  MotIv  Imbalan
There are dIfferent frameworks used In socIal analysIs whIch produce exIsts atIon ce of opportunItIes
contrastIng InterpretatIons of the problems of poverty and socIal InequalIty.  Talent  Monopo
[ReadIngs: SocIal ScIences In LIb Theo; SocIal AnalysIs and SocIal Change In / natural gIfts ly of resources
the PhIlIppInes; “The VoIce of the Persecuted” from NolI Me Tangere]
SocIal change  Top  Bottom
down change up
 Methodology of lIb theo
 UnIty,  People's
o SocIal analysIs helps gIve a more complete pIcture of the socIal
stabIlIty and partIcIpatIon
sItuatIon In Its hIstorIc and structural contexts
dIscIplIne  More
 SocIal structures - basIcally understandIng dIfferent perspectIves
 Adjust radIcal change to
o Person Is shaped by socIety
ments to socIety socIety
o Persons are socIal beIngs
o Human freedom creates structures and InstItutIons that we are  
Immersed In  ContrastIng InterpretatIons of the problems of poverty and socIal
 DIfferent frameworks InequalIty
o Consensus theory o Why Is there a socIal system?
 Power has greater Influence than human values o Ibarra
 Role assIgnments, rules, structure  They are there to protect the people, they are a
 There are thIngs because of natural capacItIes, abIlItIes necessary evIl
and gIftedness  ReactIon to crImInalIty, speak to people In madrId,
o CoercIon theory change upon adjustments
o ElIas
 Values are moe Important than power
 Sees the room for change, for the betterment of  They are there to abuse common cIvIllIans and use
humanIty power for themselves
o It Is Important that both work together  ThIs abuse creates crImInals
 CoercIon gIves us a broader perspectIve, but that alone  Change upon an authorIty comIng from the people,
won't brIng about that change It wants because we are at a comIng from below
consensus envIronment. That change Invloves changIng Other thesis statements
consensus. For cercIon to achIeve what It wants, It must work In  Thesis 1
solIdarIty wIth consensus Other thesIs statements
o ThesIs 1
OrganIzatIon of  Comm  Power  Methodology of lIb theo
socIety onalItIes, shared relatIons --> favor  A prIorI and basIc faIth commItment to God In
goals those at the top the person of Jesus ChrIst
 What  Where  Fundamental choIce for lIberatIon and a
are the shared Is the InequalIty? preferentIal optIon for the poor
values?  What  ScIentIfIc socIal analysIs
 TheologIcal reflectIon
 PurIfIcatIon, reInterpretatIon and revItalIzatIon
of ChrIstIan doctrIne practIces
 DIscernment and formulatIon of moral
ImperatIves for concrete actIon - reflectIon on the
ImplIcatIons of the purIfIed, reInterpreted and revItalIzed
ChrIstIan doctrInes
 OrthopraxIs - verIfIcatIon of the purIfIed,
reInterpreted and revItalIzed ChrIstIan doctrInes

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